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Prophets of the new India


Romain Rolland

translation of this work by Romain Rolland was 
undertaken in the first instance for the Indian 
Edition, which is being published by the Advaita Ashrama, 
Mayavati, Himalayas, for circulation in India, Ceylon and 
the Federated Malay States. The present Edition is 
substantially the same as the Indian Edition so far as the 
text is concerned, but it contains additional notes for the 
greater enlightenment of Western readers. 
The Translator desires to express her sense of the impos- 
sibility of doing justice to the exquisite style of the Author's 
French. At the Author's request she has, therefore, sought 
to give as literal a translation of his thought as possible, 
and style has been a secondary consideration. The bulk 
of the text has been submitted to the Author's sister, to 
whom the work is dedicated, and to Swami Ashokananda, 
the Indian Editor, for purposes of correction before being 
cast in its final form. The Translator desires to express 
publicly her deep sense of obligation to those two helpers 
for their unfailing and unwearied assistance. 
Too little is known of Indian thought in the West. May 
others share the experience of the Translator, and discover 
through these pages that the great thinkers of the earth 
are essentially brothers. Conditions may differ widely at 
the foot or up the slopes of the mountains, but above are 
" the shining tablelands, to which our God Himself is moon 
and sun." From those pure heights the divisions that part 
mankind are no longer discernible. 
E. F. M.-S. 
February, 1930. 
IN writing this book I have had constant recourse to 
the advice of the Ramakrishna Mission, which has 
been kind enough to place all the requisite documents at 
my disposal. In particular I owe a great deal to the present 
venerable head of the Belur Math and Superior of the Order, 
Swami Shivananda, who has been good enough to give me 
his precious personal memories of the Master ; to his pious 
direct disciple and Evangelist, Mahendra Nath Gupta, 
whose name is modestly concealed behind the simple initial 
M ; to the young and religious savant, Boshi Sen, a disciple 
of Sir J. C. Bose and a devotee of Vivekananda, who with 
her permission communicated to me the unpublished 
Memoirs of Sister Christine, she who with Sister Nivedita 
was the most intimate of Vivekananda's Western disciples ; 
to Miss Josephine MacLeod, who was an active and devoted 
friend of the great Swami ; above all to the editor of the 
Review, Prabuddha Bharata, Swami Ashokananda, who 
has never wearied of my unwearied questions, but has 
answered them with the most precise erudition. It was he 
who gave me the most complete information with regard 
to the actual position of the Ramakrishna Mission. 
I must also express my gratitude to Mr. Dhan Gopal 
Mukerji, who first revealed Ramakrishna's existence to me, 
and to my faithful friead, Dr. Kalidas Nag, who has more 
than once advised and instructed me. 
May I have made the best use of so many excellent guides 
for the service of the India which is dear to us and of the 
human Spirit ! 
R. R. 
December, 1928. 
To MY WESTERN READERS ...... xiii 
PRELUDE ........ 3 
II KALI THE MOTHER ....... 13 
V THE RETURN TO MAN ...... 53 
ANDA ........ 67 
ICONOGRAPHY ........ 227 
SOUL 235 
II THE PILGRIM OF INDIA . . . ... .246 
VII THE RETURN TO INDIA . . . . . .314 
1. Karma-yoga ....... 385 
2. Bhakti-yoga 395 
3. Raja-yoga 405 
4. Jnana-yoga ....... 418 
CONCLUSION ........ 481 
" Greeting to the feet of the Jnanin ! Greeting to the feet of 
the Bhakta ! Greeting to the devout who believe in the formless 
God I Greeting to those who believe in a God with form I Greet- 
ing to the men of old who knew Brahman 1 Greeting to the modern 
knowers of Truth. ..." 
(Ramakrishna, October 28, 1882.) 
I MUST beg my Indian readers to view with indulgence 
the mistakes I may have made. In spite of all the 
enthusiasm I have brought to my task, it is impossible for 
a man of the West to interpret men of Asia with their 
thousand years' experience of thought ; for such an inter- 
pretation must often be erroneous. The only thing to 
which I can testify is the sincerity which has led me to 
make a pious attempt to enter into all forms of life. 
At the same time I must confess that I have not abdicated 
one iota of my free judgment as a man of the West. I 
respect the faith of all and very often I love it. But I never 
subscribe to it. Ramakrishna lies very near to my heart 
because I see in him a man and not an " Incarnation/' as 
he appears to his disciples. In accordance with the Vedan- 
tists I do not need to enclose God within the bounds of a 
privileged man in order to admit that the Divine dwells 
within the soul and that the soul dwells in everything 
that Atman is Brahman : although it knows it not ; that 
view is a form of nationalism of spirit and I cannot accept 
it. I see God in all that exists. I see Him ,as completely 
in the least fragment as in the fthole Cosmos. There is no 
difference of essence. And power is universally infinite ; 
that which lies hidden in an atom, if one only knew it, 
could blow up a whole world. The only difference is that 
it is more or less concentrated in the heart of a conscience, 
1 This book is to appear in India and Europe at the same time. 
in an ego, or in a unit of energy, an ion. The very greatest 
of men is only a clearer reflection of the Sun which gleams 
in each drop of dew. 
That is why I can never make that sacred gulf so pleasing 
to the devout, between the heroes of the soul and the 
thousands of their obscure companions past and present. 
And neither more nor less than I isolate Christ and Buddha, 
do I isolate Ramakrishna and Vivekananda from the great 
army of the Spirit marching on in their own time. I shall 
try in the course of this book to do justice to those person- 
alities of genius, who during the last century have sprung 
up in reawakened India, reviving the ancient energies of 
their country and bringing about a springtime of thought 
within her borders. The work of each one was creative 
and each one collected round him a band of faithful souls 
who formed themselves into a church and unconsciously 
looked upon that church as a temple of the one or of the 
greatest God. 
At this distance from their differences I refuse to see the 
dust of battle ; at this distance the hedges between the 
fields melt into an immense expanse. I can only see the 
same river, a majestic " chemin qui marchc " in the words 
of our Pascal. And it is because Ramakrishna more fully 
than any other man not only conceived, but realized in 
himself the total Unity of this river of God, open to all 
rivers and all streams, that I have given him my love ; 
and I have drawn a little of his sacred water to slake the 
great thirst of the world. 
But I shall not remain leaning at the edge of the river. 
I shall continue my march with the stream right to the sea. 
Leaving behind at each winding of the river where death 
has cried " Halt I " to one of qur leaders the kneeling 
company of the faithful, I shall go with the stream and 
pay homage to it from the source to the estuary. Holy is 
the source, holy is the course, holy is the estuary. And 
we shall embrace within the river and its tributaries small . 
and great and in the Ocean itself the whole moving mass 
of the living God. 
R. R. 
Christmas, 1928. 
I HAVE dedicated my whole life to the reconciliation of 
mankind. I have striven to bring it about among the 
peoples of Europe, especially between those two great 
Western peoples who are brethren and yet enemies. For 
the last ten years I have been attempting the same task 
for the West and the East. I also desire to reconcile, if it 
is possible, the two antithetical forms of spirit for which 
the West and the East are wrongly supposed to stand 
reason and faith or perhaps it would be more accurate to 
say, the diverse forms of reason and of faith ; for the West 
and the East share them both almost equally although few 
suspect it. 
In our days an absurd separation has been made between 
these two halves of the soul, and it is presumed that they 
are incompatible. The only incompatibility lies in the 
narrowness of view which those who erroneously claim to 
be their representatives share in common. 
On the one hand, those who call themselves religious shut 
themselves up within the four walls of their chapel and not 
only refuse to come out (as they have a right to do) but 
they would deny to all outside those four walls the right 
to live, if they could. On the other hand, the freethinkers, 
who are for the most part without any religious sense at 
all (as they have a rigfet to be), too often consider it their 
mission in life to fight against religious souls and in turn 
deny their right to exist. The result is the futile spectacle 
of a systematic attempt to destroy religion on the part of 
men who do not perceive that they are attacking something 
which they do not understand. A discussion of religion 
based solely on historical or pseudo-historical texts, rendered 
sterile by time and covered with lichen, is of no avail. As 
well explain the fact of inner psychological life by the 
dissection of the physical organs through which it flows. 
The confusion created by our rationalists be.tween the out- 
ward expression and the power of thought seems to me as 
illusory as the confusion common to the religions of past 
ages of identifying magic powers with the words, the syllables 
or the letters whereby they are expressed. 
The first qualification for knowing, judging, and if desir- 
able condemning a religion or religions, is to have made 
experiments for oneself in the fact of religious consciousness. 
Even those who have followed a religious vocation are not 
all qualified to speak on the subject ; for, if they are sincere, 
they will recognize that the fact of religious consciousness 
and the profession of religion are two different things. 
Many very honourable priests are believers by obedience 
or from interested or indolent motives, and have either 
never felt the need of religious experience or have shrunk 
from gaining it because they lack sufficient strength of 
character. As against these may be set many souls who 
are, or who believe they are, free from all religious belief, 
but who in reality live immersed in a state of super-rational 
consciousness, which they term Socialism, Communism, 
Humanitarianism, Nationalism and even Rationalism. It 
is the quality of thought and not its object which determines 
its source and allows us to decide whether or not it emanates 
from religion. If it turns fearlessly towards the search for 
truth at all costs with single-minded sincerity prepared for 
any sacrifice, I should call it religious ; for it presupposes 
faith in an end to human effort higher than the life of the 
individual, at times higher than the life of existing society, 
and even higher than the life of humanity as a whole. 
Scepticism itself when it proceeds from vigorous natures 
true to the core, when it is an expression of strength and 
not of weakness, joins in the marcji of the Grand Army of 
the religious Soul. 
On the other hand, thousands of cowardly believers, 
clerical and lay, within the churches have no right to 
wear the colours of religion. They do not believe because 
they choose to believe, but wallow in the stable where 
they were born in front of mangers full of the grain of 
comfortable beliefs upon which all they have to do is to 
The tragic words used of Christ that He will be in agony 
to the end of .the world 1 are well known. I myself do 
not believe in one personal God, least of all in a God of 
Sorrow only. But I believe that in all that exists, including 
joy and sorrow and with them all forms of life, in mankind, 
and in men and in the Universe, the only God is He who is 
a perpetual birth. The Creation takes place anew every 
instant. Religion is never accomplished. It is a ceaseless 
action and the will to strive the outpouring of a spring, 
never a stagnant pond. 
I belong to a land of rivers. I love them as if they were 
living creatures, and I understand why my ancestors offered 
them oblations of wine and milk. Now of all rivers the 
most sacred is that which gushes out eternally from the 
depths of the soul, from its rocks and sands and glaciers. 
Therein lies primeval Force and that is what I call religion. 
Everything belongs to this river of the Soul, flowing from 
the dark unplumbed reservoir of our being down the inevit- 
able slope to the Ocean of the conscious, realized and 
mastered Being. And just as the water condenses and rises 
in vapour from the sea to the clouds of the sky to fill again 
the reservoir of the rivers, the cycles of creation proceed 
in uninterrupted succession. From the source to the sea, 
from the sea to the source everything consists of the same 
Energy, of the Being without beginning and without end. 
It matters not to me whether the Being be called God (and 
which God ?) or Force (and what Force ?). It may equally 
be called Matter, but what manner of matter is it when it 
includes the forces of the Spirit ? Words, words, nothing 
but words ! Unity, living and not abstract, is the essence 
of it all. And it is that which I adore, and it is that which 
the great believers and the great agnostics, who carry it 
within them consciously or unconsciously, alike adore. 
* * * 
To her, to the Great Goddess, the invisible, the immanent, 
who gathers in her golden arms the multiform, multicoloured 
sheaf of polyphony to Unity I dedicate this new work. 
1% r&v dlaytg&rrwv xcMforrp ' 
1 Pascal: Penstts* Le mysttrt d* Jtsus ; " J6sus sera en agonie 
jusqu'a la fin du monde : il ne faut pas dormir pendant ce temps-la." 
1 " The moot beautiful harmony, composed of discords/' (Hera- 
clitus of Ephesus.) 
XV b 
For a century in new India Unity has been the target for 
the arrows of all archers. Fiery personalities throughout 
this century have sprung from her sacred earth, a veritable 
Ganges of peoples and thought. Whatever may be the 
differences between them their goal is ever the same 
human unity through God. And through all the changes of 
workmen Unity itself has expanded and gained in precision. 
From first to last this great movement has been one of 
co-operation on a footing of complete equality between the 
West and the East, between the powers of reason and those 
not of faith in the sense of blind acceptance, a sense it 
has gained in servile ages among exhausted races but of 
vital and penetrating intuition : the eye in the forehead of 
the Cyclops which completes but does not cancel the other 
From this magnificent procession of spiritual heroes whom 
we shall survey later 8 I have chosen two men, who have 
won my regard because with incomparable charm and power 
they have realized this splendid symphony of the Universal 
Soul. They are, if one may say so, its Mozart and its 
Beethoven Pater Seraphicus and Jove the Thunderer 
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. - 
The subject of this book is threefold and yet one. It 
comprises the story of two extraordinary lives one half 
legendary, the other a veritable epic unfolded before us 
in our own time, and the account of a lofty system of thought, 
at once religious and philosophic, moral and social, with its 
message for modern humanity from the depths of India's 
Although (as you will see for yourselves) the pathetic 
interest, the charming poetry, the grace and Homeric 
grandeur of these two lives are sufficient to explain why I 
have spent two years of my own in exploring and tracing 
their course in order to show them to you, it was not the 
curiosity of an explorer tjiat prompted me to undertake 
the journey. 
1 See Chapter VI of this volume the Builders of Unity. (Ram 
Mohun Roy, Devendranath Tagore, Keshab Chunder Sen, Daya- 
nanda.) Cf. also " India on the March " (Revue Europe, December 
15, 1928), where I have found a place for our great contemporary, 
Aurobindo Chose, of whom I shall speak again at the end of this 
I am no dilettante and I do not bring to jaded readers 
the opportunity to lose themselves, but rather to find them- 
selves to find their true selves, naked and without the 
mask of falsehood. My companions have ever been men 
with just that object in view, whether living or dead, and 
the limits of centuries or of races mean little to me. There 
is neither East nor West for the naked soul ; such things 
are merely its trappings. The whole world is its home. 
And as its home is each one of us, it belongs to all of us. 
Perhaps I may be excused if I put myself for a brief 
space upon the stage in order to explain the source of inner 
thought that has given birth to this work. I do this only 
by way of example, for I am not an exceptional man. I 
am one of the people of France. I know that I represent 
thousands of Westerners, who have neither the means nor 
the time to express themselves. Whenever one of us speaks 
from the depths of his heart in order to free his own self, 
his voice liberates at the same time thousands of silent 
voices. Then listen, not to my voice, but to the echo of 
I was born and spent the first fourteen years of my life 
in a part ofj central France where my family had been 
established for centuries. Our line is purely French and 
Catholic without any foreign admixture. And the early 
environment wherein I was sealed until my arrival in Paris 
about 1880 was an old district of the Nivernais where 
nothing from the outside world was allowed to penetrate 
within its charmed circle. 
So in this closed vase modelled from the clay of Gaul 
with its flaxen blue sky and its rivers I discovered all the 
colours of the universe during my childhood. When staff 
in hand in later years I scoured the roads of thought, I 
found nothing that was strange in any country. All the 
aspects of mind that I found or felt were in their origin the 
same as mine. Outside experience merely brought me the 
realization of my own mind, the states of which I had 
noted but to which I had no key. Neither Shakespeare 
nor Beethoven nor Tolstoy nor Rome, the master that 
nurtured me, ever revealed anything to me except the 
" Open Sesame " of my subterranean city, my Herculaneum, 
sleeping under its lava. And I am convinced that it sleeps 
in the depths of many of those around us. , But they are 
ignorant of its existence just as I was. Few venture beyond 
the first stage of excavation, which their own practical 
common sense has shown them to be necessary for their 
daily use, and they economize their needs like those masters 
who forged first the royal and then the Jacobin unity of 
France. I admire the structure. A historian by profession, 
I see in it one of the masterpieces of human effort enlightened 
by the spirit. " Aere perennius . . ." 4 But according to 
the old legend which demanded that if a work was to endure 
a living body should be immured in the walls, our master 
architects have entombed in their mortar thousands of 
warm human souls. They can no longer be seen beneath 
the marble facing and the Roman cement. But I cam hear 
them 1 And whoever listens will hear them as I do under 
the noble liturgy of " classic " thought. The Mass cele- 
brated on the High Altar takes no heed of them. But the 
faithful, the docile and inattentive crowd kneeling and 
standing at the given signal, ruminate in their dreams upon 
quite different herbs of St. John. 6 France is rich in souls. 
But she hides them as an old peasant woman hides her 
I have just rediscovered the key of the lost staircase 
leading to some of these proscribed souls. The staircase 
in the wall, spiral like the coils of a serpent, winds from 
the subterranean depths of the Ego to the high terraces 
crowned by the stars. But nothing that I saw there was 
unknown country. I had seen it all before and I knew it 
well but I did not know where I had seen it before. More 
than once I had recited from memory, though imperfectly, 
the lesson of thought learned at some former time (but from 
whom ? One of my very ancien^ selves. . . .). Now I 
re-read it, every word clear and complete, in the book of 
life held out to me by the illiterate genius who knew all 
its pages by heart Ramakrishna. 
In my turn I present him to you, not as a new book but 
as a very old one, which you have all tried to spell out 
(though many stopped short at the alphabet). Eventually 
4 Horace : " More lasting than brass." 
On the Feast of St. John all kinds of herbs are sold in the fairs, 
having so-called magic properties. 
it is always the same book but the writing varies. The 
eye usually remains fixed on the cover and does not pierce 
to the core. 
It is always the same Book. It is always the same Man 
the Son of Man, the Eternal, Our Son, Our God reborn. 
With each return he reveals himself a little more fully, and 
more enriched by the universe. 
Allowing for differences of country and of time Rama- 
krishna is the younger brother of our Christ. 
We can show, if we choose, and as freethinking exegesists 
are trying to do to-day, that the whole doctrine of Christ 
was current before him in the Oriental soul seeded by the 
thinkers of Chaldea, Egypt, Athens and Ionia. But we 
can never stop the person of Christ, whether real or legendary 
(they are merely two orders of the same reality fl ), from 
prevailing, and rightly so, in the history of mankind over 
the personality of a Plato. It is a monumental and neces- 
sary creation of the Soul of humanity. It is its most 
beautiful fruit belonging to one of its autumns. The same 
tree has produced, according to the same law of nature, the 
life and the legend. They are both made of the same living 
body and are the emanation of its look, its breadth and its 
I am bringing to Europe, as yet unaware of it, the fruit 
of a new autumn, a new message of the Soul, the symphony 
The attitude of religious Indians with regard to legend is a 
curious and critical one akin to faith. It is very remarkable that 
the historic existence of the personalities they worship as Gods is 
almost a matter of indifference at all events quite secondary. So 
long as they axe spiritually true their objective reality matters little. 
Ramakrishna, the greatest of believers, said : " Those who have 
been able to conceive of such ideas ought to be able to be those 
ideas themselves." And Vivekananda who doubted the objective 
existence of Krishna and also of Christ (that of Krishna more than 
that of Christ), declared : 
" But to-day Krishna is the most perfect of the Avatars.** 
And he worshipped him. (Cf. Sfster Nivedita : Notes of some 
Wanderings with the Swami Vivekananda.) 
Truly religious souls recognize the living God just as much in 
the stamp with which He has marked the brains of a people as in 
the reality of an Incarnation. They are two equal realities in the 
eyes of a great believer, for whom everything that is real is God. 
And he can never quite make up his mind which of the two is the 
more imposing the creation of a people or the creation of an age. 
of India, bearing the name of Ramakrishna. It can be 
shown (and we shall not fail to point out) that this sym- 
phony, like those of our classical masters, is built up of a 
hundred different musical elements emanating from the 
past. But the sovereign personality concentrating in him- 
self the diversity of these elements and fashioning them 
into a royal harmony is always the one who gives his name 
to the work, though it contain within itself the labour of 
generations. And with his victorious sign he marks a new 
The man whose image I here evoke was the consummation 
of two thousand years of the spiritual life of three hundred 
million people. Although he has been dead forty years 7 
his soul animates modern India. He was no hero of action 
like Gandhi, no genius in art or thought like Goethe or 
Tagore. He was a little village Brahmin of Bengal, whose 
outer life was set in a limited frame without striking incident, 
outside the political and social activities of his time. 8 But 
his inner life embraced the whole multiplicity of men and 
Gods. It was a part of the very source of Energy, the 
divine Sakti, of whom Vidyapati, 8 the old poet of Mithila, 
and Ramprasad of Bengal sing. 
Very few go back to the source. The little peasant of 
Bengal by listening to the message of his heart found his 
way to the inner Sea. And there he was wedded to it, thus 
bearing out the words of the Upanishads : 10 
T In 1886. He was fifty years old. His great disciple, Vive- 
kananda, died in 1902 at the age of thirty-nine. It should never 
be forgotten how recently they lived. We have seen the same suns, 
and the same raft of time has borne us. 
The life of Vivekananda was quite different, for he traversed 
the Old and the New Worlds. t 
" Show Thyself, O goddess with the thick tresses ! . . . Thou 
art one and many, Thou containest the thousands and Thou fillest 
the field of battle with the enemy ! . . ." (Hymn to the Goddess 
of Energy, Sakti.) * 
M Taittiriya Upanishad. 
According to the Vedanta, when Brahman the Absolute became 
endowed with qualities and began to evolve the living universe, 
He became Himself the first evolution, the first-born of Being, 
which is the Essence of all things visible and invisible. He who 
speaks thus is supposed to have attained complete identity with 
" I am more ancient than the radiant Gods. I am the 
first-born of the Being. I am the artery of Immortality." 
It is my desire to bring the sound of the beating of that 
artery to the ears of fever-stricken Europe, which has 
murdered sleep. I wish to wet its lips with the blood of 
R. R. 
Christmas, 1928. 
Book I 
I SHALL begin my story as if it were a fable. But it is 
an extraordinary fact that this ancient legend, belong- 
ing apparently to the realm of mythology, is in reality the 
account of men who were living yesterday, our neighbours 
in the " century," and that people alive to-day have seen 
them with their own eyes. l I have received glowing testi- 
mony at their hands. I have talked with some among them, 
who were the companions of this mystic being of the Man- 
Gods and I can vouch for their sincerity. Moreover, these 
eye-witnesses are not the simple fishermen of the Gospel 
story ; some are real thinkers, learned in European thought 
and disciplined in its strict school. And yet they speak as 
men of three thousand years ago. 
The co-existence in one and the same brain in this our 
twentieth century of scientific reason and the visionary 
spirit of ancient times, when, as in the Greek age, gods and 
goddesses shared the bed and the board of mortal man, or 
as in the age of Galilee, when against the pale summer sky 
the heavenly winged messenger was seen, bringing the 
Annunciation to a Virgin, who bent meekly under the gift 
this is what our wise men cannot imagine ; they are no 
longer mad enough. And indeed, therein lies the real 
miracle, the richness of this world that they do not know 
how to enjoy. The majority of European thinkers shut 
1 At the date when this book was being written (the autumn 
of 1928) the following direct disciples and eye-witnesses of Rama- 
kriahna were still living i 
Swami Shivananda, the Abbot of the central Math (monastery) 
at Belur near Calcutta and the President of the Ramakrishna 
Math and Mission ; Sw. Abhedananda ; Sw. Akhandananda ; Sw. 
Ninnalananda ; Sw. Vijnanananda ; Sw. Subhodananda ; Mahendra 
Nath Gupta, editor of Discourses with the Master under the title 
" The Gospel of Ramakrishna " ; Raxnlal Chattezji, Ramakrishna's 
nephew, not to mention lay disciples, whom it is difficult to trace. 
themselves up on their own particular floor of the house of 
mankind; and although this floor may be stored with 
libraries containing the history of the other floors inhabited 
in the past, the rest of the house seems to them to be unin- 
habited, and they never hear from the floors above or below 
them the footsteps of their neighbours. In the concert of 
the world the orchestra is made up of all the centuries past 
and present, and they all play at the same time ; but each 
has his eyes fixed upon his own stand and on the conductor's 
baton ; he hears nothing but his own instrument. 
But let us listen to the whole splendid harmony of the 
present, wherein the past dreams and the future aspirations 
of all races and all ages are blended. For those who have 
ears to hear every second contains the song of humanity 
from the first-born to the last to die, unfolding like jasmine 
round the wheel of the ages. There is no need to decipher 
papyrus in order to trace the road traversed by the thoughts 
of men. The thoughts of a thousand years are all around 
us. Nothing is obliterated. Listen 1 but listen with your 
ears. Let books be silent 1 They talk too much. . . . 
If there is one place on the face of the earth where all 
the dreams of living men have found a home from the very 
earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it 
is India. Her unique privilege, as Earth 2 has shown with 
great clearness, has been that of a great elder sister, whose 
spiritual development, an autonomous flower continuously 
growing throughout the Methuselah-long life of the peoples, 
has never been interrupted. For more than thirty centuries 
the tree of Vision, with all its thousand branches and their 
millions of twigs, has sprung from that torrid land, the 
burning womb of the gods. It renews itself tirelessly, 
showing no signs of decay ; all kinds of fruit ripen upon 
its boughs at the same time ; side by side are found all 
kinds of gods from the most savage to the highest to the 
formless God, the Unnanjeable, the Boundless One. . . . 
Always the same tree. 
And the substance and thought of its interlaced branches, 
through which the same sap runs, have been so closely knit 
together, that from root to topmost twig the whole tree is 
vibrant, like the mast of the great ship of the Earth, and 
1 A. Earth : The Religions of India, 1879. 
it sings one great symphony, composed of the thousand 
voices and the thousand faiths of mankind. Its polyphony, 
discordant and confused at first to unaccustomed ears, 
discovers to the trained ear its secret hierarchy and great 
hidden form. Moreover, those who have once heard it can 
no longer be satisfied with the rude and artificial order 
imposed amid desolation by Western reason and its faith 
or faiths, all equally tyrannical and mutually contradictory. 
What doth it profit a man to reign over a world for the most 
part enslaved, debased or destroyed ? Better to reign over 
life, comprehended, reverenced and embraced as one great 
whole, wherein he must learn how to co-ordinate its opposing 
forces in an exact equilibrium. 
This is the supreme knowledge we can learn from " Uni- 
verse Souls," and it is some beautiful examples of such 
souls that I wish to depict. The secret of their mastery 
and their serenity is not that of the " lilies of the field, 
arrayed in glory, who toil not, neither do they spin." They 
weave the clothes for those who go naked. They have spun 
the thread of Ariadne to guide us through the mazes of the 
labyrinth. We have only to hold the length of their thread 
in our hands to find the right path, the path which rises 
from the vast morasses of the soul inhabited by primitive 
gods stuck fast in the mire, to the peaks crowned by the 
outspread wings of heaven nrav tiUWJQ* the intangible 
And in the life of Ramakrishna, the Man-Gods, I am 
about to relate the life of this Jacob's ladder, whereon the 
twofold unbroken line of the Divine in man ascends and 
descends between heaven and earth. 
8 Empedocles, "the Titan Ether/' 
AT Kamarkupur, one of the conical villages of Bengal, 
set in the midst of palm trees, pools and rice fields, 
lived an old orthodox Brahmin couple, called Chattopad- 
hyaya. They were very poor and very pious, devotees of 
the cult of the heroic and virtuous Rama. The father, a man 
as upright as the men of old, had been despoiled of all he 
possessed, because he had refused to bear false witness to 
the advantage of the great landowner, who was his neigh- 
1 Note. I must warn my European readers that in describing 
this childhood, I have abstained from using my critical faculties 
(though they keep watch on the threshold). I have become simply 
the voice of the legend, the flute under the fingers of Krishna. For 
the present we need not concern ourselves with the objective reality 
of facts, but only with the subjective reality of living impressions. 
To undo the web of Penelope is an idle task. I am concerned 
rather with the dream fashioned under the fingers of a good work- 
man. A great master of learning has set us an example in this. 
Max Miiller, a faithful adherent of the critical methods of the West, 
and at the same time a respecter of other forms of thought, took 
down from the lips of Vivekananda an account of the life of the 
Paramahamsa and faithfully reproduced it in his precious little 
book, (a) For he maintained that what he calls the " dialogue or 
dialectic process," used to describe events seen and experienced by 
contemporaries, a process, which is a kind of inversion of reality 
by credible and live witn&ses, is one of the indispensable elements 
of history. All knowledge of reality is an inversion through the 
mind and the senses. Hence all sincere inversion is reality. Critical 
reason must later evaluate the degree and angle of the vision, and 
must always take into account the reflection given in the distorting 
mirror of the mind. 
(a) Max Miiiler : Ramakriskna, His Ufa and Sayings, 1898. 
A Paramahamsa is a great bird which flies high, literally, the 
Indian goose, although it bears no resemblance to the European 
species. The name is often used for a saint or sage, and is com* 
monly coupled with that of Sri Ramakrishna. 
bour. He received a visitation from the Gods. Although 
he was then sixty years of age he went on q, pilgrimage to 
Gaya, where is an imprint of the foot of the Lord Vishnu. 8 
The Lord appeared to him during the night, and said, " I 
am about to be reborn for the salvation of the world." 
About the same time in Kamarkupur his wife, Chandra- 
mani, dreamt that she had been possessed by a God. In 
the temple opposite her cottage the divine image of Shiva 
quickened to life under her eyes. A ray of light penetrated 
to the depths of her being. Under the storm Chandramani 
was overthrown and fainted. When the prey of the God 
came to herself, she had conceived. Her husband on his 
return found her transfigured. She heard voices ; she 
carried a God. 8 
The child, whom the world was to know as Ramakrishna, 
was born on February 18, 1836. But the gay name with 
the tripping cadences of a bell that he bore in childhood 
was Gadadhar. He was a little boy full of fun and life, 
mischievous and charming, with a feminine grace he pre- 
served to the end of his life. Nobody imagined himself 
least of all what infinite spaces, what tremendous depths 
lay hidden in the little body of this laughing child. They 
were revealed to him when he was six years old. One day 
in June or July (1842), he was sauntering along with a meal 
as small as a bird's of a little puffed rice carried in a fold 
of his garment. He was going to the fields. 
" I was following a narrow path between the rice fields. 
I raised my eyes to the sky as I munched my rice. I saw 
a great black cloud spreading rapidly until it covered the 
heavens. Suddenly at the dge of the cloud a flight of 
snow-white cranes passed over my head. The contrast was 
so beautiful that my spirit wandered far away. I lost con- 
sciousness and fell to the ground. The puffed rice was 
scattered. Somebody picked me up and carried me home 
in his arms. An access of Joy and emotion overcame me. 
. . . This was the first time that I was seized with ecstasy." 
He was destined thus to pass half his life. 
Even in this first ecstasy the real character of the divine 
1 Buddha is now regarded by the people as one of the numerous 
Incarnations of Vishnu. 
1 Indian legends tell of more than one " Immaculate Conception." 
impress on the soul of the child can be seen. Artistic 
emotion, a passionate instinct for the beautiful, was the 
first channel bringing him into contact with God. There 
are as we shall see many other paths along which revela- 
tion may come, either love of a dear one, or thought, or 
self-mastery, br honest and disinterested labour, of com- 
passion or meditation. He came to know them all, but 
the most immediate and natural with him was delight in 
the beautiful face of God which he saw in all that he looked 
upon. He was a born artist. In this how greatly he differs 
from that other great soul, the Mahatma of India, whose 
European evangelist I have already become Gandhi, the 
man without art, the man without visions, who does not 
even desire them, who mistrusts them rather the man who 
lives in God through reasoned action, as is inevitable in a 
born leader of the people. The path of Ramakrishna is a 
far more dangerous one, but it leads further ; from the 
precipices skirted by it limitless horizons open out. It is 
the way of love. 
It is the way made peculiarly their own by his Bengal 
countrymen, a race of artists and lover poets. Its inspired 
guide had been the ecstatic lover of Krishna, Chaitanya, 
and its most exquisite music the delicious songs of Chandidas 
and Vidyapati. 4 These seraphic masters, the scented 
flowers of their soil, have impregnated it with their fragrance 
4 Chaitanya (1485-1553), the descendant of a family of Bengal 
Brahmins, after having achieved a great reputation as a theological 
and Sanskrit scholar, shook off the dust of the old religion with its 
paralysing formalism. He went out into the highways to preach 
a tiew gospel of love founded on mystic union with God. It was 
open to all men and women of all religions and all castes as 
brothers, and even to those without caste ; Musulmans, Hindus, 
beggars, pariahs, thieves, prostitutes, all came together to listen to 
his burning message and went away purified and strengthened. 
An extraordinary " Awakening " was heralded during the course 
of a century by the songs of a series of wonderful poets. The 
most exquisite of these singers was t^handidas, the poor priest of 
a ruined temple in Bengal, the lover of a young peasant girl, whom 
he hymned in mystic form in a number of immortal little poems. 
Nothing in the treasury of our European lieder can surpass the 
touching beauty of these divine elegies. Vidyapati, the aristocrat, 
whose inspiration was a Queen, attained by refined art to the 
natural perfection of the simple Chandidas, but his key is a more 
joyful one. (My earnest desire is to see some real Western poet 
so that Bengal has been intoxicated with it for centuries. 
The soul of the little Ramakrishna was ma,de of the same 
substance ; it was flesh of their flesh, and he was looked 
upon as a flowering branch of the tree of Chaitanya. 6 
The lover of divine beauty, the artistic genius as yet 
unaware of itself, appears again in a later ecstasy. One 
night during the festival of Shiva this child of eight years 
old, a passionate lover of music and poetry, a skilful modeller 
of images and the leader of a small dramatic troupe of boys 
of his own age, was taking the part of Shiva in the sacred 
representation ; suddenly his being was possessed by his 
hero ; tears of joy coursed down his little cheeks ; he lost 
himself in the glory of God ; he was transported like Gany- 
mede by the Eagle carrying the thunderbolt he was thought 
to be dead. . . . 
From that time the ecstasies became more frequent. In 
Europe the case would have been foredoomed and the child 
would have been placed in a lunatic asylum under a daily 
douche of psycho-therapy. Conscientiously day by day the 
flame would have been quenched. The magic lantern would 
transplanting these songs into our rose garden. There they would 
bloom afresh in every loving heart.) 
Chaitanya's disciples spread throughout Bengal. They went 
from village to village, singing and dancing to a new form of music 
called Kirtana, the wandering Bride, the Human Soul, seeking the 
Divine Love. The Ganges boatmen and the peasants took up this 
dream of the Awakened Sleeper, and his melodious echoes still fill 
the sovereign art of Tagore, especially in the Gardener and the 
Gitanjali. The feet of the child Ramakrishna moved to the rhythm 
of these Kirtanas. He drank the milk of this Vaishnavite music, 
and it is true to say that he himself became its masterpiece, his 
own life its most beautiful poem. 
A letter from Ramakrishna's learned disciple, the author of the 
Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Mahendra^Nath Gupta, has cleared up 
certain points with regard to this question. 
Ramakrishna knew the great Vaishnavite poets, but it appears 
that his knowledge was gleaned mainly from popular adaptations 
used in the performances of the native theatres, called jatras, such 
as the one wherein as a child he played the part of Shiva. He 
was inspired by Chaitanya especially after 1858, and ended by 
identifying himself with him. In one of his first interviews with 
the young Naren (Vivekananda) he scandalized the young man by 
saying to him that he had been Chaitanya in a previous Incarna- 
tion. He did a great deal to revive Chaitanya's mystic meaning, 
which had been forgotten in Bengal. 
have been no more ! " The candle is dead." 6 Sometimes 
the child also dies. Even in India, where the centuries have 
seen a constant procession of such magic lanterns, anxiety 
was felt, and his father and mother, although accustomed 
to the visitation of gods, regarded the child's transports 
with fear. But apart from these crises, he enjoyed perfect 
health and was not at all supernormal in spite of his many 
gifts. His ingenious fingers fashioned gods from clay, the 
heroic legends blossomed in his mind ; he sang divinely 
the pastoral airs of Sri Krishna ; and sometimes his pre- 
cocious intellect took part in the discussions of learned men 
whom he astonished as Jesus had astonished the Jewish 
doctors. But this boy with his clear skin, beautiful flowing 
locks, attractive smile, charming voice and independent 
spirit, who played truant from school and who lived as free 
as air, remained a child to the end of his life, like the little 
Mozart. Until he was thirteen he was adored and petted 
by the women and girls. They recognized in him some- 
thing of their own femininity ; for he had so far assimilated 
their nature that one of his childish dreams, cradled as he 
was in the legend of Krishna and the Gopis, was to be 
reborn as a little widow, a lover of Krishna, who would be 
visited by him in her home. This was but one of the 
innumerable incarnations he imagined. Instinctively this 
Protean soul took on instantly each of the beings whom he 
saw or imagined. No man is entirely void of this magic 
plasticity. One of its inferior manifestations is that of a 
mimic, who copies attitude and facial expressions ; its 
highest (if such an expression may be used) is that of the 
God who plays for Himself the Comedy of the Universe. 
It is always the sign of art and love. Thus was foreshadowed 
the marvellous power manifested later by Ramakrishna a 
genius for espousing all the souls in the world. 
His father died when he was seven years old. The next 
few years were difficult ones for the family, for they had 
no resources. The eldest son, Ramkumar, 7 went to Calcutta 
and opened a school there. He sent for his younger brother, 
now an adolescent, in 1852, but the latter, filled with the 
Allusion to the well-known French folksong : " Au dair de la 
f Ramakrishna was the fourth of five children. 
urge of his inner life and quite undisciplined, refused to 
learn. . 
At that time there was a rich woman, named Rani Ras- 
mani, belonging to an inferior caste. At Dakshineswar on 
the Eastern bank of the Ganges, some four miles from 
Calcutta, she founded a temple to the Great Goddess, the 
Divine Mother, Kali. She had considerable difficulty in 
finding a Brahmin to serve as its priest. Strangely enough 
religious India with its veneration for monks, Sadhus, and 
seers, has little respect for the paid office of priest. The 
temples are not, as in Europe, the body and the heart of 
God, the shrines of His daily renewed sacrifice. They are 
the praiseworthy foundations of the rich, who hope thereby 
to gain credit with the Divinity. True religion is a private 
affair ; its temple is each individual soul. In this case, 
moreover, the founder of the temple was a Sudra, an addi- 
tional disqualification for any Brahmin who undertook the 
charge. Ramkumar resigned himself to it in 1855 > but 
his young brother, who was very strict in all questions 
relating to caste, was only reconciled to the idea with very 
great difficulty. Little by little, however, his repugnance 
was overcome, and when in the following year his eldest 
brother died, Ramakrishna decided to take his place. 
r I ^HE young priest of Kali was twenty years old. He 
JL did not know what a terrible mistress he had elected 
to serve. As a purring tigress that fascinates her prey, 
she was to feed upon him, playing with him while ten long 
enchanted years passed beneath Her gleaming pupils. He 
lived in the temple alone with Her, but at the centre of 
a whirling cyclone. For the burning breath of a crowd of 
visionaries blew like the monsoon its eddies of dust through 
the door of the temple. Thither came countless pilgrims, 
monks, sadhus, fakirs, Hindus and Musulmans a congrega- 
tion of the madmen of God. 1 
The temple was a vast building with five domes crowned 
with spires. It was reached by aft open terrace above the 
Ganges between a double row of twelve small domed temples 
to Shiva. On the other side of a great rectangular paved 
court arose another vast temple to Krishna and Radha 
next to that of Kali. 2 ^The whole symbolic world was 
represented the Trinity of the Nature Mother (Kali), the 
Absolute (Shiva), and Love (Radhakanta : Krishna, Radha), 
1 There were the madmen of the Book, controlled by the single 
word, O M. There were those who danced and were convulsed 
with laughter, crying Bravo to the Illusion of the world. There 
were naked men living witn the dogs on beggars' scraps, who no 
longer distinguished between one form and another and were at- 
tached to nothing. There were the mystic and drunken bands of 
Tantrikas. Young KaTnalrrih"a observed them all (he was to 
describe them later, not without humour) with a watchful and 
anxious eye, and a mixture of repulsion and fascination. (Of. Life 
* The temple is still in existence. Ramakrishna's room at the 
north-west corner of the court, adjacent to the series of the twelve 
temples of Shiva, has a semi-circular verandah, its roof supported 
by columns, looking on to the Ganges on the west. A great liall 
the Arch spanning heaven and earth. But Kali was the 
sovereign deity. 
Within the temple She dwelt, a basalt figure, dressed 
in sumptuous Benares tissue, the Queen of the world and 
of the Gods. She was dancing upon the outstretched body 
of Shiva. In Her two arms on the left She held a sword 
and a severed head, on the right She offered gifts and 
beckoned, " Come ! Fear not ! . . ." She was Nature, the 
destroyer and the creator. Nay, She was something greater 
still for those who had ears to hear. She was the Universal 
Mother, " my Mother, the all-powerful, who reveals Herself 
to Her children under different aspects and Divine Incarna- 
tions," the visible God, who leads the elect to the invisible 
God, " and if it so please Her, She takes away the last 
trace of the ego from all created beings and absorbs it 
into the consciousness of the Absolute, the undifferentiated 
God. Thanks to Her the finite ego loses itself in the 
illimitable Ego Atman Brahman." 8 
But the young priest of twenty was still far from reaching 
the core where aU reality was fused even by the indirect 
ways of the intellect. The only reality, divine or human, 
accessible to him as yet, was that which he could see, hear 
and touch. In this he was no different from the majority 
of his people. That which is most striking to European 
believers, to Protestant Christians even more than to 
Catholic, is the intense concreteness of religious vision 
experienced by Indian believers. * 
When later Vivekananda asked Ramakrishna, " Have 
you seen God ? " he replied, " I see Him, as I see you, 
only far more intensely," meaning^hot in the impersonal 
and abstract sense, although he practised that as well. 
And it is by no means the privilege of a few inspired 
for music and sacred representations opened on to the great court. 
On either side there were guest-rooms, with kitchens for visitors 
and for the Gods. To the wtst lay a beautiful shady garden and 
ponds on the north and the east. It was carefully cultivated and 
full of flowers and scents. Beyond the garden can be seen the 
group of five sacred trees, planted at the deeire of Ramakrishna. 
They became famous under the name of the Panchavati. There 
he spent his days in meditation and prayer to the Mother, Below 
murmured the Ganges. 
persons. Every sincere Hindu devotee attains this point 
with ease, so overflowing and so fresh is the source of 
creative life in them even to-day. One of our friends 
went to the temple with a young princess of Nepal, a beauti- 
ful, intelligent and educated girl. She left her to pray for 
a long time in the intoxicating silence of the incense-filled 
dimness, lighted only with a single lamp. When the young 
Princess came out, she said, very quietly, 
" I have seen Rama. . . ." 
How then could Ramakrishna have escaped seeing " the 
Mother with the dark blue skin " ? She, the Visible One, 
was the Incarnation of the forces of Nature and of the 
Divine in the form of a woman, who has intercourse with 
mortal men Kali. Within Her temple She enveloped him 
in the scent of Her body, wound him in Her arms and 
entangled him in Her hair. She was no lay figure with 
a fixed smile, whose food consisted of litanies. She lived, 
breathed, arose from Her couch, ate, walked, lay down 
The service of the temple docilely followed the rhythm 
of her days. Every morning at dawn the peals of little 
bells chimed, the lights were swung. In the music-room 
the flutes played the sacred hymn to the accompaniment 
of drums and cymbals. The Mother awoke. From the 
garden, embowered in jasmine and roses, garlands were 
gathered for Her adornment. At nine in the morning music 
summoned to worship and to it came the Mother. At 
noon She was escorted to rest on Her silver bed during 
the heat of the day to the strains of more music. 4 It 
greeted her at six in the evening when She reappeared. 
It played again to the accompaniment of brandished torches 
at sundown for evening ^orship ; and conches sounded and 
little bells tinkled ceaselessly until finally at nine in the 
evening it heralded the hour for repose when the Mother 
slept. * 
And the priest was associated with all the intimate acts 
of the day. He dressed and undressed Her, he offered Her 
flowers and food. He was one of the attendants when 
the Queen arose and went to bed. How could his hands, 
his eyes, his heart be otherwise than gradually impregnated 
4 At the north-west corner of the temple. 
with Her flesh? The very first touch left the sting of 
Kali in his fingers and united them for ever. 
But after She had left Her sting in him She fled, and 
withheld Herself from him. Having pierced him with Her 
love, the wasp had concealed Herself in Her stone sheath, 
and all his efforts failed to bring Her to life again. Passion 
for the dumb Goddess consumed him. To touch Her, to 
embrace Her, to win one sign of life from Her, one look, 
one sigh, one smile, became the sole object of his existence. 
He flung himself down in the wild jungle-like part of the 
garden, meditating and praying. He tore off all his clothes, 
even to the sacred cord, which no Brahman ever lays aside ; 
but love for the Mother had revealed to him that no man 
can contemplate God unless he has shed all his prejudices. 
Like a lost child in tears he besought the Mother to show 
Herself to him. Every day spent in vain effort increased 
his distraction, and he lost all control over himself. In 
despair he writhed oil the ground in front of visitors, and 
became an object of pity, of mockery, even of scandal ; 
but he cared for none of these things. Only one thing 
mattered. He knew that he was on the verge of extreme 
happiness nothing but a thin partition, which he was, 
nevertheless, powerless to break down, separated him from 
it. He knew nothing of the science of directed ecstasy, as 
minutely noted and codified by religious India for centuries 
past with all the minutiae of a double Faculty of Medicine 
and Theology, and so he wandered haphazard, driven by 
a blind delirium. As his exaltation was entirely undirected, 
he ran considerable danger of extinction. Death lies in 
wait for the imprudent Yogin, whose path traverses the 
very edge of the abyss. He is described by those who saw 
him in those days of bewilderment, JLS having face and breast 
reddened by the afflux of blood, his eyes filled with tears and 
his body shaken with spasms. He was at the limit of physical 
endurance. When such ^ point has been reached, there is 
nothing but descent into the darkness of apoplexy or vision. . 
The partition was suddenly removed and he saw ! 
Let him speak for himself. 6 His voice rings in our ears 
' For this description I have used three separate accounts given 
by Ramakrishna himself. They all tell the same story, but each 
enriches the other with several details. 
with the accents of our own " madmen of God," our great 
seers of Europe. 
" One day I was torn with intolerable anguish. My heart 
seemed to be wrung as a damp cloth might be wrung. . . . 
I was wracked with pain. A terrible frenzy seized me at 
the thought that I might never be granted the blessing 
of this Divine vision. I thought if that were so, then 
enough of this life ! A sword was hanging in the sanctuary 
of Kali. My eye fell upon it and an idea flashed through 
my brain like a flash of lightning ' The sword ! It will 
help me to end it.' I rushed up to it, and seized it like 
a madman. . . . And lo ! the whole scene, doors, windows, 
the temple itself, vanished. ... It seemed as if nothing 
existed any more. Instead I saw an ocean of the Spirit, 
boundless, dazzling. In whatever direction I looked great 
luminous waves were rising. They bore down upon me 
with a loud roar, as if to swallow me up. In an instant 
they were upon me, they broke over me, they engulfed me. 
I was suffocated. I lost consciousness 6 and I fell. . . . How 
I passed that day and the next I know not. Round me 
rolled an ocean of ineffable joy. And in the depths of my 
being I was conscious of the presence of the Divine Mother." 7 
It is noticeable that in this beautiful description there 
is no mention of the Divine Mother until the end ; she 
was merged in the Ocean. The disciples who afterwards 
quoted his exact words, asked him whether he had really 
seen the Divine form. " He did not say, but on coming 
to himself from his ecstasy he murmured in a plaintive 
tone, ' Mother ! . . . Mother ! ' " 
My own view, if I may be pardoned the presumption, 
is that he saw nothing, but that he was aware of Her all- 
* The exact text reads, " I lost all natural consciousness." This 
detail is important, for the rest of the story shows that a higher 
consciousness, that of the inner world, was on the other hand most 
keenly perceptive. * 
7 Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master, Vol. II, by Swami Sara- 
dananda, published by the Ramakrishna Math of Mylapore, Madras, 
1920. Saradananda, who died in 1927, was on terms of intimacy 
with Ramakrishna and likewise possessed one of the loftiest reli- 
gious and philosophical minds in India. His biography, unfortun- 
ately unfinished, is at once the most interesting and the most 
17 c 
permeating presence. He called the Ocean by her name. 
His experience was like a dream, to give a lesser example, 
wherein without the slightest feeling of incongruity, the 
mind attaches the name of the being filling its thoughts 
to quite a different form ; the object of our love is in every- 
thing ; all forms are but its cloak. On the shores of that 
sea which rolled down upon Ramakrishna, I see immedi- 
ately the form of St. Theresa of Avila. She also felt herself 
engulfed in the infinite until the scruples of her Christian 
faith and the stern admonitions of her watchful directors 
led her against her own convictions to confine God within 
the form of the Son of Man. 8 
But Ramakrishna the lover had not to struggle against 
the bent of his heart. On the contrary it led him from 
the formless to the form of his Beloved. He wished it 
to ; for once he had seen and possessed it for an instant, 
he could not live without it. From that day onward he 
would have ceased to exist if he had not constantly renewed 
the fiery vision. Without it the world was dead, and living 
men as nothing but vain shadows, painted figures upon a 
It was also at a moment of extreme lassitude that Theresa 
perceived, like a sudden inflooding, the invasion of the Invisible ; 
just such a sea engulfed her. Later on the hard scruples of Sal- 
cedo and Gaspard Daza forced her, at the cost of considerable 
suffering, to confine the Infinite within the finite bounds of the 
body of Christ. 
Further, the ecstasy in Ramakrishna's case followed the normal 
course of such revelations, as was only natural. Cf. the full col- 
lection of documents, gathered together by Starbuck under the title, 
The Psychology of Religion, a collection used by William James. 
Almost always it comes about that when effort has been exhausted 
the spirit attains through anguish. The despair crushing the old 
self is the door leading to the new. 
Again it is a remarkable fact that the great vision often mani- 
fests itself through " photisms " (luminous phenomena) and by an 
oceanic flood. Cf. pp. 215-16, William James, Religious Experience, 
giving the beautiful account'of President Finney's vision : 
" ' Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love 
. . .' These waves came over me, and over me, and over me, one 
after the other, until I recollect I cried out, ' I shall die if these 
waves continue to pass over me/ I said, ' Lord, I cannot bear 
any more ' ; yet I had no fear of death." 
Cf . also the magnificent account of the great mystic as observed 
and described by Th. Flournoy. 
But nobody. faces the illimitable with impunity. The 
shock of the first encounter was so violent that his whole 
being remained in a shuddering state. He only saw those 
around him through a veil of drifting mist, of dissolving 
waves of silver shot with sparks of fire. He could no 
longer control his eyes, his body, or his mind; another 
will guided them, and he passed through some terrible 
hours. He prayed the Mother to come to his aid. 
Then suddenly he understood. He was possessed by the 
Mother. He ceased to resist. " Fiat voluntas tual . . ." 
She filled him. And out of the mists little by little the 
material form of the Goddess emerged, first a hand, then 
Her breath, Her voice, finally Her whole person. Here 
is one of the marvellous visions of the poet, among a hundred 
It was evening. The rites were over for the day. The 
Mother was supposed to be asleep, and he had returned 
to his room outside the temple above the Ganges. But 
he could not sleep. He listened. ... He heard Her get 
up ; She went up to the upper story of the temple with 
the joy of a young girl. As She walked the rings of Her 
anklets rang. He wondered if he were dreaming. His 
heart hammered in his breast. He went out into the court 
and raised his head. There he saw Her with unbound 
hair on the balcony of the first floor, watching the Ganges 
flow through the beautiful night down to the distant lights 
of Calcutta. . . . 
From that moment his days and nights were passed in 
the continual presence of his Beloved. Their intercourse 
was uninterrupted like the flow of the river. Eventually 
he was identified with Her, and gradually the radiance of 
his inner vision became outwardly manifest. Other people 
seeing him, saw what he saw. Through his body as through 
a window appeared the bodies of the Gods. Mathur Babu, 
the son-in-law of the foundress of the temple and the master 
of the place, was sitting one day in his room opposite 
Ramakrishna's. Unobserved he watched him pacing up 
and down upon his balcony. Suddenly he uttered a cry, 
for he saw him alternately in the form of Shiva as he walked 
in one direction, and of the Mother as he turned and walked 
in the opposite direction. 
To most people his madness of love was a -crying scandal. 
He was no longer capable of performing the temple rites. 
In the midst of the ritual acts he was seized with fits of 
unconsciousness, sudden collapses and petrifactions, when 
he lost the control of the use of his joints and stiffened 
into a statue. At other times he permitted himself the 
strangest familiarities with the Goddess. 9 His functions 
remained in a state of suspension. He never closed his 
eyes. He no longer ate. If a nephew who was present 
had not looked after his most pressing needs, he would 
have died. Such a condition brought those evils in its 
train, from which our Western visionaries have also suffered. 
Minute drops of blood oozed through his skin. His whole 
body seemed on fire. His spirit was a furnace, whose 
leaping flames were the Gods. After a period when he 
saw the Gods in the persons about him (in a prostitute 
he saw Sita ; in a young Englishman standing upright 
cross-legged against a tree, he saw Krishna), he became 
the Gods himself. He was Kali, he was Rama, he was 
Radha, the lover of Krishna, 10 he was Sita, he was the 
great monkey, Hanuman ! u Without insisting on detail, 
I have no intention of passing lightly over these deliriums 
of a soul with neither check nor pilot, given over to the 
f He no longer showed any consideration for his patrons, whose 
exemplary fidelity consistently defended him against all attack. 
One day when the rich devotee, the foundress, Rani Rasmani, was 
praying with her mind elsewhere, Ramakrishna discerned the 
frivolous objects passing through her thoughts, and publicly re- 
buked her. Those present were greatly excited, but Rasmani her- 
self remained calm. She nobly considered that it was the Mother, 
who had rebuked her. 
10 Later he was the gopi (milkmaid), Krishna's lover, for six 
11 The process of these realizations is interesting. He became 
the person of Rama by stages, through the people who served Rama, 
beginning with the humblest, Hanuman. Then in reward, as he 
himself believed, Sita appearea to him. This was his first complete 
vision with his eyes open. All his succeeding visions came by the 
same successive stages. First he saw the figures outside himself \ 
then they vanished within himself, finally he became them himself. 
This ardent creative act is striking, but was natural to one of his 
astounding plastic genius. As soon as he visualized a thought, his 
vision became incarnate. Imagine living within the innermost being 
of a Shakespeare, while he was producing a film. 
furious v^aves of his passion, to the insatiable voracity of 
a wolf, ravening for the Gods. Later they had their revenge 
and preyed upon him in their turn. I have no intention 
of deceiving my Western reader. He is at liberty, just as 
I was myself, 12 to judge whether the madman of God ought 
to have been put in a strait jacket or not. We have good 
ground for such an opinion, for even in India men of the 
greatest sanctity held that view when they saw him. At 
the time he submitted patiently to be examined by doctors 
and followed their vain prescriptions, and later, when he 
looked back over the past and sounded the depths of the 
abyss from which he had escaped, he himself could not 
understand why his reason, and even life itself, had not 
But the extraordinary thing for us, and the only thing 
that matters, is that, instead of foundering, they rounded 
the Cape of Storms victoriously. Nay, this period of 
hallucination appears to have been a necessary stage whence 
his spirit was to rise in the fullness of joyous and harmonious 
power to mighty realizations for the benefit of humanity. 
Here is a subject of research tempting to great physicians 
both of the body and of the mind. There is no difficulty 
in proving the apparent destruction of his whole mental 
structure, and the disintegration of its elements. But how 
were they reassembled into a synthetic entity of the highest 
order? How was this ruined building restored to a still 
greater edifice and by nothing but will power ? As we 
shall see by the sequel, Ramakrishna became master alike 
of his madness and of his reason, of Gods and of men. 
At times he would open the floodgates of the deeps of 
his soul, at others would conduct with his disciples smiling 
dialogues, in the mannsr of a modern Socrates, full of 
ironic wisdom and penetrating good sense. 
But in 1858 at the time of the facts related here, Rama- 
krishna had not yet achieved tke mastery. He had still 
a long way to go. And if I have anticipated somewhat 
11 1 will not deny the fact that when I had reached this point 
in my researches, I shut up the book. Probably I should not have 
opened it again for a long time, if I had not known by certain 
indications what heights of wisdom he was to attain in the later 
years of his life. 
the end of his life, I have done so to warn the European 
reader against his first judgment, which was also my own. 
Patience 1 The ways of the spirit are disconcerting. Let 
us await the end ! 
* * * 
In truth at this period the tramp of God went about 
like a blind man with closed eyes and without a guide. 
Instead of keeping to the path, he forced his way through 
the briars of the hedges and fell into the ditches. Never- 
theless he advanced ; each time that he fell he picked 
himself up again and went on his way. 
Do not imagine that he was proud or obstinate. He 
was the most simple of men. If you had told him that 
his condition was a disease, he would have asked you to 
prescribe a remedy, and he would not have refused to try 
any cure. 
For a time he was sent back to his home at Kamar- 
pukur. His mother wished him to be married, hoping that 
marriage would cure him of his divine enchantment. He 
made no demur ; indeed, he showed an innocent pleasure 
at the thought. But what a strange marriage it was, not 
much more real (less real, indeed, in spirit) than his union 
with the Goddess ! His bride (1859) was a child of five 
years old. I feel, as I write, what a shock this will be 
to my Western reader. I do not wish to spare him. Child- 
marriage is an Indian custom, and one which has most 
often roused the indignation of Europe and America. The 
virtuous Miss Mayo has recently raised its flag, though 
rather a tattered one ; for the best minds of India, the 
Brahmo Samaj, Tagore, Gandhi, 18 have for long condemned 
the practice, although it is usually more of a formality 
11 Gandhi, who knows too much about child-marriage (for he 
was one of those children who has kept throughout his life the 
burning confusion of his precocious experiences), is particularly 
virulent against this abuse.* Nevertheless, he recognizes that in 
exceptional cases among chosen souls, who are loyal and religious, 
a mutual engagement dating from infancy may have very pure 
and beneficent results. It removes all other temptations common 
to the unhealthy preoccupations of adolescence, and it gives to the 
union a quality of holy comradeship. It is well known what an 
admirable companion the little child, whose fate was joined to his, 
has been for Gandhi during the difficult course of his life. 
than a reality-Tchild-marriage being generally nothing more 
than a simple religious ceremony, akin to a Western betrothal 
remaining unconsummated until after puberty. In the case 
of Ramakrishna, making it doubly revolting in the eyes 
of Miss Mayo, the union was between a little girl of five 
and a man of twenty-three ! But peace to scandalized 
minds ! It was a union of souls and remained uncon- 
summated a Christian marriage so-called in the days of 
the Early Church and later it became a beautiful thing. 
A tree must be judged by its fruits, and in this case the 
fruits were of God, pure and not carnal love. Little Sara- 
damani 14 was to become the chaste sister of a big friend 
who venerated her, the immaculate companion of his trials 
and of his faith, the firm and serene soul, whom the disciples 
associated with his sanctity as the Holy Mother. 1 * 
For the time being the little girl returned according 
to custom to the house of her parents after the ceremony 
of marriage had been performed, and did not see her husband 
again for the long period of eight or nine years, while her 
husband, who seemed to have regained some measure of 
calm at his mother's house, returned to his temple. 
But Kali was waiting for him. Hardly had he crossed 
the threshold than divine delirium in its most violent 
form was rekindled. Like Hercules in a Nessus shirt, he 
was a living funeral pyre. The legion of Gods swooped 
upon him like a whirlwind. He was torn in pieces. He 
was divided against himself. His madness returned tenfold. 
He saw demoniac creatures emerging from him, first a 
black figure representing sin ; then a sannyasin, who slew 
sin like an archangel. (Are we in India or a thousand 
years ago in some Christian monastery of the West ?) He 
remained motionless, patching these manifestations issue 
from him. Horror paralysed his limbs. Once again for 
long periods 16 at a time his eyes refused to close. He 
felt madness approaching and terrified, he appealed to the 
14 Her family name was Mukhopadhyaya. Afterwards she was 
known by the name of Saradadevi. 
11 So she has been called. The Indian of good family has always 
had this exquisite custom of giving the name " Mother " to all 
womanhood, however much younger than himself. 
16 He claims for six years. 
Mother. The vision of Kali was his only hope of survival. 
Two years went by in this orgy of mental intoxication 
and despair. 17 
At length help came. 
17 In 1861 his protectress, Rani Rasmani, died. Fortunately her 
son-in-law, Mathur Babu, remained devoted to him. 
UP to this point he had been swimming alone at the 
mercy of chance in an uncharted and boundless 
stream with its roaring rapids and whirlpools of the soul. 
He was on the verge of exhaustion, when two beings appeared 
on the scene, who held his head above water, and who taught 
him how to use its currents in order to cross the stream. 
The age-long history of the spirit of India is the history 
of a countless throng marching ever to the conquest of 
supreme Reality. All the great peoples of the world, 
wittingly or unwittingly, have the same fundamental aim ; 
they belong to the conquerors who age by age go up to 
assault the Reality of which they form a part, and which 
lures them on to strive and climb ; sometimes they fall 
out exhausted, then with recovered breath they mount 
undaunted until they have conquered or been overcome. 
But each one does not see the same face of Reality. It 
is like a great fortified city beleaguered on different sides 
by different armies who are not in alliance. Each army 
has its own tactics and weapons to solve its own problems 
of attack and assault. Our Western races l storm the 
bastions, the outer works. They desire to overcome the 
physical forces of Naturft, to make her laws their own, 
1 In order to explain my meaning I am obliged to use the doubt- 
ful terms, West and East. But I hope that wise readers will dis- 
tinguish, as I do, many divisions of Mie West. For us the East 
in its ordinary sense means the Near East, the Semitic East, which 
in my sense of the word is further in spirit from India than some 
parts of the West, Slav, Germanic or Nordic. At this place in 
the story I am using the term West to indicate the march to the 
West of the great European races and those on the other side of 
the Atlantic, who have detached themselves from the common 
Indo-European stock. 
so that they may construct weapons therefrom for gaining 
the inner citadel, and forcing the whole fortress to capitulate. 
India proceeds along different lines. She goes straight to 
the centre, to the Commander-in-Chief of the unseen General 
Headquarters ; for the Reality she seeks is transcendental. 
But let us be careful not to put Western " realism " in 
opposition to Indian "idealism." Both are "realisms." 
Indians are essentially realists in that they are not easily 
contented with abstractions, and that they attain their ideal 
by the self-chosen means of enjoyment and sensual posses- 
sion. They must see, hear, taste and touch ideas. Both 
in sensual richness and in their extraordinary imaginative 
power they are far in advance of the West. 2 How then can 
we reject their evidence in the name of Western reason ? 
Reason, in our eyes, is an impersonal and objective path 
open to all men. But is reason really objective ? To what 
degree is it true in particular instances ? Has it no personal 
limits ? Again, has it been carefully noted that the " reali- 
zations " of the Hindu mind, which seems to us ultra- 
subjective, are nothing of the kind in India, where they are 
the logical result of scientific methods and of careful experi- 
ment, tested throughout the centuries and duly recorded ? 
Each great religious visionary is able to show his disciples 
the way by which without a shadow of doubt they too may 
attain the same visions. Surely both methods, the Eastern 
and the Western, merit an almost equal measure of scientific 
doubt and provisional trust. To the truly scientific mind 
of to-day a widely generalized mistake, if it be sincere, is 
a relative truth. If the vision is false, the important thing 
to be discovered is wherein lies the fallacy, and then to 
allow it other premises to lead on to the higher reality 
beyond it. 
The common belief of India, whether clearly defined or 
vaguely felt, is that nothing exists save in and through the 
1 1 am far from denying to Indian thinkers a capacity for intel- 
lectual concentration in the Absolute ; but even the " Formless " 
of the Advaita Vedanta is embraced to a certain extent by their 
burning intuition. Even if the " Formless " is without attributes 
and beyond vision, is it so certain that it is beyond some form 
of mysterious touch ? Is not revelation itself a kind of terrible 
contact ? 
universal Spirit,, the one and indivisible : Brahman. 8 The 
diverse images of everything contained in the universe had 
their birth in Him, and the reality of the universe is derived 
from the same universal Spirit, whose conception it is. 
Individual spirits, we who form an integral and organic part 
of the Cosmic Spirit, see the idea of the multiform and 
changing universe, and we attribute an independent reality 
to it. Until we have achieved knowledge of the one Brah- 
man, we are bewildered by Maya, Illusion, which has no 
beginning and is outside time ; and so we take what is 
nothing but an incessant stream of passing images, spring- 
ing from the invisible source, the One Reality, 4 to be the 
permanent reality. 
Hence we must escape from the stream of Illusion, rolling 
all round us, and like trout that leap over all barriers and 
scale waterfalls, we must go back to the source. Such is 
our unavoidable destiny, but it leads to salvation. Sadhana 
is the name given to this painful but heroic and magnificent 
struggle. The Sadhakas are they who wage it. Their small 
legion, renewed from age to age, is recruited from the fear- 
less souls ; for they have to submit to a system of appli- 
cation and rough discipline having the sanction of age-long 
experiment behind them. Two ways or weapons 6 are open 
to them, both needing long application and constant practice. 
The first is the way of " Not this ! Not this ! " 6 which 
may be called the way of Knowledge by radical negation 
" Everything is Brahman, all the various objects, both coarse 
and refined. Everything exists only in Brahman, the one and 
indivisible/ ' Shastras. 
4 I have taken this brief summary of thought from the masterly 
exposition of Swami Saradananda at the beginning of his Sri Rama- 
krishna, the Great Master. 
There are many others which I shall discuss in the second part 
of this work, when I study the philosophic and religious thought of 
Vivekananda. There I shall find room for a long exposition of the 
Yoga principle of India. 
Neti (not this) is the name givem to Brahman himself by the 
authors of the Upanishads. Cf. the work of the Christian mystic, 
St. Denis, the Areopagite : Treatise on Mystic Theology, Chapter V, 
where he says that the supreme author of intelligible things is 
absolutely nothing that can be conceived by the understanding. 
There the master theologian collects on one page all the negatives 
in order to define God. (The Works of St. Denis the Areopagite, 
trans, and ed. by Mgr. Darboy, new edition, 1887, pp. 285-86.) 
or the weapon of the Jnanin ; the second is the way of 
" This 1 This 1 " which may be called the way of Know- 
ledge by progressive affirmation, or the weapon of the 
Bhakta. The first relies solely on intellectual knowledge, 
and has always rejected everything, either real or apparent, 
outside it, proceeding with strained resolutions and eyes 
fixed on the supreme goal. The second is the way of love. 
The love of the Well-Beloved (whose form varies as it 
becomes more pure) gradually leads to the renunciation of 
all else. The way of Jnana is that of the absolute or im- 
personal God. The way of Bhakti is that of the personal 
God at least its pilgrims linger long on the way before 
finally rejoining the pilgrim of Jnana. 
The way of Bhakti was the way the blind instinct of 
Ramakrishna had unconsciously adopted from the first. 
But he knew nothing of its windings and lurking ambushes. 
It was true that a complete Itinerary from Paris to Jeru- 
salem 7 existed, wherein the whole course from the starting 
point to the winning post was carefully mapped out, con- 
taining all the accidents of the way, the mountains and the 
gradients, the dangerous corners and the stopping places, 
carefully arranged in advance and wisely distributed. But 
the runner of Kamarpukur knew nothing of it. He went 
where his wild heart and his legs carried him ; and at last, 
exhausted by his superhuman efforts, without guidance or 
assistance, maddened with solitude in the depths of the 
forest, he had moments when he gave himself up for lost. 
He had almost reached the last rough halting place, when 
help came to him through a woman. 
One day from his terrace he was watching the boats with 
their multi-coloured sails darting to and fro upon the 
Ganges, when he saw one put in at the foot of his terrace. 
A woman came up the steps. She was tall and beautiful, 
with long unbound hair and wearing the saffron robe of a 
Sannyasin* She was between thirty-five and forty, but 
7 Allusion to the name of a famous book by Chateaubriand. 
8 A Sannyasin, according to Max Miiller's definition, is a person 
who has left everything and renounced all worldly desire. The 
definition of the Bhagavadgita is, " One who neither hates *nor loves 
anything." The lady in question had not yet attained this state 
of divine indifference, as we shall see later. 
she looked younger. Ramakrishna was struck with her 
appearance and sent for her. She came. As soon as she 
saw him, she burst into tears and said, 
" My son, I have been looking for you for a long time." 9 
She was a Brahmin of a noble Bengal family, a devotee 
of Vishnu, 10 highly educated and very learned in holy texts, 
especially in the Bhakti Scriptures. She said she was look- 
ing for the man inspired by God, whose existence had been 
revealed to her by the Spirit, and that she had been entrusted 
with a message for him. Without further introduction and 
without even discovering her name (she was never known 
by any other than that of the Bhairavi Brahmani, the 
Brahmin nun) the relations of mother and son were estab- 
lished there and then between the holy woman and the 
priest of Kali. Ramakrishna confided in her as a child 
might have done and told her all the tortured experiences 
of his life in God, of his Sadhana, together with the misery 
of his bodily and mental sufferings. He told her that many 
thought him mad, and asked her humbly and anxiously 
whether they were right. The Bhairavi , having heard all 
his confessions, comforted him with maternal tenderness, 
and told him to have no fear, for he had certainly reached 
one of the highest states of the Sadhana as described in the 
Bhakti texts by his own unguided efforts. His sufferings 
were simply the measure of his ascent. She looked after 
his bodily welfare and enlightened his mind. She made 
him in broad daylight go back over the road of knowledge, 
which he had already traversed alone and blindfold in the 
This encounter with the simple charm of a story from the Arabian 
Nights, has roused doubts in the mind of European historians. They 
are inclined to see in this episode, as does Max Miiller, a symbol 
of the psychic evolution of ilamakrishna. But the personality of 
his instructress during the six years she remained with him contains 
too many individual traits (and not always to her credit), for there 
to be any doubt that she was a real woman, with all a woman's 
weaknesses. * 
10 The Vaishnavite cult was essentially a cult of love. Rama- 
krishna belonged to a Vaishnava family. 
Vishnu, the ancient sun god, established his sovereignty over the 
whole world by his incarnations, the chief being Krishna and Rama. 
(Cf. Barth, op. cit., pp. 100 et seqq.) Both these divinities appear in 
the name of the hero of this story, while he was himself saluted later 
in his life as a new incarnation, an Avatara, God and man. 
night. By instinct alone Ramakrishna had obtained in the 
course of several years " realizations " which mystic science 
had taken centuries to achieve ; but he could not become 
truly their master until he had been shown the way whereby 
he had achieved them. 
The Bhakta, whose knowledge is derived through love, 
begins by accepting one form of God as his chosen ideal, 
as Ramakrishna the Divine Mother. For a long time he 
is absorbed in this one love. At first he cannot attain the 
object of his devotion, but gradually he comes to see, touch 
and converse with it. From that moment the slightest 
concentration is enough to make him feel the living presence 
of his Lord. As he believes that his Lord is in everything, 
in all forms, he soon begins to perceive other forms of Gods 
emanating from his own Beloved. This divine polymor- 
phism peoples his vision. Eventually he is so filled with 
its music that there is no room in him for anything else, 
and the material world disappears. This is called the 
Savikala Samadhi or state of superconscious ecstasy, 
wherein the spirit still clings to the inner world of thought, and 
enjoys the sentiment of its own life with God. But when 
one idea has taken possession of the soul, all other ideas 
fade and die away, and his soul is very near its final end, 
the Nirvikalpa Samadhi the final union with Brahman. 
It is not far to that cessation of thought wherein at last 
absolute Unity is realized by complete renunciation. 11 
Ramakrishna had travelled along three quarters of this 
spiritual pilgrimage as a blind man. 12 The Bhairavi, whom 
he adopted as his spiritual mother, as his Guru or teacher, 
11 1 am still depending for this explanation on the treatise of 
Sw. Saradananda. (Cf. Ruysbroeck : De ornatu spiritalium nup- 
tiarwn : " Go forth 1 It is God wko speaks. . . . He speaks 
through the darkness to the spirit and the spirit sinks and slips 
away. It must lose itself in the sacred gloom, where bliss delivers 
man from himself, so that he never finds himself again according 
to human ideas. In the abyss where love gives the fire of death, 
I see the dawn of eternal life. . . . By the virtue of this immense 
love we possess the joy of dying to ourselves and of bursting from 
our prison house, to be lost in the ocean of the Essence and in the 
burning darkness/' III, i, 2, and 4, and passim, trans. Ernest 
11 But his nature had held him back on the last mile of the way, 
at the cross roads where man takes leave of the personal God and of 
showed him all its phases and their import. Having herself 
practised religious exercises, she was conversant with the 
roads of knowledge, and so she made him try all the roads 
of the Sadhana in turn and methodically according to the 
rules of the Holy Books, even the most dangerous ones, 
the Tantras, which expose the sense and spirit to all the 
disturbances of the flesh and the imagination, so that these 
may be overcome. But the path skirts the precipices of 
degradation and madness, and more than one who has 
ventured upon it has never returned. 18 Ramakrishna the 
pure, however, came back as pure as he started out, and 
tempered as steel. 
He was now in possession of all forms of union with God 
by love " the nineteen attitudes/ 1 or different emotions 
of the soul in the presence of its Lord, such as the relations 
of a servant and his master, a son and his mother, a friend, 
a lover, a husband, etc. He had invested all sides of the 
Divine citadel ; and the man who had conquered God 
partook of His nature. 
His initiator recognized in him an Incarnation of the 
Divinity. She accordingly called a meeting at Dakshines- 
war and after learned discussion by the Pandits, the Bhairavi 
insisted that the theological authorities should give public 
recognition to the new Avatar a. 
Then his fame began to spread. People came from afar 
to see the wonderful man, who had succeeded, not only in 
one Sadhana, but in all. The ascetics, who by one road 
or another were straining towards God monks, sages, 
his love. His spiritual mother, the Bhairavi, did not try to urge 
him beyond them. They both instinctively shrank from the blind 
vision, from the last abyss, the Impersonal. 
1S The greatest Hindu thinker of to-day, Aurobindo Ghose, of whom 
I shall speak in the second part of this work, has rehabilitated 
the way of Tantra, which had become discredited on account of 
the licentious misuse of certain of its methods. While castigating 
these, he has vindicated its original sense, and he has shown its 
grandeur. Contrary to the other Vedic Yoga whoso Lord is the 
Purusha (the conscious soul) and Knowledge the aim, the Lord of 
the Tantra is Prakriti (Energy the soul of Nature) and its end the 
fullness of possession. Instead of fleeing from Nature, the Tantra 
faces and seizes her. It is Dionysias as opposed to Apollyon. It 
is of some importance to note that Ramakrishna, alone of all Indian 
Yogin, united in himself the two complementary aspects. 
Sadkus, visionaries all came to seek his advice and to be 
instructed by him, who now sat at the cross-roads and 
dominated them. Their accounts speak of the fascination 
produced by the appearance of the man who had come back 
not, as Dante, from Hell but as a pearl-fisher from the 
deep sea of the golden radiance of his body burnt and 
purified so long in the fires of ecstasy. 14 But to the end 
of his life he remained the most simple of men without a 
trace of pride ; for he was too intoxicated with God to 
consider himself, and was preoccupied much less with what 
he had already achieved than with what was still to do. 
He disliked all mention of his being an Avatara, and when 
he had arrived at the point that everybody else, even the 
Bhairavi, his guide, took to be the summit, he looked up 
to the rest of the ascent, the last steep arete. And he was 
obliged to climb to the very top. 
But for this last ascent the old guides were not sufficient. 
And so his spiritual mother, who had jealously cherished 
him for three years, had, like so many other mothers, the 
pain of seeing her son, once dependent on her milk, escape 
her to follow a higher command from another master with 
a sterner and more virile voice. 
* * * 
Towards the end of 1854 J us ^ a ^ the moment when Rama- 
krishna had achieved his conquest of the personal God, the 
messenger of the impersonal God, ignorant as yet of his 
mission, arrived at Dakshineswar. This was Tota Puri (the 
naked man) an extraordinary Vedantic ascetic, a wander- 
ing monk, who had reached the ultimate revelation after 
forty years of preparation a liberated soul, who looked 
with impersonal gaze upon the phanton of this world with 
complete indifference. 
For a long time Ramakrishna, not without anguish, had 
felt prowling round him the formless God and the inhuman, 
the superhuman indifference of His Missi Dominici those 
Paramahamsas from the ratified heights, detached for ever 
from all things, terrible ascetics denuded of body and spirit, 
14 The Yogins of India constantly note this effect of the great 
ecstasy caused by an afflux of blood. As we shall see later, Rama- 
krishna could tell as soon as he saw the breast of a religious man, 
whom he was visiting, whether or no he had passed through the 
fire of God. 
despoiled of the heart's last treasure : the diamond of love 
of the divine. During the early days of his stay at Dak- 
shineswar he had felt the terrible fascination of these living 
corpses ; and he had wept with terror at the idea that he 
too might have to come to a similar condition. Imagine 
what it must have cost a nature such as I have described 
that of this madman of love, this born lover and artist. 15 
He needed to see, to touch, to consume the object of his 
love, and he remained unsatisfied until he had embraced 
the living form, had bathed in it as in a river, and had 
espoused the divine mould and all its beauties. Such a 
man was to be forced to abandon the home of his heart and 
sink body and soul in the formless and the abstract ! Such 
a train of thought must have been more painful and more 
alien to his nature than it would be to one of our Western 
But he could not escape it. His very terror fascinated 
him like the eyes of a snake. Dizzy though he was at the 
contemplation of the heights, he who had reached the peaks 
was obliged to go on to the very end. The explorer of the 
continent of the Gods could not stop until he had reached 
the source of the mysterious Nile. 
I have said already that the formless God lay in wait for 
him with all his terror and attraction. But Ramakrishna 
did not go to Him. Tota Puri came to fetch the lover of 
He saw him first without being seen as he was passing 
by ; for he could not stay longer than three days in one 
place. Seated on one of the steps of the temple, the young 
priest, 16 was lost in the happiness of his hidden vision. 
Tota Puri was struck by it. 
41 My son," he said, " I see that you have already travelled 
far along the way of truth. If you so wish it, I can help 
you to reach the next stage. I will teach you the Vedanta" 
Ramakrishna, with an innocent simplicity that made even 
the stern ascetic smile, replied that he must first ask leave 
11 It is a remarkable fact that Ramakrishna, though 
gifted for poetry and the arts, had no taste for mathematics. Vive- 
kananda's mind was of a different order. Though not less artistic 
he knew and loved the sciences. 
lf He was then twenty-eight years old. 
of the Mother (Kali). She gave Her permission, and he 
then put himself with humble and complete confidence 
under the guidance of his divine teacher. 
But first he had to submit to the test of " Initiation." 
The first condition was to renounce all his privileges and 
insignia, the Brahmin cord and the dignity of priest. These 
things were nothing to him ; but he had also to renounce 
his affections and the illusions whereby he had hitherto 
lived the personal God and the entire harvest of the fruit 
of his love and sacrifice here and elsewhere, now and for 
ever. Naked as the earth he had symbolically to conduct 
his own funeral service. He had to bury the last remains 
of his ego his heart. Then only could he reclothe himself 
in the saffron robe of a Sannyasin, the emblem of his new 
life. Tota Puri now began to teach him the cardinal virtues 
of the Advaita Vedanta, 17 the Brahman one and undiffer- 
entiated, and how to dive deep in search of the ego, so that 
its identity with Brahman might be realized and that it 
might be firmly established in Him through Samadhi 
It would be a mistake to think that it was easy even for 
17 The Advaita " without second " is the strictest and most 
abstract form of the Vedanta. It first appeared in the ninth century 
A.D., and its most famous exponent in the eleventh century 
Sankara, of whom I shall have more to say later. It was absolute 
Non-Dualism. Nothing but one unique Reality existed to the 
exclusion of every other. Its name was immaterial, God, the 
Infinite, the Absolute, Brahman-Atman, etc. : for this Reality did 
not possess a single attribute to assist in its definition. To every 
attempt at definition Sankara, like Dems the Areopagite, had only 
one answer " No ! No 1 " Everything which has the appearance 
of existence, the world of our mind and senses, is nothing but the 
Absolute under a false conception (^vidya). Under the influence 
of Avidya, which Sankara and his school found it very difficult 
to explain clearly, Brahman adopts names and forms, which are 
nothing but non-existence. The only existence beneath this flood 
of " ego " phantoms is tb^true Self, the Paramatman, the One. 
Good works are powerless to help in its realization, although they 
perhaps help to bring about a propitious atmosphere from whence 
Consciousness may emerge. But Consciousness alone and direct 
can deliver and save the soul (Mukti). Hence the yv&dt aearrov 
(Know thyself) of the Greeks, is opposed, as has been shown, to 
the " See the Self and be the Self" of the great Indian Vedantists. 
. . . Tat tvam asi (Thou art that). 
one who had gone through all the other stages of ecstasy, 
to find the key to the narrow door leading to the last. His 
own account deserves to be reproduced, for it belongs not 
only to the sacred texts of India, but to the Archives of 
the West, wherein are preserved all the documents relating 
to the revelations of the science of the Spirit. 
" The naked man, Tota Puri, taught me to detach my 
mind from all objects and to plunge it into the heart of 
the Atman. But despite all my efforts, I could not cross 
the realm of name and form and lead my spirit to the 
Unconditional state. I had no difficulty in detaching my 
mind from all objects with the one exception of the too 
familiar form of the radiant Mother, 18 the essence of pure 
knowledge, who appeared before me as a living reality. 
She barred the way to the beyond. I tried on several 
occasions to concentrate my mind on the precepts of the 
Adviata Vedanta ; but each time the form of the Mother 
intervened. I said to Tota Puri in despair, ' It is no good. 
I shall never succeed in lifting my spirit to the " uncon- 
ditional " state and find myself face to face with the Atman/ 
He replied severely, ' What ! You say you cannot ? You 
must I ' Looking about him, he found a piece of glass. He 
took it and stuck the point between my eyes, saying, ' Con- 
centrate your mind on that point/ Then I began to 
meditate with all my might, and as soon as the gracious 
form of the Divine Mother appeared, I used my discrimin- 
ation as a sword, 19 and I clove Her in two. The last barrier 
fell and my spirit immediately precipitated itself beyond 
the plane of ' conditional ' things, and I lost myself in the 
The door of the Inaccessible was only forced with great 
strain and infinite suffering. But hardly had Ramakrishna 
crossed the threshold than he attained the last stage the 
Nirvikalpa Satnadhi wherein subject and object alike 
disappeared. > 
" Always Kali, the Beloved. 
lf This is not a case of the clumsy auto-hypnotism of the hen, 
who falls into a catalepsy along a chalk line in the sun (thus I read 
the disrespectful thought of my Western reader). The action of 
mind described by Ramakrishna was an effort of severe concentra- 
tion, which excluded nothing, but which involved keen and critical 


" The Universe was extinguished. Space itself was no 
more. At first the shadows of ideas floated in the obscure 
depths of the mind. Monotonously a feeble consciousness 
of the Ego went on ticking. Then that stopped too. Noth- 
ing remained but Existence. The soul was lost in Self. 
Dualism was blotted out. Finite and Infinite space were as 
one. Beyond word, beyond thought, he attained Brahman/ ' 
In one day he had realized what it had taken Tota Puri 
forty years to attain. The ascetic was astounded by the 
experience he had provoked, and regarded with awe the 
body of Ramakrishna, rigid as a corpse for days on end, 
radiating the sovereign serenity of the spirit, which has 
reached the end of all knowledge. 
Tota Puri ought only to have stayed three days. He 
remained eleven months for intercourse with the disciple 
who had outstripped his master. Their parts were now 
reversed. The young bird came down from a higher region 
of the sky, whence he had seen beyond the loftiest circle 
of hills. His dilated pupils carried a wider vision than the 
sharp narrow eyes of the old " naga." 20 The eagle taught 
the serpent in his turn. 
This did not come about without considerable opposition. 
Let us put the two seers face to face. 
Ramakrishna was a small brown man with a short beard 
and beautiful eyes, " long dark eyes, full of light, obliquely 
set and slightly veiled, 81 never very wide open, but seeing 
half-closed a great distance both outwardly and inwardly. 
His mouth was half open over his white teeth in a bewitch- 
ing smile, 22 at once affectionate and mischievous. Of 
medium height, he was thin to emaciation and extremely 
delicate. 28 His temperament was exceptionally highly 
strung, for he was super-sensitivfc to all the winds of joy 
and sorrow, both moral and physical. He was indeed a 
living reflection of all that happened before the mirror of 
his eyes, a two-sided minror turned both out and in. His 
unique plastic power allowed his spirit instantaneously to 
10 The name of the sect to which Tota Purf belonged. Naga 
also means snake. 
11 Mukerji. 
11 Mahendra Nath Gupta. 
if In the journeys he took afterwards with Mathur Babu he 
became tired at once. He could not walk and had to be carried. 
shape itself according to that of others without, however, 
losing its ovmfeste Burg,** the immutable and infinite centre 
of endless nobility. " His speech was Bengali of a homely 
kind . . . with a slight though delightful stammer; but 
his words held men enthralled by the wealth of spiritual 
experience, the inexhaustible store of simile and metaphor, 
the unequalled powers of observation, the bright and subtle 
humour, the wonderful catholicity of sympathy and the 
ceaseless flow of wisdom. 26 
Facing this Ganges with its depths and its reflections, 
its liquid surface and its currents, its windings and meanders 
and the millions of beings it bore and nourished, the other 
rose like the Rock of Gibraltar. He was very tall and 
robust, with magnificent physique, resolute and indestruct- 
ible a rock with the profile of a lion. His constitution 
and mind were of iron. He had never known illness or 
suffering, and regarded them with smiling contempt. He 
was the strong leader of men. Before adopting a wander- 
ing life he had been the sovereign head of a monastery of 
seven hundred monks in the Punjab. He was a master of 
disciplinary method which petrified as argil the flesh and 
the spirit of men. 26 It never entered his head that any- 
thing could check his sovereign will passion, danger, the 
storms of the senses, or the magic force of Divine Illusion, 
which raises the tumultuous waves of existence. To him 
Maya was something non-existent, a void, a lie, which only 
required to be denounced to vanish for ever. To Rama- 
krishna Maya itself was God, for everything was God. It 
too was one face of Brahman. Moreover when he had 
14 That is from the moment when he had succeeded in uniting 
all the threads of the groups of forms and destinies in their centre, 
Brahman. Until then he hail been taken by each in turn. 
11 The last touches of this portrait are taken from the memory 
of an eyewitness still living, Magendranath Gupta. (Cf . Prabuddha 
Bharata, March, 1927, and The Modern Review, May, 1927.) 
* The educational psycho-physiolog^ of our day should interest 
itself in the methods used in the exercise of meditation ; first com- 
fortable seats, then harder and harder ones, then the bare ground, 
while at the same time clothing and food are gradually reduced 
until a state of nakedness and extreme privation is reached. After 
this initiation the novices are scattered to wander through the 
country, first with companions and then alone until the last ties 
binding them to the outside world have been completely severed. 
reached the summit after the stormy ascent, Ramakrishna 
forgot nothing of the anguish, the transports, the accidents 
of the climb. The most insignificant pictures of his journey 
remained in his memory, registered according to their kind, 
each in its own time and place in the wonderful panorama 
of peaks. But what was there for the " naked man " to 
store up in his memory ? His mind was like himself, void 
of emotions and loves " a brain of porphyry," as an Italian 
described the greatest painter of Umbria. 27 This marble 
tablet needed to be carved by the chisel of fruitful suffering ; 
and so it came about. 
In spite of his great intellect, he did not understand that 
love could be one of the paths leading to God. He chal- 
lenged the experience of Ramakrishna and poured scorn on 
prayers said aloud, and on all external manifestations, such 
as music, hymns and religious dances. When he saw 
Ramakrishna at the close of the day beginning his repetition 
of the names of God to the accompaniment of clapping of 
hands, he asked with a derisive smile, " Are you making 
bread ? " 
But in spite of himself the charm began to work within 
him. Certain hymns sung in his companion's melodious 
voice moved him, so that hidden tears came into his eyes. 
The insidious and enervating climate of Bengal also affected 
this Punjabi, although he tried to ignore it. His relaxed 
energy could no longer keep such rigorous control over his 
emotions. There are contradictions, often unobserved by 
their owners, even in the strongest minds. This scorner 
of cults had the weakness to adore a symbol in the shape 
of fire ; for he always kept a lighted one near him. One 
day a servant came to remove some brands, and Tota Puri 
protested against such disrespect* Ramakrishna laughed, 
as only he knew how to laugh, with the gaiety of a child. 
" Look, look," he cried. " You also have succumbed to 
the irresistible power oi*Maya \ " 
Tota Puri was dumbfounded. Had he really submitted 
to the yoke of Illusion without being aware of it ? Illness 
too made his proud spirit realize its limitations. Several 
months in Bengal brought on a violent attack of dysentery. 
17 Pietro Pemgino, the master of Raphael. The judgment is 
He ought to have gone away, but this would have been 
running away from evil and sorrow. He grew obstinate. 
" I will not give in to my body ! " The trouble increased, 
and his spirit could no longer abstract itself. He submitted 
to treatment, but it was of no avail. The sickness grew 
more virulent with every dawn like a shadow gradually 
overcasting the day, and became so overwhelming that the 
ascetic could no longer concentrate his mind on Brahman. 
He was roused to fury by this evidence of decay, by his 
body, and went down to the Ganges to sacrifice it. But 
an invisible hand restrained him. When he had entered 
the stream he had no longer either the will or the power 
to drown himself. He came back utterly dismayed. He 
had experienced the power of Maya. It existed every- 
where, in life, in death, in the heart of pain, the Divine 
Mother ! He passed the night alone in meditation. When 
morning dawned he was a changed man. He acknowledged 
before Ramakrishna that Brahman and Shakti 28 or Maya 
are one and the same Being. The Divine Mother was 
appeased and delivered him from his illness. He bade 
farewell to the disciple who had become his master, and 
went on his way, an enlightened man. 29 
Afterwards Ramakrishna summed up in these words the 
double experience of Tota Puri. 
" When I think of the Supreme Being as inactive, neither 
creating, nor preserving, nor destroying, I call him Brah- 
man or Purusha, the impersonal God. When I think of 
Him as active, creating, preserving, destroying, I call Him 
Shakti or Maya or Prakriti,* the personal God. But the 
distinction between them does not mean a difference. The 
personal and the impersonal are the same Being, in the 
same way as milk and ks whiteness, or the diamond and 
its lustre, or the serpent and its undulations. It is impos- 
i Shakti means Divine Energy, the radiance of Brahman. 
M The departure of Tota Puri took fJlace towards the end of 1865. 
It is possible that it was he who gave to the son of Khudiram the 
famous name of Ramakrishna that he bears to-day, when he initiated 
him as a Sannyasin. (Cf. Saradananda : Sadhaka Bhava, p. 285. 
Note I.) 
Prakriti is " Energy, the Soul of Nature, the power of the will 
to act in the Universe." (Definition of Aurobindo Ghose, who puts 
it in opposition to the " silent and inactive Purusha") 
able to conceive of the one without the other. The Divine 
Mother and Brahman are one." 31 
91 Compare this text with another, less known but still more 
striking, showing what should be our judgment of the impassioned 
cult of JRamakrishna for Kali, and the profound sense of Unity 
underlying this apparent idolatry. 
" Kali is none other than He whom you call Brahman. Kali is 
Primitive Energy (Shakti). When it is inactive we call it Brahman 
(literally : we call That . . .). But when it has the function of 
creating, preserving or destroying, we call That Shakti or Kali. 
He whom you call Brahman, She whom I call Kali, are no more 
different from each other than fire and its action of burning. If 
you think of the one, you automatically think of the other. To 
accept Kali is to accept Brahman. To accept Brahman is to accept 
Kali. Brahman and His power are identical. That is what I call 
Shakti or Kali." 
(Conversations of Ramakrishna with Naren (Vivekananda) and 
Mahendra Nath Gupta, on the subject of the theories of Sankara 
and of Ramanuja published in the Vedanta Kesari, November, 1916.) 
THIS great thought was by no means new. The spirit, 
of India had been nourished upon it for centuries 
and in their course it had been constantly moulded, kneaded, 
and rolled out by Vedantic philosophy. It had been the 
subject of interminable discussions between the two great 
Vedantic schools, that of Sankara the pure Advaita school 
and the Ramanuja or Visistadviata school (qualified 
monism). 1 The first, the absolute non-Dualist, considers 
the Universe unreal and the Absolute the only reality; 
the second, relatively non-Dualist, recognizes Brahman as 
1 It is impossible to give here a full explanation of the deep and 
often complicated system of Vedantic metaphysics. But it may 
be useful to give a brief summary of the two principal systems. 
Sankara, the greatest name in Indian philosophy, lived in the 
second half of the eighth century A.D. He was the genius of the 
Brahmanic spirit working in antagonism to the Buddhist, although 
it was not free from traces of the latter. He professed absolute 
Monism, the unique reality of Brahman- Atman, the " without 
second " (Advaita), the only Substance, one can hardly say the 
only Cause, since its apparent effects the visible world and indi- 
vidual souls are nothing but phenomenal illusory modifications. 
It is useless to seek, as do the Buddhists, for the conquest of the 
Absolute in stages, since all motion of the individual spirit is equal 
to zero. It is in one movement that the veil can and ought to fall 
in order to allow the Unity to shine forth. Formidable though 
this abyss of the One is wherein the world disappears, it has had an 
unparalleled fascination for the spirit of India, whose mirror is 
Sankara. * 
But only a select band of thinkers can fully realize this Himalayan 
ideal of an impersonal Absolute. The individual soul yearns to 
vindicate its reality. After the undivided triumph of the teaching 
of Sankara throughout the ninth and tenth centuries, religious revolt 
raised its standard in the eleventh century in the Tamil. It spread 
to Kashmir and thence to Southern India, where it found an undis- 
puted leader in Ramanuja, the pontiff or saint (Alvar) of the patri- 
we nibble at Its outer shell, but there is a- point of fusion 
when It takes us again into Its great mouth and absorbs 
us into Itself. But before that point of fusion is reached 
where was the salt doll ? Where do the ants come from ? 
In the case of the worker under the lamp, saintly hermit 
or forger, where is his home, where is the object he reads 
and his eyesight itself ? 
Ramaknshna tells us that even the inspired Holy Scrip- 
tures have all been more or less defiled because they have 
passed through human mouths. But is the defilement 
real ? (For it presupposes the purity, the Brahman.) 
Where do the lips and the mouth exist, which have eaten 
some portions of Divine food ? 
The "Differentiated," although it is "without attach- 
ments," must then be some part of the " Undifferentiated " 
especially since " attachment " in the last resort, " union 
between the ' Undifferentiated ' and the ' Differentiated ' 
is, to use Ramakrishna's own words, " the real object of 
the Vedanta." * 
In fact Ramaknshna 5 distinguishes two distinct planes 
and stages of vision : that under the sign of Maya, which 
creates the reality of the " differentiated " universe, and 
the super-vision of perfect contemplation (Samadhi) wherein 
one instant's contact with the Infinite is sufficient to make 
the Illusion of all " differentiated " egos, our own and 
other men's, disappear immediately. But Ramakrishna 
expressly maintains that it is absurd to pretend that the 
world is unreal so long as we form part of it, and receive 
from it for the maintenance of our own identity, the 
4 It is to be noted in passing how the metaphysics of the Advaitic 
Absolute are akin to the doctrines of the pre-Socratian Greeks 
to the doctrine of the " Indeterminate " of Anaximander of Ionia 
for instance, wherein he laid down that all things have been produced 
by separation to the doctrine of the One without Second of Xeno- 
phanes and the Eleates, who* exclude all movement, all change, all 
future, all multiplicity as nothing but Illusion. There is much 
research still to be done before the unbroken chain of thought 
linking the first pioneers of Hellenic philosophy to those of India 
is re-established. 
For this I rely upon the Interviews of 1882, when he was near 
the end of his life and which therefore contain the essence of his 
unquenchable conviction (although hidden in our own lan- 
tern) of its reality. Even the saint who comes down from 
Samadhi (ecstasy) to the plane of ordinary life is forced 
to return to the envelope of his " differentiated " ego, 
however attenuated and purified. He is flung back into 
the world of relativity. " So far as his ego is relatively 
real to him, so far will this world also be real ; but when 
his ego has been purified, he sees the whole world of 
phenomena as the manifold manifestation of the Absolute 
to the senses." 
Maya will then appear under its true colours, at once 
truth and falsehood, knowledge and ignorance (Vidya and 
Avidya), everything that leads to God, and everything 
that does not lead to Him. Therefore it is. 
And his assertion has the personal value of a St. Thomas 
the Apostle, who has both seen and touched, when he 
bears witness to these Vijnanis, these men of super- 
knowledge who win the privilege of " realizing " in this 
life the personal and the impersonal God for he was one 
They have seen God both outwardly and inwardly. He 
has revealed Himself to them. The personal God has 
told them, " I am the Absolute. I am the origin of 
' differentiation/ " In the essence of Divine Energy 
radiating from the Absolute they have perceived the very 
principle differentiating the supreme Atman and the 
universe, that which is alike in the Absolute God and in 
Maya. Maya, Shakti, Prakriti, Nature is no Illusion. To 
the purified ego She is the manifestation of the supreme 
Atman, the august sower of living souls and of the 
From that moment everything became plain. The 
visionary hurled back from the gulf on fire with Brahman, 
discovered with rapture that on the brink the Divine 
Mother, his Beloved, was awaiting him. And he saw 
Her now with new eyes, for he had grasped her deep 
significance, Her identity with the Absolute. She was 
the Absolute manifesting Herself to men, the Impersonal 
made man or rather woman. 6 She was the source of all 
In India the personal God is conceived also as a female principle : 
Prakriti, Shakti. 
Incarnations, the Divine Intercessor between the Infinite 
and the finite. 7 
Then Ramakrishna intoned the Canticle of the Divine 
" Yea ! My Divine Mother is none other than the 
Absolute. She is at the same time the One and the Many, 
and beyond the One and the Many. My Divine Mother 
says, ' I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the Brahman 
of the Vedanta, I am the Atman of the Upanishads. It is 
I, Brahman, who created differentiation. Good and bad 
works alike obey me. The Law of Karma 8 in truth exists ; 
but it is I who am the Lawgiver. It is I who make and 
unmake laws. I order all Karma, good and bad. Come 
to Me ! Either through Love (Bhakti), through Knowledge 
T Compare the part of the Son in Christian mysticism. 
" Effulgence of my glory, Son Beloved (It is God who speaks) 
Son, in whose face invisible is beheld 
Visibly, what by Deity I am, 
And in whose hand what by decree I do, 
Second Omnipotence I . . ." 
(Milton, Paradise Lost, VI, 680.) 
This might have been said by Ramakrishna with the exception 
perhaps of the word " second," which makes the expression sub- 
ordinate to the Supreme Will creating it. But both of them are 
the same Omnipotence. The God of Milton, like the Brahman of 
Ramakrishna, being the Absolute, not manifest, could not act ; 
He wished and it was the Son who was the Creator God, the acting 
God (as was the Mother in the case of Ramakrishna). The Son is 
the Word, He speaks, He dies, He is born, He is made manifest. 
The Absolute is the invisible God. 
" Fountain of light, Thyself invisible. . . ." 
(Paradise Lost, III, 374.) 
He is impalpable and inconceivable. He is immovable and 
nevertheless omnipresent ; for he is im all things : 
" The Filial Power arrived, and sat him down 
With his great Father ; for he also went 
Invisible, yet stayed (such privilege 
Hath Omnipresence) . . ." 
(Paradise Lost, VII, 588.) 
(Cf. Denis Saurat : Milton and Material Christianity in England, 
1928.) The similarity of the mysticisms is obvious and natural. 
Both had their origin in the East, and both came from the same 
human brain with its limited operation. 
1 Action the generating power of successive existences. 
(Jnana) or through Action (Karma), for all lead to God. 
I will lead you through this world, the Ocean of action. 
And if you wish it, I will give you the knowledge of the 
Absolute as well. You cannot escape from Me. Even 
those who have realized the Absolute in Samadki return to 
Me at My will/ My Divine Mother is the primordial 
Divine Energy. She is omnipresent. She is both the 
outside and the inside of visible phenomena. She is the 
parent of the world, and the world carries Her in its heart. 
She is the Spider and the world is the web She has spun. 
The Spider draws the thread out of Herself and then winds 
it round Herself. My Mother is at the same time the 
container and the contained. 9 She is the shell, but She is 
also the kernel/ 1 
The elements of this ardent Credo are borrowed from 
the ancient sources of India. Ramakrishna and his fol- 
lowers never claimed that the thought was new. 10 The 
Master's genius was of another order. He roused from 
lethargy the Gods slumbering in thought and made them 
incarnate. He awoke the springs in the " sleeping wood " n 
and warmed them with the heat of his magic personality. 
And so this ardent Credo is his own in its accent and its 
transport, in its rhythm and melody, in its song of passionate 
love. 12 
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, according to M., a son of the 
Lord and a disciple. (In the Life of Vivekananda, last edition, 
10 On the contrary their tendency was to deny the fact, even 
when they might have claimed originality. The great religious 
minds of modern India, and, I believe, of all other countries, have 
this in common, that their very power lies in the assurance that 
their truth is a very ancient one, and eternal verity, the Verity. 
Dayananda, the stern founder of the Arya Samaj, was very angry 
if new ideas were attributed to him. 
11 An allusion to the title of the well-known fairy story, " The 
Sleeping Beauty." 
(The French title is : La Belle au Bois Dormant, and its literal 
translation is : the Beauty in the Sleeping Wood. TRANSLATOR.) 
11 It must not be forgotten that its poetic and musical elements 
are in part borrowed from the popular treasures of Bengal. We have 
seen (p. 9) how his mind had been impregnated with the classical 
Vaishnavite poets through their adaptations in the jatras or popular 
theatrical representations. He often sung a hymn from the works 
of Kabir, but his mind was also stored with the works of more 
Listen closely to it, for it is a magnificent. song, illimitable 
and yet harmonious. It is not confined within the form 
of any poetic measure, but it falls of itself into an ordered 
beauty and delight. Adoration of the Absolute is united 
without effort to the passionate love of Maya. Let us keep 
in our ears its cry of love until we can measure its depth 
later by listening to Vivekananda. The great fighter, 
caught in the toils of Maya, tried to break them, and he 
and she were constantly at war. Such a state was com- 
pletely foreign to Ramakrishna. He was at war with 
nothing. He loved his enemy as a lover, and nothing 
could resist his charm. His enemy ended by loving him. 
Maya enfolded him in Her arms. Their lips met. Armide 
had found her Renaud. 18 The Circe who bewitched crowds 
of other suitors became for him the Ariadne who led Theseus 
by the hand through the mazes of the labyrinth. Illusion, 
the all-powerful, who hoods the eyes of the falcon, unhooded 
Ramakrishna's and threw him from Her wrist into the 
wide regions of the air. Maya is the Mother 14 who reveals 
recent poets and musicians. (Cf. The Gospel of Ramakrishna.) One 
of the oldest and one for whom he seems to have had a particular 
affection was Rama Prasad, a poet of the eighteenth century. 
Ramakrishna constantly quoted and sang his sacred hymns to the 
Divine Mother. It was to Prasad that Ramakrishna owed some of 
his most striking metaphors (that of the flying kite, for example, 
mentioned later) and some characteristic traits of the Mother (the 
mischievous twinkle in the corner of Her eye, when She made use 
of Illusion to bewilder the child She loved). 
Among the other poet-musicians mentioned in the Gospel I note 
the names of Kamalakanta, a pandit of the beginning of the nine- 
teenth century, a devotee of the Mother ; Nareschandra, belonging 
to the same period, also a devotee of Kali ; Kubir, a Bengal Vaish- 
navite saint of the same epoch, author of popular songs ; and among 
the more recent, Premdas (his real name was Trailokya Sannyal) a 
disciple of Keshab, author of songs, which often owed their inspira- 
tion to the improvisations of Ramakrishna, and Girish Chandra 
Ghosh, the great dramatist, who became Ramakrishna's disciple 
(songs from his plays, Chailanya-lila, Buddha-charity, etc.). 
11 Allusion to the characters of Torquato Tasso's poem, Jerusalem 
14 Or the " eldest sister." Elsewhere Ramakrishna said to Keshab 
Chundra Sen, " Maya is created by the Divine Mother, as forming 
part of her plan of the universe." The Mother plays with the world. 
The world is Her toy. " She le ~ 
lets slip the flying kite of the soul, 
held by the string of illusion " (October, 1882). 
Herself to Her children through the various forms of Her 
splendour and by Divine Incarnations. With Her love, 
with the fire of Her heart (Bhakti) She moulds the sheath 
of the ego so well that it becomes no more than " something 
that has length but no breadth/' a line, a point, which melts 
under the magic fingers of this subtle refiner into Brahman. 
So praised be the fingers and the water ! Praised be 
the face and the veil ! All things are God. God is in all 
things. He is in the shadow as well as in the light. Inspired 
by the English " Mortalists " of the seventeenth century, 16 
Hugo said that the Sun is only the shadow of God. 16 
Ramakrishna would have said that the shadow is also light. 
But it is because like all true Indian thinkers he believes 
in nothing that he has not first " realized " throughout his 
entire being that his thought has the breath of life. The 
" conception " of the idea regains with him its plain 
and carnal meaning. To believe is to embrace, and after 
the embrace to treasure within oneself the ripening fruit. 
When a Ramakrishna has once known the grasp of such 
truths, they do not remain within him as ideas. They 
quicken into life ; and fertilized by his Credo, they flourish 
and come to fruition in an orchard of " realizations," no 
longer abstract and isolated, but clearly defined and having 
a practical bearing on everyday life for the satisfaction of 
the hunger of men. He will find the Divine Flesh, which 
he has tasted and which is the substance of the universe 
again, the same, at all tables and all religions. And he 
will share the food of immortality in a Lord's Supper, not 
with twelve apostles, but with all starving souls with the 
* * * 
After the departure ofr Tota Puri towards the end of 
1865 Ramakrishna remained for more than six months 
within the magic circle, the circle of fire, and prolonged 
his identity with the Absolute until the limit of physical 
endurance had been reached. For six months, if such a 
statement is credible, he remained in a state of cataleptic 
1 Denis Saurat : Milton and Christian Materialism in England, 
p. 52. 
Cf. Milton, " Dark with excessive light thy skirts appear." 
(Paradise Lost, III, 374.) 
49 E 
ecstasy, recalling the descriptions given of the fakirs of 
old the body, deserted by the spirit like an empty house, 
given over to destructive forces. If it had not been for a 
nephew, who watched over the masterless body and 
nourished its forces, he would have died. 17 It was impossible 
to go further in ecstatic union with the " formless." It is, 
moreover, the extreme period of this long Yogic trance 
which is likely to puzzle, nay, to irritate my French readers, 
who are used to treading on firm earth, and have not 
experienced the shocks of spiritual fires for a long time. 
Patience for a little while longer 1 We shall come down 
from the Mount of Sinai down among men. 
Ramakrishna himself recognized afterwards that he had 
been tempting Providence and that it was a miracle that 
he had ever returned. He was careful to warn his disciples 
against submitting to any such test. He even forbade it 
to Vivekananda, on the ground that it was a form of 
pleasure forbidden to those noble souls, whose duty it was 
to sacrifice their own happiness to the service of others. 18 
17 It is said that a monk who happened to come to Dakshineswar 
at that time, seeing him on the point of breathing his last, recalled 
his escaping life with blows. 
The great disciple, Saradananda, the most learned in Hindu 
metaphysics, and more deeply versed in the intellectual make-up of 
his Master than any who came near Ramakrishna, has described 
this Nirvikalpa Samadhi, this great ecstasy of six months, as a 
state where the consciousness of the ego disappeared completely, 
coming back now and again very gently, just veiling the perfect 
" realization." According to Saradananda, Ramakrishna would 
perceive in these moments of semi-consciousness the order of the 
Cosmic Spirit (or we may style it, the obscure recall and tyranny 
of the vital force) " which forced him to remain in the Bhavamukha." 
It said in effect, " Do not lose complete consciousness of the ego, 
and do not identify thyself with the*transcendental Absolute, but 
realize that the Cosmic ego, wherein are born the infinite modes of 
the universe, is within thee ; at every moment of thy life, see and 
do good in the world." 
And so it was during the descent from this long Samadhi that 
Ramakrishna came to " realize " his divine mission, not perhaps in 
a single day or suddenly, but gradually. In any case it would be 
in the first half of 1866. 
11 How much more then did he dissuade ordinary men from it ; 
for those whose bed in life is a narrow one, would have been sub- 
merged by its torrents to their own hurt and the hurt of the com- 
munity. The way he cured his Sancho Panza, his young nephew, 
When young Naren 19 importuned him to open to him the 
Niroikalpa Samadhi the terrible door leading to the gulf 
of the Absolute Ramakrishna refused with anger, he, 
who never lost his temper and who was always careful 
not to hurt the feelings of his beloved son. " Shame on 
you ! " he cried, " I thought you were to be the great 
banyan tree giving shelter to thousands of tired souls. 
Instead you are selfishly seeking your own well-being. 
Let these little things alone, my child. How can you be 
satisfied with so one-sided an ideal ? You might be all- 
sided. Enjoy the Lord in all ways ! " (By this he meant 
both in contemplation and in action, so that he might translate 
the highest knowledge into the highest service of mankind.) 
Naren wept, humiliated and heartbroken with the duty 
of renunciation. He acknowledged that the Master's 
severity was just, but to the end of his life he carried a 
sick longing in his heart for the Abysmal God, although 
he devoted that life with humility, hardihood and courage 
to the service of man. 
the faithful and matter of fact Hridoy, and his rich patron, Mathur 
Babu, of their longing for the forbidden fruits of ecstasy, shows a 
humour and good sense worthy of Cervantes. 
Hridoy, a good soul and devoted to his uncle but of the earth 
earthy, desired to share his uncle's fame. He thought he had a 
family right to benefit from the spiritual advantages of Rama- 
krishna. He had no patience with the latter 's disinterestedness. 
In vain his uncle tried to dissuade him from experimenting in 
ecstasy. The other persisted, with the result that his brain became 
completely disordered and he had attacks of convulsions and scream- 
ing. " Oh Mother," cried Ramakrishna, " dull the sense of this 
idiot 1 " Hridoy fell to the ground and overwhelmed his uncle 
with reproaches. " What have you done, uncle ? I shall never 
experience these ineffable joys again." Ramakrishna maliciously 
let him alone to do as he pleased. Hridoy was soon visited by 
frightful visions and was obliged to ask his uncle to deliver him. 
The same experience befell the rich Mathur Babu. He longed 
for Ramakrishna to procure the Samadhi for him. Ramakrishna 
refused for a long time, but at last he said, " Very well, so be it, 
my friend." As a result of the coveted Samadhi, Mathur Babu 
lost all interest and sense in business. This was more than he 
had bargained for ; he became very anxious, and wished to go no 
further in the matter, so he besought Ramakrishna to remove 
ecstasy from him for ever. Ramakrishna smiled and cured him. 
19 Narendranath Dutt, the real name of the man who was after- 
wards called Vivekananda. 
But we must remember that at the point we have reached 
in our story, Ramakrishna had not yet finished his Lehrjahre, 
his apprenticeship. It is also noteworthy that his life's 
experience was won at his own risk and expense, and not 
by common experience, as is partly at least the case with 
most of us. 
His recovery was not due to his own merits or his own 
desire. He said that the Mother recalled him to a sense 
of his human duties by physical suffering. He was gradu- 
ally forced back from the Nirvikalpa Samadhi by a violent 
attack of dysentery, which lasted for six months. 
Both physical and moral suffering attached him to the 
earth. A monk, who knew him, 20 has said that during 
the first days of his return from ecstasy to the bosom of 
identity, he howled with pain when he saw two boatmen 
quarrelling angrily. He came to identify himself with the 
sorrows of the whole world, however impure and murderous 
they might be, until his heart was scored with scars. But 
he knew that even the differences leading to strife among 
men are the daughters of the same Mother ; that the 
" Omnipotent Differentiation " is the face of God Himself ; 
that he must love God in all sorts and conditions of men, 
however antagonistic and hostile, and in all forms of 
thought controlling their existence and often setting them 
at variance the one with the other. Above all he must 
love God in all their Gods. 
In short he recognized that all religions lead by different 
paths to the same God. Hence he was eager to explore 
them all ; for with him comprehension meant existence 
and action. 
* (Cf. D. G. Mukerji : The Face of Silence.) 
THE first path to be explored was the religion of Islam. 
He was hardly convalescent when he started out 
upon it at the end of 1866. 
From his temple he saw many Musulman fakirs passing 
by ; for the large-hearted patron of Dakshineswar, Rani 
Rasmani, a nouvclle riche of a debased caste, in the breadth 
of her piety had desired rooms to be reserved in her 
foundation for passing guests of all religions. In this way 
Ramakrishna saw a humble Musulman, Govinda Rai, 
absorbed in his prayers, and perceived through the outward 
shell of his prostrate body that this man through Islam had 
also " realized " God. He asked Govinda Rai to initiate 
him, and for several days the priest of Kali renounced and 
forgot his own Gods completely. He did not worship them, 
he did not even think about them. He lived outside the 
temple precincts, he repeated the name of Allah, he wore 
the robes of a Musulman and was ready imagine the 
sacrilege to eat of forbidden food, even of the sacred animal, 
the cow ! His master and patron, Mathur Babu, was hor- 
rified and begged him to desist. In secret he had food pre- 
pared for Ramakrishna by a Brahmin under the direction 
of a Musulman in order to save him from defilement. The 
complete surrender of himself to another realm of thought 
resulted as always in the spiritual voyage of this passionate 
artist, in a visual materialization of the idea. A radiant 
personage with grave countenance and white beard appeared 
to him (thus he had probably visualized the prophet). He 
drew near and lost himself in him. Ramakrishna realized 
the Musulman God, " the Brahman with attributes.' 1 Thence 
he passed into the " Brahman without attributes/' The 
river of Islam had led him back to the Ocean. 
His expositors have later interpreted this experience, 
following as it did immediately upon his great ecstasy in 
the Absolute, in a very important sense for India, that 
Musulmans and Hindus, her enemy sons, can only be re- 
united on the basis of the Advaita, the formless God. The 
Ramakrishna Mission has since raised a sanctuary to Him 
in the depths of the Himalayas, as the corner-stone of the 
immense and composite edifice of all religions. 
Seven years later (I am grouping the facts for the sake 
of clearness) an experience of the same order led Ramakrishna 
to " realize " Christianity. Somewhere about November, 
1874, a certain Mallik, a Hindu of Calcutta, with a garden 
near Dakshineswar, read the Bible to him. For the first 
time Ramakrishna met Christ. Shortly afterwards the 
Word was made flesh. The life of Jesus secretly pervaded 
him. One day when he was sitting in the room of a friend, 
a rich Hindu, he saw on the wall a picture representing the 
Madonna and Child. The figure became alive. Then the 
expected came to pass according to the invariable order of 
the spirit ; the holy visions came close to him and entered 
into him so that his whole being was impregnated with 
them. This time the inflowing was much more powerful 
than in the case of Islam. It covered his entire soul, 
breaking down all barriers. Hindu ideas were swept away. 
In terror Ramakrishna, struggling in the midst of the waves, 
cried out, " Oh Mother, what are you doing ? Help me ! " 
It was in vain. The tidal race swept everything before it. 
The spirit of the Hindu was changed. He had no room 
for anything but Christ. For several days he was filled by 
Christian thought and Christian love. He no longer thought 
of going to the temple. Then one afternoon in the grove 
of Dakshineswar he saw coining towards him a person with 
beautiful large eyes and a serene regard. Although he 
did not know who it was, he succumbed to the charm of 
his unknown guest. He drew near and a voice sang in 
the depths of Ramakrishna's soul, 
" Behold the Christ, who shed his heart's blood for the 
redemption of the world, who suffered a sea of anguish 
for love of men. It is He, the master Yogin, who is in 
eternal union with God. It is Jesus, Love incarnate." 
The Son of Man embraced the seer of India, the son of 
the Mother, and absorbed him into Himself. Ramakrishna 
was lost in ecstasy. Once again he realized union with 
Brahmin. Then gradually he came down to earth, but 
from that time he believed in the Divinity of Jesus Christ, 
the Incarnate God. 1 But for him Christ was not the only 
Incarnation. Buddha and Krishna were others. 
At this point I can imagine our uncompromising Chris- 
tians, body-guards of their one God, raising their eyebrows 
haughtily, and saying, 
" But what did he know of our God ? This was a vision, 
a figment of the imagination. This was too easy, for he 
knew nothing of the doctrine." 
He did in truth know very little, but he was a Bhakta, 
who believed through love. He did not claim to possess 
the knowledge of the Jnanins, who believed through the 
intellect. But when the bow is firmly held, does not each 
of the two arrows reach the same target ? And do not 
both roads meet for the man who journeys to the very end ? 
Vivekananda, Ramakrishna's great and learned disciple, said 
of him, 
" Outwardly he was Bhakta but inwardly Jnanin.* At 
a certain pitch of intensity great love comprehends and great 
intellect forces the retreats of the heart. Moreover it is 
surely not for Christians to deny the power of love. It 
was love that made the humble fishermen of Galilee the 
chosen disciples of their God and the founders of his Church. 
And to whom did the risen Christ first appear but to the re- 
pentant sinner, whose only claim to the privilege lay in the 
1 He used the title very sparingly, however. He had a great 
veneration for saintly men, such as the Tirthankaras (the founders 
of the Jain religion), and the ten Sikh Gurus, but without believ- 
ing that they were Incarnations. In his own home amongst his 
Divine pictures was one of Christ, and he burnt incense before it 
morning and evening. Later it came to pass that Indian Christians 
recognized in him a direct manifestation of the Christ and went 
into ecstasy before him. 
1 And Vivekananda added, " But with me it is quite the con- 
trary." Another very great religious thinker of India, also a highly 
intellectual man, more deeply imbued with European thought than 
any of his contemporaries, Keshab Chunder Sen, had the noble 
humility to sit at the feet of the Bhakta, whose intuition of heart 
enlightened for Him the spirit underlying the letter. 
tears of love wherewith she had washed the feet of Christ 
and dried them with her hair ? ' ' 
Lastly, knowledge does not consist in the number of books 
a man has read. In Ramakrishna's India, as in the India 
of old, culture is largely transmitted orally, and Ramakrishna 
gained during the course of his life through intercourse with 
thousands of monks, pilgrims, pandits, and all sorts of men 
preoccupied with religious problems, an encyclopaedic know- 
ledge of religion and religious philosophy, a knowledge 
constantly deepened by meditation. 3 " One day a disciple 
wondering at his knowledge asked him, ' How were you 
able to master all past knowledge ? ' And Ramakrishna 
answered, ' I have not read, I have heard the learned. I 
have made a garland of their knowledge wearing it round 
my neck, and I have given it as an offering at the feet of 
the Mother/ " 
He could say to his disciples, 
" I have practised all religions, Hinduism, Islam, Chris- 
tianity, and I have also followed the paths of the different 
Hindu sects. ... I have found that it is the same God 
towards whom all are directing their steps, though along 
different paths. You must try all beliefs and traverse all 
the different ways once. 4 Wherever I look I see men 
quarrelling in the name of religion Hindus, Mohammedans, 
Brahmins, Vaishnavas and the rest, but they never reflect 
that He who is called Krishna is also called Shiva, and 
bears the name of Primitive Energy, Jesus and Allah as 
well the same Rama with a thousand names. The tank 
has several ghats (flights of steps). At one Hindus draw 
water in pitchers, and call it jal ; at another Musulmans 
draw water in leathern bottles, and call it pani ; at a third 
Christians, and call it water. Gan we imagine that the 
water is not jal, but only pani or water 1 How ridiculous ! 
The substance is One under different names and everyone 
is seeking the same Substance ; nothing but climate, tem- 
* Ramakrishna understood Sanskrit though he could not speak 
it. He said, " In my childhood I could gather all that the Sadhus 
were reading in the house of a neighbouring family, even though it 
is true that the sense of individual words escaped me. If a pandit 
spoke in Sanskrit I understood him, but I could not speak it my- 
self." Gospel, II, 17. 
4 Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, 17. 
perament and name vary. 5 Let each man foUow his own 
path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, 
peace be unto him ! He will surely realize Him." 
The period after 1867 added nothing vital to Ramakrishna's 
inner store, 6 but he learnt to use what he had treasured. 
His revelations were brought into contact with the outside 
world and his spiritual conquests were confronted with the 
achievements of other human experience and he realized 
more fully the unique prize that had been awarded him. 
It was during these years that he came to a knowledge of 
his mission among men and his present duty of action. 
He resembles the Little Poor Man of Assisi in many ways 
both moral and physical. He too was the tender brother 
of everything that lives and dies, and had drunk so deep 
of the milk of loving kindness that he could not be satisfied 
with a happiness he could not share with others. On the 
threshold of his deepest ecstasies he prayed to the Mother 
as She was drawing him to Herself, 
" Oh Mother, let me remain in contact with men ! Do 
not make me a dried-up ascetic ! " 
And the Mother, as She drew him back to the shores of 
life from the depths of the Ocean, replied (half consciously 
he heard Her voice), 
" Stay on the threshold of relative consciousness for the 
love of humanity." 7 
And so he returned to the world of men and his first 
experience was a bath of warm and simple humanity. In 
May, 1867, sti U much enfeebled by the crises he had passed 
through, he went to rest for six or seven months in his own 
countryside of Kamarpukur after an absence of eight years. 8 
*Ibid., II, 248. 
6 Except for his Christian* experience, which I have described 
in the previous pages in its logical place, though it belongs chrono- 
logically to the year 1874. 
7 From that time he resisted all temptation to seek an ecstatic 
death and avoided its dangers. He refused to run the risk of cer- 
tain dangerous emotions, such as the sight of a holy place, Gaya, 
in 1868, because it was too full of memories and he knew that he 
would not be able to bring his spirit back to the plane of ordinary 
life. He had received the order from within to stay in the world 
of everyday things in order to help others. 
The Bhairavi Brahmani accompanied him, but the experiences 
of the journey do not rebound to her credit. This eminent woman's 
He gave himself up with the joy of a chilcj to the familiar 
cordiality of the good people of the village, happy at the 
sight of their little Gandahar, whose strange fame had 
reached them and made them rather anxious. And these 
simple peasants were nearer by their very simplicity to the 
profundity of his beliefs than the doctors of the towns and 
the devotees of the temples. 
During this visit he learned to know his child wife. Sarada 
Devi was now fourteen years old. She lived with her parents, 
but she came to Kamarpukur when she knew her husband 
had arrived. The spiritual development of the little wife 
with her pure heart was greater than her age, and she 
understood at once her husband's mission and the part of 
pious affection and tender disinterestedness she was to play 
in it. She recognized him as her guide and put herself at 
his service. 
Ramakrishna has at times been blamed, and very coarsely 
blamed, fl for having sacrificed her. She herself never showed 
any trace of it ; she irradiated peace and serenity throughout 
her life on all who came in contact with her. Moreover, there 
is a fact, which has never before been revealed except by 
Vivekananda, that Ramakrishna himself was gravely aware 
of his responsibility and offered his wife the greatest sacrifice 
of which he was capable if she demanded it his mission. 
