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An * denotes news reports not found in the Complete Works

The Sunday Herald

June 30, 1895



Where Syracusans Recreate

(This is an excerpt from the newspaper article 'Where Syracusans Recreate)

Stopping for a time at title well-known cottage of Miss E.H. Dutcher at Thou-sand . Island Park are Mr. and Mrs, Walter Goodyear Miss Ethel Howe, Miss Stella Campbell of New York city, Miss Ellen Waldo of Brooklyn, also the Swami Vivekananda of India, The latter was a delegate at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, and one of the most popular of the many learned men from the far East.
After the close of the Parliament the Swami remained in this country lecturing through the West and later in the East. He is an able exponent of Hindoo philosophy and has attracted many to listen to his teachings.












- www.vivekananda.net edited by Frank Parlato Jr.

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