Glossary; defined by Vivekananda |
Ahamkâra: egotism. Âsana: posture of a devotee. Bhakti-Yoga: the path of systematised devotion for the attainment of union with the Absolute. The easiest and surest path to religion or realisation. Dhâranâ: steadfast concentration. Dhyâna: meditation. Guru: one who is born from time to time as a repository of spiritual force which he transmits to future generations through successive links of Guru and Shishya. Jnani: true philosopher. Prânâyama: suspending, restraining, and controlling of the breath. Pratyâhâra: restraint of the organs of sense from all outward things, and directing them entirely to mental impressions. Rishis: sages who realized certain facts. The exact definition of the Sanskrit word is "The Seers of the Mantrams" -- of the thoughts conveyed in the Vedic Hymns. Samâdhi: abstract meditation. the highest and last stage of Yoga. Perfect absorption of thought into the Supreme Spirit, when one realises. "I and my Father are one." Shishya: disciple. Vairagya: dispassion or non-attachment.
- edited by Frank Parlato Jr.