" I have learnt/' he said to her, " to look upon every 
woman as Mother. That is the only idea I can have about 
character was not equal to her intelligence, and her meditations 
had not raised her above human weaknesses. Having taught Rama- 
krishna and revealed him to himself, she claimed proprietory rights 
over him. She had already suffered from the ascendancy of Tota 
Puri, and she could not bear to see him re-absorbed in the atmo- 
sphere of his birthplace, monopolized by his old companions to 
whom she was a stranger, without ctremony. Moreover the pres- 
ence of his young wife, humble and sweet though she was, troubled 
her and she had not the tact to hide it. After some painful scenes, 
which did not make her more amiable, she recognized her weakness. 
She begged Ramakrishna's pardon and left him for ever. He met 
her again for the last time in Benares, whither she had retired to 
spend the remainder of her days in a strict search for truth. She 
died shortly afterwards. 
9 This was especially the case from certain Brahmo Samajists, 
who were irritated by Ramakrishna's ascendancy over their leader, 
Keshab Chunder Sen, and they could not forgive him his wide 
you. But if you wish to draw me into the world (of Illusion) , 
as I have been married to you, I am at your service." 10 
Here was something entirely new in the spirit of India. 
Hindu tradition lays down that a religious life ipso facto 
frees a man from every other obligation. Ramakrishna 
had more humanity and recognized that his wife had binding 
rights over him. She was, however, magnanimous enough 
to renounce them, and encouraged him in his mission. But 
Vivekananda specifically declares that it was " by consent 
of his wife " that he was free to follow the life of his choice. 
Touched by her innocence and self-sacrifice, Ramakrishna 
took upon himself the part of an elder brother. He devoted 
himself patiently during the months they were together to 
her education as a diligent wife and good manager. He 
had a great deal of practical common sense curiously at 
variance with his mystic nature. The peasant's son had been 
brought up in a good school and no detail of domestic or rural 
life was alien to him. All who knew him remarked on the order 
and cleanliness of his house, in which respect the Little Poor 
Man of God might have taught his disciples, drawn though 
they were from the intellectual and upper middle classes. 
He returned to Dakshineswar at the end of 1867, and in 
the course of the following year made several pilgrimages 
with Mathur Babu, his patron and the master of his temple. 
In the early months of 1868 he saw Shiva's city, Benares, 
and Allahabad at the sacred junction of the Ganges and 
the Jumna, and Brindaban, the very home of legend and 
of the Song of Songs, the scene of the Romancero pastoral 
of Krishna. His transports, his intoxication may be 
imagined. When he crossed the Ganges before Benares, 
" the city of God " seemed to him not built of stone, but 
like a heavenly Jerusalem, " a condensed mass of spiritu- 
ality/ 1 On the cremating fields of the holy city he saw 
Shiva and His white body and tawny matted locks and 
the Divine Mother bending over the funeral pyres and 
granting salvation unto the dead. When twilight fell on 
the banks of the Jumna, he met the herdsmen leading their 
cattle home, and he was carried away with emotion, and 
ran shouting, " Krishna ! Where is Krishna ? " 
" Vivekananda : My Master. Vol. IV of his Complete Works, 
3rd edition, 1923, p. 169, 
But if he did not see the God Himself, he met something 
else in the course of his travels of greater importance and 
deeper meaning for us of the West he discovered the face 
of human suffering. Up to that time he had lived in a state 
of ecstatic hypnosis within the gilded shell of his sanctuary, 
and the hair of Kali had hidden it from him. When he 
arrived at Deoghar with his rich companion, he saw its 
almost naked inhabitants, the Santhals, emaciated and dying 
of hunger : for a terrible famine was ravaging the land. 
He told Mathur Babu that he must feed these unfortunates. 
Mathur Babu objected that he was not rich enough to 
support the misery of the whole world. Ramakrishna 
thereupon sat down among the poor creatures and wept, 
declaring that he would not move from thence, but would 
share their fate. Croesus was obliged to submit and to do 
the will of his poor priest. 
During the summer of 1870 Mathur made the mistake of 
taking him in the course of another journey to one of his 
estates at the time of the payment of dues. The harvests 
had failed for two years running and the tenants were 
reduced to extreme misery. Ramakrishna told Mathur to 
remit their dues, to distribute help to them and to give 
them a sumptuous feast. Mathur Babu protested but Rama- 
krishna was inexorable. 
" You are only the steward of the Mother/' he said to 
the rich proprietor. " They are the Mother's tenants. You 
must spend the Mother's money. When they are suffering, 
how can you refuse to help them ? You must do so." 
Mathur Babu had to give in. 
These things should not be allowed to fall into oblivion. 
Swami Shivananda, the present head of the Ramakrishna 
Order (the Ramakrishna Math ad Mission), one of the first 
apostles and a direct disciple of the Master, has des- 
cribed the following scene, which he saw with his own 
One day at Dakshineswar, while he was in a condition 
of super-consciousness, Ramakrishna said, 
" Maya is Shiva (all living beings are God). 11 Who then 
11 On another occasion he said, " God is in all men, but all men 
are not in God : that is the reason why they suffer/ 1 (Sri Rama- 
krishna' s Teachings, I, 297.) 
dare talk of showing mercy to them ? Not mercy, but 
service, service for man must be regarded as God 1 " 
Vivekananda was present . When he heard those pregnant 
words, he said to Shivananda, 
" I have heard a great saying to-day. I will proclaim 
the living truth to the world/' 
And Swami Shivananda added, 
" If anyone asks for the foundation of the innumerable 
acts of service done by the Ramakrishna Mission since then, 
he will find it there/' 12 
* * * 
About this time several deaths left the mark of Sorrow's 
cruel, yet brotherly fingers upon Ramakrishna. Though 
a man lost in God, who regarded departure from this life 
as a return to endless bliss, he was seen on the occasion 
of the death of a young friend and nephew to laugh for 
joy and to sing his deliverance. 13 But the day after his 
death he was suddenly assailed by the most terrible anguish. 
His heart was broken, he could hardly breathe and he 
" Oh God ! Oh God ! If it is thus with me, how they 
must suffer, those who lose their loved ones, their children ! " 
And the Mother bestowed upon him the duty and the 
power of administering the balm of faith to mourners. 
" Those who did not see it," Swami Shivananda wrote 
to me, " cannot imagine to what extent this man, so 
detached from the world, was constantly occupied in 
listening to the story of their worldly tribulations, poured 
out to him by men and women alike, and in lightening 
their burdens. We saw innumerable examples of it, and 
there may be some householders still living, who call down 
blessings upon him for Mis infinite pity and his ardent 
11 Ramakrishna set the example of the most humble service. 
He, a Brahmin, went to a pariah's house and asked permission to 
clean it. The pariah, overcome by the proposal, a criminal one in 
the eyes of an orthodox Hindu, which might have exposed his 
visitor and himself to the worst reprisals, refused to allow it. So 
Ramakrishna went to his house at night when all were asleep and 
wiped the floor with his long hair. He prayed, " Oh Mother, make 
me the servant of the pariah ! " (Vivekananda, My Master.) 
19 At that moment he had the vision of a sword drawn from 
the scabbard. 
attempts to relieve the sufferings of men. One day in 
1883 Mani Mallick, a rich and distinguished old man, lost 
his son and came to Ramakrishna with a broken heart. 
He entered so deeply into the old man's sorrow that it 
almost seemed as if he were the bereaved father, and his 
sorrow surpassed Mallick's. Some time passed thus. 
Suddenly Ramakrishna began to sing." 
But not an elegy, not a funeral oration. He sang a 
heroic song, the story of the fight of the soul with death. 
" To arms ! To arms ! Oh Man, death invades thy 
home in battle array. Get up into the chariot of faith, 
and arm thyself with the quiver of wisdom. Draw the 
mighty bow of love and hurl, hurl the divine arrow, the 
holy name of the Mother ! " 14 
" And," concluded Shivananda, " I remember how the 
father's grief was assuaged by it. This song gave him 
back his courage, calmed his sorrow and brought him 
As I describe this scene my thoughts go back to our 
own Beethoven, who without saying a word came and 
sat down at the piano and consoled a bereaved mother 
with his music. 
This divine communion with living, loving, suffering 
humanity was to be expressed in a passionate, but pure 
and pious symbol. When in 1872 his wife came to him 
at Dakshineswar for the first time, 16 the tenderness of 
14 I give a fragment of this song from the Gospel of Ramakrishna. 
The scene was by no means unique. Ramakrishna consoled more 
than one mourner with more than one song. But its heroic character 
always remained the same. 
In the Life of Ramakrishna (pp. 652-53) the account is rather 
different. Ramakrishna listened to tne broken-hearted father ; he 
said nothing but passed into a state of semi-consciousness. Sud- 
denly he began to sing the battle hymn with energetic gestures 
and a radiant face. Then he became normal again and talked 
affectionately to the unhappy man and consoled him. 
D. G. Mukerji also describes the same scene as Swami Shiva- 
nanda and with his usual art. But he was not an eye-witness, 
while Shivananda and the author of the GospM were. 
11 She stayed with him from March, 1872, to November, 1873, 
from April, 1874, to September, 1875, again in 1882 and finally in 
1884, when she remained with him until the end. The story of 
her first journey to rejoin her husband, when she was in bad health, 
Ramakrishna, a tenderness compounded of religious respect 
purged of all trace of desire and sensual disturbance, 
recognized the Goddess under her veil, and he made a 
solemn avowel of it. One night in May, when everything 
had been prepared for worship, he made Sarada Devi sit 
in the seat of Kali, and as a priest he accomplished the 
ritual ceremonies, the Shorashi Puja, 16 the adoration of 
womanhood. Both of them were in a condition of semi- 
conscious or super-conscious ecstasy. When he came to 
himself he hailed his companion as the Divine Mother. 
In his eyes She was incarnate in the living symbol of 
immaculate humanity. 17 
* * * 
His conception of God, then, was one which grew by 
degrees, from the idea of the God who is omnipresent and 
in whom everything is absorbed, like a sun fusing every- 
thing in itself, to the warm feeling that all things are God, 
like so many little suns, in each of which He is present and 
active. Both, it is true, contain the same idea, but the 
second reverses the first, so that not only from the highest 
to the lowest, but from the lowest to the highest, there is 
a twofold chain joining without a break the one Being to 
all living Beings. Thus man becomes sacred. 
Two years before his death, April 5, 1884, he said, " I 
can now realize the change that has taken place in me. 
A long time ago Vaishnav Charan told me that when I 
could see God in man, I should have attained the per- 
and bravely accomplished with much fatigue and no little danger, 
is one of the most touching chapters in the life of Ramakrishna. 
(See Note I at the end of the volume a charming adventure, the 
meeting of Sarada Devi with the brigands.) No less extraordinary 
was her first stay of twenty Inonths and the common life led by 
the two mystics, both equally chaste and equally passionate. 
lf A Tantric ceremony. 
17 The sole witness of this strange scene was the priest from the 
neighbouring temple of Vishnu. 
Ramakrishna's cult of womanhood did not limit itself to his 
blameless wife. Ha recognized the Mother even in the most de- 
graded prostitutes. 1 " I myself have seen this man standing before 
these women," said Vivekananda, " and falling on his knees at 
their feet, bathed in tears, saying ' Mother, in one form Thou art 
in the street and in another form Thou art the universe. I salute 
Thee, Mother. I salute Thee/ " (My Master.) 
fection of knowledge. At the present moment I see that 
it is He who moves under a diversity of forms sometimes 
as a pious man, sometimes as a hypocrite, sometimes even 
as a criminal. So I say, ' Narayana in the pious man, 
Narayana in the hypocrite, Narayana in the criminal and 
the libertine.' " 18 
I must take up again the course of his life, so that my 
readers may not lose the thread of the story, and that 
they may know in advance where the river is flowing 
despite its immense meanders, and windings, at times 
seeming to dissipate itself in numerous channels, and at 
others appearing to turn back on its course. 
I take it up again at a point round about 1874 when 
the full cycle of religious experience had been achieved, 
and when, as he says himself, he had plucked the three 
beautiful fruits of the tree of Knowledge Compassion, 
Devotion 19 and Renunciation. 20 
During the same period his interviews with the eminent 
men of Bengal had made him aware of the inadequacy 
of their knowledge and of the great starving void awaiting 
him in the soul of India. He never ceased to make use of 
all the sources within his reach for adding to his knowledge, 
from the religious or the learned, from the poor or the 
18 Life of Ramakrishna, p. 543. Narayana is a certain aspect 
of Brahmin or Purusha, the supreme Soul, who brings forth gods 
and men. (Cf . Paul Masson-Oursel : Outline of the History of Indian 
Philosophy, p. 105.) 
lf The word Devotion, the term sanctioned by the European 
translations of Hindu mysticism, is quite inadequate to express 
the sentiment of a passionate gift of self implied in it. The true 
meaning of the old word ought to be revived, as it was used in 
Christian mysticism, for that gives its exact parallel, viz. Dedica- 
tion. (Cf. Ruysbroeck, Of Inward Dedication.) "If we wish to 
belong to God through inward dedication, we shall feel in the depth 
of our wills and in the depth of our love what may be called the 
welling up of a living spring, which will rise to eternal life." (De 
septem custodiis libellus, trans. E. Hello.) 
What Hindu Bhakta is there who will fail to recognize himself 
in the act of " dedication " described here by the Flemish priest 
of the fourteenth century ? 
10 " Compassion, Devotion and Renunciation are the glorious 
fruits of knowledge." (Interviews of Ramakrishna with the cele- 
brated pandit, Vidya-Sagar, August 5, 1882. Cf. Life of Rama- 
krishna, p. 526.) 
6 4 
rich, from wandering pilgrims or pillars of science and 
society. Personal pride was quite alien to him ; he was 
instead rather inclined to think that each " seeker after 
truth" had received some special enlightenment, which 
he himself had missed, and he was anxious to pick up the 
crumbs that fell from their table. He therefore sought 
them out wherever they might be found without consider- 
ing how he might be received. 21 
At this point it is necessary to give the European reader 
a brief summary of the great movement stirring in the 
soul of India for the past sixty years. Too little is heard 
of this mighty reawakening, although the centenary of 
one of its most memorable dates, the foundation of the 
Brahmo Samaj, was celebrated in India this very year 
(1928). Humanity as a whole ought to have joined with 
India to commemorate its genial founder ; for despite all 
obstacles he had the will and the courage to inaugurate 
co-operation between the East and the West on a basis 
of equality, and between the forces of reason and the 
power of faith. He did not understand faith to mean a 
11 1 have already pointed out that in his temple he had the daily 
opportunity of talking to the faithful of all sorts and all sects. 
From the moment when the Bhairavi Brahmani had announced 
that he was a man visited of God, that he was perhaps an Incar- 
nation, people came to see him from far and near. Thus between 
1868 and 1871 he saw many famous personalities, such as the great 
Bengali poet, a convert to Christianity, Michael Madhusadan Dutt, 
and the masters of Vedantic learning like the pandits Narayan 
Shastri and Padma Lochan. In 1872 he met Visvanath Upadhyaya 
and Dayananda, the founder of the Arya Samaj, of whom I shall 
speak in the next chapter. It has not been possible for me to 
ascertain precisely the date of his visit to Devendranath Tagore. 
The Hindu authorities do not agree upon this point. It cannot 
have been later than 1869-70. The Tagores give 1864-65 as the 
approximate date. The authorized biographer of Ramakrishna 
(Mahendra Nath Gupta) ascribes it to 1863 on the ground that 
Ramakrishna gave it to be understood that in the course of this 
visit he sa>w Keshab Chunder Sen officiating in the pulpit of the 
Arya Samaj. Keshab was only the minister of the Samaj from 
1862 to 1865 ; and there are several reasons why Ramakrishna 
could not have made the journey in 1864-65. At all events it was 
in 1875 that he visited Keshab after he had become the head of 
the new reformed Brahmo Samaj, and it is from that year that 
their relations of cordial friendship date. 
65 F 
blind acceptance, as it has degenerated into among down- 
trodden races, but rather a living and seeing intuition. 
I speak of Ram Mohun Roy. 22 
II As a general picture I recommend the recent work of K. T. 
Paul : The British Connection with India, 1927, London, Student 
Christian Movement, which traces with a sure hand the evolution 
of the national movement and the Hindu religious movements 
during the last century. K. T. Paul, an Indian Christian and the 
friend of Gandhi, a great and impartial mind filled with the thought 
alike of the East and of the West, unites in this work the historical 
precision of Europe and its science of facts with the science of the 
soul, a peculiarly Indian science. 
(Cf . the panoramic sketch, which I published in the Paris review, 
Europe, December 15, 1928, " India in Movement/') 
In its number of October, 1928, the Indian review, Prabuddha 
Bharata, published a very interesting paper of Swami Nikhilananda, 
which he had previously read in August, 1928, to the Convention 
of Religions at the Centenary of the Brahmo Samaj, on " The Pro- 
of Religion during the last Hundred Years " (in India). 
RAM MOHUN ROY, an extraordinary man who ushered 
in a new era in the spiritual history of the ancient 
continent, was the first really cosmopolitan type in India. 
During his life of less than sixty years (1774-1833) he 
assimilated all kinds of thought from the Himalayan myths 
of ancient Asia to the scientific reason of modern Europe. 1 
He belonged to a great aristocratic Bengal family,* 
bearing the hereditary title of Roy, and he was brought 
up at the court of the Great Mogul, where the official 
language was Persian. As a child he learnt Arabic in the 
Patna schools and read the works of Aristotle and Euclid 
in that language. Thus besides being an orthodox Brahmin 
1 Fat the life and works of this great forerunner, see Raja Ram 
Mohun Roy, his Writings and Speeches, 1925, Natesan, Madras, 
whose interest is marred by chronological inexactitude ; and the 
excellent pamphlet of Ramananda Chatterjee : Ram Mohun Roy 
and Modern India, 1918, The Modern Review Office, Calcutta. 
These works are based in part on the biography written by Miss 
Sophia Dobson Collett, who knew him personally. 
(Cf. N. C. Ganguly, fragments of an important volume bearing 
on Roy, published in September, 1928, by The Modern Review of 
Calcutta in a series entitled *' The Builders of India.") 
Manilal C. Parekh : Rajarshi Ram Mohun Roy, 1927, Oriental 
Christ House, Rajkot, Bombay, and Professor Dhirendranath Chpw- 
dhuri : " Ram Mohun Roy, the Devotee," The Modern Review, 
October, 1928. 
This year, the centenary of the foundation of the Brahmo Samaj, 
gave rise in India to the publication of many studies of Ram Mohun 
For the Brahmo Samaj, the church founded by Roy, see Siva 
Math Sastry : History of the Brahmo Samaj, 2 vols., 1911, Calcutta. 
1 His family came originally from Murehidabad, He was born 
at Burdwan in Lower Bengal 
by birth 8 he was nurtured in Islamic culture. He did not 
discover the works of Hindu theology until he began to 
study Sanskrit between the ages of fourteen and sixteen 
at Benares. His Hindu biographers maintain that this was 
his second birth ; but it is quite conceivable that he had no 
need of the Vedanta to imbibe a monotheistic faith. Contact 
with Islam would have implanted it in him from infancy, 
and the sciences and practice of Hindu mysticism only re- 
inforced the indelible influence of Sufism, whose burning 
breath had impregnated his being from his earliest years. 4 
The ardour of his combative genius, mettlesome as a 
young war horse, led him when he was sixteen to enter 
upon a bitter struggle, destined to last as long as life itself, 
against idolatry. He published a book in Persian with a 
preface in Arabic attacking orthodox Hinduism. His out- 
raged father thereupon drove him from home. For four 
years he travelled in the interior of India and Thibet, 
studying Buddhism without growing to love it, and risking 
death from Lamaist fanaticism. At the age of twenty the 
prodigal son was recalled by his father and returned home. 
In a vain attempt to attach him to the world he was married, 
but no cage could contain such a bird. 
When he was twenty-four he began to learn English, as 
well as Hebrew, Greek and Latin. He made the acquaint- 
ance of Europeans and learnt their laws and their forms of 
government. As a result he suddenly cast aside his 
* On his father's side his family was Viashnavite. 
4 The intuitive power and mystic enlightenment of his nature 
have been somewhat obscured, especially in the West, by his repu- 
tation as a man of vigorous reasoning power and as a social re- 
former fighting against the mortal and deadly prejudices of his 
people. But the mystic side of his^ genius has been brought to 
the fore again by Dhirendranath Chowdhuri. The freedom of his 
intellect would not have been so valuable if it had not been based 
upon devotional elements equally profound and varied. From in- 
fancy he appears to have given himself up to certain practices 
of Yogist meditation, even to Tantric practices, which he later 
repudiated, concentrating for days on the name or on one attribute 
of God, repeating the word until the Spirit manifested its presence 
(the exercise of Purascharana), taking the vows of Brahmachariya 
(chastity) and silence, practising the mystic exercises of Sufism, 
more satisfying than the Bhakti of Bengal, which he found too 
sentimental for his proud taste. But his firm reason and will never 
resigned their functions. They governed his emotions. 
prejudice against the English and made common cause 
with them. In the higher interests of his people he won 
their confidence and took them as allies. He had dis- 
covered that only by depending on Europe could he hope 
to struggle for the regeneration of India. Once more he 
began his violent polemics against barbarous customs such 
as Sati, the burning of widows. 6 This raised a storm of 
opposition culminating in his definite expulsion from his 
family in 1799 at the instance of the Brahmins. A few 
years later even his mother and his wives, his nearest and 
dearest, refused to live with him. He spent a dozen hard 
and courageous years, abandoned by all except one or 
two Scottish friends. After accepting a post as tax- 
collector, he gradually rose until he became the ministerial 
chief of the district. 
After his father's death he was reconciled to his own 
people and inherited considerable property. The Emperor 
of Delhi made him a Rajah, and he had a palace and sump- 
tuous gardens in Calcutta. There he lived in the state of 
a great lord, giving magnificent receptions in the oriental 
style with troups of musicians and dancers. His portrait is 
preserved for us in the Bristol Museum. It reveals a face 
of great masculine beauty and delicacy with large brown 
eyes. He is wearing a flat turban like a crown, and a shawl 
is draped over a robe of Franciscan brown. 6 Although he 
lived as a Prince of the Arabian Nights, he did not allow 
it to interfere with his ardent study of the Hindu Scriptures 
or his campaign for restoring the pure spirit of the Vedas. 
To this end he translated them into Bengali and English 
and wrote commentaries upon them. He went even further. 
Side by side with the Upanishads and the Sutras, he made 
a close study of the Christian Testaments. It is said that 
he was the first high caste Hindu to study the teachings of 
Christ. After the Gospels he published in 1820 a book on 
It is said that in 1811 he was present at the burning of a young 
sister-in-law, and that the horror of the sacrifice, heightened by the 
struggles of the victim, upset him completely, so that he had no 
peace until he had freed the land from such crimes. 
He had adopted Mohammedan costume. In vain he tried later 
to impose it at the meetings of the Brahmo Samaj. In dress he 
possessed an aesthetic taste and hygienic sense of cleanliness and 
comfort, which belonged rather to Islam than to Hinduism. 
the Precepts of Jesus, a Guide to Peace and Happiness. 
About 1826 for some time he became a member of a Uni- 
tarian Society, founded by one of his European friends, the 
Protestant minister Adam, who secretly flattered himself 
that he had converted Roy to Christianity, so that he might 
become its great apostle to the Indians. But Roy was no 
more to be chained to orthodox Christianity than to ortho- 
dox Hinduism, although he believed that he had discovered 
its real meaning. He remained an independent theist, 
essentially a rationalist and moralist. He extracted from 
Christianity its ethical system, but he rejected the Divinity 
of Christ, just as he rejected the Hindu Incarnations. As 
a passionate Unitarian he attacked the Trinity no less than 
polytheism ; hence both Brahmins and missionaries were 
united in enmity against him. 
But he was not the man to be troubled on that account. 
As all other churches were closed to him 7 he opened one 
for himself and for the free believers of the universe. It 
was preceded by the founding of the Atmiya Sabha (the 
Society of Friends) in 1815 for the worship of God, the One 
and Invisible. In 1827 he had published a pamphlet on 
the Gayatri, supposed to be the most ancient theistic 
formula of the Hindus. Eventually in 1828 his chief friends, 
among whom was Tagore, gathered at his house and founded 
a Unitarian Association, destined subsequently to have a 
startling career in India, under the name of the Brahmo 
Samaj 8 (Adi Brahmo Samaj), the House of God. It was 
dedicated to the " worship and adoration of the Eternal, 
Unsearchable and Immutable Being, who is the Author 
and Preserver of the Universe." He was to be worshipped 
" not under or by any other name, designation or title 
peculiarly used for and applied* to any other particular 
7 With the exception of the excellent Adam's Unitarian Church, 
which was not in a prosperous condition. 
The name of Brahmo Samaj appears erroneously for the first 
tune in the deed of purchase of land whereon the Unitarian temple 
was built in 1829. 
Its first meeting was held on August 25, 1828. Every Satur- 
day from seven to nine recitations of the Vedas, readings from 
the Upaniahads, sermons on Vedic texts, the singing of hymns 
mostly composed by Roy himself and accompanied musically by 
a Mohammedan, took place. 
Being or Beings by any man or set of men whatever." The 
church was to be closed to none. Ram Mohun Roy wished 
that his Brahmo Samaj should be a universal house of 
prayer, open to all men without distinction of colour, caste, 
nation or religion. In the deed of gift he laid down that 
no religion " shall be reviled or slightly or contemptuously 
spoken of or alluded to." The cult was to encourage " the 
promotion of the contemplation of the Author and Preserver 
of the Universe " and " of charity, morality, piety, bene- 
volence, virtue and the strengthening the bonds of union 
between men of all religious persuasions and creeds." 
Roy then wished to found a universal religion, and his 
disciples and admirers voluntarily called it " Universalism." 
But I cannot accept this term in its full and literal mean- 
ing ; for Roy excluded from it all forms of polytheism from 
the highest to the lowest. The man who wishes to regard 
without prejudice religious realities at the present day must 
take into account that polytheism, from its highest expres- 
sion in the Three in One of the Christian Trinity to its most 
debased, holds sway over two-thirds at least of mankind. 
Roy calls himself correctly a " Hindu Unitarian," and did 
not hesitate to borrow from the two great Unitarian religions, 
Islam and Christianity. 9 But he defended himself stren- 
uously against the reproach of " eclecticism," and his 
disciples are agreed on that point. He held that doctrine 
ought to rest on original synthetic analysis, sounding the 
depths of religious experience. It is not then to be con- 
founded with the monism of the Vedanta nor with Christian 
unitarianism. The theism of Roy claims to rest on two 
poles, the " absolute " Vedanta and the Encyclopaedic 
thought of the eighteenth century in the Formless God 
and Reason. * 
It was not easy to define and it was still less easy to 
realize after he had gone ; for it implied a rare harmony 
of critical intelligence and faith going as far as the enlighten- 
ment of a noble mysticism consistently controlled and 
dominated by reason. Royally constituted physically and 
morally, he was able to attain the heights of contemplation 
Rain Mohun Roy's Hindu Unitarianism is nearer to the Bible 
than the doctrines of his immediate successors at the head of the 
Bnthmo Samaj, especially Devendranath Tagore. 
without losing for an instant the balance of his everyday 
life or interrupting his daily course ; he was protected 
against and disdainfully avoided the emotional excess to 
which the Bhaktas of Bengal were a prey. 10 It was not 
until we reach Aurobindo Ghose a century later that we 
find the same aristocratic freedom of diverse powers linked 
to the highest type of mind. It was not easily communic- 
able and in fact proved impossible to communicate intact. 
Noble and pure though the successors of Ram Mohun Roy 
were, they changed his doctrine out of all recognition. 
Nevertheless the Constitution of the Brahmo Samaj the 
Magna Carta Dei which included such part as could be 
understood and assimilated by his successors, founded a 
new era in India and Asia and a century has merely proved 
the grandeur of its conception. 
Roy emphasized its other practical aspect in his vigorous 
campaigns for social reform, 11 supported by the English 
10 (Cf. Dhirendranath Chowdhuri : " Ram Mohun Roy, the 
Devotee," The Modern Review, October, 1928 :) 
..." the Raja would be frequently found absorbed (in Brahma- 
samadhi), all his distractions notwithstanding. . . . For the Raja 
Samadhi is not an abnormal physiological change of the body that 
can be effected at will, not unconsciousness generated as in sound 
sleep, but the highly spiritual culture of perceiving Brahmin in 
all and the habit of surrendering the self to the higher self. 
Atmasakshatkar to him was not to deny the existence of the world 
. . . but to perceive God in every bit of perception . . . Ram 
Mohun was pre-eminently a Sadhaka. . . . Though a Vedantist 
in every pulse of his being, he did not fail to perceive that the 
Upanishads were not sufficient to satisfy the Bhakti hankerings of 
the soul, nor was he able to side with the Bhakti cult of Bengal. 
. . . But he hoped that the needs of Bhakti would be met by 
the Sufis. . . ." 
11 We cannot attempt to give here a full list of his innumerable 
reforms or attempted reforms. Let \t suffice to mention among 
the chief Sati (the burning of widows), which he proved to be 
contrary to the sacred texts and which he persuaded the British 
Government to forbid in 1829 and his campaign against polygamy 
his attempts to secure the remarriage of widows, inter-caste mar- 
riage, Indian unity, friendship between Hindus and Musulmans, 
Hindu education, which he wished to model on the same scientific 
lines as Europe and for which he wrote in Bengali numerous text- 
books on Geography, Astronomy, Geometry, Grammar, etc., the 
education of women based on the example of ancient India, liberty 
of thought and of the Press, legal reforms, political equality, etc. 
In 1821 he founded a Bengali newspaper, the father of the native 
administration, more liberal and more intelligent than that 
of to-day. 12 There was nothing parochial about his pat- 
riotism. He cared for nothing but liberty and civil and 
religious progress. Far from desiring the expulsion of 
England from India, he wished her to be established there 
in such a way that her blood, her gold and her thought 
would intermingle with the Indian, and not as a blood- 
sucking ghoul leave her exhausted. He went so far as 
to wish his people to adopt English as their universal lan- 
guage, to make Indian Western socially and then to achieve 
independence and enlighten the rest of Asia. His news- 
papers were impassioned in the cause of liberty on behalf 
of all the nations of the world Ireland, Naples crushed 
under reaction, revolutionary France in the July Days of 
1830. But this loyal partisan of co-operation with England 
could speak frankly to her, and he did not conceal his 
intention of breaking with her if his great hopes of her as 
a leader in the advancement of his people were not realized. 
Towards the end of 1830 the Emperor of Delhi sent him 
as his ambassador to England ; for Roy wished to be present 
Press of India, a Persian paper, another paper called the Ved Mandir 
for the study of Vedic science. Moreover, India owes to him her 
first modern Hindu college and free schools, and ten years after 
his death the first school for women in Calcutta (1843). 
11 The recent blunders of the Indian Government and the legiti- 
mate desire of India to free herself from it, the spirit of brutal 
and narrow pride of which Lord Curzon as Viceroy was the most 
striking type, and the spirit of narrow and vainglorious incompre- 
hension reflected in literature in the works of Kipling, ought not to 
allow the moral debt which India owes to the British administra- 
tion to be forgotten. Without her aid the social awakening of 
India during the nineteenth century would have been impossible, 
and the same is true of her un^ty through the language of her con- 
querors. Not to mention the admirable work of the Englishmen 
who rediscovered Sanskrit from William James to William Carey 
and Wilson, there were the superior merits of the great Governor- 
Generals of the first days of the conquest the disinterestedness of 
Clive, the high intelligence of Warren Hastings, who wrote (who 
remembers the fact now ?) " that the writings of Indian philoso- 
phers would survive when British dominion in India should have 
long since ceased to exist. 
Ram Mohun Roy would never have been able to make headway 
against the violence of fanatical Brahmins nor to realize certain of 
his most pressing social reforms without the friendship and support 
of the Governor-General, Lord William Bentinck. 
at the debate in the Commons for the renewal of the Charter 
of the East India Company. He arrived in April, 1831, 
and was warmly received at Liverpool, at Manchester, at 
London and at Court. He made many illustrious friends, 
Bentham among their number, paid a short visit to France, 
and then died of brain fever at Bristol on September 27, 
1833, where he is buried. His epitaph runs : 
" A conscientious and steadfast believer in the Unity of 
Godhead : he consecrated his life with entire devotion to 
the worship " or to use the language of Europe, its mean- 
ing being the same, " of Human Unity." 
This man of gigantic personality, whose name to our 
shame is not inscribed in the Pantheon of Europe as well 
as of Asia, sank his ploughshare in the soil of India and 
sixty years of labour left her transformed. A great writer 
of Sanskrit, Bengali, Arabic, Persian and English, the father 
of modern Bengali prose, the author of celebrated hymns, 
poems, sermons, philosophic treatises and political contro- 
versial writings of all kinds, he sowed his thoughts and his 
passion broadcast. And out of the earth of Bengal has 
come forth the harvest a harvest and works and men. 
* * * 
The poet's grandfather, Dvarakanath Tagore, a friend of 
Ram Mohun Roy, was the chief supporter of the Brahmo 
Samaj after the latter's death ; 18 Rabindranath's father, 
Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), Roy's second successor 
after the interregnum of Ramchandra Vidyabagish, was the 
man who really organized the Brahmo Samaj. This noble 
figure, aureoled in history with the name of Saint (Maharshi) 
bestowed upon him by his people, merits some attempt at 
a short description. 14 
He had the physical and spiritual beauty, the high intd- 
11 Dvarakanath, like Roy, died during a journey to England 
in 1846. This double death in the West is a sign of the current 
carrying towards Europe the first pilots of the Brahmo Samaj. 
14 Devendranath left an autobiography in Bengali (translated 
into English by Satyendranath Tagore and Indiri Devi, 1909, Cal- 
cutta), which gives the story of the long pilgrimage of his inner 
life from the depths of illusion and superstition to the Spirit of 
the Living God, and is in reality the religious Journal of his soul. 
(Of. an excellent little article by M. Dugard in Feuilks de I'Inde, 
ist volume, 1928, C. A. H6gman, editor, Boulogne-sur-Seine.) 
lect, the moral purity, the aristocratic perfection, which he 
bequeathed to his children ; moreover, he possessed the 
same deep and warm poetic sensibility. 
Born at Calcutta, the eldest son of a rich family, brought 
up in orthodox traditions, his adolescence was exposed to 
the seductions of the world and the snares of pleasure, from 
which he was rescued by a visitation of death to his home. 
But he was to pass through a long moral crisis before he 
reached the threshold of religious space. It is characteristic 
that his decisive advances were always the result of poetic 
emotions roused by some accidental happening : the wind 
that carried to him the name of Hari (Vishnu), chanted to 
a dying man on a night of full moon on the banks of the 
Ganges ; or the words of a boatman during a storm " Be 
not afraid ! Forward ! " or again the wind that blew a 
torn page of Sanskrit to his feet, whereon were written 
words from the Upanishads, which seemed to him the voice 
of God " Leave all and follow Him ! Enjoy His inexpres- 
sible riches. ..." 
In 1839 with his brothers and sisters and several friends 
he founded a Society for the propagation of the truths in 
which they believed. Three years later he joined the 
Brahmo Samaj and became its leading spirit. It was he 
who built up its faith and ritual. He organized its regular 
worship, founded a school of theology for the training of 
ministers, preached himself and in 1848 wrote in Sanskrit 
the Brahmo Dharma, " a theistic manual of religion and 
ethics for the edification of the faithful." 15 He himself 
considered that it was inspired. 16 The source of his inspir- 
1 An English translation has just been published by H. Chundra 
Sarkar. The Brahmo Dharma has had a large circulation in India, 
where it has been translated into different dialects. 
" It was the Truth of God that penetrated my heart. These 
living truths came down into my heart from Him who is the Life 
and .the Light and the Truth." (Devendranath.) He dictated the 
first part in three hours, and the whole of the treatise was pro- 
duced " in the language of the Upanishads like a river ; spiritual 
truths flowed through my mind by His grace. 1 ' The danger with 
this process of inspired legislation, the natural expression of a man 
of Devendranath's temperament, is that, on the one hand, his 
Brahmo Samaj maintained that " Truth is th.e only eternal and 
imperishable scripture " and did not recognize any other holy book 
as scripture, and, on the other, that Ttuth rested on the authority 
ation, of quite a different order from that- of Ram Mohun 
Roy, was almost entirely the Upanishads but subjected to 
a free interpretation. 17 Devendranath afterwards laid down 
the four articles of faith of the Brahmo Samaj : 
1. In the beginning was nothing. The One Supreme 
Being alone existed. He created the universe. 
2. He alone is the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Good- 
ness and Power, Eternal and Omnipresent, the One without 
3. Our salvation depends on belief in Him and in His 
worship in this world and the next. 
4. Belief consists in loving Him and doing His will. 
The faith of the Brahmo Samaj then is a faith in a One 
God, who created the universe out of nothing, and who is 
characterized essentially by the Spirit of Kindness, and 
whose absolute adoration is necessary for the salvation of 
man in the next world. 
I have, no means of judging whether this is as purely 
Hindu a conception as Devendranath thought it was. But 
it is interesting to note that the Tagore family belong to 
a community of Brahmins called Pirilis, or chief Ministers, 
as posts occupied by its members under the Musulman 
regime. In a sense they were put outside caste by their 
relations with Mohammedans ; 18 it is, however, perhaps 
not too much to say that the persistent rigour of their 
theism has been due to this influence. From Dvarakanath 
to Rabindranath they have been the implacable enemies of 
all forms of idolatry. 19 
According to K. T. Paul, Devendranath had to wage a 
of this inner outpouring which had issued in the last resort from 
several of the Hindu Scriptures, chosen and commented upon in a 
preconceived sense. 
1T Devendranath's attitude to the Holy Books was not always 
consistent. Between 1844 and 1846 at Benares he seems to have 
considered that the Vedas were infallible, but later after 1847 he 
abandoned fills idea and individual inspiration gained the upper hand. 
" (Cf. Manjulal Dave : The Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore, 1927.) 
" Over the door of Shantiniketan, the home of the Tagores, an 
inscription runs : " In this place no image is to be adored." But 
it goes on to add : " And no man's faith is to be despised." 
Islamic influences in the infancy of Ram Mohun Roy as well 
must always be borne in mind in considering the penetration of 
the Indian spirit with the current of monotheism. 
prolonged struggle, on the one hand against the practices 
of orthodox Hinduism, and, on the other, against Christian 
propaganda which sought to gain a footing in the Brahmo 
Samaj. The need for defence led him to surround the 
citadel with a fortification of firm and right principles as 
picket posts. The bridge was raised between it and the 
two extremes of Indian religion polytheism, which Deven- 
dranath strictly prohibited, 20 and the absolute monism of 
Sankara ; for the Brahmo Burg was the stronghold of the 
great Dualism of the One and personal God and Human 
Reason, to whom God has granted the power and the right 
to interpret the Scriptures. I have already pointed out 
that in Devendranath's case and still more that of his 
successors, Reason had a tendency to be confused with 
religious inspiration. About 1860 from the depths of an 
eighteen months' retreat in the Himalayas near the Simla 
Hills he produced a garland of solitary meditation. 21 These 
10 To such a degree that at his father's death in 1846 the eldest 
son, whose business it was to arrange the funeral ceremonies, re- 
fused to bow to family tradition because it included idolatrous rites. 
The scandal was so great that his family and friends broke with 
him. I must not linger over the years of noble trial which followed. 
Devendranath devoted himself to the crushing task of paying back 
his father's creditors in full and of meeting all the engagements 
made by his prodigality ; for he died heavily in debt. 
11 His young son, Rabindranath, accompanied him. 
I love to associate with the magnificent memories of this im- 
passioned retreat in the Himalayas, the wonderful appeal later 
addressed by Rabindranath to the " Shepherd of the peoples." 
" Ruler of peoples' minds and builder of India's destiny. Thy 
name rises in the sky from summits of the Himalayas and Vindhyas, 
flows in the stream of the Ganges and is sung by the surging sea. 
" In Thy name wake Punjab and Sind, Maratha and Gujrat, 
Dravid, Utval and Vanga. They gather at Thy feet asking for 
Thy blessing and singing Thy* victory. 
" Victory to Thee, Giver of good to all people, Victory to Thee, 
Builder of India's destiny. 
" yhere sounds Thy call and they come before 
Hindus and Buddhists, the Jains and Sikhs, the 
mans and Christians. The East and the West 
love at Thy shrine. 
" Victory to Thee who makest one the min^ 
" Victory to Thee, Builder of India's destifl 
Call to the Fatherland.) 
In point of fact Rabindranath profited 
given to the primitive Brahmo Samaj by 
thoughts were later expanded into improvised sermons 
deeply moving to his Calcutta public. Further he bestowed 
upon the Brahmo Samaj a new liturgy inspired by the 
Upanishads and impregnated with an ardent and pure 
A short time after his return from the Himalayas in 1862 
he adopted as his coadjutor Keshab Chunder Sen, a young 
man of twenty-three, who was destined to surpass him and 
to provoke a schism, or rather a series of schisms in the 
Brahmo Samaj. 
This man, 22 who only lived from 1838 to 1884, irresolute, 
restless but at the same time inspired, was the chief per- 
sonality to influence the Brahmo Samaj during the second 
half of the nineteenth century. He enriched and renewed 
it to such an extent that he endangered its very existence. 
He was the representative of a different class and gener- 
ation much more deeply impregnated with Western influ- 
ences. Instead of being a great aristocrat like Roy and 
Devendranath, he belonged to the liberal and distinguished 
middle class of Bengal, who were in constant intellectual 
touch with Europe. He belonged to the sub-caste of 
physicians. His grandfather, a remarkable man, the native 
11 For Keshab Chunder Sen, see 
1. Pandit Gour Govindo Roy : Nine volumes have appeared of 
a biography in Bengali. 
2. Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar (his chief disciple and successor) : 
The Faith and Progress of the Brahmo Samaj, 1882, Calcutta. Aims 
and Principles of Keshab Ch. Sen, 1889, Calcutta. 
3. Promotho Loll Sen : Keshab Chunder Sen, a Study, 1902, new 
edition, 1915, Calcutta. 
4. T. L. Vaswami : Sri Keshab Ch. Sen t a Social Mystic, 1916, 
5. B. Mozoomdar (President of the Keshab Mission Society) : 
Professor Max Mutter on Ramakrishna ; the world on Keshab Ch. 
Sen t 1900, Calcutta. 
6. Manila! C. Parekh : Brahmarshi Keshab Ch. Sen, 1926, Rajkot, 
Oriental: Christ House. 
(This work by an Indian Christian disciple is the only one to 
show clearly Keshab's Christianity. It was at first tentative, but 
gradually took possession of him more and more definitely and 
7* Keshab Chunder Sen : A Voice from the Himalayas, a collec- 
tion oithe lectures delivered by Keshab at Simla in 1868, preceded 
by an iatro^ /v *^** T*V Simla. 
secretary of the Asiatic Society, had control over the publi- 
cation of all the editions of books published in Hindustani. 
He was left an orphan at an early age, and was brought 
up in an English School. It was this that made him so 
different from his two predecessors ; for he never knew 
Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular forms 
of the Hindu religion. 28 Christ had touched him, and it 
was to be his mission in life to introduce him into the 
Brahmo Samaj, and into the heart of a group of the best 
minds in India. When he died The India Christian Herald 
said of him : " The Christian Church mourns the death of 
its greatest ally. Christians looked upon him as God's 
messenger, sent to awake India to the spirit of Christ. 
Thanks to him hatred of Christ died out/' 
This last statement is not quite correct ; for we shall see 
to what point Keshab himself had to suffer as the champion 
of Christ. The real significance of his life has been obscured 
by most of the men who have spoken of him even within 
the Brahmo Samaj ; for they were offended by the heresy 
of their chief and tried to hide it. He himself only revealed 
it by degrees, so that it is through documents written as 
long as twenty years before his death that we learn from 
his own lips that his life had been influenced from his youth 
up by three great Christian visitants, John the Baptist, 
Christ and St. Paul. 24 Moreover in a serious confidential 
11 It is only natural that in spite of this fact he never lost 
the religious temperament peculiar to his race. Pratap Chunder 
Mozoomdar in the course of a conversation in 1884 with Rama- 
krishna related the mystic childhood of Keshab. (The Gospel of Sri 
Ramakrishna.) He was early " marked by non-attachment to the 
things of this world " and absorbed in inward concentration and 
contemplation. " He was even subject to fits of loss of conscious- 
ness due to excess of devotiofl." He later applied the forms of 
Hindu religious " devotion " to non-Hindu religious objects. And 
the " Vaishnavited " form of Christianity he adopted was accom- 
panied by a constant study of Yoga. 
14 Easter, 1879 ; Lecture : India Asks, Who is Christ ? 
"... My Christ, my sweet Christ, the brightest jewel of my 
heart, the necklace of my soul for twenty years have I cherished 
Him in this my miserable heart. 1 ' 
January, 1879 ; Lecture : Am I an Inspired Prophet ? 
" What was it that made me so singular in the earlier years of 
my life ? Providence brought me into the presence of three very 
singular persons in those days. They were among my soul's earliest 
letter to his intimate disciple, Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar, 26 
a letter of primary importance passed over in silence by 
non-Christian Brahmos, he shows us how he was waiting 
until the time was ripe to make public avowal of his faith 
in Christ. The double life Keshab led for so long, was partly 
caused by the duality of his own character, compounded 
as it was of the diverse and incompatible elements of the 
East and the West, which were in constant conflict with 
each other. Hence it is very difficult for the historian to 
make an impartial study ; Hindu biographers, in nearly 
every case hotly partizans, have done nothing to lighten 
his task. 26 He was introduced to the Brahmo Samaj by 
acquaintances. I met three stately figures, heavenly, majestic, and 
full of divine radiance. . . . (The first) John the Baptist was 
seen going about in the wilderness of India, saying, ' Repent ye, 
for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand/ ... I fell down at the 
feet of John the Baptist. ... He passed away, and then came 
another prophet far greater than he, the prophet of Nazareth. 
... ' Take no thought for the morrow/ These words of Jesus 
found a lasting lodgment in my heart. Hardly had Jesus finished 
his words, when came another prophet, and that was the travelled 
ambassador of Christ, the strong, heroic and valiant Apostle Paul. 
. . . And his words (relating to chastity) came upon me like a 
burning fire at a most critical period of my life." 
It should be added that he had gained a knowledge of the New 
Testament at the English College, for a chaplain used to read it 
to the young people, translating it from the Greek. 
15 In this letter, whereon the exact date does not appear, but 
which it is safe to assume was written to Mozoomdar directly after 
his famous lecture in 1866 on " Jesus Christ, Europe and Asia," 
Keshab explained himself thus : 
"... I have my own ideas about Christ, but I am not bound 
to give them out in due form, until the altered circumstances of 
the country gradually develop them out of my mind. Jesus is 
identical with self-sacrifice, and as He lived and preached in the 
fullness of time, so must He be in -ftini preached in the fullness of 
time ... I am, therefore, patiently waiting that I may grow with 
the age and the nation and that the spirit of Christ's sacrifice may 
grow therewith." (Cf. Manilal C. Parekh : op. cit. t pp. 29-31.) 
" Tfie author does not attempt to hide his grudge against these 
historians ; for nearly all of them seem to consider history as a 
mass of "material wherein one is at liberty to choose only those 
facts which serve to plead a personal cause, and systematically to 
ignore the rest. (This is apart from the superb indifference to 
scientific exactitude, which characterizes all Hindu historians : it 
is a miracle if a few dates can be gleaned here and there : even 
when they do appear they have been scattered with such careless 
Devendranath T.agore's son, a student of the same college, 
and during the early days of his admission, young Keshab 
was surrounded with love. He became the darling of 
Devendranath and of the young members of the Brahmo 
Samaj, who felt themselves drawn into closer contact with 
him than with the noble Devendranath, dwelling in spite 
of himself in Olympian isolation as the result of his breeding 
and idealism. 27 Keshab had a social sense and wished to 
rouse the same feeling throughout India. A hyper-indi- 
vidualist by nature and doubtless just because this was the 
case, 28 he early in life recognized that part of the evils of 
his country arose out of this same hyper-individualism, and 
that India needed to acquire a new moral conscience. " Let 
all souls be socialized and realize their unity with the people, 
the visible community/ 1 This conception, uniting 29 the 
hand that it is impossible to rely upon them.) This short disser- 
tation on Keshab's personality and its development has had to be 
rewritten three times, after the discovery of essential points, either 
omitted or twisted out of all recognition by his accredited Indian 
87 " Devendranath was too preoccupied by his personal relation- 
ship to God to feel more than moderately the call of social responsi- 
bilities." From a letter of a friend of the Tagores. 
18 His chief disciple, Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar, said that he 
constantly struggled against the flights of his mystic nature, and 
that " he always succeeded in containing them " (a fact which is 
not altogether true) ; "for the great object of his life was to bring 
religion within the reach of heads of families/' in other words to 
re-establish it in ordinary e very-day life. This was one of the 
sources of those contradictions in his character, which compro- 
mised his work. He attempted to reconcile the irreconcilable 
the mystic upspringing natural to him, and the canalization of 
the divine stream for the moral and social service of the com- 
munity Theocentrism and anthropocentrism, to use the language 
of Western mysticism as analysed by the able Henri Br6mond. 
Both of them, moreover, in the case of Keshab existed in the 
highest degree. But his rich nature, too plastic, too perpetually 
receptive to all spiritual foods offered for the satisfaction of his 
appetite, which was greater than his faculty for absorption, made 
him a living contradiction. It is said that while at College he 
played the part of Hamlet in a performance of Shakespeare's play. 
In point of fact he remained the young prince of Denmark to the 
end of his life. 
In theory at least. In practice Keshab never succeeded in 
touching the masses. His thought was too impregnated with 
elements alien to the thought of India. 
8l G 
each one of whom was charged with his own special message, 
and was to be accepted without special attachment to any 
single one. He threw open his Church to men of all countries 
and all ages, and introduced for the first time extracts 
from the Bible, the Koran, the Zend Avesta 86 into 
the manual of devotional lessons for the use of the 
Brahmo Samaj. But far from dying down, feeling ran 
Keshab was not the man to be unmoved by it. His 
sensitive and defenceless heart suffered more than most 
from disaffection. Public misunderstanding, the desertion 
of his companions, heavy material difficulties, and over 
and above all the torments of his own conscience, perhaps 
even doubts as to his mission added to " a very lively 
sense of weakness, of sin and of repentance " peculiarly 
his own as distinct from most of the other religious spirits 
of Hinduism, 86 resulted in a devastating crisis of soul, which 
lasted throughout 1867. He was alone with his grief, with- 
out any outside help, alone with God. But God spoke to 
him, so that the religious experience of that year when 
he was racked by conflicting emotions, as he daily officiated 
as divine priest by himself in his house, led to a complete 
transformation not only in his ideas but in their expression. 
Up till then he had been the chief among religious intellec- 
tuals, a moralist, a stranger to sentimental effusions, which 
had been repellent to him ; but now he was flooded by a 
torrent of emotion love and tears and gave himself up 
to it in rapture. 
This was the dawn of a new era for the Brahmo Samaj. 
* This manual, called the Slokasangraha (1866), though a great 
deal larger than Devendranath's, never had such a wide circulation 
in India as the Brahmo Dharma. Nevertheless Keshab followed the 
true tradition of Roy when he said that " the harmony of religions 
was the real mission of the Brahmo Samaj. 1 ' 
11 It was P. C. Mozoomdar who noted in him this " sense of 
sin " so curiously at variance with the spirit of Devendranath as 
well as Ramakrishna and above all of Vivekananda. We shall see 
later that Vivekananda denounced it as evidence of a weak dis- 
position, a real mental malady, for which be threw the blame on 
Christianity. The state of mind that Keshab systematically cul- 
tivated culminated in a sermon delivered in 1881 : We Apostles of 
the New Dispensation, where he likened himself to Judas much to 
the scandal of his hearers. 
8 4 
The mysticism 'of the great Bhakta, Chiatanya, and the 
Sankirtans were introduced within its walls. From morning 
till night there were prayers and hymns accompanied by 
Vaishnavite musical instruments, and feasts of God ; 37 and 
Keshab officiated at them all, his face bathed in tears he, 
who, it was said, had never wept. The wave of emotion 
spread. Keshab's sincerity, his spirit of universal com- 
prehension and his care for the public weal brought him 
the sympathy alike of the best minds of India and England, 
including the Viceroy. His journey to England in 1870 
was a triumphal progress. The enthusiasm he roused was 
equal to that inspired by Kossuth. During his six months' 
stay 88 he addressed seventy meetings of 40,000 persons 
and fascinated his audiences by the simplicity of his English 
and by his musical voice. He was compared to Gladstone. 
He was greeted as the spiritual ally of the West, the Evan- 
gelist of Christ in the East. In all good faith both sides 
were labouring under delusions, destined to be dissipated 
during the following years, not without a naive deception 
of the English. For Keshab remained deeply Indian at 
heart and was not to be enrolled in the ranks of European 
Christianity. On the other hand, he thought he could 
enroll it. India and the Brahmo Samaj profited from the 
good disposition of the government. 89 In its reconstituted 
form, it spread in all directions, to Simla, Bombay, Lahore, 
Lucknow, Monghyr, etc. A mission tour undertaken by 
Keshab across India in 1873 with the object of bringing 
about unity among the brothers and sisters of the new 
faith, a tour which was the forerunner of the great voyage 
of exploration undertaken twenty years later by Vivekan- 
17 It is noticeable that on Ijjiis occasion there was no question 
of Christ. The Bhakti of Chaitanya is another aspect of Keshab's 
religion. " Thus/' wrote P. C. Mozoomdar, " Keshab stood at the 
threshold of his independent career with the shadow of Jesus on 
the one hand, and the shadow of Chaitanya on the other." His 
enemies took account of it in 1884 when some of them reported 
maliciously to Ramakrishna that Keshab had claimed to be " a 
partial incarnation of Christ and Chaitanya." 
11 He came to know Gladstone, Stuart Mill, Max Miiller, Francis 
Newman, Dean Stanley, etc., personally. 
* Especially in the case of several reforms, among them a legis- 
lative one directly concerning the Brahmo Samaj the legal recog- 
nition of Brahmo marriages. 
anda in the guise of a wandering Sannyasin. The tour 
opened up new horizons and he believed that he had found 
the key to popular polytheism, so repugnant to the Brahmo 
Samaj, and that he could make an alliance between it and 
pure theism. But to this union, realized spontaneously by 
Ramakrishna at the same time, Keshab brought a spirit 
of intellectual compromise. He was obliged to convince 
himself (he failed to convince the polytheists) that their 
gods were at bottom nothing but the names of different 
attributes of the one God. 
" Their (Hindu) idolatry," he wrote in The Sunday 
Mirror, " is nothing but the worship of divine attributes 
materialized. If the material shape is given up, what 
remains is a beautiful allegory. . . . We have found out 
that every idol worshipped by the Hindu represents an 
attribute of God, and that each attribute is called by a 
peculiar name. The believer in the New Dispensation is 
required to worship God as the possessor of all those 
attributes, represented by the Hindu as innumerable, or 
three hundred and thirty millions. To believe in an 
undivided Deity, without reference to the aspects of his 
nature, is to believe in an abstract God, and it would lead 
us to practical rationalism and infidelity. If we are to 
worship Him in all His manifestations, we shall name one 
attribute Lakshmi, another Saraswati, another Mahadeva, 
etc., etc. . . ." 
This meant a great step forward in religious compre- 
hension, embracing as it did the greater part of mankind. 
But it never came to anything because Keshab intended 
that his Theism should have all the real power and poly- 
theism was to receive nothing but outward honour. On 
the other hand, he avoided Advaitism, absolute Monism, 
which has always been forbidden to the Brahmo. The result 
was that religious reason sat on the fence separating the 
two camps of the two extreme faiths. The prevailing 
situation was not an exact equilibrium of rest and the 
position in which Keshab insisted on placing himself could 
not be a permanent one. For he believed that he was 
called by God to dictate His new revealed law, the New 
Dispensation, from thence. He began to proclaim it in 
40 August i, 1880 : " The Philosophy of Idol worship." 
1875, 41 the year when his relations with Ramakrishna 
Like so many self-appointed legislators, he found it 
difficult to establish law and order in his own mind, especially 
as he wished his legislation to be all embracing and to 
include Christ and Brahman, the Gospels and Yoga, religion 
and reason. Ramakrishna reached the same point in all 
simplicity through his heart, and made no attempt to fence 
his discovery within a body of doctrine and precept ; he 
was content to show the way, to set the example, to give 
the impetus. Keshab adopted at the same time the methods 
of an intellectual European at the head of a school of 
comparative religion and the methods of inspired persons 
of India and America Bhakti in tears, Revivals and public 
He gave to each of his favourite disciples a different 
form of religion to study 42 and Yoga to practise. 48 His 
skill as a teacher was shown in choosing for each disciple 
the one best adapted to his individual character. He 
himself oscillated between two advisors, both equally dear 
to him the living example of Ramakrishna to whom he 
41 In the Lecture : " Behold the Light of Heaven in India." 
4> Each of his four chosen disciples dedicated himself to a life- 
long study of one of the four great religions, and in some cases was 
absorbed into the subject of his study : Upadhyaya Gour Govindo 
Roy was given Hinduism and produced a monumental work, a 
Sanskrit commentary on the Gita and a life of Sri Krishna : Sadhu 
Aghore Nath studied Buddhism, and wrote a life of Buddha in 
Bengali, following in his footsteps until he was cut off in the prime 
of a saintly life : Bhai Girish Chunder Sen devoted himself to Islam, 
translated the Koran and wrote a life of Mahomet and several other 
works in Arabic and Persian. Finally Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar 
studied Christianity and published a book called The Oriental Christ. 
He was so impregnated with its spiritual atmosphere that real 
Indian Christians such as Manilal C. Parekh, sprang from the school 
of thought he founded. 
4i After January i, 1875, when he inaugurated the new method 
of spiritual development usually called the Dispensation, he varied 
the paths of the soul (Yogas) according to the character of his 
disciples, recommending Bhakti to some, Jnana to others, Raja to 
others. The different forms of devotion were linked together by 
the different names or attributes of God. (Cf. P. C. Mozoomdar.) 
I shall return to this point in the second part of this volume when 
I study Hindu mysticism and the different kinds of Yoga. 
went for guidance in ecstasy, and the precepts of the Christian 
faith as practised by an Anglican monk, who later became 
a Roman Catholic, Luke Rivington. Moreover he could 
never choose between the life of God and the life of the 
world, and with disarming sincerity he maintained that 
the one was not necessarily harmful to the other. 44 
But the confusion of his mind wronged him and reacted 
on the Brahmo Samaj, all the more because he was a man 
" of the most transparent sincerity/' 46 who neglected the 
most elementary precautions to conceal the changeableness 
and heterogeneity of his nature. The result was a new 
schism in the Brahmo Samaj in 1878, and Keshab found 
himself the butt of violent attacks from his own people, 
who accused him of having betrayed his principles. 46 The 
majority of his friends deserted him and so he fell fatally 
into the hands of the few faithful ones that remained 
Ramakrishna and Father Luke Rivington. Moreover this 
new trial reopened the door to a whole flood of professions 
of the Christian faith, which became more and more explicit 
and in accordance with the deepest metaphysics of Christi- 
anity. Thus in the lecture " Am I an Inspired Prophet ? " 
(January, 1879), he described his childish visions of John 
the Baptist, Christ and St. Paul ; in " India asks, Who 
is Christ ? " (Easter, 1879), he announced to India the 
coming of " the Bridegroom . . . my Christ, my sweet 
Christ, born of God and man 1 '; 47 and in "Does God 
44 His well-wishers, such as Ramakrishna, did not fail to remark 
with a touch of malice that this saintly man left his affairs in good 
order and a rich house, etc., when he died. Keshab did not renounce 
the pleasures of society, he took an active part in amusements and 
played in the dramas acted in his house. (Cf. The Gospel of Sri 
Ramakrishna, April, 1884.) But Ramakrishna never doubted his 
sincerity. It was unimpeachable. He only regretted that such a 
religious and gifted man should remain half-way to God instead 
of giving himself entirely to Him. 
41 Promotho Loll Sen : op. cit. 
4i The occasion was a domestic one, the marriage of his daughter 
before the age established by the law of the Brahmo Samaj to a 
Maharaja. But here again, as in the schism with Devendranath, 
the real cause was hidden. A third Brahmo Samaj was founded, 
the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, more narrow and definitely anti- 
4T " My Master Jesus . . . Young men of India . . . Believe 
and remember . . . He will come to you as self-surrender, as 
Manifest Himself Alone ? " he showed the son sitting on 
the right hand of the Father. 48 
All these pronouncements, however, did not hinder him 
from dictating at the same time from the heights of the 
Himalayas his famous Epistle to Indian Brethren (1880) 
for the jubilee of the Brahmo Samaj, announcing in a 
pontifical tone " Urbi et Orbi," 49 the Message entrusted 
to him by God, the New Dispensation. One might believe 
that the words came out of the Bible : 
" Hearken, Oh Hindustan, the Lord your God is one." 
So begins the Epistle to the Indian Brethren. 
" Jehovah the great spirit, whose clouds thunder ' I am/ 
whom the heavens and the earth declare/' (ibid.) 
" I write this epistle to you, dear and beloved friends, 
in the spirit and after the manner of St. Paul, however 
unworthy I am of his honoured Master. . . . (ibid.) 
But he adds, 
" Paul wrote full of faith in Christ. As a theist I write 
to you this, my humble epistle, at the feet, not of one 
prophet only, but of all the prophets in heaven and earth, 
living or dead. . . /' 
For he claimed to be the fulfilment of Christ the fore- 
" The New Dispensation is the prophecy of Christ ful- 
filled. . , . The Omnipotent speaks to-day to our country 
as formerly he did to other nations. . . /' 50 
At this moment he even believed that he was formed 
of the same stuff as the Spirit of God. 
ascetism, as Yoga . . . The Bridegroom cometh . . . Let India, 
beloved India, be dressed in all her jewellery." 
Again Keshab declared in his articles in the Indian Mirror, 
11 What the Brahmo Samaj aid to clear the moral character of 
Christ more than twelve years ago, it does with respect to His 
divinity at the present day." (April 20, 1879.) There were no 
half measures about this. Christ was God. 
And again, " The Mosaic dispensation only ? Perhaps the Hindu 
dispensation also. In India He will fulfil the Hindu dispensation." 
4i This lecture followed and completed another : God- Vision in 
the nineteenth century, wherein Keshab in his homage to science, 
is a forerunner of Vivekananda, who has joined heaven and earth. 
41 Urbi et OrWthat is to say, the City (Rome) and the world 
(like the Roman Pope). 
Cf. sermon : " Behold the Light of Heaven in India " (1875). 
" The Spirit of God and my inner self are knit together. 
If you have seen me, you have seen Him. . . ." 
What then does the Omnipotent, whose voice he is, 
have to declare ? What " new Love, new Hope, new Joy 
does he bring ? " (" How sweet is this new Evangel. 11 ) 
This is what Jehovah as God of India dictates to the 
new Moses : 
" The infinite Spirit, whom no eye hath seen, and no 
ear hath heard, is your God, and you should have none 
other God. There are two false gods, raised by men of 
India in opposition to the All Highest the Divinity which 
ignorant hands have fashioned, and the divinity which the 
vain dreams of intellectuals have imagined are alike the 
enemy of our Lord. 61 You must abjure them both. . . . 
Do not adore either dead matter, or dead men, or dead 
abstractions. . . . Adore the living Spirit, who sees with- 
out eyes. . . . The communion of the soul with God and 
with the departed saints shall be your true heaven, and 
you must have none other. ... In the spiritual exaltation 
of the soul find the joy and the holiness of heaven. . . . 
Your heaven is not far away ; it is within you. You 
must honour and love all the ancients of the human family 
prophets, saints, martyrs, sages, apostles, missionaries, 
philanthropists of all ages and all countries without caste 
prejudice. Let not the holy men of India monopolize your 
affection and your homage : Render to all prophets the 
devotion and universal affection that is their due. . . . 
Every good and great man is the personification of some 
special element of Truth and Divine Goodness. Sit humbly 
at the feet of all heavenly messengers. . . . Let their 
blood be your blood, their flesh your flesh : . . . Live in 
them and they will live in you* for ever." 
Nothing more noble can be imagined. This is the very 
highest expression of universal theism ; and it comes very 
close to the free theism of Europe without any forced act 
il The first divinity condemned is easy to define, the idols of 
wood, metal and stone. The second is further defined by " the 
unseen idols of modern scepticism, abstractions, unconscious evolu- 
tion, blind protoplasm, etc." This, then, is scientific or rational or 
Advaitist intellectualism. But Keshab was far from condemning 
real science as is shown by his lecture on The Vision of God in the 
Nineteenth Century. (1879.) 
of allegiance to* revealed religion. It opens its arms to 
all the purified spirits of the whole earth, past, present 
and future ; for the Gospel of Keshab does not claim to 
be the final word of the revelation. " The Indian Scriptures 
are not closed. 52 New chapters are added every year. . . . 
Go ever further in the love and the knowledge of God : . . . 
What the Lord will reveal to us in ten years' time who 
can say, except Himself ? " 
But how is this free and broad theism with its serene 
and assured tone to be reconciled to his abasement at 
the feet of Christ in the previous year ? 58 
" I must tell you . . . that I am connected with Jesus' 
Gospel, and occupy a prominent place in it. I am the 
prodigal son of whom Christ spoke and I am trying to 
return to my Father in a penitent spirit. Nay, I will say 
more for the satisfaction and edification of my opponents. 
... I am Judas, that vile man who betrayed Jesus . . . 
the veritable Judas who sinned against the truth. And 
Jesus lodges in my heart : . . ." 
The overwhelming effect of such a public confession on 
those members of the Brahmo Samaj, who had followed 
their chief up to that point, 54 may be imagined. 
But Keshab was still debating with himself. He pro- 
fessed Christ but he denied that he was a " Christian." 65 
He tried to unite Christ to Socrates and to Chiatanya in 
a strange way by thinking of each of them as a part of 
81 A favourite idea of Vivekananda may be recognized therein. 
" In the sermon : " We, the Apostles of the New Dispensation " 
44 That is why their writings about Keshab are very careful (as 
far as I know) to make no mention of such an avowal. 
55 " Honour Christ but nevejr be ' Christian ' in the popular accep- 
tation of the term. . . . Christ is not Christianity . . . Let it be 
your ambition to outgrow the popular types of narrow Christian 
faith and merge in the vastness of Christ " : 
In an article of the same period called " Other Sheep have I." 
" We belong to no Christian sect. We disclaim the Christian 
name. Did the immediate disciples of Christ call themselves Chris- 
tian ? . . . Whoso believes in God and accepts Christ as the Son 
of God has fellowship with Christ in the Lord. . . . Hear his 
words' And other sheep I have. 1 We, the Gentiles of the New 
Dispensation, are the other sheep. The shepherd knows us ... 
Christ has found us and accepted us. ... That is enough. Is 
any Christian greater than Christ ? " 
his body or of his mind. 66 Nevertheless he instituted the 
sacramental ceremonies of Christianity in his Samaj, adapt- 
ing them to Indian usage. On March 6, 1881, he celebrated 
the Blessed Sacrament with rice and water instead of bread 
and wine, 57 and three months later the sacrament of bap- 
tism, wherein Keshab himself set the example, glorifying 
the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. 
Finally in 1882 he took the decisive step. The Christian 
Trinity, of all Christian mysteries, has always been the 
greatest stumbling block for Asia, and an object of repulsion 
or derision. 58 Keshab not only accepted and adopted it, 
but extolled it with gladness 69 and was enlightened by 
it. This mystery seemed to him, and certainly not without 
reason, to be the keystone of the arch of Christian meta- 
physics, the supreme conception of the universe . . . " the 
treasury in which lies the accumulated wealth of the world's 
sacred literature all that is precious in philosophy, theology, 
and poetry (of all humanity) . . . the loftiest expression 
of the world's religious consciousness. . . ." He defines the 
three Persons very exactly, I believe, from an orthodox 
point of view. 60 Did anything still separate him from 
Christianity ? 
56 " The Lord Jesus is my will, Socrates my head, Chaitanya my 
heart, the Hindu Rishi my soul and the philanthropic Howard my 
right hand/' 
57 Keshab read a verse from St. Luke, and he prayed " that the 
Holy Spirit might turn their grossly material substance into sancti- 
fying spiritual forces so that upon entering our system they might 
be assimilated to it as the flesh and blood of all the saints in Christ 
61 The reason for this is obscure as regards Vedantic India ; for 
she also has her Trinity, and Keshab rightly made it approach 
the Christian Trinity : " Sat, Chit, Ananda " (Being, Knowledge, 
Happiness, which Keshab translated by Truth, Wisdom and Joy), 
the three in one : Satchidananda. 
In a lecture of 1882 : " That Marvellous Mystery, the Trinity." 
" Here you have the complete triangular figure of the Trinity. 
The apex is the very God Jehovah. . . . From Him comes down 
the Son . . . and touches one end of the base of humanity . . . 
and then by the power of the Holy Ghost drags up degenerate 
humanity to himself. Divinity coming down to humanity is the 
Son, Divinity carrying humanity to heaven is the Holy Ghost ; this 
is the whole philosophy of salvation. The Creator, the Exemplar, 
and the Sanctifier, I am, I love, I save ; the Still God, the Journey- 
Only one thing but it was a world in itself his own mes- 
sage, the Indian Dispensation. He could never bring him- 
self to renounce it. He indeed adopted Christ, but Christ in 
His turn had to adopt India and the Theism of Keshab. 
" Begone, idolatry : Preachers of idol-worship, adieu." 
(This apostrophe was addressed to the West.) Christ is 
the eternal word. " As sleeping Logos Christ lived poten- 
tially in the Father's bosom, long, long before he came 
into this world of ours. ' ' He appeared before his physical life 
in Greece and Rome, in Egypt and in India, in the poets 
of the Rig- Veda, as well as in Confucius and Sakya-Muni ; 
and the role of this Indian apostle of the New Dispen- 
sation was to proclaim his true and universal meaning. 
For after the Son came the Spirit, and " this Church of 
the New Dispensation ... is altogether an institution 
of the Holy Spirit " and completes the Old and the New 
And so no part of this Himalayan theism was lost in 
spite of rude shocks from above and below, which might 
well have undermined its citadel. By a violent effort of 
thought, Keshab achieved the incorporation of Christ within 
it, and covered his own New Dispensation with the name 
of Christ, believing that he was called to reveal the real 
meaning of Christ to Western Christianity. 
This was the avowed object of Keshab's last message 
before his death, Asia's message to Europe (1883). " Sec- 
tarian and carnal Europe, put up into the scabbard the 
ing God, the Returning God . . ." Keshab. (Cf. the treatises of 
classical Catholic mysticism.) 
" The action whereby the Father engenders the Son is well ex- 
plained by the term issuing or coming out . . . Exivi a Patre. The 
Holy Spirit is produced by th% return way. ... It is the divine 
way and subsists in God whereby God returns to himself. ... In 
the same way we come out of God by the creation, which is attri- 
buted to the Father by the Son, we return to him by grace, which 
is the attribute of the Holy Spirit." 
(P. Claude Sequenot : Conduite d'Oraison . . . 1634, quoted 
by Henri Br&nond : La Metaphysique des Saints, I, pp. 116- 
Surprising though it may seem, Keshab knew the Berullian or 
Salesian philosophy of prayer. In a note of June 30, 1881, on the 
renunciation of John the Baptist, he quotes letters of Francis de 
Sales to Madame de Chantal. 
sword of your narrow faith : Abjure it and join the true 
Catholic and universal Church in the name of Christ the 
Son of God. . . ." 
" Christian Europe has not understood one half of Christ's 
words. She has comprehended that Christ and God are 
one, but not that Christ and humanity are one. That is 
the great mystery, which the New Dispensation reveals to 
the world : not only the reconciliation of Man with God ; 
but the reconciliation of man with man : . . . Asia says 
to Europe, ' Sister, Be one in Christ : . . . All that is 
good and true and beautiful the meekness of Hindu Asia, 
the truthfulness of the Musulman and the charity of the 
Buddhist all that is holy is of Christ. 
And the new Pope of the new Rome in Asia intones 
the beautiful Song of Atonement. 61 
But he was a real Pope, and the unity of reconciled 
mankind had to be according to his doctrine ; in order 
to defend it he always kept the thunderbolt in his hand, 
and he refused all compromise on the subject of the uni- 
theistic principle The Unity of God. 
" Science is one. The Church is one/' 
His disciple, Mozoomdar, makes him use the denuncia- 
tory words of Christ, but more violently. 
" There is only one way. There is no back door into 
heaven. He who enters not by the front door is a thief 
and a robber." 
This is the antithesis of the smiling words of kindness 
uttered by Ramakrishna. 62 
l " And the new song of Atonement is sung with enthusiasm 
by millions of voices, representing all the various languages of the 
world, millions of souls, each dressed in its national garb of piety 
and righteousness, glowing in an infinite and complete variety of 
colours, shall dance round and round the Father's throne, and 
peace and joy shall reign for ever." 
" One day when the young Naren (Vivekananda) denounced 
certain religious sects with his customary impatience, because their 
practices roused his furious disgust, Ramakrishna looked at him 
tenderly and said, " My boy, there is a back door to every house. 
Why should not one have the liberty to enter into a house by that 
if one chooses to ? But, of course, I agree with you that the front 
entrance is the best." 
And the biographer of Ramakrishna adds that these simple words 
" modified his Puritanical view of life, which he as a Brahmo had 
The innate need of Unitarian discipline which does not 
tally with religious universalism, and often unwittingly 
merges into spiritual imperialism, led Keshab at the end 
of his life to lay down the code of the New Samhita 68 
(September 2, 1883), containing what he calls " the national 
law of the Aryans of the New Church in India . . . God's 
moral law adapted to the peculiar needs and character of 
reformed Hindus, and based upon their national instincts 
and traditions." It contains in effect a national Unitarian- 
ism One God, one scripture, one baptism, one marriage 
a whole code of injunctions for the family, for the home, 
for business, for study, for amusement, for charity, for 
relationships, etc. But his code is a purely abstract one 
for an Indian that had not yet come into existence, and 
whose advent is doubtful. 
Was he himself sure that it would ever come ? The 
entire edifice of voluntary reason rested on uncertain 
foundations, on a nature divided between East and West. 
When illness came 64 the cement was loosened. To whom 
was his soul to belong, Christ or Kali ? On his death-bed 
Ramakrishna, Devendranath his old master to whom he 
was now reconciled, and the Bishop of Calcutta all visited 
him. On January i, 1884, he went out for the last time 
to consecrate a new sanctuary to the Divine Mother, but 
on January 8 his death-bed was enveloped in the words 
of a hymn sung at his own request by one of his disciples 
about Christ's agony in Gethsemane. 
It was impossible for a nation of simple souls to find 
their way amid such a constant mental oscillation. But 
it makes Keshab nearer and more appealing to us, who 
can study his most intimate thoughts and can see the 
mental torture accompanying it. It is also true, that the 
kind and penetrating vision of Ramakrishna understood 
better than anybody else the hidden tragedy of a being 
exhausting itself in searching after God, whose body was 
held. Sri Ramakrishna taught Naren how to regard mankind in 
the more generous and truer light of weakness and of strength (and 
not of sin or virtue) ." (Life of Vivekananda, Vol. I, Chapter XLVII.) 
" Samhita means collection or miscellany. 
Diabetes, one of the scourges of Bengal, of which Vivekananda 
also died. 
the prey of the unseen God. 68 But has, a born leader 
any right, even if he keeps his anguish to himself, to yield 
to such oscillations in his very last hours ? They were 
his legacy to the Brahmo Samaj ; and though they enriched 
its spirit they weakened its authority in India for a long 
time, if not for ever. We may well ask with Max Muller 66 
whether the logical outcome of this theism was not to be 
found in Christianity ; and that is exactly what Keshab's 
friends and enemies felt immediately after his death. 
His obsequies united in common grief the official repre- 
sentatives of the best minds both of England and of Western- 
ized India. " He was the chain of union between Europe 
and India ; " and the chain once broken, could not be 
resoldered. None of the subsequent moral and religious 
leaders of India have so sincerely given their adherence 
to the heart and spirit of the thought and the God of the 
West. 67 Hence Max Muller could write, " India has lost 
her greatest son." But the Indian Press, while unanimous 
* I shall have more to say about the last touching visit of Rama- 
krishna to Keshab and the profound words he poured out like balm 
on the hidden wounds of the dying man. 
61 Max Muller in 1900 asked Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar who 
had taken Keshab's place at the head of the Brahmo Samaj and 
who shared the " Christocentric " ideas of his master, why the 
Brahmo did not frankly adopt the name Christian and did not 
organize itself as a national Church of Christ. The idea found a 
response in P. C. Mozoomdar himself and a group of his young 
disciples. One of them, Brahmabandhav Upadhyaya, deserves a 
special study, for he has left a great memory. He passed from 
the Church of the New Dispensation to the Anglican and eventually 
to the Roman Catholic Communion. Another is Manilal C. Parekh, 
the biographer of Keshab, also a convert to Christianity. Both 
are convinced that if Keshab had lived several years longer he 
would have entered the Roman Church. Manilal Parekh says 
" that he was a Protestant in principle and a Catholic in practice 
. . . Christian in spirit, inclining to Monatism " (faith in the supremacy 
of the Holy Spirit). " For myself I believe that Keshab was one 
of those who would have remained at the threshold of the half-open 
door. But it was fatal that his successors opened the door wide." 
T The Indian Empire saluted in hiir " the best product of English 
education and Christian civilization in India. 1 ' And The Hindu 
Patriot, " the noble product of the education and the culture of the 
From the Indian point of view such praise was its own con- 
in acclaiming his genius, was forced to admit that " the 
number of his disciples was not in accordance with his 
desert/ 1 68 
He was in fact too far away from the deep-seated soul 
of his people. He wished to raise them all at once to the 
pure heights of his intellect, which had been itself nourished 
by the idealism and the Christ of Europe. In social matters 
none of his predecessors, with the exception of Roy, had 
done so much for her progress ; but he ran counter to the 
rising tide of national consciousness, then feverishly awaken- 
ing. Against him were the three hundred million gods of 
India and three hundred million living beings in whom they 
were incarnate the whole vast jungle of human dreams 
wherein his Western outlook made him miss the track and 
the scent. He invited them to lose themselves in his Indian 
Christ, but his invitation remained unanswered. They did 
not even seem to have heard it. 
Indian religious thought raised a purely Indian Samaj 
against Keshab's Brahmo Samaj and against all attempts 
at Westernization, even during his lifetime, and at its head 
was apersonalityof the highest order, Dayananda Sarasvaty 69 
This man with the nature of a lion is one of those whom 
Europe is too apt to forget when she judges India, but whom 
she will probably be forced to remember to her cost ; for 
he was that rare combination, a thinker of action 70 with a 
genius for leadership, like Vivekananda after him. 
11 The Hindu Patriot. In 1921 the total number of the members 
of the three Brahmo Samaj as was not more than 6,400 (of which 
4,000 were in Bengal, Assam and Behar-Orissa), a minute number 
in comparison to the members of the Arya Samaj, of which I shall 
speak later, or of the new ^ects purely mystical, such as the 
M His real name, abandoned by himself, was Mulshanker. 
Sarasvaty was the surname of his Guru, whom he regarded as his 
true father. For Dayananda's life it is necessary to consult the 
classical book of Lajput Rai (the great nationalist Indian leader) : 
and The Arya Samaj, with an introduction by Sidney Webb (Long- 
mans, Green and Co., London, 19*5)- 
70 But although the energy of the two men, the immense power 
of their preaching and their irresistible attraction for the masses 
were equal, in Vivekananda's case there was the additional fascina- 
tion of profundity of soul, the desire for pure contemplation, the 
97 H 
While all the religious leaders of whom we have already 
spoken and shall speak in the future were and are from 
Bengal, Dayananda came from quite a different land, the 
one which half a century later gave birth to Gandhi the 
north-west coast of the Arabian Sea. He was born in 
Gujarat at Morvi in the state of Kathiawar, of a rich family 
belonging to the highest grade of Brahmins, 71 no less versed 
in Vedic learning than in mundane affairs, both political 
and commercial. His father took part in the Govern- 
ment of the little native state. He was rigidly orthodox 
according to the letter of the law, with a stern domineering 
character, and this last to his sorrow he passed on to his 
As a child Dayananda was therefore brought up under 
the strictest Brahmin rule, and at the age of eight was 
invested with the sacred thread and all the severe moral 
obligations entailed by this privilege rigorously enforced 
by his family. 72 It seemed as if he was to become a pillar 
of orthodoxy in his turn, but instead he became the Samson, 
who pulled down the pillars of the temple ; a striking 
example among a hundred others of the vanity of human 
effort, when it imagines that it is possible by a superimposed 
education to fashion the mind of the rising generation 
and so dispose of the future. The most certain result is 
That of Dayananda is worth recording. When he was 
fourteen his father took him to the temple to celebrate the 
great festival of Shiva. He had to pass the night after a 
strict fast in pious vigil and prayer. The rest of the faithful 
went to sleep. The young boy alone resisted its spell. 
Suddenly he saw a mouse nibbling the offerings to the 
God and running over Shiva's bofly. It was enough. There 
is no doubt about moral revolt in the heart of a child. In a 
bent of the inner being towards constant flights against which 
the necessity for action had always to struggle. Dayananda did 
not know this tragic division of soul. Nevertheless he was all that 
was required for the task he had to accomplish. 
T1 Samavedi, the highest order of Brahmins in the Veda. 
Tt The vows of Brahmacharya, chastity, purity, poverty through- 
out student life, and the obligation to recite the Vedas daily, and 
to live according to a whole system of regular and very strict 
second his faith in the idol was shattered for the rest of his 
life. He left the temple, went home alone through the 
night, and thenceforward refused to participate 78 in the 
religious rites. 
It marked the beginning of a terrible struggle between 
father and son. Both were of an unbending and autocratic 
will which barred the door to any mutual concession. At 
nineteen Dayananda ran away from home to escape from 
a forced marriage. He was caught and imprisoned. He 
fled again, this time for ever (1845). He never saw his 
father again. 
For fifteen years this son of a rich Brahmin, despoiled 
of everything and subsisting on alms, wandered as a Sadhu 
clad in the saffron robe along the roads of India. This 
again seems like a first edition of Vivekananda's life and 
his pilgrimage as a young man over the length and breadth 
of Hindustan. Like him Dayananda went in search of 
learned men, ascetics, studying here philosophy, there the 
Vedas, learning the theory and practice of Yoga. Like him 
he visited almost all the holy places of India and took part 
in religious debates. Like him he suffered, he braved 
fatigue, insult and danger, and this contact with the body 
of his fatherland lasted four times longer than Vivekananda's 
experience. In contradistinction to the latter, however, 
Dayananda remained far from the human masses through 
which he passed, for the simple reason that he spoke nothing 
but Sanskrit throughout this period. He was indeed what 
Vivekananda would have been if he had not encountered 
Ramakrishna and if his high aristocratic and Puritan pride 
had not been curbed by the indulgent kindness and rare 
spirit of comprehension of this most human of Gurus. 
Dayananda did not see, did flot wish to see, anything round 
him but superstition and ignorance, spiritual laxity, degrad- 
ing prejudices and the millions of idols he abominated. At 
length, about 1860, he found at Mathura an old Guru even 
more implacable than himself in his condemnation of all 
weakness and his hatred of superstition, a Sannyasin blind 
from infancy and from the age of eleven quite alone in the 
world, a learned man, a terrible man, Swami Virjananda 
Ti At the present time this night is kept as a festival by the Arya 
Saraswaty . Dayananda put himself under bis ' ' discipline " 74 
which in its old literal seventeenth century sense scarred his 
flesh as well as his spirit. Dayananda served this untamable 
and indomitable man for two and a half years as his pupil. 
It is therefore mere justice to remember that his subsequent 
course of action was simply the fulfilment of the will of the 
stern blind man, whose surname he adopted, casting his 
own to oblivion. When they separated Vir j ananda extracted 
from him the promise that he would consecrate his life to 
the annihilation of the heresies that had crept into the 
Puranic faith, to re-establish the ancient religious methods 
of the age before Buddha, and to disseminate the truth. 
Dayananda immediately began to preach in Northern 
India, but unlike the benign men of God who open all heaven 
before the eyes of their hearers, he was a hero of the Iliad 
or of the Gita with the athletic strength of a Hercules, 76 
who thundered against all forms of thought other than his 
own, the only true one. He was so successful that in five 
years Northern India was completely changed. During 
these five years his life was attempted four or five times 
sometimes by poison. Once a fanatic threw a cobra at 
his face in the name of Shiva, but he caught it and crushed 
it. It was impossible to get the better of him ; for he 
possessed an unrivalled knowledge of Sanskrit and the 
Vedas, 76 while the burning vehemence of his words brought 
his adversaries to naught. They likened him to a flood. 
Never since Sankara had such a prophet of Vedism appeared. 
The orthodox Brahmins, completely everwhelmed, appealed 
from him to Benares, their Rome. Dayananda went there 
fearlessly, and undertook in November, 1869, a Homeric 
contest. Before millions of assailants, all eager to bring 
him to his knees, he argued f of hours together alone against 
74 Discipline in the ecclesiastical language of an earlier age meant 
not only supervision, but the instrument used by ascetics to scourge 
T His exploits have become legendary. He stopped with one 
hand a carriage with two runaway horses. He tore the naked 
sword out of an adversary's hand and broke it in two, etc. His 
thunderous voice could make itself heard above any tumult. 
7 * " A very learned Sanskrit scholar/' is the opinion of a man, 
himself a master of exegesis of the Hindu Scriptures, Aurobindo 
Ghose. (Cf. Arya Review, No. 4, Pondicherry, November 15, 1914, 
" The Secret of the Veda.") 
three hundred pandits the whole front line and the reserve 
of Hindu orthodoxy. 77 He proved that the Vedanta as 
practised was diametrically opposed to the primitive Vedas. 
He claimed that he was going back to the true Word, the 
pure Law of two thousand years earlier. They had not 
the patience to hear him out. He was hooted down and 
excommunicated. A void was created round him, but 
the echo of such a combat in the style of the Mahabharata 
spread throughout the country, so that his name became 
famous over the whole of India. 
At Calcutta, where he stayed from December 15, 1872, 
to April 15, 1873, Ramakrishna met him. He was also 
cordially received by the Brahmo Samaj Keshab and his 
people voluntarily shut their eyes to the differences existing 
between them ; they saw in him a rough ally in their crusade 
against orthodox prejudices and the millions of gods. But 
Dayananda was not a man to come to an understanding 
with religious philosophers imbued with Western ideas. 
His national Indian Theism, its steel faith forged from the 
pure metal of the Vedas alone, had nothing in common with 
theirs, tinged as it was with modern doubt, which denied 
the infallibility of the Vedas and the doctrine of trans- 
migration. 78 He broke with them 79 the richer for the 
encounter, for he owed them 80 the very simple suggestion, 
77 A Christian missionary present at this tournament has left an 
excellent and impartial account of it, reproduced by Lajput Rai 
in his book. (Christian Intelligence, Calcutta, March, 1870.) 
78 These two, according to Lajput Rai, himself affiliated to the 
Arya Samaj, are " the two cardinal principles which distinguish 
the Arya Samaj from the Brahmo Samaj." 
It must be remembered that twenty years before Dayananda 
(1844-46), Devendranath had ajso been tempted by the faith in 
the infallibility of the Vedas, but that he had renounced it in favour 
of direct and personal union with God. He was, it is said, of all 
the chiefs of the Brahmo Samaj the one nearest to Dayananda. 
But agreement was impossible. Devendranath, whose ideal was 
peace and harmony, could have no real sympathy with this perpetual 
warrior, armed with hard dogmatism and applying methods of pure 
scholasticism to the most modern social conflicts. 
79 In 1877 a last attempt was made to find a basis of agreement 
between the religious leaders and their divergent doctrines. Keshab 
and Dayananda met again, but agreement was impossible, since 
Dayananda would yield nothing. 
io To Babu Keshab Chunder Sen. 
whose practical value had not struck him' before, that his 
propaganda would be of little effect unless it was delivered 
in the language of the people. He went to Bombay, where 
shortly afterwards his sect, following the example of the 
Brahmo Samaj but with a better genius of organization, 
proceeded to take root in the social life of India. On April 
10, 1875, he founded at Bombay his first Arya Samaj, or 
Association of the Aryans of India, the pure Indians, the 
descendants of the old conquering race of the Indus and the 
Ganges. And it was exactly in those districts that it took 
root most strongly. From 1877, the year when its principles 
were definitely laid down at Lahore, to 1883, Dayananda 
spread a close network over Northern India, Rajputana, 
Gujarat, the United Provinces of Agra and Oude, and above 
all in the Punjab, which remained his chosen land. Prac- 
tically the whole of India was affected. The only Province 
where his influence failed to make itself felt was Madras. 81 
He fell, struck down in his prime, by an assassin. The 
concubine of a Maharajah, whom the stern prophet had 
denounced, poisoned him. He died at Ajmer on October 
30, 1883. 
But his work pursued its uninterrupted and triumphant 
course. From 40,000 in 1891 the number of its members 
rose to 100,000 in 1901, to 243,000 in 1911, and to 468,000 
in 1921. 82 Some of the most important Hindu personalities, 
politicians and Maharajahs, belonged to it. Its spontaneous 
and impassioned success in contrast to the slight reverbera- 
tions of Keshab's Brahmo Samaj, shows the degree to which 
Dayananda's stern teachings corresponded to the thought 
of his country and to the first stirrings of Indian nationalism, 
to which he contributed. ^ 
It may perhaps be useful to remind Europe of the reasons 
at the bottom of this national awakening, now in full flood. 
Westernization was going too far, and was not always 
revealed by its best side. Intellectually it had become 
rather a frivolous attitude of mind, which did away with 
1 This is all the more striking since it was in Madras that Vive- 
kananda found his most ardent and best organized disciples. 
11 Of whom 223,000 are in the Punjab and Delhi, 205,000 in the 
United Provinces, 223,000 in Kashmir, 4,500 in Behar. In short, it 
is the expression of Northern India and one of its most energetic 
the need for independence of thought, and transplanted 
young intelligences from their proper environment, teaching 
them to despise the genius of their irace. The instinct for 
self-preservation revolted. Dayananda's generation had 
watched, as he had done, not without anxiety, suffering, 
and irritation, the gradual infiltration into the veins of India 
of superficial European rationalism on the one hand, whose 
ironic arrogance understood nothing of the depths of the 
Indian spirit, and on the other hand, of a Christianity, which 
when it entered family life fulfilled only too well Christ's 
prophecy : " That He had come to bring division between 
father and son. ..." 
It is certainly not for us to depreciate Christian influences. 
I am a Catholic by birth, and as such have known the taste 
of Christ's blood and enjoyed the storehouse of profound 
life, revealed in the books and in the lives of great Christians, 
although I am outside all exclusive forms of church and 
religion. Hence I do not dream of subordinating such a 
faith to any other faith whatsoever ; when the soul has 
reached a certain pitch ocumen mentis 8S it can go no 
further. Unfortunately the religion of one country does not 
always work upon alien races through its best elements. 
Too often questions of human pride are intermingled with 
the desire for earthly conquest, and, provided victory is 
attained, the view is too often held that the end justifies the 
means. I will go further and say that, even in its highest 
presentation, it is very rare that one religion takes possession 
of the spirit of another race in its deepest essence at the final 
pitch of the soul, of which I have just spoken. It does so 
rather by aspects, very significant no doubt, but secondary 
in importance. Those of us who have pored over the won- 
derful system of Christiaif metaphysics and sounded their 
depths, know what infinite spaces they offer to the soaring 
wings of the spirit, and that the Divine Cosmos they present 
of the Being and the Love cleaving to Him is no whit less 
vast or less sublime than the conception of the Vedantic 
Infinite. But if a Keshab caught a glimpse of this, a Keshab 
was an exception among his people, and it would seem that 
To use the phrase of Richard de Saint-Victor and Western 
mystics to Francois de Sales. (Cf. Henri Br&nond : The Meta- 
physics of the Saints.) 
Christianity is very rarely manifested to Hindus under this 
aspect. It is presented to them rather as a code of ethics, 
of practical action, as love in action, if such a term is per- 
missible, and though this is a very important aspect it is not 
the greatest. 84 It is a remarkable fact that the most notable 
conversions have taken place in the ranks of active and 
energetic personalities rather than in those of deep spiritual 
contemplation of men capable of heroic flights of soul. 85 
. Whether this is true or not, and it provides an ample theme 
for discussion, it is a historic fact that when Dayananda's 
mind was in process of being formed, the highest religious 
spirit of India had been so weakened that the religious spirit 
of Europe threatened to extinguish its feeble flame without 
the satisfaction of substituting its own. The Brahmo Samaj 
was troubled by it, but was itself willy-nilly stamped with 
Western Christianity. Ram Mohun Roy's starting point 
had been Protestant Unitarian. Devendranath, although he 
denied it, had not the strength to prevent its intrusion into 
the Samaj, when he yielded the ascendancy to Keshab, 
already three parts given over to it. As early as 1880 one 
of Keshab's critics 86 could say that " those who believe in 
him have lost the name of theists, because they lean more 
and more towards Christianity." However precisely the 
position of the third Brahmo Samaj (the Sadharan Brahmo 
Samaj detached from Keshab) had been defined as against 
Indian Christianity, Indian public opinion could feel no con- 
fidence in a church undermined by two successive schisms 
within the space of half a century, and threatened, as we 
14 1 myself independently and intuitively belong to the side of 
Salesian Theocentrism, as represented by M. Henri Bremond in a 
recent polemic against the religious moralism or anti-mysticism of 
M. 1'Abbe Vincent. (Cf. op cit., Vol. I, pp. 26-47.) 
' The Sadhu Sundar Singh, whose name is well-known in Europe 
among Protestants, is a good example. A Punjab Sikh, the son 
of a Sirdar and brother of a commander in the army, this intrepid 
man delighted in seeking and braving martyrdom in Tibet, where 
he found traces of other Christian martyrs belonging to the two 
warlike races, the Sikhs and the Afghans. (Cf . Max Schaerer : 
Sadhu Sunday Singh, 1922, Zurich.) To judge of him from this 
pamphlet, it would appear that in speaking of the other religions 
of India, he had never penetrated to the core of their thought. 
" Cf. Frank Lillington : The Brahmo and the Arya in their relations 
to Christianity, 1901. 
have seen, during the next half century with complete 
absorption in Christianity. 
The enthusiastic reception accorded to the thunderous 
champion of the Vedas, a Vedist belonging to a great race 
and penetrated with the sacred writings of ancient India 
and with her heroic spirit, is then easily explained. He 
alone hurled the defiance of India against her invaders. 
Dayananda declared war on Christianity and his heavy 
massive sword cleft it asunder with scant reference to the 
scope or exactitude of his blows. He put it to the test of 
a vengeful, unjust and injurious criticism, which fastened 
upon each separate verse of the Bible and was blind and 
deaf to its real, its religious, and even its literal meaning 
(for he read the Bible in a Hindi translation and in a hurry). 
His slashing commentaries, 87 reminiscent of Voltaire and his 
Dictionnaire Philosophique,ha.ve unfortunately remained the 
arsenal for the spiteful anti-Christianity of certain modern 
Hindus. 88 Nevertheless, as Glasnapp rightly remarks, they 
are of paramount interest for European Christianity, which 
ought to know what is the image of itself as presented by 
its Asiatic adversaries. 
Dayananda had no greater regard for the Koran and the 
Puranas, and trampled underfoot the body of Brahman 
orthodoxy. He had no pity for any of his fellow country- 
men, past or present, who had contributed in any way to 
the thousand year decadence of India, at one time the mis- 
tress of the world. 89 He was a ruthless critic of all who, 
according to him, had falsified or profaned the true Vedic 
7 Contained in his great work, written in Hindi, Satyartha- 
Prakash (The Torch of Truth). 
Notably the neo-Buddhists^for, difficult though it is to believe 
the beautiful name of Buddha, originally symbolizing the spirit of 
detachment and universal peace, is well on the way in these days 
to become the standard of an aggressive propaganda having scant 
respect for other beliefs. 
i His panorama of Indian History is an interesting one, a kind 
of impassioned Discourse of Universal History, to allude to a cele- 
brated work of Bossuet of the seventeenth century. It traces the 
origin of humanity and the domination of India over the entire 
globe (including America and the Oceanic Islands ; for according 
to him, the Nagas (serpents) and the infernal spirits of the legends 
are the people of the Antipodes ; just so the struggles with the 
Asuras and the Rakshasas mean the wars with the Assyrians and 
religion. 90 He was a Luther fighting against his own misled 
and misguided Church of Rome ; 81 and his first care was 
to throw open the wells of the holy books, so that for the 
first time his people could come to them and drink for them- 
selves. He translated and wrote commentaries on the Vedas 
in the vernacular 9a it was in truth an epoch-making date 
for India when a Brahmin not only acknowledged that all 
human beings have the right to know the Vedas, whose 
study had been previously prohibited by orthodox Brahmans, 
but insisted that their study and propaganda was the duty 
of every Arya. 98 
the negroids). Dayananda replaces the whole of Mythology upon 
the earth. He dates all the misfortunes of India and the ruin of 
the great spirit of the Vedas to the wars of ten times a Hundred 
Years, sung by the Mahabharata, wherein heroic India destroyed 
herself. . . . He is filled with hatred, not only against the materia- 
lism which resulted, but against Jainism, the suborner. For him 
Sankara was the glorious though unfortunate hero of the first war 
of Hindu independence in the realm of the soul. He wished to 
break the bonds of heresy, but he failed. He died by assassination 
in the midst of his campaigns for freedom, but he himself remained 
caught by Jainistic decoys, particularly by Maya, which inspired 
in Dayananda no dreamer of dreams but a man firmly implanted 
in the soil of reality an invincible repugnance. 
o He called all idolatry a sin, and considered that divine incarna- 
tions were absurd and sacrilegious. 
91 He scourged the Brahmins with the name of " Popes." 
fl Between 1876 and 1883 he directed a whole train of Pandits. 
He wrote in Sanskrit and the pandits translated into the dialects. 
He alone, however, translated the original text. His translation, 
which he had no time to revise, is always preceded by a grammatical 
and etymological analysis of each verse, followed by a commentary 
explaining the general sense. 
Article III of the Ten Principles of Lahore (1877) " The 
Vedas are the book of true knowledge. The first duty of every Arya 
is to learn them and to teach them." 
By a strange accident Dayananda concluded a political alliance 
lasting several years (1879-81) with a Western community, destined 
for a great work, the Theosophical Society, on the basis of his 
vindication of the Vedas against the rising flood of Christianity. 
The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 in the South of 
India by a Russian, Mme. Blavatsky, and an American, Colonel 
Olcptt, and had the great merit of stimulating the Hindus to study 
their sacred Texts, especially the Gita and the Upanishads, six 
volumes of which Colonel Olcott published in Sanskrit. It also 
headed the movement for the establishment of Indian schools, 
especially in Ceylon, and even dared to open schools for " untouch- 



It is true that his translation was an interpretation, and 
that there is much to criticize with regard to accuracy' 94 as 
well as with regard to the rigidity of the dogmas and prin- 
ciples he drew from the text, the absolute infallibility claimed 
for the one book, which according to him had emanated 
direct from the "pre-human" or superhuman Divinity, 
his denials from which there was no appeal, his implacable 
condemnations, his theism of action, his credo of battle, 95 
and finally his national God. 98 
But in default of outpourings of the heart and the calm 
ables." It therefore contributed to the national, religious, and social 
awakening of India ; and Dayananda seemed about to make common 
cause with it. But when the Society took him at his word and 
offered him its regular co-operation, he refused its offer, thereby 
taking away from the Theosophical Society all chance of spiritual 
dominion over India. It has since played a secondary part, but 
has been useful from the social point of view, if the establishment 
in 1889 of the Central Hindu College at Benares is to be attributed 
to the influence of Mrs. Besant. The Anglo-American element, 
preponderant in its strange mixture of East and West, has twisted 
in a curious way the vast and liberal system of Hindu metaphysics 
by its spirit of noble but limited pragmatism. Further, it must be 
added that it has given itself a kind of pontifical and infallible 
authority, allowing of no appeal, which though veiled is none the 
less implacable, and has appeared in this light to independent minds 
such as that of Vivekananda, who, as we shall see, on his return 
from America categorically denounced it. 
On this subject there is an article by G. E. Monod Heraen, written 
in its favour : " An Indo-European Influence, the Theosophical 
Society " (Feuilles de I'lnde, No. i, Paris, 1928), and a brilliant, 
comprehensive, and malicious chapter by Count H. Von Keyserling 
in hifc Travel Diary of a Philosopher, 1918. 
4 But not his passionate loyalty, which remains proof against 
all attack. The extreme difficulty of the task must also be taken 
into consideration at a time^yhen a knowledge of the philosophy 
of the Vedas was much rarer in India than at the present time. 
* Among rules to be followed as set down at the end of his 
Satyartha Prakash, Dayananda orders : " Seek to combat, to 
humiliate, to destroy the wicked, even the rulers of the world, the 
men in power. Seek constantly to sap the power of the unjust 
and to strengthen that of the just even at the cost of terrible 
sufferings, of death itself, which no man should seek to avoid." 
" The Samaj will glorify, pray to and unite with the One and 
only God, as shown by the Vedas. . . . The conception of God 
and the objects of the Universe is founded solely on the teachings 
of the Veda and the other true Shastras," which he enumerated. 
It is, however, curious (so strong was the current of the age, 
sun of the spirit, bathing the nations of men 1 and their gods 
in its effulgence, in default of the warm poetry radiating 
from the entire being of a Ramakrishna or the grandiose 
poetic style of a Vivekananda, Dayananda transfused into 
the languid body of India his own formidable energy, his 
certainty, his lion's blood. His words rang with heroic 
power. He reminded the secular passivity of a people, too 
prone to bow to fate, that the soul is free and that action 
is the generator of destiny. 97 He set the example of a 
setting at all cost towards unity) that Dayananda's nationalism 
like the unitarianism of Roy and Keshab had universal pretensions. 
" The well-being of humanity as a whole ought to be the objective 
of the Samaj." (Principles of the first Arya Samaj of 1875.) 
" The primary object of the Samaj is to do good to the whole world 
by bettering the physical, spiritual and social condition of humanity." 
(Principles of the Arya Samaj of Lahore, revised in 1875.) 
" I believe in a religion based on universal principles and embracing 
all that has been accepted as truth by humanity and that will 
continue to be obeyed in the ages to come. This is what I call 
religion : Eternal primitive Religion (for it is above the hostility of 
human beliefs). . . . That alone which is worthy to be believed by 
all men and in all ages, I hold as acceptable." (Satyartha Prakash.) 
Like all impassioned believers, but in perfect good faith, he con- 
founds the conception of the eternal and universal " Truth," which 
he claimed to serve, with that of the faith he decreed. He was 
careful to submit the criterion of truth to five preliminary tests, 
the first two in conformity with the teachings of the Vedas and to 
the definitions he had laid down concerning the nature of God and 
His attributes. How could he doubt his right to impose the Vedas 
upon humanity as a whole, when he started by decreeing that they 
contained, as Aurobindo Ghose says, " an integral revelation of 
religious truth, both ethical and scientific ? According to birri the 
Vedic gods were nothing but impersonations describing the one 
Divinity, and names of his powers, such as we see them in the works 
of Nature. True knowledge of the meaning of the Vedas corresponds 
then to the knowledge of scientific ^truths discovered by modern 
research." (Aurobindo Ghose : " The Secret of the Veda," Arya 
Review, No. 4, November 15, 1914, Pondicherry.) 
Dayananda's national exegesis of Vedism let loose a flood of 
pamphlets, whose object was to restore and reawaken the philo- 
sophies, cults, rites and practices of ancient India. There was a 
passionate reaction of antique ideals against the ideas of the West. 
(Cf. Prdbuddha Bharata, November, 1928.) 
7 " An energetic and active life is preferable to the acceptance 
of the decrees of destiny. Destiny is the outcome of deeds. Deeds 
are the creators of destiny. Virtuous activity is superior to passive 
resignation. . . ." 
" The soul is a free agent, free to act as it pleases. But it depends 
complete clearance of all the encumbering growth of privilege 
and prejudice by a series of hatchet blows. If his meta- 
physics were dry and obscure, 98 if his theology was narrow 
and in my opinion retrograde, his social activities and 
practices were of intrepid boldness. With regard to questions 
of fact he went further than the Brahmo Samaj, and even 
further than the Ramakrishna Mission ventures to-day. 
His creation, the Arya Samaj, postulates in principle equal 
justice for all men and all nations, together with equality 
of the sexes. It repudiates a hereditary caste system, and 
only recognizes professions or guilds, suitable to the com- 
plimentary aptitudes of men in society ; religion was to 
have no part in these divisions, but only the service of the 
state, which assesses the tasks to be performed. The state 
alone, if it considers it for the good of the community, can 
raise or degrade a man from one caste to another by way 
of reward or punishment. Dayananda wished every man 
to have the opportunity to acquire as much knowledge as 
would enable him to raise himself in the social scale as high 
as he was able. Above all he would not tolerate the abomin- 
able injustice of the existence of untouchables, and nobody 
has been a more ardent champion of their outraged rights. 
They were admitted to the Arya Samaj on a basis of equality ; 
for the Aryas are not a caste. " The Aryas are all men of 
superior principles ; and the Dasyas are they who lead a 
life of wickedness and sin." 
Dayananda was no less generous and no less bold in his 
crusade to improve the condition of women, a deplorable 
one in India. He revolted against the abuses from which 
they suffered, recalling that in the heroic age they occupied 
on the grace of God for the enjoyment of the fruit of its actions." 
(Satyartha Prakash.) * 
98 Dayananda distinguishes, it seems, three eternal substances 
God, the Soul and Prakriti, the material cause of the universe. 
God and the Soul are two distinct entities : they have attributes 
which are not interchangeable and each accomplishes certain 
functions. They are, however, inseparable. The Creation, the 
essential exercise of Divine energy, is accomplished over primordial 
elements, which it combines and orders. The terrestrial bondage 
of the soul is caused by ignorance. Salvation is emancipation from 
error and the attainment of the freedom of God. But it is only for 
a time, at the end of which the soul retakes another body . . . etc." 
(Ibid., passim.) 
in the home and in society a position at least equal to men. 
They ought to have equal education," according to him, 
and supreme control in marriage over household matters 
including the finances. Dayananda in fact claimed equal 
rights in marriage for men and women, and though he 
regarded marriage as indissoluble, he admitted the re- 
marriage of widows, and went so far as to envisage a tem- 
porary union for women as well as for men for the purpose 
of having children, if none had resulted from marriage. 
Lastly the Arya Samaj', whose eighth principle was " to 
diffuse knowledge and dissipate ignorance," has played a 
great part in the education of India. Especially in the 
Punjab and the United Provinces it has founded a host of 
schools for girls and boys. Their laborious hives are grouped 
round two model establishments : 10 the Dayananda Anglo- 
Vedic College of Lahore and the Gurukula of Kangri, national 
bulwarks of Hindu education, which seek to resuscitate the 
energies of the race and to use at the same time the intellectual 
and technical conquests of the West. 101 
To these let us add philanthropic activities, such as orphan- 
ages, workshops for boys and girls, homes for widows, and 
great works of social service at the time of public calamities, 
epidemics, famine, etc., and it is obvious that the Arya 
Samaj is the rival of the future Ramakrishna Mission. 102 
ff In marriage the minimum age was to be sixteen for girls and 
twenty-five for boys. Dayananda was resolutely opposed to infant 
100 This was our information ten years ago at the date of the 
publication of Lajput Rai's book. From that date the educational 
movement has probably continued to expand. 
lil The Dayananda Anglo-Vedic College of Lahore, opened in 
1886, combines instruction in Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian, English, 
Oriental and European Philosophy History, Political Economy, 
Science, arts and crafts. The Gurukula is a school founded in 
1902, where the children take the vow of poverty, chastity and 
obedience for sixteen years. Its object is to reform Aryan character 
by Hindu Philosophic and literary culture, vivified by moral energy. 
There is also a great college for girls in the Punjab, where feminine 
subjects and domestic economy are united to intellectual studies 
and the knowledge of three languages, Sanskrit, Hindu and English. 
101 It would appear that in this respect Vivekananda and his 
disciples have outstripped him. The first activities of social service 
noted by Lajput Rai as undertaken by the Arya Samaj, were help 
in the famine of 1897-98. From 1894 onwards one of Vivekananda's 
I have said enough about this rough Sannyasin with the 
soul of a leader, to show how great an uplifter of the peoples 
he was in fact the most vigorous force of the immediate 
and present action in India at the moment of the rebirth 
and reawakening of the national consciousness. His Arya 
Samaj, whether he wished it or no, 108 prepared the way in 
1905 for the revolt of Bengal to which we shall allude again. 
He was one of the most ardent prophets of reconstruction 
and of national organization. I feel that it was he who 
kept the Vigil ; but his strength was also his weakness. His 
purpose in life was action and its object his nation. For a 
people lacking the vision of wider horizons the accomplish- 
ment of the action and the creation of the nation might 
perhaps be enough. But not for India before her will still 
lie the universe. 
monks, Ajhandananda, devoted himself to works of social service. 
In 1897 part of the Ramakrishna Mission was mobilized against 
famine and malaria, and the following year against the plague. 
108 He forbade it in public ; he always claimed to be non-political 
and non-anti-British. But the British Government judged differ- 
ently. The Arya Samaj found itself compromised by the activity 
of its members. It was one of them, Lajput Rai, whose arrest 
provoked the most serious risings of 1907-08. And it should be 
recalled here that the same Lajput Rai, the nationalist hero of 
India, constantly imprisoned, exiled, persecuted, recently died at 
Lahore (December, 1928) as the result of a collision with the British 
police during demonstrations in favour of Indian political inde- 
SUCH then were the great shepherds of the people, the 
king-pastors of India, at the moment when the star 
of Ramakrishna appeared in cloudless glory above the 
mountains. l 
Naturally he could not have known the first of these 
four men, the forerunner, Ram Mohun Roy, but he knew 
the other three personally. He first visited them, urged 
by that overwhelming thirst for God, which made him 
always ask himself Are there no more of His wells, which 
these have found and from which I have not drunk ? But 
his practised eye judged them at sight. His critical faculties 
were never abrogated. As he leant over them to taste 
1 1 have only mentioned the greatest. There were many others. 
India has never lacked messengers of God, founders of sects or 
religions, and they were continually appearing throughout the 
period. In the recent treatise by Helmuth von Glasenapp : Re- 
ligidse Reformbewegungen in heutigen Indien (1928, Leipzig, J. C. 
Hinrich, Morgenland collection), there is an account of the two most 
curious : the Atheistic Church of the Superman, the Dev-Samaj, 
and the Mystical Church of the Divine Sound (or Word), the Radhas- 
vami-Satsang. The question is of the mysterious word which stands 
for the Almighty Being (and which is no longer the famous Vedic M 
delegated to an inferior place) the Divine Sound that vibrates 
through the Universe the spoken *narmony, whence is derived the 
" Music of the Spheres " (to quote the old language of Greco-Roman 
antiquity). It is to be found under rather a different form in the 
mysticism of the Maitrayani Upanishad. They are not included 
here because they belong to rather a later date. The Dev-Samaj, 
though founded in 1887 by Shiva Narayana Agnihotra, only adopted 
the name " Superhuman " atheism after 1894 ; and its violent 
struggle against God, fought in the name of reason, morality and 
science, by a " Superman," the Dev-Guru (the founder in person), 
whose initial step was to make himself the object of worship, is to-day 
in full swing. As for the Radhasvami-Satsang, founded by a trinity 
of successive, but indistinguishable holy Gurus, whose deaths 
them with thirsty devotion, he often laughed mischievously, 
and rose with the words that his own were better. He was 
not the man to be dazzled by outward show, glory or 
eloquence. His veiled eye did not blink unless the light 
he sought, the face of God Himself, shone from the depths. 
They could penetrate through the walls of the body as 
through a window-pane and searched the very heart with 
eager curiosity. But what they found there sometimes 
provoked a sudden quiet outburst of hilarity untinged with 
malice from this indiscreet visitor. 
The story of his visit to the imposing Devendranath 
Tagore, as told by himself, is a titbit of comedy, wherein 
the critical humour and the disrespectful respect of the 
"little brother" towards the great pontiff, the "King 
Janaka," have free play. 
" Is it possible/' a questioner asked him one day, 2 " to 
reconcile the world and God ? What do you think of 
Maharshi Devendranath Tagore ? " 
Ramakrishna repeated softly, " Devendranath Tagore . . . 
Devendranath . . . Devendra . . ." and he bowed several 
times. Then he said, 
" Do you know what he is ? Once upon a time there 
occurred in 1878, 1898 and 1907 respectively, it is only since the 
end of the last century that their doctrine has become firmly estab- 
lished. We need not therefore take it into consideration in this 
account. The seat of the Dev-Samaj is at Lahore, and almost all 
its adherents are in the Punjab. The two chief centres of the 
Radhasvami-Satsang are Allahabad and Agra. Hence it is to be 
noted that both belong to Northern India. Glasenapp says nothing 
of the appearance of new religions in Southern India, but they were 
no less numerous. Such was the religion of the great Guru, Sri 
Narayana, whose beneficent spiritual activity was exercised for more 
than forty years in the state of Tjravancore over some million f aithf ul 
souls (he has just died in 1928). His doctrine was impregnated with 
monist metaphysics of Sankara, but tended to practical action 
showing very marked differences from Bengal mysticism whose 
Bhakta effusions filled him with mistrust. He preached, if one may 
say so, a Jnanin of action, a great intellectual religion, having a very 
lively sense of the people and their social needs. It has greatly 
contributed to the uplifting of the oppressed classes in Southern 
India and its activities have in a measure been allied to those of 
Gandhi. (Cf. articles by his disciple, P. Natarajan, in the Sufi 
Quarterly, Geneva, December, 1928, and the following months.) 
1 Keshab Chunder Sen. The conversation is reported by an eye- 
witness, A. Kumar Dutt. (Life of Ramakrishna.) 
113 * 
was a man, whose custom it was to celebrate the feast of 
Durga Puja with great pomp. Goats were sacrificed from 
morning till night. After some years the sacrifice lost its 
brilliancy. Somebody asked the man why it was so greatly 
reduced, and the man replied, ' I have lost my teeth now ! ' 
" And so," continued the irreverent story-teller, "it is 
quite natural that Devendranath should practise meditation 
at his advanced age/ 1 8 
He paused. ... " But," he added, bowing once more, 
" he is undoubtedly a very illustrious man. . . ." 
Then he recounted his visit. 4 
" At first when I saw him, I thought him rather proud. 
Oh ! It was natural ! He was overwhelmed by so many 
good things : nobility, prestige, riches. . . . Suddenly I 
found myself in the state when I can see through a man. 
8 It must be admitted that Ramakrishna's irony did Devendranath 
a grave injustice. It did not take into account, probably through 
ignorance, the absolute disinterestedness of the Maharshi and his 
years of noble and difficult sacrifice. In this I see the attitude of a 
man of the people to a great aristocrat. 
Another account, given by Sashi Bhusan Ghosh in his Memoirs 
written in Bengali (pp. 245-47), lessens the irony without diminishing 
the penetration of Ramakrishna, so that justice is better done to 
the royal idealist. 
Ramakrishna said that he was introduced to Devendranath with 
the words, " Here is a mad man of God 1 " " Devendranath seemed 
to me to be concentrated upon his own ego, but why should he not 
have been so concentrated, when he enjoyed so much knowledge, 
renown, riches and unanimous respect ? But I discovered that 
Yoga and bhoga (material enjoyment) ran side by side in his life. . . . 
I said to him, ' You are a true Janaka in this age of sin. Janaka 
was wont to see both sides at once. So you have kept your soul 
for God, while your body moves in the material world. That is 
why I have come to see you. Tell me something about God !' ..." 
4 Rabindranath Tagore was thfti four years old. Ramakrishna 
was introduced by his patron, Mathur Babu, who had been a fellow 
student of Devendranath. A curious detail of the visit may interest 
our European psycho- physiologists. Hardly were the introductions 
over than Ramakrishna asked Devendranath to undress and show 
him his chest. Devendranath complied without showing much 
astonishment. The colour of the skin was scarlet, and Ramakrishna 
examined it. This persistent redness of the breast is a peculiar 
sign of the practice of certain Yoga. Ramakrishna never omitted 
to examine the breast of his disciples, their breathing capacity, and 
the soundness of their circulation before allowing or forbidding them 
to undertake exercises of great concentration. 
Then I consider the greatest, the richest, the most learned 
men as straw, if I do not see God. . . . And a laugh 
escaped me ... for I discovered that this man at the 
same time enjoyed the world and led a religious life. He 
had many children, all young. So in spite of his being a 
great Jnanin, he had to reconcile himself to the world. 
I said to him, ' You are the King Janaka of our day/ 6 
He belonged to the world and yet he attained the highest 
realizations. You are in the world, but your spirit rests 
on the heights of God. Tell me something of Him 1 " 
Devendranath recited to him some beautiful passages 
from the Veda, 6 and the interview proceeded on a tone of 
familiar courtesy. Devendranath was much struck by the 
fire in the eyes of his visitor, and he invited Ramakrishna 
to a feast for the next day. But he begged him to " cover 
his body a little/' if he wished to be present : for the little 
pilgrim had not put himself to the trouble of dressing up. 
Ramakrishna replied with wicked good fellowship that he 
could not be depended upon ; he was as he was, and would 
come as he was. So they parted very good friends. But 
early the next morning a very polite note came from the 
great aristocrat, begging him not to put himself to any 
trouble. And that was the end. With one caressing 
stroke of the paw aristocracy remained aloof, secure in its 
paradise of idealism. 
Dayananda was summed up, judged and condemned 
as of less worth still. It must be admitted that when the 
two men met at the end of 1873, the Arya Samaj had not 
yet been founded and the reformer was still in the midst 
of his career. When Ramakrishna examined him, 7 he 
5 Janaka, the King of Videha and Mithila, the foster-father of Sita. 
" This universe is to be likened to a candelabra. And each one 
of us is a bulb. If we do not burn the whole candelabra becomes 
dark. God has created man to celebrate His glory. . . ." 
In Sashi's account Ramakrishna made this naive reflection : 
" It is strange 1 While I was meditating in the Panchavati (the 
grove of Dakshineswar), I also saw an image like a candelabra . . . 
Devendranath must really be a very profound man I " 
7 He recognized in him also this characteristic redness of the 
breast. During one of Ramakrishna's interviews as noted by 
Mahendra Nath Gupta (The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna) on November 
28, 1883, a singular statement with regard to Dayananda is attributed 
to Ramakrishna. He had heard that Dayananda, burning to 
found in him " a little power," by which he meant, " real 
contact with the Divine." But the tortured and torturing 
character, the bellicose athleticism of the champion of the 
Vedas, his feverish insistence that he alone was in the 
right, and therefore had the right to impose his will, were 
all blots on his mission in Ramakrishna's eyes. He saw 
him day and night disputing concerning the Scriptures, 
twisting their meaning, and striving at all costs to found 
a new sect. But such preoccupation with personal and 
worldly success sullied the true love of God, and so he 
turned away from Dayananda. 
His relations with Keshab Chunder Sen were of quite a dif- 
ferent order. They were intimate, affectionate, and lasting. 
Before speaking of them I must express regret that the 
disciples of the two masters have left us such prejudiced 
accounts. Each side has been at considerable pains to 
" vassalize " the other man of God in favour of its own 
saint. Ramakrishna's disciples still speak of Keshab with 
sympathetic regard, and thank him for the homage he 
yielded to the Paramahamsa. But some of Keshab's 
disciples cannot forgive Ramakrishna for the ascendancy, 
real or apparent, he exercised over their master ; hence in 
order to deny that any such influence could have existed, 
they have reverted to the plan of raising between them 
insurmountable barriers of thought ; they scornfully mis- 
represent Ramakrishna's true worth, and their harmful 
spite is also directed against the man who preached his 
Gospel, and made it victorious, Vivekananda. 8 
But having read certain beautiful and fresh pages by 
measure himself against Keshab Chunder Sen on the subject of his 
Vedic Gods, in whom Keshab did ot believe, cried out, " The Lord 
has done so many things 1 Can He not also have made the Gods ? " 
This was not in accordance with the views publicly professed by 
Dayananda, the implacable enemy of polytheism. Was Dayananda's 
exclamation inexactly reported to Ramakrishna, or did it refer, not 
to the Gods, but to the Vedic sacrificial fire, which Dayananda 
believed in on the ground of faith in the infallible Vedas ? I cannot ' 
explain this apparent contradiction. 
I have in mind chiefly the pamphlet of B. Mozoomdar : Professor 
Max M&Uer on Ramakrishna ; The World on K. Chunder Sen, 1900, 
Calcutta. (Cf. Chapter II, " Absurd Inventions and Reports made 
to Max Mftller by the Disciples of Ramakrishna " ; Chapter III, 
" Differences between the Two Doctrines " ; and above all the 
Keshab, wherein the ideas and actions of Vivekananda 
are distinctly foreshadowed, I can well understand that the 
Brahmos chafe under the silence and oblivion into which 
the Ramakrishna has allowed them to fall. So far as lies 
in my power, I shall try to amend this injustice ; for I 
believe it to be unwitting. But certain Brahmos could not 
worse uphold Keshab's memory than by confining him 
within their own narrow limits and by putting in the shade 
the disinterested affection felt by Keshab for Ramakrishna. 
In the whole of Keshab's life, so worthy of respect and 
affection, there is nothing more deservedly dear to us than 
the attitude of respect and affection adopted from the first 
by this great man at the height of his fame and climax 
of his thought, and maintained until the end, towards the 
Little Poor Man of Dakshineswar, then either obscure or 
misrepresented. The more the Brahmos attempt, their 
pride hurt by the familiarities of the " madman of God " 
with the prince of intellectuals, to extract from the writings 
of Keshab proud denunciations of disordered ecstasy, such 
as they attribute to Ramakrishna, 9 the more striking is the 
contrast of Keshab's actual relations to Ramakrishna. 
insulting Chapter V, " Concerning Vivekananda, the Informant of 
Max Miiller," which does not scruple to join forces with some Anglo- 
American clergymen, lacerated by the thunderous religious polemics 
of the great Swami.) 
Cf. B. Mozoomdar, op. cit., Chapter II. In his treatise on Yoga 
Keshab says : " Knowledge and Bhakti are interchangeable terms. 
Bhakti is only possible in those who have knowledge, an unknowing 
Bhakta is an impossibility. ' ' But this does not condemn the religious 
ecstasies of Ramakrishna ; for first it would be necessary to prove 
that a higher form of knowledge was not contained therein. It 
merely marks the different character of Keshab's contemplations ; 
for him the highest condition consisted in a union of mind with the 
Eternal, wherein practical intelligence was not obscured in the midst 
of the manifold occupations of life, society and the home. Keshab's 
views were in accordance with the spiritual traditions of the Brahmo 
Samaj. Further, in Chapter III, Mozoomdar quotes Keshab as 
saying, " Fie a hundred times to the Yogin, if he abandons everything 
for the love of Yoga ! . . . It is a sin to abandon those whom 
God has given us to cherish." He claims to find in these words a 
reference to Ramakrishna as having neglected his duties towards 
his wife. But it is untrue to say that he neglected them. Not only 
did he love his wife with a profound and pure love, but he knew 
how to inspire her with a love, which for her was a source of peace 
If it is true that Keshab, unlike most of the religious 
men of India, never took a Guru, an intermediary between 
himself and the Divinity, 10 so that nobody has the right 
to say that he was a disciple of Ramakrishna, as is claimed 
by the Ramakrishnites his generous spirit was ever ready 
to appreciate greatness, and his love of truth was too pure 
for vanity to have any part in it. Hence this teacher was 
ever ready to learn, 11 and said of himself, " I am a born 
disciple ... all objects are my masters. I learn from 
everything/ 1 ia How then can he have failed to learn 
from the Man of God ? 
