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On the death of Dr. Lewis Janes.

Swami Abhedananda



(Published in 1902 in Lewis Janes, A Tribute)

Lewis G. Janes


The sad news of the untimely departure of our most beloved friend, Dr. Lewis G. Janes, has come to us like a shock of thunder. Most irreparable is the loss which his friends of the far East have suffered in his sudden disappearance in the prime of his manhood. Doctor Janes was friendly to all, irrespective of their faith or creed or nationality or religious convictions. Being himself an earnest seeker after Truth, he admired all sincere souls searching after the Highest Reality of the universe. He was a soul adorned with those noble qualities that make one just, honest, and self-sacrificing.    Doctor Janes was an indefatigable worker for the good of humanity, and he sacrificed his health in his ardent efforts to help mankind. He was ever ready to learn, from all, such truths as were unknown to him, and to share with them in return the treasures of wisdom that he stored with great care in the secret chamber of his well-experienced soul. Coming in contact with the spiritual teachers from India he realized that the West has a great deal to learn from the East, and he never lost an opportunity to bring the East and the West together, — thus endeavoring to establish a harmony between two civilizations that are based upon diametrically opposite principles. He was an able speaker. He carried with him the courage of his convictions wherever he went, and succeeded in commanding the respect of his hearers and friends. He was a true lover of peace and justice, and was always surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere. That such a gentle, noble, and peace-loving soul may rest in the eternal abode of Peace for ever and ever is the constant prayer of his friend, Swami Abhedananda, of India.













- www.vivekananda.net edited by Frank Parlato Jr.

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