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Vivekananda's blessings



Swami Vivekananda


Vivekananda's blessings - as recorded in various letters, lectures and elsewhere....


Swami Vivekananda gave Mabel MacLeod (cousin of Josephine) a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, translated by Mohini Chatterji, and he inscribing it as follows:

Shivâ ete santu panthânah

May all your ways be happy - Vivekananda



Never mind anything! In your lips and hands the Goddess of Learning will make Her seat; the Lord of infinite power will be seated on your chest; you will do works that will strike the world with wonder.
(Letter to Swami Trigunatitananda - Jan 17, 1895)



May the Lord bless you ever and ever.
(Written to Sister Christine)




May you be blessed all your life, you and yours, is the prayer that is day and night offered up by,
(Letter to the Maharaja of Khetri - February 15, 1893)




May the Giver of all good bless you all here and hereafter, will be the constant prayer of
(Letter to Dr. Nanjunda Rao - April 27, 1893)




Lord bless you all ever and ever — and may He lead you quickly out of this big humbug, the world! May you never be enchanted by this old witch, the world! May Shankara help you! May Umâ open the door of truth for you and take away all your delusions!
(Letter to Mary Hale - February 01, 1895)














- www.vivekananda.net edited by Frank Parlato Jr.

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