During the early months of 1875 Keshab happened to 
be with his disciples at a villa near Dakshineswar. Rama- 
krishna went to visit him 1S with the words, 
" I hear you have seen a vision of God, I have come to 
find out what it is." 
and happiness. I have already shown how seriously he took his 
responsibility to her, and that he did not allow his disciples to give 
up duties they had already contracted to old parents, to wife or 
children dependent upon them in order to follow him. 
10 " From the beginning of my religious life," he wrote, " I have 
been ever wont to receive instruction from Thee, my God. ..." 
11 1 have been happy to find the same point of view that I have 
adopted, in the beautiful book illumined by the faith of Manilal 
C. Parekh, a Christian disciple of Keshab (Brahmarshi Keshab Ch. 
Sen, 1926, Oriental Christ House, Rajkot, Bombay). Manilal C. 
Parekh clearly recognizes that Keshab owed much to Ramakrishna, 
probably more than Ramakrishna owed to him. But, like myself, 
he sees in it another reason for admiring the largeness of his spirit 
and greatness of his heart. 
11 But he says also : " God has implanted in me the power to 
aspire to the good qualities of every man." 
11 He had noticed him as early as 1865, when young Keshab 
was Devendranath's lieutenant a the head of the Adi Brahmo 
Samaj. Keshab's face had struck him. It was not the kind that 
is easily forgotten. Keshab was tall, his face oval, " his complexion 
clear like that of an Italian " (Mukerji). But if his spirit, like his 
face, was tinged by the tender sun of the West, the depths of his 
soul remained Indian. Ramakrishna, watching him as he meditated, 
was not mistaken. " On the platform of the Brahmo Samaj several 
people were meditating," he says of his visit in 1865. " * n the 
centre of the group was Keshab lost in contemplation ; he was 
as motionless as a piece of wood. He was then quite a young 
man ; but it was at ;his bait that the fish was nibbling . . ." (a 
familiar metaphor meaning that God was responding to his appeal 
Thereupon he began to sing a famous hymn to Kali, 
and in the midst of it he fell into an ecstasy. Even for 
Hindus this was an extraordinary sight ; but Keshab, who, 
as we have seen, was sufficiently suspicious of such rather 
morbid manifestations of devotion, would hardly have 
been struck by it, if, on coming out of Samadhi at the 
instance of his nephew, 14 Ramakrishna had not forthwith 
launched into a flood of magnificent words regarding the 
One and Infinite God. His ironic good sense appeared 
even in this inspired outpouring, and it struck Keshab 
very forcibly. He charged his disciples to observe it. 
After a short time he had no doubt that he was dealing 
with an exceptional personality, and in his turn went to 
seek it out. They became friends. He invited Rama- 
krishna to the ceremonies of his Brahmo Samaj ; and used 
to come to take him from his temple for excursions on the 
Ganges ; and since his generous soul was obliged to share 
his discoveries with others, he spoke everywhere of Rama- 
krishna, in his sermons, and in his writings for journals 
and reviews, both in English and in the native languages. 
His own fame was put at Ramakrishna's disposal and it 
was through Keshab that his reputation, until then unknown 
to the popular religious masses with a few exceptions, 
spread in a short time to the intellectual middle-class 
circles of Bengal and beyond. 
The modesty shown by the noble Keshab, the illustrious 
chief of the Brahmo Samaj, rich in learning and prestige, 
in bowing down before this unknown man, ignorant of 
book learning and of Sanskrit, who could hardly read and 
who wrote with difficulty, is truly admirable. But Rama- 
krishna's penetration confounded him and he sat at his 
feet as a disciple. 
But this is not to say that Keshab was the disciple of 
Ramakrishna, as is claimed by some over-zealous followers 
14 For the interest of European science, it is to be noted that 
the only method of recalling Ramakrishna from his ecstatic trances 
was to pronounce in his ear such or such a name of the Lord, or 
some Mantra (form of prayer), differing according to the degree 
and the form of the ecstasy. The character of psychic concentration 
was then very marked ; and it was impossible to speak of any 
initial physiological disorder; the spirit always remained in full 
of the latter. It is not true that any one of his essential 
ideas was derived from him ; for they were already formed 
when he met Ramakrishna for the first time. We have 
seen that after 1862 he began to conceive of the harmony 
of religions and their original unity. He said in 1863 : 
" All truths are common to all, for all are of God. Truth 
is no more European than Asiatic, no more yours than 
mine." In 1869 in the course of a lecture on the future 
church, he visualized all religions as a vast symphony, 
wherein each one, while keeping its distinctive character, 
the tone of its instrument, the register of its voice, united 
to praise God the Father and Man the Brother in one 
universal anthem. On the other hand, it is false to claim 
that Keshab needed Ramakrishna's help to arrive at his 
conception of the Mother a conception common to all 
ages in India, as that of the Father in the West. Rama- 
krishna did not create it. The hymns of Ramprasad, 
stored within his memory, sing Her in all keys. The idea 
of God's maternity had been incorporated in the Brahmo 
Samaj during the pontificate of Devendranath. Keshab's 
disciples have no difficulty in citing invocations to the 
Mother all through the work of their Master. 16 
Undoubtedly the twin ideas of the Divine Mother and 
the brotherhood of Her worshippers were beautiful ones, 
whatever the forms of their ritual and means of expression, 
and, as ideas, they were already possessed by Keshab and 
revivified by his sincere faith. But it was another thing 
to find them alive and vital in a Ramakrishna ! The 
Little Poor Man was not troubled by theories ; he simply 
was. He was the communion of the Gods with believers ; 
he was the Mother and Her lover ; he saw Her ; She was 
seen through him ; She coulfl be touched. What a dis- 
16 1862 ; when Keshab was still the minister of the Adi Brahmo 
Samaj of Devendranath, a hymn was sung, " Sitting on the knees 
of the Mother." 
1866 ; Manual of the Brahmo Samaj : " O Divine Mother, bind 
me by thy mercy. ... O Mother, come, draw near 1 " 
1875 : " Happy am 1 1 I have been merged in the heart of the 
Mother, I am now among her children ; the Mother dances with 
her children. . . ." 
(But before this last date the meeting of Keshab and Ramakrishna 
had taken place. Cf. B. Mozoomdar, op. cit., Chapter III.) 
covery this genius of heart, who communicated to those 
coming into contact ^ith him the warm breath of the 
Goddess and the shelter of Her beautiful arms, was to 
Keshab, and how deeply he must have felt its impact : 
for he too was a Bhakta, a believer through love : 16 
" The sweet, simple, charming and childlike nature of 
Ramakrishna coloured the Yoga of Keshab and his immacu- 
late conception of religion/' wrote Chiranjib Sarma, one of 
his biographers. 
And one of the missionaries of Keshab's church, Babu 
Girish Chundra Sen, 17 wrote, 
" It was from Ramakrishna that Keshab received the 
idea of invoking God by the sweet name of Mother with 
the simplicity of a child. . . ." 18 
Only the last quotation needs comment ; for we have 
shown that Keshab did not wait for Ramakrishna before 
invoking the Mother. Ramakrishna, however, brought him 
a renewal of love and immediate certitude, the heart of 
a child. Hence it was not the discovery of the " New 
Dispensation " that Keshab began to preach in the same 
year, 1875, that his path crossed Ramakrishna's, 19 but 
16 Promotho Loll Sen says that he communed daily with God. 
" Let prayer be your chief preoccupation 1 Pray ardently and 
without ceasing, alone and together, let it be the alpha and omega 
of your life 1 " 
17 " The Life and Teachings of the Paramahamsa Ramakrishna," 
Article in the Dharmatatawa. 
18 Babu Chirish Chundra Sen and Chiranjib Sarma, quoted by 
the Ramakrishnites in support of their thesis, certainly exaggerated 
the influence of Ramakrishna on Keshab's Brahmo Samaj. Those 
who try to prove too much lay themselves open to suspicion. To 
write like Chiranjib Sarma that " The worship of God as Mother 
was due to Ramakrishna/' is^a contradiction of the facts. It is 
quite enough to say that Ramakrishna's example developed it in 
the Brahmo Samaj. The Brahmo cult was rather hard " The 
shadow of Ramakrishna," to use a simile of Babu Girish Ch. Sen, 
" softened it." 
" Nevertheless Pratap Chandra Mozoomdar, in his sympathetic 
life of Keshab, admits that the meeting with Ramakrishna, without 
altering the essentially theistic character of the New Dispensation, 
led Keshab to present it in a more conciliatory and easily accessible 
Ramakrishna " had gathered the essential conceptions of Hindu 
polytheism into an original structure of eclectic spirituality. . . . 
This strange eclecticism suggested to Keshab's appreciative mind 
rather an irresistible outpouring of faith and joy which 
made him cry his message to the world. 
Ramakrishna was a wonderful stimulant for the Brahmos, 
a tongue of flame dancing at Pentecost over the heads of 
the apostles, burning and enlightening them. He was at 
once their sincere friend and their judge, who spared neither 
his affection nor his mischievous criticism. 
When he first visited the Brahmo Samaj his penetrating 
and amused glance had seen through the rather conven- 
tional devotion of its excellent members. According to 
his own humorous account, 20 
" The leader said : ' Let us communicate with Him/ 
I thought, ' They will now go into the inner world and 
stay a long time/ Hardly had a few minutes passed when 
they all opened their eyes. I was astonished. Can any- 
one find Him after so slight a meditation ? After it was 
all over, when we were alone, I spoke to Keshab about it : 
' I watched all your congregation communing with their 
eyes shut. Do you know what it reminded me of ? Some- 
times at Dakshineswar I have seen under the trees a flock 
of monkeys sitting, stiff and looking the very picture of 
innocence. . . . They were thinking and planning their 
campaign of robbing certain gardens of fruits, roots, and 
other edibles ... in a few moments. The communing 
that your followers did with God to-day is no more serious ! " 
In a ritual hymn of the Brahmo Samaj this verse occurs : 
" Think of Him and worship Him at every instant of 
the day ! " Ramakrishna stopped the singer, and said, 
" You should alter the verse into ' Pray to Him and 
worship Him only twice a day.' Say what you really do. 
Why tell fibs to the Infinite ? " 
the thought of broadening the spiritual structure ol his own move- 
ment. . . The Hindu conceptions of the Divine attributes spon- 
taneously recommended themselves as beautiful and true, and also 
as the surest means of making his faith intelligible and acceptable in 
the land. Of course he kept the simple universal basis of theism 
intact." But Mozoomdar adds with regret that such a presentation 
of theism with a multiplicity of Divine attributes has since been 
exploited in favour of popular idolatry. 
M Cf. Dhan Gopal Mukerji : The Face of Silence, 1926. (Sara- 
dananda gives a similar account in his chapter on the Brahmo 
Samaj and Ramakrishna.) 
The Brahmo Samaj of Keshab, while it extolled faith, 
did so in a purposely stilted, abstract and solemn tone, 
reminiscent of the Anglican. It seemed to be always on 
guard against any suspicion of idolatry. 21 Ramakrishna 
took a mischievous delight in accusing it, not without 
justice, of mild idolatry. One day he heard Keshab in 
prayer enumerating all the perfections of the Lord. 
''Why do you give these statistics?" he asked him. 
" Does a son say to his father, ' O my father, you possess 
so many houses, so many gardens, so many horses, etc. ' ? 
It is natural for a father to put his resources at the disposal 
of his son. If you think of Him and His gifts as something 
extraordinary, you can never be intimate with Him, you 
cannot draw near to Him. Do not think of Him as if He 
were far away from you. . . . Think of Him as your 
nearest : Then He will reveal Himself to you. . . . Do 
you not see that if you go into an ecstasy over His attributes, 
you become an idolater ? " 22 
Keshab protested against this attack on a sensitive point ; 
he declared that he hated idolatry, that the God he wor- 
shipped was a formless God. Ramakrishna answered 
" God is with form and without form. Images and other 
symbols are just as valid as your attributes. And these 
attributes are no different from idolatry, but are merely 
hard and petrified forms of it." 
And again, 
" You wish to be strict and partial. . . . For myself I 
have a burning desire to worship the Lord in as many 
ways as I can; nevertheless my heart's desire has never 
11 Here is a type of Brahmo prayer, quoted in the Gospel of Sri 
Ramakrishna : " Om ! Thou art our Father, Give us knowledge ! 
Do not destroy us ! " " Om ! Brahman : Truth : Knowledge : In- 
finite : He is Bliss and Immortality : He shines : He is Peace : He 
is the Good : He is the One : " "We bow before Thee, O Supreme 
Being, O First Great Cause : . . . We bow before Thee, O Light 
of Knowledge, O Support of all the worlds : " " From the unreal 
lead us to the real : From darkness lead us to light : From death 
lead us to Immortality : Reach us through and through our self : 
And ever more protect us, O Thou Terrible, by Thy Sweet com- 
passionate Face : " 
" Life of Sri Ramakrishna, p. 365 and Mukerji. 
been satisfied. I long to worship with offerings of flowers 
and fruits, to repeat His holy name in solitude, to meditate 
upon Him, to sing His hymns, to dance in the joy of the 
Lord : . . . Those who believe that God is without form 
attain Him just as well as those who believe He has form. 
The only two essentials are faith and self-surrender. . . ." as 
I can copy the colourless words, but I cannot communi- 
cate the real presence, the radiance of person, the tone of 
voice, the look in the eyes and the captivating smile. 
Nobody who came in contact with them could resist them. 
It was above all his living certitude that impressed the 
onlookers ; for with him words were not, as with others, 
a loose and ornamental robe, hiding as much as they claimed 
to reveal of the unfathomable depths of life ; with him the 
depths of life blossomed, and God, Who for the majority 
even of religious men, is a frame of thought drawing an 
impenetrable veil across " The Unknown Masterpiece/ 1 24 
was to be seen in him ; for as he spoke he lost himself in 
God, like a bather who dives and reappears dripping after 
a moment, bringing with him the smell of seaweed, the 
taste of the salt of the ocean. Who can rid himself of 
its tang ? The scientific spirit of the West can indeed 
analyse it. But whatever its elements, its synthetic reality 
was never in doubt. The greatest sceptic can touch the 
diver as he returns from the depths of the Dream, and 
catch some reflection of submarine flora in his eyes. Keshab 
and several of his disciples were intoxicated with it. 
The strange dialogues of this Indian Plato, delivered on 
Keshab's yacht as it went up and down the Ganges, 26 
deserve to be read. Their narrator, afterwards Rama- 
krishna's evangelist, was the first to be astonished that 
such a meeting could have c?>me about tfetween such 
opposite types of mind. What common fcround could 
there be between the man of God and the man of the 
world, the great intellectual, the Anglomaniac Keshab, 
M Allusion to a celebrated novel of Balzac. 
" Two of them are to be found in an account by M. (Mahendra 
Nath Gupta), the author of the Gospel of Ramakrishna, dated 
Octobe* 27, 1882. Another witness, Nagendranath Gupta, gives 
an account of another interview in 1881. (Cf. The Modern Review, 
Calcutta, May, 1927.) 
whose reason condemned the Gods? Keshab's disciples 
pressed round the two sages at the porthole of the cabin, 
like a swarm of flies. And as the honey of his words began 
to flow from Ramakrishna's lips, the flies were drowned in 
its sweetness. 
"It is now more than forty-five years ago that this 
happened and yet almost everything that the Paramahamsa 
said is indelibly impressed on my memory. I have never 
heard any other man speak as he did. ... As he spoke 
he would draw a little closer to Keshab until part of his 
body was unconsciously resting on Keshab's lap, but 
Keshab sat perfectly still and made no movement to with- 
draw himself." 
Ramakrishna looked with affectionate intensity on the 
faces surrounding him, and described their moral character 
one by one, as delineated in their features, first the eyes, 
then the forehead, the nose, the teeth, and the ears ; for 
they formed a language to which he had the key. As he 
spoke with his sweet and attractive stammer he came to 
the subject of the Nirakara Brahman, the formless God. 
" He repeated the word Nirakara two or three times and 
then quietly passed into Samadhi as the diver slips into 
fathomless deep. . . . We watched him intently. The 
whole body relaxed and then became slightly rigid. There 
was no twitching of the muscles or nerves, no movement 
of any limb. Both his hands lay in his lap with the fingers 
lightly interlocked. The sitting posture of the body was 
easy but absolutely motionless. The face was slightly tilted 
up and in repose. The eyes were nearly but not wholly 
closed. The eyeballs were not turned up or otherwise 
deflected, but they were fi^ed. . . . The lips were parted 
in a beatific and indescribable smile, disclosing the gleam 
of the white teeth. There was something in that wonderful 
smile which no photograph was ever able to reproduce/ 1 M 
He was recalled to the world by the singing of a hymn. 
" He opened his eyes and looked around him as if 
16 Nagendranath Gupta. 
In another ecstasy, the one described by M, 
to the Mother : " O Mother, they are all fastened 
They are not free : is it possible to loose them " 
in a strange place. The music stopped. The Paramahamsa 
looking at us said, ' Who are these people ? ' And then he 
vigorously slapped the top of his head several times, and 
cried out, ' Go down, go down : ' . . . The Paramahamsa 
became fully conscious and sang in a pleasant voice (a hymn 
of Kali). 1 ' 
He sang the identity of the Divine Mother with the 
Absolute. He sang the joy of the flying kite of the soul, 
launched by the Mother while She keeps it attached to Her 
by the string of Illusion. 27 
" The world is the Mother's plaything. It is Her pleasure 
to let slip from Illusion one or two flying kites among the 
thousands. It is Her sport. She says to the human soul 
in confidence with a wink of the eye : ' Go and live in the 
world until I tell you to do something else . . . .' " 
And in imitation of Her he turned to the disciples of 
Keshab with an indulgent irony that made them laugh. 
" You are in the world. Stay there : It is not for you 
to abandon it. You are very well as you are, pure gold 
and alloy, sugar and treacle. . . . We sometimes play a 
game in which one must gain seventeen points to win. I 
have passed the limit and I have lost. But you clever 
people, who have not won enough points, can still continue 
to play. ... In truth it matters little if you live in the 
family or in the world, so long as you do not lose contact 
with God/ 1 
And it was in the course of these monologues, wherein 
observation and ecstasy, mocking common sense and highest 
speculation were so wonderfully blended, that the Parama- 
hamsa produced his beautiful parables, quoted above, of 
the Divine Tank with several ghats (steps) and of Kali, 
the Spider. He had too keen sense of reality, he saw too 
clearly to the very bottom of his listeners, to imagine that 
he could raise them to the heights of his own liberated soul. 
He measured their wisdom and their capacity, and he asked 
17 The metaphor of the flying kite is to be found, as we have 
Seen, in a hymn of Ramprasad, which Ramakrishna loved to sing : 
" The Divine Mother and the Liberated Soul/ 1 It is also used in 
a hymn of Nareschandra quoted in the Gospel. Nearly all the 
metaphors, particularly that of the diver to the depths of the Ocean 
of Life, are 'used again and again with variations in the poetic and 
musical folklore of Bengal from the fifteenth century onwards. 
nothing of them beyond their capability, but he asked for 
the whole of that : above all he communicated to Keshab 
and his disciples the spirit of life, the creative breath, 
coupled with a wide and intellectual tolerance, which 
recognized the truth in quite diverse points of view, pre- 
viously considered by them to be irreconcilable. He freed 
their intellectual limbs, petrified within the groove of reason, 
and made them supple. He tore them from their abstract 
discussions. " Live, love and create : " and blood again 
flowed through their veins. 
" To create is to be like God/' he said to Keshab, who 
was then spending himself in endless and fruitless polemics. 
" When you yourself are filled with the essence of existence, 
all that you say will come true. Poets in all ages have 
praised truth and virtue. But does that make their readers 
virtuous or truthful ? When a man despoiled of self comes 
among us, his acts are the very pulses of the heart of virtue ; 
all that he does to others makes even their most humdrum 
dreams greater, so that all they touch becomes true and 
pure ; they become the father of reality. 28 And what he 
creates never dies. That is what I expect of you. Make 
the dogs of invective keep quiet. Let the elephant of 
Being sound the clarion trumpet of his benediction over all 
living things : You possess this power. Are you going to 
use it, or are you going to waste this brief span called life in 
fighting other peoples ? " 29 
Keshab listened to his advice and took deep root in this 
warm living earth, bathed in the sap emanating from the 
Universal Being. Ramakrishna made him fed that no 
" Cf . Gandhi, who was averse to all religious propaganda by 
word or writing. When he waS asked, " How then can we share 
our experience with others ? " he replied, " Our spiritual experiences 
are necessarily shared and communicated whether we suspect it 
or not, but by our lives and our examples, not by our words, which 
are a very inadequate vehicle. Spiritual experiences are deeper 
than thought itself. By the very fact that we live, spiritual experi- 
ence will overflow. But if you deliberately set yourself to share 
your spiritual experience with another, you raise an intellectual 
barrier between you/' (Discussions at the Council of the Federation 
of International Fellowship, Satyagraha Ashram, Sabannati, 
January 15, 1928.) 
11 Mukerji. 
particle of this sap was ever lost, even in the most humble 
plant of human thought. His mind was sympathetically 
reopened to all other forms of faith, even to certain outward 
practices, which he had avoided. 
He was to be seen invoking by their names Shiva, Shakti, 
Sarasvaty, Lakshmi, Hari, identifying God's attributes with 
them. For two years he was absorbed in each of the great 
religious types, the heroic incarnations of the Spirit : Jesus, 
Buddha, Shaitanya, each representing one side of the Great 
Mirror. He sought to assimilate them each in turn, so that 
through their synthesis he might realize the universal ideal. 
During his last illness he was especially drawn to that form 
of Bhakti most familiar to Ramakrishna a passionate love 
of the Mother. Keshab's disciples told Ramakrishna, when 
he came to see him during his last days on earth, that " a 
great change had taken place/' " Often we find him talk- 
ing to the Divine Mother, waiting for Her and weeping." 
And Ramakrishna, enraptured by this news, fell into an 
ecstasy. There is nothing more touching in the whole 
account of this supreme interview 80 than the appearance 
of the dying Keshab, shaken by a mortal cough, holding 
on to the walls, supporting himself by the furniture, coming 
to cast himself at the feet of Ramakrishna. The latter was 
still half plunged in ecstasy, and was talking to himself. 
Keshab was silent, drinking in the mysterious words that 
seemed to come from the Mother Herself. They explained 
to him with ruthless but consoling tranquillity, the deep 
meaning of his sufferings and his approaching death. 81 
10 (Gospel of Ramakrishna, I, Section V, Chapters I and II.) 
It was on November 28, 1883, at the close of the day that Rama- 
krishna entered the house of Keslyib with several of his disciples. 
11 Ramakrishna, hardly awakened from ecstasy, looked round at 
the drawing-room full of beautiful furniture and mirrors. Then he 
smiled and spoke to himself : " Yes, all these things have had their 
uses some time ago ; but now they serve no purpose. . . . You 
are here, Mother. How beautiful you are : . . ." At this moment 
Keshab entered and fell at Ramakrishna's feet. " Here I am," he 
said. Ramakrishna looked at him without seeming to recognize 
him clearly, and continued his monologue about the Mother and 
human life. Between the two men not a word was spoken about 
Keshab's health, although it was the object of the visit. It was 
not until after some time that Ramakrishna uttered the words I 
quote here. 
With what deep insight Ramakrishna understood the hidden 
confusion of this life of faith and restless love : 
" You are ill," he said sweetly. " There is a profound 
meaning in that. Through your body have passed many 
deep waves of devotion seeking for the Lord. Your illness 
bears witness to these emotions. It is impossible to tell 
what damage they do to the organisms at the time they 
are produced. A boat passes along the Ganges without 
attracting attention. But some time afterwards a great 
wave, displaced by its passage, dashes against the bank 
and washes away part of it. When the fire of the Divine 
Vision enters the frail house of the body, it first burns the 
passions, then the false ego, and at last it consumes every- 
thing. . . . You have not yet reached the end. . . . Why 
did you allow your name to be inscribed on the registers 
of the Lord's hospital ? You will never be allowed to come 
out until the word ' Healed ' is written across them." 
He then invoked the gracious parable of the Divine 
gardener digging round the roots of a precious rose tree, 
so that it might drink the night dew. 32 
" Illness digs round the roots of your being." 
Keshab listened in silence and smiled ; for it was Rama- 
krishna's smile that shed a light of mysterious serenity into 
the funeral darkness of the house and into the sufferings 
of the sick man. Ramakrishna did not adopt a solemn tone 
until Keshab, exhausted, was about to leave him. Then 
he suggested to the dying man that he ought not to live 
so much in the inner room with the women and children, 
but alone with God. 
And it is said that in his deep agony, Keshab's last words 
were, " Mother : . . . Mother : . . ." 88 
11 " The Gardener knows how to treat the common rose, and how 
to treat the rose of Bassora. He loosens the earth round her roots, 
so that she may benefit from the night dew. The dew gives strength 
and freshness to the rose. It is even so with you. The Divine 
Gardener knows how to treat you. He digs round you right down 
to the roots, so that His dew may fall upon you, that you may 
become purer and your work greater and more enduring." (Gospel 
of Ramakrishna, Vol. I, Section V, Chapter II.) 
11 The repercussion of some of Ramakrishna's words, spoken 
during his last interview with Keshab, on the latter's last thoughts, 
have, I think, never before been noticed. 
Ramakrishna spoke to him for a long time about the Mother 
129 K 
It is so easy to understand how this great idealist, who 
believed in God, Reason, Goodness, Justice and Truth, 
should have discovered during these tragic days that he 
was too far away from the High God, the Unattainable 
God, and that he needed to draw near to Him and to touch 
Him with the dust of Ramakrishna's feet, to see Him and 
hear Him through Ramakrishna, and find refreshment for 
his fever. Such is an expression of universal experience. 
But it is just this for which some of Keshab's proud disciples 
cannot forgive Ramakrishna. On the other hand, I must 
beg the Ramakrishnites not to make too much of it, but 
rather let them follow the example of their sweet Master. 
When Keshab had just left him after this last interview 
here described, Ramakrishna spoke modestly and with 
admiration of Keshab's greatness, which had won the 
respect both of a social and intellectual Mite and of simple 
believers like himself. And he continued to show his esteem 
for the Brahmo Samaj. 84 The best of the Brahmos have 
and said, " She watches over Her children. . . . She knows how 
to obtain true freedom and knowledge for them. . . . The child 
knows nothing. . . Its Mother knows everything. . . . All is 
ordered according to Her will. You fulfil Your own will, O Divine 
Mother, and accomplish Your own work. The foolish man says, 
' It is I, who have accomplished.' " 
Moreover, when Keshab in the midst of his own sufferings was 
consoling his real, his mortal mother, who had given him life, he 
said, " The Supreme Mother sends everything for my good. She 
plays with me, turning sometimes to one side, sometimes to the other." 
4 In 1878 after the fresh schisms within the Brahmo Samaj, 
Ramakrishna remained faithful to Keshab when he was deserted 
by a section of his disciples. But he refused to make any distinction 
between the three separate branches of the Brahmo Samaj, joining 
them all alike in prayer. The Gospel of Ramakrishna has recorded 
several of these visits, in particular one of October 28, 1882, when 
he was invited and was present at the annual festival of Keshab's 
Brahmo Samaj. He was eagerly surrounded and questioned on 
religious problems, and replied with his usual breadth of spirit. 
He took part in the Songs (the song of Kabir), and in the sacred 
dances. When he retired he saluted all forms of devotion, ending 
up with homage to the Brahmo Samaj : " Salutations to the feet 
of the Jnanin : Salutations to the feet of the Bhakta : Salutations 
to the devout who believe in God with form : Salutations to the 
devout who believe in a God without form : Salutations to the 
ancient knowers of Brahmin : Salutations to the modern knowers 
of the Brahmo Samaj." 
The other two branches of the Brahmo Samaj showed him far 
held him in veneration in their turn, 85 and have known 
how to profit from their intercourse with him. His influence 
widened their understanding and their heart and did more 
than anybody else's to bring them into line in people's 
estimation with the best thought of India, which the first 
influx of the scientific knowledge of the West, badly assimi- 
lated, had threatened to alienate. 
One example will suffice ; his great disciple, Vivekan- 
anda, came from the ranks of the Brahmo Samaj and from 
the most bigoted, at least for a time, of iconoclasts in the 
name of Western reason against Hindu tradition, which 
later he learnt to respect and defend. The true thought 
of the West has lost nothing through this Hindu awakening. 
The thought of the East is now independent, and hence- 
forth union can be effected between equal and free person- 
alities, instead of the one being subjugated by the other, 
and one of the two Civilizations being assassinated by the 
less regard. The most recent, the Sadharan Samaj, owed him a 
grudge on account of his influence over Keshab. At the Adi Brahmo 
Samaj of Devendranath he was doubtless regarded as belonging to 
a lower level. At one visit which he paid to it (May 2, 1883), and 
which Rabindranath Tagore may perhaps remember, since he was 
present as a lad, his reception was hardly courteous. (Cf. Gospel 
of Ramakrishna.) 
86 Especially Keshab's successor, Pratap Chandra Mozoomdar, 
and Vijaya Krishna Gosvani, who later on separated himself from 
the Brahmo Samaj. The greater composer and singer of Keshab's 
Samaj, Trailokya Nath Sanyal, maintains that many of his most 
beautiful songs were inspired by the ecstasies of Ramakrishna. 
IT is easy to see what India gained from the meeting of 
Ramakrishna and the Brahmo Samaj. 1 His own gain 
is less obvious, but no less definite. For the first time he 
found himself brought into personal contact with the 
educated middle class of his country, and through them 
with the pioneers of progress and Western ideas. He had 
previously known practically nothing of their mentality. 
He was not a man to react like a strict and narrow devotee 
who hastens to put up the shutters of his cell. On the 
contrary he flung them wide open. He was too human, 
too insatiably curious, too greedy for the fruit of the tree 
of life not to taste these new fruits to the full. His long 
searching glance insinuated itself, like a creeper through the 
chinks of the house, and studied all the different habitations 
of the same Host, and all the different spirits dwelling 
therein, and in order to understand them better, he identified 
himself with them. He grasped their limitations (as well 
as their significance), and proportioned to each nature its 
own vision of life and individual duty. He never dreamed 
of imposing either vision or action alien to his proper nature 
on any man. He, to whom renunciation both then and 
always, so far as he was personally concerned, was the first 
and last word of truth, discovered that most men would 
have none of it and he was neither astonished nor saddened 
by the discovery. The differences men busied themselves 
in raising between them, like hedges, seemed to him nothing 
but bushes all flowering in the same field and giving variety 
to the scene. 1 He loved them all. He could see the goal 
1 See previous chapter. 
f Somebody once asked him what difference there was between 
and the path assigned to each one of them, and pointed out 
to each the road he was to follow. When he spoke to an 
individual one of the things most astonishing to the on- 
lookers was the way he instantaneously adapted just that 
individual's particular turn of phrase and method of express- 
ing his thoughts. This was not mere versatility. His spirit 
kept firm control of the steering wheel, and if he led men 
to another point of the bank, it was always the bank of 
God. He helped them unawares to land by their own 
power. Because he believed that all nature was of God, 
he felt that it was his duty to guide each nature along its 
own lines so that it might attain its fullest development. 
The realization that he possessed this gift of spiritual guid- 
ance came upon him without his own volition. A Western 
proverb, adopted as its motto by the Italian Renaissance, 
claims that Vouloir c'est pouvoir. This is the bragging of 
youth with everything still to do. A more mature man, 
who is not so easily satisfied with words, but who lays 
emphasis on deeds, reverses the motto so that it reads : 
" Pouvoir c'esi vouloir." 
Ramakrishna suddenly perceived the power within him 
and the call of the world for its use. The ascendancy he 
exercised over some of the best minds in India revealed the 
weaknesses and needs of these intellectuals, their unsatisfied 
aspirations, the inadequacy of the answers they gained 
from science, and the necessity for his intervention. The 
Brahmo Samaj showed him what strength of organization, 
what beauty existed in a spiritual group uniting young 
souls round an elder brother so that they tendered a 
basket of love as a joint offering to their Beloved, the 
Mother. 9 
The immediate result was that his mission, hitherto 
undefined, became crystallized ; it concentrated first in a 
glowing nucleus of conscious thought wherein decision was 
centred, and then passed into action. 
First of all he saw in their entirety his own relations with 
the Brahmos and the other Hindus. " No very great one/ 1 he re- 
plied. In a concert of hautboys one holds on the same note while 
the others weave variations beneath it. The Brahmos always come 
back to the same note, the formless aspect of God. But the Hindus 
play his different aspects. 
God. He saw that this God within him 8 could not be 
satisfied with personal salvation, as was the case with other 
Sadhakas, 4 but required of him the love and service of 
mankind. 5 His spiritual struggles, his ecstasies, his realiza- 
tions were not to be only for his own profit. 
" Sic vos non vobts. . . ." fl 
They were meant rather to prepare the way for human 
development, for a new era of spiritual realization. Other 
men had the right to aspire to and hope for liberation, but 
not he. He could not count on that. From century to 
century he was obliged to go to the help of mankind when- 
ever they were in danger. 7 
And here is the rallying cry, the word of salvation that 
he was to carry to the men of his day. 8 
i. All religions are true in their essence and in the sincere 
faith of their believers. The revelation of this universal 
truth, whereat Ramakrishna had arrived by common sense 
Ramakrishna admitted at this point what the Bhairavi Brah- 
mani had been the first to proclaim that he was a Divine Incar- 
nation. But he disliked to talk about it, and could not bear it to 
be mentioned in front of him. In general, praise was disagreeable 
to him. He was much more prone to refuse in public all spiritual 
privileges to the dissatisfaction of some of his followers, who would 
have liked a share in them. His conviction lay in an inward act, 
a secret light, which he never paraded. I would ask my Western 
readers a question that may shock them whether the passionate 
conviction of a mission which imposes thought and action upon our 
great men is not vaguely akin to exactly some such intuition, some 
fullness of Being transcending the limits of personality ? What 
does it matter by what name it is called ? 
4 Sadhana is the practice of spiritual contemplation leading to 
one form of Realization. Sadhaka is one dedicated to this practice. 
The word " service " inscribed by Ramakriihna's disciples 
above their mission was not explicitly pronounced by the Master. 
But his whole doctrine of love working for others to the limits 
of personal sacrifice is in essence the doctrine of service. Service, 
as Swami Ashokananda has well shown, is its motive force (cf. 
Prabuddha Bharata, Almora, February, 1928, " The Origin of Swami 
Vivekananda's Doctrine of Service "). We shall return to this 
question later. 
A frequently quoted verse of Virgil, meaning : " You work, 
but not for yourself." 
T As a curious fact I note here that Ramakrishna said, pointing 
to the north-west, that after two hundred years he would be re- 
incarnated there (Russia). 
Life of Ramakrishna, pp. 342-47. 
as much as by intuition, was the special object of his coming 
upon the earth. 
2. The three great orders of metaphysical thought : 
Dualism, "Qualified" Monism and absolute Monism, are 
the stages on the way to supreme truth. They are not 
contradictory, but rather are complimentary the one to the 
other. Each is the perspective offered to the mental stand- 
point of one order of individuals. For the masses, who are 
attracted through the senses, a dualistic form of religion 
with ceremonies, music, images and symbols is useful. The 
pure intellect can arrive at qualified Monism ; it knows that 
there is a beyond ; but it cannot realize it. Realization 
belongs to another order, the Advaita, the inexplicable, the 
formless Absolute, of which the discipline of Yoga gives a 
foretaste. It surpasses the logical means of word and spirit. 
It is the last word of " Realization/ 1 It is Identity with 
the One Reality. 
3. To this scale of thought there is naturally a correspond- 
ing scale of duties. The ordinary man lives in the world 
and can and does fulfil his duties there, striving with affec- 
tionate zeal but without attachment to self, just as a good 
servant takes care of a house, although he is quite aware 
that the house is not his. By purity and love he is to 
achieve liberation from his desires. But only step by step 
with patience and modesty. 
" Undertake only those tasks that are within the range 
of your thoughts and purified dreams. Do not flatter 
yourself that you can do big things, but fulfil duties as 
small in size as your self-renunciation to God. Then as 
your renunciation and purity grow (and things of the soul 
grow very quickly) they will pay their way across the 
material world and shed thSir light upon other men, just 
as the Ganges, having cut its channel through the hard 
rocks of the Himalayas, waters millions of places with its 
beneficence." 9 
" Do not be in a hurry, but progress each at his own 
pace : You are sure to arrive at your destination, so there 
is no need to run : but you must not stop : ' Religion is a 
path which leads to God, but a path is not a house.' . . . 
' And will it be a long one ? ' ' That depends. It is the 
Cf. D. G. Mukerji, op. cit. 
same for all. But some march for a longer time and the 
end draws near. . . .' " 
" The potter dries his pots in the sun. Some are already 
baked, others not. The cattle pass on and tread them under 
foot. (Then comes death.) . . . The potter picks up the 
pots again and if one is not quite baked he replaces it on 
the wheel ; he does not let it go. But when the sun of God 
has completed your baking, the potter leaves the remains, 
now of no further use on the plane of Maya, except for one 
or two finished vessels to serve as models for humanity." 10 
Ramakrishna was one such, and his mission was to seek 
those who were a stage behind him X1 and with them, in 
fulfilment of the Mother's will, to found a new order of 
men, who would transmit his message and teach to the 
world his word of truth containing all the others. This 
word was "Universal" the Union and Unity of all the 
aspects of God, of all the transports of love and knowledge, 
of all forms of humanity. Until then nobody had sought 
to realize more than one aspect of the Being. All must be 
realized. That was the duty of the present day. And the 
man who fulfilled it by identifying himself with each and 
all of his living brethren, taking unto himself their eyes, 
their senses, their brain and heart, was the pilot and the 
guide for the needs of the new age. 12 
No sooner had he perceived this vision than he was afire 
with the desire to realize it. 18 Like a bird-charmer he flung 
10 Interview with Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, December 6, 1884. 
11 He said : " To those who are in their last birth." 
11 Cf. Swami Ashokananda, loc. cit. 
11 It was revealed to Sri Ramakrishna about 1863 that many 
faithful and pure-hearted souls would come to him. (Cf. Life of 
Ramakrishna, p. 203.) But Rarn^krishna had hardily given it a 
thought before 1866. According to Saradananda, it was at the 
end of the long Samadhi of that year that a violent desire for his 
future disciples came upon him. Every evening he prayed for their 
advent with loud cries. The climax of this crisis was towards the 
end of the next six years (1866-72), which further period was neces- 
sary for Ramakrishna to reach the height of his powers as a teacher, 
and to understand the spiritual condition of the India of his age. 
Towards the close of this period, in a vision his future disciples 
appeared to him. (Cf. Life of Vivekananda, I, 360.) He first began 
to preach at the end of 1874 or the beginning of 1875, when he 
made Keshab's acquaintance. His preaching may be considered to 
fall within the period of twelve years, from 1874 to August, 1886. 
a passionate appeal into the air to other winged spirits 
to come and group themselves round his dovecote. The 
time was ripe. He could wait no longer. He must collect 
his covey round him. Night and day the thought of 
these beloved companions possessed him. He cried in his 
heart. . . . 
" My ardent desire knew no bounds. That very day for 
good or ill I had to realize it. I no longer listened to what 
was said round me. ... They filled my mind. I could 
see them. I decided in advance what I should say to this 
one and that one. ... By the end of the day the thought 
of them weighed upon me. . . . Another day had gone 
and still they had not come ! . . . The clocks struck, the 
conches sounded. I went up to the roof in the fading 
light and with bleeding heart cried aloud, ' Come my chil- 
dren : Where are you ? I cannot live without you. . . .' 
I loved them more than mother, friend or lover ; I desired 
them ; I was dying in their absence." 
This mighty cry of the soul soared up into the night like 
the sacred serpent ; and its attraction was exerted over 
the winged spirits. From all directions, without under- 
standing what command or what power constrained them, 
they felt themselves drawn, as if caught by an invisible 
thread ; they circled, they approached and soon, one after 
another they arrived. 
The first disciples to present themselves (this was in 1879) 
were two middle class intellectuals from Calcutta. They 
were cousins : the one a medical student at the Calcutta 
Medical College, an absolute materialist and atheist : Ram- 
chandra Dutt ; the other married and the head of a family : 
Manomohan Mitra. Some lines in a Brahmo Samaj journal 
mentioning Ramakrishna Iiad attracted their attention. 
They came and they were conquered. They did not 
renounce the world and Ramakrishna did nothing to detach 
them from it ; but the extraordinary man captivated them 
by his charm and his character. It was they who brought 
him his two greatest disciples the one who became the 
first abbot of the Ramakrishna Order, under the name of 
Brahmananda (Rakhal Chandra Ghosh), and he whose 
genius was to enlighten India and the whole world under 
the name of Vivekananda (Narendranath Dutt). 
Before considering the chief personalities, here is a short 
list of the best known of the men, who between the years 
1879 and 1885 14 grouped themselves round Ramakrishna, 
together with some indication of their birth and profession 
as far as it is possible to draw up : 
1879 : i and 2. Doctor Ramchandra Dutt and his cousin, 
Manomohan Mitra ; 
3. Latu, Ramchandra's servant, of low birth from 
Behar, later known by the monastic name of 
Adbhutananda ; 
4. Surendranath Mitra, a rich employee of an English 
trading house, a householder and member of the 
Brahmo Samaj ; 
1881 : 5. Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, son of a Zemindar 
(landed proprietor), later the first abbot of the 
Order under the name of Brahmananda ; 
6. Gopal the elder, a paper merchant (later 
Advaitananda) ; 
7. Narendranath Dutt, a young intellectual, belong- 
ing to a Kshatriya family (later Vivekananda) ; 
1882 : 8. Mahendra Nath Gupta, the principal of the 
Vidyasagyr High School at Shambazar, Calcutta, 
who has since written the Gospel of Sri Rama- 
krishna under the pseudonym M., and who, unless 
I am mistaken, directs the school he founded, 
the Morton Institution. 
9. Tarak Nath Ghoshal, the son of a lawyer, a 
member of the Brahmo Samaj, the present abbot 
of the Order under the name of Shivananda ; 
10. Jogendra Nath Chaudhury, a Brahmin of Dak- 
shmeswar belonging to an aristocratic family 
(later Yogananda). 
1883 : ii. Sasibhurshan (later Ramakrishnananda) ; 
12. Saratchandra Chakravarti (later Saradananda), 
the Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission for 
more than a quarter of a century and the great 
biographer of Ramakrishna, both Brahmins of 
Calcutta and members of the Brahmo Samaj ; 
14 According to Saradananda, all Ramakrishna's disciples arrived 
before the end of 1884, and most of them between the middle of 
1883 and the middle of 1884. 
13. Kaliprasad Chandra, the son of a professor of 
English (later Abhedananda) ; 
14. Narinath Chattopadhyaya, a Brahmin (later 
Turiyananda) ; 
15. Hariprasanna Chatterjee, a student (Vijnanan- 
anda) ; 
16. Gangadhar Ghatak, a young student of fourteen 
(later Akhandananda) ; 
17. Girish Chandra Ghosh, a great actor and drama- 
tist, the founder of the modern Bengal theatre, 
director of the Star Theatre at Calcutta ; 
1885 : 18. Subodh Ghosh, a student of seventeen, the son 
of a founder of the temple of Kali at Calcutta 
(later Subodhananda). 
I have not been able to find the exact dates 
for the entrance of the following : 
19. The rich proprietor, Balaram Bose, a mature and 
exceedingly pious man, whose gifts helped in the 
foundation of the Order ; 
20. The young spiritualistic medium, Nitya Niranjan 
Sen, whom Ramakrishna rescued by main force 
from occult beliefs, 16 and who was later Niran- 
janananda ; 
21. Devendra Mazundar, a mature, married man, an 
employee of a Zemindar and brother of the Bengal 
poet, Surendranath ; 
22. Baburam Gosh, a student about twenty years 
of age (later Premananda) ; 
23. Tulasi Charan Dutt, a student of eighteen (later 
Nirmalananda) . 
It can be seen that with the exception of the poor servant, 
Latu, the majority belonged to the liberal professions, to 
the Brahmin aristocracy or to the rich middle class of 
Bengal. They were either young men or in the prime of 
life, and several had been fashioned by the Brahmo Samaj. 
But I have only mentioned those who joined Ramakrishna 
strictly and who were the exponents of his thought. 
15 " If you always think of ghosts, you will become a ghost. If 
you think of God, you will be God. t Choose : " 
An ever shifting crowd of all classes and all castes inun- 
dated him with its restless movement. They came jumbled 
together, Maharajahs and beggars, journalists and pandits, 
artists and devotees, Brahmos, Christians and Moham- 
medans, men of faith, men of action and business, old men, 
women and children. Often they journeyed from afar to 
question him, and there was no rest for him day or night. 
For twenty hours out of the twenty-four he replied to all 
comers. Although his weakened health failed under the 
strain, he refused nobody, but gave out to all alike his 
sympathy, his enlightenment, and that strange power of 
soul, which, even if he did not speak a word, gripped 18 
the hearts of his visitors and left them transformed for days. 
He won the respect of all sincere believers, and gladly 
received men of different faiths so that they might discuss 
their diversities before him and he might reconcile them. 
But this to him was only one of the factors making for 
harmony. He desired something infinitely greater than the 
reconciliation of warring creeds that man as a whole should 
understand, sympathize with and love the rest of mankind 
that he should identify himself with the life of humanity. 
For, since Divinity is inherent in every man, every life for 
him was a religion, and should so become for all. And the 
more we love mankind, however diverse, the nearer we are 
to God. 17 It was unnecessary to seek Him in temples, or 
to call upon Him for miracles and revelations. He was 
here, everywhere, every second. We could see Him, we 
could touch Him, for He was our brother, our friend, our 
enemy, our very self. And it was because this omnipresent 
God flowed from the soul of Ramakrishna, because his light 
illumined, quietly and imperceptibly, the crowd surround- 
ing him, that men felt themselves, without understanding 
why, uplifted and strengthened. 
He said to his disciples, 
" We must build on different foundations from the makers 
lf " The force of a tiger," was the term used by certain wit- 
nesses of the gentle master, thus associating in a striking metaphor 
a savage impression of vital power and freedom of soul. 
17 " Are you seeking God ? Then seek Him in man : The Divinity 
ii manifest in man more than in any other object " (Gospel of Sri 
Ramakrishna, p. 350). 
of religions. We must live an inner life so intense that it 
becomes a Being. The Being will give birth to innumerable 
torches of truth. . . . Rivers flow because their parent, 
the mountain, remains immovable. . . . Let us raise a 
mountain of God in the midst of humanity. It matters 
little where and when. When it has been raised, it will 
continue to pour forth rivers of light and compassion over 
mankind for ever." 18 
There was then no question of founding or of expounding 
a new creed : 
" Mother/' Premananda heard him pray, " do not let me 
become famous by leading those who believe in beliefs to 
me : Do not expound beliefs through my voice/' 19 
And he warned his disciples against any kind of Rama- 
Above all things there must be no barriers. 
" A river has no need of barriers. If it dams itself up 
it stagnates and becomes foul/' 
Rather the gates must be flung wide open, the gates of 
oneself and of other people so that all-conquering Unity 
might be created. This was to be the real part for his 
chosen disciples by their common effort they were to 
" recreate the Being who was to nourish the men and 
women of the centuries to be." 
Their part was to be an active one, demanding great gifts 
and the wide tolerance of spirit and heart. Nobody must 
stint himself, but give himself wholly. 
That is why, although all men, without exception, were 
called into the Divine community, he showed himself very 
strict in the choice of his disciples ; for they were the way, 
whereon the feet of humanity was to march. He claimed 
that it was not he, but the Mother, who chose them. 20 But 
18 D. G. Mukerji, op. cit. 
19 Once when he was urged to define God, he replied, " And if 
I were to give you a definition of God, what would you do with 
it ? Use it as an article of faith in order to found a new religion 
in my name ? I did not come into the world to begin a new cult : 
Ah 1 No 1 " 
And on another occasion, " Do not look for religion : be religion." 
10 " I did not choose them. The Divine Mother led them to me. 
She made me examine them. At night I meditate ; the veil falls 
and reveals them to me. You can then see the ego of a man or a 
was the Mother any different from the entity we carry in 
the depths of ourselves ? This entity in the case of those, 
who, like Ramakrishna, have acquired the exceptional power 
of keeping intact an intense solitary concentration in the 
midst of a life passed in the midst of an innumerable throng, 
possesses antennae, which infallibly seek out the inner man. 
At the most furtive contact they sound the depths, the 
capacities and the weaknesses, the virtues and the vices, 
things obscure even to the person under observation, that 
which is and that which will be. Ordinary men are apt to 
call in question the reality of this gift of intuitive vision, 
which reaches from the present into the future. But it is 
neither more nor less outside the limits of nature than the 
vibrations of the rod of the " Diviner " on the surface of 
the earth revealing the water beneath. 
Ramakrishna was a wonderful wand in the hand of the 
Mother. Extraordinary tales are told of his physical and 
spiritual hypersensitiveness. Towards the end of his life 
such was his horror of riches that he could no longer touch 
gold without being burnt. 21 It is also maintained that the 
mere touch of an impure person gave him physical pain 
analogous to the bite of a cobra. 22 
woman as through a glass case ... I satisfy myself concerning the 
character of my disciples before I initiate them." 
What man of intuition can fail to recognize this method of thought, 
the use of this inward eye opening under lowered lids in the lonely 
centre of the spirit on the still warm spoils of the world, captured 
by the lure of the senses ? Only the mode of expression varies 
and the intensity of the eye. 
11 Vivekananda relates, " Even when he was sleeping, if I touched 
him with a piece of money, his hand would become bent and his 
whole body would become as if it were paralysed. 1 ' (My Master.) 
11 In illustration of this legendary trait : One day when in the 
kindness of his heart he had consented to touch a man, who, 
though outwardly without reproach was inwardly defiled, and who 
insisted that Ramakrishna should enroll him among his disciples, 
Ramakrishna howled with pain. He said to the man sorrowfully 
and kindly, " The touch of divine bliss has become in you a cobra's 
poison. It is not in this life, my son : " and continued under his 
breath, " Your liberation." 
A thousand other instances of this hypersensitiveness might be 
related. A blow given to a man in the street by a furious enemy 
left its physical mark on the flesh of Ramakrishna. His nephew 
saw his back red and inflamed at the sight of a man whose back 
was scored with the whip. And Girish Chandra Ghosh, whose 
At sight he could read the soul of those who approached 
him, and so, if he accepted them as his disciples, it was 
with full knowledge. 28 He discovered in a hardly formed 
adolescent with character scarcely developed the exact task 
for which he had been born. Sometimes he discovered a 
great destiny, suspected least of all by the person concerned. 
Perhaps he helped such destiny to be born by announcing 
it. This great moulder of souls cast with his fingers of fire 
the bronze of Vivekananda as well as the delicate and tender 
wax of Yogananda or Brahmananda. A curious fact is 
that the most resolute to resist him, were bound sooner or 
later to yield to the spiritual election he had made. They 
then brought as much passion into play in submitting to 
him as they had formerly used in withstanding him. He 
had the power of divining, seizing and keeping those spirits 
fore-ordained for his mission, and it would appear that the 
hawk eye of the Paramahamsa was never mistaken. 
witness is unimpeachable, has certified to the fact of his stigmata. 
This spiritual contact with all forms of life made him at one even 
with animals and plants. It has been said of him, that he felt a 
brutal step upon the earth as it were upon his own heart. 
11 He did not blindly depend upon his own intuition. He visited 
the tutors of his young disciples, he learnt all about them and 
studied them in meditation. With a remarkable and scrupulous 
attention he noted their physiological characteristics of respiration, 
sleep and even digestion. He held that they were of considerable 
importance in confirming his diagnosis of their spiritual faculties 
and destiny. 
IT is possible to divide the train of great souls, with which 
he surrounds himself, into two classes : a third order, 1 
as it were of men and women, who remained serving God 
in the world and the chosen band of apostles. 
Let us first consider the former : for these disciples or 
listeners belonging to the second (third Order) illustrate the 
spirit of broad " catholicity " animating Ramakrishna, and 
to what an extent his religion took into account, for others 
as well as for himself, the common duties of humanity. 
He did not ask men of goodwill to leave all and follow 
him. On the contrary he was careful to refrain from say- 
ing, " Forsake all to seek salvation 1 " to those already 
caught by worldly ties, such as married people and fathers 
of families. 
He forbade his disciples to sacrifice the legitimate rights 
of others " just because you, my son, wish to become a 
holy man." Personal salvation was mere selfishness in too 
many cases, and therefore resulted in a worse death of the 
"... We owe a debt to the gods. We owe a debt to 
parents. We owe a debt to ojir wives. ... No work can 
be satisfactorily concluded until the debt to parents at least 
has been paid. . . . Harish gave up his wife and lives 
here. But if his wife had not been provided for, I should 
have called him a wicked fellow. . . . There are those 
who are constantly quoting scripture, but their deeds and 
their words do not tally. Rama Prasana says that Manu 
ordered that Sadhus should be served. And his old mother 
1 Third Order : It was the name given by St. Francis of Assisi* 
to a half lay, half religious order to which pious people living in 
the world could (and can still) belong. 
was dying of hunger and was obliged to beg for what she 
needed : . . . That enrages me : Not even a depraved 
mother ought to be deserted. ... So long as parents 
remain in want the practice of devotion avails nothing. 2 
" The brother of S. came here for several days. He had 
left his wife and his children in the care of his brother-in- 
law. I rebuked him severely. . . . Was it not criminal 
to leave his home, when he had so many children to bring 
up ? Was it for strangers to feed them and be troubled 
with them ? It was a scandal : . . . I told him to go and 
look for work. ..." 
" You should bring up your children, provide for your 
wife, and put by what is necessary for her to live upon 
after your death. If you do not do so you are heartless ; 
and a man without compassion is not worthy of the name 
of man." 8 
" I tell people that they must fulfil their duties in the 
world as well as think about God. I do not ask them to 
renounce all (smiling). The other day in the course of a 
lecture, Keshab said, ' O God, grant that we may be plunged 
in the river of Devotion and attain the Ocean of Satchi- 
dananda (Being, Knowledge, Eternal Felicity) : ' The 
women were present sitting behind a screen. I showed 
them to Keshab and said, ' If you are all plunged in at once, 
what will be their fate ? . . . So you must come out of 
the water from time to time ; immerse yourselves and 
come out alternately : ' Keshab and the others began to 
laugh. . . ." 4 
1 Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, 251 et seq. The Ramakrishna Mis- 
sion has followed the teachings of the Master. It does not admit 
anyone to the monastic life unless his family voluntarily renounce 
him. For they hold that a man* who flees from worldly responsi- 
bility is too weak to be exposed to the heavier responsibility of 
God's service. (Cf. Mukerji.) 
Life of Ramakrishna, p. 587. 
* The Gospel, II. 266. 
The peasant's son knew much more about the necessities of 
existence than the rich Keshab, and that there is more merit if a 
poor workman finds a place for one single thought of God during 
the day, than if he consecrated hours to religious offices like an 
idle devotee. 
" One day (here is one of his pregnant and piquant parables) 
Narada thought that he was the most pious of men. The Lord 
145 L 
" Your duty as a married man is to live with your wife 
as brother and sister as soon as one or two children have 
been born, and to pray to God that you may be granted 
the power to live a perfect spiritual life exercising self- 
control." 6 
" Undoubtedly a man, who has once tasted the bliss of 
God, finds the world insipid. To lead a religious life in the 
world is to stay in a room with only a feeble ray of light. 
Those who are used to the open air cannot live in prison. 6 
But, if you live in a house, you have duties to perform. 
Learn in accomplishing them always to enjoy the ray of 
light. Do not lose a particle of it, and never lose touch 
with it ; when you are at work, use only one of your hands, 
and let the other touch the feet of the Lord. When your 
work is suspended, take His feet in both your hands and 
put them over your heart ! . . . 7 What will you gain, if 
you renounce the world ? Family life is a fortress for you. 
Moreover, he who has attained knowledge, is always free. 
It is only the lunatic who says, ' I am enchained/ that 
ends by being so. ... The mind is all in all. If it is free, 
you are free. Whether in the forest or in the world I am 
not enchained. I am the son of God, the King of kings. 
Who then dare put me in chains ? . . ." 
So he offered each one the means of freedom to drink 
from an inner spring, to share the joy of universal Existence, 
which is God, contained within each and every individual, 
without going against his own nature, without mutilating 
it or " forcing "it, and above all without wronging one 
told him to go and see a peasant who was more pious than he. 
He went. The peasant invoked the name of Hari when he got 
up and when he went to bed ; the rest of the day he worked in the 
fields. Narada did not understand. Then the Lord told him to 
take a cup filled to the brim with oil and to cany it round the 
town without spilling a drop. Narada obeyed. When he came 
back without having spilt a drop, the Lord asked, ' How many 
times did you think of Me ? ' ' Lord, how could I think of you ? 
My mind was concentrated on the cup of oil.' Thus the Lord made 
Narada understand how great was the peasant's devotion, who, in 
spite of his work, did not forget to call upon His name. 11 (Sri 
Ramakrishna's Teachings, I, 45.) 
'Gospel, I, 403. 
Interview with Trailokya Nath Sanyal. 
T Interview with Keshab and his disciples, 1882. 
hair of the head of anyone dependent upon him. Far 
from forbidding a man to feel legitimate affection, he showed 
it to be a means of enlightenment, a peaceful canal with 
beautiful reflections, leading the pure and the simple to 
God. Here is a charming example : 
The daughter of one of his disciples (Manila! Mallik) 
was troubled. She told him sorrowfully that when she 
prayed she could not concentrate. Ramakrishna asked 
her : 
" What do you love best in the world ? " 
She replied that it was her brother's little child. 
" Very well," answered the affectionate Master, " fix 
your thoughts upon him/' 
She did so and through the little boy she grew in devotion 
to the child Krishna. 8 
How I love this flower of tenderness in him ! What deep 
significance it has ! Each one of us, be his heart as dark 
as night, has the divine spark in the most humble impulse 
of true love. There is nobody quite destitute of a tiny 
lamp, just enough to light up his path. And all ways are 
good ways even the bad ones, 9 and each individual destiny, 
provided that every man follows his own with loyal sincerity. 
8 Here is another anecdote of the same kind : 
A good grandmother grew old, and wished to adopt a religious 
life at Brindaban. Ramakrishna dissuaded her, on the ground that 
she loved her granddaughter too much and that her meditations 
would be troubled by thoughts of her. He added : 
" All the good you could expect from living at Brindaban will 
come of its own accord to you, if you cultivate your sweet affection 
for your granddaughter in the thought that she is Sri Radhika 
Herself. Fondle her just as much as you are wont ; feed and dress 
her to your heart's content but^ always think to yourself that in 
those acts you are offering your worship to the goddess of 
Brindaban/' (Sri Ramakrishna' s Teachings, par. 70.) 
And so live your life and love your dear ones in innocence and 
peace ! This means that you see God under their veil and give 
Him thanks. , , 
" The vital point is your ardent desire for truth, whatever be 
the path you follow. God knows the secrets of your heart ; and 
it matters little if you take the wrong path, so long as you are sincere. 
He Himself will lead you back to the right path It is well-known 
that no road is perfect. Each person believes that his watch goes 
well, but in truth none knows the correct time. But that does not 
hinder people's work/ 1 (Life of Sri Ramaknshna, p. 647.) 
The rest is God's business. Have confidence then and go 
forward ! 
Therefore live your life and love your loved ones in all 
innocence and peace ; all you have to do is to see God 
under their dear shapes and give thoughts to Him. 
And how deeply and indulgently Ramakrishna's maternal 
eye penetrated and understood, so that he knew how to 
guide the troubled souls of the most lost of his children, 
is shown in a story worthy of the Franciscan legends of his 
relations with the comedian, Girish Chunder Ghosh. 
This great actor and dramatist was a Bohemian and a 
debauchee, a rebel against God, although his genius enabled 
him on occasions to write beautiful religious works. 10 But 
he regarded such writings as a game. He did not realize 
a fact that struck Ramakrishna at the first glance, that he 
himself was the plaything of God. 
He heard people talk of the Paramahamasa, and was 
curious to see him, as he might have been curious to see 
a freak in a circus. At their first meeting he was drunk 
and he insulted him. Ramakrishna in a calm and bantering 
tone said to him, 
" At least you might drink to God ; Perhaps He drinks 
as well. . . ." 
The drunkard, his mouth agape, exclaimed, 
" How do you know ? " 
" If He did not drink, how could He have created this 
topsy-turvy world ? " 
Girish remained in stupefied silence. When he had gone, 
Ramakrishna said quietly to his astounded disciples : 
" That man is a great devotee u of God/ 1 
At his own invitation he went to see Girish act in his 
Calcutta theatre. 12 Girish w4s vain and looked for com- 
pliments. But Ramakrishna said to him, 
" My son, you suffer from a crooked soul." 
10 Some of them have been translated from Bengali into English. 
He is regarded as one of the greatest Bengali dramatists. 
11 " Devotee " is used here, as elsewhere in this book, as mean- 
ing, devoted to God, one who has given himself wholly to God. 
11 Towards the end of 1884. He was present at one of the first 
performances of Chaitanya-lila and in 1885 he saw performances of 
four or five other plays of Girish, in particular the dramatized life 
of Buddha. 
I 4 8 
Girish was furious and loaded him with insults. Rama- 
krishna blessed him and went away. The next day Girish 
came to beg his pardon, and became a disciple of Rama- 
krishna. But he could not give up drinking. Ramakrishna 
never asked him to do so, with the result that eventually 
Girish broke the habit ; for Ramakrishna had strengthened 
his resolution by allowing him to feel that he was absolutely 
But this was not enough. Ramakrishna told him that 
to refrain from doing evil was too negative a virtue ; he 
must draw near to God. Girish found this impossible, for 
he had never been able to submit to discipline. In despair 
he said that he would prefer suicide to meditation and 
" I am not asking you for much," Ramakrishna replied. 
" Just one prayer before you eat, and one prayer before 
you go to bed. Can you not do it ? " 
" No ; I hate routine. I cannot pray or meditate. I 
cannot even think of God for a second/' 
" Good/ 1 replied Ramakrishna. " Well, if you really 
desire to see the Lord, but if at the same time you will 
not take a single step towards Him, will you make me 
your proxy ? I will do your praying for you, while you 
will lead your own life. But take care ; you must promise 
me to live from henceforth absolutely at the Lord's mercy/' 
Girish accepted his suggestion without fully realizing the 
consequences. His life was no longer under the control of 
his own will, but at the mercy of inner forces, like a leaf 
in the wind, or like a kitten whose mother can carry it 
equally well on to a king's bed as a dustheap. 18 He had 
to accept this condition without demur, and it was not 
easy. Girish struggled loyally, but once he was driven to 
" Yes, I will do it." 
" What is that ? " Ramakrishna cried sternly. " You 
have no longer the will to do or not to do. Remember, 
* " Like a cat " (Marjari) is the classical simile of the Bhakti. 
The cat saves its kittens by carrying them inert. Certain sects 
of Southern India conceive thus of salvation. They believe it is 
accomplished exclusively by God. (Cf . Paul Masson-Oursel : Sketch 
of the History of Indian Philosophy, p. 247.) 
I am your proxy. Your behaviour is according to the 
will of the Lord within you. I pray for you ; but my 
prayers will avail nothing unless you abandon all initiative." 
Girish submitted, and the result of this discipline was 
that after a time he attained self-surrender to the impersonal 
Self ; he was conquered by God. 
But he did not renounce his profession as dramatist 
and actor, and Ramakrishna never desired it. Instead he 
purified it. He had been the first to introduce women 
on to the Bengal stage, and now he rescued many unfor- 
tunate girls from misery and uplifted them. Afterwards 
he took them to Ramakrishna's monastery. He became 
one of the most religious followers of the Master, one of 
the greatest of his householder disciples. Notwithstanding 
his freedom of speech and caustic humour, he was respected 
and venerated after the Master's death by the monastic 
As he was dying, he said, 
" The folly of matter is a terrible veil. Take it away 
from my eyes, Ramakrishna ! " 14 
And so, his religious sense, a sixth sense more highly 
developed in him than any of the others, revealed to Rama- 
krishna those among the passers-by, who were predestined 
for a divine sowing, those in whom God was sleeping. 
One glance, one gesture, was enough to awaken it. Nearly 
all the disciples yielded to him at the first meeting, the 
vibrations of their inner being whether they wished to 
do so or not. He scrutinized them through and through. 
Other men had only their own salvation to find, but the 
true disciples were to be leaders and have the charge of 
other souls. That was why* when they were recruited, 
they were, as I have said, subjected to physical 16 and moral 
examination, followed after their admission by a paternal 
and ever watchful discipline. 
He preferred them young, sometimes very young, hardly 
14 1 have followed the narrative of D. G. Mukerji in this account. 
11 He was very particular about perfect health. The chief dis- 
ciples, Vivekananda, Brahmananda, Saradananda, Turiyananda, 
etc., seem to have been of athletic build, tall and broad, and pos- 
sessing rare physical strength. I repeat that he was always careful 
to examine the tongue, the chest, the working of the organs, before 
sanctioning the exercises of intensive meditation. 
adolescent, 16 and unmarried, " not yet caught in the net 
of desire, nor entrapped by riches, free from ties. . . ." 
If, like Brahmananda, they were married, he examined 
the wife as well, and satisfied himself that she would help 
and not hinder her young husband in his mission. In 
general the disciples of this unlettered man were well- 
educated and knew at least one foreign language in addition 
to Sanskrit. But this was not an essential ; the example 
of Latu is significant, although it may be said that he was 
the exception to prove the rule. A humble and ignorant 
servant, a peasant of Behar and a stranger to Bengal, he 
was awakened to eternal life by one glance from Rama- 
krishna, for he possessed unwittingly the same genius of 
heart as the Master. 17 
" Many of us," said Swami Turiyananda, " had to go 
through the muddy waters of knowledge before we attained 
God, but Latu jumped over them, like Hanuman." 
* * * 
What did Ramakrishna teach his disciples ? Vivekan- 
anda has emphasized the originality of his methods, especially 
in the India of his day ; since then some of his educational 
principles have been adopted and systematized by the new 
schools of Europe. Up to that time in India the word of 
the master was law. A Guru exacted from his Chelas (pupils) 
a deeper respect than that paid to parents. Ramakrishna 
would have none of it. He put himself on a level with 
his young disciples. He was their companion, their brother ; 
he talked familiarly with tlapji and without any trace of 
superiority. The advice he gave them was not his own* 
It came from the Mother through his lips. "What has 
1 Turiyananda was fourteen yws old, Subodhananda seventeen. 
17 Few lives of saints are more moving than that of this boy 
servant of a householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, who came 
by boat up the Ganges on behalf of his master to lay an offering 
at Ramakrishna's feet. Their glances met. Two days later Latu 
came and gave himself to the Master a gift for life. He was so 
completely emptied of self that he feared, even when he was doing 
good, lest he should be caught again in the trap of self-love or of 
routine ; he was only reassured when he felt himself fused in the 
goodness of God. This illiterate man understood the profound 
language of music. When he was dying, " Spitting his body " to 
use his own rude expression, he cried in ecstasy, " I hear the sound 
of a flute. At last I am going to His meeting-place." 
it to do with me ? " Moreover, words are mere accessories ; 
they are not instruction. True instruction does not consist 
in inculcating doctrine 18 but in " communicating/' But 
what is to be communicated ? A man's self ? Not even 
that, or rather something more than that the One self. 
Or we may describe it as the condition of inward abundance, 
of vital and digested riches called " Spirituality/' And 
this is to be communicated " as a flower might be given/' 
in the same way that a good gardener dispenses the sun 
and the sheltering shade to the budding souls entrusted 
to him, so that they may blossom and exhale their spiritual 
perfume. That is all. The rest comes from within them. 
" When the lotus is full blown, the bees come and collect 
the honey. Let the lotus of character expand naturally." 
Still less was there any question of imposing his own 
ideas upon them. There was to be no established Credo ; 
I have already quoted his words : 
" Mother do not expound beliefs through my voice ; " 
And ritual even less ; 
" God cannot be won by a system of ritual," but only 
by love and sincerity. 
There were no fruitless discussions on metaphysics and 
theology ; 
" I do not like argument. God is above the powers of 
reason. I see that all which exists is God. Then of what 
avail to reason ? . . . Go into the garden, eat the sacred 
mangoes and go out again ; You do not go in to count 
the leaves on the mango tree. So why waste time in 
disputes about reincarnation or idolatry ? " 19 
What then did matter ? Personal experience. Experi- 
ment first and then believe yi God. Belief ought not to 
precede but to follow religious experience. If it comes 
first, it is inconsistent. 
Nevertheless Ramakrishna presupposed his own belief 
that God is in everything, that He is everything, and that 
1 " Do not trouble yourselves with doctrine ; It is the Essence 
of existence in each man, which counts ; and this is spirituality. 
You must acquire it." 
According to Vivekananda the principle of his teaching was, 
" First form character, first earn spirituality, and results will come 
of themselves." (My Master.) 
19 Cf. The Gospel, passim. 
it therefore follows that whoever opens his eyes and looks 
around him will of necessity end by meeting Him. This 
union with God was such a deep and constant 20 reality 
in his case that he did not feel any need to prove it, and 
he would never have dreamt of imposing it upon others. 
He was too certain that every sane and sincere seeker 
would arrive at it by himself, and through himself alone. 
His sole care was to make his disciples sane and sincere. 
But who can gauge the moral influence of such a being 
wholly impregnated with God ? It is obvious that his 
tranquil and constant vision was intermingled with his 
flesh, like the scent of pines in autumn honey, and hence 
it would percolate over the tongues of his young and starving 
disciples, who drank in eagerly his gestures and his move- 
ments. But he himself had no suspicion of it. He left 
them free, so he believed. He believed that God was 
simply spreading His perfume through his substance, like 
thyme when the wind blows over it. The thyme makes no 
effort to convince you. All you have to do is to smell its 
fresh scent. 
This then was the essential part of Ramakrishna's dis- 
cipline. A man must have and keep his body, senses and 
spirit honest and pure, unspotted, unworn, as young as 
To achieve this the first rule was continence. 
This rule, which our anti-clerics of the West claim with 
ingenuous ignorance to be a monopoly of the Church of 
Rome, and against which they are never tired of launching 
their old and blunted arrows, is as old as the world 
(though if the whole world had applied it rigorously it 
would obviously never have Jived to grow old). All great 
10 It even reached the pitch of hallucination ; 
" Do you know what I see ? I see Him in all things. Man and 
the other creatures seem to me like miniature figures clothed in 
flesh ; and it is the Lord within them that moves head and feet 
and hands. Once I had this Vision : One Substance alone had 
taken all the forms of the Cosmos and all living creatures a wax 
house, with garden, men, cows, all of wax nothing but wax " 
(Gospel, I, 437.) 
" One day it was revealed to me that everything is Pure Spirit ; 
the temple vessels, the altar, men, beasts all pure Spirit ; and 
like a madman I began to rain flowers over everything. Every- 
thing that I saw, I worshipped. . . ." 
mystics and the majority of great idealists, the giants 
among the creators of the spirit, have clearly and instinc- 
tively realized what formidable power of concentrated soul, 
of accumulated creative energy, is generated by a renuncia- 
tion of the organic and psychic expenditure of sexuality. 
Even such free thinkers in matters of faith, and such sensu- 
alists as Beethoven, Balzac and Flaubert, have felt this. 
" Let me keep it for a higher purpose " (for God and 
creative art), Beethoven cried one day when he had repulsed 
the appeal of carnal passion. For a still stronger reason 
the impassioned of God cannot bear any division of them- 
selves ; for they know that their God will refuse to visit 
them in a house cumbered and soiled with desire. (Not 
only is the act called in question but the thought even 
more so.) It is not enough to practise sexual continence 
if concupiscence is hidden in the secrets of the heart ; 
for this would be impotence another sin rather than 
freedom. The rule is inflexible for Hindu Sannyasin ; and 
the spiritual guides as different as the tender, serene, almost 
feminine Ramakrishna and the masculine, ardent and pas- 
sionate Vivekananda, a torch of passion shaken by all 
winds that blow, allowed no compromise. 
" Absolute continence must be practised, if God is to 
be realized. If a man remains absolutely continent for 
twelve years, he achieves superhuman power. A new nerve 
develops in him, called " the nerve of intelligence." He 
can remember everything and know everything. Renuncia- 
tion of Kamini-Kanchana (woman and gold) is essential." n 
Poverty, chastity, the mystic marriage of St. Francis. 
The prescriptions of Churches and Sacred Books are super- 
fluous ; for kindred spirits of Jhe East and the West have 
arrived at the same conclusions and the same results. 
Generally speaking the man who dedicates himself to the 
inner life (whether it be called Christ, Shiva, or Krishna, 
or the pure idea of thought and art) " must have absolute 
empire over his senses." fl 
But that is not enough. Those (and they are in the 
11 Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, 223 et seq. t I, 252 et seq. The ques- 
tion is there treated by the Master in frank and open terms without 
any false modesty. 
11 Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, 223. 
majority) who have to remain in contact with the world 
and to work in it, must exercise the same " empire " over 
the object of their work and the intellectual passions that 
feed it. They must take care not to become the slaves 
of any activity, however noble, to which they may be 
devoted. 23 
" You cannot escape work, because nature (Prakriti) 
drives you to it. That being so, let all work be done as 
it should be done ! Then if it is done without attachment 
it leads to God, and is a means to attain the end and 
the end is God." 
" Without attachment " does not imply without con- 
science, or zeal of love of good work, but only with dis- 
" To work without attachment is to work without the 
hope of reward or the fear of punishment, either in this 
world or in any other. . . ." 
But Ramakrishna was too human not to know that 
such an ideal is very rarely attained by frail humanity. 
" To work without attachment is extremely difficult, 
especially in our days, and can only be realized by a chosen 
few. ..." 
But it is a common duty to aspire at least to such detach- 
ment, and fervent prayer and true charity are aids to it. 
But stop ; the word charity is an equivocal one. Charity 
and philanthropy are usually classed as synonyms. Rama- 
krishna evinced a curious mistrust of the latter, unsurpassed 
by any of our Western satirists such as Dickens or Mirabeau, 
and he unmasked with laugh or insult the hypocrisy of 
certain " philanthropists," although he ran the risk of 
shocking many good people. ,More than once Ramakrishna 
told his faithful followers to be on their guard against 
ostentatious philanthropy. His intuition of the secret work- 
11 High disinterestedness with regard to their work has been 
shown by some of the most beautiful artists and proudest Chris- 
tian savants of the West even in the sceptical eighteenth century. 
I have admired it in men as proud as Gluck and Handel, as sensually 
human as Hasse and Mozart ; each showed complete indifference 
to the fate of their work after their death, leaving it, like Racine, 
to die in the full flood of creative power. I venture to say that 
no man has been able to achieve greatness unless he has attained 
to this height. 
ings of the heart led him to discover only too often in the 
activities and professions of charitable faith nothing but 
egoism, vanity, a desire for glory, or merely a barren agita- 
tion, which, without real love behind it, seeks to kill the 
boredom of life ; when it throws its mite to misery it is 
in reality trying to rid itself of its own haunting troubled 
vision rather than to help the unfortunate. To the good 
Mallik, who spoke to him about founding hospitals and 
relief works, he said, 
" Yes, but only on condition that you remain ' detached ' 
(that is to say entirely disinterested) in doing good/ 1 
He was almost carried away when he talked with worldly 
men, such as Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, the novelist, 
or with the manager of a newspaper (the Hindu Patriot), 
of so little account did he hold the intentions, the depth 
of soul and above all the acts of those, whose mouth is 
full of good works roads and works of public utility, etc. 
He denied that a single real or durable good could emerge 
from corrupt souls. First then men must purge themselves 
of their egoism, and not till that has been accomplished 
can they work usefully for the world. 
In order to elucidate Ramakrishna's attitude in this 
connection, I have asked many questions of the most 
authoritative of his still living disciples, those who represent 
his doctrine Swami Shivananda and Swami Ashokananda, 
and they have been at great pains to answer me. But 
in spite of some isolated instances, quoted above, attesting 
to the active philanthropy of Ramakrishna, they have not 
been able to prove that well-doing by works occupied any 
essential place in his teaching. This would be a grave 
charge (I say it in all loyalty), from the Western point of 
view which puts deeds before intentions, and the good of 
others before individual salvation, if we did not remember, 
first, that Ramakrishna repudiated the egoism of individual 
salvation just as much as philanthropy without disinterested 
love, and, next, that his object was to light the lamp of 
charity in every heart. 
What then is the difference between charity and self- 
love ? t4 Charity is the love emanating from us, not 
14 " Self-Love," it goes without saying, is used in its classical 
meaning of " Love of Self." 
limited in its application to self, family, sect, and country. 
Therefore a charity, which raises and leads men to God, 25 
is to be cultivated. 
For Ramakrishna charity meant nothing less than the 
love of God in all men; for God is incarnate in man. 26 
Nobody can truly love man, and hence nobody can help 
him unless he loves the God in him. And the corollary 
also holds good : nobody can really know God unless he 
has seen Him in every man. 27 
This is what the Abbot of the Order, Shivananda, the 
man whose task is to represent the true spirit of Rama- 
krishna in these days, wrote to me M lines whose spiritual 
sense will be familiar to the readers of Pascal : 
" You appear to conceive some distinction between the 
realization of the Divinity in man and the consciousness 
of universal suffering with regard to motives for service. 
It seems to me that these are merely two aspects of the 
same state of mind and not two different ones. It is only 
by realizing the Divinity inherent in man that we can 
truly grasp the depths of his misery ; for not till then 
will his condition of spiritual servitude, and his lack of 
perfection and divine happiness appeal to our conscience as 
almost tangible evidence. It is the sad feeling of contrast 
between the Divinity in man and his present ignorant 
state with all the suffering it entails that pricks the heart 
to serve mankind. Without the realization of this Divine 
Spirit in himself and in others true sympathy, true love, 
true service are impossible. That is why Sri Ramakrishna 
wished his disciples to attain Self-realization. Otherwise 
they could not consecrate themselves profitably to the 
service of humanity/' 29 
"Gospel of Ramakrishna, I, 261. 
** " You are seeking God ? Very well, look for Him in man ; 
The Divinity manifests itself in man more than in any other object. 
In truth God is everything ; but his power is more or less mani- 
fest in other objects. God incarnate in man is the most manifest 
power of God in the flesh. . . . Man is the greatest manifestation 
of God." (Gospel, I, 350.) 
17 " The attainment of perfect knowledge is to see God in every 
man." (Ibid., Vol. II.) 
" December 7, 1927. 
19 And again Swami Ashokananda wrote : " Service originates 
from love and sympathy in the ordinary plane. But . . . when 
But meanwhile humanity is suffering, humanity is dying, 
abandoned. Is it to be left without help ? Certainly 
not. For that which Ramakrishna never accomplished, 
which in fact he never could have accomplished within 
the bounds of his Karma and the limited horizon of his 
life (a life even then drawing to its close), he left to his 
greatest disciple, the heir of his word, Vivekananda to 
the man, whom indeed it was his particular mission to 
summon from the ranks of mankind to come to mankind's 
rescue. To him, almost in spite of himself, he entrusted 
the task of working in the world and of " alleviating the 
misery of the humble and the poor.' 1 80 
And Vivekananda brought a devouring passion and 
energy of action to it ; for his was a nature cast in a very 
different mould from his master's, one unable to wait a 
single day, a single hour before coming to the help of misery. 
He suffered it in his own flesh. It haunted him. It wrung 
from him cries of despair. He did not possess the strange 
serenity wherein, during his last years, the spirit of Rama- 
krishna floated that disembodied spirit that had pene- 
trated into the redoubtable sphere of a Beyond where 
good and evil were not : " The Absolute is without attach- 
ment to the good as well as to the evil. It is like the light 
of a lamp. You can with its help read the Holy Scriptures, 
but you can equally well commit forgery by the same 
light. . . . Whatever the sin, the evil or the misery we 
find in the world, they are only misery, evil or sin in relation 
to us. The Absolute is above and beyond. Its sun lights 
the evil as well as the good. 31 I am afraid that you must 
accept the facts of the universe as they are. It is not 
we learn to look upon suffering humanity as only God in different 
forms, we find that the consciousness of the Divine in men is the 
motive of service, and such service becomes a potent means of God- 
realization/' (Prabuddha Bharata, February, 1928.) Dare I say 
that it seems to me still more beautiful, still purer and higher to 
love and to serve the " suffering " without any thought of the " Divine " 
simply because it is suffering, and that forgetfulness of the Divine 
is perhaps nearer to the Divine than perpetual preoccupation with 
it, since it does not allow of the maintenance of any trace of " attach- 
ment " in the sense implied by Ramakrishna ? 
* The beautiful episode of 1886 will appear later, as it was told 
to me by Swami Shivananda, an eye-witness. 
M Gospel, I, 6, 87. 
given to man to penetrate clearly the ways of the Lord. 82 
I see and I realize that all three are of the same substance 
the victim of the sacrifice, the block and the executioner. 
. . . Ah, what a vision." 8S 
Yes, the vision has a tragic grandeur akin to the ocean. 
And it is good that all visible souls should plunge into it 
and renew their strength from time to time. It was well 
that at the bottom of his tender heart Ramakrishna kept 
its sovereign roaring and salt tang. But it is not for 
ordinary mortals. They run the risk of being maddened 
or petrified by terror. Their weakness is not fitted to 
achieve the synthesis of the Absolute and the Ego. In 
order that their vital spark may not be extinguished, " the 
wand of the ego imposed upon the ocean of Satchidananda 
(Being, Knowledge, Happiness) must be preserved/' It 
may be no more than " a line traced upon the water/' 
but " if you take it away, nothing remains but the one 
undivided Ocean." 34 So keep it as a protection against 
vertigo. God himself has allowed this semblance to support 
the stumbling steps of His children. They are none the 
less His. To those who asked Ramakrishna anxiously, 
" Lord, you speak to us of those who realize the Unity : 
' I am He ' ... But what of those who cannot do so, 
those who say : ' Thou art not me. I seek Thee/ What 
becomes of them ? " He replied with a reassuring smile, 
" There is no difference : whether you call Him ' Thou ' 
or call Him ' I am He. 1 Men that realize Him through 
' Thou ' have a very lovely relation with Him. It is very 
much like that of an old trusted servant with his Master. 
As they both grow old, the Master leans and depends on 
his friend the servant, more and more. . . . The Master 
consults his servant regarding every serious matter that 
he wishes to undertake. One day ... the Master takes 
him by the hand, then seats him on his own august seat. 
The servant is embarrassed and . . . says, ' What are you 
doing, my Lord ? ' But the Master holds him on the 
throne next to Himself saying, ' You are the same as I, 
my Beloved.' " * 
Ramakrishna could always adapt his thought to the 
Gospel, I, 101. ' Ibid., I, 437- i4 && IL 
" Cf. Mukerji, op. cit., p. 161. 
range of vision of each individual disciple ; and far from 
destroying the fragile equilibrium of the human spirit, he 
was careful to establish it by delicately graduating the 
proportion of the elements constituting it. He could be 
seen changing his method according to each temperament 
to such an extent that he sometimes seemed to hold con- 
tradictory views. He counselled energy to the angelic 
Yogananda, whose excessive good nature led him into error. 
" A devotee ought not to be a fool." 
He scolded him severely for not knowing how to defend 
himself. But he vehemently enjoined the violent Niran- 
janananda, ever ready to march against an enemy or to 
attack anyone who had insulted him, to cultivate a mild 
and forgiving spirit in face of injury. In the disciples 
" of the heroic type," he tolerated certain weaknesses, which 
he denied to the weaker ones, because the former could 
not be permanently affected by them. With unerring tact 
he knew how to calculate the force of reaction in each 
It might have been expected that a man who lived in 
constant contact with the Absolute beyond the norm con- 
trolling the course of ordinary life, would have been incapable 
of understanding and guiding the thousand nuances of daily 
action. But the contrary was true in the case of Rama- 
krishna. His freedom from the chains of Illusion removed 
in the first instance the blinkers of all his prejudices, fanati- 
cism and narrowness of heart and mind. And as there 
was no longer any impediment to his free and frank regard, 
he judged all things and all men with laughing good sense. 
One of his Socratic discussions would have surprised a 
hearer of to-day. They are often nearer to Montaigne and 
Erasmus than to the Galilean. Their ironic turn, their 
gay humour have a refreshing effect. The ardent atmo- 
sphere of Bengal must have doubled their appeal to young 
brains, always ready to be carried away. I will here give 
two piquant examples of them ; the parables of the Elephant 
and the Serpent. In the former Ramakrishna with divert- 
ing irony warned his disciples against the two opposite 
extremes of violence and absolute non-resistance. In the 
latter he seems to be treating himself ironically ; he had 
perceived the dangers of amoralism and of indifference to 
action, which tend to give young heads the sun-stroke of 
the omnipresent God, and he banteringly gauged the degree 
of His presence in us and our surroundings, and the hier- 
archy of his forms and laws. 
The Elephant 
" Once upon a time there lived in a certain forest a holy 
man, who had a great number of disciples. One day he 
taught them as follows : ' God/ he said, ' is in everything. 
Therefore we ought to bow our heads in adoration before 
every single object in the world/ It happened that one 
of his disciples had gone to collect wood for the sacrificial 
fire. Suddenly he heard a shout : ' Scatter ; Scatter : A 
mad elephant is coming ; ' Immediately they all fled, 
except one, who reasoned thus : ' The elephant is God in 
one form ; why then should I run away ? ' So he stayed 
where he was, he bowed to the elephant as the Lord, and 
began to sing his praises. The elephant-driver yelled : 
' Save yourself ! Save yourself ! . . / But the disciple 
would not move a single step. The elephant seized him 
in its trunk and flung him a great distance. The unfortunate 
man remained motionless, stunned, bruised and bleeding. 
When his Master heard what had happened he ran to his 
assistance with the others. They carried him into the house 
and cared for his wounds. When he recovered consciousness 
they asked him : ' Why did you not save yourself when 
you heard the elephant-driver shout ? ' The young man 
replied, ' Our Master had just taught us that God reveals 
Himself in every living creature. I thought of the elephant 
as God, and so I did not want to leave the place/ Then 
the Guru said to him, ' My son, it was true that it was an 
elephant God who appeared ; But did not the elephant- 
driver God tell you to seek shelter ? It is quite true that 
God reveals Himself in all things, but if He is manifest in 
the elephant, is He not just as much manifest in the elephant- 
driver if not more ? Tell me then why you paid no 
attention to his warning. . . / " 86 
And here is the substance of a mischievous conversation 
of the Master with the youthful Vivekananda : 
"Gospel, I, 56. 
161 M 
The Serpent 
The Master (smiling) : " What think you, Narendra ? 87 
People who live in the world often express themselves 
very bitterly with regard to those who live in God. When 
an elephant goes his way along the highroad, a crowd of 
curs and other animals always run after him, yapping and 
snapping at his heels. But he takes no notice and proceeds 
along his own undeviating way. Suppose, my child, people 
speak evil of you behind your back, what would you do ? " 
Narendra (scornfully) : "I should regard them as the 
curs in the street barking at my heels/' 
The Master (laughing) : " No, my child, you must never 
go as far as that. Remember that God dwells in all things 
animate and inanimate. So all things deserve our respect. 
. . . The only thing that we can do in our intercourse 
with men, is to take care that we consort with the good 
and avoid the society of the wicked. It is true that God 
is even in the tiger. But it does not follow that we ought 
to put our arms round his neck and press him to our heart." 
(The disciples laughed.) 
Narendra : " Must one then remain quiet, if rogues insult 
one ? " 
The Master : " Once upon a time there was a field 
wherein herd boys watched over their cattle. In the 
same field lived a terrible and poisonous serpent. One 
day a holy man happened to pass by. The children ran 
to him and cried : ' Holy man, do not go that way. Beware 
of the serpent/ ' My children/ said the holy man, ' I am 
not afraid of your serpent. I know the Mantras which 
will keep me safe from all harm/ So saying, he continued 
his way. . . . The serpeitf saw him and came towards 
him raising his hood. The holy man murmured a charm, 
and the serpent fell at his feet as powerless as an earth- 
worm. ' Well/ said the holy man, ' Why do you behave 
thus, doing evil to others ? I am going to give you a 
Sacred name (that of God) to repeat, and you will learn 
to love God : in the end you will see Him ; and the desire 
to do evil will leave you/ He whispered the Sacred Name 
in the serpent's ear. The serpent bowed and said, ' O 
17 1 would remind the reader that Narendra or Narenwas^the real 
name of Vivekananda. 
Master, what must I do to be saved ? ' ' Repeat the Sacred 
Name/ said the holy man, ' and do no ill to any living 
creature ; I shall come again to see how you have been 
behaving/ And so saying, the holy man departed. . . . 
Days went by. The little herd boys noticed that the 
serpent did not bite. They threw stones at it. It remained 
as quiet and inoffensive as an earthworm. One of the 
little wretches took it by the tail, waved it round his head 
and then threw it against the stones several times. The 
serpent vomited blood and was left for dead. During the 
night he came to himself ; slowly, slowly he dragged himself 
to his hole ; his body was broken in pieces. After several 
days he was nothing but a skeleton ; it took him so much 
time before he could drag himself out to look for food. 
For fear of the children he only went out at night. From 
the time of his initiation by the Brahmin he had stopped 
doing evil to any creature. As well as he could he tried 
to live on leaves and other wisps. The holy man returned. 
He looked everywhere in order to find the serpent. The 
children told him that he was dead. The Brahmin was 
astonished ; he knew that the name of the Lord, which 
the serpent repeated, had the spiritual power to make 
death impossible before the problem of life had been solved, 
that is to say, before God had been seen. He recommenced 
his search, and called the serpent several times by name. 
The serpent came out of his hole, and bowed to his teacher. 
The following dialogue took place. 
The Holy Man : Well, how are you ? 
The Serpent : Thank you, Master. By the grace of God 
I am very well. 
The Holy Man : How is it^ then, that you are nothing 
but skin and bone ? What has happened to you ? 
The Serpent : O Master, in obedience to your command 
I tried not to harm any living creature. I have been 
living on leaves and other scraps. And so it is possible 
that I have grown thinner. 
The Holy Man : I fear that it is not simply a change 
of diet that has brought you to this state. There must 
have been something else. Tell me 1 
The Serpent: Ah; ... perhaps ... yes ... Icansee 
what it was without a doubt. One day the little herd boys 
treated me rather badly. They took me by the tail, and 
banged me against the stones several times very hard. 
Poor children ! They had no idea of the change that had 
taken place in me. How were they to know that I would 
not bite anyone ? 
The Holy Man : But what madness ! what madness ! 
you must be an idiot not to know to stop your enemies 
from ill-treating you thus. . . . What I forbade you to 
do was to bite any of God's creatures. But why did you 
not hiss at those who wanted to kill you, so as to frighten 
them? . . ." 
And Ramakrishna looked at his disciples with a twinkle 
in his eye : 
" So raise your hood. . . . But do not bite ; . . . A 
man living in society, particularly if he is a citizen and 
the father of a family, ought to pretend to resist evil in 
order to defend himself. But he must at the same time 
be very careful not to return evil for evil." 
I will not vouch for the practical and moral excellence 
of this last receipt, which savours rather of " Si vis pacem, 
para bellum ; " a fallacy this generation has been obliged 
to expose, to its cost. But I will preserve the mocking 
smile of this spiritual story-teller, so reminiscent of La 
Fontaine. We must necessarily also consider Ramakrishna's 
method as at bottom a means to re-establish equilibrium 
in the ship of action, swinging perilously and driven by 
opposing winds from one bank to another, by interposing 
a common-sense view between the two extremes. 
It is obvious that he practised and professed " Ahimsa " 
(hurt nothing) quite as much as Gandhi. He specifically 
proclaimed it, not only with regard to man but all living 
creatures. 88 
ai Here is another sheaf of beautiful stories : 
First this admirable parable : " God in Everything ' (Gospel, II, 
" Once upon a time there was a monastery, whose inmates went 
out every day to beg. One day a monk, having issued forth to 
seek food, found a Zemindar (rural proprietor) beating a poor man 
very severely. . . . He interfered. . . . The Zemindar in a furious 
rage turned his anger against the monk and beat him until he lost 
consciousness. The other monks, warned of what had happened, 
came running up ; they found him lying on the ground, carried 
But he was more of a humorist and more versatile than 
Gandhi, never anxious to lay down one definite rule, but 
weighing in one glance the pros and cons of a question. The 
result was that this passionate lover of the Absolute possessed 
in the world of Maya a very fine sense of the golden mean, 
and although, like the Mother, he flung up kite souls into 
the vault of heaven, he always brought them back to earth 
by the string of common sense if the hour had not yet come 
for them to fly away. 
He made them remain in the world so that they might 
teach it ; but first they had to be taught themselves 
him gently to the Math (Monastery) and laid him upon his bed. 
Sitting round him sadly they fanned him, and one gently poured 
a little milk into his mouth. After a time he came to himself, 
opened his eyes and looked around him. One of them, anxious to 
know if he recognized his brethren, cried in his ear, ' Brother, who 
poured the milk into your mouth ? ' The monk replied in a faint 
voice, ' Brother, He who beat me, He Himself poured the milk 
into my mouth. . . .' " 
And this anecdote (Life of Ramakrishna, p. 620) : 
" Young Kali used to go fishing. The Master asked him, ' Why 
are you so cruel ? ' Kali replied, ' I am not doing anything wrong. 
We are all Atman and Atman is immortal, so I do not really kill 
the fishes/ The Master said to him, ' My dear child, you deceive 
yourself. A man of realization (that is to say, one who realizes the 
Divinity in himself) can never be cruel to others. It is a physical 
impossibility. He could not even think of it. . . .' " 
(Cf. Life of Ramakrishna, p. 417 ; Gospel, II, 204. Ramakrishna 
himself reached such a point that he was unwilling to pick the 
flowers for the offerings of worship.) 
Finally, this moving scene was enacted, as has been recorded by 
Swami Saradananda : 
" One day (in 1884) Ramakrishna was talking to his disciples. 
He was explaining to them the essential principles of the Vaish- 
navite religion, of which one is ' Kindness to all creatures/ ' This 
Universe belongs to Krishna. Know this in the depth of your 
being, and be kind to all creatures. Kind to all creatures/ he 
repeated ajid passed into Samadhi (ecstasy). Coming to himself, 
he murmured, ' Kind to all creatures . . . Kind ? . . . Are you 
not ashamed, insignificant insect ? How can you show pity to 
God's creatures ? Who are you to show mercy ? . . . No, No. 
Mercy is impossible. Serve them as if they were Shiva ; . ' 
" Thereupon Naren (Vivekananda), as he went out -^ 
others, expounded to them the deep meaning of these WOE 
they had only half understood. He interpreted them ff _ 
of the doctrine of Service, which reconciled the high Mftf4f God 
with beneficent activity/' 
they had to gain an exact knowledge of their own nature, 
and the natures of others round them and the Divine Essence 
permeating them all ; most of them only attained it by 
laborious, gradual and constant progress ; for this knowledge 
had to be won by their own efforts, although doubtless they 
could call upon the paternal help of the Guru ; but the will 
of the Guru was never substituted for their own ; he was 
only there to help them to find their bearings. With a few 
exceptions he refused to interfere 89 in order to modify their 
will during the first stages, when they were the builders of 
t9 In general, but not always, he refused to do so. (Further on 
you will read of his conquest of Vivekananda ; but then, the pos- 
session of that royal prey was vital ; moreover, Vivekananda was 
of a stature to defend himself, as will be seen.) But even when 
Ramakrishna wished to leave his disciples their freedom, was he 
always able to do so ? He possessed curious and formidable powers 
of Yoga. He used them as little as possible, for he detested occult 
methods, and was absolutely opposed to " miracles " ; he did not 
think that they were impossible, but that they were useless and 
even harmful. He showed the same repugnance to them as Christ ; 
so-called supernatural powers seemed to him a hindrance in the 
path of spiritual perfection, which ought to be the natural fruit of 
the heart. But was he always sufficiently master of such powers 
not to use them ? Tulasi (Nirmalananda) had not yet met him 
and was waiting on a verandah ; he saw a man pass by absorbed, 
with uncertain gait. This man (it was Ramakrishna) gave him one 
glance without stopping. Tulasi felt a sort of creeping sensation 
in his bosom and remained paralysed for a moment. Tarak (Shiva- 
nanda) was facing Ramakrishna, motionless and silent ; the Master's 
look fell upon him ; Tarak dissolved in tears and trembled through- 
out his members. At his first visit Kaliprasad (Abhedananda) 
touched Ramakrishna, and was immediately flooded with a wave 
of energy. 
At other times the Master seemed deliberately to provoke the 
awakening of inner forces. He* would help the disciples when he 
saw the efforts they were making of their own free wills. So when 
he saw Latu (Adbhutananda) exhausting himself by great devotion, 
he prayed the Mother to grant him the fruit of his pious desire ; 
and several days afterwards, Latu passed into ecstasy during his 
meditation. When Subodh (Subodhananda) visited him for the 
second time, he touched his breast, saying " Awake, Mother, awake 1 
and wrote with his finger on his tongue ; Subodh felt a torrent of 
light rising from his inner self to his brain : the forms of Gods and 
Goddesses passed like lightning and faded into the infinite ; he lost 
all sense of personal identity, but was recalled almost at once by 
Ramakrishna, who was himself surprised at the violence of his re- 
action. Little Gangadhar (Akhandananda) was led into the temple 
1 66 
their own development. He merely nourished them with 
his inner sun, and so increased their energy tenfold. In 
general it was during the last stage of their upward ascent, 
when they had manfully attained the bliss of the stage at 
the top of the slope by their own independent efforts. Then 
the Master often agreed to bestow the final shock of illumin- 
ation. A little thing was sufficient, a word, a look, a touch, 
like the lightning of Grace, which never fell except into 
prepared souls on heights already attained. No new know- 
of Kali by the Master, who said to him, " Behold, the living Shiva " 
and Gangadhar saw Him. 
But the reader must beware lest he labour under a misappre- 
hension. The Master never tried to impose on the disciples visions 
or thoughts which were not already there ; he sought rather to 
awaken them. To intellectual natures he was the first to advise 
against research for visual realizations. When Baburam (Prema- 
nanda), whom he loved, begged him to procure ecstasy for him, 
the Divine Mother warned Ramakrishna that Baburam was destined 
to have Jnana (knowledge) and not Bhava (emotional absorption in 
God). He asked the man, who was to be one of his greatest intel- 
lectual disciples (Saratchandra-Saradananda), " How would you like 
to realize God ? What visions do you have when you meditate ? " 
Saratchandra replied, " I do not care for visions. I do not imagine 
any particular form of God when I meditate. I imagine Him mani- 
fested in all creatures upon earth. Ramakrishna smiled and said, 
" But that is the last word in spirituality. You cannot attain to it 
at first." Saratchandra replied, " I cannot be content with less. 11 
Even in the case of the most sensitive, visual realization was only 
a stage through which they had to pass. Abhedananda, after hav- 
ing seen Gods and Goddesses in meditation, one day saw all the 
forms blending into one luminous image. Ramakrishna told him 
that for the future he would have no more visions ; he had passed 
that stage. And in fact from that day Abhedananda had nothing 
but ideas of the infinite and of immensity, finally reaching the im- 
personal Brahmin. When Sri JJamakrishna heard another per- 
suading Baburam to obtain special powers from the Master, Rama- 
krishna called Baburam to his side and said reproachfully, " What 
more can you ask me for ? Is not all that I have yours ? All 
that I have won in the way of realization is for you. Here is the 
key, open and take everything." 
But he added to the Vedantist, Harinath (Turiyananda), If 
you think you can find God better away from me, then go ! My 
one desire is that you should raise yourselves above the misery of 
the world and enjoy divine beatitude." 
And so in a thousand ways he used all his influence to direct 
these young souls in their true religious sense, so that they might 
develop their own true and highest individuality. He never dreamt 
ledge was revealed, 40 but everything that they had known 
before, all the store of knowledge that they had slowly 
amassed, became in a flash tangible life and living reality. 
" At that point you realize that all things live, like your 
own self, in God. You become the will-power and the 
conscience of all that is. Your will becomes that of the 
whole universe. . . ." 41 
of annexing them. He gave himself to them. He never said to 
them, and never thought, " You ought to give yourselves to me." 
Herein lies one of the main differences between his guidance and 
that of Christ. 
(For the above cf. Life of Ramakrishna, pp. 475, 488, 600, 604, 
606, 615, etc.) 
I have thought it necessary to emphasize for the Western reader 
this curious aspect of personal action exercised by Ramakrishna 
over those round him, without giving it the importance it obtains in 
the East. I hold the same opinion as Saratchandra (Saradananda) 
in this connection. " We must have more. We cannot be satis- 
fied with less." That which the eyes could see counted for little 
compared to the evidence manifested to the spirit. 
40 Disciples who have passed through these experiences and 
several of the most intellectual are still alive attest that there 
was not the slightest suggestion of hypnotic power, which violates 
the will by imposing conditions upon it from an alien conscious- 
ness. It was rather of the nature of a tonic, a stimulant. Under 
its impulsion men obtained a clearer vision of their own ideals. 
The present Abbot of the order, Swami Shivananda, wrote to me : 
" Ramakrishna had the power to raise others to the greatest 
heights of consciousness by transmitting to them the energy of his 
own spirituality. He did it either by the power of his thought or 
by his touch. Many of us had the privilege of being taken to 
higher planes of spiritual consciousness according to our capacity. 
It was neither hypnotism, nor a condition of deep sleep. I myself 
had the privilege of attaining this high spiritual consciousness three 
times through his touch and by his will. I still live to bear direct 
witness to his tremendous spiritual power." 
Let the learned men of Europe who are preoccupied by the 
problems of mystic psycho-analysis, put themselves in touch with 
these living witnesses while there is yet time ; I myself, I repeat, 
have little curiosity about such phenomena, whose subjective 
reality is not in doubt, and I believe it my duty to describe them ; 
for they are hedged about by all possible guarantees of good faith 
and analytical intelligence. I am more interested in the fact of 
great religious intuition, in that which continues to be rather than 
in that which has been, in that which is or which can be always 
in all beings rather in that which is the privilege of a few. 
41 It is to be understood that this means that we espouse the 
will of the universe, and not that we impose our will upon it. 
This realization was the last stage, for beyond this tem- 
porary revelation lay the supreme realization, the absolute 
Identity, obtained in the Nirvikalpa Samadhi (the Highest 
Ecstasy). But that was reserved for men who had achieved 
their mission in life ; it was the ultimate and forbidden joy ; 
for from it there is no return except in a few exceptional 
cases like that of Ramakrishna himself. In spite of the 
prayers of his disciples, he was loath to let them taste of it ; 
they had not yet won the right. He knew only too well 
that such " Salt dolls" 42 would no sooner touch the first 
waves of that Ocean than they would be absorbed in it. 
He who is desirous of attaining Identity with Unique Reality 
only receives a return ticket by a miracle. 
The disciples therefore had to remain in this world at 
the stage before the final, wherein identification with all 
reality takes place. 43 Properly speaking it is stage of 
illumination, to which we can all aspire and to which we 
have the power to attain by ourselves and to guide others 
to a similar attainment. 
And what do we, the free spirits of the West, who have 
realized the unity of living beings through reason or love, 
do that is different from this ? Is it not the constant aim 
of our own efforts, the passion inspiring us, the profound 
faith whereby we live and are carried over the bloody waters 
of hatred between men without soiling so much as the soles 
of our feet ? Is it not the one object of our desire and our 
profound conviction that sooner or later it will come to 
pass the unity of all nations, races and religions ? And 
are we not in this, although ignorant of it, the disciples of 
Ramakrishna ? 
41 Cf. the parable already quoted, Note 3, p. 43. 
48 " The world is the field of action where man is put to work-- 
just as men come from their country houses to business in Calcutta." 
(Gospel, II, 147.) 
BUT among the Indian disciples of the Upper Room, 
all of whom, as I shall show, later distinguished them- 
selves by faith and works, there was one exceptional disciple, 
whom Ramakrishna treated in an exceptional way. He 
had chosen him at the very first glance before the young 
man so much as knew him, on account of what he was and 
what he might become a spiritual leader of humanity 
Narendranath Dutt, Vivekananda. 
The Paramahamsa with his intuitive genius for souls, for 
whom time was not, and who could discern in the twinkling 
of an eye the whole flood of the future, believed that he had 
seen the great disciple in the womb of the elect before he 
met him in the flesh. 
I will give here an account of his beautiful vision. Doubt- 
less I could try to explain it by ordinary methods as well 
as any of our psychologists, but such explanation is im- 
material. We know that a mighty vision creates and 
produces that which it has seen. In a deeper sense the 
prophets of the hereafter have been the real creators of 
what was not yet, but which was trembling on the verge 
of being. The torrent formiijg the remarkable destiny of 
Vivekananda would have been lost in the bowels of the 
earth, if Ramakrishna's glance had not, as with one blow 
of an axe, split the rock barring its way, so that through 
the breach thus made the river of his soul could flow. 
" One day I found that my mind was soaring high in 
Samadhi along a luminous path. It soon transcended the 
stellar universe and entered the subtler region of ideas. 
As it ascended higher and higher, I found on both sides of 
the way ideal forms of gods and goddesses. The mind 
then reached the outer limits of that region, where a luminous 
barrier separated the sphere of relative existence from that 
of the Absolute. Crossing that barrier, the mind entered 
the transcendental realm, where no corporeal being was 
visible. Even the gods dared not peep into that sublime 
realm, and were content to keep their seats far below. But 
the next moment I saw seven venerable sages seated there 
in Samadhi. It occurred to me that these sages must have 
surpassed not only men but even the gods in knowledge 
and holiness, in renunciation and love. Lost in admiration, 
I was reflecting on their greatness, when I saw a portion of 
that undifferentiated luminous region condense into the 
form of a divine child. The child came to one of the sages, 
tenderly clasped his neck with his lovely arms, and addressing 
him in a sweet voice, tried to drag his mind down from the 
state of Samadhi. That magic touch roused the sage from 
the superconscious state, and he fixed his half-open eyes 
upon the wonderful child. His beaming countenance showed 
that the child must have been the treasure of his heart. 
In great joy the strange child spoke to him, ' I am going 
down. You too must go with me/ The sage remained 
mute but his tender look expressed his assent. As he kept 
gazing at the child, he was again immersed in Samadhi. 
I was surprised to find that a fragment of his body and 
mind was descending to earth in the form of a bright light. 
No sooner had I seen Narendra than I recognized him to be 
that sage. 1 ' * 
The seer does not say who was the child, but we can guess. 
Indeed he himself avowed to the disciples 2 that it was he. 
Certainly he remained throughout his life the Bambino, 8 
whose lips drank the milk of the Mother, and who only left 
Our Lady's arms for an instant, in order to fulfil his destiny 
the destiny, according to his own definition, of sending 
into the world a man better fitted than himself to guide 
mankind and to take over the command of the army. 
His judgment was a sound one. He needed a strong body, 
arms to turn over the earth, legs to journey over it, a body- 
guard of workers and the head to command them, in addition 
to his great heart charged with love for the whole world. 
*Life of Ramakrishna, p. 438. Saradanayda. 
1 A personification of the type so familiar to students of Italian 
That his burning faith made realization spring from the 
soil not only proves his foresight and the strength of his 
desire, but that the soil of Bengal was prepared and feverishly 
awaiting his call. Vivekananda was projected into the 
" century " by the childbirth of Nature herself ; for the 
time of parturition had arrived for that form of spirit. 
Ramakrishna is also to be commended for seeing at once 
in this wayward, tormented and storm-tossed adolescent, 
as Narendra then was, the future leader, exactly the Evan- 
gelist he was expecting. 
The story of their early meetings deserves to be told in 
its entirety. The reader will then feel the same attraction 
that Naren in spite of himself experienced, and which, in 
spite of himself, united him to the Master who had chosen 
But let us first draw the portrait of this young genius at 
the moment when his meteor entered and was absorbed in 
the orbit of Ramakrishna. 4 
He was a member of a great aristocratic Kshatriya family, 
and his whole life showed the stamp of that warrior caste. 
He was born on January 12, 1863, at Calcutta. His mother 
was a highly educated woman of regal majesty, whose heroic 
spirit had been nurtured on the great Hindu epics. 6 His 
father, who led an ostentatious and restless life, showed an 
independence of spirit almost Voltairean in quality, like 
4 In this account I am following the great biography, The Life 
of the Swami Vivekananda by his Eastern and Western disciples, 
Advaita Ashrama, Himalayas, 4 vols. 
To it I have added some precious details furnished by Sara- 
dananda in his biography of Ramakrishna, and by the noble Ameri- 
can disciple of Vivekananda, Sister Christine, whose unpublished 
memoirs were kindly lent to me. 
1 The influence of this woman over her son, Vivekananda, must 
never be forgotten. He was a difficult child to bring up and gave 
her much trouble, but until the day of his death he kept a tender 
regard for her. In America at the end of 1894 ne rendered her 
public homage ; in his lectures in praise of Indian womanhood he 
often spoke of her, extolling her self-mastery, her piety, her high 
character. " It is my Mother/' he said, " who has been the constant 
inspiration of my life and work." 
From Sister Christine's unpublished Memoirs, we learn some 
characteristic details of his two parents, which she gleaned in the 
course of private conversations with Vivekananda in America. 
From his mother, his proud little mother, he inherited his royal 
that of a great French seigneur of the eighteenth century, 
and an indifference to caste, due at once to his large senti- 
ment of humanity and to the smiling consciousness of his 
own superiority. But the grandfather, a rich and cultured 
man, had abandoned wife and children, a high position, 
fortune and society at the age of twenty-five to retire into 
" the forest " and become a Sannyasin ; and from that day 
had never been seen ; . . . 
His childhood and boyhood were those of a young artist 
prince of the Renaissance. 6 He was gifted with a multi- 
plicity of talents, and cultivated them all. He had a leonine 
beauty coupled to the lithe grace of a fawn. The possessor 
of physical courage and the build of an athlete, he was a 
past master in all physical exercises. He could box, swim, 
row, and had a passion for horses. He was the favourite 
of youth and the arbiter of fashion. He danced the great 
religious dances with consummate art, and had a delightful 
voice, which later was to charm the ear of Ramakrishna. 
He studied vocal and instrumental music for four or five 
years under famous Hindu and Musulman professors. He 
wrote tunes and published a documented Essay on the 
science and philosophy of Indian music. Indeed he was 
everywhere regarded as a musical authority. For him music 
was always the gate of the temple, 7 the vestibule of the 
palace of the Most High. At college he was distinguished 
for his brilliant intellect, embracing with equal zest the 
sciences, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and Indian 
bearing and many of his intellectual faculties, his extraordinary 
memory, and moral purity. 
To his father he owed his intelligence, his artistic sense, his 
compassion. This noble India?, who belonged to the generation 
flooded by the tide of Western positivism, had lost his faith. He 
treated it as if it were all superstition. He admired the poetry of 
Hafiz and the Bible as works of art. He said a curious thing^to 
his son, when he showed him the two Christian Testaments. " If 
there is a religion, it would be in this book/' But he did not be- 
lieve in the soul or in a future life. He was generous to the point 
of prodigality, and seemed to be given over to a smiling and worldly 
scepticism. But in reality he suffered deeply from life ; and when 
he heard of the youthful follies of his son, he said, " This world is 
so terrible, let him forget it if he can." 
That is to say, of the Italian Renaissance. 
7 The temple of the Goddess Sarasvati, the patron of the arts. 
and Western languages. He read the English and Sanskrit 
poets. He devoured the historical works of Green and 
Gibbon. He was fired by the French Revolution and 
Napoleon. From his childhood up he practised, like so 
many Indian children, the habit of meditation. At night 
he used to pore over the Imitation of Jesus Christ and the 
Vedanta. He loved philosophic discussions. It was this 
mania for argument, criticism, " discrimination/' that later 
won for him the name of Vivekananda. He tried to weld 
Hellenic beauty and Indo-Germanic thought into one har- 
monious whole. But to his universalism, which attained the 
standards of Leonardo and Alberti with its spiritual empire 
over life in all forms, was added the crown of a religious 
soul and absolute purity. This beautiful ephebe, to whom 
all the good things of life and its pleasures were offered, 
though free and passionate, imposed upon himself a rigorous 
chastity. Without being tied to any sect, before he had 
adopted any Credo, he had already the feeling, the profound 
reason for which I shall show later, that purity of body 
and soul is a spiritual force, whose fire penetrates into every 
aspect of life, but is extinguished by the slightest defilement. 
Moreover, he was overshadowed by a great destiny, and 
though he was as yet unaware of its direction, he wished 
to be worthy of it and to realize it. 
The result of such a multiplicity of gifts and contending 
passions made him live for many years in great turmoil of 
soul before his personality became fixed. Between the ages 
of seventeen and twenty-one (from 1880 to the end of 1884) 
he went through a series of intellectual crises increasing in 
intensity until religious certainty finally put an end to them. 
He was first moved by reading Stuart Mill's Essays on 
Religion, which caused his fir*st optimistic surface theism, 
gleaned in fashionable Brahmo Samajist circles, to crumble 
away. The face of Evil in nature appeared to him, and 
he revolted against it. But he was powerless to prevent 
the intrusion of bored disillusion and antique Melancholy 8 
A reference to the famous engraving of Albrecht Durer, Melan- 
choly, representing a desponding archangel, sitting in the midst of 
the chaos of science. The sense of melancholy is above the ordinary 
and signifies a soul, saddened and wearied by its vain intellectual 
(in the sense of Albrecht Diirer). In vain he tried to adopt 
the theories of Herbert Spencer, with whom he corresponded. 9 
He asked the older students in his college classes for counsel, 
in particular Brajendra Nath Seal. 10 To him he confided 
his scepticism and begged him to guide him in his search 
for the truth. It was to Seal that he owed his reading of 
Shelley and that he bathed his burning soul in the aerial 
waves of the poet's pantheism. 11 His young mentor then 
wished to enrol him in the service of the God of Reason 
the Parabrahman a conception particularly his own. 
Brajendra's rationalism was of a peculiar kind in that it 
claimed to be an amalgamation of the pure monism of the 
Vedanta, the Hegelian dialect of the Absolute idea, and 
the gospel of the French Revolution : Liberty, Equality, 
Fraternity. He believed that the principle of individualism 
was " the evil " and Universal Reason " the good." It was 
then essential that pure reason should be manifested ; this 
was the great modern problem, and Brajendra thought to 
solve it by Revolution. His revolutionary and imperial 
rationalism appealed to some sides of Narendra's domineer- 
ing nature. But the latter's tumultuous personality was 
not to be confined within such limits. Although his intellect 
9 Spencer was astonished, so it is said, by his daring criticisms, 
and admired the precociousness of his philosophic intellect. Accord- 
ing to Saradananda, Naren pursued the study of Western philosophy 
between his first examination in 1881 and that of 1884 correspond- 
ing to our licentiate's degree. He had then read Descartes, Hume, 
Kant, Fichte, Spinoza, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Auguste Comte and 
Darwin. But it seems to me that he can only have read them 
superficially from general treatises and that he did not study their 
actual works. He also followed a course of medicine, studying 
the physiology of the brain an(^ nervous system. " The analytic 
and scientific method of the West had conquered him, and 
he wished to apply it to the study of Hindu religious ideas." 
10 This man of great intellect, at present the Vice-Chancellor of 
the University of Mysore and one of the most solid and erudite 
philosophers in India, has related his reminiscences of the young 
Vivekananda in an article written for the Prabuddha Bharata of 
1907, and reproduced in the Life of the Swami Vivekananda, Vol. I, 
pp. 172-77. Although at college he was in the class above Vive- 
kananda, the latter was a little his senior. 
11 He also read Wordsworth, of all English poets the one who 
seems most akin to the poets of the Far East. 
certainly wished to accept (or impose) the sovereignty of 
universal reason and to make the foundation of morality 
an imperious negation of individualism, his life would not 
agree. He was too intoxicated with the beauty of the world 
and its passions. An attempt to deprive him of it was like 
condemning a young beast of prey to vegetarianism. His 
melancholy and anguish redoubled. It was mockery to 
offer him a diet of immanent Reason, a bloodless God. 
Being a real Hindu for whom life is the first attribute, if not 
the very essence of truth, he needed the living revelation, 
the realization of the Absolute, God made man some holy 
Guru, who could say to him, " I have seen Him. I have 
touched Him. I have been Him." Nevertheless, his intel- 
lect, nurtured as it had been in European thought, and the 
critical spirit inherited from his father, revolted against 
this aspiration of his heart and senses, as will be seen in 
his first reactions against Ramakrishna. 
He was, like all young Bengal intellectuals of his time, 
drawn by the pure light of Keshab Chunder Sen. It was 
then at its height and Naren envied it ; he could have 
wished to be Keshab. He was naturally in sympathy with 
his New Order, and joined it. His name was enrolled on 
the list of members of the new Brahmo Samaj. 12 The 
Ramakrishna Mission has since maintained that he could 
not have been entirely in accord with the spirit of categorical 
reform held by this Samaj, which ran counter to even the 
most respectable prejudices of orthodox Hinduism. But I 
am inclined to disagree with them. The reckless character 
of young Naren would have delighted in wholesale destruction 
and he was not the man to reproach his new companions 
for iconoclasm. It was only later, and in great part owing 
to Ramakrishna's influence, that he came to conceive of and 
profess respect for even antiquated beliefs and customs, 
provided they were in accordance with long tradition and 
11 His name remained on the list a long time after he had be- 
come the Swami Vivekananda, and he told his disciples that he 
had never withdrawn it. When he was asked in later years, " Do 
you attack the Brahmo Samaj ? " he answered, " Not at all." He 
considered this society to be a high form of Hinduism. (Cf. Life 
of the Swami Vivekananda, Vol. I, Chapter 38, devoted to the 
Brahmo Samaj.) 
deeply assimilated into the substance of the nation. 18 But 
I am convinced that this did not come to pass without a 
struggle ; and it is partly this, which explains his first recoil 
of intellectual mistrust from Ramakrishna. For the time 
being, however, he had joined the movement of young Brah- 
mos in Bengal for the education and unity of the Indian 
masses without distinction of caste, race or religion. Some 
of them attacked orthodox Hinduism even more bitterly 
than did the Christian missionaries ; but it was fatal that 
Naren's free and living intelligence should have quickly 
realized the unintelligent narrowness of such critics, who 
were not free from crossgrained fanaticism, and that his 
spirit no less than his national pride should have been 
wounded by them. He would not subscribe to the abdica- 
tion of Indian wisdom before the badly assimilated know- 
ledge of the West. Nevertheless he continued to attend 
the meeting of the Brahmo Samaj, but in his heart he was 
not at rest. 
He next imposed upon himself the life of an ascetic, living 
in a dark, damp room, lying on the ground upon a quilt 
with books everywhere, making tea on the floor, reading 
and meditating day and night. He suffered excruciating 
and stabbing pains in his head, but he did not achieve the 
reconciliation of the conflicting passions of his nature, whose 
struggles lasted even into his troubled sleep. 
" From my youth up/' he relates, " every night just as 
I fell asleep two dreams took shape. In one I saw myself 
among the great ones of the earth, the possessor of riches, 
honours, power and glory ; and I felt that the capacity to 
attain all these was in me. But the next instant I saw 
myself renouncing all worldly things, dressed in a simple 
loin-cloth, living on alms, sloping at the foot of a tree ; 
and I thought that I was capable also of living thus, like 
the Rishis of old. Of these two pictures the second took 
the upper hand and I felt that only thus could a man attain 
1J In the maturity of his powers he often insisted on this point, 
that his own message was npt a negation but fulfilment of true 
Hindu thought. He was a partisan of radical reforms, but he held 
that they should be carried out by conservative methods. (Ibid.) 
These are practically the very words of Keshab : " To preach 
Hindu conservatism in a liberal spirit." (Indian Empire, 1884.) 
177 N 
supreme bliss. . . . And I fell asleep in the foretaste of 
that bliss. . . . And each night it was renewed. . . ," 14 
Such was he at the moment when he went to meet the 
Master, who was to govern the rest of his life. In the great 
city where India and Europe meet, he had made the round 
of the great religious individualities ; 16 but he had returned 
unsatisfied. He sought in vain, tested, rejected. He 
wandered. . . . 
* * * 
He was eighteen and preparing for his first University 
Examination. In November, 1880, in the house of a friend, 
Surendranath Mitra, a rich publican converted to the Indian 
Christ, during a small festivity at which Naren had sung a 
beautiful religious hymn, the "falcon's eyes" of Rama- 
krishna for the first time pierced to the depths of his 
unsatisfied soul, and fixed his choice upon it. 16 He asked 
Naren to come to see him at Dakshineswar. 
The young man arrived with a band of thoughtless and 
frivolous friends. He came in and sat down, heedless of 
his surroundings, without seeming to see or hear anything, 
wrapt in his own thoughts. Ramakrishna, who was watch- 
ing him, asked him to sing. Naren obe3'ed, and his song 
had such a pathetic tone that the Master, like Naren, a 
passionate lover of music, passed into an ecstasy. Here I 
will leave Naren to speak for himself : 
" After I had sung he suddenly got up, and taking me 
by the hand, led me on to the north verandah, and closed 
the door behind us. We were alone. Nobody could see 
us. ... To my great surprise he began to weep for joy. 
He held me by the hand and addressed me very tenderly, 
as if I were somebody he had known familiarly for a long 
time. He said, ' Ah ! You Lave come so late. Why have 
you been so unkind as to make me wait so long ? My ears 
14 Extracts from the last volume of the Biography of Rama- 
krishna (Divya Bhava) by Saradananda, Chapter III. 
lf It is said that his last attempt had been with Devendranath 
Tagore, who recognized his great gifts. 
19 Ramakrishna said later : "I saw no attention to the body, no 
vanity, no attachment to outward things in him. And in his eyes : 
... It seemed that some power possessed the interior of hia soul. 
. . . And I thought, ' How is it possible that such a man can live 
in Calcutta ?'..." 
J 7 8 
are tired df hearing the futile words of other men. Oh ! 
how I have longed to pour out my spirit into the breast of 
somebody fitted to receive my inner experiences 1 . . .' He 
continued thus sobbing the while. Then standing before 
me with his hands together he said, ' Lord, I know that 
you are the ancient sage Nara, the incarnation of Narajana, 17 
reborn on the earth to take away the misery of humanity/ 18 
I was amazed. ' What have I come to see ? ' I thought. 
' He ought to be put in a strait jacket ! Why, I am the 
son of Viswanath Dutt. How dare he speak thus to me. . 
But I remained outwardly unmoved and let him talk. He 
took my hand again and said, ' Promise me that you will 
come to see me again alone, and soon !'..." 
Naren promised in order to free himself from his strange 
host, but he vowed within himself never to return. They went 
back to the common drawing-room, where they found the 
others. Naren sat down apart and watched the personage. 
He could not find anything strange in his ways or in his 
words ; nothing but an inner logic, which he felt was the 
fruit of a profound life of absolute renunciation and a 
striking sincerity. He heard him say (and these words were 
an answer to his own nocturnal strivings) : 
" God can be realized. One can see Him and speak to 
Him as I speak to and see you. But who takes the trouble 
to do so ? People will shed tears for a wife, children or 
possessions. But who weeps for the love of God ? Yet if 
a man weep sincerely for Him, He will manifest Himself to 
him." " 
17 A certain aspect of Brahman, the cosmic Man, the great 
Hypostasis. (Cf. Paul Masson-Oursel, op. cit., p. 105 et passim.) 
