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Swami Vivekananda on Ramakrishna


Sri Ramakrishna


  • He made me his slave by his great love for me!
  • He was the Savior of women, Savior of the masses, Savior of all, high and low.
    (Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
  • From the date that the Ramakrishna incarnation was born  has sprung the Satya -Yuga. Whatever the Vedas, the Vedanta, and all the other incarnations  have done in the past, Sri Ramakrishna lived to practice in the  course of a single life.
    (Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
  • Whoever -- man or woman -- will worship Sri Ramakrishna, be he or she ever so low, will then and there be converted into the very highest ...  Everyone has the right to worship him.  Whoever will worship him only with devotion shall be blessed for ever. 
    (Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
  • In the Ramakrishna Incarnation there is knowledge, infinite love, infinite work, infinite compassion for all beings.  You have not yet been able to understand him.  Even after hearing about him, most people do not understand him.   What the whole Hindu race has thought in ages, he lived in one life.  His life is the living commentary to the Vedas of all nations.  People will come to know him by degrees. 
    (Letter to Brahmananda , 1895)













- www.vivekananda.net edited by Frank Parlato Jr.

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