1 So in the first words of his delirium he settled for Vivekananda 
the duty of social service, to which he was to devote his life, and 
which distinguishes him from all the other " seers " of India. 
1 Another account given by Vivekananda in his Lecture, My 
Master (cf. also Life of the Swami Vivekananda, Vol. I, p. 212) says 
that it was he himself who directly addressed Ramakrishna and 
asked him the eternal question, that he had been taking feverishly 
round from sage to sage : " Sir, have you seen God ? " and that 
Ramakrishna replied, " Yes, my son. I have seen God. I do see 
Him, just as I see you before me. Only I see the Lord in a much 
more intense sense, and I can show Him to you." 
It is probable that this dialogue took place at a later date, after 
Vivekananda had become familiar with Ramakrishna. 
And to the speaker himself it was obvious that these were 
no idle words, but that he had proved their truth. Naren 
could not reconcile the picture before his eyes of this simple 
and serene sage with the amazing scene he had just witnessed. 
He said to himself, " He is a monomaniac, but he is not with- 
out greatness. He may be mad, but he is worthy of respect." 
He left Dakshineswar in much confusion of thought, and if 
he had been asked at that moment what were to be his 
relations with Ramakrishna, he would doubtless have replied 
that they would remain as they were. 
But the strange vision " worked " upon him. 
A month later he returned on foot to Dakshineswar. 
" I found him alone sitting on his small bed. He was 
glad to see me, and called me affectionately to sit near him 
on one side of the bed. But a moment later I saw him 
convulsed with some emotion. His eyes were fixed upon 
me, he muttered under his breath, and drew slowly nearer. 
I thought he was going to make some eccentric remark as 
on the previous occasion. But before I could stop him, he 
had placed his right foot on my body. The contact was 
terrible. With my eyes open I saw the walls and everything 
in the room whirling and vanishing into nothingness. . . . 
The whole universe and my own individuality were at the 
same time almost lost in a nameless void, which swallowed 
up everything that is. I was terrified, and believed I was 
face to face with death. I could not stop myself from 
crying out, ' What are you doing ? I have parents at 
home. . . .' Then he began to laugh, and passing his hand 
over my breast, he said ' All is well. Let us leave it at 
that for the moment ! It will come, all in good time.' He 
had no sooner said these wordcS than the strange phenomena 
disappeared. I came to myself again, and everything, both 
outside and in, was as before." 
I have written down this astonishing account without 
indulging in futile comment. Whatever the Western reader 
may think, he cannot help being struck by the power of 
hallucination in these Indian souls, recalling that of Shakes- 
peare's passionate visionaries. It may, however, be noted 
in passing that the visionary in this case was anything but 
a weak, credulous and uncritical spirit. He revolted against 
his own vision. His strong personality, scenting danger, 
was violently antipathetic to all hypnotic action ; and he 
asked himself at first if he had not been the victim of some 
kind of mesmerism. But he had no symptoms of it. Still 
trembling from the tornado that had swept over him, he 
remained on his guard. But after this one great shock the 
rest of the visit was quite normal. Ramakrishna treated 
his visitor with simple and familiar kindness as if nothing 
had happened. 
At his third visit, probably a week later, Naren was on 
the defensive with all his critical faculties on the alert. Sri 
Ramakrishna that day took him to an adjacent garden. 
After strolling for some time they took their seats in the 
parlour. Soon the Master fell into a trance and as Narendra 
watched, he was suddenly touched by him. Narendra 
immediately lost all outward consciousness. When he came 
to himself after a while, he saw Ramakrishna looking at 
him, and stroking his chest. 
In after days the Master told his disciples : 
" I asked him several questions while he was in that state. 
I asked him about his antecedents and whereabouts, his 
mission in this world and the duration of his mortal life. 
He dived deep into himself and gave fitting answers to my 
questions. They only confirmed what I had seen and inferred 
about him. These things shall be a secret, but I came to 
know that he was a sage who had attained perfection, a past 
master in meditation, and that the day he learned his real 
nature, he would give up the body by an act of will. . . ." 20 
But at the time Ramakrishna told him nothing of all this, 
although he treated him in the light of his special knowledge, 
and Naren had a privileged place among the disciples. 
But Naren had not yet accepted the title of disciple. He 
did not want to be the disciple of anyone. He was struck by 
the incomprehensible power of Ramakrishna. It attracted 
him, as a magnet attracts iron, but he himself was made of 
stern metal. His reason would not submit to domination. 
If in his recent relations with the rationalist Brajendra Seal 
it had been his heart that strove against his intellect, 
now his intellect mistrusted his heart. He was resolved to 
maintain his independence, and to accept nothing from the 
Master except what could be rigorously controlled by his 
10 Life of Sri Ramakrishna, pp. 439 et seq. 
own reason. The uncritical faith of the others roused his 
No stranger relations can be imagined than those now 
established between the young man and the old Guru. 21 
Naren detested all forms of sentimental piety, such as tears 
or anything that savoured of the effeminate. Naren 
questioned everything. He never allowed his reason to 
abdicate for a single instant. He alone weighed all Rama- 
krishna's words, he alone doubted. Far from being shocked, 
Ramakrishna loved him the better for it. Before meeting 
Naren he had been heard to pray, 
" O Mother, send me someone to doubt my ' realizations.' " 
The Mother granted his prayer. Naren denied the Hindu 
gods, but at the same time he rejected Advaitism, which he 
termed atheism. 22 He openly mocked the injunctions of 
the Hindu Scriptures. He said to Ramakrishna, 
" Even if millions of men called you God, if I had not 
proved it for myself, I would never do so/' 
Ramakrishna laughingly approved, and said to his disciples, 
" Do not accept anything because I say so. Test every- 
thing for yourselves." 
The keen criticism of Naren, and his passionate arguments 
filled him with joy. He had a profound respect for his 
brilliant intellectual sincerity with its tireless quest for the 
truth ; he regarded it as a manifestation of Shivaic power, 
which would finally overcome all illusion. He said, 
" Look, look ; what power of penetration ! He is a 
raging fire consuming all impurities. Maha-maya, 23 Herself 
cannot come nearer to him than ten feet ! She is held back 
by the glory She has imparted to him." 
And Naren's knowledge called him such intense joy that 
it sometimes melted into ecstasy. 
But at other times the old Master was hurt by his sharp 
criticism, delivered as it was without any consideration for 
others. Naren said to his face, 
11 Naren lived for five years with Ramakrishna, at the same 
time keeping a home of his own at Calcutta. He went to Dak- 
shineswar once or twice a week, and sometimes spent four or five 
days on end with the Master. If he stayed away for a week, Rama- 
krishna sent for him. 
11 This was the attitude of the Brahmo Samaj. 
" That is to say, Maya the great the Great Illusion the Mother. 
" How do you know that your realizations are not the 
creations of your sick brain, mere hallucinations ? " 
And Ramakrishna in his trouble would go away, and 
humbly seek comfort of the Mother, who consoled him with 
the words, 
" Patience ! Soon Naren's eyes will be opened." 
Sometimes when the everlasting discussions between Naren 
and the disciples wearied him, 24 he would pray, 
" O Mother, give Naren a little of Your Illusion ! " so 
that the fever of his intellect might be somewhat assuaged, 
and his heart might touch God. 
But the tortured spirit of Vivekananda cried out, 
" I do not desire God. I desire peace that is to say, 
absolute truth, absolute knowledge, absolute infinitude." 
He did not see that such a wish overstepped the bounds 
of reason and showed the imperious unreasonableness of his 
heart. It was impossible to satisfy his mind with the proof 
of God. Indian fashion, he maintained : 
" If God is real, it is possible to realize Him." 
But he gradually discovered that the man of ecstasy, 
whom he had at first believed to be swayed entirely by the 
promptings of his heart, was infinitely more master than 
he was himself in the realm of the intellect. Later he was 
to say of Ramakrishna, 
" Outwardly he was all Bhakta, 26 but inwardly all 
Jnanin. . . , 26 I am the exact opposite." 
But before he came to make such a statement, and before 
he had yielded of his own free will his proud independence 
into the Master's hands, he both sought him and fled from 
him ; and between the two there was a reciprocal game of 
passionate attraction and secret struggle. The brutal frank- 
ness of Naren, his lack of consideration for all things that 
he mistrusted, the implacable war he declared against all 
charlatanism, and his proud indifference to the opinion of 
14 He said of these discussions, " Water poured into an empty 
vessel makes a bubbling noise, but when the vessel is full, no sound 
is heard. The man who has not found God is full of vain disputa- 
tion about the existence and attitude of Godhead. But he who has 
seen Him, enjoys the Divine bliss in silence. 1 ' 
16 Those who believe through love. 
Those who know through the intellect. 
others, drew down upon him enmity and slander, which he 
was too proud to heed. 27 
Ramakrishna never allowed them to be said in his 
presence ; for he was sure of Naren. He said that the 
young man was of the purest gold and that no taint of this 
world could sully him. 28 His only fear was lest so admirable 
an intellect might lose its way, and the multiplicity of 
powers striving within him might be put to a bad use, such 
as the founding of a new sect or of a new party, instead of 
being consecrated to the work of union and unity. He had 
a passionate affection for Naren, but his anxious or tender 
manifestations of it, if Naren stayed away for any length 
of time, both embarrassed and irritated the latter. Rama- 
krishna himself was ashamed of them, but he could not help 
himself. He infuriated Naren by his excessive praise, as 
when he publicly placed the recognized fame of Keshab 
below the problematical fame of this young man, who had 
as yet accomplished nothing. He went to look for him in 
the streets of Calcutta, and even in the temple of the Sad- 
haran Brahmo Samaj, 29 where his unexpected entry during 
17 Saradananda, who was later one of his friends and most devoted 
followers, and who has written the best account of his relations with 
Ramakrishna, admits that he was himself ill-disposed towards Naren, 
when he met hitn for the first time at the house of a mutual friend. 
Naren came in, well dressed and well groomed, with a disdainful 
air ; he sat down humming a Hindu song to himself, and began 
to smoke without appearing to care for any of the others present. 
But he took part in the discussion that followed about contemporary 
literature, and suddenly revealed the greatness of his aesthetic and 
moral sense, as well as his predilection for Ramakrishna, the only 
man, he said, whom he had found realizing his inner ideal in this 
life without any compromise. (f. the chapter, Vivekananda and 
Ramakrishna in the last volume of the great Biography of Rama- 
krishna by Saradananda : Divya Bhava.) 
11 Far from shaking Naren's faith in himself, he encouraged it. 
He gave him privileges over the other disciples ; for instance, he 
allowed him to touch all kinds of impure food, saying that for such 
as he such matters were immaterial. 
11 The branch of the Brahmo Samaj that had broken away from 
Keshab. It was the most uncompromising from the national Hindu 
point of view ; and it is noteworthy that Naren was then a mem- 
ber of it. Ramakrishna had unwittingly many enemies among its 
members, who bore him a grudge for the influence he exercised over 
a service provoked a scandal and roused much scornful 
criticism. Naren, mortified and touched at the same time, 
spoke harshly to him in order to rid himself of this pursuit. 
He told him that no man ought to allow himself to be 
infatuated by another, that if Ramakrishna loved him too 
much he would forfeit his own spiritual greatness and sink 
to his level. The simple and pure Ramakrishna listened 
to him fearfully, and then went to ask the Mother's advice. 
But he returned comforted. 
" Ah, wretch ! " he said to Naren, " I will not listen to 
you. The Mother has told me that I love you because in 
you I see the Lord. If the day comes when I can no longer 
see Him, I shall not be able to bear the sight of you." 
Soon their parts were reversed. A time came when 
Naren's presence was received by Ramakrishna with com- 
plete indifference. He did not appear to notice him but 
occupied himself with the others. This went on for several 
weeks. Nevertheless Naren always came patiently back. 
Ramakrishna asked him why, since he no longer spoke to 
him, and Naren replied, 
" It is not just your words that attract me. I love you 
and need to see you." 
The Master's spirit gradually took possession of the rebel 
disciple. In vain the latter ridiculed Ramakrishna' s beliefs, 
especially the two extremes : the cult of images, and faith 
in an Absolute Unity the fascination of God worked 
" Why do you come here, if you do not want to acknow- 
ledge my Mother ? " Ramakrishna asked him. 
" Must I acknowledge Her, if I come ? " replied Naren. 
" Well," said the Master, J" several days hence you will 
not only accept Her, but you will weep at the mention of 
Her name." 80 
80 Brajendra Seal has confessed the stupefaction caused by the 
sight of Narendra the iconoclast, jthe hater of superstitions and idols, 
worshipping before Kali and Her priest. He condemned him merci- 
lessly, until the day when curiosity urged him to visit Dakshine- 
swar. He spent an afternoon there and came away in a state of 
moral and physical astonishment. All his preconceived ideas were 
wavering. Without understanding it, he was subjugated by the 
atmosphere which seemed to emanate from the person of Rama- 
krishna. It may be interesting to trace the unpremeditated reaction 
It was the same when Ramakrishna wanted to open the 
doors of Advaitist Vedantism, of identity with the Absolute, 
to Naren. Naren rejected the idea as blasphemy and mad- 
ness. He did not let any chance go by of ridiculing it ; 
and one day he and one of the other disciples jeered and 
gave vent to side-splitting laughter at its extravagance. 
" This jug," they said, " is God . . . and these flies are 
God. . . ." From the adjoining room Ramakrishna heard 
the laughter of the great children. He came in quietly in 
a semi-conscious state, and touched Naren. 81 Again a 
of a great intellectual and rationalist thinker, a man high in his 
University, who to this day has kept his independent judgment. 
" I watched with intense interest the transformation that went 
on under my eyes. The attitude of a young and rampant Vedantist 
cum Hegelian cum Revolutionary like myself towards the 
cult of religious ecstasy and Kali- Worship may be easily imagined ; 
and the spectacle of a born iconoclast and freethinker like Vive- 
kananda, a creative and dominating intelligence, a tamer of souls, 
himself caught in the meshes of what appeared to me an uncouth, 
supernatural mysticism, was a riddle which my philosophy of the 
Pure Reason could scarcely read at the time. . . . 
" (For pathological curiosity) at last I went ... to Dakshine- 
swar, to see and hear Vivekananda's Master, and spent the greater 
part of a long summer day in the shady and peaceful solitudes of 
the Temple garden, returning as the sun set amidst the whirl and 
rush and roar and the awful gloom of a blinding thunderstorm, with 
a sense of bewilderment as well moral as physical, and a lurking 
perception of the truth that the law orders the apparently irregular 
and grotesque, that sense even in its errors is only incipient Reason 
and that faith in a saving Power db extra is but the dim reflex of 
an original act of self-determination. And a significant confirma- 
tion of all this came in the subsequent life-history of Vivekananda, 
who, after he had found the firm assurance he sought in the saving 
Grace and Power of his Master, went about preaching and teach- 
ing the creed of the Universal Mao, and the absolute and inalienable 
sovereignty of the Self." 
(Article of Brajendranath Seal, published in Prabuddha Bharata, 
1907, and reproduced in the Life of the Swami Vivekananda, I, 177.) 
11 For scientific men, who study psycho-physiological problems, 
it is noteworthy that these " touches," which provoked in the sub- 
jects concerned immediate experience of changed conditions, were 
nearly always (if not always) produced when Ramakrishna was in 
a state of semi-consciousness or of complete hypnosis. There was 
therefore nothing in them analogous to calculated action of the 
will independent of the energies governed by it. It might almost 
be described as a forced descent of another into the abyss he had 
first descended himself. 
spiritual tornado swept him. All at once everything was 
changed in Naren's eyes. He saw with amazement that 
nothing existed but God. He went back to his house. All 
that he saw, touched, ate, was God. ... He stopped 
doing anything, intoxicated by Universal Force. His 
parents became anxious and thought he was ill. He 
remained in this condition for some days. Then the dream 
vanished. But its remembrance remained with Naren as 
a foretaste of the Advaitis state, and he never afterwards 
allowed himself to deny its existence. 
He then passed through a series of mystic storms. He 
repeated " Shiva . . . Shiva/' like a madman. Rama- 
krishna looked on with compassionate understanding. 
" Yes, I remained for twelve years in that condition." 
But his leonine nature, which leapt in great bounds from 
ironic denial to illumination, would never have undergone 
a lasting transformation, if the citadel had not been mined 
from within and not from without. The rough scourge of 
sorrow came suddenly to whip him out of his comfortable 
doubt, and the luxury of intellectualism on which he prided 
himself, and brought him face to face with the tragic problem 
of evil and existence. 
At the beginning of 1884 his careless and prodigal father 
died, suddenly carried off by a heart attack, and the family 
found itself faced with ruin. There were six or seven 
mouths to feed, and a swarm of creditors. From that day 
onwards Naren tasted misery, knew the vain search for 
employment and the denial of friends. He has told his 
distress in pages that are among the most poignant of 
confessions. 82 
" I almost died of hunger. Barefoot I wandered from 
office to office, repulsed on all sides. I gained experience 
of human sympathy. This was my first contact with the 
realities of life. I discovered that she had no room for the 
weak, the poor, the deserted. Those who several days 
before would have been proud to help me, turned away 
their faces, although they possessed the means to do so. 
The world seemed to me to be the creation of a devil. One 
burning day, when I could hardly stand upon my feet, I 
11 This account is taken from the Life of Sri Ramakrishna, pp. 
428 et seq. 
sat down in the shade of a monument. Several friends 
were there, and one began to sing a hymn about the abundant 
grace of God. It was like a blow aimed deliberately at 
my head. I thought of the pitiable condition of my mother 
and brothers, and cried, ' Stop singing that song 1 Such 
fantasies may sound pleasantly in the ears of those who are 
born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and whose parents 
are not at home dying of hunger. Oh yes, there was a 
time when I too thought like that ! But now that I am 
faced with all the cruelty of life, it rings in my ears like 
deadly mockery/ My friend was hurt. He could not make 
allowance for my terrible distress. More than once, when 
I saw that there was not enough food to go round at home, 
I went out, telling my mother that I was invited elsewhere, 
and I fasted. My rich friends sometimes asked me to go 
to their houses to sing, but practically not a single one of 
them showed any curiosity about my misfortunes ; and I 
kept them to myself. . . ." 
Throughout this period he continued to pray to God 
every morning. One day his mother heard him, and, her 
piety severely shaken by too great misfortune, said to 
" Fool, be quiet ! You have made yourself hoarse with 
praying to God from your childhood up. And what has 
He done for you ? . . ." 
Then he in his turn was filled with anger against God. 
Why did He not answer his anguished appeals ? Why did 
He allow so much suffering on the earth ? And the bitter 
words of the Pandit Vidyasagar came into his mind : 
" If God is good and gracious, why then do millions of 
people die for want of a few morsels of food ? " 8S 
" The Pandit Vidyasagar (Iswara Chandra, 1820-91) was a social 
reformer, the director of the Sanskrit College at Calcutta, and knew 
Ramakrishna. His memory is held in veneration less for his great 
learning than for his love of humanity. He was the impotent wit- 
ness of the famine in 1864 with its more than 100,000 victims, which 
made him reject God, and devote himself wholly to the service of 
man. Vivekananda in 1898 spoke of him with hushed respect and 
without a word of blame during a journey in Kashmir, as was noted 
down by Sister Nivedita in her account of conversations with the 
Swami. (Notes of some Wanderings with the Swami Vivehananda, 
Calcutta, Udbodhan Office, Calcutta.) 
A furious revolt arose to heaven. He declared war upon 
He had never been able to conceal his thoughts and now 
he spoke openly against God. He proved that He was either 
non-existent or evil. His reputation as an atheist became 
established, and as is the practice of devout people, unmen- 
tionable motives were adduced for his unbelief, and his 
habits were maligned. Such dishonesty hardened him, and 
he took a sombre delight in boasting publicly that in such 
a depraved world a victim, as he was, of the persecutions 
of fortune had every right to seek momentary respite in 
whatever pleasure he might find ; and that if he, Narendra, 
decided that such means were efficacious, he should certainly 
not shrink from using them for fear of anybody. To some 
of Ramakrishna's disciples who offered their pious remon- 
strances, he replied that only a coward believed in God 
through fear. And he drove them away. At the same time 
the idea that Ramakrishna might blame him like the rest 
troubled him. Then his pride revolted. " What does it 
matter ? If a man's reputation rests on such slender 
foundations, I do not care. I spurn it under foot ; . . ." 
All judged him lost except Ramakrishna in his retreat at 
Dakshineswar, and he kept his confidence in Naren ; 84 but 
he was waiting for the psychological moment. He knew 
that Naren's salvation could only come from him. 
The summer passed. Naren continued his harassing 
search for a means of livelihood. One evening when he 
had eaten nothing, he sank down, exhausted and wet 
through, by the side of the road in front of a house. The 
delirium of fever raged in his prostrate body. Suddenly it 
seemed as if the folds enveloping his soul were rent asunder, 
and there was light. 86 All nis past doubts were auto- 
matically solved. He could say truly : 
" I see, I know, I believe, I am undeceived. ..." 
* 4 Afterwards Vivekananda said, " Ramakrishna was the only one 
who had unswerving faith in me. Even my mother and my brothers 
were not capable of it. His unshakable confidence joined me to 
him for ever. He alone knew the meaning of love." 
" Revelation caine always by the same mechanical process at 
the exact moment when the limit of vitality had been reached, and 
the last reserves of the will to struggle exhausted. 
His mind and body were at rest. He went in and spent 
the night in meditation. In the morning his mind was 
made up. He had decided to renounce the world as his 
grandfather had done, and he fixed a day when this definite 
vow was to be accomplished. 
Now on that very day Ramakrishna, all unknowing, came 
to Calcutta, and begged Naren to come back with him for 
the night to Dakshineswar. Naren tried in vain to escape ; 
but he was obliged to follow the Master. That night shut 
up in his room with him, Ramakrishna began to sing, and 
his beautiful chant brought tears to the eyes of the young 
disciple ; for he realized that the Master had divined his 
purpose. Ramakrishna said to him, 
" I know that you cannot remain in the world. But for 
my sake, stay in it as long as I live/' 
Naren went back home. He had found some work in a 
translation office and in a solicitor's office, but he had no 
permanent employment, so that the fate of his family was 
never assured from one day to the next. He asked Rama- 
krishna to pray for him and his. 
" My child," said Ramakrishna, " I cannot offer up those 
prayers. Why do you not do so yourself ? " 
Naren went into the temple of the Mother. He was in 
a state of exalted fervour ; a flood of love and faith coursed 
through him. But when he returned and Ramakrishna 
asked if he had prayed, Naren realized that he had forgotten 
to ask for the alleviation of his misery. Ramakrishna told 
him to go back. He returned a second time and a third 
time. No sooner did he enter the temple than the purpose 
of his prayers faded before his eyes. At the third attempt 
indeed he remembered what he had come to ask, but he 
was overcome with shame. " What pitiful interests they 
were, for which to importune the Mother " ; He prayed 
" Mother, I need nothing save to know and to believe." 
From that day a new life began for him. He knew and 
believed, and his faith, born, like that of Goethe's old 
harpist, 16 in misery, never forgot the taste of bread soaked 
in tears, nor his suffering brethren who had shared the 
" An allusion to some of Goethe's most beautiful Lieder in Wil- 
helxn Meister. 
crumbs. One sublime cry proclaimed his faith to the 
world : 
" The only God in whom I believe, is the sum total of 
all souls, and above all I believe in my God the wicked, 
my God the miserable, my God the poor of all races. ..." 
The Galilean had conquered. 87 The tender Master of 
Bengal had broken the resistance of his bride. Rama- 
krishna in future had no more submissive son than the 
great Kshatriya, who was born to command. So complete 
did their union become, that at times they seemed to be 
identified with each other. It was necessary to exercise a 
moderating influence over this transported soul, that did 
not know what it meant to give by halves. Ramakrishna 
knew the dangers it ran. Its rough and tumultuous course 
leapt beyond the bounds of reason from knowledge to love, 
from the absolute need for meditation to the absolute need 
for action. It yearned to embrace everything at once. 
During the last days of Ramakrishna's life we shall often 
see Naren urging the Master to allow him the highest super- 
conscious revelation, the great ecstasy, from which there is 
no return, the Nirvikalpa Samadhi ; but Ramakrishna 
emphatically refused him. 
One day, Swami Shivananda told me, he was present in 
the garden of Cossipore, near Calcutta, when Naren really 
attained this state. " Seeing him unconscious, his body as 
cold as that of a corpse, we ran in great agitation to the 
Master and told him what had happened. The Master 
showed no anxiety ; he merely smiled and said, ' Very 
well/ and then relapsed into silence. Naren returned to 
outward consciousness and came to the Master. The 
Master said to him, ' Well, now do you understand ? This 
(the highest realization) will* henceforward remain under 
lock and key. You have the Mother's work to do. When 
it is finished, She will undo the lock/ Naren replied, 
' Master, I was happy in Samadhi. In my infinite joy I 
had forgotten the world. I beseech you to let me remain 
in that state ' ; ' For shame/ cried the Master. ' How can 
you ask such things ? I thought you were a vast receptacle 
of life, and here you wish to stay absorbed in personal joy 
87 The cry of the Emperor Julian as he was dying, after having 
fought in vain against Christ. 
like an ordinary man ; . . . This realization will become 
so natural to you, thanks to the Mother, that in your normal 
state you will realize the Unique Divinity in all beings ; 
you will do great things in the world ; you will bring spiritual 
consciousness to men, and assuage the misery of the humble 
and the poor." 
He had discerned the part for which Vivekananda was 
cast, and against his will he forced him to play it. 
" Ordinary souls/' he said, " fear to assume the respon- 
sibility of instructing the world. A worthless piece of wood 
can only just manage to float, and if a bird settles on it 
immediately it sinks. But Naren is different. He is like 
the great tree trunks, bearing men and beasts upon the 
bosom of the Ganges." 88 
He had marked on the giant's forehead the sign of St. 
Christopher the carrier of men. 
18 Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, 42. 
FROM 1881 onwards Ramakrishna lived at Dakshineswar 
surrounded by disciples, who loved him as a father, 
lulled by the sweet murmur of the Ganges. The eternal 
song of the river, turning and flowing northwards with the 
incoming tide at noon, was the undercurrent of his beautiful 
companionship. And it mingled at dawn and sunset with 
the chime of bells, the ringing of conches, the melody of 
the flute (rasunchauki), the clashing of cymbals and the 
temple hymns, that punctuated the days of -the gods and 
goddesses. 1 The intoxicating perfume of the sacred garden 
was borne like incense on the breeze. Between the columns 
of the semicircular verandah with its sheltering awning, 
1 The book containing the conversations (The Gospel of Sri 
Ramakrishna) recalls at every turn the setting and the atmosphere. 
Before daybreak the bells softly announced the service of matins. 
The lights were kindled. In the hall of music the morning hymns 
were played by flutes accompanied by drums and cymbals. The 
east was not yet red before flowers had already been gathered in 
the garden as an offering to the Gods. The disciples, who had 
spent the night with the Master, meditated as they sat near the 
edge of his bed. Ramakrishna got up and walked about naked, 
singing in his sweet voice ; he tenderly communed with the Mother. 
Then all the instruments played their symphony in concert. The 
disciples performed their ablution! ; then returned to find the Master 
on the verandah ; and the conversations continued overlooking the 
At noon the bells announced the end of worship in the temples 
of Kali and Vishnu and the twelve temples of Shiva. The sun 
burned down. The breeze blew from the south, the tide rose. 
After a meal the Master took a short rest and then the conversa- 
tions began again. 
At night the temple lamplighter kindled the lamps. One lamp 
burned in a corner of Ramakrishna's room where he sat absorbed. 
The music of conches and the temple bells announced the evening 
service. Under a full moon the conversations continued. 
193 O 
sails, multicoloured like a swarm of butterflies, could be 
seen passing along the river, the image of Eternity. 
But the precincts of the sanctuary were throbbing with 
the ceaseless waves of a different human river pilgrims, 
worshippers, pandits, 2 religious and curious persons of all 
sorts and conditions from the great neighbouring city or 
other parts of India crowding to see and overwhelm with 
questions the mysterious man, who yet did not consider 
himself any way remarkable. He always answered them 
in his charming patois with unwearied patience and that 
air of familiar good grace which, without losing contact 
with the deep realities, allowed nothing to go unobserved 
in the scenes and the everyday people passing before him. 
He could both play the child and judge as the sage. This 
perfect, laughing, loving, penetrating spontaneity, to which 
nothing human was alien, was the chief secret of his charm. 
In truth such a hermit was very different from those of 
our Christian world I If he sought out and absorbed 
sorrow, it disappeared with him ; nothing morose or austere 
could grow in his soil. The great purifier of men who could 
free the soul from its swaddling clothes and wash away all 
stain, making a saint of a Girish by his indulgent smile and 
his piercing and serene glance, would not admit into the 
air of the beautiful garden of Dakshineswar, redolent of 
the scent of roses and jasmine, the morbid idea of shameful 
sin veiling its nakedness by an eternal preoccupation with 
itself. He said : 
" Certain Christians and Brahmos see in a sense of sin 
the sum total of religion. Their ideal of a devout man is 
one who prays, ' O Lord, I am a sinner ! 8 Deign to pardon 
my sins 1 . . / They forget that a sense of sin is a sign 
1 It was at this time (1882) that Ramakrishna went to visit the 
Pandit Vidyasagar. Their conversations have been recorded. 
1 What would he have said if he had known the Oratorian of 
the seventeenth century, Francis de Clugny (1637-94), whom the 
Abbe Brmond has revived for us. He revels in a state of sin, 
and has no other purpose in life than to develop his " Mystic of 
Sinners " in three books reeking of sin, yet written in perfect inno- 
cence, (i. The Devotion of Sinners by a Sinner. 2. The Manual 
of Sinners by a Sinner. 3. Concerning the Prayers of Sinners by 
a Sinner.) 
Cf. Henri Br6mond : La MStaphysique des saints, I, 279 et seq* 
of the first and the lowest step of spiritual development. 
They do not take the force of habit into consideration. If 
you say, ' I am a sinner/ eternally, you will remain a sinner 
to all eternity. . . . You ought rather to repeat, ' I am 
not bound, I am not bound. . . . Who can bind me ? I 
am the son of God, the King of Kings. . . / Make your 
will work and you will be free ! The idiot who repeats 
without stopping, ' I am a slave, 1 ends by really becoming 
a slave. The miserable man, who repeats tirelessly, ' I am 
a sinner/ really becomes a sinner. But that man is free 
who says, ' I am free from the bondage of the world. I 
am free. Is not the Lord our Father ? . . / Bondage is 
of the mind, but freedom is also of the mind. . . ." 4 
He let the wind of his joy and freedom blow on all around 
him. And languid souls, oppressed by the weight of the 
tropical sky, unfolded again their faded leaves. He com- 
forted the weariest with the words, " The rains will come. 
Patience ! You will become green again/' 
It was the home of freed souls those who were and 
those who would be time does not count in India. The 
Sunday receptions often partook of the nature of little 
festivals, Sankirtans, and on ordinary days his interviews 
with his disciples never took the form of doctrinal instruc- 
tion. Doctrine was immaterial. The only essential was 
practice suited to each spirit, to each occasion of life with 
the object of drawing out the essence of life in each man, 
while he exercised full liberty of spirit. All means were 
good ; inward concentration as well as the free play of the 
intellect, brief ecstasies as well as rich parables, laughing 
stories and even the observation of the comedy of the 
universe by sharp and mocking eyes. 
The Master is sitting on his little bed and listening to the 
confidences of the disciples. He shares in their intimate 
cares and family affairs ; he affectionately prods the resigned 
Yogananda, curbs the impetuous Vivekananda, and mocks 
the superstitious ghosts of Niranjanananda. He loves to 
race these young runaway colts against each other. Then 
4 The Gospel, I, 293 and 178. 
He repeats this great saying, which I should like to inscribe on 
the heart of all believers : " God can never appear where there is 
shame, hatred or fear." (Sri Ramakrishna's Teachings, I, par. 316.) 
he will fling into the confusion of impassioned argument 
just the pregnant and mischievous remark that will enlighten 
them and bring them back at a walking pace. Without 
seeming to use the reins he knows how to restore to the 
golden mean those who go too far and those who do not 
go far enough, how to awaken the slumbering spirit and 
how to restrain excess of zeal. His eyes can rest with 
tenderness on the pure face of his St. John, Premananda 
(Baburam), one of those whom he classes with the " Nitya- 
siddhas " those who are pure and perfect before their 
birth 6 and have no need of instruction or sparkle with 
irony when faced with exaggerated Puritanism. 
" Too much concentration on ceremonial purity becomes 
a plague. People afflicted with this disease have no time 
to think of man or God." 
He kept the neophytes from the useless and dangerous 
practices of the Raja Yoga. 6 What point was there in 
risking life and health when all that was necessary was to 
open the eyes and heart in order to meet God at every 
step ? 
" Arjuna invoked Sri Krishna as the Absolute. . . . 
Krishna said to him, ' Come for a while and see what I am 
like/ He led him to a certain spot and asked him, ' What 
do you see ? ' 'A great tree/ said Arjuna, ' with bunches 
of berries hanging from it/ ' No, my friend/ said Sri 
Krishna. ' Draw near and look closer ; these are not 
blackberries but innumerable Sri Krishnas. . . ." 7 
And was there any need for pilgrimages to holy places ? 
"It is the sanctity of men that makes the sanctity of 
5 To this group of the elect Narendra, Rakhal and Bhavanath 
also belonged (Gospel, I, 238). ft is noteworthy that their particu- 
lar type of spirit had nothing to do with their selection. Baburam 
was a foreordained Jnanin and not a Bhakta. 
Cf. Saradananda : Ramakrishna said to his disciples, " These 
practices are no longer for this iron age of Kali, when human beings 
are very feeble and short-lived. They have no time to run such 
grave risks. And it is no longer necessary. The sole objects of 
these practices is concentration of mind ; and this is easily attained 
by all who meditate with piety. The grace of the Lord has made 
the way of realization easy. It is only necessary to carry back to 
Him that power of love, which we pour out on the beings surround- 
ing us." (A freely condensed translation.) 
f Gospel, II, 16. 
places. Otherwise how can a place purify a man? God 
is everywhere. God is in us. Life and the Universe are 
His Dream/' 
But while with his clever fingers he embroidered apo- 
logues 8 upon this everlasting theme, the little peasant of 
Kamarpukur, who united in himself the two natures of 
Martha and Mary, knew how to recall his disciples to 
practical life and humble domestic details ; he did not allow 
idleness, uncleanness nor disorder, and in these respects he 
could teach the sons of the great middle classes ; he himself 
set the example, scouring his house and garden. 
Nothing escaped his eyes. He dreamed, he saw, he acted, 
and his gay wisdom always kept the gift of childlike laughter. 
This is how he amused himself by mimicking worldlings and 
false zealots. 
" The Master imitated a Kirtani (a professional singer of 
religious hymns, to the great amusement of the disciples. 
The Kirtani and her troupe made their entrance into the 
assembly. She was richly dressed and held a coloured 
handkerchief in her hand. If some venerable gentleman 
came in she greeted him as she sang, and said to him, ' Please 
come in ! ' And she would raise her sari on her arms to 
show the ornaments adorning it. The Master's mimicry 
made the disciples roar with laughter. Paltu rolled upon 
the ground. The Master said, smiling at him, ' What a 
child ! Paltu, do not go and tell your father. The slight 
esteem in which he holds me would vanish entirely. He 
has become an Englishman pure and simple ! ' . . ." 
Here are some other types as he described them, 
"There are people/' said Ramakrishna, "who never 
8 Here is one beautiful example among many others : 
11 A woodcutter went to sleep and dreamed. A friend woke him 
up. ' Ah ! ' said the woodcutter, ' why did you disturb me ? I 
had become a great king, the father of seven children. My sons 
were accomplished in war and the arts. I was enthroned and 
occupied with affairs of state. Why did you shatter this happy 
world ? ' 
The friend replied, ' What harm have I done ? It was only a 
' You do not understand/ the woodcutter answered. ' To be a 
king in a dream is as true as being a woodcutter. If to be a wood- 
cutter is real, to be a king in a dream is real also. 1 " (Gospel, II, 235.) 
want to chatter so badly as at daily worship. But being 
forbidden to speak, they gesticulate and grimace with closed 
lips : ' Euh ! Euh ! Bring me this. . . . Pass me that. 
. . . Chut ! Chut ! . . .' One is telling his beads, but 
while so engaged he sees the fishmonger, and while his beads 
slip through his fingers he has shown him the fish he wants. 
... A woman went to bathe in the sacred waters of the 
Ganges. She ought to have been thinking about God, but 
this is what she was gossiping : ' What jewels are they 
offering your son ? . . . Such and such a person is ill. ... 
Such and such a person has gone to see his fiancee. . . . 
And do you think the dowry will be a large one ? . . . 
Harish adores me, he cannot do without me for a single 
hour. ... I have not been able to come for a long time ; 
the engagement of so-and-so's daughter has taken place and 
I have been so busy ! and ta, ta, ta. . . / She came to 
bathe in the sacred waters, but she thinks of anything but 
that. . . ." 
And at that point as his glance fell upon one of his 
audience, he passed into Samadhi. 9 
When he returned again to earth he resumed the thread 
of his interrupted discourse without a break, or else sang 
one of his beautiful songs to the Mother " with the blue 
skin" or to dark Krishna the Beloved. 10 
" Oh, the sound of the smooth flute played in the wood 
yonder ! I come ! I come ! I must. . . . My Beloved 
with the dark skin awaits me. ... O my friends, say, 
will you not come with me ? ... My Beloved ! . . . I 
fear that to you he is nothing but a name, a sound void of 
meaning. . . . But to me he is my heart, my soul, my 
life ! . . ." 
" Plunge, plunge, plunge in the depths, O my soul ! 
Plunge into the Ocean of Beauty ! . . . Go and search the 
regions deeper than the depths of the seas ! Thou wilt 
attain the jewel, the treasure of Prema (Divine Love). In 
thy heart is the Brindaban (the legendary home) of the God 
of Love. Go and seek, go and seek, go and seek 1 And 
thou shalt find. Then the lamp of knowledge will burn 
Gospel, II, 285-86. 
10 These colours had a symbolic sense for Ramakrishna. The 
dark blue of the Mother brought the depths of the sky to his mind. 
inextinguishably. Who is this being that steers a boat over 
the earth over the earth over the solid earth ? . . ." 
" Companion of the Absolute, O Mother, Thou art plunged 
in the bliss of Play. . . . The wine of joy intoxicates. 
Thy feet reel, but never lose their balance. The Absolute, 
Thy husband, is lying at Thy side, motionless. Thou 
drawest Him to Thy breast, and loseth all control of Thy- 
self. The Universe trembles beneath Thy feet. Madness 
is in Thine eyes and in the eyes of Thy husband. ... In 
truth the world is a thing of joy. ... O my Mother with 
the blue skin ! . . ." " 
His song shares in the wine of love intoxicating the 
" One of his glances," Vivekananda once said, " could 
change a whole life." 
And he spoke from experience, this Naren, who had 
upheld his philosophic doubts in passionate revolt against 
Ramakrishna, until he felt them melting in his constant 
fire and avowed himself vanquished. He had proved the 
truth of what Ramakrishna had told him : that " living 
faith may be given and received in a tangible fashion and 
more truly than anything else in the world." Rama- 
krishna's certainty was so gentle yet so strong that the most 
brutal denials of these young people made him smile ; he 
was so certain that they would disappear like morning mist 
before the midday sun. When Kaliprasad assailed him 
with a torrent of denials, he said, 
" My son, do you believe in God ? " 
" Do you believe in religion ? " 
" No, nor in the Vedas, nor in any scripture. I do not 
believe in anything spiritual." 
The Master indulgently replied, 
" My son, if you had said that to any other Guru, what 
would have happened to you ? But go in peace 1 Others 
have passed through these trials before you. Look at 
Naren ! He believes. Your doubts will also be enlightened. 
You will believe." 
And Kaliprasad later became the holy apostle, Abhe- 
11 Gospel, passim. 
Many university men, sceptics and agnostics, were similarly 
touched by this little man, who said the simplest things in 
his peasants' language, but whose inner light pierced to the 
depths of the soul. There was no need for his visitors to 
confess themselves. 
" The eyes," he said, " are the windows of the soul/ 1 
He read through them at the first glance. In the midst 
of a crowd he could go straight to a bashful visitor, who 
was hiding from him, and put his finger on his doubt, his 
anxiety, his secret wound. He never preached. There was 
no soul-searching or sadness. Just a word, a smile, the 
touch of his hand, communicated a nameless peace, a 
happiness for which men yearned. It is said that a young 
man on whom his glance rested stayed for more than a 
year in an ecstasy, wherein he did nothing but repeat : 
"Lord! Lord! My well-beloved ! My well-beloved 1 " 
The Master forgave everything, for he believed in infinite 
Kindness. If he saw that some of those who asked his 
help were not fortunate enough to attain the God, whom 
they sought, in this life, he desired to communicate to them 
at least a foretaste of bliss. 
No word with him was only a word ; it was an act, a 
He said, 
" Do not speak of love for your brother ! Realize it ! 
Do not argue about doctrine and religion. There is only 
one. All rivers flow to the ocean. Flow and let others 
flow too ! The great stream carves out for itself according 
to the slope of its journey according to race, time and 
temperament its own distinct bed. But it is all the same 
water. . . . Go. . . . Flow on towards the Ocean ! . . ." 
The force of his joyously flowing stream communicated 
itself to all souls. He was the power, he was the slope, he 
was the current ; and the other streams and brooks ran 
towards his river. He was the Ganges itself. 
HE was nearing the Ocean. The end was approaching. 
His feeble body was almost daily consumed in the 
fire of ecstasy and worn out by his constant gift of himself 
to the starving crowds. Sometimes like a sulky child he 
complained to the Mother of the flood of visitors devouring 
him day and night. In his humorous way he said to Her : x 
" Why do you bring hither all these people, who are like 
milk diluted with five times its own quantity of water ? 
My eyes are destroyed with blowing the fire to dry up the 
water ! My health is gone. It is beyond my strength. 
Do it Yourself, if You want it done. This (pointing to his 
body) is nothing but a burst drum, and if You go on beat- 
ing it day in and day out, how long do you think it will 
last ? " * 
But he never turned anybody away. He said : 
" Let me be condemned to be born over and over again, 
even in the form of a dog, if so I can be of help to a single 
soul ! " 
And again : 
" I will give up twenty thousand such bodies to help one 
man. It is glorious to help aven one. man ! " 8 
He even reproached himself for his ecstasies, because they 
took time that might otherwise have been given to others. 
" O Mother, stop me from enjoying them ! Let me stay 
in my normal state, so that I can be of more use in the 
1 1 am quite sure that some of our good believers of the Middle 
Ages, such as the men of the people in Picardy and Burgundy, 
must sometimes have said the same thing. 
1 Life of Sri Ramakrishna, p. 694. 
* Vivekananda : My Master. 
During his last days when his disciples protected him in 
spite of himself from the importunity of devotees, he said : 
" How I suffer because no one needs my help to-day ! " 4 
His great friend, the illustrious chief of the Brahmo 
Samaj, Keshab Chunder Sen, preceded him in death. He 
died in 1884. With tears in his eyes, Ramakrishna said of 
him shortly before his death that " the rose tree is to be 
transplanted because the gardener wants beautiful roses of 
Afterwards he said : 
" Half of me has perished/' 
But the other half, if it is possible to use such an expres- 
sion, was the humble people. He was as easy of access to 
them, if not more so, as to the most learned ; and among 
the familiar friends of his last years he counted, in the same 
category as the disciples so dear to his heart, simple people, 
madinen of God. Such a one was old Gopaler Ma, whose 
simple story is worthy of a place among the Franciscan 
legends : 
An old woman of sixty, widowed while still a girl, 6 she 
had dedicated herself to the Lord. The hunger of her 
unassuaged maternal love had made her for thirty years 
adopt the child Krishna, Gopala, as her own, until it had 
become a harmless mania. No sooner had she met Rama- 
krishna than his God-filled glance made little Gopala issue 
from her. The warm compassion of the Master, which 
made the hidden desires and sorrows of those who came 
near him his own, lent inspiration to the unsatisfied dream 
of the childless mother, and he put the God Child into her 
arms. From that moment the little Gopala never left the 
mother, who had adopted him. Henceforward she did not 
pray ; she had no need to pray, for she lived in unbroken 
communion with her God. She threw her rosary into the 
river and spent her days prattling with the Child. This 
state lasted two months and then was mitigated ; the Child 
only appeared in moments of meditation. But the old 
4 Mukerji, loc. cit. 
8 For the benefit of my Western readers I would remind them 
that Hindu religious law strictly forbids the remarriage of widows, 
and that against this oppressive rule many of the great Hindu re- 
ligious and social reformers have been ceaselessly striving for the 
last hundred years. 
woman's heart was filled with happiness, and Ramakrishna 
tenderly regarded her joy. But his ever present sense of 
fun made him ask the old woman to tell her story to the 
haughty Naren, so proud of his critical reason, who held 
such visions to be stupid and morbid illusions. The old 
woman quite simply interrupted her maternal chatter, and 
made Naren her judge : 
" Sir/ 1 she said to him, " I am only a poor ignorant 
woman. I do not rightly understand things. You are 
learned. Tell me, do you think it is true ? " 
Naren, deeply moved, answered : 
" Yes, mother, it is quite true." 
* * * 
It was in 1884 that Ramakrishna's health took a serious 
turn. While he was in a trance he dislocated his left arm 
and it was very painful. A great change took place in him. 
He divided his infirm body and his wandering soul into 
two. He no longer spoke of " I." He was no longer " me." 
He called himself " This." 6 The sick man more intensely 
than before perceived, " Lila . . . the Play . . . The God 
who disports Himself in men. ..." The man roughly 
seized his real self and then fell into silent amazement ; his 
joy knew no bounds, as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly 
met one of his dear ones. ... " When Shiva saw his real 
self he cried, ' Such am I ! Such am I ! ' and danced for 
In April the following year his throat became inflamed. 
Overstrain from constant talking and the dangerous Sam- 
adhis, which made blood flow in his throat, certainly had 
something to do with it. 7 The doctors he consulted forbade 
8 From the unpublished Memoirs of Ramakrishnananda, who 
nursed him during his last months. Cf. Sister Devamata : Sri 
Ramakrishna and his Disciples. (These notes have been communi- 
cated to me in manuscript.) 
7 But there was more in it than this. Like some famous Chris* 
tian mystics (a) he healed others by taking their ills upon himself. 
In a vision his body appeared to him covered with sores, the sins 
of others : " He took upon himself the Karma of others. 11 And to 
this fact he owed his last illness. He had become the scapegoat 
of humanity. 
The idea of suffering the ills of others in his own body, and thus 
relieving them when a certain degree of sanctity has been attained, 
is a very old one in India ; and Swami Ashokananda, whom I have 
both speech and ecstasy, but he paid no attention to them. 
At a great Vaishnava religious festival he spent himself 
questioned on the subject, has given me some striking illustra- 
tions from the Holy Books from the Mahabharata (Adi Parva, 
Chapter 84, and Shanti Parva, Chapter 261) from the sayings of 
Buddha, and the life of Chaitanya in the fifteenth century. All 
spiritual personages do not possess this power. It only belongs 
theologically to the Avataras (Incarnations) and to the chosen 
souls, their attendants. Neither pious men nor saints possess it, 
even after they have attained divine realizations, although popular 
superstition falsely attributes it to them in these days, and simple 
people may often be seen approaching Sannyasins and Sadhus (as 
also happened to Jesus) in the hope of unloading upon them their 
physical and spiritual ills. It is still a common belief in India. 
One of its consequences is the so-called Guruvada. If a spiritual 
person accepts a disciple, not only does he give him spiritual in- 
struction, but he takes upon himself everything that might be an 
obstacle in his disciple's Karma all his sins. The Guru then has 
to suffer for the Karmas of his disciples, for nobody can cancel a 
single Karma ; it is merely transferred to another. Swami Asho- 
kananda has added this to show to what point the belief of expia- 
tion by proxy is enrooted in the spirit of the best minds in India 
to-day. " It is not just a theory with us. We have seen examples 
of it, as when the immediate disciples of Ramakrishna suffered for 
having thus taken upon themselves the evils of others, either in 
their capacity as Gurus or by the effect of simple touch. They 
have often spoken of their sufferings on this account." 
(a) In particular St. Lydwine, who was charged with the physical 
sufferings of others, St. Marguerita Maria, who took upon herself 
the sufferings of souls in Purgatory, St. Catherine of Siena and 
Marie de Vallees, who prayed for the pains of hell in order to save 
other souls from falling into them, and St. Vincent de Paul, who 
was deprived of his faith for seven years in order to give faith to 
an unbeliever. 
Such sacrifices by proxy are in conformity with pure Christian 
Catholic doctrine, which considers humanity as the mystic body of 
Christ. Christ Himself set the example. The prophet Isaiah, who 
realized the Messiah in advance (liii. 45), said, " He hath borne our 
griefs and carried our sorrows. ... He was wounded for our trans- 
gressions. . . . The chastisement of our peace was upon him and 
with his stripes we are healed." The Sacrifice of the Cross has 
always been considered by the Catholic Church as the one complete 
and universal expiation. Thus between ancient India and Judea 
of the Prophets and of Christ there is the same kindred thought, 
born of the universal urge of the soul and belonging to the most 
profound depths of human nature. Cf. also the familiar words of 
Christ, when He instituted the Lord's Supper. " This is my blood 
. . . which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (St. Matthew 
xxvi. 28.) 
without measure, and in return the disease grew worse. It 
became practically impossible for him to eat. Nevertheless 
he continued to receive those who came to him day and 
night. Then one night he had haemorrhage of the throat. 
The doctors diagnosed cancer. His chief disciples persuaded 
him to put himself for a time under the care of Dr. Mahendra 
Lai Sarkar of Calcutta. In September, 1885, a small house 
was rented where Ramakrishna's wife found a corner for 
herself so that she might supervise his regime. The most 
faithful disciples watched during the night. The majority 
of them were poor, and they mortgaged, borrowed or pawned 
their effects in order to pay the expenses of the Master's 
illness an effort that cemented their union. Dr. Sarkar 
was a rationalist, who did not share the religious views of 
Ramakrishna, and told him so frankly. But the more he 
came to know his patient, the deeper did his respect for 
him become, until he treated him for nothing. He came 
to see him three times a day and spent hours with him 8 
(which, it may be observed in passing, was perhaps not the 
best way to make him better). He said to him : 
" I love you so dearly because of your devotion to truth. 
You never deviate by a hair's breadth from what you believe 
to be true. ... Do not imagine that I am flattering you. 
If my father was in the wrong I should tell him so/' 
But he openly censured the religious adoration rendered 
to him by the disciples. 
" To say that the Infinite came down to earth in the form 
of a man is the ruin of all religions/ 1 
Ramakrishna maintained an amused silence, but the 
disciples grew animated in these discussions, which only 
served to increase their mutual esteem ; their faith in their 
Master, whom suffering seemed to illuminate, was strength- 
ened. They tried to understand why such a trial was 
imposed upon him, and divided into groups holding different 
views. The most exalted, headed by Girish the redeemed 
sinner, declared that the Master himself had willed his 
He was present during several ecstasies and studied them from 
a medical point of view. A study of his notes would be of great 
interest for European science. It is known that a stethoscopic 
examination of the heart and the condition of the eyes during 
Samadhi show all the symptoms of the condition of death. 
illness, so that he might establish round him the communion 
of apostles. The rationalists with Naren as their mouth- 
piece admitted that the Master's body was subject to the 
laws of nature like other men's. But they all recognized 
the Divine presence in the dying man ; and on the day of 
the great annual festival of Kali, of which Ramakrishna to 
their surprise made no mention, but spent it absorbed in 
ecstasy, they realized that the Mother was dwelling within 
him. 9 The exaltation excited by this belief had its dangers, 
the chief of them being an access of convulsive sentimen- 
talism. They had or pretended to have visions and 
ecstasies with laughter, song and tears. Naren then showed 
for the first time the vigour of his reason and his will. He 
treated them with contempt. He told them that " the 
Master's ecstasies had been bought by a life of heroic 
austerity and desperate conflict for the sake of knowledge ; 
that their effusions were nothing but the vapourings of sick 
imaginations when they were not lies. Those who were 
ill ought to take more care of themselves ! Let them eat 
more and so react against spasms which were worthy only 
of ridiculous females ! And let them beware ! Of those 
who encouraged a religion of ostentatious emotion eighty 
per cent became scoundrels and fifteen per cent lunatics." 
His words acted like a cold douche. They were ashamed 
Among the crowds wishing to see the inspired man, there came 
on October 31, 1885, a Christian from Northern India, Prabhudayal 
Misra. He had an interview with Ramakrishna, which gives a 
typical example of the spirit of synthesis enveloping in its accom- 
modating atmosphere the confessions of men holding seemingly 
contradictory views, when they have been filtered through the 
Indian soul. This Indian Christian found it quite possible to be- 
lieve at the same time in Christ a and Ramakrishna ! People were 
present during the following conversation : 
The Christian : It is the Lord, who shines through all creatures. 
Ramakrishna : The Lord is one, but He is called by a thousand 
The Christian : Jesus is not simply the Son of Mary ; He is 
God Himself. (And then he turned to the disciples and pointed to 
Ramakrishna.) And this is a man whom you see before you ; but at 
times he is none other than God Himself, and you do not recognize 
At the end of the interview Ramakrishna told him that his long- 
ing for God would be fulfilled. And the Christian made him the 
gift of himself. 
and the majority humbly confessed that their ecstasies were 
shams. Naren's action did not stop there. He gathered 
these young people together and imposed upon them a virile 
discipline. In their need for action he advised them to 
devote themselves to some definite object. The young 
lion's cub began to assert himself in those days as the future 
sovereign of the Order, although he himself was not free 
from his own difficulties and struggles. For him these days 
marked the crisis of despair, when he had to make the final 
choice between the conflicting forces of his nature harrow- 
ing days, fruitful days, preparing the soul for harvest. 
Ramakrishna grew worse. Dr. Sarkar advised his 
removal from Calcutta to the country. Towards the 
middle of December, 1885, he was taken to a house in the 
suburbs in the midst of the beautiful gardens of Cossipore, 
and there he spent the last eight months of his mortal life. 
Twelve of his young chosen disciples never left him until 
the end. 10 Naren directed their activities and their prayers. 
They begged the Master to join with them in praying for 
his recovery, and the visit of a Pandit, who shared their 
faith, gave them an opportunity to renew their entreaties. 
" The Scriptures/' said the Pandit to Ramakrishna, 
" declare that saints like you can cure yourselves by an 
effort of will." 
' ' My spirit has been given to God once and for all. Would 
you have me ask it back ? " 
His disciples reproached him for not wishing to be restored 
to health. 
" Do you think my sufferings are voluntary ? I wish to 
recover, but that depends on the Mother." 
" Then pray to Her." 
" It is easy for you to say that, but I cannot speak the 
Naren begged. 
" For our sakes 1 " 
" Very well," said the Master sweetly. " I will try what 
I can do." 
10 Narendra, Rakhal, Baburam, Niranjan, Yogin, Latu, Tarek, 
the two Gopals, Kali, Sasi, and Sarat. Ramakrishna said that his 
illness had divided the disciples for him into those of the " Inner 
Circle (Antaranya) and those of the Outer Circle (Bahiranga).' 1 
They left him alone for several hours. When they 
returned the Master said, 
" I said to her, ' Mother, I can eat nothing because of 
my suffering. Make it possible for me to eat a little ! ' 
She pointed you all out to me and said, ' What ! Thou 
canst eat through all these mouths ! ' I was ashamed and 
could not utter another word." 
Several days later he said, 11 
"My teaching is almost finished. I cannot instruct 
people any longer ; for I see the whole world is filled with 
the Lord. 12 So I ask myself, ' Whom can I teach ? ' " 
On January i, 1886, he felt better and walked a few 
steps in the garden. There he blessed his disciples. 18 The 
effects of his blessing manifested themselves in different 
ways in silent ecstasy or in loquacious transports of joy. 
But all were agreed that they received as it were an electric 
shock, an access of power, so that each one realized his 
chosen ideal at a bound. (The distinguishing characteristic 
of Ramakrishna as a religious chief was always that he did 
not communicate a precise faith, but the energy necessary 
for faith ; he played the part, if I may say so, of a mighty 
spiritual dynamo.) In their abounding joy the disciples in 
the garden whom the Master had blessed, called to those 
in the house to come and share the bliss of his benediction. 
In this connection an incident took place that might have 
come from the Christian Gospel the humble Latu and 
Sarat the Brahmin were taking advantage of the Master's 
absence to clean his room and make his bed. They heard 
the calls and saw the whole scene from above ; but they 
continued their task of love, thus renouncing their share of 
Naren also remained Unsatisfied. His father's loss, 
worldly cares and the fever in his own heart consumed him. 
He saw the fulfilment of all the others and felt himself 
abandoned. There had been no response to his anguish, 
no comforting ray to cheer him. He begged Ramakrishna 
to allow him to relieve his misery by several days of 
11 On December 23, 1885, according to M. (Mahendra Nath Gupta), 
who noted it down in his Gospel, II, 354. 
Literally, " All is Rama." 
11 Each received an appropriate benediction, so it is said. 
Samadhi ; but the Master rebuked him severely (he kept 
his indulgence for those from whom he expected least) and 
reproached him for such " base thoughts." He must make 
some arrangement for his family and then his troubles would 
be at an end and he would receive everything. Naren wept 
like a lost sheep, and fled through Calcutta and the fields, 
covered with dust and the straw of a stack into which he 
had run he groaned, he was consumed with desire for the 
inaccessible, and his soul knew no rest. Ramakrishna, 
tenderly and pityingly, watched his wild course from afar ; 
he knew quite well that before the divine prey could be 
brought down panting, he would have to pick up the scent. 
He felt that Naren's condition was remarkable, for in spite 
of boasting his unbelief, he was homesick for the Infinite. 
He knew him to be blessed among men in proportion as he 
was proven. He softly caressed Naren's face before the 
other disciples. He recognized in him all the signs of 
Bhakta knowledge through love. The Bhaktas, unlike 
the Jnanins (believers. through knowledge of the mind), do 
not seelc liberation. They must be born and reborn for the 
good of humanity ; for they are made for the love and the 
service of mankind. So long as an atom of desire remains 
they will be reincarnated. When all desires are torn from 
the heart of mankind then at last they will attain Mukti 
(liberation). But the Bhaktas never aspire to it themselves. 
And that is why the loving Master, whose heart was the 
home of all living beings, and who could never forget them, 
always had a preference for the Bhaktas, of whom the 
greatest was Naren. 14 
He did not hide the fact that he regarded him as his 
heir. He said to him one day, 
14 " The Jnanin rejects Maya. Maya is like a veil (which he dis- 
pels). Look, when I hold this handkerchief in front of the lamp, 
you can no longer see its light." Then the Master held the hand- 
kerchief between him and the disciples and said, " Now you can no 
longer behold my face." 
" The Bhakta does not reject Maya. He worships Mahamaya 
(the Great Illusion). He gives himself to Her and prays, ' Mother, 
get out of my way 1 Only so can I hope to realize Brahmin.' " 
" The Jnanin denies the three states, the waking state, the dream 
and the deep sleep ; the Bhakta accepts all three." 
So Ramakrishna's tenderness, his natural preference, was for 
those who accepted everything, even Illusion, who affirmed and 
20g P 
" I leave these young people in your charge. Busy 
yourself in developing their spirituality/' 
And in preparation for a monastic life he ordered them 
to beg their food from door to door without distinction of 
caste. Towards the end of March he gave them the saffron 
robe, the sign of the Sannyasin, and some kind of monastic 
The proud Naren set the example of renunciation. But 
it was with great difficulty that he abdicated his spiritual 
pride. The devil would have offered him in vain (as to 
Jesus) the kingdoms of this world, but he would soon have 
found a chink in his armour if he had proposed sovereignty 
of soul to him. One day, in order to test his spiritual power, 
Naren told his companion, Kaliprasad, to touch him while 
he was in a state of meditation. Kali did so and immediately 
fell into the same state. Ramakrishna heard of it and 
rebuked Naren severely for casting his seed into the ground 
for a frivolous object, and he categorically condemned the 
transmission of ideas from one to the other. To attempt 
anything against complete freedom of spirit was anathema. 
You should help others, but you must not substitute your 
thought for theirs. 
A little time afterwards Naren, while meditating, had the 
sensation of a light shining behind his head. Suddenly he 
lost consciousness and was absorbed into the Absolute. He 
had fallen into the depths of the terrible Nirvikalpa Samadhi, 
which he had sought for so long, and which Ramakrishna 
had refused to allow him. When, after a long time, he 
returned to himself, it seemed to him that he no longer had 
loved everything, who denied nothing, since Evil and Illusion itself 
are of God. 
" It is not good to say from the very first, ' I see the Impersonal 
God.' Everything I see men, women, animals, flowers, trees is 
God.' 1 
The image of the veil to which Maya is compared is also given 
at other times in the form of the beautiful parable of Sita and 
Rama : 
" Rama, Lakshmana his brother and Sita were walking in the 
forest. Rama went first, then Sita, then Lakshmana. Sita was be- 
tween the two brothers and so prevented Lakshmana from seeing 
Rama ; but knowing how this made him suffer, in her tenderness 
and kindness, she sometimes leaned to one side so that he could 
see his brother." 
a body, but that he was nothing but a face, and he cried 
out, " Where is my body ? " The other disciples were 
terrified and ran to the Master, but Ramakrishna said 
" Very well, let him stay like that for a time 1 He has 
worried me long enough/' 
When Naren again came down to earth he was bathed 
in ineffable peace. He approached the Master. Rama- 
krishna said to him, 
" Now the Mother has shown you everything. But this 
revelation will remain under lock and key, and I shall keep 
the key. When you have accomplished the Mother's work 
you will find this treasure again/' 
And he advised him what to do for his health during the 
succeeding days. 
The nearer he drew to his end, the more detached he 
became. He spread his serene heaven over the disciple's 
sorrow. The Gospel, written practically at the bedside of 
the dying man, records the harmonious murmurs of his soul 
like a stream in the night amid the heavy silence of the 
apostles, while in the moonlight the branches of the trees 
in the garden rustled gently, shaken by the warm breeze 
of the south. To his friends, his loved ones, who were 
inconsolable at the thought of his loss, 15 he said in a half 
" Radha said to Krishna, ' O Beloved, dwell in my heart 
and do not come again in your human form ! ' But soon 
15 Naren's passionate soul found it more difficult than the others 
to suppress his revolt against the law of suffering. (Cf. his dialogue 
of April 22 with Hirananda.) 
" The plan of this world is diabolical. I could have created a 
better world. Our only refuge is the faith that it is I who can do 
To which the gentle Hirananda replied, 
" That is more easy to say than to realize." And he added 
" Thou (God) art everything. Not I, but Thou." 
But the proud and headstrong Naren repeated, 
" Thou art I and I am Thou. There is nothing else but I." 
Ramakrishna listened in silence, smiling indulgently, and said 
pointing to Naren, 
" He is moving about carrying as it were a naked sword in his 
she languished for the sight of the human form of her 
Beloved. But the will of the Lord had to be fulfilled and 
Krishna did not appear in human form for a long time. . . . 
The Lord came and was incarnate in man. Then he returned 
with his disciples le to the Divine Mother." 
Rakhal exclaimed, " Do not go away until we do ! " 
Ramakrishna smiled tenderly and said, 
" A troop of Bauls 17 suddenly entered a house ; they 
sang God's name and danced for joy. Then they left the 
house as suddenly as they had entered it and the owners 
did not know who they were. ..." 
He sighed. 
" Sometimes I pray that the Lord will grant that I should 
no more be sent into this world." 
But he went on at once, 
" He (God) reclothes Himself with the human form for 
love of those pure souls who love the Lord." And he 
looked at Naren with ineffable affection. 
On the gth of April Ramakrishna said, looking at 
the fan, which he was waving to and fro in the hot 
" Just as I see this fan I am holding in front of me I 
have seen God. . . . And I see . . ." he spoke quite 
low, laying his hand on Naren's and asked, " What did I 
say ? " 
Naren replied, " I did not hear distinctly." 
Ramakrishna then indicated by signs that He, God, and 
his own self were one. 
" Yes," said Naren, " I am He." 
" Only a line intervenes for the enjoyment of bliss," 
said the Master. 
" But," said the disciple, " the great remain in the world 
even after they have realized their liberation. They keep 
their own ego and its sufferings so that they may fulfil the 
salvation of humanity." 
There was absolute silence and then the Master spoke 
"In Hindu belief each Avatara (Incarnation) is accompanied to 
earth by a train of elect souls, his disciples. 
17 A Hindu sect, intoxicated with God, who have renounced the 
" The roof 18 is within a man's sight, but it is very difficult 
to reach it ... but he who has reached it can let down a 
rope and pull others up to him upon the roof." 
This was one of the days when he realized in full the 
identity of all within the One Being ; when he saw that 
" all three were the same substance the victim, the block 
and the executioner/' and he cried in a feeble voice, " My 
God, what a vision ! " He fainted with emotion, but when 
he came to himself he said, " I am well. I have never been 
so well. 1 ' 19 Those who know how terrible was the disease 
from which he died (cancer of the throat) marvelled at the 
loving and kindly smile that never left him. If the glorious 
death upon the Cross was denied to this man, who is the 
Christ to his Indian followers, his bed of agony was no less 
a Cross. 20 And yet he could say, 
" Only the body suffers. When the spirit is united to 
God, it can feel no pain." 
And again, 
" Let the body and its sufferings occupy themselves with 
each other. Thou, my spirit, remain in bliss. Now I and 
my Divine Mother are one for ever. 11 21 
18 The metaphor of the roof is often used in Ramakrishna's 
" Divine Incarnations can always achieve knowledge of the Abso- 
lute in Samadhi. At the same tune they can come down from the 
heights into human guise so that they love the Lord as father or 
mother, etc. . . . When they say, ' Not this I Not this 1 ' they 
leave the steps behind them one after the other until they reach 
the roof. And then they say, ' This is it I ' But soon they discover 
that the steps are made of the same materials, of bricks and mor- 
tar as the roof. Then they can ascend and descend resting some- 
times on the roof, sometimes on the steps of the staircase. The 
roof represents the Absolute, the %teps the world of phenomena." 
(Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, I, 324.) 
19 Ramakrishnananda, the disciple who nursed him, said, " He 
never lost his cheerfulness. He always said he was well and happy." 
(From his unpublished Memoirs.) 
10 The Swami Ashokananda has written to me that the photo- 
graph taken of Ramakrishna directly after his death and of which 
there is a copy in the Madras monastery, cannot be reproduced, so 
terribly was the body wasted and ravaged by the disease. The 
sight is unbearable. 
11 Two days before his death in answer to Naren's unspoken 
desire to drag from him the avowal he was so loath to make, Rama- 
krishna said, 
Three or four days before his death he called Naren and 
asked to be left alone with him. He looked lovingly upon 
him and passed into an ecstasy. It enveloped Naren in its 
folds. When he came back from the shadows, he saw 
Ramakrishna in tears. The Master said to him, 
" To-day I have given you my all and am now only a 
poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do 
immense good in the world and not until it is accomplished 
will you return/' 22 
From that moment all his powers were transferred to 
Naren. The Master and the disciples were one. 
Sunday, August 15, 1886. . . . The last day. 
In the afternoon he still had the almost miraculous 
" He who was Rama and who was Krishna is now Ramakrishna 
in this body lying here." 
But he added, 
" Not in your Vedantic sense." (That is to say, not merely in the 
sense of identity with the Absolute, but in the sense of Incarnation.) 
I am naturally not going to discuss the Hindu belief in the 
Avataras. Beliefs cannot be discussed and this one is of the same 
order as the Christian belief in the God-man. But what I want 
to remove from the mind of the Western reader is the idea that 
there was any feeling of monstrous pride on the part of those who 
believed that within them was the presence of God, like the simple 
Ramakrishna. At other times as when a faithful follower (in 1884) 
said to him, " When I see you I see God," he rebuked him. " Never 
say that. The wave is part of the Ganges, the Ganges is not part 
of the wave." (Gospel, II, 181.) Cf. " The Avataras are to Brah- 
min what the waves are to the Ocean." (From Sri Ramakrishna' s 
Teachings, p. 362.) Ramakrishna considered that he was the habi- 
tation of God, who played within him hidden beneath the veil of 
his corruptible body. " A Divine Incarnation is hard to compre- 
hend it is the play of the Infinite on the finite." (Ibid., 369.) 
Only whereas the Divine Visitor in most men, even " in the saints 
manifests Himself only in part like honey in a flower . . . you suck 
the flower and get a little honey ... in the Incarnation it is all 
honey." (Ibid., 367.) It is all one, for " the Avatar is always one 
and the same, appearing now here, now there, under different 
faces and names Krishna, Christ, etc. . . ." (Ibid., 357.) And 
the name of Christ ought to remind us of another moral aspect, 
which is always part of an Incarnation. The words " flower," 
" honey, 11 " joy " should not lead us astray. There is always the 
element of Divine sacrifice, as in the case of Christ, when God 
becomes incarnate. (Ibid. t 358.) 
II " To the Absolute " is to be understood. 
energy to talk for two hours to his disciples 28 in spite of 
his martyred throat. At nightfall he became unconscious. 
They believed him to be dead, but towards midnight he 
revived. Leaning against five or six pillows supported by 
the body of the humble disciple, Ramakrishnananda, he 
talked up to the last moment with Naren, the beloved 
disciple, and gave him his last counsel in a low voice. Then 
in ringing tones he cried three times the name of his life's 
Beloved, Kali, the Divine Mother, and lay back. The final 
ecstasy began. He remained in it until half an hour before 
noon, when he died. 24 In his own words of faith, " He had 
passed from one room to the other." 
And his disciples cried, 
" Victory ! " 26 
18 On the subject of Yoga. 
84 According to the witness of Sarkar. Cf. the unpublished 
Memoirs of Ramakrishnananda. 
" On that last night Ramakrishna was talking with us to the 
very last. . . . He was sitting up against five or six pillows, which 
were supported by my body, and at the same time I was fanning 
(him). . . . Narendra took his feet and began to rub them and 
Ramakrishna was talking to him, telling him what he must do. 
' Take care of these boys/ he repeated again and again. . . . Then 
he asked to lie down. Suddenly at one o'clock he fell towards one 
side ; there was a low sound in his throat. . . . Narendra quickly 
laid his feet on the quilt and ran downstairs as if he could not 
bear it. A doctor . . . who was feeling his pulse saw that it had 
stopped. . . . We all believed that it was only Samadhi." 
I have also consulted the manuscript copy of Sister Devamata : 
Sri Ramakrishna and his Disciples, and the Memoirs of Sarada Devi, 
Ramakrishna's wife. 
15 Literally, " Victory to Baghavan Ramakrishna," as they car- 
ried him to the place of cremation, where his body was burned 
the same evening. 
THE man himself was no more. His spirit had departed 
to travel along the path of collective life in the 
veins of humanity. 
The fellowship of apostles began at once ; for the young 
disciples, the witnesses of his last months, found it impos- 
sible to return to the world. They were without resources. 
But four married disciples Balaram Bose to whom Rama- 
krishna's relics were entrusted for the time being, Suren- 
dranath Mitra, Mohendranath Gupta and Girish Chandra 
Ghosh, the converted comedian, encouraged them and 
helped them to found a home. Surendranath Mitra con- 
tributed money for the rent of a half-ruined house at Baran- 
agore near the Ganges. This became the first Math or 
monastery of disciples. A dozen or more gathered there 
under monastic cognomens which have hidden their real 
names from posterity. He who had been Naren, he who 
was and is for all time Vivekananda, 1 put himself at their 
head by common consent. He was the most energetic, the 
most vital, the most intelligent and the Master himself 
had nominated him. The others were tempted to shut 
themselves up in solitude and to allow themselves to be 
buried beneath an intoxicating stupor of memory and of 
grief ; but the great disciple t who knew better than they, 
all the fascination but at the same time the danger of such 
a course, devoted himself to their instruction. He was like 
a tornado of fire in the midst of these hermits ; he roused 
them from their sorrow and ecstasy ; he forced them to 
learn the thoughts of the outside world ; he flooded them 
with the refreshing rain of his vast intellect ; he made them 
taste of all the branches of the tree of knowledge com- 
parative religion, science, history, sociology ; for he wished 
1 This was the name he adopted several years later. In Book II 
I trace its origin. 
them to gain a universal perspective ; he led them to 
fruitful discussion without ceasing for a single instant to 
maintain the sacred fire. 
It was at the symbolic season of Christmas, 1886, that 
the act giving birth to the Men of God was signed and 
sealed. The story is an arresting one, for it contains the 
thrill of an unforeseen encounter in the night between the 
" Beau Dieu " 2 of the West and the Word of India. 
They were assembled at Antpur in the house of the 
mother of one of the disciples (Baburam). 
" It was late in the evening when the monks gathered 
together before the fire. Huge logs of wood were brought 
by them and ignited ; and soon a raging flame burned 
upwards, making the darkness beautiful by contrast. And 
overhead was the canopy of the Indian night, and all around 
was the ineffable peace of the rural stillness. Meditation 
began, continuing for a long time. Then a break was made 
and the Leader (Vivekananda) filled the silence with the 
story of the Lord Jesus. 3 From the very beginning, from 
the wondrous mystery of birth it commenced. The monks 
were raised into beatitude with the Virgin Mary when the 
Saviour's coming was announced to her. . . . The monks 
lived with Jesus during the days of His childhood ; they 
were with Him in the Flight into Egypt. They were with 
Him in the Temple surrounded by the Jewish Pandits 
hearing and answering their questions. They were with 
Him at the time when He gathered His first disciples, 
and they adored Him as they adored their own Master. 4 
The many points of similarity in thought and action as 
well as the relationship with the disciples, between Christ 
and Ramakrishna, forcibly brought to their minds the 
old days of ecstasy with their Master. The words of 
Christ the Redeemer rang upon their ears as familiar 
And the story of the Passion, of the Crucifixion, threw 
1 So the French people call a celebrated statue of Christ on the 
portal of the Gothic cathedral of Amiens. 
Vivekananda had a passionate regard for Christ, whose divinity 
Ramakrishna, as we have seen, had acknowledged. 
4 Of two among them, Sasibhushan (Ramakrishnananda) and 
Saratchandra (Saradananda) Ramakrishna had said that they had 
been the disciples of Christ in a former life. 
them into the depths of meditation. Through Naren's 
eloquence they had been admitted to the apostolic circle 
where Paul preached the Gospel. The fire of Pentecost 
consumed their souls in the peace of the Bengal village ; 
and the mingled names of Christ and of Ramakrishna stole 
upon the night air. 
Then Vivekananda appealed to the monks. He besought 
them to become Christs in their turn, to work for the redemp- 
tion of the world, to renounce all as Jesus had done and to 
realize God. Standing before the wood fire, their faces 
reddened by the leaping flames, the crackling of the logs 
the only sound that broke the stillness of their thoughts, 
they solemnly took the vows of everlasting Sannyasa, each 
before his fellows and all in the sight of God. 
And it was not until that moment when all had been 
accomplished that the monks remembered that that very 
night was Christmas Eve. 6 
A beautiful symbol of profound significance heralding the 
Nativity of a new Day of God. . . . 
But Europe must not be misled when she reads this story. 
This was no return to Jordan. Rather it was the confluence 
of the Jordan and the Ganges. The two united streams 
flowed together along their wider river bed. 
From its very inception the new Order had in it some- 
thing that was unique. Not only did it contain within 
itself the energy of faith both of the East and of the West, 
not only did it unite an encyclopaedic study of the sciences 
and religious meditation, but in it the ideal of contemplation 
was wedded to the ideal of human service. From the first 
Ramakrishna's spiritual sons were not allowed to shut 
themselves up within the wa^ls of a monastery. One after 
the other they went out to wander through the world as 
mendicant monks. Only one, Ramakrishnananda (Sasibhu- 
shan), the guardian of the relics, remained in the dovecote 
whither the birds of passage returned from time to time for 
rest. During the last months of the Master's life the humble 
ideal of Martha had been adopted Dienen . . . Dienen 
to serve (the word of Parsifal). They practised it in their 
service for the suffering Master, in the service of the bodies 
of those whose spirit was engrossed in the service of 
8 The Life of the Swami Vivekananda, Vol. II. 
God, and in service to the praying brethren. This was 
the Master's own way of " realization/' and the aged 
Tolstoy would have said that he had chosen the better 
But each had his own part to play, for each unconsciously 
through the very bent of his nature represented one phase 
or one aspect of the multiform personality of Ramakrishna. 
When they were assembled together he was there in his 
Their mighty spokesman, Vivekananda, on behalf of them 
all was to spread throughout the world the World of him, 
who, he claimed, was the living synthesis of all the spiritual 
forces of India. 
"I ... had the great good fortune to sit at the feet of 
one, . . . whose life, a thousand-fold more than whose 
teaching was a living commentary on the texts of the 
Upanishads, was in fact the spirit of the Upanishads living 
in human form . . . the harmony of all the diverse thought 
of India. . . . 6 India has been rich in thinkers and sages. 
. . . The one had a great head (Sankara), the other a large 
heart (Ramanuja), and the time was ripe for one to be born, 
the embodiment of both this head and heart . . . who in 
one body would have the brilliant intellect of Sankara and 
the wonderfully expansive infinite heart of Chaitanya ; one 
who would see in every sect the same spirit working, the 
same God ; one who would see God in every being, one 
whose heart would weep for the poor, the weak, for the 
outcast, for the downtrodden, for everyone in this world, 
inside India or outside India ; and at the same time whose 
grand brilliant intellect would conceive of such noble 
thoughts as would harmonize 4 all conflicting sects . . . and 
bring a marvellous harmony, the universal religion >f head 
and heart into existence ; such a man was born. . . . The 
time was ripe, it was necessary that such a man should be 
born, and he came ; and the most wonderful part of it was, 
that his life's work was just near a city which was full of 
Western thought, a city which had run mad after these 
occidental ideas, a city which had become more Europeanized 
than any other city in India. There he lived without any 
f Speeches at Calcutta and Madras : " The Vedanta in All its 
Phases/' and " The Sages of India." 
book-learning whatever ; this great intellect never learnt 
even to write his own name, but the most brilliant graduates 
of our university found in him an intellectual giant 7 . . . 
the sage for the time, one whose teaching is just now, in 
the present time, most beneficial. ... If I have told you 
one word of truth it was his and his alone, and if I have 
told you many things which were not correct . . . they 
were all mine, and on me is the responsibility." 
Thus at the feet of the simple Ramakrishna the most 
intellectual, the most imperious, the most justifiably proud 
of all the great religious spirits of modern India humbled 
himself. He was the St. Paul of this Messiah of Bengal. 
He founded his Church and his doctrine. He travelled 
throughout the world and was the aqueduct akin to those 
arches that span the Roman Campagna, along which the 
waters of the spirit have flowed from India to Europe 8 
7 The greatest philosophical and religious mind of the India of 
to-day, Aurobindo Ghose, a man unattached to any particular school 
of thought, has paid a brilliant tribute to Ramakrishna's genius, 
throwing into prominence the exceptional multiplicity of his spiritual 
powers and the still more exceptional soul directing them : 
" In a recent and unique example, in the life of Ramakrishna 
Paramahamsa, we see a colossal spiritual capacity first driving 
straight to the divine realization, taking as it were, the kingdom of 
heaven by violence, and then seizing upon one Yogic method after 
another and extracting the substance out of it with an incredible 
rapidity, always to return to the heart of the whole matter, the 
realization and possession of God by the power of love, by the 
extension of inborn spirituality into various experience and by the 
spontaneous play of an intuitive knowledge. Such an example 
cannot be generalized. Its object also was special and temporal, 
to exemplify in the great and decisive experience of a master soul 
the truth, now most necessary to humanity, towards which a world 
long divided into jarring sects and schools is with difficulty labour- 
ing, that all sects are forms and fragments of a single integral truth 
and all disciplines labour in their different ways towards one supreme 
experience. To know, be, and possess the divine is the one thing 
needful and it includes or leads up to all the rest ... all the rest 
that the divine Will chooses for us, all necessary form and mani- 
festation, will be added." (" The Synthesis of Yoga," Arya Review, 
Pondicherry, No. 5, December 15, 1914.) 
In this way the essential significance of the personality and life 
of Ramakrishna has been realized by the master metaphysician of 
India to-day. 
Mother Europe and her brood of the Americas. 4 
and from Europe back to India, joining scientific reason to 
Vedantic faith and the past to the future. 
It is this Journey of the soul that I intend to trace in 
future pages. Up to now I have led European thought to 
the distant countries of religious mythology, whose wide- 
spreading tree, the giant banyan, too often considered by 
the West to be dried up and withered, continues to shoot 
out great flowering branches. I shall then lead it back by 
unsuspected paths to its home where modern reason sits 
enthroned. And it will discover at the end of the journey 
that between one country and another the gulf of centuries 
dividing them is, when subjected to " wireless " of free 
understanding, no wider than a hair's breadth and the 
space of a second. 
R. R. 
Christmas, 1928. 
I . The chief source for the history of Ramakrishna is the great 
Biography, compiled from the accounts of his disciples and 
published by the Swami Madhavananda : 
Life of Sri Ramakrishna, compiled from various authentic sources, 
one volume of 765 pages in the edition of the Advaita Ashrama 
(the intellectual centre of the Order), Mayavati, Almora, Hima- 
layas, 1925. (Himalayan Series, No. XLVII.) 
It is prefaced with a short introduction by Gandhi, which I 
feel it is of interest to reproduce : 
" The story of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's life is a story 
of religion in practice. His life enables us to see God face to 
face. No one can read the story of his life without being con- 
vinced that God alone is real and that all else is an illusion. Rama- 
krishna was a living embodiment of godliness. His sayings are 
not those of a mere learned man, but they are pages from the 
Book of Life. They are revelations of his own experience. They 
therefore leave on the reader an impression which he cannot 
resist. In this age of scepticism Ramakrishna presents an 
example of a bright and loving faith which gives solace to thou- 
sands of men and women who would otherwise have remained 
without spiritual light. Ramakrishna's life was an object lesson 
in Ahimsa. His love knew no limits geographical or otherwise. 
May his divine love be an inspiration to all who read the fol- 
lowing pages. 
Vikram Samvati, 1891." 
As is shown by an editorial note this work is Abased on the 
labours of Swami Saradananda, a direct disciple of the Master 
and the Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission for more than a 
quarter of a century ; on those of Ramchandra Dutt and of 
Akshay Kumar Sen, both of them disciples of Ramaicrishna ; on 
memories collected by Priyanath Sinha (ah* as Gurudas Varman), 
a disciple of Vivekananda ; on the Discourses of the Master 
taken down by Mahendra Nath Gupta. 
This compilation is valuable because of the religious care which 
has been taken to collect in it literally all the documents at first 
hand, which had been scattered abroad. But it is inconvenient 
because they are presented without any arrangement and with- 
out criticism. And the lack (up to the present) of an alpha- 
betical index makes research into it very difficult. 
2. Of much greater value from the point of view of arrangement 
and reason is the work of Swami Saradananda. It consists of 
five volumes written in Bengali, which, however, do not give a 
consecutive and full account of the life. The story, unfortunately 
interrupted by the death of Saradananda in 1927, stops short at 
the point when Ramakrishna during his last illness was moved 
to the gardens of Cossipore, and therefore the last months are 
missing. The work is also incomplete with regard to Rama- 
krishna's disciples, with one or two exceptions, the most note- 
worthy being Vivekananda. 
The title of the series in Bengali is : 
Sri Ramakrishna-lila-prasanga (Discourse on the lila (the play) 
of Ramakrishna). 
The titles of the five volumes in Bengali are as follows : 
I and II. Gurubhave (Sri Ramakrishna as Guru or master). 
III. Valya-jivana (The Youth of Ramakrishna). 
IV. Sadhakabhava (Ramakrishna as Sadhaka). 
V. Divyabhava (Ramakrishna in his divine form). 
Only two volumes have appeared in English ; the first written 
by Saradananda himself ; the second translated from the original 
Some of the other chapters from the Bengali work have been 
published in the Reviews of the Ramakrishna Order, Prabuddha 
Bharata (hi particular the relations of Ramakrishna with Vive- 
kananda), and in another English magazine. 
Saradananda planned this work in the form of an exposition 
of the various aspects of his life without presenting it in the 
form of a consecutive narrative. The first two volumes in 
Bengali were written according to this plan. Then Saradananda 
changed it to the form of an ordinary biography. The third 
volume is devoted to the youth, the fourth to the years when 
Ramakrishna was practising his Sadhana ; it takes us to the 
end of this exercise and to the first relations with the Brahmo 
Samaj, where the part played by Ramakrishna as a teacher (but 
not yet as a religious manifestation) is brought out. The fifth 
volume describes the Master in the midst of his disciples and 
the beginning of his illness. At this point he saw the death of 
the " Holy Mother " (Ramakrishna's wife), and then that of 
Swami Brahmananda, who, with Vivekananda, had been the 
favourite disciple and the first Abbot of the Order. He was so 
overwhelmed with grief that he abandoned his written work and 
gave himself up wholly to meditation. 
Incomplete though the work remains, it is excellent for the 
subject. Saradananda is an authority both as a philosopher 
and as an historian. His books are rich in metaphysical sketches, 
which place the spiritual apr^earance of Ramakrishna exactly in 
its place in the rich procession of Hindu thought. 
If variations appear between the Bengali work of Saradananda 
and the Life of Sri Ramakrishna (No. i), which is the collective work 
of the Ramakrishna Order, the latter must be given the prefer- 
ence (according to the evidence I have received from Swami 
Ashokananda), for it was drawn up with Saradananda's help 
after his own work. 
3. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (according to M., a son of the 
Lord and disciple), or the Ideal Man for India and the World, 
2 volumes, Madras, published by the Ramakrishna Math, 1897 
(preceded by two approving letters of Vivekananda), 2nd Edition, 
1911. (New Editions in 1922-24.) * 
This Gospel of Ramakrishna is as valuable as the great Bio- 
graphy (No. i), for it is the faithful account of M. (Mahendra 
Nath Gupta, the head of an educational establishment at Cal- 
cutta) of the Discourses with the Master, either his own or those 
which he actually heard from the summer of 1882 for the next 
four years. Their exactitude is almost stenographic. A good 
alphabetical index makes it possible to find one's way among 
the diversity of subjects treated in the course of the days. 
4. The Life of the Swami Vivekananda, by his Eastern and Western 
Disciples, the Advaita Ashrama, Himalayas, the semi-centenary 
birthday memorial edition, in three volumes, 8 published by the 
Swami Virajananda from the Prabuddha Bharata Office, Advaita 
Ashrama, Mayavati, Almora, Himalayas. Volumes I and II, 
1914 ; Volume III, 1915 ; Volume IV, 1918. 
This great life of Ramakrishna's chief disciple has not only 
a capital interest for its own history, but for that of his Master, 
since it embodies his own direct memories. 
It is also useful to consult the Complete Works of Swami Vive- 
kananda, in 7 volumes. He often speaks of his Master with pious 
gratitude. He dedicated to him in particular a celebrated lec- 
ture in New York published under the title : My Master t in 
Volume IV of the Complete Works. 
5. Sri Ramakrishna' s Teachings, 2 small volumes, 1916 and 1920 
(Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati). 
These are a collection of thoughts delivered during the various 
Discourses of the Master, in particular in the Gospel of Sri Rama* 
krishna, and arranged in methodical order. It is especially 
valuable as a little practical volume. It appeared piecemeal in 
the Review of the Order, the Prabuddha Bharata, and in other 
Indian Reviews between 1900 and 1913. A German edition is 
at the moment being prepared. 
1 To my great regret the only two volumes of the Gospel, which 
I could procure, were of two different editions : the first volume 
belonged to the 4th edition of 1924, the second volume to the first 
of 1922. But it may be presumed that in so short an interval the 
arrangement and style differed but little. 
1 In reality there are four and not three volumes in this publi- 
225 Q 
6. Words of the Master (Selected Precepts of Sri Ramakrishna), com- 
piled by Swami Brahmananda, 1924 (Udbodhan Office, Bagh- 
bazar, Calcutta). 
Another small anthology, chiefly interesting on account of the 
personality of the anthologist. 
7. Ramakrishna, his Life and Sayings, by Max Miiller (Longmans, 
Green and Co.), ist edition, 1898, new edition, 1923. 
Max Miiller knew Vivekananda personally in England ; and 
he asked him to give him a complete account of the life of his 
Master. His small work is therefore based on first-hand evidence ; 
and he uses it with his broad and clear critical spirit, in which 
are allied the scientific exegesis of the West and a generous 
understanding of all forms of thought. 
8. The Face of Silence, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji (New York, E. P. 
Button and Co.), 1926. 
This work, which is of exceptional value as a work of art, is 
a brilliant evocation of the figure of the Master in the atmo- 
sphere of the India of his time. Mukerji has consulted all the 
principal documents. He has also interviewed several of the 
eminent personalities of the Ramakrishna Mission, who knew the 
Master, in particular Swami Turiyananda, and he has used the 
Memoirs of Swami Premananda, one of Ramakrishna's dearest 
disciples. The Ramakrishna Mission has not taken in very good 
part the liberties due at times to the lively imagination of the 
artist in the reported words ; and it has issued a warning against 
some of its " theological " interpretations, whose character seem 
of too personal a nature. For my own part I can never forget 
that it is to the perusal of this beautiful book that I owe my 
first knowledge of Ramakrishna and the impetus leading me to 
undertake this work. I here record my gratitude. With extra- 
ordinary talent and tact Mukerji in this book has chosen and 
put in the limelight those features in Ramakrishna's personality 
which will most attract the spirit of Europe and America with- 
out shocking it. I have felt it necessary to go beyond his pre- 
cautions and to cite documents exactly without allowing myself 
to " embroider " them. 
9. It is useful to consult the Reviews of the Ramakrishna Order, 
which have published and still continue to publish studies and 
unpublished memories of the Master and his disciples chiefly 
Prabuddha Bharata and The Vedanta Kesari. 
I said at the outset how much I owe to the good counsels 
and the information of the Ramakrishna Mission, which has 
tirelessly put at my disposal its documents and replied to my 
questions. I can only repeat my thanks. 
R. R. 
There are only three pictures of Ramakrishna which appear to 
be authentic : 
1. One published in the great Biography in English, published by 
the Advaita Ashrama (p. 262). Ramakrishna was taken to a 
photographer and involved in a spiritual conversation in the 
course of which he fell into the Samadhi. A photograph was 
then taken and when Ramakrishna saw it afterwards he made 
the remark that it represented an exalted condition of yoga. 
2. One published in Volume IV of the Complete Works of Swami 
Vivekananda, p. 150. 
3. One which I hope to publish sent to me by Swami Ashokananda. 
It was taken during a Kirtan (religious dances and songs) in 
which he was taking part with ecstatic joy. 
The portrait in colours reproduced as the frontispiece of the big 
Biography was painted by an Austrian artist, but not from the 
living model. The disciples considered that it was very like him 
except that it was too highly coloured. 
In order to join her husband Saradadevi had often to cross the 
plain between Kamarpukur and Dakshineswar on foot, and at that 
time it was infested with bands of brigands, worshippers of Kali. 
One day she was returning to Dakshineswar in the company of 
several others. She was so tired when night fell that she could 
not keep up with the rest of the little band and dropped behind. 
Soon they were lost to view and she found herself alone in com- 
plete darkness at the beginning of the dangerous plain. At that 
moment she saw a swarthy man coming towards her. He was big 
and strong and carried a club or* his shoulder ; he was followed 
by another figure. She saw that there was no possibility of escape 
and remained motionless. The man came up to her and said in 
a rough voice, 
11 What are you doing here at this time of night ? " 
She answered him, 
" Father, my companions left me behind and I have lost myself. 
Will you be so kind as to take me to them ? Your son-in-law 
dwells in the temple of Kali at Dakshineswar. I am going to him. 
If you will take me as fax as that, he will be most grateful to you." 
At that moment the other figure came up. Saradadevi realized 
with relief that it was the man's wife. She took her by the hand 
and said, 
" Mother, I am your daughter Sarada. I am lost here and all 
alone. My companions have deserted me. Fortunately you and 
my father turned up 1 Otherwise I do not know what I should 
have done." 
Her simple ways, her absolute trust, and her sweet words touched 
the hearts of the man and woman. They belonged to the lowest 
caste ; but they forgot everything and treated Sarada as their 
daughter. She was tired. They would not allow her to continue 
her journey ; they made her sleep at a shop in the neighbouring 
village. The woman took off her own clothes in order to make a 
bed for her. The man brought her some puffed rice that he had 
bought at the shop. They watched over her as if they had been 
indeed her parents all night, and in the morning they took her as 
far as Tarakeswar, where they begged her to rest. The woman 
said to her husband, 
" My daughter did not have much to eat yesterday. Go and 
fetch some fish and vegetables for her from the bazaar. She must 
have better food to-day." 
While the man had gone to fetch them, Sarada's companions 
came back to look for her. She introduced her Bagdi 1 parents to 
them, and said, 
" I do not know what I should have done, if they had not come 
to the rescue." 
" When we separated,' 1 so she told afterwards, " this single night 
had made us so dear to one another that I wept for grief when 
I said good-bye to them. I made them promise to come to 
Dakshineswar to see me. They followed us for some time. The 
woman picked a few green peas growing at the side of the road 
and wrapped them in a fold of my sari, and said ' Mother Sarada, 
to-night when you eat your puffed rice take these with it.' ... 
They came to see me several times at Dakshineswar and brought 
me different presents. ' He ' a behaved towards them as if he 
were their son-in-law, and treated them with great affection and 
respect. . . . But although my Dacoit father was so good and 
simple, I suspect that he had more than once committed acts of 
brigandage. ..." 
Adapted from the Modern Review, June, 1927. 
1 A low caste. 
* " He," that is to say, " my husband." An orthodox Hindu 
wife must never name her husband. 
Book II 
" Never forget the glory of human nature ! We are the greatest 
God. . . . Christs and Buddhas are but waves on the boundless 
Ocean which / am." 
Vivekananda in America, 1896. 
Part I 
THE great disciple whose task it was to take up the 
spiritual heritage of Ramakrishna and disseminate 
the grain of his thought throughout the world, was both 
physically and morally his direct antithesis. 
The Seraphic Master had spent his whole life at the 
feet of the Divine Beloved, the Mother the Living God. 
He had been dedicated to Her from infancy ; before he 
had attained self-consciousness he had the consciousness 
that he loved Her. And although, in order to rejoin her, 
he had been condemned to years of torment, that was 
after the manner of a knight errant the sole object of whose 
trials was to make him worthy of the object of his chaste 
and religious love. She alone was at the end of all the 
interlacing paths in the forest. She alone, the multiple 
God, among the thousands of Faces. And when he had 
reached her, he found that he had learned to recognize 
all those other faces, and to love them in Her, so that 
with Her he embraced the whole world. The rest of his 
life had been spent in the serene fullness of this cosmic 
Joy, whose revelation Beethoven and Schiller have sung 
for the West. 1 
But he realized it more fully than our tragic heroes. 
Joy appeared to Beethoven only as a gleam of bJue through 
the chaos of conflicting clouds, while the Paramahamsa 
the Indian swan rested his great white wing on the sapphire 
lake of eternity beyond the veil of tumultuous days. 
1 Reference to Beethoven's IXth (Choral) Symphony, which ends 
with a setting of Schiller's Ode to Joy. Translator's Note. 
It was not given to his proudest disciples to emulate 
him. The greatest of them, the spirit with the widest 
wings Vivekananda could only attain his heights by 
sudden flights amid tempests which remind me over and 
over again of Beethoven. Even in moments of rest upon 
its bosom the sails of his ship were filled with every wind 
that blew. Earthly cries, the suffering of the age, fluttered 
round him like a flight of famished gulls. The passions 
of strength (never of weakness) were striving within his 
lion's heart. He was energy personified, and action was 
his message to men. For him as for Beethoven it was 
the root of all the virtues. He went so far in his aversion 
to passivity, whose secular yoke weighs so heavily on the 
patient bovine brow of the East, as to say : 
" Above all, be strong ! Be manly ! I have a respect 
even for one who is wicked, so long as he is manly and 
strong; for his strength will make him some day give 
up his wickedness, or even give up all works for selfish 
ends, and will thus eventually bring him into the 
Truth/ 1 * 
His athletic form was the opposite of the fragile and 
tender, yet wiry, body of Ramakrishna. He was tall (five 
feet, eight and a half inches), 8 square shouldered, broad 
chested, stout, rather heavily built ; his arms were muscular 
and trained to all kinds of sports. He had an olive com- 
plexion, a full face, vast forehead, strong jaw, 4 a pair of 
magnificent eyes, large, dark and rather prominent with 
heavy lids, whose shape recalled the classic comparison to 
a lotus leaf. Nothing escaped the magic of his glance, 
capable equally of embracing in its irresistible charm or 
of sparkling with wit, irony, or kindness, of losing itself 
in ecstasy, or of plunging imperiously to the very depths 
of consciousness and of withering with its fury. But his 
pre-eminent characteristic was kingliness. He was a born 
1 1891. To his Alwar disciples in Rajputana. 
He weighed 170 pounds. In the Phrenological Journal of New 
York (reproduced in Volume II of the Life of Vivekananda) the 
exact measurements may be found that were taken at the time of 
his first journeys in America. 
4 His jaw was more Tartar than Hindu. Vivekananda boasted 
of his Tartar ancestors, and he loved to say that in India " the 
Tartar is the wine of the race." 
king and nobody ever came near him either in India or 
America without paying homage to his majesty. 
When this quite unknown young man of twenty-nine 
appeared in Chicago at the inaugural meeting of the Parlia- 
ment of Religions, opened in September, 1893, by Cardinal 
Gibbons, all his fellow members were forgotten in his com- 
manding presence. His strength and beauty, the grace 
and dignity of his bearing, the dark light of his eyes, his 
imposing appearance, and from the moment he began to 
speak, the splendid music of his rich deep 6 voice enthralled 
the vast audience of American Anglo-Saxons, previously 
prejudiced against him on account of his colour. The 
thought of this warrior-prophet 6 of India left a deep mark 
upon the United States. 7 
It was impossible to imagine him in the second place. 
Wherever he went he was the first. Even his master 
Ramakrishna in a vision which I have related, represented 
himself with regard to his beloved disciple, as a child beside 
a great Rishi. It was in vain that Vivekananda refused 
to accept such homage, judging himself severely and humili- 
ating himself, everybody at sight recognized in him the 
leader, the anointed of God, the man marked with the 
stamp of the power to command. A traveller who crossed 
his path without knowing who he was in the Himalayas, 
stopped in amazement and cried, " Shiva. . . ." 8 
It was as if his chosen God had imprinted His name 
upon his forehead. 
But this same forehead was weather-beaten like a crag 
by the four winds of the spirit. He very rarely realized 
the calm air, the limpid spaces of thought, whereon Rama- 
6 He had a beautiful voice like a violoncello (so Miss Josephine 
MacLeod told me), grave without violent contrasts but with deep 
vibrations that filled both hall and hearts. Once his audience 
was held he could make it sink to an intense piano piercing his 
heaxers to the soul. Emma Calve, who knew him, described it 
as " an admirable baritone, having the vibrations of a Chinese 
6 He belonged to the Kayastha class, a sub-caste of warriors. 
7 The Ramakrishna Mission, after its introduction by him, spread 
rapidly, and he found among Americans several of his most devoted 
8 Related by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. 
krishna's smile hovered. His super-powerful body 9 and 
too vast brain were the predestined battlefield for all 
the shocks of his storm-tossed soul. The present and the 
past, the East and the West, dream and action, struggled 
for supremacy. He knew and could achieve too much to 
be able to establish harmony by renouncing one part of 
his nature, or one part of truth. The synthesis of his 
great opposing forces took years of struggle, consuming 
his courage and his very life. Battle and life for him were 
synonymous. 10 And his days were numbered. Sixteen 
years passed between Ramakrishna's death and that of 
his great disciple . . . years of conflagration . . . He was 
less than forty years of age when the athlete lay stretched 
upon the pyre. . . . 
But the flame of that pyre is still alight to-day. From 
his ashes, like those of the Phoenix of old, has sprung 
the magic bird faith in her unity and in the Great Message, 
brooded over from Vedic times by the dreaming spirit of 
an ancient people the message for which they must render 
account to the rest of mankind. 
Although marked very early by the first attacks of diabetes, 
the poison from which he died. This Hercules had death always 
sitting by his side. 
10 Did he not define life : " The tendency of the unfoldment 
and development of a being under circumstances tending to press 
it down." (April, 1891 : Interview with the Maharaja of Khetri.) 
AFTER Christmas night, 1886, the vigil of Barana- 
gore, where the New Communion of Apostles was 
founded amid tears of love in memory of the lost Master 
many months and years elapsed before the work was 
begun that translated Ramakrishna's thought into living 
There was the bridge to be built and they could not 
at first make up their minds to build it. The only one 
with the necessary energy and constructive genius, Naren x 
1 1 would remind the reader that his real name was Narendra- 
nath Dutt. He did not adopt the name of Vivekananda until the 
moment of his departure for America in 1893. 
I have consulted the Ramakrishna Mission on this subject. 
Swami Ashokananda has been good enough to put at my disposal 
all the results of a profound research. According to the decisive 
witness of one of Vivekananda J s most important monastic disciples, 
the Swami Suddhananda, the present Secretary of the R.M., Rama- 
krishna always used his name Narendra, or more shortly, Naren. 
Although he had made Sannyasins of certain of his disciples it was 
never according to the usual forms and he never gave them monastic 
names. He had indeed given Naren the cognomen of Kamalaksha 
(lotus eyed) ; but Naren dropped it immediately. During his first 
journeys in India he appeared under different names, in order to 
conceal his identity. Sometimes he was the Swami Vividishananda, 
sometimes Satchidananda. Again on the eve of his departure for 
America, when he went to ask Colonel Olcutt, then President of 
the Theosophical Society, for letters of introduction to America, it 
was under the name of Satchinananda that Colonel Olcutt knew 
him, and instead of recommending him to his friends in America, 
warned them against him. (Olcutt's letter to Sharmapala, in 
America, has been read by Suddhananda.) It was his great friend, 
the Maharajah of Khetri, who suggested the name Vivekananda to 
him at the moment when he was stepping on board the boat to 
go to America. The choice of the name was inspired by an illusion 
himself hesitated. He, even more uncertain than them all, 
was torn between dream and action. Before he raised the 
arch which was to span the two banks, it was necessary 
for him to know and to explore the other bank : the real 
world of India and the present day. But nothing as yet 
was clear : his coming mission burnt dimly in the feverish 
heart of this young man of destiny whose years only num- 
bered twenty-three. The task was so heavy, so vast, so 
complex 1 How could it be accomplished even in spirit ? 
And when and where was it to be begun ? In anguish he 
put off the decisive moment. But was he able to prevent 
its impassioned discussion in the secret depths of his mind ? 
It pursued him, every night from his adolescence, not 
consciously but subconsciously through the ardent and con- 
flicting instincts of his nature with all its conflicting desires 
the Desire to have, to conquer, to dominate the earth, 
the Desire to renounce all earthly things in order to possess 
God. 8 
The struggle was constantly renewed throughout his life. 
This warrior and conqueror wanted to have everything, 
both God and the world to dominate everything to 
renounce everything. The superfluity of powers striving 
within his Roman athlete body and Imperator brain con- 
tended for mastery. But this very excess of force made 
it impossible for him to confine his torrential waters within 
any bed save that of the river of God and complete self- 
surrender to the Unity. How was this contest between 
pride and imperious love, between his two great desires, 
rival and sovereign brothers, to be decided ? 
There was a third element, which Naren himself had 
not foreseen, but which the prophetic eye of Ramakrishna 
had discerned from afar. At a time when the others were 
showing anxiety or mistrust with regard to this young 
man, in whom such tumultuous forces were at work, the 
Master had declared : 
" The day when Naren comes in contact with suffering 
to the " power of discrimination " possessed by the Swami. Naren 
-accepted it, perhaps provisionally, but he could never have changed 
it wen if he had wanted to : for within a few months the name 
had acquired an Indo- American celebrity. 
* Cf . the story told by Naren of his spiritual conflicts in previous 
and misery, the pride of his character will melt into a 
mood of infinite compassion. His strong faith in himself 
will be an instrument to re-establish in discouraged souls 
the confidence and faith they have lost. And the freedom 
of his conduct, based on mighty self-mastery, will shine 
brightly in the eyes of others, as a manifestation of the 
true liberty of the Ego." 8 
This meeting with suffering and human misery not 
only vague and general but definite misery, misery close 
at hand, the misery of his people, the misery of India 
was to be the flint upon the steel whence a spark would 
fly to set the whole soul on fire. And with this as its foun- 
dation stone, pride, ambition and love, faith, science and 
action, all his powers and all his desires were thrown into 
the mission of Human Service and united into one single 
flame : "A religion which will give us faith in ourselves, 
a national self-respect, and the power to feed and educate 
the poor and relieve the misery around us ... If you 
want to find God, serve man ! " 4 
But consciousness of his mission only came and took 
possession of him after years of direct experience, wherein 
he saw with his own eyes, and touched with his own hands 
the miserable and glorious body of humanity his mother 
India in all her tragic nakedness. 
We shall accompany him throughout the pilgrimage of 
his Wander jahre.* 
The first months, the first year at Baranagore were 
devoted to the mutual edification of the disciples. As yet 
not one of them was prepared to preach to men. They 
desired to concentrate on the search for mystic realization ; 
and the delights of the inner life made them turn away 
1 That is to say, the one Divine Being. (Quoted from the work 
of Saradananda : Divya Bhana.) 
* The Life of Vivekananda, Vol. II, Chapter LXXIII. Conver- 
sations before 1893. 
N.B. The Life of Vivekananda to which I shall constantly refer 
in the course of this book, is the classic work in India in four 
volumes, published by the Advaita Ashram of Mayavati, under the 
title : The Life of the Swami Vivekananda, by his 
Western Disciples. 1914-18. 
8 This, as is well known, is the title of a book 
Wander Years of Wilhelm Meister. (WaiiderjaJir^y^jj^y means 
wander years. TRANSLATOR.) 
their eyes from outside. Naren, who shared their longing 
for the Infinite, but who realized how dangerous for the 
passive soul was this elementary attraction, which acts 
like gravity on a falling stone Naren with whom dream 
itself was action would not allow them to be torpidly 
engulfed in meditation. He made this period of conventual 
seclusion a hive of laborious education, a High School of 
the spirit. The superiority of his genius and his knowledge 
had from the first given him a tacit but definite guidance 
over his companions, although many of them were older 
than he. Had not the last words of the Master when he 
took leave of them, been to Naren, 
" Take care of these boys ! " . . . 6 
Naren resolutely undertook the conduct of this young 
seminary, and did not permit it to indulge in the idleness 
of God. He kept its members ever on the alert, he harried 
their minds without any pity ; he read them the great 
books of human thought, he explained to them the evolution 
of the universal mind, he forced them to dry and impassioned 
discussion of all the great philosophical and religious prob- 
lems, he led them indefatigably towards the wide horizons 
of boundless Truth, which surpass all the limits of schools 
and races, and embrace and unify all particular truths. 7 
This synthesis of spirit fulfilled the promise of Rama- 
krishna's message of love. The unseen Master presided 
6 " Memoirs of the Disciple Ramakrishnananda " of the last 
moments of Ramakrishna, recently published in Messages from the 
East in the United States. (See Chapter XII of Book I.) 
f In this panorama of all the heroic and divine thoughts of human- 
ity, we must again notice the place of honour which seems to have 
been given to Christ and the Gospels. These Hindu monks kept 
Good Friday, and they sang the Canticles of St. Francis. Naren, 
who could never read the immortal story of the Crucifixion with- 
out tears, spoke to them of the Christian saints, the founders of the 
Western Orders. The Imitation of Jesus Christ was their bedside 
book together with the Bhagavadgita. Nevertheless there was 
never for a moment any question of enrolling themselves within 
the Church of Christ. They were and remain complete and un- 
compromising Vedantic Advaitists. But they incorporate in their 
faith all the faiths of the world. The waters of Jordan mingle 
with their Ganges. If any westerner waxes indignant at the abuse 
he sees in this connexion, we would ask him whether the mingling 
of the waters of the Tibur with the river of Palestine is any 
over their meetings. They were able to place their in- 
tellectual labours at the service of his universal heart. 
But it is not in the nature of the religious Indian, not- 
withstanding Europe's belief in Asiatic immobility, to 
remain, like a French bourgeois, shut up in one place. 
Even those who practise contemplation have in their blood 
the secular instinct of wandering through the universe with- 
out fixed abode, without ties, independent and strangers 
wherever they go. This tendency to become a wandering 
monk, known in Hindu religious life by the special name 
of Parivrajaka, soon spurred some of the brethren of Baran- 
agore. From the moment of union the whole group had 
never assembled in its entirety. Two of its chiefs, Yogan- 
anda and Latu, were not present at the Christmas con- 
secration of 1886. Others followed Ramakrishna's widow 
to Brindaban. Others, like the young Saradananda, sud- 
denly disappeared, without saying where they were going. 
Naren, in spite of his anxiety to maintain the ties uniting 
the brotherhood, was himself tormented with the same 
desire to escape. How could this migratory need of the 
soul, this longing to lose itself in the Ocean of the air, 
like a carrier pigeon that stifles beneath the roof of the 
dovecote, be reconciled to the necessary fixity of a naissant 
Order ? It was arranged that a portion at least of the 
group should always remain at Baranagore, while the other 
brethren followed the " Call of the Forest. " And one of 
them one only Sasi (Soshi), never quitted the hearth. 
He was the faithful guardian of the Math, the immobile 
axis, the coping stone of the dovecote, whereto the vaga- 
bond wings returned. . . . 8 
Naren resisted the call topflight for two years. Apart 
8 1 have said above that Ramakrishna the free, differing in this 
respect from other Gurus, had not in the case of his disciples, car- 
ried out the ceremony of initiation in its usual forms. This was 
later a subject of reproach to Vivekananda. Naren and his com- 
panions supplemented it themselves about 1888 or 1889 by carrying 
it to the Viraja Homa, the traditional ceremony of Sannyasa at the 
monastery of Baranagore. Swami Ashokananda has also told me 
that another kind of Sannyasa is recognized in India, as superior 
to the formal Sannyasa consecrated in the usual way. He who 
feels a strong detachment from life and an intense thirst for God, 
can take the Sannyasa alone, even without any formal initiation. 
This was doubtless the case with the free monks of Baranagore. 
from short visits he remained at Baranagore until 1888. 
Then he left suddenly, not at first alone, but with one 
companion, and intense though his desire to escape, for 
two and a half years he always returned if he was recalled 
by his brethren, or by some unforeseen event. Then he 
was seized by the sacred madness to escape ; the longing 
suppressed for five years burst all bounds. In 1891, alone, 
without a companion, without a name, staff and bowl in 
hand as an unknown beggar, he was swallowed up for 
years in the immensity of India. 
But a hidden logic directed his distracted course. The 
immortal words : " Thou wouldest not have looked for 
Me if thou hadst not found Me " 9 were never so true as 
for those souls possessed by the hidden God, who struggle 
with Him in order to drag from Him the secret of the 
mission with which they are charged. 
Naren had no doubt that a mission awaited him ; his 
power, his genius spoke within him, and the fever of the 
age, the misery of the time, and the mute appeal rising 
all around him from oppressed India, the tragic contrast 
between the august grandeur of her ancient might of her 
unfulfilled destiny, and the degradation of the country 
betrayed by her children, the anguish of death and resur- 
rection, of despair and love, devoured his heart. But what 
was his mission to be ? Who was to dictate it to him ? 
The holy Master was dead, without having defined it for 
him. And among the living, was any 10 capable of en- 
lightening his path ? God alone. Let Him then speak. 
Why was He silent ? Why did He refuse to answer ? 
Naren went to find Him. 
10 There was only one : a holy man, revered by the wisest in 
India, Pavhari Baba of Ghazipur. This great hermit, born of 
Brahmin parents at Benares, and very learned, knowing all Indian 
religions, and philosophies, the Dravidian languages and ancient 
Bengali, who had travelled in all countries, had retired into soli- 
tude and practised the strictest asceticism. The tranquillity of his 
intrepid soul, his heroic humility, which had taught itself to look 
the most terrible realities in the face with a calm smile, and which 
made him say in the midst of cruel sufferings caused by the bite 
of a cobra that " it was a message from his Beloved " fascinated 
the highest spirits of India. He had been visited by Keshab Chun- 
dar Sen ; and even during the life of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda 
He suddenly left Calcutta in 1888 and went through 
Benares, Dayodia, Lucknow, Agra, Brindaban, Northern 
India and the Himalayas. Nothing is known of this journey 
or of the subsequent ones Naren kept the secret of his 
religious experiences except from the Memoirs of the 
Brethren who met him or accompanied him. 11 In 1888 
during the first of these pilgrimages after he had left Brinda- 
ban at Hatras, a small railway station, he quite uninten- 
tionally made his first disciple a man one minute a complete 
stranger, the next impelled by the attraction of his glance 
to leave all and follow him, and who remained faithful 
unto death : Sarat Chendra Gupta (who took the name 
of Sadananda). 12 They went about in the guise of beggars, 
had been to him (Pavhari recognized Ramakrishna's sanctity). 
Naren saw him again during the period of uncertainty following 
Ramakrishna's death ; he visited him daily, and was on the verge 
of becoming his follower, and demanding initiation of him. This 
torment of soul lasted several weeks ; he was torn between the 
two mystic appeals of Ramakrishna and Pavhari Baba. The latter 
would have satisfied his passion for the Divine gulf, wherein the 
individual soul renounces itself, and is entirely absorbed with no 
thought of return. And he would have appeased the remorse, 
always gnawing at Naren's heart, for turning from the world and 
social service ; for he professed the faith that the spirit can help 
others, even without the help of the body, and that the most intense 
action is that of the most intense concentration. What religious 
spirit has not heard this voice with its deadly attraction ? Naren 
was for twenty-one days within an ace of yielding. But for twenty- 
one nights the vision of Ramakrishna came to draw him back. 
Finally after an inner struggle of the utmost intensity, whose vicissi- 
tudes he has constantly refused to reveal, he made his choice for 
ever. He chose the service of God in man. 
11 Saradananda, Brahmananda, Premananda, Yogananda, Yuri- 
yananda, especially Akhandananda, who was with him the longest. 
11 In her Unpublished Memoirs, which have been shown to me, 
Sister Christine, Vivekananda's great American disciple, has left a 
precious account of this episode and the attractive personality of 
Sadananda, gleaned from Vivekananda's confidences to her. 
Sadananda was the young station master of Hatras. He saw 
Naren arrive at the station dying of hunger. He was captivated 
by his glance. " I followed two diabolical eyes," he said later. 
He made hirn come into his house ; and when his guest departed 
he followed him for life. 
Both young men were artists and poets. But, unlike his Master, 
with Sadananda the intellect held a secondary place, although he 
was well educated (he had studied Persian and been influenced 
241 R 
often repulsed, at times almost dying of hunger and thirst, 
with no regard for caste and willing to smoke even the 
pipe of the pariah. Sadananda fell ill, and Naren carried 
him on his shoulders through dangerous jungles. Then he 
in turn fell ill and they were obliged to return to Calcutta. 
This very first journey had brought ancient India vividly 
before his eyes, eternal India, the India of the Vedas, with 
its race of heroes and gods, clothed in the glory of legend 
and history, Aryans, Moghuls and Dravidians, all one. 18 
At the first impact he realized the spiritual unity of India 
by Sufism). Like him he had a very vivid sense of beauty and 
enjoyed the delights of Nature and of the countryside. None re- 
mained more devoted to Vivekananda. He was impregnated with 
the being of the Master ; he had only to close his eyes, to meditate 
on his features and gestures to be immediately filled with the pro- 
fundities of his thought. Vivekananda described him as " the child 
of my spirit." Without having known Ramakrishna, he was by 
nature nearer to him than any of the others ; and episodes in his 
life recall that of the Paramahamsa as well as of several of our 
saints of the Golden Legend : he saw a buffalo being beaten : 
immediately the marks of the whip appeared upon his body ; he 
cared for the lepers, worshipping them as God ; for the whole of 
one night he held a man burning with smallpox against his body 
to refresh his fever. More than any other of the future disciples 
he had the democratic spirit (due partly, according to Sister Chris- 
tine, to Mohammedan influence). He was one of the first of the 
Mission to organize a corps of scavengers during the plague. He 
loved the Untouchables and shared their life. He was adored by 
young people. During his last illness a devoted band, who called 
themselves Sadananda's dogs, watched over him with passionate 
devotion ; they had left all for him, just as he had left all for Vive- 
kananda. He did not allow the usual relations of disciples and 
Guru to be established between them ; he was their companion. 
" I can only do one thing for you," he said to them. " That is to 
take you to the Swamiji." Although he could at times be severe 
he was always bubbling over with joy as his chosen name shows 
and he transmitted this joy to them. They ever hold him in loving 
My readers will pardon this long note, which breaks the thread 
of the story to a certain extent. The preservation for pious hearts 
of the West of this " little flower " of India whose culling we owe 
to Sister Christine, full as it is of Franciscan grace, seemed to me 
more important than the exigencies of literary composition. 
11 The revelation of Moghul grandeur at Agra reduced him to 
tears. At Dayodia he re-lived the story of the Ramayana, and at 
Brindaban the childhood of Krishna. In the retreats of the Hima- 
layas he meditated on the Vedas. 
and Asia and he communicated this discovery to the 
brethren of Baranagore. 
From his second journey in 1889 to Ghazipur, he seems 
to have brought back some intuition of the Gospel of 
Humanity, which the new democracies of the West were 
writing unconsciously and blindly. He told his brethren 
how " in the West the ancient ideal of divine right, which 
had formerly been the appanage of one single being, had 
gradually been recognized as the property of all without 
distinction of class, and that the human spirit had thus 
come to a perception of the divinity of Nature and of 
Unity." He saw and immediately proclaimed the necessity 
of introducing into India the same ideas which had been 
tried by America and Europe with such happy results. 
Thus from the first he exhibited that liberality and greatness 
of spirit, which seeks and desires the common good, the 
spiritual progress of all men by the united efforts of all 
The short journeys that followed in 1889 and 1890 to 
Allahabad and Ghazipur, still further enlightened this 
universal conception. During his interviews at Ghazipur 
he can be seen travelling towards the synthesis of Hindu 
faith and modern science, of the ideas of the Vedanta 
and the social realizations of the present day, of the pure 
Spirit and the innumerable Gods which are the " Lower 
ideas " of all religions and are necessary for human weakness ; 
for they are all true in their quality of phantoms of know- 
ledge, various methods and diverse stages in the development 
of the human spirit, which climbs slowly towards the summit 
of its being. 
These were as yet nothing 'but flashes, rough sketches 
of his future. But they were all being stored up and 
fermenting in his brain. A prodigious force was rising in 
this young man within the narrow bounds of his convent 
at Baranagore, of the daily round prescribed by duty and 
even of communion with his friends. It could no longer 
be contained. He was forced to break the ties that bound 
him, to cast off his chains, his way of life, his name, his 
body all that was Naren and to remake with the help 
of different ones another self wherein the giant which had 
grown up could breathe freely to be born again. This 
rebirth was to be Vivekananda. He was like a Gargantua 
rending asunder the swathing bands that were throttling 
him. ... It can no longer be described as the religious 
Call of the pilgrim, who bids farewell to his brother men in 
order to follow God ! This young athlete, reduced to the 
point of death by his unused powers, was driven forth by 
a vital instinct and betrayed into the brutal speech over 
which his pious disciples have drawn a veil. He said at 
Benares : 
" I am going away ; but I shall never come back until 
I can burst on society like a bomb, and make it follow me 
like a dog." 
We know how he himself vanquished these redoubtable 
demons, and turned them to the service of the humble in 
supreme humility, but we nevertheless rejoice at the con- 
templation of the savage forces of pride and ambition which 
suffocated him. For he suffered from that excess of power 
which insists on domination and within him there was a 
He accordingly broke loose at the beginning of July, 1890, 
this time for years, from the dear home of Baranagore, 
which he had founded, from the spiritual nest whereon 
Ramakrishna himself was brooding. His wings swept him 
away. He went first to ask for the blessing of the " Holy 
Mother" (Ramakrishna's widow) 14 for his long journey. 
He desired to cut himself free from all ties and to go into 
retreat in the Himalayas. But of all good things solitude 
(the treasure ! and terror of gregarious souls !) is the most 
difficult to achieve. Parents, friends, all would deny it. 
(Tolstoy knew this and could never attain it until the death- 
bed of Astapovo . . .) Social life makes a thousand claims 
14 Saradadevi, the good and simple woman, who -survived 
Ramakrishna by more than forty years, and Vivekananda by more 
than twenty, beloved and revered by all, kept the Master's sentiments 
with regard to the great disciple. One day Miss MacLeod (who 
told me the story) said to Saradadevi : " Your husband had the 
better part ; he stayed in India among his own people : that must 
have been all joy for him. The Mission of the Swami (Vivekananda) 
was much more difficult : he had a heroic part to play." " Yes/' 
Saradadevi replied simply. " Swami Vivekananda was the greater. 
Ramakrishna always said that he was the body and Vivekananda 
the head." I have quoted this remark, not because I share the 
the same view, but to show Ramakrishna's modesty. 
on those who flee it. And how much more when the fugitive 
is still a young prisoner ! Naren discovered this to his cost. 
And also at the cost of those who loved him ! His brother 
monks were bent upon following him. He was obliged to 
break with them almost brutally. 15 Even so the tragic 
world would not allow him to forget it. The death of a 
sister found him in his solitude. The pitiful victim of a 
cruel society, she reminded him of the sacrificial fate of the 
Hindu woman and the sad problems of the life of his people 
which made it criminal for him to remain a disinterested 
spectator. By a chain of circumstances, which might be 
accounted fore-ordained, he was constantly torn from his 
Beato Solitude, Sola Beatitudo at the very moment when he 
thought he had at last attained it, and thrown back from 
the silent Himalayas to the plains filled with the noise and 
lust of mankind. As the result of these mental agitations 
added to fatigue, and privation, he had two serious illnesses 
at Srinagar and at Meerut at the foot of the Himalayas on 
the Ganges ; he almost died of diphtheria. The extreme 
weakness which followed made it still more difficult for him 
to achieve his great solitary journey. 
Nevertheless that journey was accomplished. If he was 
to die it should be on the way, and on his own way the 
way revealed to him by his God ! In February, 1891, in 
spite of his friends, he left Delhi alone. This was the 
great departure. Like a diver he plunged into the Ocean 
of India, and the Ocean of India covered his tracks. Among 
its flotsam and jetsam he was nothing more than one name- 
less Sannyasin in saffron robe among a thousand others. 
But the fires of genius burned in his eyes. He was a prince 
despite all disguise. 
16 Akhadananda accompanied him to the Himalayas ; he there 
fell ill. At Almora Naren found Saradananda and Tripananda. A 
little later Turiyananda. They attached themselves to him. He 
left them at Meerut near the end of January, 1891 ; their anxious 
affection followed him to Delhi. His anger was kindled and he 
ordered them to leave him. 
HIS great journey of two years through India, and 
then of three years round the world (was this his 
original intention ?), was the adequate reply of his instinct 
to the double exigencies of his nature : independence and 
service. He wandered, free from plan, caste, home, con- 
stantly alone with God. And there was no single hour of 
his life when he was not brought into contact with the 
sorrows, the desires, the abuses, the misery and the fever- 
ishness of living men, rich and poor, in town and field ; 
he became one with their lives ; the great Book of Life 
revealed to him what all the books in the libraries could 
not have done (for after all they are only collections), which 
even Ramakrishna's ardent love had only been able to see 
dimly as in a dream the tragic face of the present day, 
the God struggling in humanity the cry of the peoples 
of India and of the world for help and the heroic duty 
of the new Oedipus, whose task is to deliver Thebes from 
the talons of the Sphinx, or to perish with Thebes. 
Wander jahre. Lehrjahre. 1 What a unique education! 
. . . He was not only the humble little brother, who slept 
in stables or on the pallets of beggars, but he was on a 
footing of equality with ev'ery man, to-day an insulted 
beggar sheltered by pariahs, to-morrow the guest of princes, 
conversing on equal terms with Prime Ministers and Mahara- 
jahs, the brother of the oppressed bending over their misery, 
then probing the luxury of the great, awakening care for 
the public weal in their torpid hearts. He was as con- 
versant with the knowledge of the pandits as with the 
problems of industrial and rural economy whereby the life 
of the people is controlled, ever teaching, ever learning, 
1 " Years of travel." " Years of apprenticeship." (Goethe.) 
gradually making himself the Conscience of India, its Unity 
and its Destiny. All of them were incarnate in him, and 
the world saw them in Vivekananda. 
His itinerary led him through Rajputana, Alwar (February 
to March, 1891), Jaipur, Ajmer, Khetri, Ahmedabad and 
Kathiawar (end of September), Junagath and Gujerat, 
Porbandar (a stay of between eight and nine months), 
Dvaraka, Palitana the city of temples close to the gulf of 
Khambhat, the state of Baroda, Khandwa, Poona, Bel- 
gaum (October, 1892), Bangalore in the state of Mysore, 
Cochin, Malabar, the state of Travancore, Trivandrur, 
Madura. . . . He travelled to Cape Comorin, the extreme 
point of the immense pyramid, where is the Benares of 
Southern India, Rameswaram, the Rome of the Ramayana, 
and beyond to Kanyakumari, the sanctuary of the Great 
Goddess (end of 1892). 
From North to South the ancient land of India was full 
of gods ; yet the unbroken chain of their countless arms 
formed only one God. He realized their unity of flesh and 
spirit. He realized it also in communion with the living 
of all castes and those outside caste. And he taught them 
to realize it. He took mutual understanding from the one 
to the other, to strong spirits, to the intellectuals obsessed 
with the abstract, he preached respect for images, and idol 
Gods, to young men the duty of studying the grand old 
books of the past ; the Vedas, the Puranas, the ancient 
annals, and still more the people of to-day to all a re- 
ligious love for Mother India and a passion to dedicate 
themselves to her redemption. 
He received no less than he gave. His vast spirit never 
for a single day failed to jviden its knowledge a and its 
experience, and it assimilated all the rivers of thought 
scattered and buried in the soil of India, for their source 
seemed identical to him. As far removed from the blind 
devotion of the orthodox, who were engulfed in the muddy 
stench of stagnant water, as from the paltry rationalism 
1 At Khetri he became the pupil of the foremost Sanskrit gram- 
marian of the time. At Ahmedabad he completed his knowledge 
of Mohammedan and Jain culture. At Porbandar he stayed three- 
quarters of a year, in spite of his vow as a wandering monk, to 
perfect his philosophical and Sanskrit studies with pandit sages ; 
he worked with Trigunakita, who translated the Vedas. 
of the reformers of the Brahmo Samaj, who with the best 
intentions were busied in drying up the mystic fountains 
of hidden energy, Vivekananda wished to preserve and to 
harmonize them all by draining the whole entangled reser- 
voir of the waters of a whole continent possessed by a 
deeply religious soul. 
He desired more than this. (Nobody with impunity can 
be the contemporary of the great engineers who cut a 
passage between oceans, and willy nilly, rejoin the hands 
of continents !) everywhere he carried with him the 
Imitation of Christ, and side by side with the Bhagavad, 
he spread the thought of Jesus ; 8 and he urged young people 
to study the science of the West. 4 
But the widening of his mind was not only in the realm 
of ideas. A revolution took place in his moral vision with 
regard to other men and his relations with them. If ever 
there was pride in a young man, coupled to intellectual 
intolerance, the contempt of the aristocrat for all that fell 
below his high ideal of purity, it was present in the young 
Narendra : 
" At twenty years of age (it is he himself speaking) I was 
the most unsympathetic, uncompromising fanatic ; I would 
not walk on the footpath on the theatre side of the streets 
in Calcutta/' 6 
During the first months of his pilgrimage when he was 
with the Maharajah of Khetri near Jaipur (April, 1891), a 
little dancer gave him all unwittingly a lesson in humility. 
When she appeared the scornful monk rose to go out. The 
prince begged him to remain. The little dancer sang : 
" O Lord, look not upon my evil qualities ! Thy name, 
1 But he was merciless towards the intolerance of the mission- 
aries, and never forgave them for it. The Christ whom he preached, 
opened His arms to all. 
4 During the beginning of his great journey at Alwar in Rajpu- 
tana (February to March, 1891), when he was hurt by the lack of 
a spirit of precision, of exactitude and of scientific criticism in 
Indian history. He set up the example of the West in opposition 
to it. He wished India to be inspired with its methods, so that a 
young school of Hindu historians might arise to devote themselves 
to resuscitating India's past. " That would be real national educa- 
tion; and thus a true national spirit would be awakened." 
1 Letter of July 6, 1896. He added, "At 33 I can live in the 
same house with prostitutes.' 1 
Lord, is Same-sightedness. Make of us both the same 
Brahman ! One piece or iron is in the image in the temple, 
and another the knife in the hand of the butcher. But 
when they touch the philosopher's stone both alike turn 
into gold. So, Lord, look not upon my evil qualities ! Thy 
name, Lord, is Same-sightedness ! . . . 
" One drop of water is in the sacred Jumna and another 
is foul in the ditch by the roadside. But when they fall 
into the Ganges both alike become holy. So, Lord, do not 
look upon my evil qualities. Thy name, Lord, is Same- 
sightedness. . . ." 6 
Naren was completely overwhelmed. The confident 
faith expressed in the humble song affected him for life. 
Many years later he recalled it with emotion. 
One by one his prejudices disappeared, even those which 
he had considered to be most deeply rooted. In the Hima- 
layas he lived among Thibetan races, who practise polyandry. 
He was the guest of a family of six brothers, who shared 
the same wife ; and in his neophytic zeal he tried to show 
them their immorality. But it was they who were scan- 
dalized by his lessons ; " What selfishness ! " they said. 
" To wish to keep one woman all to oneself ! . . ." Truth 
at the bottom of the mountain and error at the top . . . 
He realized the relativity of virtue at least of those virtues 
having the greatest traditional sanction. Moreover a 
transcendental irony, as in the case of Pascal, taught him 
to broaden his moral conception when he judged of good 
and evil in a race or in an age, according to the standards 
of that race or that age. 
Again he kept company with thieves of the most degraded 
caste, and came to recognize even in highway robbers 
" Sinners who were potential saints." 7 Everywhere he 
shared the privations and the insults of the oppressed 
classes. In Central India he lived with a family of outcast 
sweepers. Amid such lowly people who cower at the feet 
of society he found spiritual treasures, while their misery 
choked him. He could not bear it. He sobbed, 
" O my country 1 O my country 1 ..." 
* The poem of a Vaishnavite saint : Suradas. 
T He met a thief who had plundered his holy Guru, Pavhari Baba, 
and then touched with repentance had become a monk. 
when he learnt from the papers that a man had died of 
hunger at Calcutta. He asked himself as he beat his 
chest : 
" What have we done, we so-called men of God, the 
Sannyasins, what have we done for the masses ? " 
He recalled Ramakrishna's rough words. 
" Religion is not for empty bellies." 
And waxing impatient with the intellectual speculations 
of an egoistic faith, he made it the first duty of religion 
" to care for the poor and to raise them." He imposed 
this duty on the rich, on officials, and on princes : 
" Is there none among you who can give a life for the 
service of others ? Let the study of the Vedanta, and the 
practice of meditation, be left over to the future life ! Let 
this body be consecrated to the service of others ! And 
then I shall know that you have not come to me in vain." 8 
On a future day his pathetic accents were to sound this 
sublime utterance : 
" May I be born and reborn again and suffer a thousand 
miseries if only I am able to worship the only God in whom 
I believe, the sum-total of all souls, and above all, my God 
the wicked, my God the afflicted, my God the poor of all 
the races 1 ..." 
At this date, 1892, it was the misery under his eyes, the 
misery of India, which filled his mind to the exclusion of 
every other thought. It pursued him, like a tiger following 
its prey, from the North to the South in his flight across 
India. It consumed him during sleepless nights. At Cape 
Comorin it caught and held him in its jaws. On that 
occasion he abandoned body and soul to it. He dedicated 
his life to the unhappy m^ses. 
But how could he help them ? He had no money and 
time was pressing, and the princely gifts of one or two 
Maharajas or the offerings of several groups of well-wishers 
could only nourish a thousandth part of the most urgent 
needs. Before India woke up from her ataraxy and 
organized herself for the common good, the ruin of India 
would be consummated. He lifted up his eyes to the ocean, 
to the land beyond the seas. He must appeal to the whole 
The notation of these words belongs to a later date. But the 
sentiment that inspired them belongs to this time. 
world. The whole world had need of India. The health 
of India, the death of India was its concern as well. Could 
her immense spiritual reserves be allowed to be destroyed 
as so many others had been, Egypt and Chaldaea, which 
long afterwards men struggled to exhume when nothing 
was left but debris, their soul being dead for ever ? . . . 
An appeal from India to Europe and to America began to 
take shape in the mind of the solitary thinker. It was at 
the end of 1891 between Junagad and Porbandar that he 
appears to have thought of it for the first time. At Por- 
bandar, where he began to learn French, a pandit advised 
him to go to the West, where his thought would be better 
understood than in his own country : 
" Go and take it by storm and then return ! " 
At Khanwa in the early autumn of 1892 he heard of a 
Parliament of Religions to be held during the following 
year at Chicago, and his first idea was how he might take 
part in it. At the same time he did not allow himself to 
take any steps toward the realization of this project and 
he refused to accept subscriptions for the purpose, until he 
had achieved the vow of his great pilgrimage round India. 
At Bangalore towards the end of October he specifically 
declared to the Maharajah his intention of going to ask the 
West " for the means to ameliorate the material condition 
of India/' and to take it in exchange the Gospel of the 
Vedanta. At the end of 1892 his mind was made up. 
At that moment he found himself at the " land's end" 
of India, at the extreme southern point where Hanuman 
the Monkey God made his fabulous leap. But Vivekananda 
was a man as we are and could not follow the ways of demi- 
Gods. He had traversed th^ vast land of India upon the 
soles of his feet. For two years his body had been in 
constant contact with its great body ; he had suffered from 
hunger, from thirst, from murderous nature and insulting 
man ; when he arrived at Cape Comorin he was exhausted, 
but, having no money to pay for a boat to take him to the 
end of his pilgrimage, to the Holy of Holies, Kanyakumari, 
he flung himself into the sea, and swam across the shark- 
infested strait. At last his task was at an end, and then, 
looking back as from the top of a mountain, he embraced 
the whole of the India he had just traversed, and the world 
of thought that had beset him during his long wanderings. 
For two years he had lived as in a seething cauldron, con- 
sumed with a fever ; he had carried " a soul on fire/ 1 he 
was a " tempest." 9 Like criminals of old who suffered 
the torture of water, he felt himself submerged by the 
torrents of energy he had accumulated, the walls of his 
being were crumbling beneath their flood. . . ." 10 And 
when he stopped on the terrace of the tower he had just 
climbed at the very edge of the earth with the panorama 
of the world spread before his eyes, the blood pounded in 
his ears like the sea at his feet ; he almost fell. It was the 
supreme assault of the gods striving within him. When 
the struggle was over, his first battle had been won. He 
had seen the path he was to follow. His mission was chosen. 
He swam back to the continent of India. From the 
opposite coast he went northwards. On foot by Ramnad 
and Pondicherry he came to Madras. And there in the 
first weeks of 1893, he publicly proclaimed his wish to 
conduct a Mission in the West. 11 His fame, contrary to 
his own desire, had already spread abroad : he was besieged 
by visitors in this intellectual and vital city where he stayed 
on two occasions, and it was in Madras that he founded 
his first group of devoted disciples, who dedicated them- 
selves to him and who never left him ; after his departure 
they continued to support him with their letters and their 
faith ; and he, from countries far away, kept his direction 
over them. His burning love for India awakened passionate 
echoes in their hearts, and by their enthusiasm the strength 
of his own conviction was increased tenfold. He preached 
against all seeking after personal salvation. It was rather 
public salvation that ought t(j be sought, the regeneration of 
the mother country, the resurrection of the spiritual powers 
of India and their diffusion throughout the universe. . . . 
" The time is ripe. The faith of the Rishis must become 
dynamic. It must come forth of itself." 
f It was Abhedananda, who, meeting him in October, 1893, in 
the state of Baroda, described him thus. 
10 " I feel a mighty power ! It is as if I were about to blaze 
forth. There are so many powers in me ! It appears to me as if 
I could revolutionize the world." 
11 This was the title of a lecture he delivered at Hyderabad in 
February, 1893 " My Mission to the West." 
Nabobs and bankers offered him money for his journey 
overseas, but he refused it. He asked the disciples who 
were collecting subscriptions to appeal rather to the middle 
classes : for 
" I am going on behalf of the people and the poor." 
As he had done at the beginning of his pilgrimage he 
asked the blessing of the Holy Mother for the more distant 
journey. And she sent him Ramakrishna's as well, for he 
had delivered it to her for the beloved disciple in a dream. 
It does not appear that he had written to his spiritual 
brethren at Baranagore : (doubtless he thought that their 
contemplative souls, used to the warmth of the nest, would 
be terrified at the thought of social service and evangelizing 
journeys in the countries of the Gentiles ; such ideas dis- 
turbed the pious calm of souls who were pre-occupied with 
their own salvation without troubling about others). But 
chance decreed that almost on the eve of his departure at 
Mount Abu station, near Bombay, he met two of them, 
Brahmananda and Turiyananda ; and he told them with 
pathetic passion, whose percussions reached Baranagore, 12 
the imperious call of suffering India which forced him 
to go: 
" I have now travelled all over India . . . But alas ! it 
was agony to me, my brothers, to see with my own eyes the 
terrible poverty and misery of the masses, and I could not 
restrain my tears ! It is now my firm conviction that it 
is futile to preach religion amongst them without first trying 
to remove their poverty and their sufferings. It is for this 
reason to find more means for the salvation of the poor 
of India that I am now going to America/' 13 
11 It does not seem, however, that the monks of Baranagore were 
tempted to follow his example. Even on his triumphal return from 
America, they found it difficult to yield to his arguments for sub- 
ordinating and even sacrificing, if need arose, the contemplative life 
to social service. Only one, Akhandananda (Gangadhar), moved 
by the words Brahmananda and Turiyananda had brought back, 
went during 1894 to open schools at Khetri and to work at the 
education of the masses. 
11 These words quoted in the great Life of Vivekananda are 
completed by Turiyananda's Reminiscences, which Swami Jnane- 
swarananda took down and published in the Morning Star in 
January 31, 1926 : 
Brahmananda and Turiyananda were withdrawn on Mount Abu, 
He went to Khetri, where his friend the Maharajah gave 
him his Diwan (Prime Minister) to escort him to Bombay, 
where he embarked. At the moment of departure he put 
where they were practising a very strict " Tapasya " (practice of 
meditation and asceticism). They did not expect to meet Naren. 
They had seen him at Abu Rd. Station several weeks before his 
departure. Naren told them his plans, his hesitations, and his 
conviction that the Parliament of Religions was willed by God to 
prepare his success. Turiyananda recalled each one of his words 
and the tone of his voice : 
" Hari Bhai," Naren cried, his face red with his rising blood, " I 
cannot understand your so-called religion 1 . . ." 
With a profound expression of sadness and intense emotion 
through all his being, he pressed a trembling hand upon his heart 
and added : 
" But my heart has grown much, much larger, and I have 
learnt to feel (the sufferings of others). Believe me I feel it very 
sadly 1 " 
His voice was choked with feeling. He was silent. Tears 
streamed down his cheeks. 
Turiyananda, in giving this account, was himself deeply moved, 
and his eyes filled with tears : 
" You can imagine," he said, " what went through my spirit 
when I heard these pathetic words and saw the majestic sadness 
of the Swamiji. ' Are these not/ I thought, ' the very words and 
feelings of the Buddha/ And I remember that a long time before 
when he had gone to Buddha Gaya to meditate under the Boddhi 
tree, he had had a vision of the Lord Buddha, who entered into his 
body ... I could clearly see that the whole suffering of humanity 
had penetrated his palpitating heart. Nobody, continued Turiya- 
nanda with passion, nobody could understand Vivekananda unless 
he saw at least a fraction of the volcanic feelings which were in 
Turiyananda told of another scene of the same kind, at which 
he was present after Vivekananda had come back from America 
probably in the house of Balaram at Baghazar (Calcutta) : 
" I had gone to see him and I found him pacing the verandah 
like a caged lion. He was deep in thought and did not notice my 
presence. . . . He began to hum under his breath the celebrated 
and pathetic song of Mirabhai. And the tears welled up in his 
eyes. He stopped and leaned against the balustrade, and hid his 
face in his two palms. His voice became more distinct and he sang, 
repeating several times : 
" Oh, nobody understands my sorrow I " 
And again : 
" Only he who suffers knows the anguish of sorrow I . . ." 
His voice pierced me through and through like an arrow. I 
could not understand the cause of his affliction. . . . Then sud- 
denly, I understood. It was his rending sympathy which made 
on, with the robe of red silk and ochre turban, the name 
of Vivekananda, which he was about to impose upon the 
world. 14 
him often shed tears of burning blood. And the world would never 
have known it . . ." 
But addressing his listeners, Turiyananda said : 
" Do you think that these tears of blood were shed in vain ? 
No 1 Each one of these tears, shed for his country, every inflamed 
whisper of his mighty heart, gave birth to troops of heroes, who 
will shake the world with their thoughts and their deeds/' 
14 I have noted on pages 4 and 4-b the origin of this name, which 
was given him by the Maharajah. During his journey in India, he 
bore so many different names that, just as he desired, he usually 
passed by unobserved. Many of those who met him had no sus- 
picion of his identity. It was so at Poona in October, 1892 ; Tilak, 
the famous savant and Hindu political leader, took him at first for 
a wandering monk of no importance and began by being ironical; 
then, struck with his replies revealing his great mind and know- 
ledge, he received him into his house for ten days without ever 
knowing his real name. It was only later when the newspapers 
brought him from America the echoes of the triumph of Viveka- 
nanda, and a description of the conqueror, that he recognized the 
anonymous guest who had dwelt beneath his roof. 
journey was in truth an astonishing adventure. 
The young Swami went into it at random and with 
his eyes shut. He had heard vaguely of a Parliament of 
Religions to be opened some day somewhere in America ; 
and he decided to go to it although neither he, nor his 
disciples nor his Indian friends, students, pandits, ministers 
or Maharajahs had taken any trouble to find out about it. 
He knew nothing, neither the exact date, nor the conditions 
of admission. He did not take a single credential with him. 
He went straight ahead with complete assurance, as if it 
was enough for him to present himself at the right time 
God's time. And although the Maharajah of Khetri had 
taken his ticket on the boat for him, and despite his protests 
had provided him with a beautiful robe, which was to 
fascinate American idlers no less than his eloquence, neither 
he nor anybody else had considered the climatic conditions 
and customs : he froze on the boat when he arrived in 
Canada in his costume of Indian pomp and ceremony. 
He left Bombay on May 31, 1893, and went by way of 
Ceylon, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, and then visited 
Canton and Nagasaki. Thece he went on foot to Yokohama, 
seeing Osaka, Kioto and Tokyo. Everywhere, in China as 
in Japan, his attention was attracted by all that might 
confirm his hypothesis his conviction alike of the religious 
influence of ancient India over the Empires of the Far East 
and of the spiritual unity of Asia. 1 At the same time the 
1 He was struck when he visited the Chinese temples, conse- 
crated by the first Buddhist Emperor, to find Sanskrit manuscripts 
written in Bengal characters. He noticed the same in Japan in 
the temples inscriptions of mantras (sacred texts) in Sanskrit in 
ancient Bengal characters. 
thought of the ills from which his country was suffering 
never left him ; and the sight of the progress achieved by 
Japan reopened the wound. 
He went from Yokohama to Vancouver ; thence by train 
he found himself towards the middle of July in a state of 
bewilderment at Chicago. The whole way was strewn with 
his feathers, for he was a marked prey for the fleecer : he 
could be seen from afar ! At first like a great child he 
wandered gazing, mouth agape, in the world's fair, the 
Universal Exhibition of Chicago. Everything was new to 
him and both surprised and stupefied him. He had never 
imagined the power, the riches, the inventive genius of this 
Western world. Being of a stronger vitality and more 
sensitive to the appeal of force than a Tagore or a Gandhi, 
who were oppressed by the frenzy of movement and noise, 
by the whole European-American (especially American) 
mechanism, Vivekananda was at his ease in it, at least at 
first ; he succumbed to its exciting intoxication, and his 
first feeling was of juvenile acceptance ; his admiration 
knew no bounds. For twelve days he filled his eager eyes 
with this new world. Then he bethought himself to go to 
the Enquiry Bureau of the Parliament of Religions . . . 
What a shock ! He found out that the Parliament did not 
open until after the first of September and that it was too 
late for the registration of delegates moreover, that no 
registration would be accepted without official references. 
He had none, he was unknown, without credentials from 
any known group ; and his purse was nearly empty ; it 
would not allow him to wait until the opening of the 
Congress ... He was overwhelmed. He cabled his 
distress to friends in Madras so that some official religious 
society might make him a grant. But official societies 
do not pardon independence, which has had the audacity 
to leave their ranks. The chief of this society sent the 
reply : 
" Let the devil die of cold ! " 2 
The devil neither died nor gave up ! He threw himself 
upon fate, and instead of hoarding in inaction the few 
dollars remaining to him, he spent them in visiting Boston. 
Fate helped him. Fate always helps those who know how 
1 More is said of this later. 
257 S 
to help themselves. A Vivekananda never passed any- 
where unnoticed but fascinated even while he was unknown. 
In the Boston train, his appearance and conversation struck 
a fellow traveller, a rich Massachusetts lady who questioned 
him and then interested herself in him, invited him to her house, 
introduced him to the Hellenist, J. H. Wright, professor at 
Harvard : the latter was at once struck by the genius of 
this young Hindu and put himself entirely at his disposal ; 
he insisted that Vivekananda should represent Hinduism 
at the Parliament of Religions and wrote to the President 
of the Committee. He offered the penniless pilgrim a rail- 
way ticket to Chicago, and letters of recommendation to 
the Commission for finding lodgings. In short, all his 
difficulties were removed. 
Vivekananda returned to Chicago. The train arrived 
late ; and the dazed young man, who had lost the address 
of the Committee, did not know where to go. Nobody 
would deign to instruct a coloured man. He saw a big 
empty box in a corner of the station, and slept in it. In 
the morning he went to discover the way, begging from 
door to door as a Sannyasin. But he was in a city that 
knows, Panurge-like, a thousand and one ways of making 
money except one, the way of St. Francis, the vagrancy 
of God. It must be added that he found himself in a 
purely German-speaking district where nobody understood 
him ; they treated him as a negro and shut the door in his 
face. After having wandered for a long time, he sat down 
exhausted in the street. He was remarked from a window 
opposite and asked whether he were not a delegate to the 
Parliament of Religions. He was invited in ; and once 
more fate found for him o^e who was later numbered 
amongst his most faithful American followers. 8 When he 
had rested he was taken to the Parliament, and he remained 
during its sessions in the house of his rescuer. 
His adventurous journey, which had almost ended dis- 
astrously, brought him on this occasion into port, but not 
for rest. Action called him, for now that fate had done its 
worst it had to give place to resolution ! The unknown of 
yesterday, the beggar, the man despised for his colour by 
a mob wherein the dregs of more than half a dozen of the 
Mrs. Hale. 
peoples of the world meet at the first glance was to impose 
his sovereign genius. 
On Monday, September n, 1893, the first session of the 
Parliament was opened. In the centre presided Cardinal 
Gibbons. Round him to the right and left were grouped 
the Oriental delegates : Protap Chunder Mazoomdar, 4 the 
chief of the Brahmosamaj, an old friend of Vivekananda, 
representing with Nagarkar of Bombay the Indian theists, 
Bharmapala, representing the Buddhists of Ceylon ; Gandhi, 6 
representing the Jains ; Chakravati, representing with 
Annie Besant the Theosophical Society. But amongst them 
all it was the young man who represented nothing, and 
everything the man belonging to no sect but rather to 
India as a whole, who drew the glance of the thousand 
present. 6 His fascinating face, his noble stature and the 
gorgeous apparel 7 which heightened the effect of this 
apparition from a legendary world hid his own emotion. 
He made no secret of it. It was the first time that he had 
had to speak before such an assembly ; and as the delegates, 
presented one by one, had to announce themselves in public 
in a brief harangue, Vivekananda let his turn go by hour 
after hour until the end of the day. 8 
But then his speech was like a tongue of flame. Among 
the grey wastes of cold dissertation it fired the souls of the 
listening throng. Hardly had he pronounced the very 
simple opening words : 
" Sisters and brothers of America ! . . ." 
than some of them got up in their places and applauded. 
He wondered whether he really spoke of his own volition. 
He was certainly the first to cast off the formalism of the 
Congress and to speak to the masses in the language for 
4 See p. 78. 
5 Naturally this was not the same as our M. K. Gandhi, who 
about that time was landing in South Africa. But his family had 
intimate relations with the Jains and it may well have been that 
the Gandhi of the Parliament of Religions was a distant connexion. 
The American Press testified the truth of this. 
7 His red robe drawn in at the waist by an orange cord, his 
great yellow turban, accentuated the raven black of his hair, his 
olive complexion, his dark eyes, his red lips. (Description of the 
8 Let us add that the improvident one had prepared nothing, 
while the others read from a written text. 
which they were waiting. Silence fell again. He greeted 
the youngest of the nations in the name of the most ancient 
monastic order in the world the Vedic order of Sannyasins. 
He presented Hinduism as the mother of religions, who had 
taught them the double precept : 
" Accept and understand one another ! " 
He quoted two beautiful passages from the sacred books : 
" Whoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I 
reach him." 
" All men are struggling through paths which in the end 
lead to Me." 
Each of the other orators had spoken of his God, of the 
God of his sect. He he alone spoke of all their Gods, 
and embraced them all in the universal Being. It was the 
breath of Ramakrishna, breaking down the barriers through 
the mouth of his great disciple. The Parliament of Religions 
gave the young orator an ovation. 
During the ensuing days he spoke again ten or eleven 
times. 9 Each time he repeated with new arguments but 
with the same force of conviction his thesis of a universal 
Religion without limit of time or space, uniting the whole 
Credo of the human spirit, from the enslaved fetishism of 
the savage to the most liberal creative affirmations of 
modern science. He harmonized them into a magnificent 
9 Both at the plenary sessions of the Parliament and at the 
scientific sections which were affiliated to it. His principal disser- 
tations were on the following subjects : 
1. " Why we disagree." (He there denounced the insularity of 
different religious points of view, which is the source of 
2. " Religion not the crying need of India." (But bread. An 
appeal for help for all^his people who were dying.) 
3. September 22. " Vedantic Philosophy." 
4. September 23. " Orthodox Hinduism and Modern Religions 
of India." 
5. September 25. " The Essence of the Hindu Religion." 
6. September 26. " Buddhism, the fulfilment of Hinduism." 
And four other Lectures. 
But the most famous discourses were : 
11. September 19. The most famous Paper on Hinduism, 
although he was its sole universal representative at the 
Congress without distinction of sect. We shall return to 
it later when we examine Vivekananda's thought. 
12. September 27. Address at the Final Session of the Congress. 
synthesis, which far from extinguishing the hope of a single 
one, helped all hopes to grow and flourish according to their 
own proper nature. 10 There was to be no other dogma but 
the divinity inherent in man and his capacity for indefinite 
" Offer such a religion and all the nations will follow you. 
Asoka's council u was a council of the Buddhist faith. 
Akbar's, 12 though more to the purpose, was only a parlour 
meeting. It was reserved for America to proclaim to all 
quarters of the globe that the Lord is in every religion. 
"May he who is the Brahmin of the Hindus, the Ahura 
Mazda of the Zoroastrians, the Buddha of the Buddhists, 
the Jehovah of the Jews, the Father in Heaven of the 
Christians, give strength to you. . . , 18 The Christian is 
not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a 
Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate 
the spirit of the others and yet preserve its individuality 
and grow according to its own law of growth . . . The 
Parliament of Religions . . . has proved . . . that holiness, 
purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of 
any church in the world, and that every system has produced 
men and women of the most exalted character . . . Upon 
the banner of every religion will soon be written in spite 
of ... resistance : ' Help and Not Fight.' ' Assimilation 
and not Destruction/ ' Harmony and Peace and Not 
Dissension. 1 " " 
The effect of these powerful words was immense. Over 
the heads of the official representatives of the Parliament, 
they were addressed to all, and appealed to outside thought. 
Vivekananda's fame at once spread abroad ; and India as 
a whole benefited. The American Press recognized him : 
10 But the young Hinduist, convinced in spite of himself of the 
superiority of his own ideal, presented Hinduism in its essentials, 
but rejuvenated and purified of its degenerate parts, as the universal 
religion of which he spoke. 
11 The Council of Patalipura, to which the Emperor Asoka con- 
voked the Buddhists about 253 B.C. 
11 The great Moghul Emperor of the sixteenth century (1556- 
1605), who, abjuring Islam, tried to found with the agreement of 
the Hindus, Jains, Musulmans, Parsis, and even Christians, eclectic 
rationalism, which was to become an imperial religion. 
11 Paper on Hinduism. (September 19.) 
14 Address at the Final Session. (September 27.) 
"He is undoubtedly the greatest figure in the Parliament 
of Religions. After hearing him, we feel how foolish it is 
to send missionaries to this learned nation." 16 
It can be imagined that such an avowal did not sound 
sweetly in the ears of Christian missionaries, and Vive- 
kananda's success roused bitter rancour amongst them, 
which did not stop short of the use of the most dishonourable 
weapons. It sharpened no less the jealousy of certain 
Hindu representatives, who saw themselves put in the 
shade by this " wandering monk, 11 without title or ties. 
Theosophy in particular, which Vivekananda did not spare, 
never forgave him. 16 
What did he think of his victory ? He wept over it. 
The wandering monk saw that his free solitary life with 
God was at an end. Is there any truly religious soul who 
does not sympathize with his regrets? He had himself 
desired it ... or rather he had been desired by the un- 
known force, that had dictated his mission . . . But there 
was always the other inner voice, which said to him : 
" Renounce ! Live in God ! " He never could satisfy the 
one without partially denying the other. Hence the periodic 
crises traversed by this stormy genius, and the torments, 
which, apparently contradictory but really logical, can never 
be understood by single-minded spirits, by those who, 
having only one thought in their heads, make of their 
poverty an obligatory virtue, and who call the mighty 
and pathetic struggling towards harmony of souls too richly 
11 The New York Herald. The Boston Evening Post stated that 
he was " the great favourite of the Parliament." It was only neces- 
sary for him to cross the platform to be greeted with acclamations. 
And the only way of keeping tne public at the meetings, for their 
attention often wearied, was to announce that Vivekananda would 
speak at the end. 
li In an address at Madras on his return from America, " My 
Plan of Campaign," Vivekananda unmasked all those who had 
attacked him, and told the Theosophical Society sharply what he 
thought of them. See further, Note at the end of the Volume, 
where we shall give the text and treat of the question of Viveka- 
nanda's relations with the Theosophists. The reader may also con- 
sult the Account of the Journey of a Philosopher, by Count Keyserling, 
the chapter on Adyar, the Headquarters in India of the Theosophical 
Society, where the spirit of the society is impregnated with singular 
narrowness of view. 
endowed, either confusion or duplicity. Vivekananda was 
and will always be the butt of such malevolent interpre- 
tations which his high pride made no attempt to excuse. 
But his complexities at this [time were not only of the 
spirit. They were inherent in the situation itself. After 
as before success (and perhaps even more so) his task was 
a difficult one. Having nearly succumbed to poverty, he 
was now in danger of being overwhelmed by riches. Ameri- 
can snobbery threw itself upon him, and, in its first flush, 
threatened to smother him with its luxury and vanities. 
Vivekananda grew almost physically sick from this excess 
of money. At night in his bedroom he gave vent to cries 
of despair, and rolled on the ground when he thought of 
the people who were dying of hunger. 
" O Mother/' he groaned, " What have I to do with 
fame when my people are lying in misery ! . . ." 
In order to serve the cause of his unfortunate India 
and to free himself from the tutelage of his rich protectors, 
he accepted the offer of a Lecture Bureau for a tour of the 
United States : The East and Middle West, Chicago, Iowa, 
Desmoines, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Detroit, Boston, Cam- 
bridge, Baltimore, Washington, New York, etc. But this 
proved a risky method ; for it was a mistake to imagine 
that he, like so many other lecturers, was going to buy 
applause and dollars by burning incense under the nose 
of the American public. 
His first feeling of attraction and admiration for the 
formidable power of the young republic had faded. Vive- 
kananda almost at once fell foul of the brutality, the 
inhumanity, the littleness of spirit, the narrow fanaticism, 
the monumental ignorance, the crushing incomprehension, 
so frank and sure of itself tfith regard to all who thought, 
who believed, who regarded life differently from the paragon 
nation of the human race . . . And he had no patience. 
He hid nothing. He stigmatized the vices and crimes of 
Western civilization, with its characteristics of violence, 
pillage, and destruction. Once when he was to speak at 
Boston on a beautiful religious subject particularly dear 
to him, 17 he felt such repulsion at sight of the audience, 
the artificial and cruel crowd of men of affairs and of the 
17 Ramakrishnsu 
world, that he refused to yield them the key of his sanctuary, 
and brusquely changing the subject, he inveighed furiously 
against a civilization represented by such foxes and wolves. 
. . , 18 The scandal was terrific. Hundreds noisily left the 
hall, and the Press was furious. 
He was especially bitter against false Christianity and 
religious hypocrisy. 
" With all your brag and boasting where has your Christi- 
anity succeeded without the sword ? Yours is a religion 
preached in the name of luxury. It is all hypocrisy that 
I have heard in this country. All this prosperity, all this 
from Christ ! Those who call upon Christ care for nothing 
but to amass riches ! Christ would not find a stone on 
which to lay His head among you . . . You are not 
Christians. Return to Christ ! . . ." 
An explosion of anger was the answer to this scornful 
lesson, and from that moment he had always at his heels 
a band of clergymen, who followed him with invective 
and accusation, even going so far as to spread infamous 
calumnies of his life and behaviour in America and India. 19 
No less shameful was the action of certain Hindu representa- 
tives of rival societies, who were offended by Vivekananda's 
glory, and did not scruple to spread the base charges started 
by malevolent missionaries. And in their turn, the Christian 
missionaries used the weapons provided by the jealous 
Hindus, 20 and denounced the free Sannyasin in India with 
11 1 have heard a similar scene related about a great Hindu poet, 
whom we venerate. He was invited to the United States to address 
a meeting on the subject of a work very near to his heart. But 
when he saw the audience, who were prepared to subscribe to it, he 
was so revolted at the sight that he attacked them and their stifling 
material civilization. Hence he himself destroyed the work whose 
success seemed assured. 
lf It goes without saying that they produced the classic accusa- 
tion of Anglo-Saxon countries, seduction 1 In order to stop the 
false rumour spread by a vulgar-minded clergyman, that he had 
wronged a servant dismissed by the Governor of Michigan, letters 
of public denial (March, 1895) were necessary from the Governor's 
wife, testifying to the moral dignity of Vivekananda. But no denials 
ever repair the damage done by unscrupulous lies. 
10 Some of the Brahmos treated as blasphemy certain of Vive- 
kananda's expositions of Vedantism in America : his " pretensions 
to divinity " (that is to, say to the divinity of the human soul), 
almost comic zeal because in America he no longer kept 
to the strict regime prescribed by orthodox Hinduism. 21 
Vivekananda with disgust saw the scum of the rancorous 
wave raised by the devotees returning to him from India 
in the frightened letters of his disciples. And with what 
scorn he flung it back in the face of those who had be- 
spattered him with it ! 22 
A letter from one of his American disciples, Swami 
Kripananda, 28 depicts in retrospect his tribulations in the 
United States. 
" This hotbed of pseudo-religious monstrosities, devoured 
by a morbid thirst for the abnormal, for the occult, for the 
exceptional whence a senseless credulity leads to the 
his " denial of sin " (which came to him from Ramakrishna), his 
" evolutionism/' his " Western ideas introduced into Hinduism," 
etc. (cf. B. Mozoomdar in a pamphlet on Vivekananda, the informer 
of Max Miiller). He had against him a curious alliance of Pro- 
testant missionaries, of Theosophists, and some members of the 
Brahmo Samaj. 
11 The chief charge was that he had eaten beef. He made no 
secret of it. He hated bigotry which believes that it is acquitted 
in respect of morality and God, when it has observed certain prac- 
tices, holding their non-observance as a cardinal sin. He held 
nothing inviolable save his two vows of poverty and chastity. For 
the rest with much common sense he held that a man should follow 
as far as possible the customs of the country in which he was living. 
11 To the scandalized remonstrances of Indian devotees, horrified 
to hear that their Swami ate impure food at the table of infidels, 
he retorted : 
" Do you mean to say I am born to live and die one of those 
caste-ridden, superstitious, merciless, hypocritical, atheistic cowards 
that you only find amongst the educated Hindus ? I hate cowardice. 
I will have nothing to do with cowards ... I belong to India just 
as much as to the world ; no humbugabout that . . . What country 
has any special claim upon me ? Am I any nation's slave ? . . . 
I see a greater Power than man, or God, or devil at my back. I 
require nobody's help. I have been all my life helping others. ..." 
(Letter written from Paris, September 9, 1895, to his Indian 
18 Kripananda was the name taken by Leon Lansberg, at his 
initiation. He was a Russian Jew by birth, a naturalized American 
citizen, and part owner of a big New York journal, and was one 
of the first Western disciples accepted by Vivekananda. I shall 
speak of him later. 
The letter, of which I give a summary, was written in 1895 in 
the Madras Journal, The Brahmavadin. 
dissemination of hundreds of societies : goblins, ghosts, 
mahatmas, false prophets this refuge for aliens of all 
colours was an abominable place to Vivekananda. He 
felt himself obliged at the outset to cleanse this Augean 
He committed to the devil the idlers, buffoons, fishers 
in troubled waters, gulls, who thronged to his first lectures. 
He was immediately the recipient of offers of association, 
promises, threats, and blackmailing letters from intriguers, 
busybodies, and religious charlatans. It is needless to 
state their effect on a character such as his. He would 
not tolerate the slightest domination. He rejected every 
alliance of one sect against another. And more than once 
he embraced the opportunity to engage in a public struggle 
without quarter against " combinations " wishing to use 
him for their own ends. 
For the honour of America it must be said here and 
now that his moral intransigeance, his virile idealism, his 
dauntless loyality attracted to him from all sides a chosen 
band of defenders and admirers, a group of whom were 
to form his first Western disciples and the most active 
agents in his work for human regeneration. 
IT would be a matter of deep interest to know exactly 
how far the American spirit had been impregnated, 
directly or indirectly, by the infiltration of Hindu thought 
during the nineteenth century : for there can be no doubt 
that it has contributed to the strange moral and religious 
mentality of the modern United States which Europe has 
so much difficulty in understanding, with its astonishing 
mixture of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, Yankee optimism of 
action, pragmatism, " scientism," and pseudo-Vedantism. 
I do not know whether any historian will be found to occupy 
himself seriously with the question. It is nevertheless a 
psychological problem of the first order, intimately connected 
with the history of our civilization. I do not possess the 
means for its solution, but at least I can indicate certain 
elements in it. 
It would seem that one of the chief people to introduce 
Hindu thought into the United States was Emerson, 1 and 
that Emerson in so doing had been deeply influenced by 
He was predisposed to such influences ; from 1830 
onwards they began to appear in his Journal, wherein 
he noted references to Hindu religious texts. His famous 
lecture, which created a scandal at the time, given in 1838 
at the University of Harvard, expressed belief in the divine 
in man akin to the concept of the soul, Atman Brahman. 
1 The article of a Hindu Brahmachundra Maitra, entitled " Emer- 
son from an Indian point of view," in the Harvard Theological 
Review of 1911 was mentioned to me in this connexion. But I 
have not been able to study it. 
It is here that he attached a strictly moral or moralist 
interpretation to it, his own mark and that of his race. 
But its fulfilment was the ecstatic realization of a veritable 
yoga of " justice/ 1 conceived in the double sense of moral 
good and cosmic equilibrium and uniting at one and the same 
time Karma (action), bhakti (love), and jnana (wisdom). 2 
Emerson exercised little method either in his reading or 
writing ; and Cabot, in his Memoir of him, tells us that 
he was easily satisfied with extracts and quotations and 
did not consult the authorities as a whole. But Thoreau 
was a great reader ; and between 1837 an( i 1862 he was 
Emerson's neighbour. In July, 1846, Emerson notes that 
Thoreau had been reading to him extracts from his Week 
on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Now this work 
(section, Monday) is an enthusiastic eulogy of the Gita, 
and of the great poems and philosophies of India. Thoreau 
suggested "A joint Bible" of the Asiatic Scriptures, 
" Chinese, Hindus, Persians, Hebrews, to carry to the ends 
of the earth." And he took for his motto, Ex Oriente Lux. 9 
1 " If a man is at heart just, then in so far is he God : the safety 
of God, the immortality of God, the majesty of God, do enter into 
that man with justice . . . For all beings proceed out of this same 
spirit, which is differently named love, justice, temperance, in its 
different applications, just as the ocean receives different names 
on the several shores which it washes . . . The perception of this 
law of laws awakens in the mind a sentiment which we call the 
religious sentiment, and which makes our highest happiness. Won- 
derful is its power to charm and to command. It is a mountain 
air ... It makes the sky and the hills sublime, and the silent 
song of the stars is it. . . ." 
(Address to the Senior Class in Divinity College, Cambridge 
(U.S.A.), July 15, 1838.) 
8 Thoreau gives his sources : a French translation of the Gita, 
whose author must be Burnouf, although he does not mention him, 
published in 1840, and more important, the English translation of 
Charles Wilkins of which an edition had just appeared in 1846 with 
a preface of Warren Hastings. I have said that this great man 
(Hastings), the conqueror, although he governed India, submitted 
to and publicly avowed the spiritual domination of the land of the 
Vedas. In 1786 he " recommended " a translation of the Bhaga- 
vadgita to the President of the East India Company, and wrote a 
preface to it. I have quoted from Thoreau himself in an earlier 
chapter, the magnificent witness of Warren Hastings, where he 
declares that " the writers of the Indian philosophies will sur- 
vive when the British dominion in India shall long have ceased to 
It may be imagined that such suggestions were not 
thrown away upon Emerson, and that the ardent Asiatism 
of Thoreau extended to him. 
It was at the same time that the " Transcendental Club " 
he had founded was in full swing ; and after 1850, the 
Dial, its quarterly, which he edited with the American 
Hypatia, Margaret Fuller, published translations from the 
Oriental languages. The emotion produced in him by 
Indian thought must have been very strong for him to 
write in 1856 such a deeply pedantic poem as his beautiful 
Brahma. 4 
It must be taken into consideration that New England 
was passing through a crisis of spiritual renaissance and 
intoxicating idealism, corresponding (though composed of 
very different elements, less cultivated, more robust, and 
infinitely nearer to nature) to the idealistic flame of Europe 
before 1848. 6 The anarchic Brookfarm of George Ripley 
exist, and when the sources which it yielded of wealth and power 
are lost to remembrance. " Thoreau also mentions other Hindu 
works, such as the Shakuntala of Kalidas, and speaks enthusiastically 
of Manu, whom he knew through the translations of William Jones. 
His Week's Journey, written from 1839 onwards, was published in 
I owe these details to Miss Ethel Sidewick, who was kind enough 
to look them up for me with the learned help of the Master of 
Balliol College and a Professor Goddard of Swarthmore College 
(Pennsylvania). I here make grateful acknowledgment to them for 
their valuable help. 
4 It may please the reader to study it here : 
If the old stayer think he stays 
Or if the stainer think he is stain, 
They know not well the subtle ways 
I keep, and pass^ind turn again. 
My friends Waldo Frank and Van Wyck Brooks have given me 
some important details. In 1854 the Englishman, Thomas Chol- 
mondeley, the nephew of the great Bishop, Reginald Heber, visited 
Concord and became the friend of the whole intellectual colony. 
On his return to England, he sent Thoreau a collection of Oriental 
classics in forty-four volumes. Thoreau said that it was practically 
impossible to find any of these works in America. It may justly 
be thought that Emerson's poem, Brahma, was the flower of the 
tree which had just drunk deep of this flood of Indian thought. 
* This is only one example among a thousand others of the syn- 
chronism of the human Soul in its most diverse ethnic expressions 
(between 1840 and 1847), ^ e feverish assembly of the 
Friends of Universal Progress at Boston in 1840, brought 
together in one group men and women of all opinions and 
professions, all fired with primitive energy, and aspiring to 
shake off the shackles of past lies without knowing what 
truth to adopt ; for no human society can live unless it 
has persuaded itself that it possesses the Truth ! 6 
Alas ! the Truth espoused by America during the sub- 
sequent half century bears no resemblance to the generous 
expectation of the honeymoon ! Truth was not ripe, still 
less those who wished to pluck it. Its failure was, however, 
by no means due to lack of noble ideals and great ideas, 
but they were all too mixed and too hastily digested without 
time for them to be healthily assimilated. The nervous 
shocks, produced by the grave political and social upheavals 
after the war of Secession, the morbid haste which has 
developed into the frantic rhythm of modern civilization, 
have thrown the American spirit off its balance for a long 
time. It is, however, not difficult to trace during the 
second half of the century the seeds sown by the free 
pioneers of Concord, Emerson and Thoreau. But from their 
which has often led me to think, as I have studied history, of 
the different branches of one same tree, mutually sharing the same 
changing seasons. The conviction has slowly ripened in my mind 
until it is now firmly established that all the laws governing the 
particular evolution of peoples, nations, classes and their struggles 
are subordinate to greater cosmic laws controlling the general 
evolution of humanity. 
6 John Morley, in his critical Essay on Emerson, has painted a 
charming picture of this hour of intellectual intoxication of this 
" madness of enthusiasm/' as Shaftesbury called it, which from 
1820 to 1848 turned the heads of New England. 
Harold D. Carey, in a recent Article in the Bookman (February, 
1929) devoted chiefly to this strange Brookfarm, has shown the 
revolutionary character of its spiritual and social movement and 
the impression of " Bolshevism " which it produced on the minds 
of the governing classes and on middle-class opinion. It was an 
unchaining of terrifying and troublous furies. Especially did they 
turn against Emerson, and accuse him of being chiefly responsible 
for the spirit of revolt. Our generation has all too soon forgotten 
the very brave part played by Emerson and his friends. Thoreau 
and Theodore Parker at the same time publicly flagellated legal 
lies, and protested against the nascent monster of imperialism in 
affairs (on the occasion of the war engineered by the American 
Government against Mexico in 1847). 
grain what strange bread has been kneaded by the followers 
of the "mind cure" and of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy! 
Both of them have used, more or less wittingly, Indian 
elements strained through the idealism of Emerson. 7 But 
7 William James said of the " mind cure " : " It is made up of 
the following elements : the four Gospels, the idealism of Berkeley 
and Emerson, spiritism with its law of the radical evolution of 
souls through their successive lives, optimistic and vulgar evolu- 
tionism, and the religions of India/' 
Charles Baudouin adds that after 1875 the influence of the 
French hypnotic schools was superimposed. He notes that in re- 
turn Cou6 had profited by it, for he learnt English especially to 
make the acquaintance of the vulgarized mysticism of America and 
has developed from it its simplest, most rational and positivist 
But it is necessary to go back to the magnetism of Mesmer at 
the beginning of the eighteenth century for the common source and 
further to the elements making up this powerful and enigmatic 
personality (cf . Pierre Janet : Meditations psychologiqties, Vol. I, 
Alcan, 1919). 
As for Christian Science, it is enough to mention the little lexicon 
of philosophic and religious terms added by Mrs. Eddy to her Bible, 
Science and Health, in order to see the likeness of certain of its 
fundamental ideas to those of Hindu Vedantism : 
" Me or I. The divine principle. The Spirit, the soul . . . 
Eternal Mind. There is only one ME or US, only one Principle 
or Mind, which governs all things . . . Everything reflects or re- 
fracts in God's Creation one unique Mind ; and everything which 
does not reflect this unique mind is false and a cheat. . . ." 
" God. The great I AM . . . Principle, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, 
love, all substance, intelligence." 
It would appear that Mrs. Eddy did not wish to acknowledge 
their origin. She has been silent on that point in the new editions 
of her book. But in the first she quoted from Vedantic philosophy. 
The Swami Abhedananda, a disciple of Ramakrishna, has related 
that the 24th edition of Science a#d Health contained a chapter, 
now suppressed, which began with four Vedantic quotations. In 
the same chapter Mrs. Eddy quoted the Bhagavadgita, from the 
translation of Charles Wilkins, published in London in 1785 and in 
New York in 1867. These quotations were later omitted from the 
book : only one or two veiled allusions can be found to Indian 
thought. This attempt at dissimulation for the sake of the un- 
warned reader is a clumsy confession of its importance. (Cf. an 
article by Madeleine R. Harding in the Prabuddha Bharata Review, 
March, 1928.) 
Lastly, analogies to Indian thought are still more striking in the 
most important treatises on the Mind cure by Horatio W. Dresser, 
Henry Wood, and R. W. Trine. But as they date from the end of 
they have reduced them to the dead level of a utilitarianism 
looking only to the immediate profit, of a kind of mystic 
hygiene, resting on a prodigious credulity which gives to 
Christian Science 8 its proud pseudo-scientific aspect and 
its pseudo-Christianity. 
One trait common to these doctrines is the vulgar 
optimism, which resolves the problem of evil by a simple 
denial, or rather by its omission. " Evil does not exist. 
Then, let us turn away our eyes ! " . . . Such an intellectual 
attitude in all its native simplicity was too often that of 
Emerson. He omitted as often as possible from his subjects 
those of illness or death. He hated the shades. " Respect 
the light ! " But it was the respect of fear. His eyes 
were feeble and so he began by putting the sun under a 
shade. In this he was only too closely followed by his 
fellow-countrymen. Perhaps it is not too much to say 
that such optimism was necessary for action, but I have 
no great faith in the energy of a man or of a people, which 
rests on conditions contrary to the Natura Rerum. I prefer 
Margaret Fuller's saying, " I accept the universe/' But 
whether one accepts it or not, the first essential is to see 
it and to see it as a whole ! We shall soon hear Vive- 
kananda saying to his English disciples : " Learn to recog- 
nize the Mother, in Evil, Terror, Sorrow, Denial as well 
as in Sweetness, and in Joy/' Similarly the smiling Rama- 
krishna from the depths of his dream of love and bliss, 
could see and remind the complaisant preachers of a " good 
God" that Goodness was not enough to define the Force 
which daily sacrificed thousands of innocents. 9 Therein 
lies the capital difference separating India from heroic 
the century, that is to say after the death of Vivekananda, they 
may well have owed much to the teachings of the latter. They 
agree on all points with the rules of concentration and with the 
faith behind it. The French reader will find some characteristic 
extracts in the Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. 
(Pages in French edition are 80-102.) 
8 It is to be remarked that this name, Christian Science, had 
already been used by a precursor of Mrs. Eddy, Dr. Quimby, who 
several years before her (about 1863) had laid down a similar doc- 
trine under the name of Christ Science, Christian Science, Divine 
Science, the Science of Health. Quimby's manuscripts, recently 
published, establish his influence over Mrs. Eddy. 
f See later, p. 346. 
Greece and Anglo-Saxon optimism. They look Reality in 
the face, whether they embrace it as in India or struggle 
against it and try to subdue it as in Greece ; but with 
them action never impinges on the domain of Knowledge as 
in America, where Knowledge has been domesticated in 
the service of action and wears a livery with gold-braided 
cap bearing the name : Pragmatism. 10 It is easily under- 
stood that a Vivekananda would not like such trappings, 
concealing as they did puny and degraded bastards of his 
glorious free and sovereign Vedantism of India. 11 
But overtopping this herd of living men there was a 
dead giant, 12 whose shade was a thousand times warmer 
than such pale reflections of the Sun of Being seen through 
10 In weakened post-war Europe these same moral characteristics 
have unfortunately the tendency to be established : and the worst 
feature of this moral slackness is that it is accompanied with false 
bragging which flatters itself on its realism amd virility. 
11 At the time of his first stay in the United States, the Meta- 
physical College of Massachusetts, opened by Mrs. Eddy at Boston, 
where she taught in seven years more than four thousand pupils, 
was temporarily closed (in October, 1889) in order to allow the 
foundress, " Pastor Emeritus of the first Church of Christ Scientist/' 
to write her new Science and Health, which was published in 1891. 
The College reopened under her presidency in 1899. 
The Mind Cure was flourishing, and produced the New Thought, 
which is to Christian Science what rationalistic Protestantism is to 
orthodox Catholicism. 
The Theosophical Society, of which one of the two founders, 
Colonel Olcott (in 1875), was an American, worked vigorously in 
India and elsewhere. His action, as I have said, now and then 
came up against that of Vivekananda. 
I have only mentioned here the three chief currents then stirring 
the religious subconsciousncss of America, together with " revival- 
ism " (the religion of revivals), also leading to abandonment to sub- 
conscious forces while Myers was evolving (between 1886 and 1905) 
the scientific spirit theory of knowledge and the subconscious life. 
A crater in eruption. Mud and fire. 
12 Besides Whitman, who was already dead, there was another, 
no less great, who had no less affinity to the spirit of India : Edgar 
Allen Poe : his Eureka, published in 1848, showed thought closely 
akin to that of the Upanishads. Some people, such as Waldo 
Frank, believe that he must in the course of his wanderings (it is 
practically certain that he visited Russia in his early youth) have 
come in contact with Indian mysticism. But Eureka did not affect 
contemporary thought. Even though Whitman for a time colla- 
borated with Poe (in the Broadway Journal and in the Democratic 
273 T 
their cold methodist window panes. He stood before Vive- 
kananda and held out his great hand to him . . . How 
was it that he did not take it ? ... Or rather (for we 
know that later in India Vivekananda read his Leaves of 
Grass) how is it that Vivekananda's chroniclers, however 
careless and ill-informed, have managed to leave this capital 
event out of their story ? the meeting of the Indian Ambas- 
sador of the Atman Brahman with the epic singer of Myself 
Walt Whitman ! 
He had just died on March 26, 1892, the previous year, 
near Camden, the workman's suburb of Philadelphia. The 
triumphant memory of his obsequies not pagan as they 
have been described, but exactly in the spirit of Indian 
universalism, 18 were still reverberating. Vivekananda saw 
more than one of Whitman's intimates coming to him ; 
he was even joined in friendship to him who had bidden 
the last farewell to the poet, 14 the famous agnostic and 
materialist author, Robert Ingersoll. 16 He more than once 
Review), it is certain that he never made an intimate of Poe, that 
he never fathomed his thought, that he in fact felt an instinctive 
antipathy for him, and that it was only with an effort that he made 
a tardy recognition of his greatness. (In 1875, at the age of 56, 
he went to Baltimore for the inauguration of a monument to Poe.) 
Poe remained an isolated figure in his age. 
11 Between each discourse some great saying was read from the 
Bible of humanity : " Here are the words of Confucius, of Gautama 
Buddha, of Jesus Christ, of the Koran, of Isaiah, of John, of the 
Zend Avesta, of Plato ..." 
14 In this farewell speech Ingersoll celebrated the poet who had 
sung the splendid Psalm of Life and tribute of thanks to the mother 
in response to her kiss and her embrace. Ingersoll thought of 
Nature as " the Mother." Whitman's poems are full of Her, and 
there she is sometimes Nature, f " the great, savage, silent Mother, 
accepting all," sometimes America, " the redoubtable Mother, the 
great Mother, thou Mother with equal children." But whatever 
may be the mighty entity to which the word is attached, it always 
represents a conception of a sovereign Being, and their deep tones 
recall the conception of India ; they are always attached to the 
visible God, whereon all living beings depend. 
16 The great Life of Vivekananda, published by his disciples, has 
very briefly noticed several of these interviews, merely remarking 
about them that they show that Vivekananda had the entrte into 
the freest and most advanced circles of American thought. Inger- 
soll in the course of one discussion, warned Vivekananda in a friendly 
way to be prudent. He revealed to him the hidden fanaticism of 
argued with him in friendly fashion, so it is impossible 
that he should not have heard of Whitman. 
However famous this great man may be through the 
many works that have been devoted to him in all lands, 
it is necessary for me to give here a short account of his 
religious thought ; for that is the side of his work that 
has come least into the limelight and at the same time 
it is the kernel. 
There is nothing hidden in the meaning of his thought. 
The good Whitman does not veil his nakedness. His faith 
appears best of all in Leaves of Grass, and is especially 
concentrated in one great poem which has been thrown 
too much into the shade by his Song of Myself, but which 
must be replaced in the front rank where Whitman himself 
placed it, at the head of his own definitive edition, immedi- 
ately following the Inscriptions, namely his Starting from 
Paumanok. 16 
What does he say there ? 
" I inaugurate a religion . . . 
" ... I say the whole earth and all the stars in the sky 
are for religion's sake . . . 
" Know you, solely to drop in the earth the germs of 
a greater religion . . . 
" I sing ... 
" For you to share with me two greatnesses, and a third 
one rising inclusive and more resplendent. The great- 
ness of Love and of Democracy, and the greatness of 
religion . . ." 
(Why then have the first two " greatnesses/' which are 
of an inferior order, generally eclipsed the first, which 
America, not as yet stamped out. Forty years before, he said, an 
Indian Vedantist would have run the risk of being burnt alive, and 
still more recently of being stoned. 
16 Paumanok does not appear in the first three editions (1855, 
1856, and 1 860-61). It is not included until the fourth (1867), 
where it is placed at the beginning of the volume. But in the first 
edition of the Leaves of Grass, as my friend Lucien Price pointed 
out to me, the Song of Myself opens on page i ; and in its primi- 
tive, much shorter, much starker and more virile form, it produces 
a striking impression : everything that is vital and heroic in the 
Great Message is to be found in it, condensed with flaming clarity. 
Cf . William Sloane Kennedy : The Fight of a Book in the World. 
embraces and dominates them, in the minds of Whitman's 
commentators ?) 
What was this religion which so filled his heart that 
he meditated spreading it abroad throughout all lands by 
means of lectures, in spite of the little taste he had for 
speaking in public ? 17 It is summed up and contained 
in one word, which rings in the ears wonderfully like Indian 
music ; the word Identity. It fills the whole work. It is 
to be found in almost all his poems. 18 
Identity with all forms of life at every instant ; the 
immediateness of realized Unity ; and the certainty of 
Eternity for every second, for every atom of Existence. 
How had Whitman come by this faith ? 
Certainly by enlightenment, by some blow he had ex- 
perienced, by illumination, probably arising from some 
17 He thought of it before and after the publication of his 
18 Starting from Paumanok, Song of Myself, Calamus, Crossing 
Brooklyn Ferry, A Song of Joys, Drum Taps, To Think of Time, 
The word can be used to mean two rather different things : (i) 
the more usual : an immediate perception of Unity ; (2) the per- 
manence of the Ego throughout the eternal journey and its meta- 
morphoses. It seems to me that it is this latter meaning that 
predominates in his years of illness and old age. 
If I was about to make a complete study of Whitman here, it 
would be necessary to trace the evolution of his thought (without 
however losing sight of its essential unity, under the blows of life, 
from which he suffered much more than his publicly confessed 
optimism would lead one to believe. (Cf . in the collection : Whis- 
pers Divine of Heavenly Death, his Hours of Despair. Then the 
invincible spirit insufficiently nourished by life is restored by death. 
Then the " known " life is completed by the Unknown. Then 
" day " brings new light to " ^on-day." Cf. To Think of Time : 
Night on the Prairies. And his ear is opened to other " music " 
that his " ignorance " had not previously recognized. Finally the 
dead are more alive than the living, " haply the <5nly living, only 
real." (Pensive and Faltering.) 
" I do not think that Life provides for all ... But I believe 
Heavenly Death provides for all." (Assurances.) 
" I was thinking the day most splendid till I saw what the not- 
day exhibited . . . Oh 1 I see how that Life cannot exhibit all to me 
as the day cannot I see that I am to wait for what will be ex- 
hibited by death." (Night on the Prairies), etc. 
But the foundation of the faith : Identity, the solely existent 
eternity, never varied. 
spiritual crisis a short time after he had reached his thirtieth 
year and experienced the emotions aroused by his journey 
to New Orleans, 19 of which little is known. 
It is improbable that it was any reading of Indian thought 
that touched him. When Thoreau in November, 1856, 
came to tell him that his Leaves of Grass (first appeared 
in July, 1855, then a second edition in the summer of 
1856) recalled to his mind the great oriental poems and 
to ask if he knew them. Whitman replied with a cate- 
gorical " No ! " and there is no reason to doubt his word. 
He read little, certainly very few books ; he did not like 
libraries and men brought up upon them. To the very 
end of his life he does not seem to have had any curiosity 
to verify the similarity between his thought and that of 
Asia obvious to the little circle of Concord. The extreme 
vagueness of the expressions used every time that he intro- 
duced a glimpse of India into his Homeric enumerations 
is the best guarantee of his ignorance. 20 
It is then all the more interesting to discover how 
he could without going beyond himself a 100 per cent 
American self all unwittingly link up with Vedantic 
thought. (For its kinship did not escape any of the Emer- 
son group, beginning with Emerson himself, whose genial 
quip is not sufficiently famous : " Leaves of Grass seem 
to be a mixture of the Bhagavadgita and the New York 
The starting-point with Whitman was in the profundities 
19 Cf. Bucke : Walt Whitman. 
* Once or twice he mentions Maya (Calamus : " The basis of all 
metaphysics "), avatar (Song of Farewell) and nirvana (Sands of 
Seventy Years: Twilight), but in the way of an illiterate: "mist, 
nirvana, repose and night, forgetf illness." 
The Passage to India, whose title has a symbolic and quite un- 
expected sense, does not furnish him with anything more precise 
about Indian thought than the poor verse : 
" Old occult Brahma, interminably far back the tender and junior 
Buddha. . . ." 
What he says of the Hindu and of India is still poorer in Greeting 
to the World. 
The only piece whose inspiration seems to have come from an 
Asiatic source is in the last collection of his seventy-second year : 
Good-bye my Fancy I (1891), the Persian Lesson, where he makes 
mention of Sufi. And there is no need for him to go to Persia to 
hear these very banal truths. 
of his own race, in his own religious line paradoxical though 
it may seem. His paternal family belonged to the Quaker 
Left, grouped round a free believer, Elias Hicks, to whom 
at the end of his life Whitman dedicated a pamphlet : He 
was a great religious individualist, free from all church and 
all credo, who made religion consist entirely of inner illumin- 
ation, "the secret silent ecstasy/' 21 
Such a moral disposition in Whitman was bound to 
bring about from his childhood a habit of mystic con- 
centration, having no precise object but filtering never- 
theless through all the emotions of life. The young man's 
peculiar genius did the rest. His nature possessed a kind 
of voracious receptivity, which made him not only, like 
ordinary men, glean from the vine above of the spectacle 
of the universe, some grains of pleasure or pain, but in- 
stantaneously incorporate himself with each object that he 
saw. He has described this rare disposition in the admir- 
able poem : Autumn Rivulets. 
" There was a child went forth . . . 
And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became, 
And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part 
of the day, 
Or for many years or stretching cycles of years ..." 
Instinctively rather than reflectively he had reached the 
conclusion that the whole universe was for him not object 
but subject it was he. When he wrote an account all at 
once in his thirties of what appeared to him his real birth 
(probably about 1851-52), it was a blinding flash, an ecstatic 
blow : 
" Oh ! the Joy," he said, " of my soul leaning pois'd on 
itself, receiving identity through materials . . . My soul 
vibrated back to me from them. . . ." 22 
It seemed to him that he was " awake for the first time 
and that all that had gone before was nothing but a despic- 
able sleep/ 1 " 
Finally he heard some lectures or conferences of Emer- 
11 In a short address of May 31, 1889, the old poet, Whitman, 
said again : " Following the impulse of the spirit for I am quite 
half of Quaker stock/ 1 
" A Song of Joys. 
18 Camden Edition, III, 287. 
son's 24 and they may have intellectualized his intuition so 
that it came to fruition in ideas, however imperfectly 
determined and connected ; for with this man, always 
indifferent to the logic of reasoning and to metaphysical 
construction, 25 his whole chain of thought brought him 
inevitably to the present moment and to a degree of illu- 
mination that made an infinity of space and time arise 
from them. Hence he immediately perceived, embraced, 
espoused, and became at one and the same time each 
distinct object and their mighty totality, the unrolling and 
the fusion of the whole Cosmos realized in each morsel of 
the atom, and of life. And how does this differ from the 
point of ecstasy, the most intoxicated Samadhi of a Bhak- 
tiogin who, reaching in a trice the summit of realization, 
and having mastered it, comes down again to use it in all 
the acts and thoughts of his everyday life ! 26 
Here then is a typical example of the predisposition to 
Vedantism which existed in America well before the arrival 
of Vivekananda. Indeed it is a universal disposition of the 
human soul in all countries and in all ages, and not con- 
tained, as Indian Vedantists are inclined to believe, in a 
body of doctrine belonging to one country alone. On the 
contrary it is either helped or hindered by the chances of 
evolution among the different peoples and the creeds and 
14 In 1887 Whitman denied that he had read Emerson before 
1855. But in 1856 he had generously written to Emerson that the 
latter had been the Columbus of the " New Continent " of the soul 
and Whitman its inspired explorer. " It is you who have discovered 
these shores ..." But the one does not cancel the other. It 
may be said of this discovery that it was for Emerson, like that 
of Columbus, the reasoned discovery of the New World, although 
in point of fact the ships of the, Northmen had sailed along cen- 
turies before, like young Whitman, without bothering to mark its 
position on the naval log. 
15 " A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the 
metaphysics of books/' (Song of Myself.) 
And the beautiful part of Calamus : "Of the Terrible Doubt 
of Appearances." In this " terrible doubt " where everything reels, 
where no idea, no reasoning is of any avail or proves anything, 
nothing but the touch of a friend's hand can communicate absolute 
certainty : "A hold of my hand has completely satisfied me," 
18 The memoirs of Miss Helen Price (quoted by Bucke : Whit- 
man, pp. 26-31) describe, as an eye-witness, the condition of ecstasy 
in which he composed some of his poems. 
customs whereon their own civilizations are built. It may 
be said that this attitude of mind is latent in all who carry 
within themselves a spark of the creative fire, and par- 
ticularly is it true of great artists, in whom the universe is 
not only reflected (as in the cold glance of the medium), 
but incarnate. I have already mentioned in the case of 
Beethoven such crises of Dionysiac union with the Mother, 
to use one name for the hidden Being whom the heart 
perceives in each earth beat. Moreover, great European 
poetry of the nineteenth century, especially that of the 
English poets of the age of Wordsworth and Shelley, is full 
of such sudden gleams. But no Western poet possessed 
them so strongly or so consciously as Whitman, who col- 
lected all the scattered fires into a brazier, transmuting his 
intuition into a faith faith in his people, faith in the world, 
faith in humanity as a whole. 
How strange it is that this faith was not brought face 
to face with Vivekananda's ! Would he not have been 
struck by so many unexpected similarities : the sentiment, 
so strong in Whitman, so insistent, so persistent of the 
journey of his ego " through trillions " of years and incessant 
" incarnations/' a7 Keeping the record in double column 
17 " How can the real body ever die and be buried ? Of your 
real body it will pass to future spheres, carrying what has accrued 
to it from the moment of birth to that of death." (Starting from 
" The journey of the soul, not life alone, but death, many deaths, 
I wish to sing ..." (Debris on the Shore.) 
The Song of Myself unfolds a magnificent panorama " from the 
summit of the summits of the staircase " : "far away at the bottom, 
enormous original Negation," then the march of the self, " the cycles 
of ages " which ferry it " from one shore to another, rowing, rowing, 
like cheerful boatmen " with the certitude that whatever happens 
they will reach their destination ! 
(" Whether I arrive at the end to-day or in a hundred thousand 
years or in ten millions of years.") 
In the poem : To Think of Time. 
" Something long preparing and formless is arrived and form'd 
in you. 
You are henceforth secure, whatever comes or goes 
The law of promotion and transformation cannot be eluded." 
The Song of Prudence (in Autumn Rivulets) establishes according 
to the Hindu law of Karma that " every move affects the births 
to come " but unfortunately it introduces the word " business " ; 
of profit and loss of each of his previous existences the 
dual self wherein no one god must debase himself before 
the others 28 the net of Maya which he tears asunder 29 
so that through the widened meshes the illuminating face 
of God may shine " Thou orb of many orbs, Thou seething 
principle, Thou well-kept latent germ, Thou centre ! " 30 
the glorious " Song of the Universal " 81 wherein fusion is 
realized by the harmony of antinomies embracing all 
religions, all beliefs and unbeliefs and even the doubts of 
all the souls of the universe, which in India was the very 
mission delegated by Ramakrishna to his disciples 82 his 
" investments for the future " : " the only good ones are charity 
and personal force/' 
Perhaps the most striking of these songs, Faces (in the collec- 
tion : From Noon to the Starry Night) conjures up the most abject 
faces like " muzzles " of a moment, which later shall be removed 
mesh by mesh until the glorious face is revealed ! 
" Do you suppose I could be content with all, if I thought them 
their own finale ? 
" I shall look again in a score or two of ages." 
Finally when he was close upon death, he said : "I receive now 
again of my many translations, from my avatars ascending, while 
others doubtless await me." (Farewell from the Songs of 
28 " The Me myself. ... I believe in you my soul, the other I 
am must not abase itself to you . . . and you must not be abased 
to the other." (Song of Myself.) 
29 His devoted friend, O'Connor, described him as : " The man 
who had torn aside disguises and illusions, and restored to the 
commonest things their divine significance." (Cf. Bucke : Walt 
Whitman, pp. 124-25.) 
30 Dedication. Might this not be culled from a Vedic hymn ? 
31 Birds of Passage. 
32 " I do not despise you priests, all time, the world over 
My faith is the greatest of faiths and the least of faiths. 
Enclosing worship ancient and modern cults and all 
Between ancient and modern . . . 
Peace be to your sceptics, despairing shades . . . 
Among you I can take my place just as well as among 
others. ..." 
(Song cf Myself.) 
" I believe materialism is true and spiritualism is true ..." 
(With Antecedents in Birds of Passage.) 
In the same collection he raises the same protest as Ramakrishna 
against all attempt to found a theory or a new school on him : 
(" I charge that there be no theory or school founded out of me. 
own message that " All is Truth ! " 88 And is it not true 
that they were even alike in some individual characteristics 
such as the high pride which compared itself to God ? 84 
the warrior spirit of the great Kshatriya " the enemy 
of repose," and that of the brother of war, fearing neither 
danger nor death, but calling them rather 36 the worship 
rendered to the Terrible, an interpretation recalling the 
dark yet magnificent confidences of Vivekananda to Sister 
Nivedita during their dream-like pilgrimages in the Him- 
alayas. 88 
At the same time I can see clearly what Vivekananda 
I charge you to leave all free, as I have left all free.") (Myself 
and Mine.) 
Finally, like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, he refused cate- 
gorically to take part in politics, and showed aversion for all social 
action proceeding by exterior means. (Cf. the discourses delivered 
to H. Traubel : With Walt Whitman in Camden, pp. 103 and 216.) 
The only reform he sought was an inner one : " Let each man, of 
whatever class or situation, cultivate and enrich humanity ! " 
"In the collection : From Noon to the Starry Night : All is 
Truth. " I see that there are really ... no lies after all ... and 
that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it." 
14 " Nothing, not God is greater to one than one's self is ... 
I, who am curious about each, am not curious about God . . . 
Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than 
myself . . . 
Why should I wish to see God better than this day ? . . . 
In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own 
face in the glass." 
(Song of Myself.) 
" It is not the earth, it is not America who is so great. 
It is I who am great or to be great . . . 
The whole theory of the universe is directed unerringly to 
one single individual namely to you." 
, (By Blue Ontario's Shore.) 
" " I am the enemy of repose and give the others like for like, 
My words are made of dangerous weapons, full of death. 
I am born of the same elements from which war is born." 
(Drum Taps.) 
i " I take you specially to be mine, your terrible rude forms. 
(Mother, bend down, bend close to me your face.) 
I know not what these plots and wars and determents are 
I know not the fruition of success, but I know that through 
war and crime your work goes on." 
(By Blue Ontario's Shores.) 
Cf. Vivekananda, pp. 306, 345. 
would have disliked in Whitman the ridiculous mixture 
of the New York Herald and the Bhagavadgita, which awoke 
the fine smile of Emerson : his metaphysical journalism, 
his small shopkeeper's wisdom, picked up from dictionaries 
his eccentric affectation of a bearded Narcissus, his 
colossal complacency with regard to himself and his people 
his democratic Americanism, with its childish vanity and 
expansive vulgarity even seeking the limelight ; all these 
must have roused the aristocratic disdain of the great Indian. 
Especially would Vivekananda have had no patience with 
the compromising coquettings of his idealism with the for- 
bidden joys of " metaphysics/' spiritualism and intercourse 
with spirits, etc. . . , 37 
But such differences would not have prevented this 
mighty lover from being drawn to Vivekananda's magnetic 
soul. And, in point of fact, the contact took place later, 
for we have proof that Vivekananda read Leaves of Grass 
in India and that he called Whitman " the Sannyasin of 
America/' 38 thus acknowledging their common parentage. 
87 One of his last poems : Continuities (from the collection, Sands 
at Seventy), is inspired (he himself says so) by a conversation with 
a spirit. He had a firm belief repeated many times in the real 
return of the dead among the quick : 
" The living look upon the corpse with their eyesight, 
But without eyesight lingers a different living and looks curiously 
on the corpse." 
(To Think of Time.) 
" Living beings, identities now doubtless near us in the air that 
we know not of." 
(Starting from Paumanok.) 
He was convinced of the distinction between " a real body " and 
an " excremental body " : 
" The corpse you will leave will be but excrementations. 
(But thou) thy spiritual body, that is eternal . . . will surely 
(Shortly to Die in the collection Whisper of Heavenly Death.) 
" My self discharging my excrementitious body, to be burn'd, or 
render 'd to powder or buried. 
My real body doubtless left to me for other spheres." 
(A Song of Joys.) 
t Cf. the great Life of Vivekananda by his disciples, Vol. Ill, 
p. 199. It was at Lahore towards the end of the year 1897, a short 
time after his return from America, that Vivekananda found a 
copy of Leaves of Grass in the Library of one of his Indian hosts, 
Turtha Ram Goswami (who later went to America under the name 
Is it to be' believed that he did not make this discovery 
until the end of his stay in America, because, during the 
course of it, no mention of the relationship has been pub- 
lished by his disciples in detail ? 
Whatever the truth may be, the spirit of Whitman was 
there, attesting that America was ready to listen to Indian 
thought. It was her forerunner ; the old prophet of 
Camden solemnly announced the arrival of India : 
" To us, my city, 
The Originatress comes, 
The nest of languages, the Bequeather of Poems, the race of 
old ... 
The race of Brahma comes." S9 
He opened his arms to the Pilgrim of India, and confided 
him to America, "the nave of democracy/' 
" The past reposes in thee . . . 
You bring great companions with you. 
Venerable priestly Asia sails with you this day." * 
It is clear then that the Indian biographers of Vivekananda 
have been regrettably remiss in not putting Whitman in 
the front rank of those whose thought did the honours of 
the New World to the stranger guest. 
But having put him in his proper place to Vivekananda 
shoulder to shoulder and even arm-in-arm we must be 
careful not to exaggerate his influence in America. This 
Homer of " En-Masse " 41 did not succeed in conquering 
of Swami Ramtitha, but who was then a professor of mathematics 
at a college in Lahore). He asked leave to take it away to read or 
re-read it : (it is not possible to decide which, from the words of 
the account, and it adds, " He used to call Whitman ' the Sannyasin 
of America.' " But whether this judgment was prior or subsequent 
to that date is impossible to determine). 
89 A Broadway Pageant. 
40 " Thou, Mother with thy equal Brood." 
41 " One's Self I sing, a simple separate person. 
Yet utter the word Democratic, the word : ' En-Masse.' " 
These are the first words of " Inscriptions " at the beginning of 
the book. 
" And mine (my word), a word of the modern, the word En- 
A word of the faith that never balks. ..." 
(Song of Myself.) 
the masses. The annunciator of the great destinies of 
Democracy in America died misunderstood and almost 
unnoticed by the Democrats of the New World. The singer 
of the " Divine mean " 42 was only loved and revered by 
a small group of chosen artists and exceptional men and 
perhaps more in England than in the United States. 
But this is true of almost all real Precursors. And it 
does not make them any the less the true representatives 
of their people that their people ignore them : in them is 
liberated out of due time the profound energies hidden and 
compressed within the human masses : they announce 
them ; sooner or later they come to light. The genius of 
Whitman was the index of the hidden soul sleeping (she 
is not yet wide awake) in the ocean depths of his people 
of the United States. 
48 " O, these equal themes, O divine mean ! (Starting from Pau- 
manok.) He announces for the future, " the Liberty of the divine 
(Journeying through Days of Peace in the collection : From Noon 
to the Starry Night.) 
And his last word, his poem, Good-bye my Fancy ! proclaims 
again : 
" I sing the common mass, the universal army of the mean." 
'THHE whole of the spiritual manifestations that I have 
A just explained in brief (I delegate their deep study 
to the future historian of the new Soul of the West), will 
make it clear that the thought of the United States, thus 
fermenting and working for half a century, was found more 
ready than any in the West to receive Vivekananda. 
Hardly had he begun to preach than men and women 
athirst for his message came flocking to him. They came 
from all parts : from salons and universities, sincere and 
pure Christians and sincere free thinkers and agnostics. 
What struck Vivekananda what strikes us still to-day 
was the existence side by side throughout that young and 
old globe for ever the enigma, 4 the hope and the fear of the 
future, the highest and the most sinister forces ; an immense 
thirst for truth, and an immense thirst for the false ; absolute 
disinterestedness and an unclean worship of gold ; childlike 
sincerity and the charlatanism of the fair. Despite sudden 
outbreaks of passion, to which his hotheaded character was 
prone, Vivekananda was great enough to keep the balance 
between sympathy and antipathy ; he always recognized 
the virtues and the real energy of Anglo-Saxon America. 
In point of fact, although on this soil he founded works 
more enduring than elsewhere in Europe, he never felt the 
earth so solid under his feet as he did later in England. 
But there was nothing great in the new America, which he 
did not handle with respect, which he did not try to under- 
stand, and to hold up to his compatriots as an example to 
be admired, such as economic policy, industrial organization, 
public instruction, museums and art galleries, the progress 
of science, hygienic institutions and social welfare work. 
The blood rose to his head when he compared the magni- 
ficent efforts made with regard to the last of these by the 
United States and the liberality of public expenditure for 
the public good, to the social apathy of his own country. 
For although he was always ready to scourge the hard pride 
of the West, he was still more ready to humiliate that of 
India under the crushing model of Western social work. 
" Ah ! butchers ! " he cried when he came out of a model 
prison for women, where the delinquents were humanely 
treated, as he compared the cruel indifference of the Indians 
towards the poor and weak, unable to help themselves . . . 
" No religion on earth preaches the dignity of humanity in 
such a lofty strain as Hinduism, and no religion on earth 
treads upon the necks of the poor and the low in such a 
fashion as Hinduism . . . Religion is not at fault, but it 
is the Pharisees and Sadducees . . . hypocrites/' 
And so he never ceased to beseech, to stimulate, to harry 
the youth of India : 
" Gird up your loins, my boy ! I am called by the Lord 
to say to you . . . The hope lies in you in the meek, 
the lowly, but the faithful . . . Feel for the miserable and 
look up for help it shall come. I have travelled twelve 
years with this load in my heart and this idea in my head. 
I have gone from door to door of the so-called rich and 
great. With a bleeding heart I have crossed half the world 
to this strange land seeking for help . . . The Lord . . . 
will help me. I may perish of cold and hunger in this land, 
but I bequeath to you, young men, this sympathy, this 
struggle for the poor, the ignorant, the oppressed ... Go 
. . . down on your faces before Him and make a great 
sacrifice, the sacrifice of a whole life for them . . . these 
three hundred millions, going down and down every day 
. . . Glory unto the Lord, we will succeed. Hundreds 
will fall in the struggle hundreds will be ready to take it 
up ... Love and faith. Life is nothing, death is nothing 
. . . Glory unto the Lord march on, the Lord is our 
general. Do not look back to see who falls forward 
onward ! . . ." 
And this magnificent letter, inspired by the spectacle of 
the noble social philanthropy of America, ends on a note 
of hope, which shows that he who could scourge the 
Tartuffes of the Christian faith felt more than any other 
the breath of Amor Caritas animating this faith in its 
sincerity : 
" I am here amongst the children of the Son of Mary, 
and the Lord Jesus will help me." 1 
No, he was never the man to trouble about religious 
barriers. He was later to utter this great truth : 2 
" It is well to be born into a church, but it is terrible to 
die there/' 
To the scandalized outcries of bigots Christian or Hindu 
who felt themselves called upon to guard the closed doors 
of their exclusive faiths so that no infidel might enter, he 
replied : 
" What does it matter if they are Hindus, Mohammedans 
or Christians ? Those who love the Lord can always count 
on my help. Plunge into the fire, my children . . . Every- 
thing will come to you, if you only have faith . . . Let 
each one of us pray day and night for the down-trodden 
millions in India who are held fast by poverty, priestcraft 
and tyranny pray day and night for them ... I am no 
metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am 
poor, I love the poor . . . Who feels (in India) for the two 
hundred millions of men and women sunken for ever in 
poverty and ignorance ? Where is the way out ? . . . 
Who will bring the light to them ? Let these people be 
your God . . . Him I call a Mahatman (great soul) whose 
heart bleeds for the poor ... So long as the millions live 
in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor, who 
having been educated at their expense, pays not the least 
heed to them !..." 
And so he never forgot for a single day the primary idea 
of his mission, the same whose talons had gripped him as 
he travelled across India from the North to the South, from 
the South to the North between the Himalayas and Cape 
Comorin : to save his people, body and soul, (the body 
first ; bread first !) to mobilize the whole world to help him 
1 Life of Vivekananda, Chap. LXXVII. Letter written at the be- 
ginning of his stay in America before the Parliament of Religions. 
He translated the Imitation of Jesus Christ into Bengali and 
wrote a preface to it. 
1 In London (1895). 
Life of Vivekananda, Chap* LXXXIII. Letter to his Indian 
disciples (about 1894-95). 
in his task by widening his appeal until it became the cause 
of the peoples, the cause of the poor and oppressed of the 
whole world. Giving, giving ! Let there be no more talk 
of the hand stretched out for charity falling in pity from 
above. Equality 1 He who receives, gives, and gives as 
much as he receives, if not more. He receives life, he gives 
Life, he gives God. For all the ragged, the dying, the 
miserable people of India are God. Under the pressure of 
the suffering and outrage grinding down the people through- 
out the ages, the wine of the Eternal Spirit flows, ferments 
and is concentrated. Take and drink ! They also can use 
the words of the Sacrament : " For this is My blood." 
They are the Christ of the nations. 
And so in Vivekananda's eyes the task was a double one : 
to take to India the money and goods acquired by Western 
civilization to take to the West the spiritual treasures of 
India. A loyal exchange. A fraternal and mutual help. 
It was not only the material goods of the West that he 
counted, but social and moral goods as well. We have just 
read the cry torn from him by the spirit of humanity which 
a great self-respecting nation felt bound to show even to 
those she had been obliged to condemn. He was seized 
with admiration and emotion by the apparent democratic 
equality inherent in the spectacle of a million of the world 
and its wife elbowing each other in the same tramway. 
But this self-deceived man gave it a greater significance 
than it deserved ; for he did not realize the remorselessness 
of the machine, grinding down all who fell. 4 He therefore 
felt more poignantly the murderous inequality of the castes 
and the outcasts of India : 
4 Later his eyes were opened, dn his second journey to America 
he tore aside the mask : and the social vices and pride of race, of 
faith and of colour appeared in all their nakedness to choke him. 
He, who had said in his beautiful discourse of September 19, 1893, 
at the Parliament of Religions : " Hail Columbia, motherland of 
liberty ! It has been given to thee, who never dipped her hand in 
her neighbour's blood ..." discovered the devouring imperialism 
of the Dollar and was angry that he had been deceived. He said 
to Miss MacLeod, who repeated it to me : 
" So America is just the same 1 So she will not be the instru- 
ment to accomplish the work, but China or Russia " (meaning : the 
realization of the double allied mission of the West and the East). 
289 u 
" India's doom was sealed/' he wrote, " the very day 
they invented the word MLECHCHHA (the non-Hindu, the 
man outside) and stopped from communion with others." 
He preached the primordial necessity " of an organization 
which should teach India mutual aid and understanding," 
after the pattern of Western democracies. 6 
Further, he admired the high intellectual attainments of 
so many American women and the noble use they made of 
their freedom. He compared their emancipation to the 
seclusion of Indian women, and the memory of the hidden 
sufferings of one of his dead sisters made it a labour of love 
for him to work for their emancipation. 6 
No racial pride was allowed to prevent him from stating 
the social superiority of the West in so many points ; 7 for 
he wished his people to profit from it. 
But his pride would accept nothing except on the basis 
of equal return. He was keenly aware that he carried to 
the Western world, caught in the snare of its own demon 
of action and practical reason (he would have said : of 
physical reason), freedom through the spirit, the key of God 
contained in man and possessed by even the most destitute 
of Indians. The belief in man, which he found so highly 
developed in young America, was for him only the first step, 
the point of attack. Far from wishing to lessen it, as is the 
case with some European Christianity, his energy recognized 
in it a younger sister of good birth but so blinded by the 
new sun, that she walked blindly with rash and precipitate 
steps along the edge of the abyss. He believed that he was 
called upon to endow her with sight, to guide her to the 
beyond, the terrace of life from whence she could see God. 
* * * 
In America therefore he undertook a series of apostolic 
campaigns with the object of spreading over this immense 
Letter quoted (1894-95). 
During his second journey part of the money earned by his 
lectures was sent to a foundation of Hindu widows at Baranagore. 
And soon the idea took shape in his mind of sending to India 
Western teachers devoted to the formation of a new intellectual 
generation of Hindu women. 
T " In spirituality the Americans are very inferior to us. But 
their society is very superior to ours." (Letter to his disciples at 
spiritual stretch of fallow land the Vedantic seed and waking 
it with Ramakrishna's rain of love. From the former he 
himself was to select such parts as were appropriate to the 
American public on account of their logical reasoning. He 
had avoided all mention of the latter, his Master, although 
he had preached his word. This omission was due to the 
modesty of passionate love, and even when he decided to 
speak directly of him to several very intimate disciples, 8 he 
forbade them to make this touching action of grace public. 
He quickly shook himself free from Yankee lecturing 
organizations with their fixed itineraries drawn up by 
managers who exploited and embarrassed him by beating 
the big drum as if he were a circus turn. 9 It was at Detroit 
where he stayed for six weeks that he threw off the insuffer- 
able yoke of such binding engagements. He besought his 
friends to have the contract cancelled, though at consider- 
able pecuniary loss. 10 It was at Detroit too that he met 
8 It was in June, 1895, at the Park of the Thousand Isles, on 
the River St. Lawrence, that he seems to have revealed for the 
first time in America to a group of chosen hearers the existence 
of Ramakrishna. And it was on February 24, 1896, at New York 
that he finished a series of lectures by his beautiful discourse : My 
Master. Even then he refused to publish it ; and when on his 
return to India surprise was expressed at his refusal, he replied 
with burning humili ty : 
" I did not allow it to be published as I have done injustice to 
my Master. My Master never condemned anything or anybody. 
But while I was speaking of him I criticized the American people 
for their dollar-worshipping spirit. That day I learnt the lesson 
that I am not yet fit to talk of him." 
(Reminiscences of a disciple, published in the Vedanta Kesari of 
January-February, 1923.) 
9 I have in my hands an advertising prospectus, in which the 
headlines announce him in large tetters to the passers-by as " One 
of the Giants of the Platform/' His portrait is included with 
four inscriptions proclaiming at the four cardinal points that he 
is : " An Orator by Divine Right ; A Model Representative of his 
Race ; A Perfect Master of the English Language ; the Sensation 
of the World's Fair Parliament." The announcement does not 
fail to enumerate his moral and physical advantages, especially his 
physical, his bearing, his height, the colour of his skin and cloth- 
ing with attestations from those who had seen him, heard him 
and tried him. So might an elephant or a patent medicine have 
been described. 
10 From that time he went alone from town to town, at the 
invitation of such or such a society, giving sometimes as many as 
her who, of all his Western disciples, was to be with Sister 
Nivedita (Miss Margaret Noble) the closest to his thought : 
she who took the name of Sister Christine (Miss Green- 
From Detroit he returned to New York at the beginning 
of the winter, 1894. He was at first monopolized by a group 
of rich friends, who were much more interested in him as 
the man of the day than in his message. But he could not 
bear much restraint. He wanted to be alone and his own 
master. He was tired of this kind of steeple-chase which 
allowed nothing lasting to be founded : he decided to form 
a band of disciples and to start a free course. Rich friends 
with their offers to " finance " him made intolerable con- 
ditions : they would have forced him to meet only an 
exclusive society of " the right people/' He was trans- 
ported with rage and cried : 
" Shiva ! Shiva ! Has it ever happened that a great 
work has been grown by the rich ! It is the brain and the 
heart that creates and not the purse. . . ." ll 
Several devoted and comparatively poor students under- 
took the financial responsibility of the work. In an 
" undesirable " quarter some sordid rooms were rented. 
They were unfurnished. One sat where one could he on 
the floor, ten or twelve standing up. Then it was necessary 
to open the door leading to the staircase : people were piled 
up on the steps and landing. Soon he had to think about 
moving into larger quarters. His first course lasted from 
February to June, 1895, 12 and in it he explained the Upani- 
shads. Every day he instructed several chosen disciples 
in the exercise of the double method of rajayoga and jnana- 
yoga the first more especially psycho-physiological, aiming 
at intense concentration through control of the vital energies, 
by the subordination of the organism to the mind, by 
silence imposed on the agitation of inner currents so that 
twelve or fourteen lectures in a week. At the end of a year he 
had visited all the important towns from the Atlantic coast to the 
11 Sister Christine : Unpolished Memoirs. 
11 At the same time he gave another series of public lectures on 
Hindu religion to the Ethical Association of Brooklyn. The pro- 
ceeds enabled him to pay the expenses oi his private classes. 
nothing but the clear voice of the Being 1S might make itself 
heard the second, purely intellectual, and akin to scientific 
reason, seeking the unification of the spirit with the Universal 
Law, the Absolute Reality : the Science-Religion. 
Before June, 1895, he had finished writing his famous 
treatise on Rajayoga, dictated to Miss S. E. Waldo (later 
Sister Haridas), which was to attract the attention of 
American physiologists, like William James, and later to 
rouse the enthusiasm of Tolstoy. 14 In the second part of 
my book I shall speak again of this mystic method, as well 
as of the other chief yogas. It is to be feared that this, 
with its more physiological character, only exercised the 
great attraction it had in America, because she took it in 
its most practical sense, as promising material power. A 
giant with the brain of a child, this people is only interested 
as a rule in ideas which she can turn to her advantage. 
Metaphysics and religion are transmuted into false applied 
sciences, their object being the attainment of power, riches 
and health the kingdom of this world. Nothing could 
hurt Vivekananda more deeply. For all Hindu masters of 
true spirituality, spirituality is an end in itself, their sole 
object is to realize it ; they cannot forgive those who sub- 
ordinate its pursuit to the acquisition of all kinds of power 
over material means ! Vivekananda was particularly bitter 
in his condemnation of what to him was the unpardonable 
sin. But perhaps it would have been better " Not to tempt 
the devil " so to speak but to have led American intelligence 
into other paths at first. He probably realized it himself ; 
for during the following winter his lessons were concerned 
with other yoga. At this time he was still at the experi- 
mental stage. The young njaster was testing his power 
18 India has never had the monopoly of such inner discipline. 
The great Christian mystics of the West both knew and practised 
it. Vivekananda was aware of this fact and often invoked their 
example. But India alone has made of the practice a precise 
science determined by centuries of experiment and open to all 
without distinction of creed. 
14 Cf. in the most recent editions of my Life of Tolstoy, the addi- 
tional chapter : " The Reply of Asia to Tolstoy." Tolstoy came 
to know Vivekananda's Rajayoga in the New York edition of 1896, 
as well as a work dedicated by Vivekananda to Ramakrishna in a 
posthumous edition of 1905, Madras. 
over men of another race ; and he had not yet decided on 
the way he ought to exercise that power. 
It was in the period immediately , after (June- July, 1895), 
during the summer weeks spent among a chosen band of 
devoted souls at the Thousand Islands Park, that Vive- 
kananda definitely decided, according to the evidence of 
Sister Christine, on his plan of action. 15 On a hill near a 
forest above the river St. Lawrence on an estate placed 
generously at the Master's disposal for his exposition of the 
Vedanta, a dozen chosen disciples were gathered together. 
He opened his meditations by a reading from the Gospel 
according to St. John. And for seven weeks, not only did 
he explain the sacred books of India but (a more important 
education from his point of view) he sought to awaken the 
heroic energy of the souls placed in his hands : " liberty/' 
" courage/ 1 " chastity/' " the sin of self-deprecation/' etc. 
Such were some of the themes of his Interviews. 
" Individuality is my motto/' he wrote to Abhayananda, 
"I have no ambition beyond training 'individuals.'" 16 
He said again : 
"HI succeed in my life to help one single man to attain 
freedom, my labours will not have been in vain." 
Following the intuitive method of Ramakrishna, he never 
spoke above the heads of his listeners to the vague entity 
called " the Public " by most orators and preachers ; He 
seemed to address each one separately. For, as he said, 
" one single man contains within himself the whole uni- 
verse." 17 The nucleus of the Cosmos is in each individual. 
Mighty founder of an Order though he was, he remained 
essentially a Sannyasin to the end, 18 and he wished to give 
15 For this vital period at the, Thousand Islands Park the Un- 
published Memoirs of Sister Christine provide information of the 
greatest importance. 
16 Autumn, 1895. 
17 In 1890 at the beginning of his wanderings in India he had 
gone into an ecstasy under a banyan at the edge of a stream where 
the identity of the macrocosm and the microcosm and the whole 
universe contained in an atom had appeared to him. 
18 Ceaselessly he was consumed with a burning desire for the free 
life. " I long, oh I long for my rags, my shaven head, my sleep 
under the trees, and my food from begging ..." (January, 1895.) 
His beautiful Song of the Sannyasin dates from the middle of 
this year, 1895. 
birth to Sannyasins, free men of God. And so his conscious 
and definite object in America was to free certain chosen 
souls and to make them in their turn the sowers of liberty. 
During the summer of 1895 several Western disciples 
responded to his call ; and he initiated several of them. 19 
But they proved themselves later to be of very different 
calibres. Vivekananda does not appear to have possessed 
the eagle glance of Ramakrishna, who, at sight, infallibly 
plunged into the depths of passing souls, unveiling their 
past as well as their future, seeing them naked. The Swami 
gathered chaff and wheat in his wake content to let the 
morrow winnow the grain and scatter the chaff to the winds. 
But among their number he selected some devoted disciples, 
the greatest prize, with the exception of Sister Christine, 
19 Sister Christine has left us portraits, not without humour, of 
the personalities of these first American disciples, disappointing, 
as was only to be expected, though some of them turned out to 
be. Particularly noteworthy are the tumultuous Marie-Louise 
(who took the name of Abhayananda) , a naturalized Frenchwoman 
well known in Socialist circles : the complex and tormented Leon 
Lamsberg (Kripananda), a Russian Jew by birth, a very intelligent 
New York journalist : Stella, an old actress, who sought in the 
Rajayoga the fountain of youth ; the excellent little old man, Dr. 
Wight, with his sweet and modest Antigone, Miss Ruth Ellis, both 
athirst for spirituality. Then there were his disciples and friends 
of the first rank : Miss S. E. Waldo of Brooklyn (later Sister Hari- 
dasi) who has preserved for us in writing Vivekananda's first lecture 
cycle and to whom he accorded (in spring, 1896) the privilege of 
instruction in the theory and practice of Rajayoga : Mrs. Ole Bull, 
the wife of a celebrated Norwegian artist, a friend of Andersen, 
who was one of the most generous donors to Vivekananda's work : 
Miss Josephine MacLeod to whose reminiscences I owe so much : 
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Leggatt of New York : Professor Wright of 
Harvard, the providential friend of Vivekananda's arrival in America. 
Finally comes the one who WEB nearest to his heart, the quiet 
Mary at the feet of her Messiah Miss Greenstidel (Sister Chris- 
tine), who gathered and treasured within herself the spirit of the 
Master, as it was poured out in audible monologues. 
At Grenaker on the coast of Maine for several days he solilo- 
quized in front of Christine without seeming to notice her presence, 
searching for the path and examining all the problems of his life 
point by point from different angles. And at the end, when she 
softly expressed her wonder at the contradictory judgments he 
had expressed, he said : " Don't you understand ? I was thinking 
For Vivekananda, for his own satisfaction, needed to put his 
own inner debates into words. 
being the young Englishman, J. Goodwin, who gave him 
his whole life : from the end of 1895 he was Vivekananda's 
self-appointed secretary, his right hand the Master called 
him, and it is especially to him that we owe the preserva- 
tion of the seed sown in America. 
His stay in the United States was broken from August 
to December, 1895, by a visit to England, of which I shall 
speak later. It was resumed in the winter and lasted until 
the middle of April, 1896. He carried on his Vedantic 
instruction by two series of lectures and by private classes 
in New York ; the first in December, 1895, on the Kar- 
mayoga (the Way of God through work), whose exposition 
is supposed to be his masterpiece, the second in February, 
1896, on Bhaktiyoga (the Way of Love). 
He spoke in all kinds of places in New York, Boston and 
Detroit, before popular audiences, before the Metaphysical 
Society of Hartford, before the Ethical Society of Brooklyn, 
and before students and professors of philosophy at Har- 
vard. 20 At Harvard he was offered the Chair of Oriental 
Philosophy, at Columbia the Chair of Sanskrit. At New 
York under the presidency of Sir Francis Leggatt he 
organized the Vedanta Society, which was to become the 
centre of the Vedantist movement in America. 
His motto was : tolerance and religious universalism. 
The three years of travel in the New World, the perpetual 
contact with the thought and faith of the West, had ripened 
his ideal of a universal religion. But in return his Hindu 
intelligence had received a shock. He felt the necessity of 
a complete and thorough reorganization of the great religious 
and philosophical thought of India if it was to recover its 
conquering force and power to advance and penetrate and 
fertilize the West a view he had already stated in Madras 
in 1893. 21 Its jungle of ideas and interlaced forms required 
to be put in order and its great systems classified round 
several stable pivots of the universal spirit. The apparently 
10 Of particular importance was the lecture he gave at Harvard 
on " The Philosophy of the Vedanta " and the discussion that fol- 
lowed it. (March 25, 1896.) 
11 " The time has come for the propaganda of the faith . . . 
The Hinduism of the Rishis must become dynamic ..." After 
having concentrated on itself for centuries it must come out of 
contradictory conceptions in Indian metaphysics, (the 
Absolute Unity of Advaitism, " mitigated " Unity or 
" modified " Unity and Duality) which clashed even in the 
Upanishads, needed to be reconciled and the bridge built to 
join them to the conceptions of Western metaphysics by 
the establishment of a table of comparison destined to set 
forth all the points of relationship between the profound 
views of the oldest Himalayan philosophy and the principles 
admitted by modern science. He himself wished to write 
this Maximum Testamentum, this Universal Gospel, and he 
urged his Indian disciples to help him in the choice of the 
necessary materials for this reconstruction. He maintained 
that it was a case of translating Hindu thought into Euro- 
pean language, to " make out of Philosophy and intricate 
Mythology and queer startling Psychology, a religion which 
shall be easy, simple, popular, and at the same time meet 
the requirements of the highest minds/' 22 
That such an enterprise was not without the risk of 
changing the authentic design of the age-old tapestry, might 
easily be said and was said by orthodox Hindus and 
European Indianists. But Vivekananda did not believe 
them. He claimed on the contrary that so the great lines 
covered by embroideries falsifying their truth, the original 
and profound essence, would be cleared, and he expressed 
this view on many occasions. 23 
Moreover, for a spirit such as his, religion can never be 
fixed for ever in certain texts, under whatever form they 
may appear. It progressed. If it stopped for a single 
instant it died. His universalist ideal was always in motion. 
It was to be fertilized by the constant union of the East 
and the West, neither of them fixed in one doctrine or one 
81 " The Abstract Advaita must become living poetic in every- 
day life ; out of the hopelessly intricate Mythology must come 
concrete moral forms, and out of bewildering yogism must come 
the most scientific and practical Psychology/' 
11 But I must add that when he returned to India he felt anew 
too forcibly the beauty and the living verity of the mythological 
forms of his people to sacrifice them to any preconceived idea of 
a radical simplification for which he had been perhaps disposed 
in America under the direct pressure of the Western spirit. The 
problem thenceforward was how to harmonize everything without 
renouncing anything. 
point of time, but both living and advancing. And one of 
the objects of the Vedanta Society was to watch that a 
continual interchange of men and ideas took place so that 
the circulation of the blood of thought should be regular 
and bathe the entire body of humanity. 
UNDER the dry and brilliant sky of New York, with 
its electric atmosphere, Vivekananda's genius for 
action burned like a torch in the midst of a world of frenzied 
activity, and consumed him. His expenditure of power in 
thought, writing, and impassioned speech, dangerously 
compromised his health. When he came out of the crowds 
into whom he had infused his enlightened spirit, 1 he longed 
for nothing but " a corner apart and to stay there to die." 
His brief life, already wasted by the illness to which he 
succumbed, was further shortened by the agony of such 
overstrain. He never recovered from it, 2 and it was about 
this time that he felt the approach of death. He actually 
said : 
" My day is done/' 
1 All witnesses agree in attesting to his crushing expenditure of 
force, which at these meetings was communicated to the public like 
an electric charge. Some hearers came out exhausted and had to 
rest for several days as from a nervous shock. Sister Christine 
said : " His power was sometimes overwhelming." He was called 
the " Lightning Orator." In his last session in America he gave 
as many as seventeen lectures in a week, and private classes twice 
a day, and his was no case of abstract and prepared dissertation. 
Every thought was passion, every word was faith. Every lecture 
was a torrential improvisation. 
1 The first symptoms of diabetes (of which he died before his 
fortieth year) appeared during his adolescence when he was 17 
or 18. 
He also had suffered in India from numerous and violent attacks 
of malaria. He had almost died of diphtheria contracted on one of 
his pilgrimages. During the great journey of two years through 
India he had abused his powers, making excessive journeys half 
naked and underfed ; it had happened several times that he had 
fallen fainting for want of food. Then was superimposed the over- 
work in America. 
But the great game and his heroic mission always called 
him back. 
It was thought that a journey to Europe would distract 
him, but wherever he went he always spent himself. He 
stayed three times in England, 8 from September 10 to the 
end of November, 1895, from April to the end of July, 1896, 
from October to December 16, 1896. 
The impression it made on him was even deeper than that 
made by America and much more unexpected. Certainly 
he had nothing to complain of in the latter ; for despite 
antipathies that he came up against and the Vanity Fair 
he was obliged to avoid, he had found there the most delicate 
sympathy, 4 the most devoted helpers and a still virgin soil 
crying aloud to be sown. 
But from the moment that he set foot in the Old World 
he breathed a quite different atmosphere of intellectuality. 
Here was no longer the empty and barbarous aspiration of 
a young people to over-estimate the will, which made it 
fling itself on the yoga of energy the Rajayoga, in order 
to demand of it, even while they deformed it, infantile and 
unhealthy secrets for the conquest of the world. Here the 
labour of a thousand years of thought was to go direct in 
the teachings of India to that which for Vivekananda the 
Advaitist was also the essential : to the methods of Know- 
ledge, to the Jnanayoga. Hence in explaining it he could 
start above the primary class ; for Europe was capable of 
judging it with science and surety. 
Although in the United States, Vivekananda had met 
with certain intellectuals of mark, such as Professor Wright, 
the philosopher William James, 6 and the great electrician 
1 He came through Paris in August, 1895, before going to London. 
But he only gave it a brief glance this first time (visiting museums, 
cathedrals, the tomb of Napoleon), and his dominant impression 
was of an artistic people, admirably gifted. He was to see France 
more at leisure five years later, from July to December, 1900. We 
shall return to this subject again. 
4 One of its expressions which touched hirp most was towards 
the end of 1894 at the close of a lecture on the ideas of Indian 
women, wherein he had rendered pious homage to his mother a 
letter sent to his mother at Christmas by the ladies of Boston. 
1 It was Mrs. Ole Bull who brought Vivekananda and William 
James together. The latter invited the young Swami to visit him 
Nicolas Tesla, 6 who had shown a sympathetic interest 7 in 
him, they were in general novices on the field of Hindu 
and followed with close attention his teaching on Rajayoga. It is 
said that he practised it. 
Vivekananda's disciples tend to believe that their Master exer- 
cised an influence over William James. They quote certain passages 
of American philosophy (Pragmatism), recognizing in Vedantism 
the most logical and extreme of the monist systems, and in Vive- 
kananda the most representative of the Vedantist missionaries. But 
that does not mean that William James had adopted these doctrines 
himself. He was and always remained an observer. Although 
mediocrely endowed for " religious experience " (he acknowledges 
it frankly) he nevertheless has devoted a famous book (a) to it. 
And there is no doubt that Vivekananda contributed indirectly to 
the birth of that book. But James only quotes him by virtue of 
example among many others in his Chapter X on " Mysticism/' 
then twice in the midst of the Indian mystics (quotation from the 
Rajayoga), and lastly at the conclusion of all the witnesses of mysti- 
cism drawn from all countries and all times, thus rendering him 
just homage. (" Practical Vedanta " and the " Real and the 
Apparent Man.") 
It does not seem, however, that James drew as much as he might 
have done from the Swami's experiences, nor that the latter dis- 
covered to him the source of his thought : Ramakrishna (James 
quotes him in passing, carelessly : from Max Miiller's little book). 
The importance of James's book is that it seems to be at the cross- 
roads, where gaps were being made by mighty assaults on all sides 
in the scientific positivism of the last years of the nineteenth cen- 
tury, so naively sure of itself ; the Subconscious of Myers, the 
Relativity which was being rough hewn, Christian Science, the 
Vedantism of Vivekananda. The turning-point of Western thought 
had come, the eve of the discovery of new continents. Viveka- 
nanda played his definite part in the great assault. But others 
even in the West had preceded him. And I think that the previous 
researches of Professor Starbuck in California (the Psychology of 
Religion) and his considerable collection of religious witness had 
inspired William James with the yiea of his book rather than his 
knowledge of the Indian Swami. 
(a) The original work, The Varieties of Religious Experience, 
appeared in New York, June, 1902. James therein reproduced two 
series of lectures given in 1901 and 1902 in Edinburgh. 
6 Nicholas Tesla was especially struck in Vivekananda's teach- 
ing by the cosmogonic Samkhya theory and its relation to the 
modern theories of matter and force. We shall return to this 
7 Vivekananda also met in New York the highest representatives 
of Western science : Sir William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) and 
Professor Helmholtz. But they were Europeans whom the chance 
of an Electricity Congress had brought to America. 
metaphysical speculation with everything to learn, like the 
students of philosophy at Harvard. 
In Europe, Vivekananda was to measure himself against 
the masters of Indology, such as Max Miiller and Paul 
Deussen. The greatness of philosophical and philological 
science in the West was revealed to him in all its patient 
genius and scrupulous honesty. He was touched to the 
depths by it and rendered a more beautiful witness of love 
and veneration to it than any other has done, to his people 
in India, quite ignorant of it, as he himself had been up 
to that time. 
But the discovery of England was to reserve to him an 
emotion of quite a different order. He came as an enemy. 
And he was conquered. On his return to India with superb 
loyalty he was to proclaim it : 
" No one ever landed on English soil with more hatred 
in his heart for a race than I did for the English . . . There 
is none among you . . . who loves the English people more 
than I do now . . ." 
And in a letter from England to an American disciple 
(October 8, 1896) : 
" My ideas about the English have been revolutionized." 8 
He discovered " a nation of heroes : the true Kshatriyas 1 
. . . brave and steady . . . Their education is to hide 
their feelings and never to show them. But with all this 
heroic superstructure there is a deep spring of feeling in the 
English heart. If you once knew how to reach it, he is 
your friend for ever. If he has once an idea put into his 
brain, it never comes out ; and the immense practicality 
and energy of the race makes it sprout up and immediately 
bear fruit . . . They have solved the secret of obedience 
without slavish cringing great freedom with great law- 
abidingness." 9 
A race worthy of envy ! She forces even those whom 
she oppresses to respect her. Even those who are the 
He also said with a touch of irony : 
" I think I am beginning to see the Divine even inside the high 
and mighty Anglo-Indians. I think I am slowly approaching to 
that jstate when I would be able to love the very ' Devil ' himself 
if there were any/' (July 6, 1896.) 
I have composed this paragraph from extracts of the letter of 
1896 and a famous lecture in Calcutta. 
burning consciences of their subjected people and who wish 
to rase her the Ram Mohun Roys, the Vivekanandas, the 
Tagores, the Gandhis are obliged to recognize the great- 
ness of the victor, the legitimacy of the victory and perhaps 
even the utility of loyal collaboration with her. In any 
case if they had to change their conquerors they would not 
choose any other. With all the monstrous abuses of her 
domination she seems the one nation of all the West (and 
I include the whole of Europe and America in that term) 
to offer the greatest scope for the free development of Indian 
But while he admired her, Vivekananda never lost sight 
of his Indian mission. He meant to make use of England's 
greatness in order to realize the spiritual empire of India. 
He was to write : 10 
" The British Empire with all its drawbacks is the greatest 
machine that ever existed for the dissemination of ideas. 
I mean to put my ideas in the centre of this machine and 
they will spread all over the world . . . Spiritual ideas 
have always come from the downtrodden (Jews and Greece)/ 1 
During his first journey to London he was able to write 
to a disciple in Madras : 
" In England my work is really splendid." 
His success had been immediate. The Press expressed 
great admiration for him. The moral figure of Vivekananda 
was compared to those of the highest religious apparitions 
not only to those of his Indian forerunners, Ram Mohun 
Roy and Keshab, but to Buddha and to Christ. 11 He was 
well received in aristocratic circles ; and even the heads of 
the churches showed their sympathy for him. 
During his second visit he opened regular classes of 
Vedantic instruction ; and, eel-tain of an intelligent public, 
he started with the yoga of mind : the Jnanayoga. 12 He 
gave in addition several courses of lectures in the Piccadilly 
Picture Gallery, at Princes' Hall, in clubs, to educational 
societies, at Annie Besant's house, to private circles. He 
10 To Sir Francis Leggatt, July 6, 1896. 
11 Standard, London Daily Chronicle. Cf. also the in 
appeared in the Westminster Gazette. 
11 Five classes a week and on Friday evenings in 
class for open discussion. 
felt the seriousness of his English hearers, in contrast to 
the superficial infatuation of the American public. Less 
brilliant, more conservative, than the Americans, the English 
at first reserved their adherence ; but when they gave it 
did not give it by halves. Vivekananda felt more at his 
ease and trusted them more. He spoke of him whom he 
had always been careful to veil from profane eyes of his 
beloved Master, Ramakrishna. He said with passionate 
humility that " all he was himself came from that single 
source . . . that he had not one infinitesimal thought of 
his own to unfold . . ." And he proclaimed him as " the 
spring of this phase of the earth's religious life." 
It was Ramakrishna who brought him into contact with 
Max Miiller. The old Indian scholar, whose young regard 
followed with an ever fresh curiosity all the palpitations of 
the Hindu religious soul, had already perceived, like the 
Magi of old in the East, the rising star of Ramakrishna. 18 
He was eager to question a direct witness of the new In- 
carnation ; and it was at his request that Vivekananda 
indited his memories of the Master, afterwards used by 
Max Miiller in his little book on Ramakrishna. 14 Vivekan- 
anda was no less attracted by the Mage of Oxford, who, 
from his distant observatory, had announced the passage 
of the great swan 15 through the Bengal sky. He was 
invited to his house on May 28, 1896 ; and the young 
Swami of India bowed before the old sage of Europe, and 
hailed him as a spirit of his race, the reincarnation of an 
ancient Rishi, recalling his first births in the ancient days 
of Vedic India " a soul that is every day realizing its 
oneness with Brahman. . . ." 16 
18 In an article in the Nineteenth Century. " Ramakrishna, a 
true Mahatman." 
14 Vivekananda asked Saradananda to collect data concerning 
15 " Paramahamsa." 
16 For his enthusiasm he wrote at once on June 6, 1896, for the 
Brahmavadin, his Indian journal : 
" I wish I had a hundredth part of that love for my own mother- 
land I ... He has lived and moved in the world of Indian thought 
for fifty years or more ... (It has) coloured his whole being . . . 
He has caught the real soul of the melody of the Vedanta. . . . 
The jeweller alone can understand the worth of jewels. ..." 
And England was to give him still more in the shape of 
perhaps the most beautiful friendships of his life : J. J. 
Goodwin, Margaret Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Sevier. 
I have already mentioned the first of them. He met him 
at the end of 1895 in New York. A good stenographer 
was wanted to take down exactly the lessons of the Swami ; 
and it was not easy to find one of sufficient education. 
Young Goodwin was engaged immediately after his arrival 
from England. He was on trial for a week, and before it 
was over, enlightened by the thought he was transcribing, 
he left all to devote himself to the Master. He refused pay, 
worked night and day, accompanied Vivekananda wherever 
he went and watched over him tenderly. He took the vow 
of Brahmacharya. He gave his life to the Master, in the 
complete sense of the word : for he was to die prematurely 17 
in India, whither he followed the man who had become his 
family, his country, and to whose faith he had given his 
passionate adherence. 
Margaret Noble made no less complete a gift of herself. 
The future will always unite her name of initiation, Sister 
Nivedita, to that of her beloved Master ... as St. Clare is 
to St. Francis . . . (although of a truth the imperious Swami 
was far from possessing the meekness of the Poverello, and 
submitted those who gave themselves to him to heart- 
searching tests before he accepted them. 18 She was the 
young headmistress of a school in London. Vivekananda 
spoke at her school, and she was immediately captivated 
by his charm. 19 But for a long time she struggled against 
17 June 2, 1898. 
18 But her love was so deep that Nivedita does not seem to have 
kept any memory of the harshness from which she had suffered to 
the point of the greatest dejection. She only kept the memory of 
his sweetness. Miss MacLeod tells us : 
" I said to Nivedita : ' He was all energy ' : she replied, ' He was 
all tenderness/ But I replied, ' I never felt it.' ' That was because 
it was not shown to you/ For he was to each person according 
to the nature of each person and his way to the Divine." 
19 She delicately evoked the memory of their first meeting : 
" The time was a cold Sunday afternoon in November and the 
place a West End drawing-room . . . He was seated facing a half- 
circle of listeners with the fire on the hearth behind him. Twilight 
passed into darkness ... He sat amongst us ... as one bring- 
ing us news from a far land, with a curious habit of saying now and 
305 x 
it. She was one of those who came to Vivekananda after 
each lecture with the words : 
" Yes, Swami ... But . . ." 
She argued and resisted, being one of those English souls 
who are hard to overcome, but once conquered, faithful for 
ever. Vivekananda said himself : 
" There are no more trustworthy souls ! " 
She was twenty-eight when she made up her mind to 
place her fate ,in the Swami's hands. He made her go 
to India 20 to devote herself to the education of Hindu 
women ; 21 and he forced her to become a Hindu " to 
Hinduize her thoughts, her conceptions, her habits, and to 
forget even the memory of her own past/ 1 She took the 
vow of Brahmacharya and was the first Western woman to 
be received into an Indian monastic order. We shall find 
her again at Vivekananda's side and she has preserved his 
Interviews, 22 and done more than anyone else to popularize 
his figure in the West. 
The friendship of the Seviers was also marked by the 
same love and absolute confidence, that gives itself once 
and for ever. Mr. Sevier was an old captain of forty-nine. 
Both he and his wife were preoccupied by religious questions, 
and were struck by the thought, words, and personality of 
Vivekananda. Miss MacLeod told me : 
" Coming out of one of his lectures Mr. Sevier asked 
again, ' Shiva 1 Shiva 1 ' and wearing a look of mingled gentleness 
and loftiness . . . (Nivedita compared his look to that of the child 
in the Sistine Madonna) . . . He chanted for us Sanskrit verses 
and Nivedita listened to him, thinking of beautiful Gregorian chants. 
80 The end of January, 1898. 
11 Miss Henrietta Mtiller also. 
81 Notes of some Wanderings with the Swami Vivekananda, by 
Sister Nivedita of Ramakrishna- Vivekananda. Calcutta, Udbodhan 
The chief work dedicated by Nivedita to her Master is : The 
Master as I saw him, being pages from the life of the Swami Vive- 
kananda by his disciple Nivedita. Longmans, Green and Co., London 
and New York, 1910. 
Nivedita has written many works to popularize in the West the 
religious thought, the myths, the legends and the social life of 
India. Several have won a well-merited fame. The Web of Indian 
Life ; Kali the Mother ; Cradle Tales of Hinduism (charming tales 
of Hindu mythology presented in a poetic and popular form) ; 
Myths of the Indo-Aryan Race, etc. 
me, ' You know this young man ? ' ' Is he what he seems ? ' 
' Yes.' ' In that case one must follow him and with him 
find God/ He went and said to his wife, ' Will you let 
me become the Swami's disciple ? ' She replied, ' Yes/ 
She asked him, ' Will you let me become the Swami's 
disciple ? ' He replied with affectionate humour, ' I don't 
know. . . /' 
They became his companions, having realized the whole 
of their small fortune. But Vivekananda was more anxious 
for the future of his old friends than they were for themselves, 
and would not allow them to give all to his work, forcing 
them to keep part for themselves. They looked upon the 
Swami as their own child, and devoted themselves, as we 
shall see, to the building of the Advaita Ashram of which 
he had dreamed in the Himalayas for meditation on the 
impersonal God : for it was Advaitism that had especially 
attracted them in the thought of Vivekananda ; and for 
him also it was the essential. Mr. Sevier was to die in 
1901 in this monastery that he had built. Mrs. Sevier 
survived him as well as Vivekananda. For fifteen years 
she remained the only European woman in this remote 
spot at the foot of mountains inaccessible for long months 
of the year, busying herself with the education of children. 
" And do you not get bored ? " Miss MacLeod asked her. 
" I think of him," (Vivekananda) she replied simply. 
Such admirable friends have not been offered by England 
to Vivekananda alone of Indians. Great Hindus have 
always found among the English their most valiant and 
faithful disciples and helpers. What a Pearson is to Tagore, 
and an Andrews or "Miraben" to Gandhi is well known 
. . . Later when free India reckons up all she has suffered 
from the British Empire and* what she owes to it, such 
holy friendships will more than anything else make the 
balance hesitate, heavy as it is with iniquities. 
But in this land where his word roused such deep re- 
verberations, he did not attempt to found anything, as 
he did in the United States, where the Ramakrishna Mission 
was to grow and multiply. It is believable that the ex- 
planation of one of his American disciples is true, that 
he felt obliged to take into account the high intellectuality 
of England and Europe which required Hindu missionaries 
of a spiritual quality rare among the brethren of Barana- 
gore. 28 But perhaps the terrible fatigue which began to 
weigh on him at times must be taken into account. He 
was tired of the world and the bondage of works. He 
longed for rest. The evil that consumed the walls of his 
body secretly, like the taredo worm, made him for long 
periods quite detached from existence. At such moments 
he refused to construct anything new, declaring that he 
was no organizer. He wrote on August 23, 1896 : 24 
" I have begun the work ; let others work it out 1 So 
you see, to set the work going I had to touch money and 
property for a time. 25 Now I am sure my part of the 
work is done, and I have no more interest in Vedanta, 
or any philosophy in the world or the work itself . . . 
even its religious utility is beginning to pall me ... I am 
getting ready to depart to return no more to this hell, 
the world/' 
A pathetic cry, whose poignancy will be felt by all who 
know the terrible exhaustion of the disease that was wasting 
him ! At other times, on the contrary, it showed itself 
in too great exaltation : the whole universe seemed to 
him the exhilarating toy of a child God, devoid of reason. 26 
But detachment was there just the same in joy or sorrow. 
18 One of them, notwithstanding, Saradananda, whom he sent 
for to London (April, 1896) and later to America, had a solid 
philosophic brain, able to meet European metaphysicians on terms 
of equality. Abhedananda, too, who succeeded him in London 
(October, 1896), was very well received. 
14 From Lucerne. 
26 For where money was concerned he shared the physical repul- 
sion of Ramakrishna. 
16 Cf. the letter of July 6, 1896, to Sir Francis Leggatt, which 
ends in an outpouring of delirious joy : 
" I bless the day I was born. He (the Beloved) is my playful 
darling, I am his playfellow. There is neither rhyme nor reason 
in the Universe I What reason binds Him ? He the playful one 
is playing these tears and laughters over all parts of the play 1 
Great fun, great fun ... A school of romping children let out 
to play in this play-ground of the world 1 Whom to praise, whom 
to blame ? . . . He is brainless, nor has He any reason. He is 
fooling us with little brains and reason, but this time He won't 
find me napping ... I have learnt a thing or two. Beyond, be- 
yond reason and learning and talking is the feeling, the ' Love/ the 
' Beloved/ Aye, ' Sake/ fill up the cup and we will be mad/ 1 
The world was leaving him. The thread of the kite was 
breaking. 27 
* * * 
The affectionate friends who were watching over him 
took him again for rest to Switzerland. He spent most 
of the summer of 1896 there, 28 and he seems to have bene- 
fited greatly in enjoyment of the air from the snows, the 
torrents, and mountains, which reminded him of the Hima- 
layas. 29 It was there in a village at the foot of the Alps, 
between Mont Blanc and the Great St. Bernard, that he 
first conceived the plan of founding in the Himalayas a 
monastery where his Western and Eastern disciples might 
unite. And the Seviers, who were with him, never let the 
idea lapse : it became their life work. 
In his mountain retreat there came a letter from Professor 
Paul Deussen inviting him to visit him at Kiel. To see 
him he shortened his stay in Switzerland and took the 
student path through Heidelberg, Coblenz, Cologne, Berlin : 
for he wished to have a glimpse at least of Germany, and 
her material power and great culture impressed him. I 
have already described in the Jahrbuch of the Schopenhauer 
Gesellschaft 80 his visit to Kiel to the founder of the Schopen- 
hauer Society. His reception was as cordial and their 
relations as animated as might have been expected from 
such an impassioned Vedantist as Paul Deussen, who saw 
in the Vedanta not only " one of the most majestic structures 
and valuable products of the genius of man in his search for 
truth," but "the strongest support of pure morality, and the 
greatest consolation in the sufferings of life and death." 81 
But if Deussen was sensible to his personal charm, his 
spiritual gifts, and the deep knowledge of the Swami, the 
notes in his Journal do not show that he foresaw the great 
17 Cf . the parable of Ramakrishna, quoted earlier. 
88 At Geneva, Montreux, Chillon, Chamonix, the St. Bernard, 
Lucerne, the Rigi, Zermatt, Schaffhausen. 
19 He claimed to discover in Swiss peasant life and its manners 
and customs, resemblances to the mountaineers of Northern India. 
80 1927. According to the memoirs of Mr. Sevier and the notes 
collected in the great Life of Vivekananda. 
81 Lecture given at Bombay on February 25, 1893, before the 
Indian branch of the Royal Atlantic Society. He reminded Vive- 
kananda of these words. 
destiny of his young visitor. In particular he was far 
from imagining the tragic seriousness at the bottom of 
this man outwardly of robust and joyous appearance, but 
whose heart was obsessed by his miserable people, and 
whose flesh was already marked by death. He saw him 
in an hour of relaxation and grateful abandon, happy in 
the presence of the German savant and sage who had done 
so much for the cause of India. This gratitude never 
faded from Vivekananda's mind, and he kept a shining 
remembrance of his days at Kiel, as well as of those at 
Hamburg, Amsterdam and London, when Deussen was his 
companion. 82 Their reflection is preserved in a magnificent 
article in the Brahmavadin wherein Vivekananda later 
reminded his disciples of India's debt to great Europeans, 
who had known how to love and understand her better 
than she knew herself . . . especially to the two greatest, 
Max Muller and Paul Deussen. 83 
He spent another two months in England, seeing Max 
Miiller again, meeting Edward Carpenter, Frederick Myers, 
and Chinese Wilberforce, and delivering a fresh course of 
lectures on the Vedanta, on the Hindu theory of Maya 
and on the Advaita.** But his stay in Europe was drawing 
to a close. The voice of India was calling him back. 
Homesickness attacked him, and the exhausted man, who 
three weeks before had refused with the fury of despair 
to forge fresh chains 8fi for himself and declared that he 
82 Sevier says that Deussen rejoined Vivekananda at Hamburg, 
that they travelled together in Holland, spent three days at Am- 
sterdam, then went to London, where for two weeks they met every 
day. During the same time Vivekananda saw Max Muller again 
at Oxford. " Thus three great minds were conversing with each 
other." <- 
88 See Appendix, Note III. 
84 It is noteworthy that the last lecture, the final word, was con- 
secrated to the Advaita Vedanta (December 10, 1896) : the essential 
85 " I have given up the bondage of iron, the family tie ... I 
am not to take up the golden chain of religious brotherhood. I am 
free, I must always be free, free as the air. As for me I am as 
good as retired. I have played my part in the world ..." 
This was written on August 23, 1896, at Lucerne at the moment 
when he had been rescued from the whirlwind of action, in which 
he had almost gone down breathless. The Swiss air had not yet 
had time to reinvigorate him. 
only desired to escape from the infernal treadmill of life 
and action, flung himself passionately into it, and harnessed 
himself with his own hands again to the mill. For as he 
said to his English friends, when he was taking leave of 
them : 
" It may be that I shall find it good to come out of this 
body and throw it on one side like a worn-out garment. 
But I shall never stop helping humanity ..." 
To work, to serve in this life, in the lives to come, to 
be reborn, ever reborn to serve . . . No, a Vivekananda 
is obliged to " return to this hell ! " For his whole destiny 
and reason for living is simply to return, to return without 
rest, so as to fight the flames of " this hell " and to rescue 
its victims ; for his fate is to burn in it in order to save 
others. . . . 
He left England on December 16, 1896, and travelling 
by Dover, Calais, and the Mont-Cenis, he crowned his stay 
in Europe by a short journey across Italy. He went to 
salute da Vinci's Last Supper at Milan, and was especially 
moved by Rome, which in his imagination held a place 
comparable to Delhi. At every instant he was struck by 
the similarity between the Catholic Liturgy 3fl and Hindu 
ceremonies, being sensible of its magnificence and defending 
its symbolic beauty and emotional appeal to the English 
who were with him. He was profoundly touched by the 
memories of the first Christians and martyrs in the Cata- 
combs, and shared the tender veneration of the Italian 
people for the figures of the infant Christ and the Virgin 
Mother. 87 They never ceased to dwell in his thought, as 
can be seen by many words that I have already quoted 
in India and America. Wheji he was in Switzerland he 
came to a little chapel in the mountains. Having plucked 
flowers he placed them at the feet of the Virgin through 
the hands of Mrs. Sevier, saying : 
" She also is the Mother/ 1 
16 Everything reminded him of India : the tonsure of the priests, 
the sign of the Cross, the incense, the music. He saw in the Holy 
Sacrament a transformation of the Vedic Prasada the offering of 
food to the Gods, after which it is immediately eaten. 
87 He was at Rome for the festival of Christmas. On the Eve 
he had seen at Sta Maria d'Ara Coeli the simple worship of the 
Bambino by the children. 
One of his disciples later had the strange idea to give 
him an image of the Sistine Madonna to bless, but he 
refused in all humility, and piously touching the feet of 
the Child, he said : 
" I would have washed His feet, not with my tears, but 
with my heart's blood/ 1 
It may indeed with truth be said that there was no 
other being so close as he to the Christ. 38 And nobody 
felt more clearly that the great Mediator between God 
and man was called to be the Mediator also between the 
East and the West, since the East recognizes him as his 
own. It was from thence that he came to us. 
On the boat taking him from Europe back to India, 
Vivekananda brooded long over this divine bond of union 
between the two worlds. It was not the only one. There 
was the link traced by the great disinterested men of letters, 
who had found unaided and unguided in the darkness the 
path leading to the most ancient knowledge, to the purest 
Indian spirit. There was the unexpected flame of spirit- 
uality which rose at the first impact of the burning words 
of the Swami from the crowds of men of goodwill in both 
Old and New Worlds ! There was the upspringing of 
generous confidence, of richness of heart (would he have 
thought the same of the New West, the world conqueror 
with its panoply of the sword of reason and the mailed 
fist of force !) manifested through the pure and candid 
11 It was not that Vivekananda was more certain in his historic 
existence than of that of Krishna. A very strange dream that 
he had had on the boat the last night of the year will no doubt 
interest the modern iconoclasts of the historic Christ : An old man 
appeared to him, " Observe carefully this place/' he said, " It is 
the land where Christianity began. I am one of the therapeutic 
Essenes, who lived there. The truths and the idea preached by us 
were presented as the teaching of Jesus. But Jesup the person was 
never born. Various proofs attesting this fact will be brought to 
light when this place is dug up." At this moment (it was mid- 
night) Vivekananda awoke, and asked a sailor where he was : he 
was told that the ship was fifty miles off the isle of Crete. Until 
that day he had never doubted the historical fact of Jesus. But 
for a spirit of his religious intensity, as of Ramakrishna as well, the 
historic reality of God was the least of his realities. God, the fruit 
of the soul of a people, is more real than He who is the fruit of 
the womb of a Virgin. More surely still is He the seed of fire flung 
by the Divine. 
souls who had given themselves to him. There were the 
noble friends, the slaves of love, whom he carried in his 
wake : (two of them, the old Sevier couple, were at his 
side on the same boat ; they were deserting Europe and 
all their past to follow him. . . .) 
Indeed, when he summed up his long pilgrimage of four 
years and the treasures he was carrying to his Indian 
people, spiritual riches, treasures of the soul, were not 
the least from which India was to benefit. But was it 
not more vital and urgent to remedy the misery of India ? 
The urgent help he had gone to get, the handful of corn 
gleaned on the field of the monstrous wealth of the West, 
to save the millions of India from annihilation, the monetary 
help he needed to rebuild the physical and moral health of 
his people was he bringing it to them ? No. In that 
respect his journey had failed. 39 His work had to be taken 
up again on a new basis. India was to be regenerated by 
India. Health was to come from within. 
But for the accomplishment of this Herculean task, 
which he was about to undertake unhesitatingly, the 
journey to the West had given this young hero marked 
by death, as he himself was aware, what he had previously 
lacked authority. 
89 Two years later, in 1899, he still had bouts of despair because 
all his success, all his glory, had not brought him the three hundred 
million rupees necessary for his dream for the material regeneration 
of India. But he had learned by this time that we are not born 
to see success : 
" No rest. I shall die in harness. Life is a battle. Let me live 
and die fighting ! " 
THE news of Vivekananda's success at the Parliament 
of Religions was slow in reaching India, but, once 
it became known, it created an outburst of joy and national 
pride. The news spread throughout the country. The 
monks of Baranagore did not hear of it for six months, and 
had no idea that it was their brother who was the triumphant 
hero of Chicago. A letter from Vivekananda told them 
of it ; and in their joy they recalled the old prophecy of 
Ramakrishna ; " Naren will shake the world to its founda- 
tions/' Rajahs, pandits and peoples rejoiced. India cele- 
brated its conquering champion. Enthusiasm reached its 
height in Madras and Bengal, their tropic imaginations afire. 
On September 5, 1894, a year after the Congress at Chicago, 
a meeting was held in the Town Hall of Calcutta : all classes 
of the population, all sections of Hinduism, were represented ; 
and they had come together to celebrate Vivekananda and 
to thank the American people. A long letter with the 
signatures of famous names was sent to the United States. 
Certain political parties tried to make profit out of Vive- 
kananda's work, but when Vivekananda was warned of this 
he protested emphatically. He refused to take part in any 
movement that was not disinterested. 1 
1 " Let no political significance be ever attached falsely to any of 
my writings or sayings. What nonsense 1 " (September, 1894.) 
" I will have nothing to do with political nonsense. I do not 
believe in politics. God and Truth are the only polity in the world. 
Everything else is trash." (September 9, 1895.) 
His predecessor, Keshab Chunder Sen, had established the same 
line of demarcation between politics and his work. " He was ready 
to join in any public movement which had no political character but 
whose object was the betterment of the fate of the Indian people." 
(Article published by the Hindu Patriot on the occasion of his death 
in 1884.) 
" I do not care for success or non-success. ... I must 
.keep my movement pure or I will have none of it." 
But he had never lost touch with his young disciples in 
Madras, and constantly wrote them inspiring and stimulating 
letters ; he intended them to become God's militia, poor 
and faithful unto death. . . . 
" We are poor, my brothers, we are nobodies ; but such 
have always been the instruments of the Most High." 
His letters from the West laid down their plan of campaign 
in advance " the sole duty to raise the masses of India " 
and to that end " to collect and centralize the scattered 
forces of individuals, to cultivate the virtue of obedience, 
to learn how to work in common for others." He watched 
their progress from afar, he sent them money to found a 
Vedantic tribune, the Brahmavadin of Madras, to fly his 
flag in his absence. And in spite of his weight of weariness 
the nearer he came to the day of his return, the more do 
his Epistles to India sound like clarion calls : 
" There are great things to do. . . . Do not fear, my 
children ! Have courage ! . . . I am coming back to 
India and I shall try to set on foot what there is to be 
done. Work on, brave hearts, the Lord is behind you. 
He announced his intention of founding two general 
headquarters at Madras and Calcutta, and later two more 
in Bombay and Allahabad. Round one central organization 
he would group his brethren in Ramakrishna and his disciples 
and his lieutenants of the West in a Mission of help and 
universal love, which should conquer India and the world 
by serving them. 
Hence he hoped to find his militia ready for his word of 
command on his arrival. But he never expected that the 
whole nation the peoples of India would rise and lie in 
wait for the approach of the vessel bringing back their hero, 
the conqueror of the West . In the great towns committees of 
all sections of society were formed to receive him. Triumphal 
arches were erected, streets and houses were decorated. 
The exaltation was such that many could not await his 
coming, but poured towards the South of India, towards 
his disembarkation in Ceylon, in order to be the first to 
welcome him. 
When he arrived on January 15, 1897, a mighty shout 
arose from the human throng covering the quays of Colombo. 
A multitude flung itself upon him to touch his feet. A 
procession was formed with flags at its head. Religious 
hymns were chanted. Flowers were thrown before his path. 
Rose water or sacred water from the Ganges was sprinkled. 
Incense burned before the houses. Hundreds of visitors, 
rich and poor, brought him offerings. 
And Vivekananda once again recrossed the land of India 
from the South to the North, 2 as he had done formerly as 
a beggar along its roads. But to-day his was a triumphal 
progress with an escort of delirious people. Rajahs pros- 
trated themselves before him or drew his carriage. 8 The 
cannon boomed, and in the exotic processions wherein 
elephants and camels rode, choirs chanted the victory of 
Judas Maccabeus. 4 
He was not the man to flee from triumph any more than 
from battle. He held that not himself but his cause was 
honoured, and he laid public emphasis on the extraordinary 
character of such a national reception to a Sannyasin without 
worldly goods, without name, without home, who carried 
nothing with him but God. He collected his forces in order 
to raise the sacred burden on high. A sick man, who needed 
to nurse his vitality, he made a superhuman expenditure 
of energy. All along the way he scattered his seed to the 
winds in a series of brilliant speeches, the most beautiful 
and heroic India had ever heard, sending a thrill through 
her land. I must stop at this point, for they mark the 
summit of his work. Having returned from his Crusade 
on the other side of the world, he brought with him the 
sum total of his experience i His prolonged contact with 
the West made him feel more deeply the personality of 
India. And in contrast this made him value the strong 
and multiple personality of the West. Both seemed to him 
equally necessary, for they were complementary, awaiting 
1 By Colombo, Kandy, Anuradapura, Jafna, Southern India, 
Pemban, Rameswaram, Ramnad, Madura, Trichinopoli where hun- 
dreds of people in the open country laid themselves on the rails so 
as to stop his train Madras, and from thence by sea to Calcutta. 
The Rajah of Ramnad. 
4 Choruses from Handel (also at Ramnad). 
the word to unite them, the common Gospel, and it was he 
who was to open the path to union. 
* * * 
Moving as were his lectures at Colombo (" India the Holy 
Land, the Vedanta Philosophy "), and the one given in the 
shade of the fig-tree of Anuradapura, where, in spite of a 
mob of Buddhist fanatics, he celebrated " the Universal 
Religion, 1 ' preaching to the people of Rameswaram this 
great word, so closely akin to the teaching of Christ ; 
" Worship Shiva in the poor, the sick and the feeble ! " 6 
with the result that the pious Rajah was transported to a 
delirium of charity it was for Madras that he reserved his 
greatest efforts. Madras had been expecting him for weeks 
in a kind of passionate delirium. She erected for him 
seventeen triumphal arches, presented him with twenty 
Addresses in all the languages of Hindustan, 6 and suspended 
her whole public life at his coming nine days of roaring 
fetes. . . . 
He replied to the frenzied expectancy of the people by 
his Message to India, a conch sounding the resurrection of 
the land of Rama, of Shiva, of Krishna, and calling the 
heroic Spirit, the immortal Atman, to march to war. He 
was a general, explaining his " Plan of Campaign/' 7 and 
calling his people to rise en-masse : 
" My India, arise ! Where us your vital force ? In your 
Immortal Soul. . . . 
" Each nation, like each individual, has one theme in 
this life, which is its centre, the principal note round which 
every other note comes to form the harmony. ... If any 
one nation attempts to throw off its national vitality, the 
direction which has become its own through the trans- 
mission of centuries, that nation dies. ... In one nation 
B The next day he fed thousands of the poor and raised a monu- 
ment of victory. 
6 Besides these Indian Addresses among which was one from 
Vivekananda's sponsor, the Maharajah of Khetri there were Ad- 
dresses from England and America, signed by William James and 
the University authorities of Harvard and Cambridge : that of the 
Society of Brooklyn was addressed " to our Indian brothers of the 
great Aryan family." 
7 " My Plan of Campaign " the title of his first lecture in Madras. 
political power is its vitality, as in England. Artistic life 
in another and so on. In India religious life forms the 
centre, the keynote of the whole music of national life. . . . 
And, therefore, if you succeed in the attempt to throw off 
your ^religion and take up either politics or society . . . 
the result will be that you will become extinct. . . . Social 
reform . . . and politics has to be preached . . . through 
that vitality of your religion. . . . Every man has to make 
his own choice ; so has every nation. We made our choice 
ages ago. . . . And it is the faith in an Immortal soul . . . 
I challenge anyone to give it up. . . . How can you change 
your nature ? " 8 
Do not complain ! Yours is the better part. Make use 
of the power that is in your hands ! It is so great that if 
you only realize it and are worthy of it, you are called to 
revolutionize the world. India is a Ganges of spirituality. 
The material conquests of the Anglo-Saxon races, far from 
being able to dam its current, have helped it. England's 
power has united the nations of the universe, she has opened 
the paths across the seas so that the waves of the spirit of 
India may spread until they have bathed the end of the 
earth. (So, Vivekananda might have added ; for he knew 
its truth the Roman Empire was constructed for the 
victory of Christ. . . .) 
What then is the spirit of India ? What is this new faith, 
this word, that the world is awaiting. . . . ? 
" The other great idea that the world wants from us 
to-day more perhaps the lower classes than the higher, 
more the uneducated than the educated, more the weak 
than the strong is that eternal grand idea of the spiritual 
oneness of the whole universe . . . the only Infinite Reality, 
that exists in you and me and in all, in the self, in the soul. 
The infinite oneness of the Soul is the eternal sanction of 
all morality, that you and I are not only brothers . . . but 
that you and I are really one. . . . Europe wants it to- 
day just as much as our down-trodden races do, and this 
great principle is even now unconsciously forming the 
basis of all the latest social and political aspirations that 
1 Extracts from the Madras lecture : " My Plan of Campaign." 
The passages in inverted commas are quoted exactly. The others 
are summarized and condense the arguments of the discourse. 
are coming up in England, in Germany, in France and in 
America." 9 
' Moreover, this is the foundation of the old Vedantic faith, 
of the great Advaitism, the deepest and purest expression 
of the ancient spirit of India. . . . 
" I heard once the complaint made that I was preaching 
too much of Advaita (absolute Monism) and too little of 
Dualism. Aye, I know what grandeur, what oceans of 
love, what infinite ecstatic blessings and joy there are in 
the dualistic . . . religion. I know it all. But this is not 
the time with us to weep, even in joy ; we have had weeping 
enough ; no more is this the time for us to become soft. 
This softness has been with us till we have become like 
masses of cotton. . . . What our country now wants are 
muscles of iron and nerves of steel, gigantic wills, which 
nothing can resist, which . . . will accomplish their purpose 
in any fashion, even if it meant going down to the bottom 
of the ocean and meeting death face to face. That is what 
we want, and that can only be created, established, and 
strengthened, by understanding and realizing the ideal of 
the Advaita, that ideal of the oneness of all. Faith, faith, 
faith in ourselves. ... If you have faith in the three 
hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods, and 
in all the gods which foreigners . . . have introduced into 
your midst, and still have no faith in yourselves, there is 
no salvation for you. Have faith in yourselves and stand 
up on that faith. . . . Why is it that we, three hundred 
and thirty millions of people, have been ruled for the last 
thousand years by any and every handful of foreigners ? . . . 
Because they had faith in themselves and we had not. . . . 
I read in the newspapers how when one of our poor fellows 
is murdered or ill-treated by in Englishman, howls go all 
over the country ; I read and I weep, and the next moment 
comes to my mind who is responsible for it all. . . . Not 
the English ... it is we who are responsible for all our . . . 
degradation. Our aristocratic ancestors went on treading 
the common masses of our country under foot, till they 
became helpless, till under this torment the poor, poor 
people nearly forgot that they were human beings. They 
9 " The Vedanta in its application to Indian Life." Extracts 
from lecture. 
have been compelled to be merely hewers of wood and 
drawers of water for centuries, so ... that they are made 
to believe that they are born as slaves, born as hewers of 
wood and drawers of water/' 10 
" Feel therefore, my would-be reformers, my would-be 
patriots ! Do you feel ? Do you feel that millions and 
millions of the descendants of gods and of sages have become 
next door neighbours to brutes ? Do you feel that millions 
are starving to-day, and millions have been starving for 
ages ? Do you feel that ignorance has come over the land 
as a dark cloud ? Does it make you restless ? Does it 
make you sleepless ? . . . Has it made you almost mad ? 
Are you seized with that one idea of the misery of ruin, 
and have you forgotten all about your name, your fame, 
your wives, your children, your property, even your own 
bodies ! . . . That is the first step to become a patriot ! . . . 
For centuries people have been taught theories of degradation. 
They have been told that they are nothing. The masses 
have been told all over the world that they are not human 
beings. They have been so frightened for centuries till they 
have nearly become animals. Never were they allowed to 
hear of the Atman. Let them hear of the Atman that 
even the lowest of the low have the Atman within, which 
never dies and never is born him whom the sword cannot 
pierce, nor the fire burn, nor the air dry, immortal, without 
beginning or end, the all pure, omnipotent and omnipresent 
Atman. . . ." n 
" Aye, let every man and woman and child, without 
respect of caste or birth, weakness or strength, hear and 
learn that behind the strong and the weak, behind the high 
and the low, behind every one, there is that Infinite Soul, 
assuring the infinite possibility and the infinite capacity of 
all to become great and good. Let us proclaim to every 
soul . . . Arise, awake, and sleep not till the goal is reached. 
Arise, awake ! Awake from this hypnotism of weakness. 
None is really weak ! the soul is infinite, omnipotent, and 
omniscient. Stand up, assert yourself, proclaim the God 
within you, do not deny him ! . . ." 
" It is a man-making religion that we want. ... It is 
10 " The Vedanta in its application to Indian Life. 11 
11 " My Plan of Campaign/' 
man-making education all round that we want. It is man- 
.making theories that we want. And here is the test of 
truth anything that makes you weak physically, intel- 
lectually and spiritually, reject as poison, there is no life 
in it, it cannot be true. Truth is strengthening. Truth is 
purity, truth is all-knowledge . . . truth must be strengthen- 
ing, must be enlightening, must be invigorating. . . . Give 
up these weakening mysticisms, and be strong . . . the 
greatest truths are the simplest things in the world, simple 
as your own existence. . . ." 12 
" Therefore . . . my plan is to start institutions in India 
to train our young men as preachers of the truths of our 
scriptures in India and outside India. Men, men, these 
are wanted : everything else will be ready, but strong, 
vigorous, believing young men, sincere to the backbone, 
are wanted. A hundred such and the world becomes 
revolutionized. The will is stronger than anything else. 
Everything must go down before the will, for that comes 
from God . . . ; a pure and strong will is omnipotent. . . ." 18 
" If the Brahmin has more aptitude for learning on the 
ground of heredity than the Pariah, spend no more money 
on the Brahmin's education, but spend all on the Pariah. 
Give to the weak, for there all the gift is needed. If the 
Brahmin is born clever, he can educate himself without 
help. . . . This is justice and reason as I understand it." 14 
" For the next fifty years ... let all other vain Gods 
disappear for that time from our minds. This is the only 
God that is awake, our own race, everywhere His hands, 
everywhere His feet, everywhere His ears, He covers every- 
thing. All other Gods are sleeping. What vain Gods shall 
we go after and yet cannot wprship the God that we see 
all around us, the Virat. . . . The first of all worship is 
the worship of the Virat of those all around us. ... These 
are all our Gods, men and animals, and the first gods we 
have to worship are our own countrymen. . . ." 16 
* * * 
Imagine the thunderous reverberations of these words. 
The reader almost says with the Indian masses and with 
Vivekananda himself : 
11 " The Vedanta in its application to Indian Life." 
11 " My Plan of Campaign." " Ibid. " " The Future of India." 
321 Y 
" Shiva .... Shiva ! " 
The storm passed ; it scattered its cataracts of water 
and fire over the plain, and its formidable appeal to the 
Force of the Soul, to the God sleeping in man and His 
illimitable possibilities ! I can see the Mage erect, his arm 
raised, like Jesus above the tomb of Lazarus in Rembrandt's 
engraving : with energy flowing from his gesture of com- 
mand to raise the dead and bring him to life. . . . 
Did the dead arise ? Did India, thrilling to the sound 
of his words, reply to the hope of her herald ? Was her 
noisy enthusiasm translated into deeds ? At the time 
nearly all this flame seemed to have been lost in smoke. 
Two years afterwards Vivekananda declared bitterly that 
the harvest of young men necessary for his army had not 
come from India. It is impossible to change in a moment 
the habits of a people buried in a Dream, enslaved by preju- 
dice, and allowing themselves to fail under the weight of 
the slightest effort. But the Master's rough scourge made 
her turn for the first time in her sleep, and for the first time 
the heroic trumpet pierced through her dream, the Forward 
March of India conscious of her God. She never forgot it. 
From that day the awakening of the torpid Colossus began. 
If the generation that followed saw, three years after Vive- 
kananda's death, the revolt of Bengal, the prelude to the 
great movement of Tilak and Gandhi ; if India to-day has 
definitely taken part in the collective action of organized 
masses, it is due to the initial shock, to the mighty : 
" Lazarus, come forth ! " 
of the Message from Madras. 
This message of energy ha/i a double meaning : a national 
and a universal. Although, for the great monk of the 
Advaita, it was the universal meaning that predominated, 
it was the other that revived the sinews of India. For she 
replied to the urge of the fever which has taken possession 
of the world at this moment of history the fatal urge of 
Nationalism, whose monstrous effects we see to-day. It 
was, therefore, at its very inception fraught with danger. 
There was ground for fearing that its high spirituality would 
be twisted to the profit of a purely animal pride in race or 
nation, with all its stupid ferocities. We know the danger, 
we who have seen too many of such ideals however pure 
.they may have been employed in the service of the most 
dirty national passions ! But how else was it possible to 
bring about within the disorganized Indian masses a sense 
of human Unity, without first making them feel such unity 
within the bounds of their own nation ? The one is the 
way to the other. All the same I should have preferred 
another way, a more arduous way, but a more direct, for 
I know too well that the great majority of those who pass 
through the nation stage remain there. They have spent 
all their powers of faith and love on the way. . . . But 
such was not the intention of Vivekananda, who, like Gandhi 
in this, only thought of the awakening of India in relation 
to its service for humanity. Yet a Vivekananda, more 
cautious than a Gandhi, would have disavowed the desperate 
effort of the latter to make the religious spirit dominate 
political action : for on every occasion as we have already 
seen in his letters from America, he placed a naked sword 
between himself and politics. . . . " Noli me tangere" 
" I will have nothing to do with the nonsense of politics." 
But a Vivekananda would have always had to take into 
account his temperament as well as his spirit : and the 
proud Indian, who so often fell foul of the exactions or the 
stupid insults of the conquering Anglo-Saxons, reacted with 
a violence, which would have made him in spite of himself 
take part in the dangerous passions of nationalism, although 
condemned by his faith. This inner combat was to last 
until the crisis of the early days of October, 1898, when, 
having withdrawn alone in Kashmir to a sanctuary of Kali 
(he was then the prey of a flood of emotion caused by the 
sufferings and the devastation oi India 16 ), he came out trans- 
figured and said to Nivedita : 
" All my patriotism is gone ... I have been wrong . . . 
Mother (Kali) said to me, ' What, even if unbelievers should 
enter My temples and defile My images 1 What is that 
to you ? Do you protect Me ? Or do I protect you ? ' 
16 The sight of a mass of ruins, the result of the wars. He thought 
to himself : " How can such things be allowed. If I had been there 
I would have given my life to protect my Mother." Several days 
before his national pride had been roused by a brutal abuse of 
English power. 
So there is no more patriotism. I am only a little 
child ! " 
But through the tumult of the flood, the noise of the 
cataract of his Madras discourses, the people were incapable 
of hearing the disdainful words and serene voice of Kali, 
curbing human pride. The people were carried away by 
the exhilaration and fury of the current. 
A REAL leader of men does not omit the smallest detail. 
Vivekananda knew that if he were to lead the peoples 
to the conquest of an ideal, it was not enough to inflame 
their ardour ; he had to enrol them in a spiritual militia. 
The chosen few must be presented to the people as types 
of the new man ; for their very existence was the pledge of 
the order that was to be. 
That is why Vivekananda, as soon as he was free from his 
triumphs in Madras and Calcutta, 1 immediately turned his 
attention to his monastery of Alumbazar. 2 
It was with difficulty that he raised his gurubhais 8 to 
the level of his own thoughts ! The great bird of passage 
had flown over the world, and his glance had measured vast 
horizons, while they had remained piously at home and 
kept their timorous ways. They loved their great brother, 
but they hardly recognized him. They could not under- 
stand the new ideal of social and national service which fired 
him. It was painful to them to sacrifice their orthodox 
1 At Calcutta his reception was no less magnificent than at Madras 
with triumphal arches and unharnessed carriage dragged by en- 
thusiastic students in the midst of processions of samkirtans, songs 
and dances, while a princely residence was placed at his disposal. 
On February 28, 1897, there was a presentation to the victor of an 
Address of Welcome from the city before an audience of 5,000, 
followed by patriotic discourses from Vivekananda : a fresh pane- 
gyric of energy in the name of the Upanishads and the repudiation 
of all debilitating doctrines and practices. 
8 Ramakrishna's monks had betaken themselves in 1892 from 
Baranagore to Alumbazar near Dakshineswar, Ramakrishna's sanc- 
tuary. Several had come to meet Vivekananda at Colombo : Sada- 
nanda, his first disciple, had traversed the whole of India to be the 
"first to welcome him. 
8 His brother monks. 
prejudices, and their religious individualism, their free and 
quiet life of peaceful meditation ; and in all sincerity it 
was easy for them to find holy reasons in support of their 
devout egoism. They even invoked the example of their 
Master, Ramakrishna, and his detachment from the world. 
But Vivekananda claimed to be the true depository of 
Ramakrishna's most profound thought. In his ringing 
discourses at Madras and Calcutta 4 he had spoken con- 
stantly in the name of Ramakrishna : " My Master, my 
ideal, my hero, my God in this life." He claimed to be the 
voice of the Paramahamsa, and went so far as to refuse the 
merit of all initiative, of all new thought, and to claim that 
he was merely a faithful steward, exactly carrying out his 
Master's orders : 
" If there has been anything achieved by me, by my 
thoughts or words, or deeds, if from my lips has ever fallen 
one word that has helped anyone in the world, I lay no 
claim to it ; it was his. ... All that has been weak has 
been mine, and all that has been life-giving, strengthening, 
pure and holy has been his inspiration, his word and he 
The two Ramakrishnas the one whose outspread wings 
had brooded over the disciples left behind in the dovecote 
and the other who, carried on those same wings, had covered 
the world in the shape of his great disciple were bound to 
come into conflict. But the victory was never in doubt : 
it was a foregone conclusion, not only on account of the 
immense ascendancy of the young conqueror, the superiority 
of his genius and the prestige of India's acclamation, but 
on account of the love his brethren bore him and that 
Ramakrishna had shown for him. He was the Master's 
So they obeyed the orders Vivekananda imposed upon them 
without always agreeing with them from the bottom of 
their hearts. He forced his brethren to receive the European 
disciples into their community, and to take up the mission 
of service and social help. He sternly forbade them to 
think any longer of themselves and their own salvation. 
He came, so he declared, to create a new order of Sannyasins, 
4 Lectures on the " Sages of India " (Madras) and on the " Vedanta 
in all its Phases " (Calcutta). 
' who would go down into hell, if need be, to save others. 6 
There had been enough of the sterile God of solitary prayers ! 
'Let them worship the Living God, the Coming God, the 
Virat, dwelling in all living souls. And let " the lion of 
Brahmin " sleeping in the heart of each man awake at 
their call. 6 
So urgent was the tone of the young Master's injunctions 
that the excellent brothers, of whom several were his elders, 
obeyed perhaps before they really believed him. 7 The first 
to set the example of leaving the monastic home was just 
the one who felt his departure the most, for he had never 
left it for a single day in twelve years : Ramakrishnananda. 
He went to Madras and founded a centre for the propagation 
of Vedantic principles in Southern India. Then Saradananda 
and Abhedananda left, followed by him, who was most 
deeply penetrated with the spirit of Service, Akhandananda 
(Gangadhar). He went to Murchidabad, where famine was 
raging, and devoted himself to the relief of the victims. 8 
Different paths of Service (Sevashramas) on behalf of the 
great Indian community were tried haphazard at first. 
But Vivekananda was feverishly anxious that order and 
plan should be established once and for all. There was not 
a day to lose. The superhuman expenditure of strength 
that he had had to make during the first months of his return 
to India in stirring the masses, had brought on a severe 
attack of his disease. During the spring of the same year 
he had been forced to retire twice into the mountains for 
rest to Darjeeling the first time for several weeks and to 
Almora the second time (from May 6 to the end of July) 
for two and a half months. 
* He added this theological argument : "To think of his libera- 
tion is unworthy of the disciple of an Avatar " (of a Divine Incar- 
nation, as Ramakrishna was in their eyes) : for his liberation is 
secured by that fact alone. (Such an argument, though perhaps 
effective for the weak, diminishes the cost of the devotional act in 
our eyes.) 
Words spoken by Vivekananda at the ceremony of initiation 
of four young disciples. 
7 We shall see later in a pathetic scene the objections that they 
never ceased to raise. 
8 It was he who in 1894 had been so moved by Vivekananda's 
words that he had begun his work of service by going to Khetri 
to undertake the education of the masses. 
In the interval he had had sufficient energy to found the 
new Order, the Ramakrishna Mission, which lives and carries 
on his work to this day. 
* * * 
On May I, 1897, all Ramakrishna' s monastic and lay 
disciples were summoned to Calcutta to the home of one of 
their number, Balaram. Vivekananda spoke as the master. 
He said that without strict organization nothing lasting 
could be established. In a country like India it was not 
wise to begin such an organization on the republican system, 
wherein each had an equal voice and where decisions were 
according to the vote of a majority. It would be high time 
for that when the members had learned to subordinate 
their interests and their particular prejudices to the public 
weal. What they wanted for the time being was a dictator. 
Moreover, he himself was only acting in the capacity of a 
servant of the common Master in nomine et in signo Rama- 
krishna as were they all. 
The following resolutions were passed at his instigation : 9 
1. An association is to be founded under the name of 
the Ramakrishna Mission. 
2. Its aim is to preach the truths which Ramakrishna, 
for the good of humanity, preached and taught by the 
practice of his own life, and to help others to put them into 
practice in their lives for their temporal, intellectual and 
spiritual progress. 
3. Its duty is to direct in a fitting spirit the activities of 
this movement, inaugurated by Ramakrishna "for the 
establishment of fellowship among the followers of different 
religions, knowing them all to be only so many forms of one 
undying eternal religion/' 
4. Its methods of action Ire : I. " To train men so as to 
make them competent to teach such knowledge or sciences as 
are conducive to the material and spiritual welfare of the masses. 
II. To promote and encourage arts and industries." III. To 
introduce and to spread among the people in general 
Vedantic and other religious ideas as elucidated in the life 
of Ramakrishna. 
5. It was to have two branches of action : the first to 
I have thought it sufficient to give a summary. I have itali- 
cized the passages which are of most interest to Western minds. 
'be Indian : Maths (monasteries) and Ashrams (convents 
for retreat) were to be established in different parts of 
'India for the education of Sannyasins and lay brethren 
(heads of families) " as may be willing to devote their lives to 
the teaching of others " : the second foreign : it was to send 
members of the order into countries outside India for the 
foundation of spiritual centres, and "for creating a close 
relationship and a spirit of mutual help and sympathy between 
the foreign and the Indian centres" 
6. " The aim and ideals of the Mission being purely 
spiritual and humanitarian, it should have no connection with 
The definitely social, humanitarian and " panhuman " 
apostolic nature of the Order founded by Vivekananda is 
obvious. Instead of opposing, as do most religions, faith to 
reason and the stress and necessity of modern life, it was 
to take its place with science in the front rank ; it was to 
co-operate with progress, material as well as spiritual, and 
to encourage arts and industries. But its real object was 
the good of the masses. It laid down that the essence of 
its faith was the establishment of brotherhood among the 
different religions, since their harmony constituted the 
Eternal Religion. The whole was under the aegis of Rama- 
krishna, whose great heart had embraced all mankind within 
its love. 
" The sacred swan " had taken its flight. The first 
stroke of his wings overspread the whole earth. If the 
reader wishes to observe in the spirit of the founder the 
dream of this full flight, he will find it in the visionary 
interview between Vivekananda and Sarat Chandra Chak- 
ravarti. 10 
For the moment the next bifsiness was the election of the 
heads. Vivekananda, the General President, made Brah- 
mananda and Yogananda President and Vice-President of 
the Calcutta centre, and they were to meet every Sunday 
at Balaram's house. 11 Vivekananda then without further 
10 In November, 1898, at Belur. 
11 This condition lasted two years. In April, 1898, the building 
of the central Math of the Order was begun at Belur near Calcutta. 
The dedication took place on December 9 of the same year, and the 
final occupation on January 2, 1899. The Association divided into 
delay inaugurated the twofold task of public Service and 
Vedantic teaching. 12 
* * * 
The monks, though they obeyed him, found it difficult 
to follow him, and occasionally very lively debates took 
place between them, although these were always of a fra- 
ternal character. Vivekananda's passion and humour were 
not always under control, for both were over-excited by his 
latent malady ; and sometimes those who contradicted him 
felt the scratch of his claws. But they took it all in good 
part ; for such was only " King's play." 18 Both sides were 
assured of their mutual devotion. 
At times they were still seized with longing for their 
contemplative life and for their Ramakrishna, the King of 
Ecstasy. They would have felt it sweet to turn the Rama- 
krishna Mission again into a cult of the Temple with its 
contemplative inaction. But Vivekananda roughly shat- 
tered their dream. 
" Do you want to shut Sri Ramakrishna up within your 
own limits ? . . . Sri Ramakrishna is far greater than what 
his disciples understand him to be. 14 He is the embodiment 
two twin institutions, with a considerable difference between them : 
for the first, the Ramakrishna Math, is a purely monastic body with 
its Maths and Ashrams ; its legal status was established during 
1899 ; it is vowed to the maintenance and the diffusion of the 
Universal Religion : the second institution is the Ramakrishna 
Mission, which exercises jurisdiction over all works of public utility, 
both philanthropic and charitable : it is open to laymen as well 
as to religious, and is under the government of administrators and 
the President of the Math. It was legally registered in April, 1909, 
after Vivekananda's death. The two organizations are at once 
akin, allied, and yet separate. In later pages of this volume we 
shall devote a chapter to the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, and 
its development up to the present time. 
11 He himself gave lessons to the brethren, and instituted dis- 
cussions upon the Vedanta. Here again, in spite of his learned 
attachment to the ancient doctrines, he showed the breadth of his 
mind ; he called the division between Aryans and " Gentiles " 
ignorance. He loved to see in a Max Muller a reincarnation of 
some ancient commentator on the Vedas. 
11 Allusion to one of La Fontaine's fables. 
14 Vivekananda was right not to allow this pious egotism and 
contemplative idleness to claim Ramakrishna as an example. It 
must be remembered that Ramakrishna himself often strove against 
his ecstatic leanings, which prevented him from giving adequate 
of infinite spiritual ideas capable of development in infinite 
ways. One glance of his gracious eyes can create a hundred 
1 thousand Vivekananda's at this instant. I shall scatter his 
ideas broadcast over the world. . . /'* 
For dear as Ramakrishna the man was to him, his word 
was still more precious. He had no intention of raising an 
altar to a new God, 15 but of shedding on mankind the manna 
of his thought thought that first and foremost was to be 
expressed in action. " Religion, if it is a true religion, must 
be practical/' 16 Moreover, in his eyes the best form of 
" religion " was "to see Shiva in all living men, and especially 
in the poor/' He would have liked everyone each day to 
take a hungry Narayana, or a lame Narayana, or a blind 
Narayana, or six or twelve, as their means permitted, into 
their own houses, there to feed them and to offer them the 
same worship which they would give to Shiva or to Vishnu 
in the temple. 17 
Moreover, he took great care lest sentimentalism in some 
form or another should creep in, for he detested all forms 
of it. A sentimental trend of mind was only too prone to 
expand in Bengal, where its result had been to stifle virility. 
Vivekananda was adamant on the subject, all the more 
bitterly because (the following scene gives pathetic evidence 
of this fact) he had had to drag it out of himself as well as 
others before he could begin his work. 
One day one of his brother monks reproached him jest- 
ingly for having introduced into Ramakrishna's ecstatic 
teaching Western ideas of organization, action and service, 
of which Ramakrishna had not approved. Vivekananda 
help to others. One of his praters was, " Let me be born again 
and again, even in the shape of a dog, if so I can be of use to one 
single soul ! . . ." 
16 " I was not born to create a new sect in this world, too full 
of sects already." These were the very words of Ramakrishna. 
16 This was the theme of his lectures in the Punjab, October- 
November, 1897. 
17 Public lecture at Lahore. There was no question of charity 
in the European sense " Here, take this and go away " an entire 
misconception which had a bad effect alike on the giver and the 
receiver. Vivekananda repudiated it. "In the religion of Ser- 
vice," such as he conceived it, " the receiver is greater than the 
giver " ; because for the time being the receiver was God Himself. 
retorted ironically at first, and with rather rough humour 
to his antagonist and through him to the other hearers 
(for he felt that they were in sympathy with the speaker) : 
" What do you know ? You are an ignorant man. . . . 
Your study ended like that of Prahlada at seeing the first 
Bengali alphabet, Ka, for it reminded Prahlada of Krishna : 
and he could not proceed further because of the tears that 
came into his eyes. . . . You are sentimental fools ! What 
do you understand of religion ? You are only good at 
praying with folded hands : ' O Lord ! how beautiful is 
Your nose ! How sweet are Your eyes ! ' and all such 
nonsense . . . and you think your salvation is secured and 
Sri Ramakrishna will come at the final hour and take you 
by the hand to the highest heaven. . . . Study, public 
preaching, and doing humanitarian works are, according to 
you, Maya ! Because he said to someone, ' Seek and find 
God first ; doing good in the world is a presumption ! ' . . . 
As if God is such an easy thing to be achieved ! As if He 
is such a fool as to make Himself a plaything in the hands 
of an imbecile ! " 
Then suddenly he declared : 
"You think you have understood Sri Ramakrishna better 
than myself ! You think Jnanam is dry knowledge to be 
attained by a desert path, killing out the tenderest faculties 
of the heart ! Your Bhakti is sentimental nonsense, which 
makes one impotent. You want to preach Ramakrishna 
as you have understood him, which is mighty little 1 ... 
Hands off 1 Who cares foiyour Ramakrishna ? Who cares 
for your Bhakti and Mukti ? Who cares what the Scriptures 
say ? I will go into a thousand hells cheerfully, if I can 
rouse my countrymen, immersed in Tamas, to stand on 
their own feet and be men inspired with the spirit of Karma- 
yoga. ... I am not a follower of Ramakrishna, or anyone, 
I am a follower of him only who serves and helps others, 
without caring for his own Bhakti or Mukti 1 " 
His face was on fire, says a witness, his eyes flashed, his 
voice was choked, his body shaken and trembling. Sud- 
denly he fled to his own room. The others, completely 
overwhelmed, remained silent. After a few minutes one or 
two of them went and looked into his room. Vivekananda 
was deep in meditation. They waited in silence. ... An 
hour afterwards Vivekananda returned. His features still 
bore the traces of the violent storm, but he had recovered 
'his calm. He said softly : 
" When one attains Bhakti one's heart and nerves become 
so soft and delicate that they cannot bear even the touch 
of a flower ! Do you know that I cannot even read a novel 
nowadays 1 I cannot think or talk of Sri Ramakrishna long, 
without being overwhelmed. So I am trying and trying 
always to keep down the welling rush of Bhakti within me. 
I am trying to bind and bind myself with the iron chains 
of Jnanam t for still my work to my motherland is unfinished, 
and my message to the world not yet fully delivered. So, 
as soon as I find that Bhakti feelings are trying to come up 
and sweep me off my feet, I give a hard knock to them and 
make myself as firm and adamant by bringing up austere 
Jnanam. Oh, I have work to do ! I am a slave of Rama- 
krishna, who left His work to be done by me and will not 
give me rest till I have finished it ! ... Oh, His love for 
me ! . . ." 
He was again unable to proceed from emotion. Yogananda 
thereupon tried to distract his thoughts, for they feared a 
fresh outburst. 18 
From that day onwards there was never a word of protest 
against Vivekananda's methods. What could they object 
to him that he had not already thought himself ? They 
had read to the depths of his great tortured soul. 
Every mission is dramatic, for it is accomplished at the 
expense of him who receives it, at the expense of one part 
of his nature, of his rest, of his health, often of his deepest 
aspirations. Vivekananda shared his countrymen's nature 
with their vision of God, their need to flee from life and the 
world as wandering monks, either for meditation, for study, 
or driven by the ecstasy of love, to the everlasting flight 
of the unattached soul, which has no resting-place in order 
never to lose contact with the universal One. Those who 
watched him closely often heard a sigh of weariness and 
regret coming from the depths of the heart. 19 
18 Life of Vivekananda, III, pp. 159-61. 
" " I was born for the life of the scholar, retired, quiet, poring over 
my books. But the Mother dispenses otherwise. Yet the tendency 
is there ..." (June 3, 1897, Almora.) [Continued overleaf.] 
But he had not chosen his way of life. His mission had 
chosen him, ... " There is no rest for me. What Rama- 
krishna called Kali took possession of my soul and body 
three or four days before he left this earth. And that 
forces me to work, work, and never allows me to busy myself 
with my own personal needs." 20 
It made him forget himself and his desires, his well-being, 
even his health for the good of others. 21 
And he had to inculcate the same faith in his apostolic 
militia. This was only possible by stirring in them the energy 
He had hours of intense religious vision, " when work seemed to 
him more than illusion." (October, 1898.) 
One day when he had been arguing with considerable irritation 
with one of his monks, Virajnanda, in order to tear him away from 
his meditations and force him to useful action : 
" How could you think of meditating for hours ? Enough if you 
can concentrate your mind for five minutes or even one minute. 
For the rest of the time one has to occupy himself with studies 
and some work for the general good." 
Virajnanda did not agree and went away in silence. Viveka- 
nanda said to another monk that he understood only too well : 
" The memories of the parinajaka (wandering) days were among 
the sweetest and the happiest of his whole life, and he would give 
anything if he could again have that unknownness freed from all 
cares of public life." (January 13, 1901.) 
10 It was shortly before his death that, speaking to a disciple, 
Saratchandra Chakravarti, Vivekananda told him about this mys- 
terious transmission which took place in him three or four days 
before Ramakrishna's death. 
" Ramakrishna made me come alone and sit in front of him, 
while he gazed into my eyes, and passed into samadhi. Then I 
perceived a powerful current of subtle force, like an electric shock. 
My body was transpierced. I also lost consciousness. For how 
long I do not know. . . . When I returned to myself, I saw the 
Master weeping. He said to me with an infinite tenderness : ' O 
my Naren, I am nothing but a poor fakir. I have given thee all. 
By virtue of this gift thou wilt do great things in this world ; and 
not till afterwards will it be permitted to thee to return . . .' It 
seems to me that it was this force which carried me into the tur- 
moil and makes me work, work ..." 
11 " I should consider it a great honour, if I had to go through 
hell in doing good to my country." (October, 1897.) 
" The Sannyasin takes two vows : (i) to realize truth, (2) to 
help the world. Above all, he renounces all thoughts of heaven 1 " 
(To Nivedita, July, 1899.) 
In Indian thought heaven is lower than communion with Brah- 
min. From heaven there is a return. 
of action. He had to deal with a nation of " dyspeptics," 
drunk with their own sentimentality. 22 That is why he 
could be harsh sometimes in order to harden them. He 
wished " in all fields of activity to awaken that austere 
elevation of spirit which arouses heroism." This was to 
be accomplished by both manual and spiritual work, scien- 
tific research, and the service of man. If he attached so 
much importance to the teaching of the Vedanta, it was 
because he saw in it a sovereign tonic : 
" To revive the country by the sounding notes of the 
Vedic rhythm." 
He violated the heart not only of others, but also his own, 
although he was only too aware that the heart is a source 
of the divine. As a leader of men he did not want to stifle 
it, but to put it in its proper place. Where the heart had 
the ascendancy, he debased it ; where it was in an inferior 
position, he exalted it. 23 He desired an exact equilibrium 
of inner powers, 24 in view of the work to be done in the 
direction of human service, for that was the most pressing : 
the ignorance, suffering and misery of the masses could not 
It is true that equilibrium is never stable. It is particu- 
larly difficult to acquire, and even more difficult to maintain, 
" " A nation of dyspeptics, indulging in antics to the accom- 
paniment of Khol and Karatal and singing Kirtans and other songs 
of sentimental type ... I wish to stimulate energy, even by 
means of martial music, and prescribe everything that titillates 
languorous sentiments ..." (Dialogue with Saratchandra, 1901.) 
18 In the Punjab, the country of fighting races, he encouraged 
Bhakti, though he condemned it in Bengal. He went so far as to 
long in Lahore for the processions of dances and religious songs, 
the samkirtans, which he had held .up to derision in Calcutta. For 
" this land of the Five Rivers (Punjab) is spiritually dry," and it 
needed watering. (November, 1897.) 
24 Before his second journey to the West, when he was tracing 
for his monks his ideal of religious life, he said to them : 
" You must try to combine in your life immense idealism with 
immense practicality. You must be prepared to go into deep 
meditation now, and the next moment you must be ready to go 
and cultivate those fields. You must be prepared to explain the 
intricacies of the Shastras now, and the next moment to go and 
sell the produce of the fields in the market." The object of the 
monastery was man-making. " The true man is he who is strong 
as strength itself and yet possesses a woman's heart." (June, 1899.) 
in those extreme races, who pass immediately from the red 
heat of exaltation to the dead ashes of desire ; and it was 
a harder task still in the case of a man such as Vivekananda, 
torn between twenty contradictory demons, faith, science, 
art, all the passions of victory and action. It was wonderful 
that he kept in his feverish hands to the end the equal 
balance between the two poles : a burning love of the 
Absolute (the Advaita) and the irresistible appeal of suffering 
Humanity. And what makes him so appealing to us is 
that at those times when equilibrium was no longer possible, 
and he had to make a choice, it was the latter that won 
the day : he sacrificed everything else to Pity : 25 to " poor 
suffering Humanity/' as Beethoven, his great European 
brother, said. 
The beautiful episode of Girish is a moving example : 
It will be remembered that this friend of Ramakrishna 
the celebrated Bengali dramatist, writer and comedian, who 
had led the life of a " libertine " in the double sense of the 
classic age until the moment when the tolerant and mis- 
chievous fisher of the Ganges took him upon his hook 
had since, without leaving the world, become the most 
ardent and sincere of the converts ; he spent his days in a 
constant transport of faith through love, of Bhakti-yoga. 
But he had kept his freedom of speech : and all Ramakrishna's 
disciples showed him great respect for the sake of their 
Master's memory. 
One day he came in while Vivekananda was discussing 
the most abstract philosophy with his monks. Vivekananda 
broke off and said to him in a mockingly affectionate tone : 
" Well, Girish, you did not care to make a study of these 
things, but passed your days with your ' Krishnas and your 
Vishnus.' " 
Girish replied, 
" Well, Naren, let me ask you one thing. Of Vedas and 
Vedanta you have read enough. But are there remedies 
prescribed in them for these wailings, these cries of hungry 
mouths, these abominable sins . . . and the many other 
evils and miseries that one meets with every day ? The 
" Speaking to his monks at Belur, he said once (1899) : 
" If your brain and your heart come into conflict, follow your 
heart I " 
mother of the house there, who at one time fed daily fifty 
^mouths, has not the wherewithal to cook even for herself 
'and her children for the last three days ! The lady of such- 
and-such a family has been violated by ruffians and tortured 
to death. The young widow of so-and-so has succumbed 
from causing abortion to hide her shame 1 ... I ask you, 
Naren, have you found in the Vedas any preventive for 
these evils ? . . ." 
And as Girish continued in this vein of sharp irony, 
depicting the dark and dismal side of society, Vivekananda 
sat speechless and deeply moved. Thinking of the pain and 
misery of the world, tears came into his eyes and to hide his 
feelings he walked out of the room. Girish said to the 
disciples : 
" Now, did you see with your own eyes what a large 
heart your Guru possesses ? I do not esteem him so much 
for being a scholar and intellectual giant, as for that large- 
heartedness which made him walk out, shedding tears for 
the misery of mankind. As soon as he heard it, mark you, 
all his Vedas and Vedanta vanished out of sight as it were, 
all the learning and the scholarship that he was displaying 
a moment ago was cast aside and his whole being was filled 
to overflow with the milk of loving-kindness. Your Swamiji 
is as much a Jnani and a Pandit as a lover of God and 
Vivekananda returned, and said to Sadananda that his 
heart was gnawing with pain at the poverty and distress 
of his countrymen, and exhorted him to do something by 
opening a small relief centre at least. And turning to 
Girish, he said : 
" Ah, Girish ! the thought comes to me that even if I 
have to undergo a thousand births to relieve the misery of 
the world, aye, even to remove the least pain from anyone, 
I shall cheerfully do it ! . . . 2 
* * * 
The generous passion of his pitiful heart mastered his 
brethren and disciples, and one and all, they dedicated 
themselves to the multiple forms of human Service, which 
he pointed out to them. 
11 Life of Vivekananda, III, p. 165. 
337 Z 
During the summer of 1897 Akhandananda, with the help 
of two disciples sent him by Vivekananda, for four or five 
months fed and nursed hundreds of poor people suffering 
from malaria in the district of Murchidabad in Bengal ; he 
collected abandoned children and founded orphanages, first 
at Mohula, and afterwards in other places. With Franciscan 
patience and love Akhandananda devoted himself to the 
education of these poor children without distinction of caste 
or belief. In 1899 he taught them the trades of weaving, 
tailoring, joinery, and silk culture, and reading, writing, 
arithmetic and English. 
The same year, 1897, Triganutita opened a famine centre 
at Dinajpur. In two months he came to the rescue of 
eighty-four villages. Other centres were established at 
Dakshineswar and Calcutta. 
The following year, April-May, 1898, a mobilization of 
the whole Ramakrishna Mission against the plague that had 
broken out in Calcutta took place. Vivekananda, ill though 
he was, hastily returned from the Himalayas to put himself 
at the head of the relief work. Money was lacking. All 
that they had at their disposal had been spent on the 
purchase of a site for the construction of a new monastery. 
Vivekananda did not hesitate for an instant : 
" Sell it, if necessary," he ordered. " We are Sannyasins ; 
we ought always to be ready to sleep under the trees and 
live on what we beg every day." 
A big stretch of ground was rented, and sanitary camps 
laid out upon it. Vivekananda went into all the hovels 
in order to encourage the workers. The management of 
the work was entrusted to Sister Nivedita (Margaret Noble), 
recently arrived from Europe, t and to the Swamis Sadananda 
and Shivananda, with several other helpers. They super- 
vised the disinfection and the cleansing of four of the main 
poor quarters of Calcutta. Vivekananda called the students 
to a meeting (April, 1899), and reminded them of their 
duty in times of calamity. They organized themselves into 
bands to inspect poor houses, to distribute pamphlets of 
hygiene and to set the example of scavenging. Every 
Sunday they came to the meetings of the Ramakrishna 
Mission to report to Sister Nivedita. 
The Mission also made it a holy custom to make the 
anniversary of Ramakrishna a festival for the poor, and 
.to feed thousands on that day at all the centres of the 
And so a new spirit of solidarity and brotherly com- 
munion between all classes of the nation was formed in 
Parallel to this work of social Mutual Aid, education 
and Vedantic preaching was undertaken ; for to use his 
own words, Vivekananda wanted India to have " an Islamic 
body and a Vedantic heart." During 1897 Ramakrish- 
nananda, who was giving lectures in Madras and the neigh- 
bourhood, opened eleven classes in different parts of the 
state ; side by side he carried on teaching work and cared 
for the starving. In the middle of the same year Vive- 
kananda sent Shivananda to Ceylon to preach the Vedas. 
Educationalists were seized with a holy passion. Vive- 
kananda rejoiced to hear the headmistress of a school for 
young girls, which he was visiting, say to him : 
" I adore these young girls as God (Bhagavad). I do 
not know any other worship." 
Less than three months after the founding of the Rama- 
krishna Mission Vivekananda was obliged to stop his own 
activities and undergo a course of treatment for several 
weeks at Almora. Nevertheless he was able to write : 
" The movement is begun. It will never stop." (July 9, 
" Only one idea was burning in my brain to start the 
machine for elevating the Indian masses, and that I have 
succeeded in doing to a certain extent. It would have 
made your heart glad to see how my boys work in the 
midst of famine and disease and misery nursing by the 
mat-bed of the cholera-stricken Pariah and feeding the 
starving Chandala and the Lord sends help to me and to 
them aU. . . . He is with me, the Beloved. He was when 
I was in America, in England, when I was roaming about 
unknown from place to place in India. ... I feel my 
task is done at most three or four years more of life is 
left. 27 I have lost all wish for my salvation. I never 
wanted earthly enjoyments. I must see my machine in 
17 There remained exactly five. He died in July, 1902. 
strong working order, and then knowing sure that I have 
put in a lever for the good of humanity, in India at least, 
which no power can drive back, I will sleep without caring 
what will be next : and may I be born again and again, 
and suffer thousands of miseries, so that I may worship 
the only God that exists, the only God I believe in, the 
sum total of all souls. . . ." 28 
He made use of the least respite from his illness to increase 
his work tenfold. From August to December, 1897, ^ e 
went like a whirlwind through Northern India from the 
Punjab to Kashmir, sowing his seed wherever he went. 
He discussed with the Maharajah the possibility of founding 
a great Advaitist monastery in Kashmir, he preached to 
the students of the four Lahore colleges urging strength 
and belief in man as a preparation for belief in God, and 
he formed among them an association independent of all 
other sects for the relief, hygiene, and education of the 
Wherever he went he never wearied of trying to rebuild 
individual character in India, by helping each man to 
be delivered of the God within him. He constantly sub- 
jected faith to the test of action. He tried to remedy 
social injustices, by preaching intermarriage between the 
castes and subdivisions of castes so that they might draw 
near to each other, by ameliorating the condition of outcasts, 
by occupying himself with the fate of unmarried women 
and of Hindu widows, by fighting sectarianism wherever 
it was to be found, and vain formalism, the " untouchables " 
as he called them. 
At the same time (and the two tasks were comple- 
mentary) he worked for the reconstruction of the Hindu 
intellect by spreading a real knowledge of Sanskrit, by 
seeking to integrate Western science in it, and by reviving 
the Indian universities, so that they might produce men 
rather than diplomas and officials. 
He had no thought of Hind Swaraj against English rule 
of the political independence of India. He depended on 
11 Cf. Life of Vivekananda, III, 178. Here comes the admirable 
confession of faith that I have already quoted and to which 
I shall return again in my final examination of Vivekananda's 
Br^ish co-operation as on the co-operation of the universe. 
.And as a matter of fact England helped his work : in 
default of the State, Anglo-Saxon disciples from London 
and New York brought the Swami their personal devotion 
and sufficient funds to buy land and build the great mon- 
astery of Belur. 29 
The year 1898 was chiefly devoted to arrangements for 
the new working of the Ramakrishna Math, and to the 
founding of journals or reviews which were to be the 
intellectual organs of the Order and a means to educate 
India. 30 
But the chief importance of this year 1898 was Vive- 
kananda's development of his Western disciples. 
They had come at his call Miss Margaret Noble at the 
end of January to found in conjunction with Miss Muller 
model institutions for the education of Indian women 
19 On fifteen acres of land situated upon the other bank of the 
Ganges opposite the old building at Baranagore, near Calcutta. 
The purchase took place during the first months of 1898 ; the 
building was begun in April under the architect who became Swami 
10 The Prabuddha Bharata, already in existence, had been sus- 
pended as a result of the death of its young editor. It was taken 
over by Sevier, and transferred from Madras to Ahnora, under 
the editorship of a remarkable man who had withdrawn from the 
world, and whose kindred passion for the public good had drawn 
him to Vivekananda, who had initiated him into his Order after 
only a few days of preparation under the name of Swami Swaru- 
pananda. He was in Hindu religious literature the master of Miss 
Noble (Nivedita). He was to become the President of the Advaita 
At the beginning of 1899 another monthly review was founded, 
Udbodhan, under the direction of Swami Trigumatita. Its guiding 
principles werefnever [tojattack anybody's faith, to present the 
doctrine of the Vedas in the simplest form so that it might be 
accessible to all, to find room for definite questions of hygiene and 
education, and the physical and spiritual betterment of the race 
and to spread ideas of moral purity, mutual aid and universal 
For the first of these magazines Vivekananda published in August, 
1898, his beautiful poem : To the Awakened India, which is a real 
manifesto of active energy and realized faith. 
Mrs. Ole Bull and Miss Josephine MacLeod in February. 81 
In March Margaret Noble took the vow of Brahmacharya 
and the name of Nivedita (the consecrated one). Vive- 
kananda introduced her in warm terms to the Calcutta 
public as the gift of England to India, 32 and so that he 
might the better root out all trace of the memories, pre- 
judices and customs of her country, 83 he took her with 
a group of disciples on a journey of several months through 
historic India. 84 
81 Miss MacLeod, who has done me the honour of communicat- 
ing her memories, had known Vivekananda for seven years, and he 
had been her guest for months at a time. But though she was 
devoted to him she never renounced her independence, nor had 
he demanded it. He always gave full liberty to those who had not 
voluntarily contracted vows, so she remained a friend and a free 
helper, not an initiated disciple like Nivedita. She told me that 
she had asked his permission before she came to rejoin the Swami 
in India. He had replied by this imperious message (which I quote 
from memory) : 
" Come if you wish to see poverty, degradation, dirt, and men 
in rags who speak of God ! But if you want anything else do not 
come ! For we cannot bear one criticism the more." 
She conformed strictly to this reservation due to the Compas- 
sionate love of Vivekananda for his debased people, whose humilia- 
tions he resented with wounded pride. But on one occasion she 
happened to make a laughing remark with regard to a Brahmin 
of grotesque appearance whom they met in the Himalayas. Vive- 
kananda " turned on her like a lion," withered her with a glance 
and cried : 
" Down with your hands. Who are you ? What have you ever 
done ? " 
She remained silent, disconcerted. Later she learnt that this very 
same poor Brahmin had been one of those who by begging had col- 
lected the sum to make it possible for Vivekananda to undertake 
his journey to the West. And she realized that a man's real self 
is not what he appears, but what he does. 
** " How can I best help you ? " she asked him when she arrived. 
" Love India/ 1 
11 This was no manifestation of the evil spirit of chauvinism 
or hostility to the West. In 1900 when he established the Swami 
Turiyananda in California, he said to him : " From this day, destroy 
even the memory of India within you. 11 In order to work pro- 
foundly upon a people for its real betterment, it is necessary to 
become one with that people and forget oneself in it : that was 
the principle Vivekananda imposed on his disciples. 
14 She has left an account of this journey and the talk with 
Vivekananda in her Notes of some Wanderings with the Swami Vive- 
>^ut, and this is curious, while plunging the souls of his 
companions into the religious abyss of his race, he lost 
himself in it until he seemed to be submerged. Men saw 
the great Advaitist, the fervent worshipper of the Absolute 
without form or face, go through a phase of devouring 
passion for the legendary Gods, for the sovereign pair : 
Shiva and the Mother. Undoubtedly in this he was only 
following the example of his Master, Ramakrishna, in whose 
heart there was room for the formless God and for the forms 
of all Gods, and who for years on end had experienced 
the bliss of passionate abandon to the beautiful Goddess. 
But the striking point in Vivekananda's case is that he 
came to it after, not before he had mastered the Absolute ; 
and he brought to his passion for them all the tragic vehe- 
mence of his nature, so that he clothed the Gods,. especially 
Kali, in a quite different atmosphere from the one in which 
the ecstatic tenderness of Ramakrishna had enveloped 
After a stay at Almora where the Seviers were already 
established and where the Advaita Ashram was about to 
be built then after a journey to Kashmir in three house- 
boats up the river through the Vale of Srinagar Vive- 
kananda with Nivedita undertook at the end of July, 1898, 
the great pilgrimage to the cave of Amarnath, in a glacial 
valley of the Western Himalayas. They were part of a 
crowd of two or three thousand pilgrims, forming at each 
halting place a whole town of tents. Nivedita noticed a 
sudden change come over her Master. He became one of 
kananda. I also owe to Miss MacLeod's reminiscences (also of the 
party) many precious notes, especially on the moral discipline, to 
which Vivekananda subjected Nivedita. He had not the slightest 
respect for her instinctive national loyalty, for her habits, or for 
her dislikes as a Westerner ; he constantly humiliated her proud 
and logical English character. Perhaps in this way he wished to 
defend himself and her against the passionate adoration she had 
for Him ; although Nivedita's feelings for him were always abso- 
lutely pure he perhaps saw their danger. He snubbed her merci- 
lessly and found fault with all she did. He hurt her. She came 
back to her companions overwhelmed and in tears. Eventually 
they remonstrated with Vivekananda for his excessive severity, 
and from that time it was softened, and light entered Nivedita's 
heart. She only felt more deeply the price of the Master's con- 
fidence and the happiness of submitting to his rules of thought. 
the thousands, scrupulously observing the most humble 
practices demanded by custom. In order to reach their 
goal it was necessary to climb for days up rocky slopes, 
along dangerous paths, to cross several miles of glacier, 
and to bathe in the sacred torrents in spite of the cold. 
On the 2nd of August, the day of the annual festival, they 
arrived at the enormous cavern, large enough to contain 
a vast cathedral : at the back rose the ice-lingam great 
Shiva Himself. Everyone had to enter naked, the body 
smeared with cinders. Behind the others, trembling with 
emotion, Vivekananda entered in an almost fainting con- 
dition ; and there, prostrate, in the darkness of the cave 
before that whiteness, surrounded by the music of hundreds 
of voices singing, he had a vision . . . Shiva appeared to 
him. ... He would never say what he had seen and 
heard. . . . But the blow of the apparition on his tense 
nerves was such that he almost died. When he emerged from 
the grotto there was a clot of blood in his left eye, and his 
heart was dilated and never regained its normal condition. 
For weeks afterwards he spoke of nothing but Shiva, he 
saw Shiva everywhere ; he was saturated by Him ; the 
snowy Himalaya was Shiva seated on his throne. . . . 
A month later in turn he was possessed by the Mother, 
Kali. The Divine Maternity was omnipresent. He wor- 
shipped her even in the person of a little girl four years 
old. But it was not only in such peaceful guise that she 
appeared to him. His intense meditation led him to the 
dark face of the symbol. He had a terrible vision of Kali 
the mighty Destructress, lurking behind the veil of life 
the terrible One, hidden by the dust of the living who 
pass by, and all the appearances raised by their feet. During 
the night in a fever he awoke, groped in the dark for pencil 
and paper and wrote his famous poem, Kali the Mother, as 
if groping for enlightment, then fell back exhausted : 
The stars are blotted out, 
The clouds are covering clouds, 
It is darkness vibrant, sonant. 
In the roaring, whirling wind 
Are the souls of a million lunatics, 
Just loose from the prison house, 
Wrenching trees by the roots, 
Sweeping all from the path. 
The sea has joined the fray, 
And swirls up mountain-waves, 
To reach the pitchy sky. 
The flash of lurid light 
Reveals on every side 
A thousand, thousand shades 
Of Death begrimed and black 
Scattering plagues and sorrows, 
Dancing mad with joy. . . . 
Come, Mother, come 1 
For Terror is Thy name, 
Death is in Thy Breath, 
And every shaking step 
Destroys a world for e'er. 
Thou Time, the All-Destroyer ! 
Come, O Mother, come 1 
Who dares misery love, 
And hug the form of Death, 
Dance in Destruction's dance, 
To him the Mother comes/' " 
He said to Nivedita : 
" Learn to recognize the Mother as instinctively in Evil, 
Terror, Sorrow, and Annihilation, as in that which makes 
for Sweetness and Joy. Fools put a garland of flowers 
around Thy neck, O Mother, and then start back in terror 
and call Thee 'The Merciful' . . . Meditate on death. 
Worship the Terrible. Only by the worship of the Terrible 
can the Terrible itself be overcome and Immortality gained ! 
. . . There could be bliss in torture too. . . . The Mother 
Herself is Brahmin. Even her curse is blessing. The heart 
must become a cremation ground. Pride, selfishness, desire 
all burnt into ashes. Then, and then alone will the Mother 
come! ..." And the Englishwoman, shaken and bewildered 
by the storm, saw the good order and comfort of her Western 
faith disappearing in the typhoon of the Cosmos invoked 
by the Indian visionary. She wrote : 
"As he spoke, the underlying egoism of worship that 
is devoted to the kind God, to Providence, the consoling 
Divinity, without a heart for God in the earthquake, or 
God in the volcano, overwhelmed the listener. One saw 
that such worship was at bottom, as the Hindu calls it, 
merely ' Shop-keeping,' and one realized the infinitely 
88 Compkte Works of Vivekananda, IV, 319. 
greater boldness and truth of the teaching that God manifests 
through evil as well as through good. One saw that the 
true attitude for the mind and will that are not to be 
baffled by the personal self, was in fact that determination, 
in the stern words of the Swami Vivekananda ' to seek 
death not life, to hurl oneself upon the sword's point, to 
become one with the Terrible for evermore ! ' " 86 
Once more we see in this paroxysm the will to heroism, 
which to Vivekananda was the soul of action. Ultimate 
Truth desiring to be seen in all its terrible nakedness and 
refusing to be softened Faith which expects nothing in 
return for its free bestowing and scorns the bargain of 
" giving to get in return " and all its promise of Paradise ; 
for its indestructible energy is like steel forged on the 
anvil by the blows of the hammer. 87 
Our great Christian ascetics knew and still experience 
this virile pleasure. Even Pascal tasted of it. But instead 
86 The Master as I saw Him, by Nivedita of Ramakrishna- 
Vivekananda, p. 169. 
87 Even the tender Ramakrishna knew the terrible face of the 
Mother. But he loved her smile better. 
" One day," so Sivanath Sastri, one of the founders and heads 
of the Sadharan Brahmosamj, relates, " I was present when several 
men began to argue about the attributes of God, and if they were 
more or less according to reason. Ramakrishna stopped them, 
saying, ' Enough, enough. What is the use of disputing whether 
the Divine attributes are reasonable or not ? . . . You say that 
God is good ; can you convince me of His goodness by this reason- 
ing ? Look at the flood that has just caused the death of thousands. 
How can you prove that a benevolent God ordered it ? You will 
perhaps reply that this same flood swept away uncleannesses and 
watered the earth . . . etc. But could not a good God do that 
without drowning thousands of innocent men, women and chil- 
dren ? ' Thereupon one of the disputants said, ' Then, ought we 
to believe that God is cruel ? ' ' O idiot,' cried Ramakrishna, ' who 
said that ? Fold your hands and say humbly, " O God, we are too 
feeble and too weak to understand Thy nature and Thy deeds. 
Deign to enlighten us 1 ..." Do not argue, Love 1 . . .' " (Remi- 
niscences of Ramakrishna, by Sivanath Sastri.) 
The knowledge of the terrible God was the same with both 
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. But their attitude was different. 
Ramakrishna bowed his head and kissed the Divine foot which 
trampled on his heart. Vivekananda, head erect, looked death in 
the eyes ; and his sombre joy of action rejoiced in it. He ran to 
hurl himself " upon the point of the sword." 
leading to detachment from action, Vivekananda was 
inspired by it with a red-hot zeal that hardened his will, 
'flung him into the thick of the fight with a tenfold renewed 
He espoused all the sufferings of the world. " One had 
the impression," wrote Nivedita, "as if no blow to any 
in the world could pass and leave our Master's heart 
untouched : as if no pain even to that of death could 
elicit anything but love and blessing." 88 
" I have hugged," he said, " the face of Death/' 
He was possessed by it for several months. He heard 
no other voice but that of the Mother, and it had a terrible 
reaction upon his health. When he returned his monks 
were terrified at the change. He remained plunged in 
concentration so intense that a question ten times repeated 
would invoke no answer. He recognized that its cause 
was " an intense tapasya " (the fire of asceticism). 
"... Shiva Himself has entered into my brain. He 
will not go ! " 
For the rationalist minds of Europe who find such ob- 
session by personal Gods repugnant, it may be useful to 
recall the explanation Vivekananda had given the previous 
year to his companions : 
" The Totality of all souls not the human alone is 
the Personal God. The will of the Totality nothing can 
resist. It is what we know as Law. And that is what 
we mean to say by Shiva, Kali and so on." 89 
But the powerful emotivity of the great Indian projected 
in images of fire that which in European brains remains 
at the reasoning stage. Never for an instant was his pro- 
found faith in the Advaita shaken. But by the inverse 
road to Ramakrishna, he reached the same pitch of universal 
comprehension the same belvedere of thought where man 
is at the same time the circumference and the centre : the 
11 Probably the moral upheaval caused shortly before by the 
death of his faithful friend Goodwin, and of his old master, Pav- 
hari Baba (June, 1898), prepared the way for this inner irruption 
of the Terrible Goddess. 
" During his second voyage to Europe on the boat in sight of 
the coast of Sicily, (Cf. " Talks with Nivedita/ 1 in the book : The 
Master as I saw Him.) 
totality of souls and each individual soul and the A U tyf 40 
containing them and becoming reabsorbed in the eternal 
Nada the starting point and the end of a double unending 
movement. His brother monks from this time had some 
obscure inkling of his identity with Ramakrishna. Pre- 
mananda asked him once : 
" Is there any difference between you and Ramakrishna ? " 
* * * 
He returned to the monastery, to the new Math of Belur, 
and consecrated it on December 9, 1898. At Calcutta a 
few days before, on November 12, the day of the festival 
of the Mother, Nivedita's school for girls was opened. In 
spite of illness, and suffocating attacks of asthma, from 
which he emerged with his face blue like that of a drowning 
man, he pushed on the organization of his Mission with 
Saradananda's help. The swarm was at work. Sanskrit, 
Oriental and Western philosophy, manual work and medi- 
tation alike were taught there. He himself set the example. 
After his lessons on metaphysics, he tilled the garden, dug 
a well and kneaded bread. 41 He was a living hymn of 
..." Only a great monk (in the widest sense : a man 
vowed to the service of the Absolute) can be a great worker : 
for he is without attachments. . . . There were no greater 
workers than Buddha and Christ. ... No work is secular. 
All work is adoration and worship. ..." 
Moreover there was no hierarchy in the forms of work. 
All useful work was noble. . . . 
" If my gurubhais told me that I was to pass the rest 
of my life cleaning the drains of the Math, assuredly I 
40 Or O M, the sacred word. It is according to the old Hindu 
belief and the definition of Vivekananda himself, " the kernel of all 
sounds and the symbol of Brahman. . . . The universe is created 
of this sound." " Nada-Brahman," he said, " is the Brahman 
Sound," " the most subtle in the universe." (Cf. The Mantram : 
Om. Word and Wisdom ; Bhakti-yoga. Complete Works of Vive- 
kananda, III, 56-58.) 
41 He attached great importance to physical exercises : 
" I want sappers and miners in the army of religion. So, boys, 
set yourselves to the task of training your muscles. For ascetics, 
mortification is all right, for workers, well-developed bodies, muscles 
of iron and nerves of steel." 
should do it. He alone is a great leader who knows how 
.to obey for the public good. ..." 
The first duty was " renunciation." 
" Without renunciation no religion (he might have said : 
' no deep foundation of the spirit ') can endure. . . ." 
And the man who has " renounced," " the Sannyasin," 
so say the Vedas, " is supported on the head of the Vedas," 
" for he is freed from sects, churches and prophets." He 
dwells on God. God dwells in him. Let him only believe ! 
" The history of the world is the history of a few men 
who had faith in themselves. That faith calls out the 
Divinity within. You can do anything. You fail only 
when you do not strive sufficiently to manifest infinite 
power. As soon as a man or a nation loses faith in himself, 
death comes. Believe first in yourself, and then in God. 
A handful of strong men will move the world. ..." 
Then be brave. Bravery is the highest virtue. Dare 
to speak the whole truth always, " to all without distinction, 
without equivocation, without fear, without compromise." 
Do not trouble about the rich and great. The Sannyasin 
should have nothing to do with the rich. To pay respects 
to the rich and hang on to them for support is a conduct 
which becomes a public woman. The Sannyasin's duty is 
with the poor. He should treat the poor with loving care 
and serve them joyfully with all his might." 
" If you seek your own salvation, you will go to hell. 
It is the salvation of others that you must seek . . . and 
even if you have to go to hell in working for others, that 
is worth more than to gain heaven by seeking your own 
salvation. . . . Sri Ramakrishna came and gave his life 
for the world. I will also sacrifice my life ; you also, 
everyone of you, should do the same. All these works 
and so forth are only a beginning. Believe me, from the 
shedding of our life-blood will arise gigantic, heroic workers 
and warriors of God who will revolutionize the whole world." 
His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beeth- 
oven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. 
I cannot touch these sayings of his, scattered as they are 
through the pages of books at thirty years distance, without 
receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock. 
And what shocks, what transports must have been produced 
when in burning words they issued from the lips of, -the 
He felt himself dying. But 
"... life is a battle. Let me die fighting. Two years 
of physical suffering have taken from me twenty years of 
life. But the soul is unchanged. It is always here, the 
same fool, the fool with a single idea : Atman. ..." 
HE set out upon a second journey to the West in order 
to inspect the works he had founded and to fan 
the flame. This time he took with him * one of the most 
learned of his brethren, Turiyananda, a man of high caste, 
noble life, and learned in Sanskrit studies. 
" The last time/' he said, " they saw a warrior. Now 
I want to show them a Brahmin." 
He left 2 under very different conditions from those of 
his return : in his emaciated body he carried a brazier of 
energy, breathing out action and combat, and so disgusted 
with the supineness of his devirilized people that on the 
boat in sight of Corsica he celebrated " the Lord of War." 
(Napoleon.) 8 
In his contempt for cowardice of soul he went so far 
as to prefer the vigour of crime, 4 and the older he grew 
1 Nivedita went with them. 
* On June 2, 1899, he travelled from Calcutta by Madras, Colombo, 
Aden, Naples, Marseilles. On July 21 he was in London. On 
August 1 6 he left Glasgow for New York. He stayed in the United 
States until July 20, 1900, chiefly in California. From August i 
to October 24 he visited France, and went to Paris and Brittany. 
Then by Vienna, the Balkans, Constantinople, Greece, Egypt, he 
returned to India, and arrived at the beginning of December, 1900. 
* He recalled also the energy of Robespierre. He was full of 
the epic history of Europe. Before Gibraltar his imagination saw 
on the shore the galloping horses of the Moors and the great Arab 
invasion disembarking. 
4 When people spoke of the rarity of crime in India he cried, 
" Would God it were otherwise in my land 1 For this is verily the 
virtuousness of death." " The older I grow/' he added, " the more 
everything seems to me to lie in manliness ; this is my new Gospel." 
He went so far as to say, " Do even evil like a man. Be wicked 
if you must, on a great scale I " 
These words must be taken, it goes without saying (spoken as 
the deeper his conviction that the East and the West 
must espouse each other. He saw in India and Eifrope^ 
" two organisms in full youth . . . two great experiments' 
neither of which is yet complete." They ought to be 
mutually helpful but at the same time each must respect 
the free development of the other. He did not allow him- 
self to criticize their weaknesses : both of them were at 
the ungrateful age. They ought to grow up hand in hand. 6 
When he returned to India a year and a half afterwards 
he was almost entirely detached from life, and all violence 
had gone out of him, exorcized by the brutal face he had 
this time unveiled in Western Imperialism ; he had seen 
its eyes full of rapacious hatred. He had realized that 
during his first journey he had been caught by the power, 
the organization, and the apparent democracy of America 
and Europe. Now he had discovered the spirit of lucre, of 
greed, of Mammon, with its enormous combinations, and 
ferocious struggle for supremacy. He was capable of render- 
ing homage to the grandeur of a mighty association. . . . 
" But what beauty of combination was there amongst a 
pack of wolves ? " 
" Western life," said a witness, " seemed hell to him. 
they were on the boat to sure and tried friends who were not likely 
to misunderstand them), as one of those linguistic thunderbolts, 
whereby the Kshatrya, the spiritual warrior, fulminated against the 
shifting sands of the East. The true sense is probably that which 
I read in an old motto : " Ignavia est jacere." The vilest of crime 
is not to act. 
Cf . the Interviews recorded by Nivedita. That which emerges 
most clearly is his " universal " sense. He had hopes of democratic 
America, he was enthusiastic over the Italy of art culture and 
liberty the great mother of Mazzini. He spoke of China as the 
treasury of the world. He fraternized with the martyred Babists 
of Persia. He embraced in equal love the India of the Hindus, 
the Mohammedans, and the Buddhists. He was fired by the Mogul 
Empire : when he spoke of Akbar the tears came into his eyes. 
He could comprehend and defend the grandeur of Genghiz Khan 
and his dream of Asiatic unity. He made Buddha the subject 
of a magnificent eulogy : " I am the servant of the servants of 
Buddha . . ." 
His intuition of the unity of the human race did not stop at 
the arbitrary divisions of races and nations. It made hi say 
that he had seen in the West some of the best Hindu types, and 
in India the best Christians. 
. . ." Material brilliance no longer deceived him. He saw 
the hidden tragedy, the weariness under the forced expendi- 
ture of energy, the deep sorrow under the frivolous mask. 
He said to Nivedita : 
" Social life in the West is like a peal of laughter : but 
underneath it is a wail. It ends in a sob. The fun and 
frivolity are all on the surface ; really it is full of tragic in- 
tensity. . . . Here (in India) it is sad and gloomy on 
the surface, but underneath are carelessness and merri- 
ment/' 6 
How had this all too prophetic vision come to him ? 
When and where had his glance, stripping the bark from 
the tree, and revealing the canker gnawing at the heart 
of the West despite all its outward glory, foreseen the monster 
of the days of hate and agony that were approaching, and 
the years of wars and revolutions ? 7 Nobody knows. The 
record of his journey was only kept spasmodically. This 
time there was no Goodwin with him. Apart from one 
or two intimate letters, the most beautiful being one from 
Alameda to Miss MacLeod, we have to regret that nothing 
is known save his movements and the success of his 
After having broken his journey only in London he went 
to the United States and stayed for almost a year. There 
he found Abhedananda with his Vedantic work in full swing. 
He settled Turiyananda down at Cambridge. He himself 
decided to go to California on account of its climate from 
which he regained several months of health. There he 
The Master as I saw Him, p. 145, 3rd edition. 
7 Sister Christine has revealed to us in her Unpublished Memoirs, 
that even during his first voyage in 1895 Vivekananda had seen 
the tragedy of the West : 
" Europe is on the edge of a volcano. If the fire is not extin- 
guished by a flood of spirituality, it will erupt." 
Sister Christine has also given us another striking instance of 
prophetic intuition : 
11 Thirty-two years ago (that is in 1896) he said to me : ' the 
next upheaval that is to usher in another era will come from Russia 
or from China. I cannot see clearly which, but it will be either 
the one or the other.' " 
And again : " The world is in the third epoch under the domina- 
tion of Vaioya (the merchant, the third estate). The fourth epoch 
will be under that of Sudra (the proletariat)." 
353 A A 
the deeper his conviction that the East and the West 
must espouse each other. He saw in India and Etfrope 
" two organisms in full youth . . . two great experiments 
neither of which is yet complete." They ought to be 
mutually helpful but at the same time each must respect 
the free development of the other. He did not allow him- 
self to criticize their weaknesses : both of them were at 
the ungrateful age. They ought to grow up hand in hand. 6 
When he returned to India a year and a half afterwards 
he was almost entirely detached from life, and all violence 
had gone out of him, exorcized by the brutal face he had 
this time unveiled in Western Imperialism ; he had seen 
its eyes full of rapacious hatred. He had realized that 
during his first journey he had been caught by the power, 
the organization, and the apparent democracy of America 
and Europe. Now he had discovered the spirit of lucre, of 
greed, of Mammon, with its enormous combinations, and 
ferocious struggle for supremacy. He was capable of render- 
ing homage to the grandeur of a mighty association. . . . 
" But what beauty of combination was there amongst a 
pack of wolves ? " 
" Western life," said a witness, " seemed hell to him. 
they were on the boat to sure and tried friends who were not likely 
to misunderstand them), as one of those linguistic thunderbolts, 
whereby the Kshatrya, the spiritual warrior, fulminated against the 
shifting sands of the East. The true sense is probably that which 
I read in an old motto : " Ignavia est jacere." The vilest of crime 
is not to act. 
Cf. the Interviews recorded by Nivedita. That which emerges 
most clearly is his " universal " sense. He had hopes of democratic 
America, he was enthusiastic over the Italy of art culture and 
liberty the great mother of Mazzini. He spoke of China as the 
treasury of the world. He fraternized with the martyred Babists 
of Persia. He embraced in equal love the India of the Hindus, 
the Mohammedans, and the Buddhists. He was fired by the Mogul 
Empire : when he spoke of Akbar the tears came into his eyes. 
He could comprehend and defend the grandeur of Genghiz Khan 
and his dream of Asiatic unity. He made Buddha the subject 
of a magnificent eulogy : "I am the servant of the servants of 
Buddha . . ." 
His intuition of the unity of the human race did not stop at 
the arbitrary divisions of races and nations. It made him say 
that he had seen in the West some of the best Hindu types, and 
in India the best Christians. 
..." Material brilliance no longer deceived him. He saw 
the hidden tragedy, the weariness under the forced expendi- 
'ture of energy, the deep sorrow under the frivolous mask. 
He said to Nivedita : 
" Social life in the West is like a peal of laughter : but 
underneath it is a wail. It ends in a sob. The fun and 
frivolity are all on the surface ; really it is full of tragic in- 
tensity. . . . Here (in India) it is sad and gloomy on 
the surface, but underneath are carelessness and merri- 
ment. 1 ' 
How had this all too prophetic vision come to him ? 
When and where had his glance, stripping the bark from 
the tree, and revealing the canker gnawing at the heart 
of the West despite all its outward glory, foreseen the monster 
of the days of hate and agony that were approaching, and 
the years of wars and revolutions ? 7 Nobody knows. The 
record of his journey was only kept spasmodically. This 
time there was no Goodwin with him. Apart from one 
or two intimate letters, the most beautiful being one from 
Alameda to Miss MacLeod, we have to regret that nothing 
is known save his movements and the success of his 
After having broken his journey only in London he went 
to the United States and stayed for almost a year. There 
he found Abhedananda with his Vedantic work in full swing. 
He settled Turiyananda down at Cambridge. He himself 
decided to go to California on account of its climate from 
which he regained several months of health. There he 
The Master as I saw Him, p. 145, 3rd edition. 
7 Sister Christine has revealed to us in her Unpublished Memoirs, 
that even during his first voyage in 1895 Vivekananda had seen 
the tragedy of the West : 
" Europe is on the edge of a volcano. If the fire is not extin- 
guished by a flood of spirituality, it will erupt." 
Sister Christine has also given us another striking instance of 
prophetic intuition : 
" Thirty-two years ago (that is in 1896) he said to me : ' the 
next upheaval that is to usher in another era will come from Russia 
or from China. I cannot see clearly which, but it will be either 
the one or the other.' " 
And again : " The world is in the third epoch under the domina- 
tion of Vaioya (the merchant, the third estate). The fourth epoch 
will be under that of Sudra (the proletariat). 1 ' 
353 A A 
gave numerous lectures. 8 He founded new Vedic centres 
at San Francisco, Oakland and Alameda. He received'the 
gift of a property of five hundred acres of forest land in the ' 
district of Santa Clara, and there he created an Ashram, 
where Turiyananda trained a select band of students in 
the monastic life. Nivedita, who rejoined him, also spoke in 
New York on the ideas of Hindu women, and on the ancient 
arts of India. Ramakrishna's small but well-chosen band 
was very active. The work prospered, and its ideals spread. 
But their leader, three parts of him, no longer belonged 
to this world. The shadows were rising round the oak. . . . 
Were they shadows, or reflections of another light ? They 
were no longer those of our sun. . . . 
" Pray for me that my work stops for ever, and my 
whole soul be absorbed in the Mother. ... I am well, 
very well mentally. I feel the rest of the soul more than 
that of the body. The battles are lost and won ! I have 
bundled my things and am waiting for the Great Deliverer. 
Shiva, O Shiva, carry my boat to the other shore ! . . . 
I am only the young boy who used to listen with rapt 
wonderment to the wonderful words of Ramakrishna under 
the Banyan of Dakshineswar. That is my true nature ; 
works, and activities, doing good and so forth are all superior 
portions. . . . Now I again hear his voice, the same old 
voice thrilling my soul. Bonds are breaking, love dying, 
work becoming tasteless ; the glamour is off life. Now 
only the voice of the Master calling . . . ' Let the dead 
bury their dead ; follow thou me '. . . . 'I come, my 
Beloved Lord, I come ! ' . . . Nirvana is before me. . . . 
The same Ocean of peace without a ripple, or a breath. . . . 
I am glad I was born, glad I suffered so, glad I did make 
big blunders, glad to enter peace. I leave none bound ; 
I take no bonds. . . . The old man is gone, gone for ever. 
The guide, the Guru, the leader . . . passed away. ..." 
In that marvellous climate, under the glorious sun of 
Notably at Pasadena on " Christ the Messenger," at Los Angeles 
on " Applied Psychology," at San Francisco on the " Ideal of a 
Universal Religion," and on the " Gita," in other Calif ornian towns, 
on " The Message of Buddha, Christ, and Krishna to the World," 
on the " Arts and Sciences of India," and the " Powers " of the 
Spirit . . . etc. Unfortunately many of the lectures have been 
lost. He did not find a second Goodwin to write them down. 
California, among its tropical vegetation, his athletic will 
relaxed its hold, his weary being sank into a dream, body 
dnd soul let themselves drift. . . . 
" I dare not make a splash with my hands or feet for 
fear of hurting the wonderful stillness, stillness that makes 
you feel that it is an illusion. Behind my work was ambi- 
tion, behind my love was personality, behind my purity 
was fear, behind my guidance the thirst for power 1 Now 
they are vanishing and I drift. ... I come, Mother, I 
come in thy warm bosom, floating wheresoever Thou 
takest me, in the voiceless, the strange, in the wonderland. 
I come, a spectator, no more an actor. Oh 1 it is so calm 1 
My thoughts seem to come from a great, great distance in 
the interior of my own heart. They seem like faint distant 
whispers, and Peace is upon everything sweet, sweet peace 
like that one feels for a few moments just before falling 
asleep, when things are seen and felt like shadows, without 
fear, without love, without emotion. ... I come, Lord 1 
The world is, but not beautiful nor ugly, but as sensations 
without exciting any emotions. Oh I the blessedness of 
it ! Everything is good and beautiful, for they are all 
losing their relative proportions to me, my body among 
the first. . . . M that existence." . . . ! 9 
The arrow was still flying, carried by the original impetus 
of movement, but it was reaching the dead end where it 
knew that it would fall to the ground. . . . How sweet 
was the moment " a few minutes before falling asleep " 
the downfall when the tyrannous urge of destiny that 
had driven him was spent ; and the arrow floated in the 
air, free of both the bow and the mark. . . . 
The arrow of Vivekananda was finishing its trajectory. 
He crossed the Atlantic on July 20, 1900. He went to Paris, 
where he had been invited to a Congress on the History of 
Religions, held on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition. 
This was no Parliament of Religions as at Chicago. The 
Catholic power would not have allowed it. It was purely 
a historical and scientific Congress. At the point of liber- 
ation at which Vivekananda's life had arrived, his intellec- 
tual interest, but not his true passion or entire being, could 
Letter to Miss MacLeod, April r8, 1900, Alameda. 
The Life of the Swami Vivehananda, Vol. Ill, pp. 392-93. 
find nourishment in it. He was charged by the Committee 
of the Congress to argue the question whether the Vedic 
religion came from Nature worship. He debated witti 
Oppert. He spoke on the Vedas, the common basis of 
Hinduism and Buddhism. He upheld the priority of the 
Gita and of Krishna over Buddhism, and rejected the thesis 
of Hellenic influence on the drama, the letters and the 
sciences of India. 
But most of his time was given up to French culture. 
He was struck by the intellectual and social importance 
of Paris. In an article for India, 10 he said that " Paris 
is the centre and the source of European culture/ 1 that 
there the ethics and society of the West were formed, 
that its University was the model of all other Universities. 
" Paris is the home of liberty, and she has infused new 
life into Europe." 
He also spent some time at Lannion, with his friend, 
Mrs. Ole Bull, and Sister Nivedita. 11 On St. Michael's 
Day he visited Mont St. Michel. He became more and 
more convinced of the resemblance between Hinduism and 
Roman Catholicism. 12 Moreover, he discovered Asiatic 
blood, mingled in different degrees even in the races of 
Europe. Far from feeling that there was a fundamental 
natural difference between Europe and Asia, he was con- 
vinced that deep contact between Europe and Asia would 
inevitably lead to a renaissance of Europe ; for she would 
renew her vital stock of spiritual ideas from the East. 
It is to be regretted that only Father Hyacinthe and 
Jules Bois should have been the guides of so penetrating 
a spectator of the moral life of the West in Paris in his 
researches into the mind of France. 18 
" " The East and the West." 
11 Nivedita went away a short time afterwards to speak in Eng- 
land for the cause of Hindu women. Vivekananda, when he blessed 
her at her departure, said these strong words to her : 
" If I made you, be destroyed I If Mother made you, live \ " 
11 He loved to say that " Christianity was not alien to the Hindu 
11 But he met Patrick Geddes in Paris and his great compatriot, 
the biologist, Jagadis Chunder Bose, whose genius he admired, 
and defended against all attack. He also met the strange Hiram 
Maxim, whose name is commemorated in an engine of destruction, 
He left again on October 24 for the East by Vienna 
and Constantinople. 14 But no other town interested him 
after Paris. He made a striking remark about Austria 
as he passed through it : he said that " if the Turk was 
the sick man, she was the sick woman of Europe." Europe 
both repelled and wearied him. He smelt war. The stench 
of it rose on all sides. " Europe," he said, " is a vast 
military camp. ..." 
Although he halted a short time on the shores of the 
Bosphorus to have interviews with Sufi monks then in 
Greece with its memories of Athens and Eleusis and 
finally in the museum of Cairo, he was more and more 
detached from the spectacle of external things, and buried 
in meditation. Nivedita said that during his last months 
in the West he sometimes gave the impression of being 
completely indifferent to all that was going on. His soul 
was soaring towards wider horizons. In Egypt he said 
that he seemed to be turning the last pages of experience. 
Suddenly he heard the imperious call to return. With- 
out waiting a single day he took the first steamer and 
went back alone to India. 16 He brought his body back 
to the funeral pyre. 
but who deserves a better fate than such murderous fame, against 
which he himself protested ; he was a great connoisseur and lover 
of China and India. 
14 Miss MacLeod, Father Hyacinthe, who wished to work for a 
rapprochement between Christians and Mohammedans in the East, 
Madame Loyson, Jules Bois, and Mme. Calve accompanied him, 
a strange escort for a Sannyasin, who was leaving the world and 
life with giant strides. Perhaps his detachment itself made him 
more indulgent or perhaps more indifferent. 
15 At the beginning of December, 1900. 
HIS old and faithful friend had just gone before him. 
Mr. Sevier had died on October 28 in the Hima- 
layas at the Ashram he had built, Vivekananda heard 
the news on his arrival, but he had had a presentiment 
of it during his return voyage. Without stopping to rest 
at Belur, he telegraphed to Mayavati that he was coming 
to the Ashram. At that time of the year access to the 
Himalayas was difficult, and dangerous, especially for a 
man in Vivekananda's state of health. It necessitated a 
four days' march through the snow, and the winter was 
particularly severe that year. Without waiting for coolies 
and necessary porters to be collected, he departed with 
two of his monks ; and was joined on the way by an escort 
sent from the Ashram ; but amid the falling snow and 
the mist and the clouds he could scarcely walk ; he was 
suffocated ; his anxious companions carried him to the 
convent of Mayavati with great difficulty. He arrived on 
January 3, 1901, and despite the mingled joy and emotion 
that he felt at meeting Mrs. Sevier again, in seeing the 
work finished, and in contemplating the beautiful Ashram 
perched on the snow mountains, he could only stay for 
a fortnight ; asthma suffocated him ; the least physical 
effort exhausted him. " My body is done for," he said. 
And on January 13 he celebrated hiis thirty-eighth birthday. 
His spirit, however, was always vigorous. 1 In this Advaita 
Ashram, consecrated by his wish to the contemplation of 
the Absolute alone, he discovered a hall dedicated to the 
worship of Ramakrishna. And he, the passionate disciple 
1 He wrote from Mayavati between attacks of suffocation, three 
Essays for the Prabuddha Bharata (of which one was upon Theosophy, 
never a friend of his). 
of -Ramakrishna, who had never shown more complete 
adoration for the Master than in these last years, was 
indignant at his cult, a sacrilege in such a place. He 
vehemently reminded his followers that no dualistic religious 
weakness ought to find a foothold in a sanctuary devoted 
to the highest spiritual Monism. 8 
The same fever that had driven him to come, drove 
him to go. Nothing could hold him back. He left Maya- 
vati on January 18, travelled on horseback for four days 
over slippery slopes in the snow and re-entered his mon- 
astery of Belur on January 24. 8 
Apart from a last pilgrimage that he made with his 
mother to the holy places of Eastern Bengal and Assam, 
to Dakka, and Shillong, 4 and whence he returned exhausted, 
he only left Belur for a short stay at Benares at the begin- 
ning of 1902. The great journey of his life was ended. 
" What does it matter," he said proudly, "I have done 
enough for fifteen hundred years ! " 
* * * 
1 On his return to Belur he again almost despairingly reiterated 
his dissatisfaction at having found " the old man established at the 
Ashram ..." Surely it was possible for one single centre free 
from dualism to exist. He reminded them that such worship was 
against Ramakrishna's own thought, It was through the teaching 
and at the wish of Ramakrishna that Vivekananda had become an 
Advaitist. Ramakrishna was all Advaita, he preached Advaita. 
" Why do you not follow the Advaita ? " 
8 Certainly the Kshatrya had lost none of his fighting spirit. In 
the train coming back an English colonel rudely showed his dis- 
gust at having a Hindu in his compartment, and tried to make him 
get out. Vivekananda's rage burst forth and it was the colonel 
who had to give up his place and go elsewhere. 
4 In March, 1901, He gave several lectures at Dakka. At 
Shillong, the seat of the Assam Government, he found broad- 
minded Englishmen, among them the Chief Commissioner, Sir 
Henry Cotton, a defender of the Indian cause. This last tour 
through countries of fanatical religious conservatism threw into 
high relief the manly liberty of his own religious conceptions, He 
recalled to these Hindu bigots that the true way to see God was 
to see Him in man, that it was useless to vegetate ou the past 
however glorious it might be that it was necessaxy to do better, 
to become even greater rishis. He treated enlightened beings who 
believed themselves to be pseudo-Avatars most irreverently. He 
advised them to eat more and develop their muscles. 
At the monastery he occupied a big airy room on the 
second floor, with three doors and four windows. 5 
" In front the broad river (the Ganges) is dancing in 
the bright sunshine, only now and then an occasional 
cargo-boat breaking the silence with the splashing of the 
oars. . . . Everything is green and gold, and the grass is 
like velvet. . . ." 6 
He led a country life, a kind of sacred bucolic like a 
Franciscan monk. He worked in the garden and the 
stables. Like the ascetics of Shakuntala he was surrounded 
by his favourite animals ; the dog Bagha, the deer Hansi, 
the kid Matru, with a collar of little bells with which he 
ran and played like a child, an antelope, a stork, ducks 
and geese, cows and sheep. 7 He walked about as in an 
ecstasy, singing in his beautiful, rich deep voice, or repeating 
certain words that charmed him without heeding the passage 
of time. 
But he knew also how to be the great abbot guiding 
the monastery with a firm hand in spite of his sufferings. 
Almost daily until his death he gave Vedantic classes to 
teach the novices the methods of meditation, he inspired 
the workers with a spirit of virile confidence in themselves, 
paid strict attention to discipline and cleanliness, drew up 
a weekly timetable and kept a watchful eye upon the 
regularity of all the acts of the day ; no negligence escaped 
* It has been kept as at the day of his death ; an iron bed, on 
which he rarely reclined, preferring the ground ; a writing-table, a 
carpet for meditation, a great mirror . . . His life-sized portrait 
and that of Ramakrishna have been added. 
f Letter of December 19, 1900. 
T The rains have come down in earnest and it is a deluge, pour- 
ing, pouring, pouring, night and day. The river is rising ... I 
have just returned from lending a hand in cutting a deep drain to 
take off the water . . . My huge stork is full of glee. My tame 
antelope fled from the Math . . . One of my ducks unfortunately 
died yesterday . . . One of the geese was losing her feathers. 
The animals adored him. Matru, the little kid, who had been 
(so he pretended) one of his parents in a previous existence, slept 
in his room. Before milking Hansi he always asked her permis- 
sion. Bagha, who took part in the Hindu ceremonies, went to 
bathe in the Ganges when the gongs and conches announced the 
end of an eclipse. 
the- eye of the Master. 8 Round him he kept an heroic 
atmosphere, a " burning bush " of the soul, in the midst 
whereof God was always present. Once when he saw them 
going to worship as he was in the middle of the court under 
a tree, he said to them : 
"Where shall you go to seek Brahmin? ... He is 
immanent in all beings. Here, here is the visible Brah- 
min ! Shame to those who, neglecting the visible Brah- 
min before you, as tangible as a fruit in one's hand. Can't 
you see ? Here, here, here is the Brahmin I ..." 
And so forceful was his utterance that each received a 
kind of shock and remained for nearly a quarter of an 
hour glued to the spot as if petrified. Vivekananda at 
last had to say to them : 
"Now go to worship ! " 9 
But his illness steadily increased. Diabetes took the 
form of hydropsy : his feet swelled and certain parts of 
his body became keenly hypersensitive. He hardly slept 
at all. The doctor wished to stop all exertion, and made 
him follow a most painful regime ; although forbidden to 
drink any water, he submitted with stoical patience. For 
twenty-one days he did not swallow a single drop even 
when he rinsed out his mouth. He declared : 
" The body is only a mask of the mind. What the 
mind dictates the body will have to obey. Now I do not 
even think of water, I do not miss it at all. ... I see I 
can do anything." 
The bell sounded at fixed hours. For awaking at four in the 
morning. Half an hour afterwards the monks had to be in chapel 
for meditation. But he was always before them. He got up at 
three, and went to the hall of worship, where he sat, facing the 
north, his hands clasped on his breast, meditating motionless for 
more than two hours. Nobody got up from his place until he set 
the example, saying, " Shiva, Shiva ..." He walked about in a 
state of serene exaltation, communicating it to all around him . . . 
One day when he came in unexpectedly and found only two monks 
in the chapel, he imposed on the whole convent, even on the greatest 
monks, a penitential fast for the rest of the day and forced them 
to beg their food. He supervised in likt manner the publications 
of the Order and let none of what he called " these stupidities " 
pass articles of exaggerated sentimentalism or strict sectarianism, 
the two things in the world he found it most difficult to forgive. 
The end of 1901. 
The illness of its head did not stop the work or the festi- 
vals of the convent. He wished the latter to be ritualistic 
and sumptuous ; for his free mind, which ignored scandal 
if it was a case of social reform, kept a tender regard for 
the legendary poetry of beautiful ceremonies, which main- 
tained the stream of living faith 10 in the heart of simple 
believers, however gravely he fell foul of the inhuman 
orthodoxy of bigots. 11 
So in October, 1901, the great festival of Durga Puja 
the adoration of the Mother, 18 the national festival of 
Bengal, corresponding to our Christmas, celebrated with 
great magnificence the joys of the scented autumn when 
men are reconciled to each other and exchange gifts and 
the monastery feeds hundreds of poor for three days. In 
February, 1902, the festival of Ramakrishna brought 
together more than thirty thousand pilgrims to Belur. 
But the Swami was feverish and confined to his room 
by the swelling of his legs. From his window he watched 
the dances, the Samkirtans, and sought to comfort the 
tears of the disciples who were nursing him ; alone with 
his memories he lived again the days he had spent in the 
past at the feet of the Master at Dakshineswar. 
One great joy still remained to him. Okakura, 18 an 
illustrious visitor, came to see him. He arrived with the 
Japanese abbot of a Buddhist convent, Oda, and invited 
10 Miss MacLeod told me : " Vivekananda was personally in- 
different to ritualistic customs ; and refused to be bound by them 
in social life. But he authorized ritualism, even in Hindu meals, 
where part is offered to the Gods, and on festival days of the holy 
dead, when a place is reserved for them at table and meats served 
to them. He said that he realized such ritualism waa necessary 
for the weakness of man ; for, without prescribed and repeated 
acts he is incapable of keeping the memory and living impression 
of religious experience. He said, ' Without it there would be 
nothing but intellect here (and he touched his forehead) and dry 
thought.' " 
11 During the early days of the monastery the orthodox of the 
neighbouring villages were scandalized, and slandered the monks 
of Belur. Vivekananda, .when he heard it, said " That is good. It 
is a law of nature. That is the case with all founders of religion. 
Without persecution superior ideas cannot penetrate into the heart 
of society." 
11 But the sacrifice of fl.Trimfl.1a was abolished. 
1 At the end of 1901. 
him to the next Congress of Religions. The meeting was 
a moving one. The two men acknowledged their kin- 
" We are," said Vivekananda, " two brothers who meet 
again having come from the ends of the earth." 14 
Okakura begged Vivekananda to accompany him to the 
ruins of Bhodgaya of famous memory, and Vivekananda, 
taking advantage of several weeks' respite from his malady, 
accepted his invitation and went to see Benares for the 
last time. 15 
* * * 
The talks, plans and desires expressed during his last year 
were faithfully collected by the disciples. He was always 
preoccupied with the regeneration of India, while two of the 
projects nearest his heart were the foundation at Calcutta 
of a Vedic college, where eminent professors should teach the 
ancient Aryan culture and Sanskrit learning and a monas- 
tery for women, analogous to that of Belur on the banks of 
the Ganges, under the direction of the " Holy Mother " 
(Ramakrishna's widow). 
But his true spiritual testament is to be found in the 
beautiful confidences he made out of the abundance of his 
14 Told by Miss MacLeod, to whom Vivekananda confided the 
emotion he felt at this meeting, 
Xi In January and February, 1902. They visited Bhodgaya to- 
gether on Vivekananda's last birthday. At Benares Okakura left 
him. The two men, although they loved each other and acknow- 
ledged the grandeur of their mutual task, recognized their differ- 
ences. Okakura had his own kingdom ; that of Art. At Benares 
Vivekananda found an association of young people who had been 
formed under his inspiration to help, feed, and care for sick pil- 
grims. He was proud of these children, and wrote an Appeal for 
the Ramakrishna Home of Service for them. 
Count Keyserling, who visited the site of the Ramakrishna Mis* 
sion at Benares, carried away with him a deep impression. " I never 
have been in a hospital with a more cheerful atmosphere. The 
certainty of salvation sweetens all suffering, And the quality of 
the love for one's neighbours which animated the male nurses was 
exquisite. These men are truly real followers of Rjuaakrishna. 
, , ." (Journal of the Voyage of a Phibtopher, Vol. I of the Eng- 
lish translation, p. 248.) Keyserling forgot that they bad received 
their inspiration from Vivekananda whom he leaves completely in 
the dark, although he speaks all too briefly but with understanding 
sympathy of Ramakrishna. 
heart one day when he was talking to some Santal 16 work- 
men. They were poor folk, employed about the Monastery 
in digging the ground. Vivekananda loved them dearly ; 
he mingled with a group of them, talking to them, making 
them talk, weeping in sympathy as they related their simple 
miseries. One day he served a beautiful feast for them at 
which he said : 
" You are Narayanas ; to-day I have entertained Narayana 
Then turning towards his disciples he said to them : 
" See how simple-hearted these poor illiterate people are 1 
Will you be able to relieve their miseries to some extent at 
least ? Otherwise, of what use is our wearing the gerrua 
(the ochre robe of the Sannyasin) ? . . . Sometimes I think 
within myself, ' What is the good of building monasteries 
and so forth ! Why not sell them and distribute the money 
among the poor, indigent Narayanas. What homes should 
we care for, we who have made the tree our shelter ? Alas ! 
How can we have the heart to put a morsel to our mouths, 
when our countrymen have not enough wherewith to feed 
and clothe themselves ! ' . . . Mother, shall there be no 
redress for them ? One of the purposes of my going out 
to preach religion to the West, as you know, was to see if 
I could find any means of providing for the people of my 
country. Seeing their poverty and distress I think some- 
times, ' Let us throw away all this paraphernalia of worship 
blowing the conch and ringing the bell, and waving the 
lights before the Image. . . . Let us throw away all pride 
of learning and study of the Shastras and all Sadhanas for 
the attainment of personal Mukti and going from village to 
village devote our lives to the service of the poor, and by con- 
" The French reader will find in the first book of Feuilles de 
I'Inde (Chitra Publications, edited by G. A. Hogman, Boulogne- 
sur-Seine, 1928), a series of interesting studies on the " Santals, an 
autochthonous Indian tribe/' contributed by Santosh C. Majumdar. 
It is believed that these people, having come into India originally 
from the North-East, settled at Champa (Bhagalpur) and then 
emigrated to Behar, where they live to-day, 250 kilometres from 
Calcutta. Akin to the Hos and the Mundars, old hunters and 
forest dwellers depending on agriculture for a livelihood, they 
practise an anixnist religion, and have preserved their ancient cus- 
toms and a natural nobility, which has attracted the interest of 
many painters of the Calcutta school. 
vincing the rich men about their duties to the masses, through 
theforce of our character and spirituality and our austere 
' living, get money and the means wherewith to serve the poor 
and distressed 1 Alas ! Nobody in our country thinks for the 
low, the poor and the miserable 1 Those that are the back- 
bone of the nation, whose labour produces food, those whose 
one day's strike from work raises a cry of general distress 
in the city where is the man in our country who sympathizes 
with them, who shares in their joys and sorrows 1 Look, 
how for want of sympathy on the part of the Hindus, 
thousands of Pariahs are becoming Christians in the Madras 
Presidency 1 Don't think that it is merely the pinch of 
hunger that drives them to embrace Christianity. It is 
simply because they do not get your sympathy. You are 
continually telling them, ' Don't touch me ! Don't touch 
this or that ! ' Is there any fellow-feeling or sense of Dharma 
left in the country ? There is only ' Don't-touchism ' now I 
Kick out all such degrading usages ! How I wish to demolish 
the barriers of ' Don't-touchism ' and go out and bring them 
together, one and all, crying, ' Come, all ye that are poor 
and destitute, fallen and down-trodden ! We are one in 
the name of Ramakrishna ! ' Unless they are elevated, 
the Great Mother (India) will never awake 1 What are we 
good for if we cannot provide facilities for their food and 
clothing 1 Alas ! they are ignorant of the ways of the 
world and hence fail to eke out a living though labouring 
hard day and night for it. Gather all your forces together 
to remove the veil from their eyes. What I see clear as 
daylight is, that the same Brahmin, the same Sakti is in 
them as in me 1 Only there is a difference in the degree of 
manifestation that is all. Have you ever seen a country 
in the whole history of the world rise unless there was a 
uniform circulation of the national blood all over its body ? 
Know this for certain, that no great work can be done by 
that body, one limb of which is paralysed. ..." 
One of the lay disciples objected to the difficulty of 
establishing unity and harmony in India. Vivekananda 
replied with irritation : 
"Don't come here any more if you think any task 
too difficult. Through the Grace of the Lord, everything 
becomes easy of achievement. Your duty is to serve the 
poor and distressed without distinction of caste or creed. 
What business have you to consider the fruits of your action ? 
Your duty is to go on working and everything will set itself 
right in time and work by itself. . . . You are all intelligent 
boys and profess to be my disciples tell me what you have 
done. Couldn't you give away one life for the sake of 
others ? Let the reading of the Vedanta and the practicing 
of meditation and the like be left to be done in the next 
life ! Let this body go in the service of others and then I 
shall know you have not come to me in vain 1 " 
A little later he said : 
" After so much Tapasya (asceticism) I have known that 
the highest truth is this : ' He is present in every being 1 
These are all the manifold forms of Him. There is no 
other God to seek for 1 He alone is worshipping God, who 
serves all beings 1 ' " 
The great thought is there stripped to its essentials. Like 
the setting sun it breaks forth from the clouds before disap- 
pearing in resplendent glory : the Equality of all men, all 
sons of the same God, all bearing the same God. And there 
is no other God. He who wishes to serve God, must serve 
man and in the first instance man in the humblest, poorest, 
most degraded form. Break down the barriers. Reply to 
the inhumanity of " Untouchability," which though most 
cruelly apparent in India is not peculiar to that country 
(the hypocrisy of Europe has also its pariahs, whose contact 
she flees), by outstretched hands and the cry of the Ode to 
Joy Brother 1 ... 
Vivekananda's disciples have obeyed the call. The Rama- 
krishna Mission has been unremitting in coming to the help 
of the poor and the outcast 17 and in particular it watches 
over the Santals whom its dying Swami confided to its care. 
Another has received the torch from the hands of him who 
" Come all ye, the poor and the disinherited 1 Come ye 
who are trampled under foot I We are One I " and has 
taken up the holy struggle to give back to the untouch- 
ables their rights and their dignity. M. K. Gandhi. 
As he lay dying his great pride realized the vanity of 
11 A chapter devoted to the works of the Ramakrishna Mission 
will be found at the end of the second part of this Book. 
pride, and discovered true greatness to lie in little things : 
" The humble heroic life." 18 
' " As I grow older," he had said to Nivedita, " I find that 
I look more and more for greatness in little things. . . . 
Any one will be great in a great position. Even the coward 
will grow brave in the glare of the foot-lights. The world 
looks on I ... More and more the true greatness seems 
to me that of the worm, doing its duty silently, steadily 
from moment to moment and hour to hour." 
He looked death in the face, unafraid, as it drew near, 
and remembered all his disciples, even those across the seas. 
His tranquillity was a delusion for them. They thought 
that he had still three or four years of life, when he himself 
knew that he was on the eve of departure, but he 
showed no regret for having to leave his work in other 
hands : 
" How often," he said, " does a man ruin his disciples by 
remaining always with them ! " 
He felt it necessary that he should go away from them, 
so that they might develop by themselves. He refused to 
express any opinion on the questions of the day : 
" I can no more enter into outside affairs," he said, " I am 
already on the way." 
On the supreme day, Friday, July 4, 1902, he was more 
vigorous and joyous than he had been for years. He rose 
very early. Going to the chapel, contrary to his habit of 
opening everything, he shut the windows and bolted the 
doors. There he meditated alone from eight to eleven 
o'clock in the morning. When he went out into the court 
he was transfigured ; he talked aloud to himself and sang 
. his beautiful hymn to Kali. He ate his meal with an appetite 
in the midst of his disciples, immediately afterwards he gave 
the novices a Sanskrit lesson for three hours, and was full 
of life and humour. Then he walked with Premananda 
along the Belur road for more than two miles ; he spoke of 
his plan of a Vedic College and talked of Vedic study : 
" It will kill superstition," he said. 
Evening came. He had a last affectionate interview witti 
his monks, and spoke of the rise and fall of nations. 
" India is immortal," he said, " if she persists in her search 
11 1 have given this title to a collection of thoughts. 
for God. But if she goes in for politics and social conflict 
she will die." " 
Seven o'clock. . . . The convent bell struck for Arati' 
(worship). . . . He went into his room, and looked out 
over the Ganges. Then he sent away the novice who was 
with him, desiring that his meditation should be undisturbed. 
Forty-five minutes later he called in his monks, had all the 
windows opened, lay down quietly on the floor on his left 
side and remained motionless. He seemed to be meditating. 
At the end of an hour he turned round, gave a deep breath 
there was silence for several seconds his eyes were fixed 
in the middle of his eyelids a second deep sigh . . . and 
eternal silence fell. 
" There was," said the novice, " a little blood in his 
nostrils, about his mouth and in his eyes." 
It seemed as if he had gone away in a voluntary fit of 
Kundalini shaki 20 in the final great ecstasy, which Rama- 
krishna had promised him only when his task should be 
ended. 21 
He was thirty-nine. 22 
The next day, like Ramakrishna, he was carried to the 
pyre on the shoulders of the Sannyasins, his brothers, amid 
shouts of victory. 
And in thought I can hear as in his triumphal progress at 
Ramnad, the chorus of Judas Maccabeus, greeting the mighty 
athlete after his last contest. 
lf Miss MacLeod repeated these words to me. 
M One of the talks of the day had been concerned with the cur- 
rent Souchouma, which rises through the six " Lotus " of the body. 
(See the end of Vol. I, the Life of Ramakrishna, Note I, on the 
Psycho-physiology of Indian Asceticism.) 
11 1 have tried to combine in my account the different accounts 
of eye-witnesses, which only differ in details. The doctors con- 
sulted, of whom one arrived two hours before life had completely 
expired, said that death was due to heart failure and apoplexy. But 
the monks keep the firm belief that death was an act of will. And 
the two explanations do not clash. Sister Nivedita only arrived the 
next day. 
11 He had said, " I shall not live to be forty years old." 
Part II 
" ' I am the thread that runs through all these various ideas, 
each of which is like a pearl/ says the Lord Krishna." 
(Vivekananda : 
" Maya and the evolution of the conception of God/ 1 ) 
IT is no part of my present intention to enter into an 
argument about the thought of the two great Indians 
whose lives I have just related. The material of Vive- 
kananda's ideas was no more his own personal conquest 
than in the case of Ramakrishna. It belongs to the thought 
inherent in the depths of Hinduism. The simple and modest 
Ramakrishna made no claim to the honour of founding a 
school of metaphysics. And Vivekananda, though more 
'intellectual and therefore more conscious of his doctrine, 
knew and maintained that there was nothing new in it. 
On the contrary he would have been inclined to defend it 
on the strength of its exalted spiritual ancestry. 
" I am Sankara ! " he said. 
They would both have smiled at the illusion, so general 
in this age, that makes a man believe himself the inventor 
or proprietor of some form of thought. We know that the 
thoughts of mankind move within a narrow circle, and that, 
although they alternately appear and disappear, they are 
always there. Moreover, those which seem to us the newest 
369 BB 
are often in reality the most ancient ; it is only that they 
have been longer forgotten by the world. 
So I am not prepared to embark upon the vast and 
profitless task of discussing the Hinduism of the Parama- 
hamsa and his great disciple ; for if I wished Jto probe to 
the depths of the question, I should be unable to confine 
myself to Hinduism. The essential part of their experience 
and mystic conception, as well as the metaphysical con- 
struction of which these are at the same time the foundation 
and the keystone, far from being peculiar to India as she 
tends to believe, are held by her in common with the two 
great religious metaphysical systems of the West, the 
Hellenic and the Christian. The Divine Infinity, the Absolute 
God, immanent and transcendent, who is poured out in the 
constant flood of the Natura Rerum, and yet is concentrated 
in the most minute of its particles, the Divine Revelation, 
diffused throughout the universe and yet inscribed in the 
centre of each soul, the great Paths of reunion with the 
Infinite Force, in particular that of total Negation, the 
" deification " of the enlightened soul, after its identification 
with Unity these are all explained by Plotinus of Alexan- 
dria and by the early masters of Christian mysticism with 
an ordered power and beauty, which need fear no comparison 
with the monumental structure of India. On the other 
hand Indian mystics would do well to study it. 
But obviously within the limits of this work, I cannot 
give so much as a bird's-eye view of the historic variations 
that have taken place in the conception of the Divine Infinity 
and in the great science of union with the Absolute. It 
would require a history of the whole world ; for such ideas 
belong to the very flesh of humanity past, present and future. 
Their character is universal and eternal. I cannot begin 
to discuss even the question of their worth (problematical 
as are all the ideas of the human spirit without exception), 
or the question bound up with it, that of the great scientific 
problem of " Introversion." They would need a whole work 
to themselves. I shall content myself with referring the 
reader to a twofold and fairly lengthy Note at the end of 
the volume. The first part deals with Mystic " Introver- 
sion " and the singular mistakes made in its appreciation by 
modern psycho-pathologists : for they ignore its strictly 
scientific elements, and the considerable weight of evidence 
gtlready registered for its true perception and understanding. 
The second part is devoted to the Hellenic-Christian Mys- 
ticism of the first centuries (Plotinus, Denis the Areopagite) 
and its relation to Indian Mysticism. 1 I shall confine my- 
self here to a summary of Vedantic thought, as it has 
been explained in these modern days through the mouth of 
All great doctrine as it recurs periodically in the course 
of the centuries is coloured by reflections of the age wherein 
it reappears ; and it further receives the imprint of the 
individual soul through which it runs. Thus it emerges 
anew to work upon men of the age. Every idea remains 
in an elementary stage, like electricity dispersed in the 
atmosphere, unless it finds the mighty condenser of person- 
ality. It must become incarnate like the gods. " Et caro 
factus est." 
It is this mortal flesh of the immortal idea that gives it 
its temporary aspect of belonging to a day or a century, 
whereby it is communicated to us. 
I shall try to show how closely allied is the aspect of 
Vivekananda's thought to our own, with our special needs, 
torments, aspirations, and doubts, urging us ever forward, 
like a blind mole, by instinct upon the road leading to the 
light. Naturally I hope to be able to make other Westerners, 
who resemble me, feel the attraction that I feel for this elder 
brother, the son of the Ganges, who of all modern men 
achieved the highest equilibrium between the diverse forces 
of thought, and was one of the first to sign a treaty of peace 
between the two forces eternally waning within us, the 
lorces of reason and faith. 
* * * 
If there is one sentiment that is absolutely essential to 
me (and I speak as the representative of thousands of 
Europeans) it is that of Freedom. Without it nothing has 
any value . . . Das Wesen des Geistes ist die Freheit." a 
But those who are best qualified to estimate its unique 
value are those who have known most fully the suffering 
of chains, either those of especially crushing circumstances 
1 See pp. 238, 248, Notes I and II. 
1 " The essence of the spirit is liberty. 1 ' (Hegel.) 
or the torments of their own nature. Before I was seven 
years old the universe of a sudden seemed to me to be a vast 
rat trap wherein I was caught. From that moment all my 
efforts were directed to escape through the bars until one 
day in my youth under slow and constant pressure one bar 
suddenly gave way and I sprang to freedom. 8 
These spiritual experiences which marked me for life, 
brought me singularly near to the spirit of India when later 
I came to know it. For thousands of years she has felt 
herself entangled in a gigantic net, and for thousands of 
years she has sought for some way to escape through the 
meshes. This ceaseless effort to escape from a closed trap 
has communicated a passion for freedom, ever fresh, ardent 
and untiring (for it is always in danger) to all Indian geniuses 
whether Gods incarnate, wise philosophers or poets ; but I 
know few examples so striking as the personality of Vive- 
The sweeping strokes of his wild bird's wings took him, 
like Pascal, across the whole heaven of thought from one 
pole to the other, from the abyss of servitude to the gulf of 
freedom. Listen to his tragic cry as he conjures up the 
chain of rebirth. 
" Why 1 the memory of our life is like millions of years 
of confinement, and they want to wake up the memory of 
many lives 1 Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. . . ." 4 
But later he extols the splendour of existence : 
" Never forget the glory of human nature 1 We are the 
greatest God that ever was or ever will be. Christs and 
Buddhas are but waves on the boundless ocean which I 
am." * 
Therein lies no contradiction. For Vivekananda the two* 
conditions are co-existent in man. " What is this universe ? 
... In freedom it rises, in freedom it rests." 6 And yet 
with each movement every living being makes the chains of 
slavery eat more deeply into his flesh. But the dissonance 
1 1 have related these experiences in a chapter of intimate 
memories as yet unpublished, " The Inner Voyage/ 1 which so far 
has only been shown to my Indian friends. 
4 1899, during his second journey to the West. 
6 1895, in an interview at the Thousand Isles Park, in America. 
* 1896, lectures on Maya, delivered in London. 
of the two sentiments blends into harmony a harmonious 
Dissonance as in Heraclitus, which is the opposite of the 
serene and sovereign homophony of the Buddha. Buddhism 
says to men : 
" Realize that all this is illusion," 
while the Vedantic Advaitist says : 
" Realize that in illusion is the real ! " 7 
Nothing in the world is to be denied, for Maya, Illusion, 
has its own reality. We are caught in the network of 
phenomena. Perhaps it would be a higher and more radical 
wisdom to cut the net, like Buddha, by total negation, and 
to say : 
" They do not exist." 
But in the light of the poignant joys and tragic sorrows, 
without which life would be poor indeed, it is more human, 
more precious to say : 
" They exist. They are a snare." 
And to raise the eyes from the mirror that is used to snare 
larks, and so to discover that it is all the play of the sun. 
The play of the sun, Brahmin, is Maya, the huntress with 
Nature, her net. 8 
Before going further let us rid ourselves of the equivocation, 
inherent in the very name of Maya for even the most learned 
men of the West, and see how she is conceived by the intel- 
lectual Vedantism of the present day ; for as it stands it 
raises a fictitious barrier between us. We are wrong to 
think of it as total illusion, pure hallucination, vain smoke 
without a fire : for it is this idea that makes us keep the 
derogatory opinion that the East is incapable of facing the 
reality of life, and sees in it nothing but the stuff that 
dreams are made of, a conception that leads it to float 
through life, half asleep motionless and supine, eyes fixed 
on the blue depths, like webs of wandering spiders floating 
in the autumn breeze. 
7 Talks of Vivekananda with Nivedita in London (1900). 
8 In his first lecture upon " Maya and Illusion " Vivekananda went 
back to the original meaning of the word in India, where it implied 
a kind of magic illusion, a fog covering reality ; and he quoted the 
words of one of the last Upanishads (the Svetasvatara Upanishad), 
" Know Nature to be Maya and the Ruler of this Maya is the Lord 
Himself/' (Complete Works, Vol. II, pp. 88-89.) 
But I believe I am faithful to the real thought of modern 
Vedantism, as it was incarnate in Vivekananda, when I 
prove that his conception of nature was not vastly different 
from that of modern science. 9 
The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system 
of preconceived ideas. It has always possessed absolute 
liberty and unrivalled courage among religions with regard 
to the facts to be observed and the diverse hypotheses it 
has laid down for their co-ordinaton. Never having been 
hampered by a priestly order each man has been entirely 
free to search wherever he pleased for the spiritual explana- 
tion of the spectacle of the universe. As Vivekananda 
reminded his listeners, there was a time when believers, 
atheists, and downright materialists could be found preach- 
ing their doctrines side by side in the same temple ; and 
further on I shall show what esteem Vivekananda publicly 
professed for the great materialists of Western science. 
" Liberty," he said, " is the sole condition of spiritual pro- 
gress." Europe has known how to achieve it (or to demand 
it) more effectively than India in the realm of politics, 10 
but she has attained it and even imagined it infinitely less 
in the spiritual realm. The mutual misunderstanding and 
intolerance of our so-called " free thinkers " and of our 
diverse religious professions has no longer the power to 
astonish us : the normal attitude of the average European 
may be summed up as "I am Truth ! ", while the great 
Vedantist would prefer as his motto Whitman's " All is 
Truth." n He does not reject any one of the proposed 
attempts at explanation but from each he seeks to extract 
the grain of permanent reality : hence when brought face 
to face with modern science he regards it as the purest* 
Vivekananda has devoted to the special study of Maya a set of 
four lectures delivered in London in 1896 : i. " Maya and Illusion " ; 
2. " Maya and the Conception of God " ; 3. " Maya and Freedom " ; 
4. " The Absolute and Manifestation " (that is to say, the phenomenal 
world). He returned frequently to the subject in the course of his 
interviews and his other philosophic and religious treatises. 
10 At the moment she is using the same energy to crush it. 
And bourgeois democracies, while still maintaining " parliamen- 
tary " etiquette, are not in this respect behind communist or facist 
11 In the collection. From Noon to Starry Night from Leaves of 
manifestation of true religious sense for it is seeking to 
seize the essence of Truth by profound and sincere effort. 
The conception of Maya is viewed from this standpoint. 
" It is not," said Vivekananda, " a theory for the explanation 
of the world. 12 It is purely and simply a statement of fact " 
to be observed of all observers. "It is what we are, and 
what we see," so let us experiment. We are placed in a 
world which can be reached only through the doubtful 
medium of the mind and senses. This world only exists in 
relation to them. If they change it will also change. The 
existence we give it has no unchangeable, immovable, 
absolute reality. It is an indefinable mixture of reality and 
appearance, of certainty and illusion. It cannot be the one 
without the other. And there is nothing Platonic about 
this contradiction ! It seizes us by the throat at every 
minute throughout our life of passion and action It has 
been perceived throughout the ages by all the clear-thinking 
minds of the universe. It is the very condition of our 
knowledge. Though we are unceasingly called to the 
solution of insoluble problems the key to which seems as 
necessary to our existence as love or food, we cannot pass 
the circle of atmosphere imposed by nature itself upon our 
lungs. And the eternal contradictions between our aspira- 
tions and the wall enclosing them between two orders 
having no common measure between contradictory realities, 
the implacable and real fact of death and the no less real, 
immediate and undeniable consciousness of life, between 
the irrevocable working of certain intellectual and moral 
laws and the perpetual flux of all conceptions of the spirit 
and heart the incessant variations of good and evil, of 
truth and falsehood on both sides of a line in space and 
time 13 the whole coil of serpents wherein from the begin- 
11 It would be more exact to say, if criticism is allowed, that it 
is a fact of observation, insufficiently explained, if not actually un- 
explained, as most Vedantic philosophers agree. (Cf. for example 
the most recent exposition of Vedantism by Dr. Mahendranath 
Sirker, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy at the Sanskrit College, 
Calcutta : Comparative Studies in Vedantism. Oxford University 
Press, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, 1928.) 
11 " Good and bad are not two cut-and-dried, separate existences 
. . . The very phenomenon which is appearing to be good now, 
may appear to be bad to-morrow . . . The fire that burns the 
ning of time the Laocoon of human thought has found itself 
intertwined so that as it unties itself on one side it only ties # 
its knots more tightly on the other all this is the real world/ 
And the real world is Maya. 
How then can it be defined ? Only by a word that Science 
has made fashionable in these latter days Relativity. In 
Vivekananda's day it had hardly appeared above the horizon ; 
its light was not yet bright enough to fill the dark sky of 
scientific thought ; and Vivekananda only uses it incident- 
ally. 14 But it is clear that it gives the precise meaning of 
his conception ; and the passage I have just quoted in the 
form of a note leaves no room for doubt on the subject. 
Nothing but the mode of expression differs. Vedantic Ad- 
vaitism (that is to say, impersonal and absolute Monism), 
of which he is the greatest modern representative, declares 
that Maya cannot be defined as non-existence any more 
than it can be defined as existence. It is an intermediate 
form between the equally absolute Being and non- 
Being. Hence it is the Relative. It is not Existence, for, 
says the Hindu Vedantist, it is the sport of the Absolute. 
It is not non-Existence, because this sport exists and we 
cannot deny it. For the type of man, so common in the 
West, who is content with the game from which he may 
derive profit, it is the sum total of existence : the great 
revolving Wheel bounds their horizon. But for great hearts 
the only existence worthy of the name is that of the Absolute. 
They are impelled to lay hold of it to escape from the Wheel. 
The cry of humanity comes across the centuries, as it sees 
the sand of its days running through its fingers together 
with all that it has constructed : love, ambition, work and 
life itself. 
" This world's wheel within wheel is terrible mechanism ; 
if we put our hands to it, as soon as we are caught, we are 
child, may cook a good meal for a starving man . . . The only 
way to stop evil, therefore, is to stop good also ... To stop 
death, we shall have to stop life also . . . each of (the two oppos- 
ing terms) is but a different manifestation of the same thing . . . 
The Vedanta says, there must come a time when we shall look 
back and laugh at the ideals which make us afraid of giving up 
our individuality." (Lecture on " Maya and Illusion/' Complete 
Works, II, pp. 97-98.) 
14 From the fourth Lecture on Maya. 
gone. . . . We are all being dragged along by this mighty, 
complex world machine/' 16 
How then can we find the path to liberty ? 
For in the case of a Vivekananda or of any other man 
cast in the heroic mould there can be no question of throwing 
up the arms in advance, raising the hands and resigning 
himself to despair still less is it possible to cover the eyes 
as do some agnostics, while they chant " What do I know ? " 
and to gulp down the fleeting and passing pleasures which 
brush past our bodies like ghosts floating along the edge of 
the river ! . . . What is it that will assuage the cry of the 
Soul, the Great Hunger ? Certainly such rags of flesh will 
not fill up the gulf ! All the epicure's roses will not keep 
him from starting back like the horses of Orcagna in the 
Campo Santo, 16 from the stench of putrefying corpses. He 
must get out of the graveyard, out of the circle of tombs, 
away from the crematorium. He must win freedom or die ! 
And better to die, if need arises, for freedom ! 17 
" Better to die on the battlefield than to live a life of 
defeat ! " 
This trumpet call from ancient India 18 and sounded again 
by Vivekananda is the motto, according to him, the word 
of command written on the starting post of all religions, 
whence they set out on their age-long march. But it is 
also the motto of the great scientific spirit. " I will hew 
out a way for myself. I will know the truth, or give up 
15 Karma-yoga, Chapter VIII. 
16 Allusion to the famous fresco of Orcagna in the Campo Santo 
of Pisa. 
17 This brings out the error made by the psycho-pathologist in 
attributing to genuine Introversion a character of flight, misunder- 
standing its true character of combat. Great mystics, of the type 
of Ruysbroeck, Eckhart, Jean de la Croix and Vivekananda, do not 
flee. They look reality straight in the face, and then close in battle. 
18 Vivekananda attributed this saying to Buddha. The idea of 
a struggle for freedom is emphasized in pure Christian thought. 
Denis the Areopagite goes so far as to make Jesus Christ the chief 
fighter, and the " First athlete " : 
" It was Christ who as God instituted this struggle and this is 
yet more Divine ... He devotedly entered the lists with them, 
contending on behalf of their freedom . . . The initiated will enter 
the contests, as those of God, rejoicing . . . following in the divine 
steps of the first of athletes ..." (Concerning the Ecclesiastical 
Hierarchy, Chapter II, Part III ; " Contemplation/ 1 6.) 
my life in the attempt/' 10 With both science and religion 
the original impulse is the same and so too is the end to, 
be achieved Freedom. Is it not true that the learned man 
who believes in nature's laws seeks to discover them solely 
for the purpose of mastering them in order to use them in 
the service of the spirit that their knowledge has set free ? 
And what have all the religions in the world been seeking ? 
They project this same sovereign freedom, which is refused 
to every individual being, into a God, into a higher, greater, 
more powerful Being who is not bound (in whatever form 
they may imagine Him) and freedom is to be won by the 
mediation of the Conqueror : God, the Gods, the Absolute 
or the idol ; all are the agents of power set up by humanity, 
in order to realize in its stead those gigantic aspirations, 
for which it can find no assuagement in a life that it knows 
is ever slipping away : for they are its bread of life, the 
reason for its very existence. 
" And so all are marching towards freedom. We are all 
journeying towards freedom. 1 ' 20 
And Vivekananda recalled the mysterious answer of the 
Upanishads to the question they propounded : 
" The question is : ' What is this universe ? From what 
does it arise ? Into what does it go ? And the answer is, 
' In freedom it rises, in freedom it rests, and into freedom 
it melts away/ " 
You cannot give up this idea of freedom, so Vivekananda 
continued. Without it your being is lost. It is no question 
of science or religion, of unreason or reason, of good or evil, 
of hatred or love, all beings without any exception hear 
the voice that calls them to freedom. And all follow it like 
the children who followed the Piper of Hamelin. The 
ferocious struggle of the world arises from the fact that all 
are striving among themselves, as to who can follow the 
enchanter most closely and attain the promised end. But 
all these millions fight blindly without understanding the 
real meaning of the voice. Those to whom understanding 
is given realize in the same instant not only its meaning, 
but the harmony of the battlefield, whereon the plants, the 
brethren of the peoples, revolve, where all living beings, 
saints and sinners, good and bad (so called according to 
w Lecture on " Maya and Liberty." to Ibid. 
whether they stumble or walk erect but all towards the 
sante end), struggling or united press on towards the one 
goal: Freedom. 21 
There can be then no question of opening up an unknown 
way for them. Rather distracted mankind must learn that 
there are a thousand paths more or less certain, more or 
less straight, but all going there and must be helped to 
free themselves from the quagmire wherein they are walking 
or from the thickets whereon they are being torn, and shown 
among all these multitudinous ways the most direct, the 
Viae Romanae, the royal roads : the great Yogas : Work 
(Karma-yoga), Love (Bhakti-yoga), Knowledge (Jnana-yoga.) 
11 And this object, as the Advaita shows, is the subject itself, the 
real nature and essence of each one. It is MYSELF. 
'THHE term yoga * has been comprised in the West by 
A the many charlatans and the gull-catchers who have 
degraded its use. These spiritual methods, based on psycho- 
physiological genius experimenting for centuries past, assure 
to those who have assimilated them a spiritual mastery, 
which is inevitably and openly manifested in a mighty power 
for action (a sane and complete soul is the lever of Archi- 
medes : find its fulcrum and it will raise the world). Hence 
the interested pragmatism of thousands of dupes has rushed 2 
to seize upon these real or faked methods with a gross spirit- 
ualism differing but little from commercial transactions ; 
with them faith is the medium of exchange whereby they 
may acquire the goods of this world : money, power, health, 
beauty, virility . . . (One has only to open the papers to see 
the claims of debased doctors and spurious fakirs.) There is 
no Hindu of sincere faith who does not feel an equal disgust 
fox such base exploitation ; and not one of them has ex- 
pressed it more forcibly than Vivekananda. In the eyes of 
all disinterested believers, it is the sign of a fallen soul to put 
1 Vivekananda derives the word from the same Sanskrit root as 
the English yoke, in the sense of joining. It implies union with 
God and the means to attain that union. (Cf. Vol. V of Complete 
Works of the Swami Vivekananda, p. 219 : " Notes from Lectures 
and Discourses.") 
1 Here at first I had written (and I ask my American friends to 
pardon me for it ; for among them I have met the freest minds and 
the purest characters, for it) : " Among such dupes, the Anglo-Saxons 
of America hold the first place." But I am not so sure in these days. 
In this as in many other things America merely went ahead of the 
Old World, But the latter is now in a fair way to catch her up, and 
when it comes to extravagances the oldest are not always the last. 
to base uses the way which has been proved to be the way of 
liberation, and to turn the Appeal of the Eternal Soul and 
the way of its attainment into a means for the pursuit of the 
worst desires of the flesh, pride and lust for power. 
The real Vedantic yogas, such as Vivekananda has de- 
scribed them in his treatises, 8 are a spiritual discipline, such 
as our Western philosophers have sought for in their " Dis- 
course of Method," 4 for the purpose of travelling along the 
straight way leading to truth. And this straight way, as in 
the West, is the way of experiment and reason. 6 
But the chief differences are that in the first place for the 
Eastern philosopher the spirit is not limited to the intelligence ; 
and that in the second place, thought is action, and only 
action can make thought of any value. The Indian whom 
the average European always considers a blind believer in 
comparison to himself, carries in his faith demands as scep- 
tical as those of St. Thomas the Apostle : he must touch ; 
abstract proof is not enough ; and he is right to tax the 
Westerner who contents himself with abstract proof as a 
visionary. ... " If God exists it must be possible to reach 
him. . . . Religion is neither word nor doctrine. It is 
realization. It is not hearing and accepting. It is being 
8 1 am aware that the definition of it given by the greatest living 
master of yoga, Aurobindo Ghose, differs slightly from that of Vive- 
kananda, although he quoted the latter as his authority, in the first 
article he published on the " Synthesis of Yoga " (Arya Review, Pon- 
dicherry, August 15, 1914). Aurobindo does not confine himself only 
to the properly Vedic or Vedantic Yogas, which are always founded 
on Knowledge (of the spirit or the heart or the will). He adds Tan- 
trie Yogas after having cleansed and purified their polluted sources. 
This introduces the Dionysiac element as distinct from the Apollinian. 
Prakriti, Energy, the Soul of Nature in opposition to Purusha, the 
conscious Soul, which observes, understands and controls. The very 
originality of Aurobindo Ghose is that he achieves the synthesis of 
the diverse forces of life. The European reader will perhaps be in- 
terested to find at the end of this volume several pages summing up 
the essence of Aurobindo's thought on this subject, taken from his 
own exposition of it. 
4 Allusion to the title of a famous treatise of Descartes, the 
foundation-stone of modern Western philosophy. 
6 " No one of these Yogas gives up reason, no one 
you to be hoodwinked or to deliver your reason into, 
priests of any type whatsoever . . . Each one of JW^jjj^'you 
to cling to your reason, to hold fast to it." (Jnana-yfgi^frhe 7 " 
of a Universal Religion.) 
and becoming. It begins with the exercise of the faculty of 
religious realization." 6 
You will have noticed in the preceding pages, that the 
search for " truth " as combined with the search for " free- 
dom." The two terms are really identical : for the Westerner 7 
there are two distinct worlds : speculation and action, pure 
reason and practical reason (and we are well aware of the 
trench with its barbed wire fortifications that Germany, the 
most philosophic of European peoples, has dug between 
them) ; but for the Indian they are one and the same world : 
knowledge implies power and will to action. " Who knows, 
is." Hence " true knowledge is salvation." 
But before true knowledge can be efficacious otherwise 
there is always the danger that it might degenerate into a 
mere exercise of dialects it must be prepared to influence 
mankind in general, divided as it is into three great types : 
the Active, the Emotional, and the Reflective. True science 
has accordingly taken the three forms of work, Love and 
Knowledge Karma, Bhakti and Jnana, 8 and the Propy- 
Cf . Vivekananda : Study of Religion ; My Master. Many texts 
exist. This idea, a common one in India, is explained by Viveka- 
nanda in all its forms especially in his great lecture on Hinduism at 
the Congress of Chicago, in September, 1893, and in a series of lec- 
tures in the Punjab in October, 1 897. There one of his leitmotifs was 
" Religion, to be worthy the name, must be action." This explains 
the vast spiritual tolerance which makes the followers of Rama- 
krishna embrace all the diverse and even opposite forms of religion : 
for " religion being concentrated in realization, and not in any doc- 
trinal affirmation/' it is natural that the same Verity changes when 
it is adapted to the different needs of the most diverse human natures. 
7 1 always except the Catholic Christian Mysticism of the West, 
whose ancient and profound affinity to that of India I shall often have 
occasion to show throughout these pages. For a great Christian per- 
fect " adherence " to the supreme Truth procures true freedom. For 
true freedom " presupposes a certain condition of indifference, illimi- 
tation and independence with regard to outside things founded on 
perfect union with and adherence to God." (Cf. the treatise of 
Seguenot, the disciple of Berulle, the great French mystic theologian 
of the seventeenth century, " Conduite d'Oraison," etc., anno 1634, 
analysed by Henri Br6mond in Metaphysique des Saints, Vol. I, 
P- 138.) 
' Before Vivekananda and Ramakrishna, Keshab Chundar Sen, 
who in many directions opened out new paths, had already adopted 
the system of adapting the ways of the soul to the different tempera- 
ments of his disciples. About 1875 when he inaugurated his new 
laeum, the motive Force of all three is the science of inner 
forces, consciously controlled and mastered the science of 
Rajayoga. 9 
Hindu belief as explained by Count Keyserling, who is in 
aristocratic agreement with it, is that Work (Karma-yoga) 
is " the lowest " 10 of the three ways. But I do not believe, 
that there was a " high road " and a " low road " for the 
boundless heart of Ramakrishna. Everything that led to 
God was of God. And I am certain that to Vivekananda, 
the passionate brother of the humble and the poor, the way 
trodden by their naked feet was holy : 
" ' Fools alone say that work and philosophy are different ; 
not the learned/ . . . Each one of our yogas the yogas 
of work, of wisdom, and of devotion are all capable of serving 
as direct and independent means for the attainment of 
Moksha." (Freedom, salvation.) J1 
And how admirably independent are these great religious 
minds of India, how far removed from the caste-pride of our 
learned men and believers in the West ! Vivekananda, 
spiritual culture, he recommended Yoga (that is to say, raja) to 
some, Bhakti to others, Jnana to a third set. And he attached dif- 
ferent forms of devotion to diverse names or attributes of God 
composing in the same way litanies to celebrate the different per- 
fections of the unique Good. (Cf. P. C. Mazoomdar.) 
9 Of all forms of yoga the one most abused, exploited and mon- 
strously deformed by degraded Anglo-Saxon pragmatism, which 
looks upon it as an end in itself, whereas it ought to be a wise, applied 
method of concentration to prepare for the mastery of the mind and 
to make the whole psycho-physiological organism a supple and docile 
instrument so that it may be able to advance further along one of 
the paths of Knowledge in the sense of truth realized by the mind 
or of real and complete Liberty. Need I remind my readers that 
great Christian mysticism has also its Raja-yoga, experimented and 
controlled by a series of masters in the past. 
Aurobindo Ghose, when he revived Raja-yoga, defined it thus : 
" All Raja-yoga depends on this perception and experience that 
our inner elements, combinations, functions, forces, can be separated 
or dissolved, can be newly combined, and set to novel and formerly 
impossible uses or can be transformed and resolved into a new 
general synthesis by fixed internal processes/' (Op. cit.) 
10 Naturally " the highest " is the philosophical. (Cf. pp. 284-85 
of Vol. I of the English Translation of The Travel Diary of a Philo- 
sopher, Jonathan Cape, 1925.) But Aurobindo Ghose makes Bhakti- 
yoga the highest. (Essays on the Gita.) 
11 Karma-yoga, Chapter VI. 
aristocrat, savant and prophet, does not hesitate to write : 
" Although a man has not attained a single system 1 oi 
philosophy, although he does not believe in any God and 
never has believed, although he has not prayed even once in 
his whole life, if the simple power of good actions has brought 
him to the state where he is ready to give up his life and all 
else for others, he has arrived at the same point to which 
the religious man will come through his prayers and the 
philosopher through his knowledge " to know Nivritti, 
entire self-abnegation. 12 Here Indian wisdom and the pure 
Gospel of Galilee 13 without the slightest effort find common 
ground in the kinship existing between all great souls. 
11 Karma-yoga, Chapter VI. 
18 Let us put down here the connection between the two systems 
of religious thought. William James, who has studied " Religious 
Experiences " with praiseworthy zeal, but he confesses it himself 
without any personal fitness for the task (" My temperament/' he 
writes, " prohibits me from almost all mystic experience, and I can 
only give the evidence of others ") is apt to attribute to Western 
mysticism a character of " sporadic " exception which he opposes to 
the " methodically cultivated mysticism " of the East ; and as a re- 
sult he considers that the former is alien to the daily life of the average 
man and woman in the West. In fact, like most Protestants he 
knows little of the daily " methodical mysticism " of Western Catholi- 
cism. The union with God that Indians seek through the Yogas, is 
a natural state with the true Christian, imbued with the essence of 
his faith. It is perhaps even more innate and spontaneous ; for, 
according to the Christian faith the centre of the soul is God, " the 
Son of God " is woven into the very texture of Christian thought 
and he has therefore only to offer this thought to God in prayer to 
" adhere " to Christ and find communion with God. 
The difference (I prefer to believe) is that God in the West plays a 
more active part than in India, where the human soul has to make all 
the effort. By " common and ordinary grace " the " mystic career " , 
is open to all, as Br&nond rightly shows, and the chief business of 
Christian mysticism throughout the ages has been to open this door 
of mystic union with God to the rest of the world. Seen from this 
standpoint the seventeenth century in France was astonishingly 
democratic. (I refer the reader again to the Metaphysique des Saints, 
by H. Br6mond, and in particular to two curious portraits : one of 
the Franciscan " pan-mystic," Paul de Lagny, and the other of the 
" Vigneron de Montmorency " (the winegrower of Montmorency), 
Jean Aumont, whose robust Gallic common sense revolted against 
the idea that " mysticism " was not for everybody. Our Lord re- 
fused it to none except the man who was too lazy to have the courage 
to stoop down and drink. The great Salesian Jean Pierre Camus 
achieved the difficult task of watering down the potent mystic liquor 
i. Karma-yoga 
Of the four gospels of Vivekananda his four Yogas I 
find the most deep and moving tone in the Gospel of Work 
Here follow several extracts coupled to the dark saying I 
have already quoted about the blind Wheel of the Universe, 
whereon mankind is bound and broken. 
"... This world's wheel within wheel is terrible mecha- 
nism ; if we put our hands in it as soon as we are caught we 
are gone. . . . We are all being dragged along by this 
mighty complex world-machine. There are only two ways 
out of it ; one is to give up all concern with the machine, to 
let it go and stand aside. . . . That is very easy to say, 
but it is almost impossible to do. I do not know whether 
in twenty millions of men one can do that. . . . 
" If we give up our attachment to this little universe of the 
senses, we shall be free immediately. The only way to come 
out of bondage is to go beyond the limitations of law, to go 
beyond causation. But it is a most difficult thing to give 
up the clinging to the universe ; few ever attain to 
that. . . . 
" The other way is not negative but positive. ... It is 
to plunge into the world and learn the secret of work. . . . 
Do not fly away from the wheels of the world-machine but 
stand inside it and learn the secret of work, and that is the 
way of Karma-yoga. . . . Through proper work done 
inside, it is also possible to come out. . . . 
" Everyone must work in the universe. ... A current 
rushing down of its own nature falls into a hollow and makes 
. a whirlpool, and after running a little in that whirlpool, it 
emerges again in the form of the free current to go on un- 
of Denis the Areopagite, into an innocuous table wine of slightly 
diluted truth for all good people. This democratization of mysticism 
is a striking phenomenon of our Classic Age, as the French call the 
intellectual seventeenth century. Not for the first time does it appear 
that great transformations in the soul of humanity always come forth 
from the depths. Religion and metaphysics precede literary and 
political thought by one or several centuries. But the latter, being 
ignorant of spiritual things, flatter themselves that they are the 
inventors or discoverers of truths that have formed part of the sub- 
structure of the mind for a long time before their advent. 
385 cc 
checked. Each human life is like that current. It gets into 
the whirl, gets involved in the world of space, time, and 
causation, whirls round a little, crying out, ' my father, my 
brother, my name, my fame ' and so on, and at last emerges 
out of it and regains its original freedom. The whole 
universe is doing that. Whether we know it or not ... we 
are all working to get out of the dream of the world. Man's 
experience in the world is to enable him to get out of its 
whirlpool. . . . 
" We see that the whole universe is working. For what ? 
. . . For liberty ; from the atom to the highest being, 
working for the one end, liberty for the mind, for the body, 
for the spirit. All things are always trying to get freedom, 
flying away from bondage. The sun, the moon, the earth, 
the planets, all are trying to fly away from bondage. The 
centrifugal and centripetal forces of nature are indeed typical 
of our universe. . . . We learn from Karma-yoga the secret 
of work, the organizing power of work. . . . Work is in- 
evitable . . . but we should work to the highest purpose. ..." 
And what is this highest purpose ? Does it lie in moral 
or social Duty ? Is it the passion for work which consumed 
the insatiable Faust so that with failing eyesight he strove 
up to the very threshold of the tomb to remodel the universe 
according to his own way of thinking (as if that would have 
been for the general good). 14 
No 1 Vivekananda would have replied almost in the 
words of Mephistopheles, as he saw Faust fall : 
" He persists in chasing with his love nothing but phan- 
toms. Up to the last miserable, empty instant, the unfor- 
tunate man has kept it up ! . . ." 16 
" Karma-yoga says : ' Work incessantly, but give up all 
14 And even he, Faust, in those last seconds of life, evoked the 
phantom of Liberty, pursued unceasingly. 
11 He alone is worthy of liberty, who knows how to conquer it 
each day. . . ." 
11 In re-reading this scene from Goethe, it is striking to find in 
it thought and expression often closely akin to the Hindu Maya : 
(Mephistopheles, looking at the corpse of Faust) : 
" Gone 1 What a stupid word 1 ... He is worth exactly as 
much as if he had never existed ; and nevertheless man strives and 
moves as if he did exist ... In his place I should prefer eternal 
Annihilation. ' ' 
attachment to work ' . . . . Hold your mind free. 16 Do 
not project into it the tentacle of selfishness : . . . * I and 
mine.' " 
There must even be freedom from all belief in Duty 1 ... 
He keeps his greatest irony for Duty, the last shabby and 
tiresome fetich of the small shopkeeper. 
" Karma-yoga teaches us that the ordinary idea of duty 
is on the lower plane ; nevertheless, all of us have to do our 
duty. 17 Yet we may see that this peculiar sense of duty is 
very often a cause of great misery. Duty becomes a disease 
with us. ... It is the bane of human life. . . . Look at 
those poor slaves to duty ! Duty leaves them no time to 
say prayers, no time to bathe. Duty is ever on them. 
They go out and work. Duty is on them 1 They come home 
and think of work for the next day. Duty is on them 1 It 
is living a slave's life, at last dropping down in the street and 
dying in harness like a horse. This is duty as it is under- 
stood. . . . The only true duty is to be unattached and to 
16 This is the classic doctrine of the Gita : " The ignorant work 
by attachment to the act ; the wise man also works but beyond all 
attachment and solely for the good of the world . . . Referring all 
action to me, let the spirit, withdrawn into itself and free from all 
hope and interested motives, strive without troubling itself with 
scruples ..." 
Cf. Christian mysticism : " Do not strive . . . either for some 
useful end, or temporal profit, or for hell, or for Paradise, or for 
Grace, or to become the beloved of God . . . but purely and simply 
to the glory of God." (Conduite d'oraison, by the Berullian, Claude 
Seguenot, 1634.) 
But with more courage still, Vivekananda expressly stipulates that 
such renunciation is not conditional upon faith in any God whatso- 
ever. Faith merely makes it easier. He appeals first to " those who 
.do not believe in God or in any outside help. They are left to their 
own devices ; they have simply to work with their own will, with 
the powers of the mind an,d with discrimination, saying, ' I must 
be non-attached.' " 
1T Vivekananda devotes a whole chapter to the definition of real 
duty. But he refuses to give it an objective reality : " It is not the 
thing done that defines a duty . . . Yet duty exists from the sub- 
jective side. Any action that makes us go Godward is a good action 
. . . ; any action that makes us go downward is evil . . . There is, 
however, only one idea of duty which has been universally accepted 
by all mankind, of all ages and sects and countries, and that has 
been summed up in a Sanskrit aphorism, thus : ' Do not injure any 
being ; not injuring any being is virtue ; injuring any being is sin/* 
(Karma-yoga, Chap. IV.) 
work as free beings, to give up all work unto God. All our 
duties are His. Blessed are we that we are ordered out here.^ 
We serve our time ; whether we do it ill or well, who knows ?" 
If we do it well we do not get the fruits. 18 If we do it ill, 
neither do we get the care. Be at rest, be free and work. . . . 
This kind of freedom is a very hard thing to attain. How 
easy it is to interpret slavery as duty, the morbid attachment 
of flesh for flesh as duty 1 Men go out into the world and 
struggle and fight for money (or ambition). Ask them why 
they do it. They say, ' It is a duty.' It is the absurd greed 
for gold and gain, and they try to cover it with a few flowers. 
. . . When an attachment has become established (mar- 
riage for example) we call it duty. ... It is, so to say, a 
sort of chronic disease. When it is acute we call it disease, 
when it is chronic we call it nature. . . . We baptize it with 
the high-sounding name of duty. We strew flowers upon it, 
trumpets sound for it, sacred texts are said over it, and then 
the whole world fights, and men earnestly rob each other for 
this duty's sake. ... To the lowest kinds of men, who 
cannot have any other ideal, it is of some good ; but those 
who want to be Karma-yogis must throw this idea of 
duty overboard. There is no duty for ycu and me. What- 
ever you have to give to the world, do give by all means, but 
not as a duty. Do not take any thought of that. Be not 
compelled. Why should you be compelled ? Everything 
that you do under compulsion goes to build up attachment. 
Why should you have any duty ? Resign everything unto 
God. 19 In this tremendous fiery furnace where the fire of 
duty scorches everything, drink this cup of nectar and be 
happy. We are all simply working out His will, and have 
nothing to do with rewards and punishments. ao If you want 
1 " We have the right to the work, not to the fruits thereof/ 1 
says the Gita. 
lt " Men who aspire to nothing, neither honours nor usefulness, 
nor inner sacrifice, nor holiness, nor reward, nor to the kingdom of 
heaven, but who have renounced all these things and all that is 
their own God is honoured by such men." (Meister Eckhart.) 
10 "... He only is fit to contemplate the Divine light who is the 
slave to nothing, not even to his virtues." (Ruysbroeck, De Ornatu 
spiritalium nuptiarum.) 
" Every man who counts anything as merit, virtue, or wisdom 
except only humility, is an idiot." (Id. De pr occiputs quibusdam 
virtutibus /) 
the reward you must also have the punishment ; the only 
.way 'to get out of the punishment is to give up the reward. 
The only way of getting out of misery is by giving up the idea 
of happiness, because these two are linked to each other. 
The only way to get beyond death is to give up the love of 
life. Life and death are the same thing, looked at from 
different points. So the idea of happiness without misery or 
of life without death is very good for schoolboys or children ; 
but the thinker sees that it is all a contradiction in terms 
and gives up both." 
To what a pitch of human detachment does this intoxi- 
cation with boundless Liberty lead ! Moreover, it is obvious 
that such an ideal is not only beyond most men, but that, 
if badly interpreted, by its very excess it may lead to in- 
difference to one's neighbour as well as to oneself and hence 
to the end of all social action. Death may lose its sting, 
but so also does life, and then what remains as a stimulus to 
that doctrine of service which is so essential a part of Vive- 
kananda's teaching and personality ? 
But it is always important to notice to whom Vivekananda 
was addressing each of his lectures or writings. Because 
his religion was essentially realistic and practical with action 
as its object, its expression varied with his public. So vast 
and complex a system of thought could not be swallowed 
whole at one gulp. It was necessary to choose between 
different points of view. In this case Vivekananda was 
addressing Americans, and there was no danger that they 
would sin by excess of self-forgetfulness and action ; the 
Swami therefore emphasized that opposite extreme, the 
virtues of other lands beyond the sea. 
On the other hand when he spoke to his Indians, he was 
the first to denounce the inhuman extravagance to which a 
religion of detachment might lead. Directly after his return 
from America in 1897, when an old Bengal professor, one of 
Ramakrishna's pupils, raised the objection, " All that you 
say about charity, service and the good that is to be 
accomplished in the world, belongs after all to the realm 
of Maya. Does not the Vedanta teach us that our object 
is to break all our chains ? Why then should we make 
unto ourselves others ? " Vivekananda replied with this 
sarcasm : 
" At that rate does not even the idea of liberation (Mukhti) 
belong to the realm of Maya ? Does not the Vedanta teach 
us that the Atman is always free ? Why then struggle for 
liberation ? " 
And later alone with his disciples he said bitterly that 
such interpretation of the Vedanta had done incalculable 
harm to the country. 21 
He knew only too well that there is no form of detachment 
where selfishness cannot find means to enter in and that there 
is no more repulsive form of it than the conscious or un- 
conscious hypocrisy involved in a " liberation " sought only 
for self and not for others. He never ceased to repeat to 
his Sannyasins that they had taken two vows, and that 
although the first was " to realize truth," the second was 
" to help the world." His own mission and that of his 
followers was to rescue the great teachings of the Vedanta 
from their selfish retreat among a few privileged persons and 
to spread them among all sorts and conditions of men as they 
were fitted to assimilate them. 22 During his last days, when 
his body was ravaged by disease and his soul had won the 
right of being three parts detached from all human pre- 
occupations for he had finished his work at the sacrifice of 
11 There were many similar episodes. One was his turbulent inter- 
view with a devotee who refused to think about a terrible famine to 
which Central India was a prey (900,000 dead). The devotee main- 
tained it was a matter concerning only the victim's Karma and was 
none of his business. Vivekananda went scarlet with anger. The 
blood rose to his face, his eyes flashed and he thundered against the 
hard heart of the Pharisee. Turning to his disciples, he exclaimed, 
" This, this is how our country is being ruined I To what extremes 
has this doctrine of Karma fallen 1 Are they men, those who have 
no pity for men ? " 
His whole body was shaken with anger and disgust. 
Another memorable scene related above will be remembered, when 
Vivekananda loftily castigated his own disciples and fellow monks, 
spurning underfoot their preoccupation with and their doctrine of 
individual holiness, and mocked even their authority, Ramakrishna. 
For he reminded them that there was no law or religion higher than 
the command to " Serve Mankind." 
11 " Knowledge of the Advaita has been hidden too long in caves 
and forests. It has been given to me to rescue it from its seclusion 
and to carry it into the midst of family and social life . . . The 
drum of the Advaita shall be sounded in all places in the bazaars, 
from the hill-tops and on the plains." 
his whole life at the very hour when he was being asked 
about questions of the day, and replied that " his spirit could 
not go into them, for it was too far gone in death," he 
still made one exception, " his work, his lifework." 2S 
Every human epoch has been set its own particular work. 
Our task is, or ought to be, to raise the masses, so long 
shamefully betrayed, exploited, and degraded by the very 
men who should have been their guides and sustainers. Even 
the hero or the saint, who has reached the threshold of final 
liberation, must retrace his steps to help his brethren who 
have fallen by the way or who are lagging behind. The 
greatest man is he who is willing to renounce his own 
realization Karma-yoga in order to help others to realize 
it instead. 24 
So then there was no danger that the Master of Karma- 
yoga would ever sacrifice his flock to his own ideal, however 
sublime, but inhuman for the majority of mankind, being 
beyond their nature. And no other religious doctrine has 
ever shown 1 so much sympathetic understanding of the 
spiritual needs of all men from the humblest to the highest. 
It regarded all fanaticism and intolerance as a source of 
slavery and spiritual death. 25 The only possible line of 
conduct for the achievement of liberation was for each man 
to know his own ideal and to seek to accomplish it ; or, if 
he were incapable of discovering it alone it was for a master 
to help him, but never to substitute his own. Always and 
everywhere the constantly repeated principle of true Karma- 
yoga is " to work freely," " to work for freedom," " to work 
11 The Sunday before his death : " You know the work is always 
my weak point I When I think that might come to an end, I am 
all undone I " 
14 " Help men to stand upright, by themselves, and to accomplish 
their Karma-yoga for themselves." (Vivekananda to his monks, 
15 " One must first know how to work without attachment, then 
he will not be a fanatic ... If there were no fanaticism in the 
world it would make much more progress than it does now . . . 
It is a retarding element . . . When you have avoided fanaticism 
then alone will you work well . . . You hear fanatics glibly say- 
ing, ' I do not hate the sinner, I hate the sin ; ' but I am prepared to 
go any distance to see the face of that man who can really make a 
distinction between the sin and the sinner. . . " (Karma-yoga, 
Chap. V.) 
as a master and not as a slave." 26 That is why it can never 
be a question of working at the command of a master. His 
word can only be effectual if the master forgets himself in 
him whom he is counselling, if he espouses his nature and 
helps it to discern and accomplish its own destiny by the 
powers innate in every man. 
Such is the real duty of all great organizers of human 
Work, like Vivekananda. He comprehended the entire 
hierarchy of Karma-yogas, where as in a vast workshop 
different types and forms of associated labour work, each 
in its own place, at the one great task. 
But these words, " workshop," " types " and " ranks," 
do not imply any idea of superiority or inferiority among the 
different kinds of workmen. These are vain prejudices that 
the great aristocrat repudiated. He would allow no castes 
among the workers, but only differences between the tasks 
allotted to them. 27 The most showy and apparently im- 
portant do not constitute a real title to greatness. And if 
Vivekananda can be said to have had any preference it was 
for the humblest and simplest : 
" If you really want to judge of the character of a man 
look not at his great performances. Every fool may become 
a hero at one time or another. Watch a man do his most 
common actions ; those are indeed the things which will tell 
you the real character of a great man. Great occasions 
rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of great- 
ness, but he alone is really the great man whose character 
is great always, the same wherever he be." * 8 
In speaking of classes among workers, it is small matter 
for wonder that Vivekananda places first, not the illustrious, 
fi " The whole gist of this teaching is that you should work like a 
master and not as a slave . . . Work through freedom . . . When 
we ourselves work for the things of this world as slaves . . . our 
work is not true work . . . Selfish work is slave's work . . . Work 
without attachment." (Karma-yoga, Chap. III.) 
17 The important thing is to recognize that there are gradations of 
Karma-yogas. The duty of one condition of life in an accumulation 
of given circumstances is not and cannot be the same as in another 
. . . Each man must learn his own ideal and try to accomplish it 
. . . that is a surer way of progress than to take the ideas of another, 
for they can never be realized. 
Ibid., Chapter I. 
those crowned with the halo of glory and veneration no, not 
eveii the Christs and the Buddhas. But rather the nameless, 
the silent ones the " unknown soldiers." 
The page is a striking one, not easily forgotten when read : 
" The greatest men in the world have passed away unknown. 
The Buddhas and the Christs that we know are but second- 
rate heroes in comparison with the greatest men of whom 
the world knows nothing. Hundreds of these unknown 
heroes have lived in every country working silently. Silently 
they live and silently they pass away ; and in time their 
thoughts find expression in Buddhas or Christs, and it is 
these latter that become known to us. The highest men 
do not seek to get any name or fame from their knowledge. 
They leave their ideas to the world ; they put forth no claims 
for themselves and establish no schools or systems in their 
name. Their whole nature shrinks from such a thing. They 
are the pure Sattvikas, who can never make any stir, but only 
melt down in love. 29 ... In the life of Gautama Buddha 
we notice him constantly saying that he is the twenty-fifth 
Buddha. The twenty-four before him are unknown to 
history although the Buddha known to history must have 
built upon foundations laid by them. The highest men are 
calm, silent and unknown. They are the men who really 
know the power of thought ; they are sure that even if they 
go into a cave and close the door and simply think five true 
thoughts and then pass away, these five thoughts of theirs 
will Uve throughout eternity. Indeed such thoughts will 
penetrate through the mountains, cross the oceans and travel 
through the world. They will enter deep into human hearts 
and brains and raise up men and women who will give them 
19 Vivekananda added an example from his own personal observa- 
tion : 
" I have seen one such Yogi, who lives in a cave in India . . . 
He has so completely lost the sense of his own individuality that 
we may say that the man in him is completely gone, leaving behind 
only the all-comprehending sense of the divine ..." 
He was speaking of Pavhari Baba of Gazipur, who had fascinated 
him at the beginning of his pilgrimage in India in 1889-90, and whose 
influence only just failed to drag hitn back from the mission Rama- 
krishna had traced for him. (See p. 240.) Pavhari Baba maintained 
that all work in the ordinary sense was bondage ; and he was certain 
that nothing but the spirit without the action of the body could help 
Pther men. 
practical expression in the workings of human life. . . . 
The Buddhas and the Christs will go from place to place 
preaching these truths. . . . These Sattvika men are too 
near the Lord to be active and to fight, to be working, strug- 
gling, preaching and doing good, as they say, here on earth 
to humanity. . . ." 80 
Vivekananda did not claim a place among them but 
relegated himself to the second, or the third rank, among 
those who work without any interested motive. 81 For those 
Sattvikas who have passed the stage of Karma-yoga have 
already reached the other side, and Vivekananda remains 
on ours. 
His ideal of the active omnipotence that radiates from 
intense and withdrawn mystic thought, is certainly not one 
to astonish the religious soul of the West ; all our great 
contemplative orders have known it. And our highest 
form of modern lay thought can recognize itself in it as well ; 
for wherein lies the differences from the homage we render 
in a democratic form from the bottom of our hearts to the 
thousands of silent workers, whose humble life of toil and 
meditation is the reserve of heroism and the genius of the 
nations ? " 8a He who wrote these lines and who can, in 
default of any other merit, attest to sixty years' unceasing 
work, is a living witness to these generations of silent workers, 
of whom he is at once the product and the voice. Toiling 
along, and bending over himself, striving to hear the inner 
voice, he has heard the voices of those nameless ones rising, 
10 Karma-yoga, Chapter VII. 
11 " He works best who works without any motive, neither for 
money, nor for fame, nor for anything else ; and when a man can 
do that, he will be a Buddha, and out of him will come the power 
to work in such a manner as will transform the world. This man 
represents the very highest ideal of Karma-yoga/' (Ibid., end of 
Chapter VIII.) 
11 The Hindu genius has the same intuition, but explains it by the 
doctrine of Reincarnation, of a long series of works collected during 
a succession of lives : " The men of mighty will have all been tre- 
mendous workers . . . with wide wills . . . they got by persistent 
work, through ages and ages." The Buddhas and the Christs have 
been possible, thanks only to their accumulation of power, which 
comes from the work of centuries. (Karma-yoga.) 
However chimerical this theory of Reincarnation may appear to a 
Westerner, it establishes the closest relationship between the men of 
all ages, and is akin to our modern faith in universal brotherhood* 
like the sound of the sea whence clouds and rivers are born 
, the dumb thousand whose unexpressed knowledge is the 
substance of my thought and the mainspring of my will. 
When outside noises cease I can hear the beating of their 
pulse in the night. 
2. Bhakti-yoga 
The second path leading to Truth to Freedom is the 
way of the heart : Bhakti-yoga. Here again I seem to hear 
the parrot cry of our learned ones. " There is no truth 
except through reason ; and the heart does not and cannot 
lead to anything but slavery and confusion." Let me beg 
of them to remain in their own path, where I will return to 
them anon ; it is the only one that suits them and so they 
do well to stick to it ; but it is not well to claim that all minds 
can be contained in it. They underestimate not only the 
rich diversity of the human mind, but the essentially living 
character of truth. They are not wrong to denounce the 
dangers of servitude and error lurking in the way of the 
heart ; but they make a mistake when they think that the 
same dangers are absent from the path of intellectual know- 
ledge. To the great " Discriminator " (Viveka) by whatever 
path a man travels, the spirit ascends by a series of partial 
errors and partial truths, ridding itself one after the other 
of the vestments of slavery until he reaches the whole and 
and pure light of Liberty and Truth, called by the Vedantist 
Sat-Chit~Ananda (Absolute Existence, Knowledge, Bliss) : 
it enfolds within its empire the two distinct realms of heart 
and reason. 
But for the benefit of Western intellectuals it should be 
clearly stated that not one of them is more on his guard 
against ambushes on the road of the heart than Vivekananda ; 
for he knew them better than any. Although Bhakti-yoga 
under different names has seen the feet of the great mystic 
pilgrims of the West passing by, and thousands of humble 
believers following in their footsteps, the spirit of law and 
order bequeathed by ancient Rome to our Churches as well 
as to our States, has effectively kept the crusaders of Love 
in the right path, without permitting dangerous excursions 
outside its limits. In passing, it is worthy of note that this 
fact explains Count von Keyserling's specious judgment 
upon Bhakti as compared to Europe. 88 The mobile 'and. 
brilliant genius of the " Wandering Philosopher," with its 
lack of tenderness that leads him to depreciate what he is 
pleased to call " superannuated feminine ideals," 84 because 
they are beyond the limits of his nature, had made him 
exaggerate the lack of heart in the West, of which he claims 
to be the most perfect representative. 86 In reality he has 
a very superficial knowledge of the Catholic Bhakti of Europe. 
His judgment seems to be based on the wild mystics of the 
fourteenth century in Flanders and Germany, such as the 
violent Meister Eckhart and Ruysbroeck, but can he equally 
distrust the delicate treasures of sensitive love and religious 
emotion in France and the Latin countries ? To tax the 
Western mystic with " poverty," with " paltriness," with a 
lack of nicety and refinement 86 is to cast aspersions at the 
same time upon the perfection attained in France by a whole 
galaxy of religious thinkers during the seventeenth century 
the equals if not the superiors of the psychological masters 
of the French Classical Age and of their successors, the 
modern novelists in analysing the most secret feelings of 
mankind. 87 
18 The Travel of a Philosopher, English translation, Vol. I, pp. 225 
et seq. 
Ibid., pp. 144-45- 
16 Yesterday as to-day the word of Rabindranath Tagore is true : 
" Of all the Westerners that I know, Keyserling is the most violently 
Western," quoted complaisantly by himself in the Preface to his 
Moreover, having generalized the whole West from his own tem- 
perament, he raises what is lacking in himself into a virtue, nay more, 
into the " mission " of the West. (Ibid., pp. 195 et seq.) 
M " The heart, no matter what they say, is only poorly developed 
in the Westerner. We imagine, because we have prospered for one 
and a half thousand years a religion of love that for this reason love 
animates us. That is not true . . . How meagre is the effect of 
Thomas a Kempis by the side of "Rgrr^krifthTV* 1 How poor is the 
highest European Bhakti beside that, for instance, of the Persian 
mystics. Western feeling is sharper than that of the East in so far 
as it possesses more energy, but it is not really so rich, so delicate, 
or so differentiated." (Ibid. t pp. 225 et seq.) 
17 Cf. the books devoted to " The Mystic Invasion in France," 
and to " Mystic Conquest," in the admirable Histoire litter aire du 
sentiment religieux en France, depuis le fin des guerres de religion 
jusqu* a nos jours, by Henri Br&nond. 
With regard to the ardour of this faith of love, I refuse to 
, believe that in the case of a great European believer it can 
be inferior in quality to that of a great Asiatic believer. The 
excessive desire shown always by the latter for ' ' Realization " 
in my opinion is not the mark of the highest and purest 
religious soul. It is hardly possible that India could have 
invented "Noli me tangere I " in order to believe she must 
see, touch and taste. And she would be perilously near to 
unbelief if she had not at least the hope that one day she 
would attain her goal in this life. Vivekananda himself gave 
utterance to some words almost disconcerting and brutal 
in their frankness. 88 Their hunger for God is all-powerful ; 
but there is a lofty and aristocratic bashfulness of love 
exemplified by one of our saints, who, when shown a miracle, 
turned away his eyes and said : 
" Let me have the sweetness of believing without having 
We like to give credit to our ideals and we do not ask 
them to pay in advance. There are some most noble souls, 
whom I know, who give until they are bankrupt without 
thought of return. 89 
18 " Only the man who has actually perceived God and soul has 
religion . . . We are all atheists ; let us confess it. Mere intel- 
lectual assent does not make us religious. . . . All knowledge must 
stand on perception of certain facts . . . Religion is a question of 
fact." (Jnana-yoga : " Realization.") 
19 One of the most touching characteristics of our Western mysti- 
cism is the intelligent pity of souls, truly religious themselves, that 
has driven them to understand, to accept and even to love absence 
of God, so-called " hardness " of heart in others. It has been often 
described perhaps most strikingly in the pages of St. John-of-the- 
Cross, in The Obscure Night of the Soul and of Francis of Sales, in the 
ninth book of his TraM de I' Amour de Dieu (On the Purity of " In- 
difference "). It is difficult to know which to admire most, whether 
their acuteness of analysis, or the tender brotherly understanding 
hovering over the sufferings of the loving and devoted soul, and 
teaching it (as in the beautiful story of the deaf musician who 
played the lute for his prince's pleasure and did not stop singing 
even when the prince, in order to try him, left the room) to find 
joy in its pain and to offer to God its very forlornness as a proof 
of its supreme love : 
" While, O God, I see Your sweet face, and know that the song of 
my love pleases You, alas, what comfort I find I ... But when 
You turn away Your eyes, and I no longer see in Your sweet favour 
But let us not establish degrees ; for there is more than 
one way of loving ! If a man gives all that he has, it does 
not matter if his gift .differs from that of his neighbour, 
They are equal. 
Nevertheless we must recognize that by exercising a strict 
control over mysticism, our Western churches have curbed 
its emotional expression so that it is less obvious than in 
India, where it flows with no limitation. A great Hindu 
with the wisdom of Vivekananda, the responsible leader ol 
his people's conscience, knew that he had little necessity to 
stimulate among his own people such dispositions of heart. 
On the other hand care was needed to keep them within 
bounds. They had too great a tendency to degenerate into 
morbid sentimentality. On many occasions I have already 
shown that Vivekananda reacted violently against anything 
of the kind. The scene with his monks is a memorable one, 
when he insulted their " sentimental imbecility " and was 
implacable in his condemnation of Bhakti and then suddenly 
confessed that he himself was a prey to it. It was for that 
very reason that he took up arms against it, and was ever 
watchful to guard his spiritual flock against the abuses of 
the heart. His particular duty as a guide along the path of 
Bhakti-yoga was to throw light on the windings of the road 
and the snares of sentiment. 
The Religion of Love 40 covers an immense territory. Its 
complete exploration would entail a kind of " Itineraire d 
Jerusalem/' 41 being the march of the soul through the 
different stages of love towards the Supreme Love. It is a 
long and dangerous journey, and few arrive at the goal. 
..." There is a power behind impelling us forward, we 
that You were taking pleasure in my song, O true God, how my soul 
suffers I But I do not stop loving You ... or singing the hymn 
of my love, not for the pleasure I find in it, for I have none, but 
for the pure love of Your pleasure." (Francis of Sales.) 
We shall see further on, that India also has its lovers of God, who 
give all without expecting any reward ; for " they have passed the 
stage of recompense and sorrow." The human heart is the same 
4t Religion of Love was the usual title given to a series of lectures 
given in England and the United States. Vivekananda there con- 
densed in a universal form his teachings on Bhakti-yoga. (A pam- 
phlet of 124 pages, Udbodhan Office, Calcutta, 1922.) 
4X Allusion to the title of Chateaubriand's famous work. 
do not know where, to seek for the real object, but this love 
.is sending us forward in search of it. Again and again we 
find out our mistake. We grasp something and find it slips 
through our fingers and then we grip something else. Thus 
on and on we go, till at last comes light ; we come to God, 
the only One Who loves. His love knows no change. . . . 4a 
All the others are mere stages. . . . But the path to God 
is long and difficult. ..." 
And the majority lose themselves on the way. Turning 
towards his Indians Vivekananda said to them : (let the 
humanitarians and Christians of the West mark his words !) 
..." Millions of people make a trade of that religion of 
love. A few men in a century attain to that love of God 
and the whole country becomes blessed and hallowed. . . . 
When at last the Sun comes, all the lesser lights vanish. . . ." 
" But," he hastened to add, " You have all to pass through 
these smaller loves. ..." 
But do not stop at these intermediary stages, and before 
all things be sincere ! Never walk in a vain and hypo- 
critical pride that makes you believe you love God, when in 
reality you are attached to this world. And on the other 
hand (and this is still more essential) do not scorn other 
honest travellers who find it difficult to advance ! Your 
first duty is to understand and to love those whose views 
are not the same as your own. 
" Not only that we would not tell others that they are 
wrong, but that we would tell them that they are right, all 
of these who follow their own ways, that way which your 
nature makes it absolutely necessary for you to take is the 
right way. . . . It is useless to quarrel with people who 
'think differently from you. . . . There may be millions of 
41 " ' Wherever there is any love it is He, the Lord is present 
there ! Where the husband kisses the wife, He is there in the kiss ; 
where the mother kisses the child, He is there in the kiss where 
friends clasp hands, He, the Lord, is present ... in the sacrifice 
of a great man (who) loves and wishes to help mankind.' " 
" The ideal of man is to see God in everything. But if you cannot 
see Him in everything, see Hun in one thing, in that thing which you 
like best, and then see Him in another. So on you go. There is 
infinite life before the soul. Take your time and you will achieve 
your end." (God in Everything.) 
4i What the Hindu calls the " ishtam " of each man. 
radii converging towards the same centre in the sun. The 
further they are from the centre the greater is the distance 
between any two. But as they all meet at the centre all' 
difference vanishes. The only solution is to march ahead 
and go towards the centre. ..." 
It follows that Vivekananda vigorously took up the cudgels 
against all dogmatic education, and nobody has more 
strenuously defended the freedom of the child. His soul, 
like his limbs, should be free from all bonds. To stifle the 
soul of a child is the worst crime of all, and yet we commit 
it daily. 
"... I can never teach you anything ; you will have to 
teach yourself, but I can help you perhaps in giving ex- 
pression to that thought. . . . I must teach myself religion. 
What right had my father to put all sorts of nonsense into 
my head ? ... or my master ? . . . You say they are 
good, but they may not be my way. Think of the appalling 
evil that is in the world to-day, of the millions and millions 
of innocent children perverted by the wrong ways of teaching. 
How many beautiful spiritual truths have been nipped in the 
bud by this horrible idea of a family religion, a social religion, 
a national religion, and so forth. Think of what a mass of 
superstition is in your heads just now about your child- 
hood's religion, or your country's religion, and what an 
amount of evil it does or can do. ..." 
Then must one simply fold one's arms ? Why did Vive- 
kananda busy himself with education with so much ardour, 
and what happens to the teacher ? He then becomes a 
liberator, who allows each one to work according to his 
capacities in his own way, at the same time instilling into 
each a proper respect for the way of his neighbours : 
" There are so many ideals ; I have no right to say what 
shall be your ideal, to force my ideals on you. My duty 
should be to lay before you all the ideals I know of and enable 
you to see by your own constitution what you like best, 
and which is most fitted to you. Take up that one which 
suits you best and persevere in it. This is your Ishtam. ..." 
That is why Vivekananda was the enemy of all so-called 
" established " religion, (of what he calls " congregational" 
religion) the religion of a Church. 
" Let the Churches preach doctrines, theories, philosophies 
to their heart's content. 1 ' All these are unimportant. But 
jio Church has the right to interfere with real religion, with 
" higher religion/' with the religion of action called prayer, 
with "adoration," the real contact of the soul with God* 
These things are matters between the soul and God. ' ' When 
it comes to worship, the real practical part of religion, it 
should be as Jesus says, ' When thou prayest, enter into thy 
closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father 
which is in secret/ " Deep religion " cannot be made public. 
... I cannot get ready my religious feelings at a moment's 
notice. What is the result of this mummery and mockery ? 
It is making a joke of religion, the worst of blasphemy. . . . 
How can human beings stand this religious drilling ? It is 
like soldiers in a barrack. Shoulder arms, kneel down, take 
a book, all regulated exactly. Five minutes of feeling, five 
minutes of reason, five minutes of prayer all arranged 
beforehand. These mummeries have driven out religion, 
and if they continue for centuries religion will cease to 
Religion consists solely of an inner life, and this inner 
life is a forest peopled by very diverse fauna, so that it is 
impossible to choose between the kings of the jungle. 
" There is such a thing as instinct in us, which we have in 
common with the animals. . . . There is again a higher 
form of guidance, which we call reason, when the intellect 
obtains facts and then generalizes them. There is the still 
higher form . . . which we call inspiration, which does not 
reason, but knows things by flashes. But how shall we know 
it from instinct ? That is the great difficulty. Everyone 
comes to you, nowadays, and says he is inspired, and puts 
forth superhuman claims. How are we to distinguish be- 
tween inspiration and deception ? " 
The answer is a striking one for the Western reader ; for 
it is the same that a Western rationalist would give. 
" In the first place, inspiration must not contradict 
reason. The old man does not contradict the child, he is 
the development of the child. What we call inspiration is 
the development of reason. The way to intuition is through 
reason. . . . No genuine inspiration ever contradicts reason. 
Where it does it is no inspiration." 
The second condition is no less prudent and sane : 
401 DD 
" Secondly, inspiration must be for the good of one and 
all ; and not for name or fame or personal gain. It should 
always be for the good of the world, and perfectly unselfish." 
. It is only after subjecting inspiration to these two tests 
that it may be accepted. " But you must remember that 
there is not one in a million that is inspired, in the present 
state of the world." 
Vivekananda cannot be accused of allowing too wide 
loopholes to credulity ; for he knew his people and the abuse 
they made of it. He knew, moreover, that sentimental 
devotion is too often a mask for weakness of character, and 
he had no pity for such weakness. 
" Be strong and stand up and seek the God of Love. This 
is the highest strength. What power is higher than the 
power of purity ? . . . This love of God cannot be reached 
by the weak ; therefore be not weak, either physically, 
mentally, morally or spiritually. 44 
Strength, virile reason, constant preoccupation with uni- 
versal good, and complete disinterestedness, are the con- 
ditions for reaching the goal. And there is still another : 
it is the will to arrive. Most men who cadi themselves 
religious are not really so at bottom ; they are too lazy, 
too fearful, too insincere ; they prefer to linger on the way, 
and not to look too closely at what is awaiting them, hence 
they stagnate in the lotus land of formal devotion. " Tem- 
ples or churches, books or forms are just for the child's 
44 Cf. the " heroic " character imprinted on divine love by the 
great Christian mystics The Combat, by Ruysbroeck, where the 
spirit and God grapple and strive savagely (De ornatu spiritalium 
ntiptiarum, II, 56, 57), the " irascibilis " soul of Meister Eckhart, 
seizing God by force. According to Eckhart, of the three highest 
forces of the soul, the first is Knowledge (Erkenntnis) , the second, 
" irascibilis/' the " violent aspiration towards the Most High (die 
sufstrebende Kraft) ; the third, will power (der Wille). One of the 
symbols of this mystic encounter with God is Jacob wrestling with 
the angel. (Cf. the beautiful paraphrase made by the French 
Dominican of the seventeenth century, Chardon, pp. 75-77 of VoL I 
of Bremond's Metaphysique des Saints). Even the gentle Francis 
of Sales says : 
" Love is the standard of the army of the virtues, they must all 
rally to her." (Traiti de I'Amour de Dieu.) 
Here there is nothing effeminate. The virile soul flings itself into 
the thick of the fight courting wounds and death. 
play, so as to make the spiritual man strong enough to 
take yet higher steps, and these first steps are necessary 
to be taken if he wants religion." 
It is useless to urge that such stagnation is a sign of 
wise prudence, and that those who stand still would be in 
danger of losing their faith and their God, if they came 
out of their sheltering " kindergarten." The truth is that 
they have nothing to lose, being in reality only false devotees ; 
true unbelievers are preferable ; for they are nearer to God. 
Here is the tribute paid by the greatest believer to sincere 
and exalted atheism : 
" The vast majority of men (and he was speaking of 
devotees) are atheists. I am glad that in modern times 
another set of atheists has come up in the Western world, 
the materialists, because they are sincere atheists ! They 
are better than these religious atheists, who are insincere, 
who talk about religion, and j6gA2 about it, yet never want it, 
never try to realize it, never try to understand it. Remember 
the words of Christ : ' Ask and ye shall receive, seek and 
ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. . . .' 
These words are literally true, not figures or pictures. . . . 
But who wants God ? . . . We want everything but 
God. . . ." 
Western devotees as well as Eastern may profit by this 
rough lesson. The unmasker of religious dishonesty fear- 
lessly reveals such camouflaged atheists to themselves. 
" Everyone says : ' Love God 1 ' . . . Men do not know 
what it is to love. . . . Where is love ? " Wherever there 
is neither traffic, nor fear, nor any interest, where there is 
nothing but love for the love of love. 46 
45 More recent homage has been paid to modern materialism by 
the great Hindu mystic, Aurobindo Ghose. In his articles in the 
Arya Review (No. 2, September 15, 1914) on the " Divine Life " and 
the " Synthesis of Yoga/' he sees in the scientific and economic 
materialism of the day a necessary stage of Nature and her work 
for the progress of the human spirit and of society. 
" The whole trend of modern thought and modern endeavour re- 
veals itself to the observant eye as a large conscious effort of Nature 
in man to effect a general level of intellectual equipment, capacity and 
further possibility of universalizing the opportunities which modern 
civilization affords for the mental life. Even the preoccupation of 
the European intellect, the protagonist of this tendency, with 
material Nature and the externalities of existence is a necessary 
When the last stage has been reached you will no longer 
need to know what is going to happen to you, or if God, 
the creator of the universe, an almighty and pitiful God, 
a God who rewards the merits of humanity, exists ; it will 
part of this effort. It seeks to prepare a sufficient basis in man's 
physical being and vital energies and in his material environment 
for his full mental possibilities." 
" The right or at least the ultimate means may not always be 
employed, but their aim is the right preliminary aim, a sound indi- 
vidual and social body and the satisfaction of the legitimate needs 
and demands of the material mind, sufficient ease, leisure, equal 
opportunity, so that the whole of mankind and no longer only the 
favoured race, class or individual may be free to develop the emo- 
tional and intellectual being to its full capacity. At present the 
material and economic aim may predominate, but always behind, 
there works or there waits in reserve the higher and major impulse." 
Further he recognizes " the enormous, the indispensable utility 
of the very brief period of rationalistic Materialism through which 
humanity has been passing. For that vast field of evidence and 
experience which now begins to reopen its gates to us, can only be 
safely entered when the intellect has been severely trained to a strict 
austerity. It became necessary for a time to make a clean sweep at 
once of the truth and its disguises in order that the road might be 
clear for a new departure and a surer advance. It is necessary that 
advancing knowledge should base herself on a clear, pure and dis- 
ciplined intellect. It is necessary, too, that she should correct her 
errors sometimes by a return to the restraint of sensible fact, the 
concrete realities of the physical world. It may even be said that 
the supraphysical can only be really mastered in its fullness when we 
keep our feet firmly on the physical. ' Earth is His footings ' says 
the Upanishad whenever it images the Self that is manifested in the 
universe. And it is certainly the fact that the wider we extend and 
the surer we make our knowledge of the physical world, the wider 
and surer becomes our foundation for the higher knowledge, even 
for the highest, even for the Brahmavidya." 
Here the rationalistic materialism of Europe is accepted and used 
by Indian thought as a stepping-stone to complete knowledge and 
to the mastery of the Atman. 
In another place, in " Notes from Lectures and Discoveries " (Vol. 
VI of the Complete Works, pp. 55 et seq.), Vivekananda enumerates 
five stages in the path of Divine Love : 
1. Man is fearful and needs help. 
2. He sees God as father. 
3. He sees God as mother. (And it is only from this stage that 
real love begins, for only then does it become intimate and fearless.) 
4. He loves for the sake of love beyond all other qualities, and 
beyond good and evil. 
5. He realizes love in Divine union, Unity. 
not matter to you even if God is a tyrant or a good God. 
, . . " The lover has passed beyond all these things, beyond 
rewards and punishments, beyond fears, or doubts of scien- 
tific or any other demonstration. . , ." He loves, he has 
attained the fact of Love " of which the whole universe is 
only a manifestation. ..." 
For at this pitch love has lost all human limitations and 
has taken on a Cosmic meaning : 
" What is it that makes atoms come and join atoms, 
molecule molecules, sets big planets flying towards each 
other, attracts man to woman, woman to man, human 
beings to human beings, animals to animals, drawing the 
whole universe, as it were, towards one centre ? That is 
what is called love. Its manifestation is from the lowest 
atom to the highest ideal : omnipresent, all-pervading, 
everywhere is this love. ... It is the one motive power 
that is in the universe. Under the impetus of that love, 
Christ stands to give up His life for humanity, Buddha 
for an animal, the mother for the child, the husband for 
the wife. It is under the impetus of the same love that 
men are ready to give up their lives for their country, and 
strange to say, under the impetus of that same love, the 
thief goes to steal, the murderer to murder ; for in these 
cases, the spirit is the same. . . . The thief has love for 
gold, the love was there but it was misdirected. So, in all 
crimes, as well as in all virtuous actions, behind stands 
that eternal love. . . . The motive power of the universe 
is love, without which the universe will fall to pieces in 
a moment, and this love is God." 
3. Raja-yoga 
Although Vivekananda preached as his ideal the harmo- 
nious practice of the four kinds of Yoga, 46 there was one 
peculiarly his own, which might almost be called after him ; 
4e It was this characteristic that struck both Ramakrishna and 
later Girish : 
" Your Swami," said the latter to the monks of Alumbazar, " is 
as much jnanin and pandit as the lover of God and humanity." 
Vivekananda held the reins of the four paths of Truth : 
action, knowledge and energy as in a quadriga, and travelled 
taneously along them all towards Unity. 
for it is the way of " Discrimination " (Viveka). It is, 
moreover, the one that should be able to unite the West 
and the East Jnana-yoga the way of " realization " by 
" Knowledge," (in other words, the exploration and conquest 
of the ultimate Essence or Brahmin through the mind). 
But the conquest of the poles is child's play compared 
to this heroic expedition, wherein science and religion com- 
pete with one another and it demands hard and careful 
training. It cannot be undertaken haphazard as can the 
two preceding paths of Work and Love (Karma and Bhakti). 
A man must be fully armed, equipped and drilled. And 
that is the office of Raja-yoga. Although it is self-sufficient 
in its own sphere, it also plays the part of a preparatory 
school to the supreme Yoga of Knowledge. That is why 
I have put it at this point in my exposition, and also because 
it was where Vivekananda himself put it. 47 
Here also as at the end of Karma-yoga we come to an 
outburst of liberation or ecstasy supreme Bhakti, where 
ties uniting men to ordinary existence seem to be so broken 
that it must either be destroyed or thrown out of equi- 
librium. The Bhakta has shed forms and symbols and no 
sect nor church holds him any longer ; none of them are 
big enough, for he has attained the zone of limitless Love, 
and has become ONE with it. The Light floods his entire 
47 In Jnana-yoga, the chapter on " The Ideal of a Universal 
Religion," I have instinctively followed Vivekananda in the order 
he laid down for the four main classes of temperaments and their 
corresponding yogas. It is, however, a curious fact that Viveka- 
nanda did not apply to the second, Bhakti-yoga, the emotional one, 
the name of " Mysticism " given to it in the West. He reserves 
this name for the third, the Raja-yoga, the one that analyses and 
conquers the inner human self. He is thus more faithful than we 
to the classic meaning of the word " Mystic " which in the feminine 
implies " the study of spirituality " (cf. Bossuet) and which we have 
wrongly used, or rather restricted to the effusions of the heart. In 
the masculine it seems to me to be the correct term for the Raja- 
yoghin, " myste," the initiated, pvarrjs. Aurobindo Ghose put them 
in a different order in his Commentaries on the Gita. He superimposes 
these three degrees : i. Karma-yoga, which realizes disinterested 
self-sacrifice by works ; 2. Jnana-yoga, which is the knowledge of 
the true nature of self and the world ; 3. Bhakti-yoga, which is the 
search for and the realization of the supreme Self, the fullness of the 
possession of the Divine Being. (Essays on the Gita, First Series, 
Chapter 4, 1921.) 
being, annihilating desire, selfishness and egoism. The man 
Jias passed along the whole path, through all its stages : 
he has been son, friend, lover, husband, father, and mother, 
and is now ONE with his Beloved, " I am you and you 
are me. ..." And everything is but ONE. . . , 48 
But is there nothing to follow ? 
He comes down voluntarily from the mountain tops bathed 
in Light, and turns again to those who have remained at 
the bottom so that he may help them to ascend. 49 
48 Aurobindo Ghose has dedicated some beautiful pages to a new 
theory of supreme Bhakti which he claims to have deduced from the 
teachings of the Gita. According to him this super-eminent Bhakti, 
which is the highest degree of the ascent of the soul, is accompanied 
by knowledge and does not renounce a single one of the powers of 
being, but accomplishes them all in their integrity. (Essays on the 
Gita.) It seems to me that in many pages of these essays the thought 
of Aurobindo Ghose is very close to that of Christian mysticism. 
4 * " After attaining super-consciousness the Bhakti descends again 
to love and worship . . . Pure love has no motive. It has nothing 
to gain." (Notes from Lectures, Vol. II, loc. cit.) 
" Come down ! Come down 1 " Ramakrishna said in order to 
bring himself back from ecstasy, and he reproached himself and 
refused to have the happiness attained in union with God so that 
he might render service to others : 
" O Mother, let me not attain these delights, let me remain in 
my normal state, so that I can be of more use to the world 1 . . ." 
Is it necessary to recall that the Christian Bhakti always knows 
how to tear himself from the delights of ecstasy, in order to serve 
his neighbour ? Even the wildest transports of the impassioned 
Ruysbroeck who embraced his God like the spoils of love won in 
battle, sank at the name of " Charity " : 
" . . . If you are ravished in ecstasy as highly as St. Peter or St. 
Paul or as anybody you like, and if you hear that a sick man is in 
need of hot soup, I counsel you to wake from your ecstasy and warm 
the soup for him. Leave God to serve God ; find Him and serve 
Him in His members ; you will lose nothing by the change ..." 
(De praecipuis quibusdam virtutibus.) 
In this form of divine Love, directed towards the human com- 
munity, the Christianity of Europe has no rival : for its faith teaches 
it to consider all humanity as the mystic body of Christ. Viveka- 
nanda's wish that his Indian disciples should sacrifice, not only their 
lives, but their salvation itself in order to save others, has often been 
realized in the West by pure and ardent souls, like Catherine of Siena 
and Marie des Vallees, the simple peasant of Coutances in the four- 
teenth century. Her marvellous story has been recently recorded 
for us by Emile Dermenghen ; she demanded of God the pains of hell 
Raja-yoga is the rajah, the king, of the yogas, and a 
sign of its royalty is that it is often spoken of as yoga without 
any further qualification or designation. It is the yoga par 
excellence. If by yoga we mean union with the supreme 
object (and subject) of Knowledge, Raja-yoga is the experi- 
mental psycho-physiological method for its direct attain- 
ment. 50 Vivekananda called it " the psychological yoga, 11 
since its field of action is the control and absolute mastery 
of the mind the first condition of all knowledge, and it 
achieves its end by concentration. 61 
Normally we waste our energies. Not only are they 
squandered in all directions by the tornado of exterior 
impressions ; but even when we manage to shut doors and 
windows, we find chaos within ourselves, a multitude like 
the one that greeted Julius Caesar in the Roman Forum ; 
thousand of unexpected and mostly " undesirable " guests 
invade and trouble us. No inner activity can be seriously 
effective and continuous until we have first reduced our 
house to order, and then have recalled and reassembled 
our herd of scattered energies. " The powers of the mind 
are like rays of dissipated light ; when they are concen- 
trated they illumine. This is our only means of Knowledge. ' ' 
In all countries and at all times learned men or artists, 
great men of action or of intense meditation, have known 
and practised it instinctively, each in his own way either 
consciously or subconsciously as experience dictated. I have 
in order to deliver the unfortunate. " Our Lord refused her, and 
the more He refused the more she offered herself. ' I fear/ she said 
to Him, ' that you have not enough torments to give me.' " 
io The science of Raja-yoga proposes to lay before humanity a 
practical and scientifically worked out method of preaching the truth, 
in the Hindu sense of the living and individual " realization " of the 
truth. (Raja-yoga, I.) 
I have said above that Aurobindo Ghose extends the field of Raja- 
yoga from knowledge to power, from speculation to action. But I 
am speaking here only of speculative Raja-yoga as understood by 
the great authorities on the Vedanta. 
1 Inspired by Patanjali, the great classical theorist of Raja-yoga 
(whose sutras are situated by Western Indological science between 
A.D. 400 and 450). (Cf. P. Masson-Oursel, op. cit. t pp. 184 et seq.) 
Vivekananda defined this operation as " the science of restraining 
the Chitta (the mind) from breaking into Vrittis (modification)." 
(Vol. VII of the Complete Works of the Swami Vivekananda, p. 59.) 
shown in the case of Beethoven, to what degree this can be 
, achieved by a Western genius absolutely ignorant of Raja- 
yoga in the strict sense of the word. But this same example 
is a signal warning of the dangers of such individual 
practice when insufficiently understood and controlled. 62 
The originality of Indian Raja-yoga lies in the fact that 
it has been the subject for centuries past of a minutely 
elaborated and experimental science for the conquest of 
concentration and mastery of the mind. 
By mind, the Hindu yogin understands the instrument as 
well as the object of knowledge, and in what concerns the 
object he goes very far, farther than I can follow him. It 
is not that I deny on principle the boundless powers he 
claims for his science, not only over the soul, but over all 
nature (in Hindu belief they are indistinguishable). The 
really scientific attitude is one of reserve with regard to 
the future possibilities of the mind, since neither its bounds 
nor extent, by which term I mean its limits, have yet been 
scientifically fixed. But I rightly condemn the Indian yogin 
for taking as proved what nobody as yet has been able to 
prove experimentally. For if such extraordinary powers 
exist, there seems to be no reason (as even the great Indian, 
who is both a learned genius and a convinced believer, Sir 
Jagadis Ch. Bose, said to me) why the ancient Rishis made 
no use of them to refashion the world. 63 And the worst 
feature of such foolish promises, akin to those made by the 
61 Cf. my study on the " Deafness of Beethoven/ 1 in Vol. I of 
Beethoven : The great Creative Epochs, pp. 335 et seq. The Yogins 
were well aware of it : " All inspired persons," wrote Vivekananda, 
" who stumbled upon this super-conscious state . . . generally had 
some quaint superstitions along with their knowledge. They laid 
themselves open to hallucinations and ran the risk of madness. 
(Raja-yoga, Chapter VII.) 
6> I am well aware that Aurobindo Ghose, who has devoted fifty 
years of his life in absolute seclusion to these researches, has, it is 
said, achieved " realizations " that are destined to transform the 
realm of the mind as we know it at present. But while credit must 
be given to his philosophic genius, we are waiting for the discoveries 
announced by his entourage to be presented to the full and open test 
of scientific investigation. Strict analysis has never yet accepted 
experiences of which the experimentalist, however authoritative, was 
the sole judge and participator. (Disciples do not count, for they 
are merely the reflection of the master.) 
fabulous genii of the Arabian Nights, is that they sink into 
greedy and empty 'brains. Even Vivekananda could* not 
always resist this kind of preaching, with its fatal attraction 
for the dangefous and gluttonous appetite of souls of the 
most sensual type. 54 
But Vivekananda was always careful to surround the 
coveted object, like Brunhilde's 65 rock, 56 with a fivefold 
64 In his Raja-yoga, one of his first works, published in America, 
he spoke rashly (Chapter I) of the powers that could be obtained 
over nature in a relatively short time (several months) by those who 
perseveringly followed the practice of Raja-yoga. And the intimate 
memories that have been communicated to me by his most deeply 
religious American disciple, Sister Christine, make it discreetly evi- 
dent, reading between the lines, that mundane preoccupations formed 
the kernel of the meditations of those, especially the women, who 
practised Raja-yoga in America. (Cf. Chapter V of Vivekananda' s 
treatise the effects derived from the yogic practice in beauty of 
voice and face.) It is true that the young Swami, filled as he was 
with faith, could hardly have foreseen the frivolous interpretation put 
upon his words. As soon as he saw it, he protested emphatically. 
But one must never " tempt the devil,' 1 as one of our proverbs has it. 
If we do the devil takes advantage of us, and we are fortunate if we 
escape with nothing worse than ridicule ; ridicule itself is often only a 
step removed from the obscene. There are other and less scrupulous 
Yogins who have traded upon its attractions and made Raja-vogism 
a receiving office for men and women greedy for this totally different 
kind of conquest. 
66 Allusion to the Nibelungen Legend in Wagner's opera the 
6 Far from recognizing supernatural powers as the reward of 
yogic efforts, Vivekananda, like all great yogins, regarded them as 
a temptation similar to that suffered by Jesus on the top of the 
mountain when the devil offered him the kingdoms of this world. 
(It is clear to me that in the legend of Christ that moment corre- 
sponded to the last stage but one of His personal yoga.) If he had 
not rejected this temptation all the fruits of yoga would have been 
lost . . . (Raja-yoga, Chapter VII) : 
" Different powers will come to the yogi, and if he yields to the 
temptations of any one of these the road to his further progress will 
be barred . . . But if he is strong enough to reject even these 
miraculous powers he will attain . . . the complete suppression of 
the waves in the ocean of the mind. 11 He will attain divine Union. 
But it is only too evident that the ordinary man troubles himself 
little about this union and prefers the good things of the world. 
I would add that to an idealistic free-thinker, as I am, who 
naturally unites scientific scepticism to spiritual faith, such so-called 
" supernatural powers," as lie to the hand of the yogin and are 
ring of fire". None but the hero can bear away the prize. 
Even. the first stage is unattainable the yama or mastery 
without the realization of five indispensable conditions, 
each one sufficient to make a saint : 
1. Ahimsa, the great aim of Gandhi, which the old yogins 
considered to be the highest virtue and happiness of man- 
kind : "no hurt " to all nature, the " doing no evil " in 
act, word, thought, to any living being : 
2. Absolute truth : " truth in action, word, thought " : 
for truth is the foundation of all things whereby all things 
are attained : 
3. Perfect chastity or brahmacharya : 
4. Absolute non-covetousness : 
5. Purity of soul and absolute disinterestedness : not to 
accept or to expect any gift : every accepted gift is pre- 
judicial to independence and is death to the soul. 67 
Hence it is clear that the common herd who seek in 
yoga a fraudulent means to " succeed/' those who wish to 
cheat fate, dabblers in the occult and clients of Beauty 
Parlours will find " No road " barring the way when they 
arrive at the outer ring of fortification. But most of them 
are careful not to read the notice ; and they try to coax 
the more or less authentic Guru, who guards the door, to 
allow them to enter. 
That is why Vivekananda, as he became aware of the 
danger of certain words for weak and unscrupulous moral 
natures, a voided their use. 68 And he tended more and more 
to restrict his instructions in Raja-yoga to the conquest of 
repulsed by him, are in fact illusory since he has never tried them, 
.But this is unimportant. What matters is that the mind is con- 
vinced of their reality and voluntarily sacrifices them. The sacrifice 
is the only reality that counts.) 
67 Cf . Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII, the summing up of Kurma Purana 
and VoL VI of the Complete Works of the Swami Vivekananda, pp. 
55 et seq. 
58 He recognized this more and more as he gained experience. 
To an Indian disciple who asked him about the different ways of 
salvation, he said, " In the path of Yoga (Raja) there are many 
obstacles. Perhaps the spirit will run after psychic powers ; and 
thus it will be turned back from attaining its real nature. The path 
of Bhakti or devotion to God is easy in practice, but progress in it 
is slow. Only the way of Jnana (intelligence) is rapid and sure, 
rational and universal. (Complete Works, Vol. VII, pp. 193 et seq.) 
Knowledge by the most perfect instrument of scientific 
method: absolute Concentration. 69 
And in this we are all interested. Whatever may be the 
effect upon the mind produced with this instrument by the 
Hindu seeker after truth, all seekers after truth whether 
of the West or of the East are all obliged to use that instru- 
ment ; and it is to their advantage that it should be as 
exact and perfect as possible. There is nothing of the 
occult in it. Vivekananda's sane intelligence had the same 
aversion to all that was secret and hidden in the searchings 
of the mind as the most devoted and learned Westerner : 
"... There is no mystery in what I teach. . . . Any- 
thing that is secret and mysterious in these systems of Yoga 
should be at once rejected. . . . Discard everything that 
weakens you. Mystery-mongering weakens the human 
brain. It has well nigh destroyed Yoga one of the grandest 
of sciences. . . . You must practise and see whether these 
things happen or not. . . . There is neither mystery nor 
danger in it. . . . 60 It is wrong to believe blindly. . . ." 61 
Nobody condemns more categorically the slightest abdi- 
cation of self-mastery, however partial or transient, into 
the hands of strangers. And it is this that makes him 
protest so violently against all kinds of suggestion, however 
honest and well-intentioned. 
" The so-called hypnotic suggestion can only act upon a 
weak mind . . . and excite in the patient a sort of morbid 
Pratyahara. . . . It is not really controlling the brain centres 
by the power of one's own will, but is, as it were, stunning 
the patient's mind for the time being by sudden blows 
which another's will delivers to it. ... Every attempt at 
control which is not voluntary is ... disastrous. It ... 
only rivets one link more to the already existing heavy 
chain of bondage. . . . Thereforejbeware how you let your- 
selves be acted upon by others . . . even if they succeed 
in doing good ... for a time. . . . Use your own minds 
M " Give up ... this nibbling at things. Take up one idea. 
Make that one idea your life ; think of it ; dream of it ; live on that 
idea " until it becomes the substance of your whole body. (Raja- 
yoga, Chapter VI.) 
All the same Vivekananda elsewhere lays down wise and prudent 
rules for the physical and moral hygiene of those who wish to practise 
yoga. " Raja-yoga, Chapter I. 
. . . control body and mind yourselves, remember that until 
you Sire a diseased person, no extraneous will can work 
upon you ; avoid everyone, however great and good he 
may be, who asks you to believe blindly. ... It is healthier 
for the individual or the race to remain wicked than to 
be made apparently good by such morbid extraneous control. 
. . . Beware of everything that takes away your freedom." 6a 
In his unwavering passion for mental freedom he, like 
Tolstoy, although an artist by race and a born musician, 
went so far as to reject the dangerous power of artistic 
emotion, especially that produced by music, over the exact 
working of the mind. 63 Anything that runs the risk of 
making the mind less independent to carry out its own 
observations and experiments, even if it seems to bring 
about temporary relief and well-being, has in it the " seed 
of future decadence, of crime, of folly and of death." 
I do not believe that the most exacting scientific mind 
ever gave utterance to more pronounced views ; and 
Western reason must agree with the principles enunciated 
by Vivekananda. 
" Ibid., Chapter VI. 
68 It is not that a real Yoga of art does not exist in India. And 
here Vivekananda's own brother, Mohendra Nath Dutt, an artist and 
profound thinker, has filled in the lines indicated by the Master. I 
cannot urge European aesthetes too strongly to read his Dissertation 
on Painting (dedicated to the memory of Brahmananda, the first 
Abbot of the Ramakrishna Mission, with a preface by Tagore 
ed. B. K. Chatterjee, 1922, Calcutta, Seva Series Publishing 
Home). The great Indian religious artist places himself face to 
face with the object he wishes to represent in the attitude of a 
yogin in search of Truth : to him the object becomes the subject ; 
and the process of contemplation is that of the strictest yogic 
" discrimination " : 
" In representing an ideal the painter really represents his own 
spirit, his dual self, through the medium of exterior objects. In 
a profound state of identification the inner and outer layers of the 
spirit are separated ; the external layer or the variable part of the 
spirit is identified with the object observed, and the constant or 
unchanging part remains the serene observer. The one is " Lila " 
(the play), the other " Nitya " (Eternity). We cannot say what is 
beyond, for it is " Avatyam," the inexpressible state ..." 
It is not astonishing that many great Indian artists who have 
passed through this discipline have finally become saints. (Cf . also 
the Dance of Shiva, by A. Coomaraswarny, translated by Madeleine 
Rolland, Edition Rieder.) 
It makes it all the jnore astonishing that Western reason 
has taken so little into account the experimental research 
of Indian Raja-yogins, and that it has not tried to use the 
methods of control and mastery, which they offer in broad 
daylight without any mystery, over the one infinitely fragile 
and constantly warped instrument that is our only means 
of discovering what exists. 
While admitting with no possibility of contradiction, that 
yogist psycho-physiology uses explanations and still more 
terms that are both controvertible and obsolete, it should 
be easy to rectify them by readjusting (as Vivekananda 
tried to do) the experiments of past centuries to modern 
science. To make up for their lack of laboratories Hindu 
observers have possessed age-long patience and a genius for 
intuition. There can be no doubt on this point in the light 
of such pregnant lines on the nature of living bodies as the 
following in the most ancient sacred texts : 
" The body is the name given to a series of changes. 
. . As in a river the mass of water changes every moment 
and other masses come to take its place, so is it with the 
body." " 
Religious faith in India has never been allowed to run 
counter to scientific laws ; moreover, the former is never made 
a preliminary condition for the knowledge they teach, but 
they are always scrupulously careful to take into considera- 
tion the possibility that lay reason, both agnostic and atheist, 
may attain truth in its own way. Thus Raja-yoga admits 
two distinct divisions ; Maha-yoga, which imagines the unity 
of the Ego with God, and Abhava-yoga (abhavas non- 
existence), which studies the Ego " as zero and bereft of 
duality " 66 and both may be the object of pure and strict 
scientific observation. 66 Such tolerance may astonish relig- 
4 It is unnecessary to underline the similarity of this conception 
to that of the Eleates. Deussen, in his System of the Vedantas, has 
compared Heraclitus's doctrine on the perpetual instability of the 
soul " complex " to Hindu doctrines. 
The fundamental idea is that the universe is made out of one 
substance, whose form is perpetually changing. " The sum total 
of energy remains always the same." (Raja-yoga, Chapter III.) 
** Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII, summary of the Kurma Purana. 
M " La the study of this Raja-yoga no faith or belief is necessary. 
Believe nothing until you find it out for yourself . . . Every human 
ious believers in the West, but it is an integral part of 
Vedantic belief to regard the human spirit as God who is 
as yet unaware of Himself, but who is capable of being 
brought to know Himself. 67 Such a credo is not far from 
the secret or avowed aim of Science, and so is not strange 
to us. 
Further, Hindu religious psycho-physiology is entirely 
materialistic up to a certain stage, which is placed very 
high, since it goes beyond the " mind/ 1 In tracing the 
genesis of perception from the impressions received of exterior 
objects to the nerve and brain centres where they are stored 
and thence to the mind all the stages are material ; but 
the mind is made of more subtle matter although it does 
not differ in essence from the body. It is only in the higher 
stage that the non-material soul occurs, the Purusha, which 
receives its perceptions from its instrument, the mind, and 
then transmits its orders to the motive centres. As a result 
positive science can walk hand in hand with Hindu faith 
for three quarters of the way. It is only at the last stage 
but one that she will cry " Halt ! " And so all I ask here 
is that the two shall go those first three quarters of the 
way together. For I believe it is possible that Hindu 
explorers in the course of their travels have seen many 
objects which have escaped our eyes. Let us profit from 
their discoveries without renouncing in any way our right to 
the free exercise of our critical faculties with regard to them. 
I cannot find room within the limits of this book for a 
detailed examination of Raja-yogic methods. But I re- 
commend it to Western masters of the new psychology, 
and of pedagogy in so far as it is scientifically founded of 
the physiology of the mind. I myself have derived much 
benefit from their remarkable analysis ; and while it is too 
late to apply their teachings in my own life, I admire the 
way they have explained the past experiences of my life, 
with all its mistakes and obscure instincts towards salvation. 
being has the right and the power to seek for religion." (Raja-yoga, 
Chapter I.) 
87 For Hindus as for Buddhists human birth is the highest stage 
that the Being has reached on the road to realization ; and that is 
why a man must make haste to profit by it. Even the gods, or devas 
in the polytheistic sense, only achieve freedom by passing through 
human birth. (Ibid Chapter III.) 
But the three first psychological stages in the concentra- 
tion of the mind must be mentioned : 68 Pratyahara,* 9 which, 
turns the organs of sense away from exterior things and 
directs them towards entirely mental impressions ; Dharana, 
which forces the mind to fix its attention on a special 
and given point, either outwardly or inwardly; Dhyana 
(properly speaking meditation), when the mind, trained 
by the preceding exercises, has acquired the power of 
"running in an uninterrupted current towards a chosen 
It is only when the first stage has been mastered that 
character begins to form, according to Vivekananda. But 
" How hard it is to control the mind. Well has it been 
compared to the maddened monkey. . . . Incessantly active 
by its own nature ; then it becomes drunk with the wine of 
desire . . . the sting . . . of jealousy . . . and pride enters 
the mind." Then what does the master advise ? The exer- 
cise of the will ? No, he came earlier than our psychological 
doctors who have but tardily realized that the clumsy appli- 
cation of the will against some mental habit often provokes 
that habit to a violent reaction. He teaches mastery of 
the " monkey " by letting it grow quiet under the calm 
inner regard that judges it impartially. The ancient yogins 
did not wait for Dr. Freud to teach them that the best 
cure for the mind is to make it look its deeply-hidden 
monsters straight in the face : 
"The first lesson then is to sit for some time and let 
the mind run on. The mind is bubbling up all the time. 
It is like that monkey jumping about. Let the monkey 
jump as much as he can you simply wait and watch. 
. . . Many hideous thoughts may come in to it ; Know- 
ledge is power . . . you will find that each day the mind's 
vagaries are becoming less and less violent. ... It is 
M They are preceded by exercises of a physiological natureof 
great interest to medical science : Asana (or posture), and prana 
yama (control of the breath). These are followed by the higher 
state of the mind, Samadhi, where " the Dhyana is intensified to the 
point of rejecting the exterior part of meditation and all sensible 
forms, and remains in meditation upon one inner or abstract part, 
until thought is absorbed in Unity. We shall return to this condition 
when we study the yoga of knowledge (jnana). 
if The meaning of the word is : M gathering towards." 
tremendous work. . . . Only after a patient, continuous 
. struggle for years can we succeed." 70 
Hence before proceeding to the next stage, the yogin 
must have learnt to use the play of imagination in order 
to discipline the mind to fix itself on one point. 
But the Master was always preoccupied with matters 
physiological. Avoid fatigue. " Such exercises are not 
designed to follow the rough work of the day." Pay atten- 
tion to diet. " A strict diet from the first, milk and cereals " ; 
all stimulant is forbidden. 71 Inner phenomena are observed 
and described with praiseworthy acumen. 72 At first during 
the conquest of concentration the least sensation is like a 
stupendous wave : " A pin dropping makes a noise like 
thunder." . . . Hence it is very important to supervise the 
organism closely, and to keep it absolutely calm, since that 
is the desired aim. Obviously constant care must be taken 
to avoid all unhealthy overstrain. Otherwise the result will 
be a deranged system and an unbalanced mind, which 
Western clumsiness has hastily concluded to be the inevit- 
able and exaggerated characteristics of an ecstatic or of an 
inspired artist like Beethoven. 78 
70 Even prescriptions analogous to those of Dr. Cou6 axe to be 
found with the yogins the method of auto-suggestion, which makes 
the patient repeat a beneficent statement. The yogin counsels the 
novice to repeat mentally at the beginning of his exercises : " May 
all beings be happy 1 " so as to surround himself with an atmosphere 
of peace. 
71 Absolute chastity. Without it Raja-yoga is attended with the 
greatest dangers. Hindu observers maintain that each man pos- 
sesses a constant quantity of total energy ; but this energy can be 
transferred from one centre to another. Sexual energy when used 
by the brain is transformed into mental energy. But if to use one of 
our popular expressions, a man " burns the candle at both ends," 
physical and mental ruin is the result. Yoga followed under such 
conditions leads to worse aberrations. 
Add what contemplative souls in Europe have too often neglected, 
hygiene and perfect cleanliness. The " purity " demanded by the 
rules of yoga embraces the double " obligation of the two purities, 
moral and physical. No one can be a yogi until he has both.'* 
(Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII, summary of the Kunna Purana.) 
71 Sometimes sounds like those of a distant carillon are heard 
fading into one continuous accord. Points of light appear , . . etc. 
71 " He who fasts, he who keeps awake, he who sleeps much, he 
who works too much, he who does no work, none of these can be 
a Yogi." (Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII.) [Continued overleaf. 
417 EE 
The master yogin claims on the contrary that physical 
health benefits from his discipline as much as moral health.. 
He says that its effects ought to become quickly apparent 
in repose of body, relaxation of features and even the tone 
of the voice. It is only natural that these have been the 
advantages emphasized by the worldly disciples of all yogins 
whether true or false. Let them do so I From so rich a 
storehouse of experience, embracing as it does so many 
different aspects of the body and mind, each may glean for 
his own granary. Our concern here is only with psycho- 
logists and learned men 1 74 
4. Jnana-yoga 
The upward surge of the spirit towards the truth wherein 
it may find freedom, can occur as we have seen under 
different forms : as Amor Caritas or disinterested Work, or 
mind control having as its object the conquest of the laws 
governing the inner mechanism. To each of these forms 
Raja-yoga teaches the fingering whereby the psycho- 
physiological piano may be played ; for nothing firm and 
lasting is possible without the preliminary apprenticeship 
of concentration. But it is peculiarly essential for one of 
them if mastery is to be attained, although it possesses its 
own independent path. This brings us to the last we have 
to examine; they are closely bound up with Raja-yoga: 
Jnana-yoga, the rationalist and philosophical yoga. In so 
far as Raja-yoga is the science of the control of inner con- 
ditions, the philosopher has to go to it in order to control 
his instrument of thought. Even Vivekananda, the great 
" Do not practise when the body feels very lazy or ill, or when the 
mind is very miserable or sorrowful." (Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII.) 
T * Without going outside the plane of the observable and probable, 
it has actually been proved that sovereign control of the inner lif e 
can put our unconscious or subconscious life partially if not entirely 
into our hands. " Almost every action of which we are now uncon- 
scious can be brought to the plane of consciousness." (Raja-yoga, , 
Chapter VII.) It is a well-known fact that the yogins have the power 
to stop or provoke physiological acts that are quite beyond the scope 
of will power ; such as the beating of the heart. Strict scientific 
observation has established the reality of these facts and we our- 
selves have proved them. The yogin is convinced that ' ' every being, 
however small he may be, has in reserve an immense storehouse 
of energies." And there is nothing in this eminently virile and 
418 - 
" Discriminator," recognized that in this path, so essentially 
his own that of " discrimination " in the sense of philo- 
sophic analysis and experiment jnana " the spirit can be 
caught in the endless network of vain disputation," and 
that nothing but the practice of raja-yogic concentration 
can enable it to escape through the net. 
It is therefore only logical that our exposition should 
come last to this high method of the mind, which was at 
the same time the one pre-eminently dear to Vivekananda. 
He devoted so much more study to it and so many lectures 
that he was unable to condense them into treatises, as was 
the case with Raja-yoga and Karma-yoga, both written at 
his dictation. 75 
The first striking thing about it is that, although, like 
the other yogas, its aim is the absolute Being, its starting 
point and methods are much nearer those of the scientific 
than of the religious spirit of the West. It invokes both 
science and reason in no uncertain tones. 
" Experience is the only source of knowledge." 76 
" No one of these Yogas gives up reason ... or asks 
you to deliver your reason into the hands of priests of any 
type whatsoever. . . . Each one of them tells you to cling 
to your reason, to hold fast to it." 77 
strengthening belief that can be denied on principle ; the constant 
progress of science rather tends to confirm it. But the yogin's pecu- 
liar quality (and this should be viewed with caution) is to think 
that he can by his methods of intensified concentration quicken the 
rhythm of individual progress and shorten the time necessary for 
the complete evolution of humanity. That belief is the basis of the 
new researches of Aurobindo Ghose, based upon a saying of Vive- 
kananda in his " Synthesis of Yoga " that " yoga may be regarded 
as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life of a few 
years or even a few months of bodily existence." I very much doubt 
it. But my doubt is scientific. It does not deny. It waits for the 
proof of facts. 
78 The voluminous compilation of Jnana-yoga is a somewhat 
artificial collection of separate lectures, most of them given in 
London in 1896. They are to be found in Volume II of the Com- 
plete Works. Other fragments scattered throughout the Complete 
Works must be added : that of " Introduction to Jnana-yoga/ 1 VoL 
VII, pp. 39 et seq. ; " Discourses on the Yogas/' VoL VI, pp. 55 
et seq. 
Ti Reason and Religion, VI, 47. 
77 The Ideal of a Universal Religion. II, 373- 



And Jnana-yoga magnifies reason ; its devoted helpmate, 
to the highest degree. It follows, therefore, that religion* 
must be tested by the same laws as the other sciences. 
" The same methods of investigation which we apply to 
the sciences and to exterior knowledge, should they be 
applied to the science of religion ? I say : ' Yes/ and I 
would add, ' The sooner the better. ' If a religion is destroyed 
by such investigation it was nothing but a useless and un- 
worthy superstition ; the sooner it disappeared the better. 
I am absolutely convinced that its destruction would be 
the best thing that could happen. 78 All that was dross 
would be taken away : but the essential parts would emerge 
triumphant from such investigation/ 1 79 
What right has religion to claim to be above the control 
of reason ? 
" Why religion should claim that they are not bound to 
abide by the standpoint of reason no one knows. . . . For 
it is better that mankind should become atheist by following 
reason than blindly believe in two hundred millions of Gods 
on the authority of anybody/' It degrades human nature 
and brings it to the level of the beast. We must reason. 
. . . Perhaps these are prophets who have passed the limits 
of sense and obtained a glimpse of the beyond. We shall 
believe it only when we can do the same ourselves ; not 
before. 80 
78 1 am not certain that his good master, Ramakrishna, who was 
always the " brother " of the weak, would have approved of the un- 
compromising attitude adopted by his great intellectual and imperious 
disciple. He would have reminded him again that there is more 
than one door to a house, and that it is impossible to make everyone 
come in by the front entrance. In this I believe that Gandhi is 
nearer than Vivekananda to the universal " welcome " of Rama- 
krishna. But the fiery disciple would have been the first to blame 
himself afterwards with great humility. 
Tt Jnana-yoga, Chapter II. 
* Fifteen years before, Keshab Chunder Sen said the same thing 
in his Epistle to his Indian Brethren (1880). 
" You must accept nothing on trust a? do the superstitious. 
Science will be your religion, as said the Lord, Our God. You will 
respect science above all other things : the science of matter above 
the Vedas, and the science of the spirit above the Bible. Astronomy 
and geology, anatomy and physiology, botany and chemistry are the 
Living Scriptures of the God of nature. Philosophy, logic, ethics, 
yoga, inspiration and prayers are the Scriptures of the God of the 
" It has been said that reason is not strong enough ; it 
.does. not always help us to get the Truth ; many times it 
makes mistakes, and therefore the conclusion is that we 
must believe in the authority of a church ! That was said 
to me by a Roman Catholic, but I could not see the logic 
of it. On the other hand I should say, if reason be so 
weak, a body of priests would be weaker, and I am not 
going to accept their verdict, but I will abide by my reason, 
because with all its weakness there is some chance of my 
getting at truth through it. . . . We should therefore follow 
reason, and also sympathize with those who do not come 
to any sort of belief, following reason. For it is better that 
mankind should become atheist by following reason than 
blindly believe in millions of Gods on the authority of any- 
body. What we want is progress. . . . No theories ever 
made man higher. . . . The only power is in realization 
and that lies in ourselves and comes from thinking. Let 
men think. . . . The glory of man is that he is a thinking 
being. ... I believe in reason and follow reason, having 
seen enough of the evils of authority, for I was born in a 
country where they have gone to the extreme of authority." 81 
The basis of both science and religion (as Vivekananda 
understood it) being the same knowledge or reason there 
is no essential difference between them, except in their appli- 
cation ; Vivekananda even regarded them as having the 
same acceptation. He once said that " All human know- 
ledge is but a part of religion.' 1 82 Here he made religion 
the sum of all knowledge. But at other times with proud 
independence he extolled " those expressions of religion 
whose heads, as it were, are penetrating more into the secrets 
of heaven, though their feet are clinging to earth, I mean 
the so-called materialistic sciences. 11 83 " Science and re- 
ligion are both attempts to help us out of the slavery ; 
only religion is the more ancient, and we have the super- 
soul. In the ' New Faith ' (that is to say the one that he was preach- 
ing) everything is scientific. Do not mystify your mind with occult 
mysteries. Do not give yourselves up to dreams and fantasies. But 
with clear vision and sound judgment, untroubled, prove all things 
and hold fast what has been proved. In all your beliefs and prayers, 
faith, and reason ought to harmonize into a true Science." 
"Practical Vedanta, II, 333. 
11 Ibid., Vol. VII, p. xoi. " Ibid., Vol. II, p. 68. 
stition (notice this word in the mouth of a passionate 
believer !) that it is the more holy. . . , 84 In what then . 
do they differ ? In the field of their application. 
" Religion deals with the truths of the metaphysical world, 
just as chemistry and the other natural sciences deal with 
the truths of the physical world." 86 
And because the field is different so the method of in- 
vestigation ought to be different too. That laid down by 
Vivekananda for religious science, the one belonging to 
Jnana-yoga, is opposed to what he thinks defective in that 
modern science : the comparative history of religions, as 
studied in the West. Without underrating the interest of 
such historic researches and their ingenious theories about 
the origin of ancestral religions, Vivekananda maintains that 
their methods are too " Exterior/' to account for so essen- 
tially " interior " an order of facts. It is true that the 
outward appearance of the body and face can, to the prac- 
tised eye, reveal the constitution and state of health. But 
without a knowledge of anatomy and physiology it is im- 
possible to know the nature of a living being. In the same 
way a religious fact can only be known through the acquired 
practice of introspective observation ; this method is essen- 
tially psychological, even infra-psychological : a chemistry 
of the spirit ; the purpose is to discover the first element, 
the cell, the atom ! 
64 Ibid., Vol. VII, p. 101. Vivekananda it is true adds that " in 
a sense it is because it makes morality a vital point : and science 
neglects this side." But this expression : " in a sense " safeguards 
the independence of other points of view. 
88 Ibid., Vol. VI, p. 47. Let us not forget the vital word " combat," 
already mentioned. It is characteristic of Vivekananda's warrior 
spirit. To him the work both of science and religion is no cold search 
for truth, but a hand-to-hand struggle. 
" Man is man, so long as he is struggling to rise above nature, and 
this nature is both internal and external. Not only does it comprise 
the laws that govern the particles of matter outside us and in our 
bodies, but also the more subtle nature within, which is, in fact, the 
motive power governing the external. It ia good and very grand 
to conquer external nature, but grander still'to conquer our internal 
nature. It is grand and good to know the laws that govern the stars 
and planets ; it is infinitely grander and better to know the laws 
that govern the passions, the feelings, the will, of mankind. . . . 
This conquering of the inner man belongs entirely to religion." 
(Jnana-yoga, Chapter I, " The Necessity of Religion/') 
" If I know a particle of a lump of clay, I should know the 
whole of its nature, its birth, its growth, its decline and its 
end. Between the part and the whole there is no difference 
but time. The cycle is completed more or less rapidly." 
In this case the first essential is to practise inner analysis 
in order to discover the spiritual atom. When it has been 
discovered and sifted into its primary elements, they can 
then be re-arranged and the next step is to attempt to de- 
duce the principles. " The intellect has to build the house ; 
but it cannot do so without brick, and alone it cannot make 
bricks. 86 Jnana-yoga is the surest method of penetrating 
to the bottom of the elemental facts, and it is at this 
stage that it is allied to the practical methods of Raja-yoga. 
First the physiology of the mind : the sensorial and motor 
organs, the brain centres, must be minutely studied ; then 
the substance spirit, which according to the Sankhya philo- 
sophy is part of matter distinct from the soul. This must 
be followed by a dissection of the mechanism of the per- 
ceptions and their intellectual processes. The real exterior 
universe is an unknown %. The universe that we know is 
x + (or ) the mind (in its function as a perceptive faculty) 
which gives it the imprint of its own conditions. The mind 
can only know itself through the medium of the mind. It 
is an unknown y + (or ) the conditions of the mind. 
Kant's analysis was familiar to Vivekananda. But cen- 
turies before Kant, Vedantic philosophy had already pre- 
dicated and even surpassed it, 87 according to Vivekananda's 
Spiritual work groups itself into two different and com- 
plimentary stages : Pravritti, Nivritti : to advance and then 
retire in a circular movement. Wise metaphysical and 
religious method begins with the second of them : Negation 
or Limitation. 88 Like Descartes, the jnanin makes a clean 
sweep and seeks a point of stability before he starts rebuild- 
ing. The first essential is to test the foundations and to 
eliminate all causes of illusion and error. The Jnana-yoga 
M Introduction to Jnana-yoga, Vol. VI, pp. 39 et seq. 
87 Lecture given at Harvard on the Vedanta Philosophy (March 25, 
1896) and introduction to Jnana-yoga. 
88 Lectures given in London on Maya, October, 1896 ; II, " Maya 
and the Evolution of the Conception of God." 
is therefore primarily a searching critic of the conditions of 
knowledge : time, space, causality, etc., and it recon- 
noitres the frontiers of the mind in detail before it crosses 
* * * 
But who gives him permission to cross them ? What is 
it that convinces him that beyond the conditions of the 
mind the real % or y exist, the only reality ? Here is obvi- 
ously the point of bifurcation between the religious and the 
scientific spirit, that have travelled so far as companions. 
But even here at the parting of the ways they are still very 
close to each other. For what is implied in the two pursuits 
of religion and science ? The search for Unity whatever 
may be its nature and a tacit faith in itself that by means 
of the mind it will be able to lay down provisionally such 
a pregnant hypothesis that it will be capable of being 
immediately perceived and definitely accepted, and such 
an intense and profound intuition that it will enlighten all 
future investigation. 
" Do you not see whither science is tending ? The Hindu 
nation proceeded through the study of the mind, through 
metaphysics and logic. The European nations start from 
external nature, and now they too are coming to the same 
results. We find that searching through the mind we at 
last come to that Oneness, that Universal One, the Internal 
Soul of everything, the Essence, the Reality of everything. 
. . . Through material science we come to the same One- 
ness. . . ." 89 
" Science is nothing but the finding of Unity. As soon 
as science would reach perfect unity, it would stop from 
further progress because it would reach the goal. Thus 
chemistry could not progress further, when it would discover 
one element out of which all others could be made. Physics 
would stop when it would be able to fulfil its services in 
discovering one energy of which all the others are but mani- 
festations . . . and the science of religion become perfect 
when it would discover Him who is the one life in the 
universe of death. . . . Religion can go no farther. This is 
the goal of all science." 90 
Compute Works, Vol. II, p. 140. 
* Ibid., Vol. I, pp. 12-13. 
Unity then is the necessary hypothesis upon which the 
constructions of science rest. In the science of religion this 
supposed, essential Unity has the value of the Absolute. 91 
And the work of Jnana-yoga, when it has explored and 
delimited the finite, is to connect itself to this keystone of 
the infinite, by parting the fragile and closely interlaced 
spiders' webs of the intersecting arcs. 
But it is in this web of the spirit that the religious savant 
of India definitely parts company with the only methods 
acceptable to the European nationalist. In order to bridge 
the gulf between the bounds of his senses and the Absolute, 
he appeals within his own organism to a new order of 
experiences that have never been countenanced by Western 
science. And this to him is Religious Experience, in the 
true meaning of the word. 
I have just spoken of the " bricks " with which " the 
intellect has to build the house." Those used by the Indian 
yogin remained unused in our workshops. 
Western science proceeds by experiment and reason. In 
neither case does it attempt to come out of the circle of 
relativity, either with regard to external nature or its own 
mind. Its hypothesis of Unity as the pivot of phenomena 
remains suspended in the void ; it is less an essence than 
a provisional premiss, although it is the vital link in the 
chain of reason and fact. But as long as the nail holds, 
nobody either knows or cares to know to what it is 
The Vedantic sage admires the divinatory courage (how- 
ever it may seek to excuse its daring) of Western science 
and the integrity of its work ; but he does not believe that 
its methods can ever lead him to the attainment of that 
Unity which is absolutely essential to him. 92 It appears to 
him that Western religions can no more free themselves 
1 Lectures on Maya : IV, " The Absolute and Manifestation." 
91 He is perhaps wrong. Science has not said its last word. 
Einstein has appeared since Vivekananda. He never foresaw the 
" Transcendental Pluralism " whose latent germs in the new thought 
of the West are rising from the furrow ploughed by wars and revo- 
lutions. Cf. Boris Yakowenkp : Vom Wesen des Pluralismus (1928, 
Bonn), which has taken as its motto the words of H. Rickort : 
" Das All ist nur als Vielheit xu begreifen " (The whole is only in- 
telligible in multiplicity). 
from the anthropomorphic conception of their Gods, 98 than 
the sciences can rise beyond a Reality having the same- 
stature as the human mind. 94 But the universe that con- 
tains all the universes must be found. The solution of the 
problem is the discovery of the nescio quid which is to be 
the common property of the whole universe, of the lower as 
well as of the higher worlds. The ancient thinkers of India 
declared that the further they went from the centre the 
more marked differentiation became, and the nearer they 
approached to the centre the more they perceived the near- 
ness of Unity. " The external world is far away from the 
centre ; and so there is no common ground in it where all 
the phenomena of existence can meet." There are other 
phenomena besides that of the exterior world : mental, 
moral and intellectual phenomena ; there are various planes 
of existence : if only one is explored the whole cannot be 
explained. The necessary condition is then to attain the 
centre from which all the diverse planes of existence start. 
This centre is within us. The ancient Vedantists, in the 
course of their explorations, finally discovered that at the 
innermost core of the soul was the centre of the whole 
universe. 96 Therefore it must be reached. The mine must 
fl Here he is quite wrong. Unfortunately the Indian Vedantist is 
ignorant of the deep meaning of great Christian mysticism, which 
transcends, just as does the highest Vedantism, the limits of the 
images and forms employed by and for popular anthropomorphism. 
But it is to be feared that Christian teachers of the second rank with 
whom he has had to deal are almost as ignorant. 
f 4 It would not appear that Vivekananda was familiar with the 
high speculations of modern science, nor with mathematics of several 
dimensions, non-Euclidian geometry, the " logic of the infinite," and 
epistemology, " the science of sciences " of the Cantorians, " which 
ought to teach us what the sciences would be if there were no learned 
men." (Cf. Henri Poincar6, Demises Pense'es and La Science de 
I'Hypothtse.) But it is probable that he would have sought to turn 
them in some way to the science of religion. And as a matter of fact 
I can see in them flashes of a religion as yet unaware of itself, the 
most vital flame of modern Western faith. 
fl Jnana-yoga : " Realization " (October 2ft, 1896). Vivekananda 
gives a general analysis of the Katha Upanishad, and in particular 
paraphrases the profound legend of young Nachiketas, a seeker after 
truth, talking to the beautiful God of death, Yama. 
Christian mysticism has made the same discovery. It is the rock 
bottom of the soul, " der alkrverborgenste, inner sic, tiefe Grund der 
Seek," " Sometimes it is called the ground, sometimes the peak of 
be drilled, dug, seen and touched. And that is the real 
function of religion, in the Hindu sense, since, as we have 
seen, it is primarily if not entirely a question of fact. Vive- 
kananda goes so far as to dare to write : " It is better not 
to believe than not to have felt," (that is to say, perceived 
and experimented). Here the strange scientific need 
that was always mixed with his religion emerges clearly. 
Moreover this special science claims to make use of special 
transcendental experiments. 
" Religion," says Vivekananda, " proceeds from the 
struggle to transcend the limitations of the senses. It 
must there discover its " true germ." 96 " In all organized 
religions their founders . . . are declared to have gone into 
states of mind, ... in which they came face to face with 
a new series of facts, relating to what is called the spiritual 
kingdom. 97 Thus a tremendous statement is made by all 
the soul/' said the great Tauler. " The soul in this profundity has 
a likeness and ineffable nearness to God ... In this deepest, most 
inner and most secret depth of the soul, God essentially, really and 
substantially exists." 
And by God the whole universe is necessarily implied. 
" The particular quality of this centre (of the soul)," so writes the 
Salesian, J. P. Camus, " is to assemble in a lofty fashion the whole 
action of the powers, and to give them the same impetus that the 
first motive power gave to the spheres inferior to it." 
" TraiU de la Reformation inUrieure selon I' esprit du Franpois de 
Sales, Paris, 1631. Cf. Bremond : Metaphysique des Saints, Vol. I, 
p. 56. 
The entire treatise is devoted to the exploration of this " Centre 
of the soul." And this voyage of exploration has naturally a cosmic 
character as with the Vedantists. 
i Jnana-yoga : " The Necessity of Religion " (a lecture given in 
Vivekananda imagined that the first impulsion to this research 
came to mankind through dreams that communicated to him the 
first confused notion of immortality. " Mankind found out . . . 
that during the dream state it is not that man has a fresh exist- 
ence . . . But by this time the search had begun . . . and they 
continued inquiring more deeply into the different stages of the 
mind, and discovered higher states than either the waking or the 
T Ibid. " Some exception," adds Vivekananda, " may be taken 
in the case of the Buddhists . . . But even the Buddhists find an 
eternal moral law, and that moral law was not reasoned out in our 
sense of the word, but Buddha found it, discovered it, in a super- 
sensuous state." 
religions : that the human mind at certain moments tran- 
scends not only the limitations of the senses, but also the - 
power of reasoning, 1 ' and that it then comes into the presence 
of facts outside the realm of the senses and reason. 98 
Naturally we are not obliged to believe these facts without 
having first seen and proved them. Our Hindu friends will 
not be surprised if we maintain a sane reserve with regard 
to them. We merely follow their own rule of scientific 
doubt : " If thou hast not touched, believe not ! " And 
Vivekananda affirms that if ever one single experience in 
some branch of knowledge has ever taken place once, it 
might have taken place before and ought to be possible to 
reproduce afterwards. The inspired person has no right to 
claim the special privilege, that it should not be repeated. 
i8 It is worth noticing that, after Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghose 
has gone one step further, and replaced intuition among the normal 
processes of the scientific spirit. 
" The fault of practical reason is its excessive submission to the 
apparent fact, the reality of which it can test at once, and its lack of 
sufficient courage to carry the deepest facts of potentialities to their 
logical conclusion. That which is, is only the realization of an an- 
terior potentiality in the same way that the present potentiality is 
only an index of a posterior realization. ..." (The Divine Life.) 
" Intuition exists, as veiled, behind our mental operations. In- 
tuition brings to man those brilliant messages from the Unknown, 
which are only the beginning of his higher consciousness. Logical 
reason only comes in afterwards to see what profit it can make 
from this rich harvest. Intuition gives us the idea of something 
behind and beyond all that we know and seem to be : this something 
always seems to us to be in contradiction to our less advanced reason, 
and to our normal experience ; and it drives us to include the form- 
less perception in our positive ideas of God, of Immortality, etc., 
and we use it to explain Him to the mind." 
So intuition plays the part of quartermaster and intelligence of the 
Mind, while reason is the rank and file of the army bringing up the 
rear. The two are not separated, as in Vivekananda's case, by a 
kind of ceiling between two floors. There is continuity as of a wave, 
or of all the currents belonging to the regular river of Knowledge. 
The limits of science have disappeared. Even the ideas of God and 
Immortality, etc., and all that constituted religion properly speaking 
in mankind, exposition, are no more than means whereby the soul 
expresses that distant life of Reality, which to-day precedes logical 
reason, but which reason will attain to on the morrow. 
This is the stage of progress arrived at to-day by the mind of 
India in' ftp conception of the " living," the " living whole," wherever 
religious intuition is incorporated within the strict limits of science. 
If then certain truths (those of the highest order) are the 
fruits of the religious experience of certain " chosen " people, 
such* religious experiences must inevitably happen again. 
And the object of the science of Raja-yoga is to lead the 
mind to this very region of experiment." 
It is open to every single person to attempt this auto- 
education 1 But here I merely wish to show the final result 
of these observations : namely that in all organized religions 
of a higher order, when abstract spiritual facts have been 
discovered and perceived, they are then condensed into one 
Unity, " either in the form of an Abstract Presence, of an 
Omnipresent Being, of an Abstract Personality called God, 
of a Moral Law, or, of an Abstract Essence underlying every 
existence." 10 
* 9 " Fixing the mind on the lotus of the heart or on the centre of 
the head, is what is called Dharanas. Limited to one spot, making 
that spot the base, a particular kind of mental wave rises ; these are 
not swallowed up by other kinds of waves, but by degrees become 
prominent, while all the others recede and finally disappear ; next 
the multiplicity of these waves gives place to unity and one wave only 
is left in the mind, this is Dhyana, meditation. When no basis is 
necessary, when the whole of the mind has become one wave, one 
formedness, it is called Samadhi. Bereft of all help from places and 
centres, only the meaning of thought is present (that is to say, the 
inner part of perception, of which the object was the effect). If the 
mind can be fixed on the centre for twelve seconds it will be a Dharana, 
twelve such Dharanas will be a Dhyana, and twelve such Dhyanas will 
be a Samadhi." And that is pure bliss of spirit. . . . 
(Raja-yoga, Chapter VIII, summary freely translated from the 
Kurma Purana.) 
For curiosity's sake I have given this ancient summary of the 
mechanics of intellectual operation, but I would not urge anybody 
to abandon themselves to it without due consideration ; for such 
exercises of lofty inward tension are never without danger ; Indian 
masters have always put rash experimenters on their guard. For 
my part I hold that reason is so weak in modern post-war Europe 
that what remains should not be endangered by abnormalities; at 
least unless the scientific will is sufficiently developed to exercise a 
strict control over their effects. It is for observers of this order that 
I have given this train of objective research. I am app 
free and firm reason. I have no ulterior motive to let a^ 
of " Enlightened ones " loose upon Europe. But he 
in science cannot allow it to leave one path of researclj 
through ignorance, indifference, contempt or prejudio 
100 Jnana-yoga : " The Necessity of Religion." jj 
And in this last form, which is that of Vedantic Advaitism, 
we find ourselves so close to the aim of pure Sciencq that 
they can hardly be distinguished. The main difference is 
in the gesture with which the runners arrive at the tape : 
Science accepts and envisages Unity as the hypothetical term 
for its stages of thought, giving them their right bearings 
and co-ordinating them. Yoga embraces Unity and becomes 
encrusted in it as in ivy. But the spiritual results are prac- 
tically the same. Modern science and the philosophic Ad- 
vaita conclude that " the explanations of things are in their 
own nature, and that no external beings or existences are 
required to explain what is going on in the universe." And 
the corollary of this same principle, that " everything comes 
from within," is " the modern law of Evolution. The whole 
meaning of evolution is simply that the nature of the things 
is reproduced (in its growth), that the effect is nothing but 
the cause in another form, that all the potentialities of the 
effect were present in the cause, that the whole of creation 
is but an evolution and not a creation." 101 
Vivekananda frequently insists on the close relationship 
between the modern theory of evolution and the theories of 
ancient metaphysics and Vedantic cosmogony. 102 But 
there is this fundamental distinction between the evolu- 
tionary hypothesis and the Hindu hypothesis, that the first 
is as compared to the second only one wing of the whole 
building, and that Evolution has as counterpart (or buttress) 
in Vedantism the same periodic Involution that it possess 
itself. All Hindu theory is in its very nature founded on the 
theory of Cycles. Progression presents itself in the form of 
successive sets of waves. Each wave rises and falls ; and 
each wave is followed by another wave which in its turn rises 
and falls : 
" Even on the grounds of modern research, man cannot 
be simply an evolution. Every evolution presupposes an 
101 Complete Works, I, p. 374. 
101 In his lecture on the Vedanta, " Replies to Questions/' he tried 
to establish a rapprochement between Evolution and the ancient 
thebry of the Creation, or, more precisely, the " projection " of the 
universe by the action of Prana (primordial Force) on Akasha (pri- 
mordial Matter) beyond which is Manat, or the Cosmic Spirit, in which 
they c^n* both be speaking of the change of one kind of being into 
another kind of being " by the filing up of nature. 1 ' 
involution. The modern scientific man will tell you that 
you can only get the amount of energy out of a machine that 
you have put into it. Something cannot be produced out 
of nothing. If a man is an evolution of the mollusc, then 
the perfect man, the Buddha-man, the Christ-man was in- 
volved in the mollusc. . . . Thus we are in the position of 
reconciling the scriptures with modern light. That energy, 
which manifests itself slowly through various stages until it 
becomes the perfect man, cannot come out of nothing. It 
existed somewhere ; and if ... the protoplasm is the first 
point to which you can trace it, that protoplasm must have 
contained the energy. 108 Discussions are futile between 
' those who claim that the aggregate of materials we call 
the body is the cause of the manifestation of the force we 
call the soul/ and those who make the soul the cause of the 
body. They explain nothing. 
" Where did the force come from which is the source of 
these combinations we call the soul or the body ? . . . It 
is more logical to say that the force which takes up the 
matter and forms the body is the same which manifests 
through that body. ... It is possible to demonstrate that 
what we call matter does not exist at all. It is only a 
certain state of force. What is the force which manifests 
itself through the body ? . . . In old times in all the 
ancient scriptures, this power, this manifestation of 
power, was thought to be of a bright substance, having the 
form of this body, and which remained even after this body 
fell. Later on, however, we find a higher idea coming that 
this bright body did not represent the force. Whatever has 
form . . . requires something else. . . . So, that some- 
108 In one of his lectures on Jnana-yoga (" Realization/' October 
29, 1896) Vivekananda gave to this conception of Evolution-Involu- 
tion a striking, terrifying form, akin to that of wells : that of contrary 
Evolution : " If we are developed from animals, the animals also 
may be degraded men. Now do you know that it is not so ? ... 
You find a series of bodies, rising in a gradually ascending scale. 
But from that how can you insist that it is always from the lower 
upwards, and never from the higher downwards ? . . . I believe 
that the series is repeating itself in going up and down/' Certain 
words of Goethe give colour to the new thought that these lines 
would have found echoes within him, of which he was aware but 
which he repulsed with anger and horror. 
thing was called the soul, the Atman, in Sanskrit. . . . 
One omnipresent, the Infinite." 104 
But how did the Infinite become finite ? The great meta- 
physical problem 106 wherein the genius of the centuries has 
been spent in tirelessly building up again its crumbling 
scaffoldings. For to suppose, the Infinite to prove it and 
touch it is only a beginning. It must be united to that which 
by its own definition is fated never to attain to it, Christian 
metaphysicians 106 in this direction have brought to the task 
an architectural genius of intelligence, order and harmony, 
akin to that of their compeers, the master builders of our 
cathedrals ; and their magnificent constructions seem to me 
as superior in beauty (there can be no certain standard on 
this point) to Hindu metaphysical creations as Chartres or 
Amiens to a European compared to Madura, with its moun- 
tains of sculptured stone piled into pinnacles like white-ant 
heaps. (But there can be no question of higher or lower 
between two fruits of nature equally gigantic, and corre- 
sponding to the laws of expression natural to two different 
mental climates.) 
The reply of India is that of the Hindu Sphinx : Maya. 
It was by transmitting the laws of the spirit through the 
screen of Maya that " the Infinite " became " finite." Maya, 
her screen, her laws, and the spirit are the product of a sort 
of " Degeneracy of the Absolute," diluted into " phenomena." 
Will is situated one stage higher, although Vivekananda does 
not accord it the place of honour given to it by Schopen- 
hauer. 107 He places it at the threshold of the Absolute : 
it guards the door. It is both its first manifestation and its 
first limitation. It is a composite of the real Self, beyond 
causality, and the minds that dwell on this side. Now, no 
composite is permanent. The will to live implies the necessity 
of death, llie words " Immortal Life " are then a contra- 
" Jnana-yoga : II, " The Real Nature of Man " (lecture delivered 
in London). 
lfi And the mathematical as well. (Cf. H. Poincare : Demises 
199 Here again this great art with its Gothic vaulting spanning the 
Infinite and the finite would seem to have been inherited from Alex- 
andria and the East, through Plotinus and Denis the Areopagite. 
101 He quotes him and contradicts him in his lecture on Maya : 
IV, " The Absolute and Manifestation." 
diction in terms. The real eternal being is beyond life and 
But how has this absolute Being become mingled with 
the will, the spirit, the relative ? Vivekananda replies from 
the Vedanta : " It has never been mingled. You are this 
absolute Being, you have never changed. All that changes 
is Maya, the Screen held between the real Me and you." 
And the very object of Life, of individual life, of the life of 
generations, of ail human Evolution, of the unceasing ascen- 
sion of Nature from the lowest order where dawns existence 
is the gradual elimination of the Screen. The very first 
illumination of the mind makes a tiny hole through which 
the glance of the Absolute filters. As the mind grows, the 
hole grows larger, so that, although it is not true to say that 
what is seen through it to-morrow is truer or more real than 
what is seen to-day, (it is all equally real) each day a wider 
surface is covered until the whole Screen is lost, and nothing 
remains but the Absolute. 108 
" Calmed are the clamours of the urgent flesh ; 
The tumult of the boastful mind is hushed ; 
Cords of the heart are loosened and set free ; 
Unfastened are the bondages that bind ; 
Attachment and delusion are no more ! 
Aye ! There sounds sonorous the Sound 
Void of vibration. Verily I Thy Voice I " 109 
At that evocation the spirit rises up. . . . 
" People are frightened when they are told this." This 
immense ONE will submerge them. " They will again and 
again ask you if they are not going to keep their individuality/' 
What is individuality ? I should like to see it. Every- 
thing is in a state of flux, everything changes. . . . " There 
is no more individuality except at the end of the way. 
" We are not yet individuals. We are struggling towards 
individuality : and that is the Infinite, our real nature. 110 
108 Introduction to Jnana-yoga> Vol. V of Complete Works, pp. 39 
et seq. 
10f Lines from the Bengali poem of Vivekananda : A Song I Sing 
to Thee. Complete Works, VoL IV, 444. 
110 The same affirmation that Christian Mysticism makes, when 
it reassures those who tremble at the idea of their " inexistent " 
individuality being swamped. In his beautiful classical style, the 
Dominican Chardon writes : 
" Divine Love transforms the creature into God in such a way that 
433 FF 
He alone lives whose life is the whole universe, and the more 
we concentrate our lives on limited things the faster ve go. 
towards death. Those moments alone we live, when our 
lives are in the universe, in others ; and living in this little 
life is death, simply death, and that is why the fear of death 
comes. The fear of death can only be conquered, when man 
realizes that so long as there is one life in this universe, he is 
living. . . . The apparent man is merely a struggle to ex- 
press, to manifest, this individuality, which is beyond. ..." 
And this struggle is accomplished by the evolution of 
nature leading step by step to the manifestation of the 
Absolute. 111 
But an important corrective must be added to the doctrine 
of Evolution. Vivekananda takes it from Patanjali : theory 
on " The Filling in of Nature." 112 Patanjali maintained 
that the struggle for life, the struggle for existence and natural 
selection have only their full and rigorous application in the 
inferior orders of nature, where they play the determining 
part in the evolution of species. But at the next stage, 
which is the human order, struggle and competition are a 
retrogression rather than a contribution to progress. For, 
according to pure Vedantic doctrine, the aim of all progress, 
its absolute fulfilment, being the real nature inherent in man, 
nothing but certain obstacles can prevent him from reaching 
it. If he can successfully avoid them, his highest nature 
will manifest itself immediately. And this triumph of man 
can be attained by education, by self-culture, by meditation 
and concentration, above all by renunciation and sacrifice. 
The greatest sages, the sons of God, are those who have 
attained. Hence Hindu doctrine, although it respects the 
it is engulfed in Deified being, in the depths of Divine perfection ; 
nevertheless the creature being does not there cast off its being, but 
rather loses its non-being, and, like a drop of water mingling with the 
sea wherein it is engulfed, it loses the fear of becoming less. ... It 
takes on divine being in the being of God in whose abyss it is sub- 
merged . . . like a sponge soaked and filled with water to its full 
capacity, floating on the bosom of a sea, whose very dimension, 
height, depth, length and breadth, are infinite. ..." (La Croix de 
Jdsus, 1647. Cf. Bremond : Metaphysique des Saints, II, 46-47.) 
111 Jnana-yoga : II, " The Real Nature of Man." 
111 It was in the course of discussions on Darwinism that Vive- 
kananda expressed these ideas at Calcutta towards the end of 1898. 
{Life of Swami Vivekananda, Chapter 112.) 
general law of scientific Evolution, offers to the human spirit 
the possibility of escape from the slow ascent of thousands 
of years, by means of rushing great wings sweeping it up to 
the summit of the staircase. 118 Anckso it matters little 
whether or not we discuss the philosophic probability of the 
whole system, and the strange hypothesis of Maya on which 
it rests, this explanation is undoubtedly fascinating and 
corresponds to certain hallucinated instincts of universal 
sensibility, but it demands an explanation in its turn ; and 
no one has made it ; no one has been able to make it ; each 
person comes back in the last resort to this argument : 
" I feel that it is so. Do you not feel the same ? " 114 Yes, 
111 The evening of the day on which Vivekananda had made this 
statement, to the superintendent of the Zoological Gardens at Cal- 
cutta, who was much struck by it, he took up the discussion again 
at the house of Balaram, before a group of friends. He was asked 
whether it was true that Darwinism applied to the vegetable and 
animal orders and not to the human, and if so why during his cam- 
paigns of oratory he insisted so much on the primordial necessity of 
bettering the material conditions of life for the Indians. He then 
had one of his outbreaks of passionate anger and cried : " Are you 
men ? You are no better than animals, satisfied with eating, sleep- 
ing and propagating, and haunted by fear 1 If you had not had in 
you a little rationality you would have been turned into quadrupeds 
by this time I Devoid of self-respect, you are full of jealousy among 
yourselves, and have made yourselves objects of contempt to the 
foreigners I Throw aside your vain bragging, your theories and so 
forth, and reflect calmly on the doings and dealings of your everyday 
life. Because you are governed by animal nature, therefore I teach 
you to seek for success first in the struggle for existence, and to 
attend to the building up of your physique, so that you shall be 
able to wrestle all the better with your mind. The physically weak, 
I say again and again, are unfit for the realization of the Self 1 When 
once the mind is controlled and man is the master of his self, it does 
not matter whether the body remains strong or not, for then he is 
not dominated by it . . ." 
Here once again it is clear that whatever criticisms may be levelled 
at Vivekananda's mysticism, lack of virility can never be one of them. 
114 Here is the kernel : the " experience " of the Infinite and 
Illusion. The rest is only the outer shell. The science of religion 
has taken a wrong turning if it confines itself to the comparative 
study of ideas and rites. Why does the influence of ideas and religi- 
ous systems spread from one human group to the other ? Because 
they depend on certain personal experiences. For instance the like- 
nesses between the doctrines of Philo, Plotinus and the first Christians 
may be examined. But this fact is not emphasized, that Philo, 
He alone lives whose life is the whole universe, and the more 
we concentrate our lives on limited things the faster ve go 
towards death. Those moments alone we live, when our 
lives are in the universe, in others ; and living in this little 
life is death, simply death, and that is why the fear of death 
comes. The fear of death can only be conquered, when man 
realizes that so long as there is one life in this universe, he is 
living. . . . The apparent man is merely a struggle to ex- 
press, to manifest, this individuality, which is beyond. ..." 
And this struggle is accomplished by the evolution of 
nature leading step by step to the manifestation of the 
Absolute. 111 
But an important corrective must be added to the doctrine 
of Evolution. Vivekananda takes it from Patanjali : theory 
on " The Filling in of Nature." 112 Patanjali maintained 
that the struggle for life, the struggle for existence and natural 
selection have only their full and rigorous application in the 
inferior orders of nature, where they play the determining 
part in the evolution of species. But at the next stage, 
which is the human order, struggle and competition are a 
retrogression rather than a contribution to progress. For, 
according to pure Vedantic doctrine, the aim of all progress, 
its absolute fulfilment, being the real nature inherent in man, 
nothing but certain obstacles can prevent him from reaching 
it. If he can successfully avoid them, his highest nature 
will manifest itself immediately. And this triumph of man 
can be attained by education, by self-culture, by meditation 
and concentration, above all by renunciation and sacrifice. 
The greatest sages, the sons of God, are those who have 
attained. Hence Hindu doctrine, although it respects the 
it is engulfed in Deified being, in the depths of Divine perfection ; 
nevertheless the creature being does not there cast off its being, bu1 
rather loses its non-being, and, like a drop of water mingling with the 
sea wherein it is engulfed, it loses the fear of becoming less. ... 11 
takes on divine being in the being of God in whose abyss it is sub- 
merged . . . like a sponge soaked and filled with water to its full 
capacity, floating on the bosom of a sea, whose very dimension; 
height, depth, length and breadth, are infinite. . . ." (La Croix dt 
Jtsus, 1647. Cf. Bremond : Metaphysique des Saints, II, 46-47.) 
111 Jnana-yoga : II, " The Real Nature of Man." 
111 It was in the course of discussions on Darwinism that Vive- 
kananda expressed these ideas at Calcutta towards the end of 1898 
{Life of Swami Vivekananda, Chapter 112.) 
general law of scientific Evolution, offers to the human spirit 
the possibility of escape from the slow ascent of thousands 
of years, by means of rushing great wings sweeping it up to 
the summit of the staircase. 118 And*so it matters little 
whether or not we discuss the philosophic probability of the 
whole system, and the strange hypothesis of Maya on which 
it rests, this explanation is undoubtedly fascinating and 
corresponds to certain hallucinated instincts of universal 
sensibility, but it demands an explanation in its turn ; and 
no one has made it ; no one has been able to make it ; each 
person comes back in the last resort to this argument : 
" I feel that it is so. Do you not feel the same ? " 114 Yes, 
118 The evening of the day on which Vivekananda had made this 
statement, to the superintendent of the Zoological Gardens at Cal- 
cutta, who was much struck by it, he took up the discussion again 
at the house of Balaram, before a group of friends. He was asked 
whether it was true that Darwinism applied to the vegetable and 
animal orders and not to the human, and if so why during his cam- 
paigns of oratory he insisted so much on the primordial necessity of 
bettering the material conditions of life for the Indians. He then 
had one of his outbreaks of passionate anger and cried : " Are you 
men ? You are no better than animals, satisfied with eating, sleep- 
ing and propagating, and haunted by fear I If you had not had in 
you a little rationality you would have been turned into quadrupeds 
by this time 1 Devoid of self-respect, you are full of jealousy among 
yourselves, and have made yourselves objects of contempt to the 
foreigners 1 Throw aside your vain bragging, your theories and so 
forth, and reflect calmly on the doings and dealings of your everyday 
life. Because you are governed by animal nature, therefore I teach 
you to seek for success first in the struggle for existence, and to 
attend to the building up of your physique, so that you shall be 
able to wrestle all the better with your mind. The physically weak, 
I say again and again, are unfit for the realization of the Self ! When 
once the mind is controlled and man is the master of his self, it does 
not matter whether the body remains strong or not, for then he is 
not dominated by it . . ." 
Here once again it is clear that whatever criticisms may be levelled 
at Vivekananda's mysticism, lack of virility can never be one of them. 
114 Here is the kernel : the " experience " of the Infinite and 
Illusion. The rest is only the outer shell. The science of religion 
has taken a wrong turning if it confines itself to the comparative 
study of ideas and rites. Why does the influence of ideas and religi- 
ous systems spread from one human group to the other ? Because 
they depend on certain personal experiences. For instance the like- 
nesses between the doctrines of Philo, Plotinus and the first Christians 
niay be examined. But this fact is not emphasized, that Philo, 
I do. I have often perceived with flaming clarity the un- 
reality of this apparent world, the spider's web bathed in, 
sunlight where, Ariel fashion, Liluli balances herself. 116 
" Lila " the player, Maya the laughing one I have seen the 
screen ! And for a long time I have seen through it ever 
since as a child, with beating heart, I surreptitiously made 
the hole of light bigger with my fingers. But I have no 
intention of adducing that as a proof. It is a vision. And 
I should have to lend my eyes to others before I could com- 
municate it to them. Maya or Nature (the name does not 
matter) has given each man his own eyes. And they all 
belong to Maya, whether we say mine, thine or yours, and all 
are clothed with the rays of our Lady of Illusion. I am no 
longer sufficiently interested in myself to attribute to myself 
any special privileges. I love your eyes and what they see 
just as much as I love my own. Let them remain as free as 
mine ! 
It therefore follows, my European friends, that I am not 
trying to prove to you the truth of a system, which, like all 
others, being human, is only hypothesis. But what I hope I 
have shown you is the loftiness of the hypothesis, and that, 
whatever it may be worth as a metaphysical explanation of 
the universe, in the realm of fact it is not contrary to the 
most recent findings of modern Western science. 
Plotinus and the first Christians realized similar " Illuminations." 
Now, the chief point of interest is that these religious " experiences " 
often took place, under the same forms in the case of men of different 
race and time. How is it possible to estimate the value of such ex- 
periences ? Perhaps by a new science of the mind, armed with a 
more supple and finer instrument of analysis than the incomplete 
rough methods of the psycho-analyst and his fashionable descendants. 
Certainly not by the dialectic of ideas. The systems constructed by 
Plotinus or Denis have a value as intellectual architecture, which is 
open to dispute ; but this architecture always goes back ultimately 
to the perception of the Infinite and to the efforts of reason to build 
a fitting temple for it. Rational criticism only reaches the super- 
structure of the church. It leaves the foundations and the crypt 
ll * Allusion to an Aristophanesque Comedy by Remain Rolland : 
Liluli, which symbolizes " Illusion." 
IN truth, religion, as Vivekananda understood it, had 
such vast wings that when it was at rest it could brood 
over all the eggs of the liberated Spirit. He repudiated 
nothing that was contained in all loyal and sane forms of 
Knowledge. To him religion was the fellow-citizen of every 
thinking man, and its only enemy was intolerance. 
" All narrow, limited, fighting ideas of religion must be 
given up. . . . The religious ideals of the future must 
embrace all that exists in the world that is good and great, 
and, at the same time, have infinite scope for future develop- 
ment. All that was good in the past must be preserved ; 
and the doors must be kept open for future additions to the 
already existing store. Religions (and sciences are included 
under this name) must also be inclusive, and not look down 
with contempt upon one another, because their particular 
ideals of God are different. In my life, I have seen a great 
many spiritual men, a great many sensible persons, who did 
not believe in God at all, that is to say, not in our sense of 
the word. Perhaps they understood God better than we 
can ever do. The Personal idea of God or the Impersonal, 
the Infinite, Moral Law or the Ideal Man these all have 
come under the definition of religion. . . ." x 
" Religion " for Vivekananda is synonymous witfr " Uni- 
versalism " of the spirit. And it is not until " religious " 
conceptions have attained to this universalism, that religion 
is realized in its fullness. For, contrary to the belief of all 
who know it not, religion is a matter for the future far more 
than for the past. It has only just begun. 
..." It is said sometimes that religions are dying out, 
that spiritual ideas are dying out of the world. To me it 
i " The Necessity of Religion." 
seems that they have just begun to grow. ... So long 
as religion was in the hands of a chosen few, or of a body 
of priests, it was in temples, churches, books, dogmas, 
ceremonials, forms and rituals. But when we come to the 
real, spiritual, universal concept, then, and then alone, 
religion will become real and living ; it will come into our 
very nature, live in our every moment, penetrate every 
pore of our society, and be infinitely more a power for good 
than it has ever been before." 2 
The task awaiting us to-day is to join the hands of the 
two brothers, who are now at law with each other over a 
field, the perfect exploitation of which needs their united 
efforts religion and science. It is a matter of urgent 
necessity to re-establish " a fellow-feeling between the 
different types of religion . . . and between types of religious 
expression coming from the study of mental phenomena, 
unfortunately even now laying exclusive claim to the name 
of religion and those expressions of religion whose heads 
. . . are penetrating more into the secrets of heaven . . . 
the so-called materialistic sciences." 8 
It is hopless to attempt to turn one brother out for the 
benefit of the other. You can dispense neither with science 
nor religion. 
" Materialism prevails in Europe to-day. You may pray 
for the salvation of the modern sceptics, but they do not 
yield, they want reason." 4 
What then is the solution ? To find a modus vivendi 
between the two. Human history made that discovery 
long ago ; but forgetful man lets his most precious discoveries 
fall into oblivion and then has to find them again at great cost. 
" The salvation of Europe depends on a rationalistic 
And such a religion exists ; it is the Advaita of India, 5 
Non-Dualism, Unity, the idea of the Absolute, of the imper- 
sonal God : 5 " the only religion that can have any hold on 
intellectual people." 
1 "The Necessity of Religion." Ibid. 
4 " The Absolute and Manifestation," Vol. II of Complete Works, 
p. 130. 
1 Vivekananda merely made the mistake common to most Indians 
of thinking that the Advaita was the sole possession of India. The 
" The Advaita has twice saved India from materialism. 
By the coming of Buddha, who appeared in a time of most 
hideous and widespread materialism. . . . By the coming 
of Sankara, who, when materialism had reconquered India 
in the form of the demoralization of the governing classes 
and of superstition in the lower orders, put fresh life into 
Vedanta, by making a rational philosophy emerge from it. 
" We want to-day that bright sun of intellectuality, joined 
with the heart of Buddha, the wonderful, infinite heart of 
love and mercy. This union will give us the highest philo- 
sophy. Science and religion will meet and shake hands. 
Poetry and philosophy will become friends. This will be 
the religion of the future, and if we can work it out we may 
be sure that it will be for all times and all peoples. This 
is the one way that will prove acceptable to modern science, 
for it has almost come to it. When the scientific teacher 
asserts that all things are the manifestations of one force, 
does it not remind you of the God of whom you hear in the 
Upanishads : 
The Advaita must be superadded to science without 
yielding anything to the latter, but at the same time without 
demanding that science should alter its teachings. Let us 
recall once again their common principles : 
" The first principle of reasoning is that the particular is 
explained by the general until we come to the universal. 
A second explanation of knowledge is that the explanation 
of a thing must come from inside and not from outside. . . . 
The Advaita satisfies these two principles," 7 and pursues 
their application into its own chosen field. " It pushes it 
to the ultimate generalization," and claims to attain to 
Unity, not only in its radiation and its effects, rationally 
Absolute is the keystone of the great arch of Christian metaphysics, 
as well as of certain of the highest philosophies of the ancient world. 
It is to be hoped that India will study these other expressions of 
the Divine Absolute at first hand and so enrich her own conception. 
Ibid., Vol. II of the Complete Works, p. 140. 
7 " Reason and Religion/ 1 Vol. VI of the Complete Works, p. 368, 
deducted from experiments, but in itself, in its own source. 
It is for you to control its observations ! It does not avoid 
control, rather it seeks for it. For it does not belong to 
those religious camps who entrench themselves behind the 
mystery of their revelations. Its doors and windows are 
wide open to all. Come and see ! It is possible that it is 
mistaken so may you be, so may we all. But whether 
it is mistaken or not, it works with us to build the same 
house on the same foundations. 
* * * 
At bottom, in spite of the fact that its Mission is to unite, 
the stumbling-block to mutual understanding, the chief 
obstacle to the coincidence of mankind is the word GOD, 
for that word embraces every possible ambiguity of thought, 
and is used oppressively to bandage the clear eyes of Freedom. 
Vivekananda was fully aware of this fact : 
" . . . I have been asked many times, * Why do you use 
that old word, God ? ' Because it is the best word for our 
purpose 8 . . . because all the hopes, aspirations and happi- 
ness of humanity have been centred in that word. It is 
impossible now to change the word. Words like these were 
first coined by great saints, who realized their import and 
understood their meaning. But as they become current in 
society, ignorant people take these words, and the result is 
they lose their spirit and glory. The word God has been 
used from time immemorial, and the idea of this cosmic 
intelligence, and all that is great and holy is associated with 
it." If we reject it each man will offer a different word, 
and the result will be a confusion of tongues, a new tower 
of Babel. " Use the old word, only use it in the true spirit, 
cleanse it of superstition, and realize fully what this great 
ancient word means. . . . You will know that these words 
are associated with innumerable majestic and powerful ideas ; 
they have been used and worshipped by millions of human 
souls and associated by them with all that is highest and 
best, all that is rational, all that is lovable, all that is great 
and grand in human nature. ..." 
Vivekananda specifies for us that " it is the sum total of 
intelligence manifested in the universe," concentrated in its 
At the end of this chapter will be found the final definition of 
his " purpose " by Vivekananda. 
own centre. It is " the universal intelligence." And " all 
*the various forms of cosmic energy, such as matter, thought, 
force, intelligence and so forth, are simply the manifestation 
of that cosmic intelligence." 9 
This " Cosmic intelligence " is tacitly implied in scientific 
reasoning. The chief difference is that in the case of Science 
it remains a piece of mechanism, while a Vivekananda 
breathes life into it ; Pygmalion's statue comes alive. Even 
if the learned man can accuse the religious of an induction 
not scientifically proved, the induction itself is not necessarily 
anti-scientific. For it is as easy to say that Pygmalion 
modelled the statue as that Pygmalion was modelled by it. 
In any case they both came out of the same workshop : it 
would be surprising indeed if life was only to be found in 
the one while the other was an automaton. Human intel- 
ligence implies universal intelligence (to a higher degree 
than it can either deny or prove). And the reasoning of 
a religious and learned man like Vivekananda does not seem 
to me very different in scientific quality from that " Logic 
of the Infinite " propounded by Henri Poincar which, while 
it admits part of science, takes up the cudgels against the 
* * * 
But it is a matter of indifference to the calm pride of the 
man, who deems himself to be the stronger, whether Science 
accepts religion, in Vivekananda's sense of the term or not : 
for his Religion is prepared to accept Science. It is vast 
enough to find a palace at its table for all loyal seekers after 
truth. It has its dreams of Empire, but it respects the 
liberties of all, provided that there is mutual respect. One 
of Vivekananda's most beautiful visions, the one to which 
he devotes the final Essays of his Jnana-yoga, is his invoca- 
tion to a " Universal Religion." 10 
Now that the reader has learnt so much about him, he will 
not apprehend any Taylorism of thought, that seeks to 
impose its own colour upon the rainbow of the world, not 
even if it is a perfect white, the only colour that could claim 
1 Jnana-yoga ; " The Cosmos, I. Macrocosm " (New York, January 
19, 1896). 
10 I, " The Way to the Realization of a Universal Religion " ; II, 
" The Ideal of a Universal Religion," (Lectures given in Pasadena, 
California, January, 1900.) 
to replace the others, since it contains them all. Vive- 
kananda could not have too many spiritual modes for the 
music of Brahmin. Uniformity for him spelt death. He 
rejoiced in the immense diversity of religions and ideas. 
Let them ever grow and multiply ! . . . 
" I have no desire to live on an earth like a tomb. I wish 
to be a man in a world of men. . . . Variation is a sign 
of life. . . . Difference is the first index of thought. . . . 
I pray that she may multiply until there are as many forms 
of thought as there are human beings. . . . Whirlpools 
and eddies are only produced by a living torrent. . . . 
It is the force of thought that awakes thought. . . . Let 
each have his own path of thought in religion. . . . And 
in fact this is what does happen. Each of us thinks after 
his own fashion. But the natural course has always been 
obstructed. ..." 
And so unsilt the souls of men ! Open again the 
" Bysses," n as my neighbours of Valais say, when they 
release the running water to irrigate their fields. But it is 
different from the thirsty Valais which has to economize 
water and pass the pitcher from hand to hand, turn and 
turn about. . . . The water of the soul is never scarce. 
It flows on all sides. In every religion in the world a mighty 
reservoir of life is contained and accumulated, however much 
those who deny it in the name of the lay religion of reason 
may be self-deceived. No single great religion, throughout the 
course of twenty centuries, said Vivekananda, has died, with 
the possible exception of Zoroastrianism. (And was he sure of 
this ? He was certainly mistaken on this point.) ia Budd- 
11 This is a system of irrigation used by the Swiss peasants in 
the mountains. The water is released at fixed times over the fields 
by each peasant in turn. 
" Within the last few months a very interesting study by Dr. 
J. G. S. Taraporewala has appeared in the Review published by 
Rabindranath Tagore's University at Shantiniketan, Visva Bharati, 
January, 1929, which vindicates " The position of Iran in Asiatic 
culture/ 1 and traces the evolution of Zoroastrianism and the schools 
founded upon it not only in the East but in the West. It would 
appear that in the first century B.C. several currents flowed from 
their source in Asia Minor where the cult of Ahura-Mazda was 
preserved. From one of them in the age of Pompey sprang the 
cult of Mithra, which almost conquered the West. The other, 
passing through the South-west of Arabia and Egypt, influenced 
hism, Hinduism, Islamism, Christianity, continue to grow in 
numbers and quality. (And the religion of science, of 
liberty and of human solidarity is also growing.) What is 
growing less in mankind is the death of the spirit, absolute 
darkness, negation of thought, absence of light : the very 
feeblest ray is faith, although it is unaware of itself. Each 
great system of faith, whether " religious " or " lay," " repre- 
sents one portion of Universal Truth and spends its force 
in converting that into a type." Each, therefore, should 
unite with the others, instead of being mutually exclusive. 
But petty individual vanities due mainly to ignorance, 
upheld by the pride and interest of priestly castes, have 
always in all countries and all ages, made the part claim to 
be the whole. " A man goes out into the world, God's 
menagerie, with a little cage in his hand/ 1 and thinks he 
can shut everything inside it. What old children they are ! 
Let them chatter and mock at each other. Despite their 
foolishness, each group has a living, beating heart, its own 
mission, and its own note in the complete harmony of sound ; 
each one has conceived its own splendid but incomplete ideal : 
Christianity, its dream of moral purity ; Hinduism, spiritu- 
ality; Islamism, social equality . . . etc. 18 And each 
group is divided into families each with a different tempera- 
ment : rationalism, Puritanism, scepticism, worship of the 
senses or of the mind. . . . They are all of diverse and graded 
powers in the divine economy of the Being, as it ceaselessly 
advances. Vivekananda uttered this profound saying, one we 
should do well to " read, mark, learn and inwardly digest " : 
" Man never progresses from error to truth, but from 
truth to truth, from a lesser to a higher." 
If we have understood him properly, our watchword should 
be : " Acceptance," and not exclusion " not even tolera- 
the beginnings of the Gnostic school, whose capital importance for 
Christian metaphysics is well known ; and this same current gave 
birth in Arabia to a school of mystics, known to Mahomet ; Musul- 
man sufis have their origin in this mixture of Zoroastrianism and 
Islam. Hence the vital energy possessed by these religious germs, 
which seemed to have been stamped out and to have disappeared, 
becomes apparent. 
1 It goes without saying that here he has emphasized only one 
characteristic aspect of much more vast and complex structures of 
thought. The responsibility for this simplification is Vivekananda's. 
tion, which is an insult and a blasphemy ; " for each man 
grasps what he can of Truth. You have no right to " toler- 
ate " him, any more than he has the right to tolerate you 
or me. We all have equal rights, and equal shares in truth. 
We are fellow workers ; let us fraternize. 
" I accept all religions that were in the past, and worship 
with them all ; I worship God with every one of them. . . . 
Is God's book finished ? or is it still a continuous revelation 
going on ? It is a marvellous book, these Spiritual 
Revelations of the world. The Bible, the Vedas, the Koran 
and all other sacred books are but so many pages, and an 
infinite number of pages remain yet to be unfolded. . . . 
We stand in the present but open ourselves to the infinite 
future. We take in all that has been in the past, enjoy the 
light of the present and open every window of the heart 
for all that will come in the future. Salutation to all the 
prophets of the past, to all the great ones of the present, 
and to all that are to come in the future ! " 14 
14 " The Way to the Realization of a Universal Religion." 
These ideas were the same as Ramakrishna's, and also of Keshab 
Chunder Sen, who played the part of forerunners. About 1866 in 
his lecture on " Great Men/' Keshab said : 
" Hindu brethren, as ye honour your prophets, honour ye like- 
wise the illustrious reformers and great men of Christendom. . . . 
To you, my Christian brethren, also, I humbly say As ye honour 
your prophets, honour ye likewise the prophets of the East." 
" One religion shall be acknowledged by all men, . . . yet each 
nation shall have its own peculiar and free mode of action ... so 
shall the various races and tribes and nations of the world, with 
their own peculiar voice and music, sing His glory ; but all their 
different voices and modes of chanting shall commingle in one sweet 
and swelling chorus one universal anthem." 
This was the kit motif of all his lectures in England (1870) : to 
embrace in one communion all nations and races, and so to found 
a Universal Religion for each religion to share the one with the 
other whatever it possessed of good, so that in time the future 
Church of the world might be built. 
Finally, in the Epistle to my Indian Brethren (1880), these words 
occur, which might have come from Vivekananda, or from the soul 
of Ramakrishna : 
" Let your word of command be the infinite progression of the 
spirit ! . . . Let your faith be all embracing, not exclusive 1 Let 
your love be universal charity I ... Do not form a new sect. But 
accept all sects. Harmonize all beliefs. . . ." 
These ideas of universalism and spiritual brotherhood 
are ip the air to-day. But each man, consciously or uncon- 
sciously, seeks to turn them to his own profit. Vivekananda 
had no need to live in the age of the memorable " War of 
Right and Liberty," to denounce and expose the exploita- 
tion of idealism, and the colossal Hypocrisy, which has 
culminated in this modern age in Geneva, Paris, London, 
Berlin, Washington, and their satellites, either allied or 
enemy. " Patriotism," he said, " is a phase of a profession 
of quasi-religious faith." But it is too often a mask for 
selfishness. " Love, Peace, Brotherhood, etc., have become 
mere words to us. ... Each one cries : Universal Brother- 
hood ! We are all equal ! . . ." And then immediately 
afterwards : " Let us form a sect ! " The need for ex- 
clusivism reappears at a gallop with a badly concealed 
fanatical passion, which makes secret appeal to all the 
wickedness in man : " It is a disease." 15 
Do not then be deceived by words ! " The world is too 
full of blustering talk." Men who really feel the brother- 
hood of man do not talk much about it ; they do not make 
speeches to the " Society of Nations," they do not organize 
Leagues : they work and they live. Diversity of ritual, 
myths and doctrines (both clerical and lay) does not trouble 
them. They feel the thread passing through them all, 
linking the pearls into a necklace. 16 Like the rest, they go 
to draw water from the well, each with his own pitcher or 
receptacle whose form is taken by the water. But they do 
not quarrel about the form it takes. It is all the same water. 17 
By what practical means can silence and peace be secured 
among the brawling throng squabbling round the well ? 
Let each one drink his own water and allow the rest to drink 
theirs ! There is plenty for everybody. And it is stupid 
to want everyone to drink God out of the same pitcher. 
18 For all the preceding and following portions, cf. The Ideal of 
a Universal Religion. 
lf " I am the thread that runs through all these different ideas, 
and each one is a pearl/' said the Lord Krishna (quoted by Vive- 
kananda in his lecture on " Maya and the Evolution of the Con- 
ception of God "). 
17 Vivekananda took this beautiful figure from his Master Rama- 
krishna, who clothed it in still more picturesque colour. 
Vivekananda breaks in, in the midst of the hubbub, and tries 
to make the disputants listen to at least two maxims of 
conduct, two provisional rules : 
The first : "Do not Destroy ! " build, if you can help 
to build. But if you cannot, do not interfere ! It is better 
to do nothing than to do ill. Never speak a word against 
any sincere conviction. If you have one, serve it, but 
without harming the servants of different convictions. If 
you have none, look on ! Be content with the role of a 
The second : " Take man as he stands, and from thence 
give him a lift " along his own road. You need not fear that 
that road will take you out of your way. God is the centre 
of all the radii, and each of us is converging towards Him 
along one of them. And so, as Tolstoy says, " we shall all 
meet again, when we have arrived." The differences dis- 
appear at the centre but only at the centre ; and variety 
is a necessity of nature : without it there would be no life. 
So, help her, but do not get it into your head that you can 
produce or even lead her ! All that you can do is to put a 
protective hedge round the tender plant. Remove the 
obstacles to its growth and give it enough air and space so 
that it can develop ; nothing else. Its growth must come 
from within. Abandon the idea that you can give spiritu- 
ality to others. 18 Each man's master is his own soul. Each 
has to learn for himself. Each has to make himself. The 
only duty another can possess is to help him to do so. 
This respect for human individuality and its freedom is 
admirable. No other religion has possessed it to this degree, 
and with Vivekananda it was part of the very essence of 
his religion. His God was no less than all living beings, 
and every living being ought therefore to be free to develop. 
One of the most ancient Upanishads says : 
ls I think that it is necessary to add the following correction to 
this phrase which corresponds to the intimate thought of Vive- 
" Spirituality is in everybody, but more or less latent, suppressed, 
or freely poured out. He who is a fountain of it is by his presence 
' Tone, by the very music of his gushing waters, a call, an awakener 
of hidden springs, which did not know of their own existence or 
were afraid to avow it. In this sense there is certainly a gift a 
living communication of spirituality." 
" Whatever exists in this universe, is to be covered with 
the Lord." 
And Vivekananda explained this saying thus : 
" We have to cover everything with the Lord Himself, 
not by a false sort of optimism, not by blinding our eyes to 
the evil, but by really seeing God in everything " : in good 
and evil, in sin and in the sinner, in happiness and misery, 
in life and in death. " If you have a wife it does not mean 
that you are to abandon her, but that you are to see God 
in your wife/' He is in her, in you, in your child. He is 
Such a sentiment does not rob life of any of its riches ; 
but it makes its riches and its miseries the same. 
" Desire and evil itself have their uses. There is a glory 
in happiness, there is a glory in suffering. ... As for me, 
I am glad I have done something good and many things bad ; 
glad I have done something right, and glad I have committed 
many errors, because every one of them has been a great 
lesson. . . . Not that you should not have property, have 
all you want . . . only know the truth and realize it. ... 
All belongs to the Lord, put God in your every movement. 
. . . The whole scene changes, and the world instead of 
appearing as one of woe and misery, will become a heaven. 1 ' 
This is the meaning of the great saying of Jesus. " The 
Kingdom of heaven is within you." Heaven is not beyond. 
It is here and now. Everything is heaven. You have only 
to open your eyes. 19 
" Awake, arise and dream no more ! . . . . 
Be bold, and face 
The Truth 1 Be one with it I Let visions cease, 
Or, if you cannot, dream but truer dreams, 
Which are eternal Love and Service Free." * 
" Each soul," he commented again, 21 is potentially divine. 
The good is to manifest this Divine within, by controlling 
nature external and internal. Do this, either by work, or 
19 The preceding belongs to the seventh lecture on Jnana-yoga : 
" God in Everything " (London, October 27, 1896). 
to This undated poem of Vivekananda embraces in 
lines all the principal forms of yoga : the abstract Adva 
the last two verses the yoga of Bhakti and of Karmad 
11 " Interviews " (Complete Works, Vol. IV). 
worship, or psychic control, or philosophy 22 by one or 
more or all of these and be free ! This is the whole of 
religion. Doctrines or dogmas, or rituals or boots, or 
temples or forms are but secondary details." 
And the great artist that he was at bottom 88 compared 
the universe to a picture, only to be enjoyed by the man 
who has devoured it with his eyes without any interested 
intention of buying or selling : 
" I never read of any more beautiful conception of God 
than the following : ' He is the Great Poet, the Ancient 
Poet : the whole Universe is His poem, coming in verses 
and rhymes and rhythms, written in infinite bliss.' " 24 
* * * 
But it is to be feared that such a conception will seem too 
aesthetic and inaccessible except to those artistic spirits who 
are produced with less parsimony by the torrents of Shiva 
watering the races of Bengal than by our pale smoke- 
begrimed sun. And there is another danger its direct 
opposite that races accessible to this ideal of ecstatic 
enjoyment will remain inactive spectators of it, enervated 
and enslaved by the " Summus Artifex " 26 in the same way 
that the Roman Emperor enervated and enslaved his 
subjects by the games. . . . 
Those who have followed me up to this point know enough 
of Vivekananda's nature with its tragic compassion that 
knitted him to all the sufferings of the universe, and the 
fury of action wherewith he flung himself to the rescue, to 
11 Hence by one of the four yogas, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Jnana, 
or by all four. 
" " Do you not see/ 1 he said to Miss MacLeod, " that I am first 
and foremost a poet ? " a word that may be misunderstood by 
Europeans ; for they have lost the meaning of true poetry, the flight 
of faith without which a bird becomes a mere mechanical toy. 
In London in 1895 he said : " The artist is a witness of the 
beautiful. Art is the least selfish form of pleasure in the world." 
And again : "If you cannot appreciate harmony in Nature, how 
can you appreciate God, who is the sum of all harmony ? " 
And finally : " Of a truth, Art is Brahmin." 
14 " God in Everything." 
" It will be remembered that Nero so styled himself" The 
Supreme Artist " and that the people of Rome submitted to all 
his tyrannies provided he gave them " panem et circenses " (bread 
and circuses). 
be certain that he would never permit nor tolerate in others 
v any assumption of the right to lose themselves in an ecstasy 
of art or contemplation. 
And because he knew in his own case and in that of his 
companions the dangerous attraction of this sovereign Game,* 6 
he constantly forbade it to those who were dependent on 
his guidance, and he constantly sought in his preaching to 
turn their dreaming regard to what he called a " practical 
Vedanta." 27 
86 " Lila," the Game of God. 
" You know," he said to Sister Nivedita, " we have a theory 
that the universe is God's manifestation of Himself just for fun 
that the Incarnations came and lived here ' just for fun ' 1 Play 
it was all play. Why was Christ crucified ? It was mere play . . . 
Just play with the Lord. Say : ' it (life) is all play, it is ail play.' " 
And this profound and terrible doctrine is at the bottom of the 
thought of all great Hindus as of many mystics of all ages and 
all climes. Is not the same idea to be found in Plotinus, who 
visualized this life as a theatre, where " the actor continually changes 
his costume/' where the crumbling of empires and civilizations 
" are changes of scene or personages, the cries and tears of the 
, actors. . . ." 
But in what concerns Vivekananda and his thought, the time 
and place of his teaching, must never be forgotten. Often he 
wished to create a reaction against a tendency that he considered 
diseased in his auditors, and he used excess against excess, but for 
him harmony was the final truth. 
On this occasion he was rather embarrassed by the emotionalism 
of the excellent Nivedita, who was saying good-bye to him in too 
sentimental a way. He said to her, " Why not part with a smile ? 
You worship sorrow . . ." And in order to rebuke his English 
friend, who took everything too seriously, he showed her the doc- 
trine of the Game. 
His antipathy to morose devotion, to the spirit of self-crucifying 
grief, was explained in the curious apologue of Narada : 
There are great Yogis among the Gods. Narada was one. One 
day he was passing through a forest and saw a man who had been 
meditating until the white ants had built a large mound round him. 
Further on he saw another man jumping about for joy under a tree. 
They asked Narada, who had gone to heaven, when they would be 
judged worthy to attain freedom. To the man surrounded by the 
ant heap Narada said, " After four more births," and the man wept. 
To the dancer, he said, " After as many births as there are leaves 
on that tree." And for joy that deliverance was coining so soon, 
the dancer went on jumping for joy ... Immediately he was 
free. Cf. the conclusion of Raja-yoga. 
" The title given to two lectures in Jnana-yoga (London, Novem- 
449 GG 
With him it was true that " the knowledge of Brahmin 
is the ultimate purpose, the highest destiny of man.. But* 
man cannot remain absorbed in Brahmin," 28 Such absorp- 
tion is only for exceptional moments. " When he emerges 
from that Ocean of rejl and without a name," he must go 
back to his buoy. And it is less the egoism of ' ' carpe diem' ' 2 9 < 
than that of " Memento quia pulvis es," and considerations 
of safety that keep him afloat in the water. 
" If a man plunges headlong into foolish luxuries of the 
world without knowing the truth, he has missed his footing. 
. . . And if a man curses the world, goes out into a forest, 
mortifies his flesh, and kills himself little by little by starva- 
tion, makes his heart a barren waste, kills out feeling, and 
becomes harsh, stern and dried up, that man also has missed 
the way." 30 
The great motto we must take back into the world from 
the illuminations, that have revealed to us for an instant 
the Ocean of Being in the full and Biblical sense the word 
that sooner or later will allow us to attain our End is also 
the motto of the highest code of ethics : 
" Not me, but thou ! " 
This " Me " is the product of the hidden Infinite in its 
process of exterior manifestation. We have to remake the 
path the inverse way towards our original state of infinitude. 
And each time that we say, " Not me, my brother, but 
thou ! " we take one step forward. 81 
ber 10 and 12, 1896). Cf. also his lectures in the same collection : 
" The Real and the Apparent Man," " Realization/' " God in Every- 
thing," and the Conversations and Dialogues with Sarat Chandra 
Chakravarty, 1898, Belur, Vol. VII of Complete Works, pp. 105 
et seq. 
18 Interviews on the way of Mukti, Vol. VII of the Complete 
Works, pp. 193 et seq. 
* The meaning of these two phrases is well known : " Enjoy the 
day," is the Epicurean. The second, " Remember you are but dust," 
is the Christian. 
M " God in Everything." 
11 " Religious realization does all the good to the world. People 
are afraid that when they attain to it, when they realize that there 
is but One, the fountains of love will be dried up, that everything 
in life will go away, and that all they love will vanish for them. 
* . . People never stop to think that those who bestowed the 
least thought on their own individualities have been the greatest 
" But," says the selfish disciple to whose objections Vive- 
kananda on that day replied with the patience of an angel 
(a thing contrary to his habit) " but if I must always think 
of others, when shall I contemplate the Atman ? If I am 
always occupied with something particular and relative, 
how can I realize the Absolute ? " 
" My son/ 1 replied the Swami sweetly, " I have told you 
that by thinking intensely of the good of others, by devoting 
yourself to their service, you will purify your heart by that 
work and through it you will arrive at the vision of Self 
which penetrates all living beings. Then what more will 
you have to attain to ? Would you rather that Realization 
of Self consisted of existing in an inert way like a wall or a 
piece of wood ? " 82 
" But," insisted the disciple, " all the same, that which 
the Scriptures describe as the Act of Self-withdrawal into 
its real nature, consists in the stopping of all the functions 
of the spirit and all work/' 
" Oh ! " said Vivekananda, " that is a very rare condition 
and difficult to attain and does not last long. How then 
will you spend the rest of the time ? That is why having 
realized this state, the saint sees the Self in all beings, and 
possessed of this knowledge he devoted himself to their 
service, so that thus he uses up all the Karma (work) that 
remains to be expended by the body. That is the condition 
that the Shastras describe as Javin Mukti (Freedom in 
Life)/' 88 
An old Persian tale describes in an exquisite form this state 
workers in the world. Then alone a man loves when he finds that 
the object of his love is not any low, little or mortal thing. Then 
alone a man loves when he finds that the object of his love is not 
a clod of earth, but the veritable God Himself. The husband will 
love the wife . . . that mother will love the children more who 
thinks that the children are God Himself . . . That man will love 
his greatest enemy . . . Such a man becomes a world-mover for 
whom his little self is dead and God stands in his place. ... If 
one millionth part of the men and women who live in this world 
simply sit down and for a few minutes say, ' You are all God, O 
ye men and O ye animals, and living beings, you are all manifesta- 
tions of the one living Deity I ' the whole world will be changed in 
half an hour." (" The Real and the Apparent Man/') 
11 1 have condensed the conversation. 
Vol. VII of Complete Works, p. 105. 
of bliss wherein a man, already free through knowledge, gives 
himself to others so naturally that he forgets everything 
else in them. A lover came to knock at the door of his well- 
beloved. She asked, " Who is there ? " He replied, " It 
is I." The door did not open. He came a second time, 
and called, " It is I, I am here I " The door remained closed.* 
The third time the voice asked from within, " Who is 
there ? " He replied, " Well-beloved, I am thou ! " And 
this time the door opened. 84 
But this lovely parable, whose charm Vivekananda could 
appreciate more highly than most, represented too passive 
an ideal of love to contain the virile energy of a leader of the 
people. We have seen how constantly he flagellated and 
abused the greedy bliss of the Bhaktas. To love with him 
meant to love actively, to serve, to help. And the loved 
one was not to be chosen, but was to be the nearest whoever 
he happened to be, even the enemy in process of beating 
you, or the wicked or unfortunate particularly such ; for 
their need was greatest. 86 
" My child, if you will only believe me," he said to a young 
man of middle class, who vainly sought peace of mind by 
shutting himself up in his house, " first of all you must begin 
by opening the door of your room, and looking about you. 
. . . There are some miserable people in the neighbourhood 
of your house. You will serve them with your best. One 
is ill ; you will nurse him. Another is starving ; you will 
feed him. A third is ignorant ; you will teach him. If you 
wish peace of mind, serve others ! That is what I have to 
say ! " " 
* * Quoted by Vivekananda, second lecture on the Practical 
" " Do you not remember what the Bible says : ' If you cannot 
love your brother whom you have seen, how can you love God 
whom you have not seen/ ... I shall call you religious from the 
day you begin to see God in men and women, and then you will 
understand what is meant by turning the left cheek to the man 
who strikes you on the right." (Practical Vedanta, II.) 
This was the thought constantly expressed during the last years 
in Tolstoy's Journal. 
" The watchword of all well-being ... is not I, but thou. 
Who cares whether there is a heaven or a hell, who cares if there 
is a soul or not ? who cares if there is an unchangeable or not ? 
Here is the world and it is full of misery. Go out into it as Buddha 
We have insisted enough upon this aspect of his teaching 
need not dwell upon it any further. 
But there is another aspect that must never be forgotten. 
Usually in European thought " to serve " implies a feeling 
of voluntary debasement, of humility. It is the " Dienen, 
dienen ' ' of Kundry in Parsifal. This sentiment is completely 
absent from the Vedantism of Vivekananda. To serve, to 
love, is to be the equal of the one served or loved. Far 
from abasement, Vivekananda always regarded it as the 
fullness of life. The words " Not me, but thou ! " do not 
spell suicide, but the conquest of a vast empire. And if 
we see in our neighbour it is because we know that God is 
in us. Such is the first teaching of the Vedanta. It does 
not say to us : " Prostrate yourselves I " It tells us : 
" Lift up your head ! For each one of you carries God 
within him. Be worthy of Him ! Be proud of it 1" The 
Vedanta is the bread of the strong. And it says to the 
weak, " There are no weak. You are weak because you 
wish to be." 87 First have faith in yourselves. You your- 
selves are the proof of God ! 88 " Thou art That." Each 
of the pulsations of your blood sings it. " And the universe 
with its myriads of suns with one voice repeats the words : 
' Thou art That/ " 
Vivekananda proudly proclaims : 
" He who does not believe in himself is an atheist." 39 
did, and struggle to lessen it or die in the attempt. Forget your- 
selves ; this is the first lesson to be learnt, whether you are a theist 
or an atheist, whether you are an agnostic or a Vedantist, a Christian 
or a Mohammedan. 1 ' (Practical Vedanta, IV, p. 350.) 
87 " As soon as you say, ' I am a little mortal being/ you are 
saying something which is not true, you are giving the lie to your- 
selves, you are hypnotizing yourselves into something vile and weak 
and wretched." (Practical Vedanta, I.) 
Cf . the last interviews with Sarachandra : 
" Say to yourself : ' I am full of power, I am the happy Brah- 
min I ' . . . Brahmin never awakes in those who have no self- 
18 " How do you know that a book teaches truth ? Because you 
are truth and feel it. ... Your godhead is the proof of God 
Himself." (Practical Vedanta, I.) 
8t Boshi Sen quoted to me the brave words that go far to explain 
Vivekananda's religion uttered in contradistinction to the Chris- 
tian hypothesis that we should bear a human hell here to gain a 
Paradise hereafter. [Continued overleaf. 
of bliss wherein a man, already free through knowledge, gives 
himself to others so naturally that he forgets eveiything 
else in them. A lover came to knock at the door of his well- 
beloved. She asked, " Who is there ? " He replied, " It 
is I." The door did not open. He came a second time, 
and called, " It is I, I am here ! " The door remained closed.* 
The third time the voice asked from within, " Who is 
there ? " He replied, " Well-beloved, I am thou ! " And 
this time the door opened. 84 
But this lovely parable, whose charm Vivekananda could 
appreciate more highly than most, represented too passive 
an ideal of love to contain the virile energy of a leader of the 
people. We have seen how constantly he flagellated and 
abused the greedy bliss of the Bhaktas. To love with him 
meant to love actively, to serve, to help. And the loved 
one was not to be chosen, but was to be the nearest whoever 
he happened to be, even the enemy in process of beating 
you, or the wicked or unfortunate particularly such ; for 
their need was greatest. 86 
" My child, if you will only believe me," he said to a young 
man of middle class, who vainly sought peace of mind by 
shutting himself up in his house, " first of all you must begin 
by opening the door of your room, and looking about you. 
. . . There are some miserable people in the neighbourhood 
of your house. You will serve them with your best. One 
is ih ; you will nurse him. Another is starving ; you will 
feed him. A third is ignorant ; you will teach him. If you 
wish peace of mind, serve others ! That is what I have to 
say ! " 
14 Quoted by Vivekananda, second lecture on the Practical 
" " Do you not remember what the Bible says : ' If you cannot 
love your brother whom you have seen, how can you love God 
whom you have not seen/ ... I shall call you religious from the 
day you begin to see God in men and women, and then you will 
understand what is meant by turning the left cheek to the man 
who strikes you on the right." (Practical Vedanta, II.) 
This was the thought constantly expressed during the last years 
in Tolstoy's Journal. 
" The watchword of all well-being ... is not I, but thou. 
Who cares whether there is a heaven or a hell, who cares if there 
is a soul or not ? who cares if there is an unchangeable or not ? 
Here is the world and it is full of misery. Go out into it as Buddha 
We have insisted enough upon this aspect of his teaching 
need not dwell upon it any further. 
But there is another aspect that must never be forgotten. 
Usually in European thought " to serve " implies a feeling 
of voluntary debasement, of humility. It is the " Dienen, 
*dienen ' ' of Kundry in Parsifal. This sentiment is completely 
absent from the Vedantism of Vivekananda. To serve, to 
love, is to be the equal of the one served or loved. Far 
from abasement, Vivekananda always regarded it as the 
fullness of life. The words " Not me, but thou ! " do not 
spell suicide, but the conquest of a vast empire. And if 
we see in our neighbour it is because we know that God is 
in us. Such is the first teaching of the Vedanta. It does 
not say to us : " Prostrate yourselves ! " It tells us : 
" Lift up your head ! For each one of you carries God 
within him. Be worthy of Him ! Be proud of it ! " The 
Vedanta is the bread of the strong. And it says to the 
weak, " There are no weak. You are weak because you 
wish to be." 87 First have faith in yourselves. You your- 
selves are the proof of God 1 88 " Thou art That." Each 
of the pulsations of your blood sings it. " And the universe 
with its myriads of suns with one voice repeats the words : 
1 Thou art That/ " 
Vivekananda proudly proclaims : 
" He who does not believe in himself is an atheist." 89 
did, and struggle to lessen it or die in the attempt. Forget your- 
selves ; this is the first lesson to be learnt, whether you are a theist 
or an atheist, whether you are an agnostic or a Vedantist, a Christian 
or a Mohammedan." (Practical Vedanta, IV, p. 350.) 
87 " As soon as you say, ' I am a little mortal being/ you are 
saying something which is not true, you are giving the lie to your- 
selves, you are hypnotizing yourselves into something vile and weak 
and wretched." (Practical Vedanta, I.) 
Cf . the last interviews with Sarachandra : 
" Say to yourself : ' I am full of power, I am the happy Brah- 
min 1 ' . . . Brahmin never awakes in those who have no self- 
81 " How do you know that a book teaches truth ? Because you 
are truth and feel it. ... Your godhead is the proof of God 
Himself." (Practical Vedanta, I.) 
8t Boshi Sen quoted to me the brave words that go far to explain 
Vivekananda's religion uttered in contradistinction to the Chris- 
tian hypothesis that we should bear a human hell here to gain a 
Paradise hereafter. [Continued overleaf. 
But he goes on to add, 
" But it is not a selfish faith. ... It means faith iir 
all, because you are all. Love for yourselves means love 
for all, for you are all one." 40 
And this thought is the foundation of all ethics. 
" Unity is the touchstone of truth. All that contributes- 
to Unity is truth. Love is truth, and hate is not : for it 
works for multiplicity . . . it is a disintegrating force. ..." 
Love then goes in front. 41 But love, here, is the heart 
beat, the circulation of blood without which the members 
of the body would be paralysed. Love still implies the 
At the basis of everything then is Force, Divine Force. 
It is in all things and in all men. It is at the centre of the 
sphere, and at all the points of the circumference. And 
between the two each radius diffuses it. He who enters 
and plunges into the vestibule is thrown out in flames, but 
he who reaches the centre returns with hundredfold in- 
creased energy. He who realizes it in contemplation, will 
then realize it inaction. 42 The gods are part of it. For 
" I do not believe in a God who will give me eternal bliss in 
heaven, and who cannot give me bread here." 
This fearlessness in great Indian belief with regard to God must 
never be forgotten. The West, which chooses to represent the East 
as passive, is infinitely more so in its dealings with the Divinity. 
If, as an Indian Vedantist believes, God is in me, why should I 
accept the indignities of the world ? It is rather my business to 
abolish them. 
40 Practical Vedanta, I. 
41 Intellect here is relegated to the second place. " The intellect 
is necessary, but ... is only the street cleaner ; the policeman " ; 
and the road will remain empty if the torrent of love does not pour 
down it. And then the Vedantist went on to quote the Imitation 
of Christ. 
41 Here again Christian mysticism arrives at the same results. 
Having achieved the fact of union with God the soul has never 
been freer to direct its other activities of life without violating any 
single one of them. One of the most perfect examples of this 
mastery is a Tourangelle of the seventeenth century, our St. Theresd 
of France, Madame Martin Marie of the Incarnation to whom 
the Abbe Br6mond has devoted some of the most beautiful pages 
(half a volume) of his monumental Histoire LitUraire du sentiment 
religieux en France, Vol. IV, particularly Chapter V : "La Vie in- 
tense des Mystiques." This great soul, who, in a strictly Christian set- 
ting, went through all the stages of mystic union like Ramakrishna : 
God is all in all. He who has seen God will live for 
all. 48 . 
Hence by a perpetual coming and going between the infinite 
Self of perfect Knowledge and the Ego implied in the Game 
of Maya, we maintain the union of all the forces of life. In 
the bosom of contemplation we receive the necessary energy 
for love and work, for faith and joy in action, for the frame- 
work of our days. But each deed is transposed into the 
key of Eternity. At the heart of intense action reigns 
eternal calm, 44 and the Spirit at the same time partakes 
sensibility, love, intelligence (up to the highest intellectual intuition), 
came down from them to practical action without for a single instant 
losing contact with the God she had realized. She said of herself : 
" A divine intercourse was established between God and the soul 
by the most intimate union that can be imagined. ... If the per- 
son has important occupations she will strive ceaselessly to cultivate 
what God was doing in her. That itself comforted her, because 
when the senses were occupied and diverted, the soul was free of 
them. . . . The third state of passive prayer is the most sublime. 
. . . The senses are then so free that the soul who has reached 
it can work without distraction in any employment required by its 
condition. . . . God shines at the depth of the soul ..." 
And her son, who was also a saint, Don Claude, wrote : 
" As exterior occupations did not in the least interrupt interior 
union in her case, so inner union did not prevent her exterior func- 
tions. Martha and Mary were never in better accord in what they 
did, and the contemplation of the one did not put any hindrance 
in the way of the action of the other. ..." 
I cannot too strongly urge my Indian friends (and those of my 
European friends who are usually ignorant of these riches) to make 
a careful study of these admirable texts. I do not believe that 
so perfect a genius of psychological analysis has been allied in any 
mysticism to the vigour of profound intuition as in the life of this 
bourgeoise from the valley of the Loire in the time of Louis XIII. 
41 So said the present great Abbot of the Math of Belur, Shiva- 
nanda, in his presidential address to the first Convention of the 
Ramakrishna Math and Mission (April i, 1926) : 
" If the highest illumination aims at nothing short of effacing all 
the distinctions between the individual soul and the universal soul, 
and if its ideal be to establish a total identity of one's own self 
with Brahmin existing everywhere, then it naturally follows that 
the highest spiritual experience of the aspirant cannot but lead 
him to a state of exalted self-dedication to the welfare of all. He 
makes the last divine sacrifice by embracing the universe after 
transcending its limitations, which are the outcome of ignorance." 
44 Cf. the Gita, which here is the inspiration of the Practical 
Vedanta, I. 
of the struggles of life, and yet floats above the strife. 
Sovereign equilibrium has been realized, the ideal of the 
Gita and of Heraclitus. 
"2% T&V diaeQflyTCov %a.M.larrfv aQpoyuiv. . . ." ^ 
48 That is to say " from discords (weave) the most beautiful * 
harmony.' 1 
VIVEKANANDA'S constructive genius may be summed 
up in the two words, equilibrium and synthesis. He 
embraced all the paths of the spirit : the four yogas in their 
entirety, renunciation and service, art and science, religion 
and action from the most spiritual to the most practical. 
Each of the ways that he taught had its own limits, but he 
himself had been through them all, and had made each one 
his own. As in a quadriga he held the reins of all four ways 
of truth, and travelled along them all simultaneously towards 
Unity. 1 He was the personification of the harmony of all 
human Energy. 
But the formula could not have been discovered by the 
brilliant intellect of the " Discriminator," if his own eyes 
had not seen its realization in the harmonious personality 
of Ramakrishna. The angelic Master had instinctively 
resolved all the dissonances of life into a Mozartian harmony, 
as rich and sweet as the Music of the Spheres. And hence 
the work and the thought of the great disciple was all carried 
out under the Sign of Ramakrishna. 
" The time was ripe for one to be born, who in one body 
would have the brilliant intellect of Sankara and the wonder- 
fully expansive infinite heart of Chaitanya ; one who would 
see in every sect the same spirit working, the same God ; 
one who would see God in every being, one whose heart 
would weep for the poor, for the weak, for the downtrodden, 
for every one in this world, inside India or outside India ; 
and at the same time whose grand brilliant intellect would 
1 It was precisely this faculty in him that struck Ramakrishna, 
and later Girish Ghose, who was to say of him to the disciples : 
" Your Swami is as much Jnanin and pandit as the lover of God 
and humanity." He realized the four forms of yoga, Love, Action, 
Knowledge and Energy, and maintained the balance among them. 
conceive of such noble thoughts as would harmonize all 
conflicting sects, not only in India but outside of India^ and 
bring a marvellous harmony. . . . The time was ripe, it 
was necessary that such a man should be born . . . and 
I had the good fortune to sit at his feet. . . . He came, 
the living spirit of the Upanishads, the accomplishment 
of Indian sages, the sage for the present day . . . the 
harmony. . . . " s 
Vivekananda wished to extend this harmony that had 
come to fruition in one privileged being and had been enjoyed 
by a few select souls, to the whole of India and the world. 
Therein lies his courage and originality. He may not have 
produced one single fresh idea : he was essentially the off- 
spring of the womb of India, one of many eggs laid by that 
indefatigable queen ant during the course of ages. . . . 
But all her different ants never combined to build an ant- 
hill. Their separate thoughts seemed to be incompatible 
until they appeared in Ramakrishna as a symphony. The 
secret of their divine order was then revealed to Vivekan- 
anda, 8 and he set out to build the City Civitas Dei the 
City of Mankind of the foundation of this golden concrete. 
But he had not only to build the city but the souls of its 
inhabitants as well. 
The Indian representatives, who are the authorities for 
his thought, have acknowledged that he was inspired in its 
construction by the modern discipline and organized effort 
* Lecture on the " Sages of India. 1 ' Cf. the lectures on the 
" Vedanta and Indian Life " (on his return from America), on the 
" Vedanta in all its Phases" (Calcutta), from which I have taken 
some phrases and inserted them in the main text. 
* " It was given to me to live with a man who was as ardent a 
Dualist, as ardent an Advaitist, as ardent a Bhakta, as a Jnani. 
And living with this man first put it into my head to understand 
the Upanishads and the texts of the Scriptures from an independent 
and better basis than by blindly following the commentators. . . . 
I came to the conclusion that these texts are not all contradictory. 
. . . The one fact I found is, that . . . they begin with Dualistic 
ideas . . . and end with a grand flourish of Advaitic ideas." I have 
seen the harmony which is at the back of all the faiths of India, 
and the necessity of the two interpretations as the geocentric and 
the heliocentric theories of astronomy ..." (On " The Vedanta 
in its application to Indian life." Cf. " The Vedanta in all its 
,of the West as well as by the Buddhist organization of 
ancient India. 4 
He conceived the plan of an Order whose central Math, 
the mother house, was to " represent " for centuries to come 
" the physical body of Ramakrishna." 6 
This Math was to serve the double purpose of providing 
men with the means " of attaining their own liberation, 
so that they might prepare themselves for the progress of 
the world and the betterment of its conditions." A second 
Math was to realize the same object for women. These 
two were to be disseminated throughout the world, for the 
Swami's journeys and his cosmopolitan education had con- 
vinced him that the aspirations and needs of humanity at 
the present time are universally one. The day seemed to 
have dawned for the " great India " of old to resume its 
ancient mission : that of evangelizing the earth. But unlike 
" God's chosen peoples " in the past, who have interpreted 
their duty in the narrow sense of spiritual imperialism, in 
plying a right to inflict their own uniform and tight-fitting 
casque, the law forces the Vedantist missionary according 
to his own law to respect the natural faith of each individual. 
He desires only to reawaken the Spirit in man, " to guide 
individuals and nations to the conquest of their inner king- 
dom, by their own ways which are best suited to them, by 
the means corresponding best to the needs from which they 
suffer most/' There is nothing in this to which the proudest 
nationalism can take exception. No nation is asked to 
forsake its own ways. 8 It is asked rather to develop the 
God that is in them to the fullest and highest degree. 
But, like Tolstoy, whose thought, the offspring of his 
good sense and kind heart, was unknown to him, Vivekananda 
saw that his first duty was towards his nearest neighbour, 
his own people. Throughout the pages of this book the 
4 It was also the ideal of the Vedas : " Truth is one but she is 
called by different names." 
5 According to Swami Shivananda. (See above.) They are the 
very expressions reproduced by the present Abbot of the Math, 
Shivananda. Their nearness to the conception of the Church of 
Christ is obvious. 
" We ought never to think of taking away the characteristics 
of a nation, even if it can be proved that its character is composed 
of faults/ 1 (Vivekananda, 1899-1900.) 
trembling of India incarnate in him has appeared again and 
again. His universal soul was rooted in its human spil ; 
and the smallest pang suffered by its inarticulate flesh sent 
a repercussion throughout the whole tree. 
He himself was the embodied unity of a nation containing 
a hundred different nations, wherein each nation, divided 
and subdivided into castes and sub-castes, seems like one 
of those diseased persons whose blood is too liquid to congeal, 
and his ideal was unity, both of thought and of action. 
His claim to greatness lies in the fact that he not only proved 
its unity by reason, but stamped it upon the heart of India 
in flashes of illumination. He had a genius for arresting 
words, and burning phrases hammered out white-hot in 
the forge of his soul so that they transpierced thousands. 
The one that made the deepest impression was the famous 
phrase : " Daridra-Narayana " (the beggar God). . . . "The 
only God that exists, the only God in whom I believe . . . 
my God the miserable, my God the poor of all races/' It 
may justly be said that India's destiny was changed by him, 
and that his teaching re-echoed throughout Humanity. 
Its mark is to be found, a burning scar, like the spear- 
thrust that pierced the heart of the Son of Man on the Cross 
in the most significant happenings in India during the 
last twenty years. When the Swarajist party of the National 
Congress of India (a purely political body) triumphed 
in the Calcutta Municipal Council, they drew up a pro- 
gramme of communal work called the " Daridra Narayana " 
Programme. And the striking words have been taken up 
again by Gandhi and are constantly used by him. At one 
and the same time the knot was tied between religious 
contemplation and service of the lower orders. " He sur- 
rounded service with a divine aureole and raised it to the 
dignity of a religion." The idea seized upon the imagina- 
tion of India ; and relief works for famine, flood, fire and 
epidemic, such as were practically unknown thirty years 
before, Seva-ashramas and Seva-samitis (retreats and 
societies for social service) have multiplied throughout the 
country. A rude blow had been struck at the selfishness 
of a purely contemplative faith. The rough words, which 
I have already quoted, uttered by the kindly Ramakrishna : 
" Religion is not for empty bellies . . ." embody the teach- 
ing that the desire to awaken spiritually in the heart of 
the people must be deferred until they have first been fed. 
Moreover, to bring them food is not enough ; they must be 
taught how to procure it and work for it themselves. It is 
necessary to provide the wherewithal and the education. 
Thus it embraced a complete programme of social reform, 
although it held strictly aloof, in accordance with the wishes 
of Vivekananda from all political parties. On the other 
hand, it was the solution of the age-long conflict in India 
between spiritual life and active life. The service of the 
poor did not only help the poor, but it helped their helpers 
even more effectively. According to the old saying, " He 
who gives, receives/' If Service is done in the true spirit 
of worship, it is the most efficacious means to spiritual 
progress. For " without doubt man is the highest symbol of 
God and his worship is the highest form of worship on 
earth." 7 
" Begin by giving your life to save the life of the dying, 
that is the essence of religion." 8 
So India was hauled out of the shifting sands of barren 
speculation wherein she had been engulfed for centuries 
by the hand of one of her own Sannyasins ; and the result 
was that the whole reservoir of mysticism, sleeping beneath, 
broke its bounds, and spread by a series of great ripples 
into action. The West ought to be aware of the tremendous 
energies liberated by these means. 
The world finds itself face to face with an awakening India. 
Its huge prostrate body lying along the whole length of 
the immense peninsula, is stretching its limbs and collecting 
its scattered forces. Whatever the part played in this 
reawakening by the three generations of trumpeters during 
the previous century (the greatest of whom we salute, the 
genial Precursor : Ram Mohun Roy) the decisive call was 
the trumpet blast of the lectures delivered at Colombo and 
7 Recalled by Shivananda, the Abbot of the Math, in his Presi- 
dential Address of 1926. 
Words spoken by Vivekananda during the epidemic of 1899 
to a pandit, who complained of not being able to talk to him of 
religion when he came to see him. He replied : 
" So long as a single dog in my country is without food, my 
whole religion will be to feed it." 
And the magic watchword was Unity. Unity of every. 
Indian man and woman (and world unity as well) ; of all 
the powers of the spirit : dream and action, reason, love 
and work. Unity of the hundred races of India with their 
hundred different tongues and hundred thousand gods 
springing from the same religious centre, the core of present 
and future reconstruction. 9 Unity of the thousand sects of 
Hinduism. 10 Unity within the vast Ocean of all religious 
thought and all rivers past and present, both Western and 
Eastern. For and herein lies the difference between the 
Awakening of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and that of 
Ram Mohun Roy and the Brahmo-samaj in these days 
India refuses allegiance to the imperious civilization of the 
West, she defends her own ideas, she has stepped into her 
age-long heritage with the firm intention not to sacrifice any 
part of it but allow the rest of the world to profit by it, and 
to receive in return the intellectual conquests of the West. 
The time is past for the pre-eminence of one incomplete 
and partial civilization. Asia and Europe, the two giants, 
are standing face to face as equals for the first time. If 
they are wise they will work together, and the fruit of their 
labours will be for all. 
This " greater India/' this new India whose growth 
politicians and learned men have, ostrich fashion, hidden 
from us and whose striking effects are now apparent is 
impregnated with the soul of Ramakrishna. The twin start 
of the Paramahamsa and the hero who translates his thought 
into action, dominates and guides her present destinies. Its 
warm radiance is the leaven working within the soil of 
India and fertilizing it. The present leaders of India : the 
king of thinkers, the king of poets and the Mahatma 
Aurobindo Ghose, Tagore and Ghandi have grown, flowered 
and borne fruit under the double constellation of the Swan 
f In his last hour he repeated, " India is immortal if she persists 
in her search for God. If she gives it up for politics, she will die." 
The first Indian national movement, the Swadeshi Movement, 
desired to found its work on this spiritual basis, and its leader, 
Aurobindo Ghose, vindicated Vivekananda's ideas. 
10 The discovery and declaration of the unity of Hinduism (after 
the lectures of Colombo and Almora) is one of the chief and most 
original features of Vivekananda's work. 
pind the Eagle a fact publicly acknowledged by Aurobindo 
and Gandhi. 11 
The time seems to me to have come for the rest of the 
world, ignorant as yet, except for isolated groups of Anglo- 
Saxons, of this marvellous movement, to profit by it. Those 
who have followed me in this work must certainly have 
noticed how closely the views of the Indian Swami and his 
Master are in accord with many of our secret thoughts. I 
can bear witness to it, not only on my own account, but as 
a result of the intellectual avowal that has been made to 
me for the last twenty years by the hundreds of souls of 
Europe and America, who have made me their uninvited 
confidant and confessor. It is not because they and I have 
unwittingly been subject to infiltrations of the Indian spirit 
which predisposed us to the contagion as certain repre- 
sentatives of the Ramakrishna Mission appear to believe. 
On this subject I have had courteous discussion with Swami 
Ashokananda, who, starting from the assumption of fact 
that Vedantic ideas are disseminated throughout the world, 
concluded that this was, partly at least, the work of Vive- 
kananda and his Mission. I am quite convinced of the 
contrary. The word, thought and even the name of Vive- 
11 Gandhi has affirmed in public that the study of the Swami's 
books have been a great help to him, and that they increased his 
love and understanding of India. He wrote an Introduction to 
the English edition of the Life of Ramakrishna, and has presided 
over several anniversary festivals of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, 
celebrated by the Ramakrishna Mission. 
" All the spiritual and intellectual life of Aurobindo Ghose," 
Swami Ashokananda wrote to me, " has been strongly influenced 
by the life and teaching of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. He 
is never tired of showing the importance of Vivekananda's 
As for Tagore, whose Goethe-like genius stands at the junction 
of all the rivers of India, it is permissible to presume that in him 
are united and harmonized the two currents of the Brahmo-Samaj 
(transmitted to him by his father, the Manarshi) and of the new 
Vedantism of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Rich in both, free 
in both, he has serenely wedded the West and the East in his own 
spirit. From the social and national point of view his only public 
announcement of his ideas was, if I am not mistaken, about 1906 
at the beginning of the Swadeshi movement, four years after Vive- 
kananda's death. There is no doubt that the breath of such a 
Forerunner must have played some part in his evolution. 
kananda 12 are practically unknown to the world in general 
(a fault that I am trying to rectify), and if, among the deluge 
of ideas that come to water with their substance the burning 
soil of Europe and America in these days, one of the most 
life-giving and fertilizing streams may be called " Vedantic," 
that is so simply in the same way that the natural speech 
of Monsieur Jourdain ls was " prose " without his knowing 
it because it is a natural medium of thought for mankind. 
What are the so-called essentially Vedantic ideas ? 
According to the definition of the most authoritative spokes- 
man of modern Ramakrishnite Vedantism, they can be 
reduced to two principles : 
1. The Divinity of man, 
2. The essential spirituality of Life, 
while the immediate consequences deduced from them are : 
1. That every society, every state, every religion ought 
to be based on the recognition of this All Powerful presence 
latent in man ; 
2. That in order to be fruitful all human interest ought 
to be guided and controlled according to the ultimate idea 
of the spirituality of life. 14 
These ideas and aspirations are none of them alien to the 
West. Our Asiatic friends, who judge Europe by our bank- 
rupts our politicians, our traders, our narrow-minded 
officials, our " ravening wolves whose gospel is their maw," 
the whole of our colonial personnel (both the men and the 
ideas) have good reason to doubt our spirituality. Never- 
theless it is deep and real, and has never ceased to water 
the subsoil and roots of our great Western nations. The 
oak of Europe would have long ago been hurled to the 
ground by the tempests that have raged round it, if it' had 
11 One of the most significant facts has been his complete oblivion 
in the philosophic and learned circles that knew him as he travelled 
in Europe : thus in the circle of the Schopenhauer Gesellschafl I 
have had to re-teach, so to speak, Vivekananda's name to the 
disciples and successors of Paul Deussen, his host and friend. 
1 A popular character in France from Molidre's Comedy, Le 
Bourgeois Gentilhomme. 
14 I depend here on a remarkable letter from Swami Ashokananda 
(September n, 1927), which possesses all the weight and value of a 
manifesto on the Ramakrishna Mission. It was published together 
with my replies in the journals and reviews of the Mission. 
not been for the mighty spiritual sap rising ceaselessly from 
its silent reservoir. They accord us a genius for action. 
But tlie unflagging f everishness of this age-long action would 
be impossible without inner fires not the lamp of the Vestal 
Virgins, but a Cyclopian crater where the igneous substance 
is tirelessly amassed and fed. The writer of this work has 
denounced and disavowed the " Market Place " 16 of Europe, 
the smoke and cinders of the volcano with sufficient severity 
to be able to vindicate the burning sources of our inex- 
haustible spirituality. He has never ceased to recall their 
existence and the persistence of " the better Europe," both 
to outsiders who misunderstand her and to herself as she 
sits wrapped in silence. " Silet sed loquitur." 16 But her 
silence speaks more loudly than the babel of charlatans. 
Beneath the frenzy of enjoyment and power consuming 
themselves in surface eddies of a day or of an hour, there 
is a persistent and immovable treasure made up of abnega- 
tion, sacrifice and faith in the Spirit. 
As for the divinity of man, such a conception is possibly 
not one of the fruits of Christianity or of Greco-Roman 
culture, 17 if they are considered separately. But it is the 
fruit of the engrafted tree of Greco-Roman heroism super- 
imposed upon the vine, whose golden juice is the blood of 
15 Allusion to the name of one volume of Jean Christophe, by 
Romain Holland, which castigates the ephemeral masters of the 
West, with their new-fangled ideas. 
16 " She is silent, but she speaks." 
17 " How did the West come by these ideas ? " Swami Asho- 
kananda wrote to me. "I did not think that Christianity and 
Greco-Roman culture were specially favourable to them. . . ." 
But it is possible to answer Swami Ashokananda with the fact 
that Europe has not been solely made up of Christianized Greco- 
Roman culture. That is a pretension of the Mediterranean school, 
which we do not admit. The groundwork of the autochthonous 
races of the West has been ignored as well as the tides of the 
Great Invasions that covered France and Mittel Europa with their 
fertile alluvion. The " Hochgefuhl " of Meister Eckhart and the 
great Gothics has been allowed to fall into oblivion. 
" Gott hat alle Dinge durch mich gemacht, als ich stand in dem 
unergrundeten Grunde Gottes. (Eckhart.) 
(God has created all things through me, when I stand in the 
bottomless deeps of God.) 
And is it not a phenomenon proving the extraordinary immaTi- 
ence of these flashing intuitions dwelling deep within the soul of 
465 HH 
the Son of God. 18 And whether or no it has forgotten the 
Christian wine-stalk and wine-press, the heroic idealism of 
our democracies in their great moments and their great 
leaders have retained its taste and scent. 19 A religion 
whose God has been familiar for nineteen hundred years 
to the peoples of Europe by the name of the " Son of Man," 
cannot wonder that man should have taken it at its word 
and claimed Divinity for himself. The new consciousness 
of his power and the intoxication of his young liberty were 
still more exalted by the fabulous conquests of science, 
which in half a century have transformed the face of the 
earth. Man came to believe himself God without the help 
of India. 20 He was only too ready to bow down and worship 
himself. This state of over- valuation of his power lasted up 
to the very eve of the catastrophe of 1914, which shattered 
all his foundations. And it is from that very moment that 
the attraction and domination of Indian thought over him 
can be traced. How is this to be explained ? 
Very simply. His own paths had led the Westerner by 
his reason, his science and his giant will, to the cross-roads 
where he met the Vedantic thought, that was the issue of 
our great common ancestors, the Aryan demi-Gods, who in 
the flower of their heroic youth saw from their high Hima- 
the West that they re-emerge at the beginning of the nineteenth 
century with Fichte, who knew nothing of Hindu thought ? (Die 
Anweisung zum seligen Leben, 1906.) Whole passages of Fichte 
and of Sankara can be placed side by side to show their complete 
identity. (Cf. a study of Rudolf Otto on Fichte and the Advaita.) 
18 1 have already pointed out that at the beginning of its great 
religious thought from its double source of Greece, and Jewish- 
Christianity the West rests on similar foundations to those of 
Vedantism. I propose to devote a long note in the Appendix 
to a demonstration of this kinship in the great Hellenic systems 
and those of Alexandrine Christianity : Plotinus and Denis the 
lf The mighty sayings of our great French revolutionaries, such 
as St. Just, which bear strangely enough the double imprint of 
the Gospel and of Plutarch, are a striking example. 
10 There is ample testimony to the thrill of joy that idealistic 
thinkers like Michelet have felt when they have recognized in India 
the forgotten ancestor of the Gospel of Humanity, that they have 
themselves brought forth. This was true in my own case as well. 
(The Gospel of Humanity is a book by Michelet, from which I 
have taken the foreword of my life of Ramakrishna.) 
layan plateaux, like Bonaparte when he had completed the 
conquest of Italy, the whole world at their feet. But at 
that critical moment when the test of the strong awaited 
them (as it appears under various names in the myths of 
all countries, and which our Gospel relates as the Temptation 
of Jesus on the mountain) the Westerner made the wrong 
choice. He listened to the tempter, who offered him the 
empire of the world spread out beneath him. From the 
divinity that he attributed to himself he saw and sought 
for nothing but that material power represented by the 
wisdom of India as the secondary and dangerous attribute 
of the inner force that alone can lead man to the Goal. 21 
The result is that to-day the European the " Apprentice 
Sorcerer " 2a sees himself overwhelmed by the elemental 
powers he has blindly unloosed. For he has nothing but 
the letter of the formula to control them. He has not been 
concerned with the spirit. Our civilization in its dire peril 
has vainly invoked the spell of great words : Right, Liberty, 
Co-operation, the Peace of Geneva or Washington but such 
words are void or filled with poisonous gas. Nobody be- 
lieves in them. People distrust explosives. Words bring 
evils in their train, and have made confusion worse con- 
founded. At the present time it is only a profound mis- 
understanding of the mortal illness from which a whole 
generation in the West has been suffering that makes it 
possible for the dregs and the scum who have known how 
to profit from the situation to murmur : " After us, the 
Deluge ! " But millions of unsatisfied beings find them- 
selves fatally driven to the cross-roads where they must 
choose between the abdication of what remains of their 
11 These attributes, these powers, I must remind my readers, 
were not denied by Vivekananda. He did not underestimate them, 
as a Christian ascetic might do ; they had reached a higher stage 
than that of ignoble quietude, of the weakness of body and soul 
which he was never tired of denouncing; but it constitutes a 
lower stage than the terrace whence there is a commanding view 
of the whole house and the wide circle of the horizon. It must 
be attained by climbing without stopping. I refer to what I have 
said in the preceding pages about Raja-yoga. 
11 The title of a famous and often quoted poem of Goethe, The 
Apprentice Sorcerer, who in the absence of his master managed to 
unloose the magic powers but was incapable of putting them again 
under the yoke, and so became their prey. 
freedom, implied by the return of the discouraged soul to 
the park of the dead order of things wherein though, im- 
prisoned it is wanned and protected by the grease of the 
flock and the great void in the night leading to the heart 
of the stronghold of the besieged Soul, where it may rejoin 
its still intact reserves and establish itself firmly in the 
Feste Burg of the Spirit. 
And that is where we find the hand of our allies, the 
thinkers of India stretched out to meet us : for they have 
known for centuries past how to entrench themselves in this 
Feste Burg and how to defend it, while we, their brethren 
of the Great Invasions, have spent our strength in conquer- 
ing the rest of the world. Let us stop and recover our 
breath I Let us lick our wounds ! Let us return to our 
eagle's nest in the Himalayas, It is waiting for us, for it 
is ours. Eaglets of Europe, we need not renounce any part 
of our real nature. Our real nature is in the nest, whence 
we formerly took our flight ; it dwells within those who 
have known how to keep the keys of our keep the Sover- 
eign Self. We have only to rest our tired limbs in the great 
inner lake. Afterwards, my companions, with fever abated 
and new power flowing through your muscles, you will again 
resume your Invasions, if you wish to do so. Let a new 
cycle begin, if it is the Law. But this is the moment tc 
touch Earth again, like Anteus, before beginning a ne\\ 
flight ! Embrace it ! Let your thoughts return to the 
Mother ! Drink her milk ! Her breasts can still nourish 
all the races of the world. 
Among the spiritual ruins strewn all over Europe our 
" Mother India " will teach you to excavate the unshakable 
foundations of your Capitole. She possesses the calcula- 
tions and the plans of the " Master Craftsman." Let us 
rebuild our house with our own materials. 
I HAVE no intention of concealing it : the great lesson 
taught by India is not without its own dangers, a 
fact that must be recognized. The idea of the Atman 
(the Sovereign Soul) is such strong wine that weak brains 
run the risk of being turned by it. And I am not sure 
that Vivekananda himself in his more juvenile moments 
was not intoxicated by its fumes as in the rodomontades 
of his adolescence, which Durgacharan has recorded, and to 
which Ramakrishna the indulgent listened, an ironic smile 
on his lips. Nag the pious, adopting the meek attitude 
Christianity has taught us, said on one occasion, " Every- 
thing happens according to the will of the Mother. She 
is the Universal Will. She moves, but men imagine that 
it is they who move." 
But the impetuous Naren replied : 
" I do not agree with you, with your He or She. / am 
the Soul. In me is the universe. In me it is born, it 
floats or disappears." 
Nag : " You have not power enough to change one 
single black hair into a white one, and yet you speak of 
the Universe. Without God's will not one blade of grass 
dies ! " 
Naren : " Without my will the Sun and the Moon could 
not move. At my will the Universe goes like a machine." l 
1 And Ramakrishna with a smile at his youthful pride, said to 
Nag : " Truly Naren can say that ; for he is like a drawn sword." 
And the pious Nag bowed down before the young Elect of the 
Mother. (Cf. The Saint Durgacharan Nag, The Life of an Ideal 
Householder, 1920, Ramakrishna Math, Madras.) 
Girish Ch. Ghose described the two wrestlers with his usual 
humour : " Mahamaya (the great Illusion) would have found it 
exceedingly difficult to hold them in her toils. If she had tried 
to capture Naren, he would have made himself greater and still 
Such pride is only a hair's breadth removed from 
bragging of the Matamore, 2 and yet there is a world of 
difference for he who spoke the words was Vivekananda, 
an intellectual hero who weighed the exact meaning of his 
most audacious statements. Here is no foolish self-glori- 
fication or utterance of a delirious " Superman " taking 
his call before the curtain. This Soul, this Atman, this 
Self are not only those enclosed in the shell of my body with 
its transient and fleeting life. The Soul is the Self within 
thee, within you, within all, within the universe and before 
and beyond it. It can only be attained through detachment 
from the ego. The words : " All is the Soul. It is the 
only Reality," do not mean that you, a man, are everything, 
but that it depends upon yourself whether you take back 
your flask of stale water to the source of the snows whence 
flow all the streams of water. 8 It is within you, you are 
greater, so great that no chain was long enough. . . . And if 
she had tried her tricks on Nag he would have made himself smaller, 
and smaller, so small that he would have escaped between the 
* A comic character in ancient Spanish and French comedy : the 
trumpeter who boasted of imaginary victories. 
But there is also a strange likeness to the rodomontades of the 
young " Baccalaureate," who plucked the beard of Mephistopheles 
in the Second Faust. The expressions are practically the same, and 
the similarity would be still more surprising until it is remembered 
that Goethe very probably was caricaturing the " gigantische Gefuhl " 
of Fichte, so closely, though unconsciously akin to the intoxication 
of the Indian Atman : 
" Die Welt, sie war nicht, wie ich sie erschuf, 
Die Sonne fuhrt ich aus dem Meer herauf ; 
Mil mir begann der Mond des Wechsels Lauf ; 
Da schmuckte sick der Tag auf meinen We gen, 
Die Erde griinte, bluhte mir entgegen. 
Auf meinen Wink, in jener ersten Nacht 
Entfaltete sich aller Sterne Pracht. . . ." 
(The world was not before I created it. It was I who made 
the sun rise from the sea. With me the moon began her alternate 
course. Then day sprang beneath my feet. The earth grew green 
and blossomed before my face. At my gesture the splendour of 
the stars was unfolded in the first night.) 
f " The Power behind me is not Vivekananda, but is He, the 
Lord . f ." Letter of Vivekananda, July 9, 1897, Life of the Swami 
Vivekananda. Ill, p. 178. 
In spite of this very definite limitation, the Brahmo Sainajists 
jthe source, if you know how to renounce the flask. And 
so it is a lesson of supreme disinterestedness and not of 
It is none the less true that it contains an exhilarating 
lesson, and that in the impetus of ascension it lends to 
the soul, the latter is apt to forget the humble starting 
point, to remember nothing but the final achievement and 
to boast of its Godlike plumes. 4 The air of great heights 
must be treated with caution. When all the Gods have 
been dethroned and nothing is left but the " Self," beware 
of vertigo ! 6 It was this that made Vivekananda careful 
in this ascent not to hurry the whole mass of souls not 
yet inured to the precipices and the wind of the chasms. 
He made each one climb by small stages leaning upon the 
staff of his own religion or of the provisional spiritual 
Credos of his age and country. But too often his followers 
were impatient and sought to gain the summits without 
due rest and preparation. Hence it was hardly surprising 
that some fell, and in their fall they were not only a danger 
to themselves, but to those who knew themselves to be 
inferior. The exaltation caused by the sudden realization 
of inner power may provoke social upheavals, whose effect 
and range of disturbance are difficult to calculate before- 
hand. It is therefore perhaps all to the good that Vive- 
kananda and his monastic order have consistently and 
resolutely kept aloof from all political action, although 
Indian Revolutionaries have on more than one occasion 
invoked his teaching and preached the Omnipotence of the 
Atman according to his words. 
of India on several occasions have treated Vivekananda's claim 
to Divinity as blasphemy. (Cf. Chapter V of the pamphlet of 
B. Mozoomdar : Vivekananda, the Informer of Max Muller.) 
4 A popular French expression referring to one of La Fontaine's 
Fables : " The jay who preened her peacock's feathers/ 1 
1 The wise and simple Ramakrishna gave more earnest warnings 
against the danger of spiritual pride than Vivekananda. He said : 
" To claim that ' I am He ' ... is not a sane attitude. Whoever 
has this ideal before having overcome the consciousness of the 
physical self will receive great hurt from it, and it will retard his 
progress, and little by little he will be drawn down. He deceives 
others and himself, in absolute ignorance of his real lamentable 
condition. . . ." (Gospel of Ramakrishna, II, Chapter IV, p. 67, 
1928 edition.) 
All great doctrine becomes fatally deformed. Each man 
twists it to his own profit, and even the Church founded 
to defend it from usury and change is always tempted to 
stifle it and shut it up within its own proprietary walls. 
But considered in its unadulterated greatness, it is a mag- 
nificent reservoir of moral force. Since everything is within 
ourselves and nothing outside, we assume full responsibility 
for our thoughts and deeds, there is no longer a God or a 
Destiny on to whom we can basely shift it. No more 
Jahveh, no more Eumenides, no more " Ghosts." 6 Each 
one of us has to reckon only with himself. Each one is 
the creator of his own destiny. It rests upon his shoulders 
alone. He is strong enough to bear it. " Man has never 
lost his empire. The soul has never been bound. It is 
free by nature. It is without cause. It is beyond cause. 
Nothing can work upon it from without. . . . Believe that 
you are free and you will be ! ..." 7 
" The wind is blowing ; those vessels whose sails are 
unfurled catch it, and so they go forward on their way, 
but those whose sails are furled do not catch the wind. 
Is that the fault of the wind ? . . . Blame neither man, nor 
God, nor anyone in the world. . . . Blame yourselves, and 
try to do better. ... All the strength and succour you 
need is within yourselves. Therefore make your own 
future." 8 
You call yourselves helpless, resourceless, abandoned, 
despoiled ? . . . Cowards ! You have within yourselves 
the Force, the Joy and the Freedom, the whole of Infinite 
Existence. You have only to drink of it. 9 
From it you will not only imbibe torrents of energy, 
sufficient to water the world, but you will also imbibe the 
aspiration of a world athirst for those torrents and you 
Allusion to one of Ibsen's plays. 
7 The Liberty of the Soul (November 5, 1896), Vol. IX of Complete 
Jnana-yoga : " Cosmos " (II, Microcosm). 
f " There is only one Infinite Existence which is at the same time 
Sat-Chit-Ananada (Existence, Knowledge, absolute Bliss). And 
that is the inner nature of man. This inner nature is in its essence 
eternally free and divine." (Lecture in London, October, 1896.) 
And Vivefcananda added : "On this rationalistic religion the safety 
of Europe depends." 
will water it. For " He who is within you works through 
all hands, walks with the feet of all." He " is the mighty 
and the humble, the saint and the sinner, God and the 
earth-worm." He is everything, and " He is above all the 
miserable and the poor of all kinds and all races " : 10 
" for it is the poor who have done all the gigantic work 
of the world." " 
If we will realize only a small part of this vast conception, 
" if one-millionth part of the men and women who live 
in this world simply sit down and for a few minutes say, 
' You are all God, O ye men . . . and living beings, you 
are all manifestations of the one living Deity 1 ' the whole 
world will be changed in half an hour. Instead of throwing 
tremendous bomb-shells of hatred into every corner, instead 
of projecting currents of jealousy and evil thought, in every 
country people will think that it is all He." 12 
* * * 
Is it necessary to repeat that this is no new thought ? 
(And therein lies its force !) Vivekananda was not the 
first (such a belief would be childish) to conceive the Uni- 
verse of the human Spirit and to desire its realization. 
But he was the first to conceive it in all its fullness with 
no exception or limit. And it would have been impossible 
for him to do so if he had not had before his eyes the 
extraordinary example of Ramakrishna. 
It is no rare thing in these days to see occasional efforts 
by Congresses or Societies, where a few noble representa- 
tives of the great religions speak of union in the shape of 
a drawing together of all its different branches. Along 
parallel lines lay thinkers have tried to rediscover the 
thread, so many times broken, so many times renewed, 
running through blind evolution connecting the separate 
attempts successful and unsuccessful of reason ; and 
they have again and again affirmed the unity of power 
and hope that exists in the Self of Humanity. 18 
"Letter of July 9, 1897. "March u, 1898, Calcutta. 
11 Jnana-yoga : " The Real and the Apparent Man/' 
11 A warmer heart never existed than Michelet's : " C 
magna Idbentia flumina terra . . ." " The Choir Univer 
" The eternal communion of the human race. . . ." 
Cf. his Origines du droit franfais, 1837, and the beau 
devoted to him by Jean Guehenno : L'Evangile F***<M 
But neither attempt, isolated as it has been (perhaps 
that explains its failure), has yet arrived at the point of 
bridging the gap between the most religious of secular 
thought and the most secular of religious thought. Even 
the most generous have never succeeded in ridding them- 
selves completely of the mental prejudice that convinces 
them of the superiority of their own spiritual family 
however vast and magnanimous it may be and makes 
them view the others with suspicion because they also 
claim the right of primogeniture. Michelet's large heart 
would have been unable to maintain that it had " neither 
combated nor criticized " : even in his Bible of Humanity, 
he distinguished between the people of light and the people 
of darkness. And, naturally, he had a preference for his 
own race and his own small pond, the Mediterranean. The 
genial Ram Mohun Roy, when about 1797 he began to 
found his high " Universalism " with the intention of em- 
bracing Hindus, Mohammedans and Christians, erected the 
impenetrable barrier of theism " God, the one and only 
without equal " the enemy of polytheism. This prejudice 
is still upheld by the Brahmo-Samaj, and I find it again, 
veiled it is true, but none the less deep-rooted, in my most 
free-thinking friends of the Tagore circle, and in the most 
chivalrous champions of the reconciliation of religions for 
example in the estimable Federation of International Fellow- 
ship, founded four or five years ago in Madras, which includes 
the most disinterested Anglo-Indian representatives of Pro- 
testant Christianity, and those of purified Hinduism, Jain- 
ism, and Theosophy : the popular religions of India are 
excluded from it and (characteristic omission) in the accounts 
of its meeting for several years the names of Vivekananda and 
Ramakrishna do not appear. Silence on that score ! It 
might prove embarrassing. . . . 
I can well imagine it ! Our European devotees of reason 
would do just the same. Reason and the one God, and 
the God of the Bible and of the Koran would find it easier 
to come to an understanding than any one of them to 
understand the multiple gods and to admit them into their 
temple. The tribe of Monos 14 at a pinch will admit that 
Monos may be a man of God ; but it will not tolerate the 
14 That is : personal Unity both secular and religious. 
proliferation of the One, on the ground that anything of 
,the kind is a scandal and a danger ! I can discover traces 
of the same thing in the sorrowful revolt of my dearest 
Indian friends, who have been brought up like their glorious 
Roy on absolute Vedantism and highest Western reason. 
They believed that at last after long pain and conflict 
they had succeeded in integrating the latter in all the 
best Indian thought of the end of the nineteenth century 
and then Ramakrishna and his trumpeter, Vivekananda, 
appeared on the scene calling alike the privileged and the 
common herd to worship and love all forms of the ideal, 
even to the millions of faces that they hoped they had 
thrust into oblivion ! ... In their eyes this was a mental 
But in mine it is a step in advance, a mighty Hanuman 
leap over the strait separating the cojitinents. 15 I have 
never seen anything fresher or more potent in the religious 
15 At the same time I do not want my Indian friends to inter- 
pret this vast comprehension of all forms of the religious spirit, 
from the lowest to the highest, as a preference in favour of the 
lower and less developed. Therein lies the opposite danger of re- 
action, which the belligerence provoked by the hostile or disdainful 
attitude of theists and rationalists also encourages. Man is always 
a creature of extremes. When the boat tips far to one side, he 
flings himself on to the other. We want equilibrium. Let us recall 
the real meaning of religious synthesis, as sought by Vivekananda. 
Its spirit was definitely progressive. 
" I disagree with all those who are giving their superstitions back 
to my people. Like the Egyptologist's interest in Egypt, it is easy 
to feel an interest in India that is purely selfish. One may desire 
to see again the India of one's books, one's studies, one's dreams. 
My hope is to see again the strong points of that India, reinforced 
by the strong points of this age, only in a natural way. The new 
state of things must be a growth from within." (Interviews with 
Sister Nivedita during the last journey from India to Europe, 1899.) 
There is here no thought of return to the past. And if some 
blind and exaggerated followers of the Master have been self- 
deceived on the subject, the authorized representatives of the Rama- 
krishna Mission, who are the real heirs of Vivekananda's spirit, 
contrive to steer a course between the two reefs of orthodox reaction, 
which tries to galvanize the skeletons of ideas into fresh life, and 
rationalist pseudo-progress, which is only a form of imperialistic 
colonization by races of different mentality. Real progress is like 
the sap rising from the bottom of the roots throughout the whole 
spirit of all ages than this assimilation of all the gods exist- 
ing in humanity, of all the faces of Truth, of the (entire 
body of human dreams, in the heart and the brain, and the 
great love of the Paramahamsa and the mighty arms of 
Vivekananda. They have carried the great message of 
fraternity to all believers, to all visionaries, to all who 
have neither belief nor vision but who seek for them in 
all sincerity, to all men of goodwill, to rationalists and 
religious men, to those who believe in great Books or in 
images, to those with the simple trust of the charcoal- 
burner, to agnostics and inspired persons, to intellectuals 
and illiterates. And not merely the fraternity of the 
firstborn, whose right as the eldest dispossesses and sub- 
jects his younger brethren ; but Equality of rights and 
I have said above that even the word " tolerance/' which 
is the most magnificent generosity in the eyes of the West 
(what an old miserly peasant !), wounded the sense of justice 
and the proud delicacy of Vivekananda ; for it seemed to 
him an insulting and protective concession such as a superior 
might make to weaker brethren whom he had no right to 
censure. He wished people to " accept " on a basis of 
equality and not to " tolerate/ 1 Whatever shape the vase 
might be that contained the water, the water was always 
the same, the same God. One drop is as holy as the ocean. 
And this declaration of equality between the humblest and 
the highest carries all the more weight because it comes from 
the highest from an intellectual aristocrat, who believed 
that the peak he had scaled, the Advaitic faith, was the 
summit of all the mountains in the world. He could speak 
as one having authority for, like his Master Ramakrishna, 
he had traversed all the stages of the way. But, while 
Ramakrishna by his own powers had climbed all the steps 
from the bottom to the top, Vivekananda with Rama- 
krishna's help learnt how to come down them again from 
the top to the bottom and to know them and to recognize 
them all as the eyes of the One, who is reflected in their 
pupils like a rainbow. 
But you must not suppose that this immense divinity 
spells anarchy and confusion. If you have fully digested 
Vivekananda's teaching on the yogas, you will have been 
impressed on all sides by the order of the superimposed 
designs, the beautiful prospective, the hierarchy not in 
the sense of the relation between a master and his subjects, 
but of the architecture of stone masses or of music rising 
tier on tier : the great concord that steals from the key- 
board under the hand of the master-organist. Each note 
has its own part in the harmony. No series of notes must 
be suppressed, and polyphony reduced to unison under the 
pretext that your own part is the most beautiful ! Play 
your own part, perfectly and in time, but follow with your 
ear the concert of the other instruments joining in with 
you ! The player who is so weak that instead of reading 
his own part, he doubles that of his neighbour, wrongs him- 
self, the work and the orchestra. What should we say of 
a double-bass if he insisted on playing the part of the first 
violin ? Of the instrument that announced " Silence the 
rest ! Those who have learnt my part, follow me ! " A 
symphony is not a class of babies being taught in a primary 
school to spell out a word all on the same tone ! 
This teaching condemns all spirit of propaganda, whether 
clerical or lay, that wishes to mould other brains on its 
own model (the model of its own God, or of its own non- 
God, who is merely God in disguise). It is a theory which 
upsets all our preconceived and deep-seated ideas, all our 
age-long heritage. We can always find a good reason, 
Churchmen or Sorbonnes alike, for serving those who do 
not invite us to do so by uprooting the tares (together 
with the grain) from the patch of ground that provides 
them with food ! Is it not the most sacred duty of man 
to root out the tares and briars of error from his own heart 
and from that of his neighbour especially from that of 
his neighbour ? And error surely is nothing but that which 
is not truth to us ? Very few men are great enough to 
rise above this naively egocentric philanthropy. I have 
hardly met a single one among my masters and companions 
of the rationalist and scientific secular army however 
virile, strong and generous they appeared to be : for with 
their hands full of the harvest they had gleaned, their one 
idea was to shower it willy-nilly on humanity. . . . " Take, 
eat, either voluntarily or forcibly ! What is good for me 
must be good for you. And if you perish by following 
my prescription, it will be your fault and not the fault 
of the prescription, as in the case of Moliere's doctors.* 
The Faculty is always right." And the opposite camp of 
the Churches is still worse, for there it is a question of 
saving souls for eternity. Every kind of holy violence is 
legitimate, for a man's real good. 
That is why I was glad to hear Gandhi's voice quite 
recently in spite of the fact that his temperament is the 
antithesis of Ramakrishna's or Vivekananda's remind his 
brethren of the International Fellowships, whose pious zeal 
disposed them to evangelize, of the great universal principle 
of religious " Acceptation/' the same principle Vivekananda 
had preached : 16 " After long study and experience' 9 he 
said, " / have come to these conclusions, that : 
1. All religions (and by that, I, the Author of this 
work, personally understand those of reason as well as of 
faith) are true ; 
2. All religions have some error in them ; 
3. All religions are almost as dear to me as my own 
My veneration for other faiths is the same as for my 
own faith. In consequence the thought of conversion is 
impossible. The object of the Fellowships ought to be to 
help a Hindu to be a better Hindu, a Musulman to become 
a better Musulman, a Christian to become a better Christian. 
An attitude of protective tolerance is opposed to the spirit 
of the International Fellowships. If in my innermost heart 
I have the suspicion that my religion is the truest, and that 
other religions are less true, then, although I may have a 
certain kind of fellowship with the others, it is an extremely 
different kind from that required in the International 
Fellowships. Our attitude towards others ought to be 
absolutely frank and sincere. Our prayer for others ought 
never to be : ' God ! give them the light Thou hast given 
to me 1 ' But : ' Give them all the light and truth they 
need for their highest development ! ' " 
And when the inferiority of animist and polytheistic 
superstitions, which seemed to the aristocracy of the great 
16 Notes taken at the annual meeting of the Council of the 
Federation of International Fellowships at the Satyagraha Ashram, 
Sabarmati, January 13-15, 1928. 
theistic religions to be the lowest step on the human ladder, 
was urged against him, Gandhi replied softly : 
" Ih what concerns them I ought to be humble and 
beware lest arrogance should sometimes speak through the 
humblest language. It takes a man all his time to become 
a good Hindu, a good Christian, or a good Musulman. 
It takes me all my time to be a good Hindu, and I have 
none left over for evangelizing the animist ; for I cannot 
really believe that he is my inferior." 17 
At bottom Gandhi not only condemns all religious propa- 
ganda either open or covert, but all conversion, even 
voluntary, from one faith to another, is displeasing to 
him : " If several persons think that they ought to change 
their religious ' etiquette/ I cannot deny that they are 
free to do so but I am sorry to see it." 
Nothing more contrary to our Western way of religious 
and secular thought can be imagined. At the same time 
there is nothing from which the West and the rest of the 
modern world can derive more useful teaching. At this 
stage of human evolution, wherein both blind and conscious 
forces are driving all natures to draw together for " Co- 
operation or death" it is absolutely essential that the 
human consciousness should be impregnated with it, until 
this indispensable principle becomes an axiom : that every 
faith has an equal right to live, and that there is an equal 
duty incumbent upon every man to respect that which 
17 To a colleague who asked him : " Can I not hope to give my 
religious experience of God to my friend ? " Gandhi replied : " Can 
an ant desire his own knowledge and experience to be given to an 
elephant ? And vice versa ? . . . Pray rather that God may give 
your friend the fullest light and knowledge not necessarily the 
same that He had given to you." 
Another asked : " Can we not share our experience ? " 
Gandhi replied : " Our spiritual experiences are necessarily shared 
(or communicated) whether we suspect it or not but by our lives 
(by our example) not by our words which are a very faulty medium. 
Spiritual experiences are deeper than thought itself . . . (From 
the one fact that we live) our spiritual experience will overflow. 
But where there is a consciousness of sharing (the will to work 
spiritually) there is selfishness. If you Christians wish another to 
share your Christian experience, you will raise an intellectual barrier. 
Pray simply that your friends may become better men, whatever 
their religion." 
his neighbour respects. In my opinion Gandhi, when he 
stated it so frankly, showed himself to be the heir of Rama- m 
krishna. 18 
There is no single one of us who cannot take this lesson 
to heart. The writer of these lines he has vaguely aspired 
to this wide comprehension all through his life feels only 
too deeply at this moment how many are his shortcomings 
in spite of his aspirations ; and he is grateful for Gandhi's 
great lesson, the same lesson that was preached by Vive- 
kananda, and still more by Ramakrishna, to help him to 
achieve it. 
18 The proper mission of Ramakrishna "s disciples seems to me to 
be precisely this to watch that his vast heart, which was open to 
all sincere hearts in the world and to all forms of their love and 
their faith, should never, like other " Sacred Hearts," be shut up 
upon an altar, in a Church, where access is only permitted after 
giving the password of a Credo. Ramakrishna ought to be for all. 
All are his. He ought not to take. He should give. For he who 
takes will suffer the fate of those who have taken in the past, the 
Alexanders, the conquerors : their conquests vanish with them into 
the grave. He alone is Victorious in space and time who gives, 
who gives himself completely without any thought of return. 
BUT this difference will always remain between the 
thought of Gandhi and that of Vivekananda, that 
the latter, being a great intellectual which Gandhi is not 
in the slightest degree could not detach himself as Gandhi 
has done from systems of thought. While both recognized 
the validity of all religions, Vivekananda made this recog- 
nition an article of doctrine and a subject of instruction. 
And that was one of the reasons for the existence of the 
Order he founded. He meant in all sincerity to abstain 
from any kind of spiritual domination whatsoever. 1 But 
the sun cannot moderate his rays. His burning thought 
was operative from the very fact that it existed. And 
although Vivekananda's Advaitism might revolt from the 
annexationist propaganda of faith, it was sufficient for him 
to appear as a great flaming fire, for other wandering souls 
1 All those who knew him bear witness to his absolute respect 
for the intellectual freedom of those near him at least so long 
as they had not subscribed to any formal engagement towards 
his monastic order and himself by initiation of a sacred character B 
The beautiful text which follows breathes his ideal of harmonious 
" Nistha (devotion to one ideal) is the beginning of realization. 
Take the honey out of all flowers ; sit and be friendly with all ; 
pay reverence to all : say to all : ' Yes, brother, yes, brother ' ; 
but keep firm in your own way. A higher stage is actually to 
take the position of the other. If I am all, why can I not really 
and actively sympathize with my brother and see with his eyes ? 
While I am weak I must stick to one course (Nistha), but when 
I am strong, I can feel with every other, and perfectly sympathize 
with his ideas. The old idea was ' Develop one idea at the ex- 
pense of the rest. 1 The modern way is ' harmonious development.' 
A third way is ' to develop the mind and control it,' then put it 
where you will ; the result will come quickly. That is developing 
yourself in the truest way. Learn concentration and use it in one 
direction. Thus you lose nothing. He who gets the whole must 
have the parts too/ 1 (Cf. Prabuddha Bharata, March, 1929.) 
481 II 
to gather round it. It is not given to all to renounce their 
power to command. Even when they speak to themselves- 
the Vivekanandas speak to humanity. They cannot whisper 
if they would and he did not wish to do so. A great voice 
is made to fill the sky. The whole earth is its sounding- 
box. 2 That is why, unlike Gandhi, whose natural ideal is 
in proportion to his nature, free, equitable, average, and 
measured, tending in the realm of faith as in politics to 
a Federation of men of goodwill, Vivekananda appeared 
despite himself as an emperor, whose aim was to discipline 
the independent but co-ordinate kingdoms of the spirit under 
the sceptre of the One. And the work which he founded 
has proceeded according to this plan. 
His dream was to make the great monastery, the mother 
house of Belur, a human " Temple of Knowledge. 11 And, 
since with him " to know " and "to do " were synony- 
mous, 3 the ministry of Knowledge was subdivided into 
three departments : 
1. Charity (Annadana, that is the gift of food and other 
physical necessities) ; 
2. Learning (Vidyana, that is intellectual knowledge) ; 
3. Meditation (Jnana-dana, that is spiritual knowledge) 
the synthesis of all three teachings being indispensable 
to the constitution of a man. There was to be gradual 
purification, necessary progression starting from the im- 
perious necessities of the body of humanity, which needs 
nourishment and succour 4 up to the supreme conquest 
of the detached spirit absorbed in Unity. 
1 " Knowledge of the Advaita was hidden for a long time in forests 
and caves. It was given to me to make it come forth from its 
seclusion and to carry it into the heart of family life and of society, 
until they are interpenetrated with it. We shall make the drum 
of the Advaita sound in all places, in the markets, on the hills and 
through the plains. ..." 
(Book of Vivekananda' s Dialogues, collected by his disciple, Sara- 
chandra Chakravarti. Part I.) 
" What good is the reading of the Vedanta to me ? We have' 
to realize it in practical life." (Ibid.) 
4 Vivekananda wished to impose five years of novitiate in the 
department of social service (homes, dispensaries, free and popular 
kitchens, etc,) before entering the temple of science and five 
years of intellectual apprenticeship before access to spiritual initiation 
properly so-called. (Ibid.) 
To Vivekananda a light is not made to be hidden under 
a bushel ; hence every kind of means for self-development 
should be at everybody's door. No man ought to keep 
anything for himself alone. 
" Of what consequence is it to the world if you or I 
attain to Mukti (Bliss) ? We have to take the whole 
universe with us to Mukti . . . Unparalleled Bliss ! The 
Self realized in all living beings and in every atom of the 
universe." 6 
The first statutes drawn up by him in May, 1897, for 
the foundation of the Ramakrishna Mission established 
expressly that " The aim of the Association is to preach 
those truths which Sri Ramakrishna has, for the good of 
humanity, given out and demonstrated by practical appli- 
cation in his own life, and to keep those truths being made 
practical in the lives of others for their temporal, mental 
and spiritual advancement." 
Hence the spirit of propaganda was established in the 
doctrine whose essence is " the establishment of fellowship 
among the followers of different religions, knowing them 
all to be so many forms only of one undying Eternal 
Religion." 6 
It is so difficult to extirpate from the human spirit the 
need to affirm to others that its own truth and its own 
good must also be their truth and their good ! And it 
may be asked whether, if it were extirpated, it would still 
be " human." Gandhi's spiritual detachment is almost dis- 
incarnate, as was the universal attachment of Ramakrishna, 
the lover, to all minds, although he arrived by it by the 
inverse process. Vivekananda never achieved this detach- 
ment from his body. He remained flesh and bones. Even 
from his appearance it was possible to infer that although 
absolute detachment bathed the heights of his mind, the 
rest of his body remained immersed in life and action. His 
whole edifice bears this double impress : the basement is 
a nursery of apostles of truth and social service who mix 
in the life of the people and the movements of the times. 
But the summit is the Ara Maxima, the lantern of the 
dome, the spire of the cathedral, the Ashram of all Ashrams, 
5 Ibid. 
The " Statutes " proclaimed some lines below. 
the Advaita built on the Himalayas, where the two hemi- 
spheres, the West and the East, meet at the confluence 
of all mankind in absolute Unity. 
The architect had accomplished his work. Brief though 
his life, he saw before he died, as he said: his " machine 
in strong working order " ; he had inserted in the massive 
block of India " a lever for the good of humanity which 
no power can drive back." 7 
Together with our Indian brethren it is our task to bear 
upon it. And if we cannot flatter ourselves that the crush- 
ing mass of human inertia, the first and last cause of 
crime and sin will be raised for centuries to come, what 
matters a century ! We shake it nevertheless ..." pur 
si muove. ..." And new gangs will always arise to 
replace the worn-out gangs. The work begun by the two 
Indian Masters will be carried on resolutely by other work- 
men of the spirit in other parts of the world. In whatever 
tunnel a man may be digging he is never out of sound of 
the sap being dug on the other side of the mountain. . . . 
My European companions, I have made you listen through 
the wall to the blows of Asia, the coming One. ... Go to 
meet her. She is working for us. We are working for 
her. Europe and Asia are the two halves of the Soul. 
Man is not yet. He will be. God is resting and has left 
to us His most beautiful creation that of the Seventh 
Day : to free the sleeping forces of the enslaved Spirit ; 
to reawaken God in man ; to re-create the Being itself. 
9 October, 1928. 
7 Letter of July 9, 1897. 
Part III 
THE spiritual harvest of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda 
was not scattered broadcast to the winds. It was 
garnered by Vivekananda's own hands and placed under 
the protection of wise and laborious farmers, who knew 
how to keep it pure and to bring it to fruition. 
In the Life of Vivekananda I have described his founda- 
tion in May, 1897, of a great religious Order to whose trust 
he confided the storing and administration of his Master's 
spirit the Ramakrishna Mission. And there we have also 
traced the first steps of the Order with its twofold activity 
of preaching and social work, from its inception up to 
Vivekananda's death. 
His death did not destroy the edifice. The Ramakrishna 
Mission has established itself and has grown. 1 Its first 
director, Brahmananda, busied himself to secure it a regular 
constitution. By an act of donation prepared by Vive- 
kananda, the Order of Sannyasins of Ramakrishna, domi- 
ciled in the Belur Math, near Calcutta, became possessed 
in 1899 of a legal statute. But in order that the Order 
might be empowered to receive gifts for its charitable work, 
the necessity arose for a legal fiction which doubled the 
original foundation into a Math (monastery) and a Mission. 
The latter was duly registered on May 4, 1909, " under 
Act XXI of 1860 of the Governor-General of India in 
Council." The Math and the Mission are really the two 
aspects, the monastic and the philanthropic, of the same 
organization, both controlled by the General Council of the 
1 We can follow its development in detail in the General Reports 
of the Mission, published by the Governing Body of Belur Math 
from 1913 to 1926. 
Order. But the popular name, wrongly applied to the whole, 
is that of the Ramakrishna Mission. 
The aims of the Mission, as defined in the Memorandum 
annexed to the act of the registration of 1909, are divided 
into three classes : 
1. Charitable works. 
2. Missionary works (organization and publications). 
3. Educational works, 
Each is subdivided into permanent institutions (Maths, 
Ashrams, Societies, Homes of Service, orphanages, schools, 
etc.) and transient enterprises, activities of casual help 
called into being by urgent but temporary necessity. 2 
In the Maths or monasteries there are regular monks, 
who have renounced the world and have received initiation 
after a period of novitiate. They are constantly moved 
from one centre to the other according to the exigencies 
of the work, but they remain under the control of the 
General Council of the Order at Belur. There are some 
five hundred of them. 
A second army is composed of laymen (householders), 
forming a kind of Third Estate. They are intimate disciples 
who come for spiritual instruction to the Maths where they 
spend short periods of retreat. They number no less than 
twenty-five thousand. 
The other class of the reserve, rising to some millions, 
is composed of those who have partly or wholly adopted 
the ideals of the Mission, and serve it from outside without 
labelling themselves its disciples. 
During the first part of April, 1926, the Mission held 
an extraordinary general Reunion at the Math of Belur 
with the object of forming some idea of its full scope. 
About 120 institutions were represented, of which half 
were in Bengal, a dozen in Behar and Orissa, fourteen in 
the United Provinces, thirteen in the Province of Madras, 
one in Bombay. Outside the Peninsula there were three 
centres in Ceylon directing nine schools where fifteen hun- 
1 The first General Report of 1913 enumerated twenty : for the 
relief of famine in ten districts (1897, 1899 1900, 1906, 1907, 1908) 
of flood in three districts (1899, *9. 1909) of epidemics in 
three districts (1899, 1900, 1904, 1905, 1912, 1913) of fire (1910) 
of earthquakes (1899, I QO5) 
4red children were being educated, a student centre at 
, Jaffra, not to mention the Vivekananda Society at Colombo. 
In Burma was a monastic centre with a large free hospital. 
Another centre was at Singapore. There were six in the 
United States : at San Francisco, the Crescenta near Los 
Angeles, San Antone Valley, Portland, Boston, New York 
without reckoning the Vedanta Societies of St. Louis, 
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Tacoma, etc. At San Paola in 
Brazil a group of men have busied themselves since 1900 
with Vivekananda's teaching. The Gospel of Sri Rama- 
krishna, and the Raja-yoga of Vivekananda have been 
translated into Portuguese. The Circle of the Communion 
of Thought which has 43,000 members publishes Vedantic 
studies in its organ : Thought. 
The Order possesses a dozen Reviews : three monthly 
reviews at Calcutta (two in Bengali : Udboddham and 
Viswavami, and one in Hindi : Samayana) one in Tamil 
at Madras : Sri Ramakrishna Vihayan ; one in Malyalam 
in Travancore : Prabuddha-Keralam : two monthly and 
one weekly in English : Prabuddha Bharata at Mayavati 
in the Himalayas, Vedanta Kesari, at Madras ; The Morning 
Star at Patra without counting one in Canarese, and one 
in Gujerati run by the disciples of the Mission ; in the 
Federated Malay States a monthly Review in English : 
The Voice of Truth ; in the United States a monthly review 
in English : The Message of the East published by the 
Crescenta centre. 3 
The education given within the monasteries follows the 
principles laid down by Vivekananda. 4 " The aim of the 
monastery," he had said, " is to create man " the complete 
8 1 owe these particulars to Swami Ashokananda, the chief editor 
of the Prabuddha Bharata, at Mayavati, Advaita Ashrama. 
4 Vivekananda's spirit was essentially realistic both in education 
and religion. He said, " The real teacher is he who can infuse all 
his power into the bent of his pupil . . . who will take someone 
as he stands and help him forward . . ." (1896, in America). And 
in his interviews with the Maharajah of Khetri (before his first 
journey to America) he laid down this curious definition : " What 
is education ? Education is the nervous association of certain 
ideas." He then explained that it was a question of developing 
ideas into instincts. Until they had reached that stage they could 
not be considered to be real and vital possessions of knowledge. 
And he gave as an example " the perfect educator " Ramakrishna, 
man, who " would combine in his life an immense idealism- 
with perfect common sense/' Hence turn by turn with, 
hardly a break the initiates practise spiritual exercises, 
intense meditation, reading and study of the sacred and 
philosophical texts and manual work : household duties, 
baking, gardening and sewage farming, bridges and roads, 
farms and agriculture, the care of animals as well as the 
double ministry of religion and medicine. 
" Equal importance should be given to the triple culture 
of the head, the heart and the hands/' said the great Abbot, 
the present head of the direction of the Order, Swami 
Shivananda. 6 Each one if practised to the exclusion of 
the rest is bad and harmful. 
The necessities of organization called for a hierarchy 
within the Order. But all are equal in their allegiance 
to the common Rule. The Abbot Shivananda reminded 
them that " the chiefs ought to be the servants of all." 
And his presidential address of 1926 ended with an admir- 
able declaration of universal happiness, accorded in equal 
measure to each one who serves whatever his rank : 
" Be like the arrow that darts from the bow. Be like 
the hammer that falls on the anvil. Be like the sword 
that pierces its object. The arrow does not murmur if 
it misses the target. The hammer does not fret if it falls 
in the wrong place. And the sword does not lament if 
it breaks in the hands of the wielder. Yet there is joy in 
being made, used and broken ; and an equal joy in being 
finally set aside. ..." 
* * * 
whose renunciation of gold had been so vital that his body could 
not bear to come into physical contact with the mental. 
He said that it was the same with religion. " Religion is neither 
word nor doctrine. ... It is deed. It is to be and to become. 
Not to hear and accept. It is the whole soul changed into that 
which it believes. That is what religion is." (Study of Religion.) 
And I will permit myself to add that although I recognize the 
effectiveness of such an education, my free spirit is opposed to the 
dominion of certain ideas over the whole nature of an individual. 
I would rather use the same contagious energy to nil his being 
with the inextinguishable thirst for liberty : a freedom from control 
ever keenly aware of its own thoughts. 
Presidential Address of the first Convention of the Ramakrishna 
Math and Mission, April i, 1926. 
It would be interesting to discover how this powerful 
organization affects the diverse political and social currents 
that have been flowing for the last twenty years through 
the body of awakened India. 
It repudiates politics. In this it is faithful to the spirit 
of its Master, Vivekananda, who could not find sufficiently 
strong terms of disgust wherewith to spurn all collusion 
with politics. And perhaps this has been the wisest course 
for the Mission to pursue. For its religious, intellectual 
and social action, eminently pro-Indian as it is, is exercised 
in the profound and silent depths of the nation, without 
giving any provocation to the British power to fetter it. 
But even so it has been obliged to lull the suspicions 
of the ever vigilant watch-dogs by continual prudence. 
On more than one occasion Indian revolutionaries, by using 
the words and name of Vivekananda, have placed it in a 
very embarrassing position. On the other hand its formal 
declarations of abstention from politics during hours of 
national crisis, have laid it open to the accusation of patriots 
that it is indifferent to the liberties of India. The second 
General Report of the Mission, which appeared in May, 
1919, testified to these difficulties and laid down precisely 
the non-political line the Math was to follow. It is not 
necessary to give a summary of it here. 
1906, the year of the division of the Province of Bengal, 6 
marked the beginning of the Swadeshi movement and 
political unrest. The Mission refused to take any part 
in them. It even thought it prudent to suspend its work 
of preaching in Calcutta, Decca and Western Bengal, 
although it still carried on its charitable activities. In 
1908 it was obliged to make a rule not to receive strangers 
at night in its establishments, because it feared that some 
people were abusing its hospitality in order to prepare 
their political offensives. It transpired from the answers 
of political prisoners that more than one of them, disguised 
under the robe of a Sannyasin, had cloaked these designs 
under the name of its work and religion. Copies of the 
Gita and Vivekananda's writings were found on several of 
A short description of political events in India after Viveka- 
nanda's death will be found in the chapter immediately following 
the present one. 


















- www.vivekananda.net edited by Frank Parlato Jr.

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